Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1925, p. 5

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Wed nesu June 1925 TTTE ft,es;hf;rton ADVAN^CE «*â-  : i mam'^SBgm' â- HPH" BANKING' HFTY I YEARS i Doubling the Arguments For Saving All that can be said in favor of opanini; a savingK account in the Standard Bank may be repeated with a greater emphasis as regards a joint account. Joint accounts are prim- arily for convenience of depositors, but where two people are bound to- gether by common interests, tiie moral as well as the practical value of working together, planning their financial lietterroent with the aid (#a joint account is clearly evident. The Standard Bank solicits your joint savings account. STANDAR}) BANK OP CJ>ii<[AI>A. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Baity, Manager ANADIAN P/\CIFIC C. p. R. TIME TABLE I RAINS SUNDAY AND MONDAY BENEFIT THIS DISTRICT The need for rain has been greatly felt in this district for the past few weeks and the heavy shower on Sun- day evening, together with the down- I pour Monday afternoon, gave the I land the needed moisture to bring the Trains leav« Fleaherton Stati(xn as ' follows: Gins South Going North 8.00 a.m. 1.68a.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as i grain along. ifdTp.^T a!;i rlft^iir ri R-n comn^enced falling about MTUth at 3.30. For morning train ! 5.30 Monday afternoon and in a few â- anth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the j sheets, making the roadways regular previous evening. Social and Perso nal Flesherton ball team plays Rock- lyn at Kimberley this afternoon. Plesherton's half holiday commences this Thursday. There is something for you in our "Small Advt. Column." Miss L. Hutchinson of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with Mr. H. .Freeman and family. ;,-.''â-  Mrs. Dr. Rozell of Caledonia and ! rivers of water. This kept up for about half an hour and ,then grad- ually receded. The rain was ac- companied by a fierce display of light ning and heavy thunder. Most o* the farmers have finished se)2ding and the rain which fell this week will be thankfully received. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. W. A. Armstrong is in Toronto this week on business. Mrs. Silas Phillips is spending a few weeks w^ith relatives in Toronto. ^, , . . Misses Allie Norris and Marie -â- ^ittlA -daughter are visiting with her j Patton spent Sunday at CoUingwood father, Mr. S. Osborne in town. , with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy. Miss Etta LeGard of Toronto visi- ted last week with her sister, Mrs. E. Best. Dr. Ern Armstrong, mayor of Co- We are pleased to see Mr= T. W. Findlay able to be down town again , after his extended illness. here the i Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman, acconip- i anied by Mr. and Mrs. T. Freeman of f Markdale a nd Mr. Orrel Fisher, mo*,- j ored to Stratford the end of I'tst week. Mr. and Mrs.: Dave Williams motor ed to Toronto on Sunday, *,o visit the latter's mother, Mrs. Roy, who i.s in a precar'iious condition in .h hos- pital there. Mrs. Roy's hosts of friends wish for :>. speedy recovery. bait visited with relatives first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McMillan and son, R. J., of Bethel spent Sunday at Mr, John Runstadler's. Some nico cyt-ehes of speckled trout ~Tiave been reported i-ecently One fishernian caught a beauty that weighe.l 'Vi pounds. The le ''cs on the trees are coming | " out in thi'ir new foliage, and apple pear, phiin and cherry trees are bios- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Anderson and sowing out in their spring beauty. /family of Oshawa vipited last, week Mr. and Mrs. J. Runstadler will! \vith Mr. H. Freeman, south of town, accompany their dauRhter, Miss Mar- ' Thsy were accovnpaiiried home by Mra. guerite for the grraduaation exercises ' Jack Perkins, who .spent a few days to be held at the Toronto University! tliero. on Friday. | t^j^. gj g^gj. j. j^^ Toronto taking Rev. Jos. narrower left on Tues-| treatments for the ailment under day to attend the last General Assent- 1 v^hich he has bf en suffering for some bly of the Presbyterian church which J t:mo. Ed's, 'nany friends wi.?h to commences in Toronto this week. Mr. J ^^e him home again soon much ini- Hawower was accompanied by hisj proved in health. wife and little son. „ „ „ , ,. . „ Dr. C. F. Ottewell, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Ottewell of Flesherton.has _ , , , , , , , » resijrned frcm the Department of W brought_ shoppers to the hub of| p^^^.^ jj^^j,^^ ,j.^^^„^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ been for th? past 12 years, to take On Saturday nights, Flesherton's j streets are lined with motor cars that liave brought shoppers to the hub of i Artemesia, who know where to shop and find goods that are as good as any in Grey County and prices â- which cannot be beaten. Those who shop in Flesherton are satisfied. ! I" the account of the death of Mr. Mr. Will Turney, received word . J"^. Blackburn, the names of Mrs. last week that he had been gazetted 1 a Lieutenant in "D" company of the ' the position of Sales Manager of tha I W. A. Drummond Co., of Toronto. Grey regiment. Mr. Emerson Bell- amy of town has been elevated to a captain's rank. Both of these men aVe^^ttending the officer's training School lu Owen Sound. Dr. A. Turnbull moved last week into the new residence on Toronto street which was recently purchased by Mr Walter .A.k!tt from W. H. Bunt and built by C. W. Bellamy. The doctor's office will be situated in his evening. Mrs. W. .\. Hawken brought home ii^ place of in the McDonald home a quilt whi^ she secured when hlocv. it was auctioned^ off . Kate Paton and Miss Mary McMiMan were omitted from the list of those who contributed to the' neighbors' wreath. This was inadvertently overlooked in giving us the names of the floral contributors. Carnation Lodge L.O.B.A. Flesher- ton was invited to visit Owen Sound L.O.B.A. on their third anniversary, on Monday night of this week. About thirteen members of the Lodge mot- ered up and report a most enjoyable Flesherton League Wins Tlie Debating Shieid One of fho most sui-"- ,.ai debates and oratorirs! •. jiitests ever 'neld in M»rl;'i:;l«, was conducted Thursday 1 evening, uitder the ausuicjs of ll;e Voung Peonies' Societies o'. the Meth- odist churches in the Owen Sound District. A large nurnbor of peo- ple from Dundalk, Ini.tioKO, Proton, Priceville, Flesherton. Berkley, Hoi land Centre, Chat8w-.>rth, and Owen Sound, were present to hear the ^d dresses, and wdtecss the presenta- Uoxis. The subject of the (lebate was"Re- solved that Circumstance has more to do with success in life tV^^a has Character. Miss *Illured Caswell and Mr. G«u.ge .Akins upheld the aff'r..iative on behalf of the Flesh- erton Methodist church, while Miss .Margaret Car.".alian and Miss Elma (husncll represented Douglas street Methodist Church, Owen Sound. The debate was closely contested a!id some excellent facts and per- suasive arguments v/ere put up by all (lie speakers. The-^Jlesherton team .showed that character itself was duo to environment and circumstances. They showed that heredity, reliigion, health, wealth, location and morial circumstances contributed a great deal to success, and while not dis- counting the value of charaacter, con- vinced the judges that circumstance contributed a great deal to attaining success. Messrs. W. D. Henry, T. S. Cooper and Dr. L. G. Campbell, who were the judges, decided in favour of the affirmative. Miss Muriel Murdock of Goring, whc gave an excellerit address on, "Temperance" won the oratorical contest. The second prize was won by Mr. Russell Patterson, Inistioge, who rend?red, in his masterful man- ner, an address on "Widening Prob- lems confronting Missions." ' Miss Kathleen Hutchinson,Kimber- ley, gave an excellently comn^sed address on the subif-t "Canada, â€" God's Ccnsi»orai;ed Nation." The last speaker, Miss Cora Mc- Fad<'.en of Flesherton, also rendered a f.ood address on "Rcaources of Can- ada. Another honor won by Flesherton, was the diploma, awarded to the Young People's Society staging- the best program suggestions for the pic- nic to be conducted. The debate and oratorical contest will be the last held under the direc- tion of the Mctliodist church. It is b'opcd. however, that when the new I'cundaries of the Presbytery will be defined the Young People of the United Church of Canada, will again organize and the debate*; and other contests made a pormnnont function. Rev. Mr. Bowes, pastor of Mai-k- dala Methodist Church, in his usual affable manner, presented the Jbeaut- iuil shield to Miss Caswell and Mr. .\kins, who will keep it until won next year. The winners are barred from ponipetHig for the shield for one year, but it is hoped that thoUnited Lea- gues will enter a team, capable of retaining possession of the coveted silverware. Rev. H. H. Eaton acted as chair- man, while the Vice-President, Mr. H. I. Graham read the rules of the debating society. Mr. Graham has worked faithfully in connection with the debating series, and the thanks of everyone is due him for making the series a success. I %lC^^i^ Paints ^JVarnishes Will save money for you on your painting costs. By actual test a so-called **Cheap" paint costs a customer $26.00 to do a job of 2000 square feet. Under the same conditions Lowe Brothers "High Standard'* Paint cost only $21.80 to do the same areaâ€" a saving of $4.20 on the cost of paint alone. Cheap Paint will not cover or hide well. Good Paint wilL Thats why Lowe Brothers is most economical. STANDARD BARN PAINT Standard Bam Paint is unequalled for Caragea, Barns, Fences, etc. It will cover about 900 square feet to the gallon, one coat. Increase the valu* of your ^arns and preserve them with Standard Barn. ''High Standard" Liquid Paints House Paints A gallon of Lowe Brothers' "High Starvdard" Paint will cover 1000 square feet to the gallon, dries quick- ly to a high j gloss finish . and lasts for ' many years. VERNICOL VARNISH STAIN â€" â-  '- -â- --"SSi^ff* %I^f~i5"S'. Vernicot is a high-crade Varnish Stain, for Floors, Trim and wood- work of all kinds. Varnishes and Stains in one easy operation. The Stain colors are non.fading. Vemicol has splendid wearing qualities and is not easily marred. Dries quickly . to a hard dry surface. p^mss^n 1 Liquid much n paint. N apply ai Standar sa the ; square 1 you pair 1 ~-^,^^Lti: in |l!UQUID:PAIMT â-  USE PAlRfs Brothsr£ "High Standard" Paint, covers fully half as lore than "so-called" cheap ore than that, it is so easy to id it lasts so long that 'High i' has made a name for itself nost economical paint per oot, sold. Try it when next t. 1 ! Porch Floor Lowe Brodiers" Porch Floor Paint combines dur- ability with attractiveness. . It is easy to apply, an;! once on, it stays on for a long time. It is made especially for Porch Floors. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON Auto - Gloss Any novi ce can refinish his car in a few hour* with Auto-Gloss. It gives a rich, hard, w eather- proof glo83. Dries quick and is very durable. To Possess A Pony Young Lad Takes Monev ."^ cores in Flesherton will be closed every Thursday afternoon durin^v A j^oung hid of about 14 years, entered a dry goods "store in town on Saturday last, and. stole ^" Sunday the pony was ret/irned to pony was turned over to him. Lat cr on in the afternoon the money was .June, July, August and September, missed and suspicion was direct^.d to him, and on being questioned, he owned up to what had t;tken place i'L BILC NOTICE HOUSE CLEANING WALLP ATER â€" Our selection is unequalled in low priced papers raitKinft frtjm 5c. to 25c. per single roll. Orders taken for "Empire" Semi-trimmed wallp.iper. Prices ransinx fr«in lOcts. to Sl.OO per rolli AVINDOW BLl.NDS â€" Plain 8">c.. lace timmed Sl.l."> ROYAL FLAT EXTENSION RODS single or double ir> cents to .50 Cents each. CURTAIN MATERIAL â€" Plain scrim 2.5ct.s. to .l.^eUi. Ncttuig Polka Dot and Barred Muslin. CHINTZ IN PATTERNS TO SUIT VOIR N EEDâ€" .1.->ct.s. to 5fi cts per yard OILCLOTH and linoleum 2 yds. wide Price of Cream this v/cck .32 cents A. E. HAW C«9h Cream Station. ^ Store closes Tuesday and Friday eve. CEYLON STORES COMME.XCE THIS WEEK TO CLOSE OX THCRSDAY AFTER .NOONS Commei^cinc; on Tliursdav of this 'â- votk all stores in Flesherton will close i>^ 12 o'clofk noon, to observe the half holiday throughout .June. July, .A.utcust and Sentember. The business places will continue to be opqn Wednesday nijcbts ?•? usual, to cater to the farm- er trade. Last year FlPshcrton only had *he hflf holiday -for three months .ind it wrked so well that 'he merch- .Tnt;^ decided to continue throughout .'September instead of ohspi^vine: *he holiday in. May, but maybe next vear the month of May will be included. TliFj Municipal Council of the Town- a sum of money, with which he trad- ''^ late owners, the wheel v^atch, and ship of Osprey will meet in the (he money being gladly returned by '-'''â- '*""'*^ ^^''''' ^I«"<"'ell, on Saturday, Lheni when the expl-.nation was "^""^ ^•^^''' ^-'"^ *** ^ '^''-'^'''-'^ l'""'' „,^,]g -Applications for the Clerkship of the Tovv nship of Osprey will be re- ceived up to that date, that office . .Alex McTCachrie, has purchased being made vacant by the resigna- I the Madill bu'cliering business in *^'°" °^ *^^ present Clerk ,Mr. H. Vv'. 1 Markdale, w',ich was advertised as aj^^â„¢^^""- ' mortgage ,ale a short time ago. 1 ed a wheel and a watch to the horse traders camped on the road to Cey- lon, for a small pony, which any boy would envy him the possession of. Be- fore the transaction was completed the traders told the young lad to se- cure his mother's consent to the deal, I the boy coming back in a short time I saying everthing was alright, and th ' -J. A. KERNAHAN, Acting Clerk. SULLIVAN MILLS At Brussels. Ont: on Saturtlav. .May 23rd 1925. Miss Valeria M. Mills daughter of Mrs. Ida Mills, Brus.sels to .Mr. Herbert .Sullivan of Toronto, formerly of Flesherton. The many friends of the groom here, wish the couple prosperity and a bon voyage through life. Herb is with the Stan- dard Bank in Toronto. Otto MoPlonis, chief of nolifp of Wiarton, has been appointed to th: staff of the Owen Sound Police Force duties to commence Jun^ tst. The Owen ."^nimd board of tr.tde has decii;?fl rot to go ahead with the rbin-! fn:" a Lirr^e row h-^*"' for thnt c^ty. m ^ © m e ® Seasonable Merchandis TURKISH TOWEL SPECIAL Normandy Voiles N\'w colors and clc.sis:n.s in this vcrv Doptil-n-.. laiindcr.s well. Prices 75c. and 85 c. per yard. Congoleum Squares summer., drcs.s.. labric... which New .><eason'.s pailerns- S13..=^0: 9xlOlSâ€" $15./": lull ran.u-e of Dopiilar sizes 9.xl2â€" S18.a)..". 9x7K,-$10.75 ; 9.x9- Printed Lmoleums 4 Yards wide .\ good .selection ui ino^ or livitit;- rooms. 107 J25 designs 'â- " dij'ercnt colorings suitable for lia'ls, din- bpecial price $1.00 per square yard. f Floor Oilcloths i() inches, ."^-t- inches and 72 inches wide. 9 S Xew pat tern s- per square yard. Special price of 55c. During June, July, August and September the stcr* is c'o«ed Tburs:Jay at 12 pm -â€" >â€"• p F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. ©@©^O0©®©©-@®€$(> ^5OOCO©»0«i&©©^@00«©«®©^^^^^^^^^^^^J

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