Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1925, p. 7

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il Sometime! Why Pot dus time? RED ROSE XEA^**M good tea 53 The ORANGE PEKOE U extra good. Try it 1 OITEN m Shownai Washing water is hard and requires a lot of soap to make a latherâ€" "Snowflake" added to any water immediately turns it into soft water. Use"Snowflake"on wash days and you will not need quarter the usual quantity of soap. "Snowflake^' will sweeten the clothesâ€" make them soft and clean iond save y<m much labor. 3 plaees ter Siwwflake glo-Saxons flnaUy went down before tb« swords of William the Conqueror 8ud his Norman-French army, in the days before family names had been thought of by any nation other than the Romans, these Anglo-Saxons de- lighted in nicknames, apparently. Simon, or Simeon, was a popular name in England then, and they shortened it to Sim. Tliey were also fond of diminutive landings, of which "kin" was one (It corresponds to the Ger- man "c-hen" of to-day). Henoe the old parchments often contain the nam« Simkln. irjeanlng "little Sira," or Sym- kyn. Later the Normans used the diminutive ending et," and Symonets began to appear on the records. Then, as the population grew, along about the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies, the metliod of Identifying dif- ferent men of the same name by' tell- ing whose sons they were grew to the point where the description such as 'Sim's son" became permanent In the family and W3.<; shortened to Simson. Sims is this name with the final "on" dropped. GOOD NEWS FOR RHEUMATIC PEOPLE Century Old Bamboo Organ StUl is in Use. One of the most remarkable organs In the world; says a writer in the Wide World Magazine, is- the bamboo organ In the Roman Catholic church of Los Pinae, a little town about five miles from Manila, In the Philippine islands. This organ was built about 1818 by an old Spanish priest, who must have been an extremely patient and devoted worker, as he used more than 900 lengths of baonboo in the organ, every one of which was buried In the sand for at lea&t two years in order to season It. Although the bamboo is a very soft wood, the old priest did his work so well that the organ is still in good condition after a century of use, and is used every week in his services by the Belgian priest in charge. Father Victor Declereq. Every part of the instrument is made of bamboo and liJome very ingeni- ous devices were Included by its build- er. While making the organ, the priest built a tiny model, a perfect copy of the big instrument. This he sent to the Queen of Spain, who, in appreciation of the present, sent a number of valuable gifts to the church. Some of them still remain, and are al- most as much treasured as the organ itself. Now Known That This Trouble Must be Treated Through the Blood. The most a rheumatic sufferer can hope for in rubbing something on the tender, aching joint is a little relief. No lotion or liniment ever did or ever can do more than this. The rheuma- tic poifion is rooted in the blood. To get rid of it you must treat it through the blood. Any doctor wlil tell you that this is true. If you want some- thing that will go right to the root of the trouble in the blood, take llr. Wil- liams* I'lnk I'llls. The whole mission of tills medicine is to purify aud en- rich the blood, and when they do this all blood troubles, including rheuma- tism, disappear Among those who have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Annie Wright, Woolchester, Alta., who says: "I was a sufferer from rheumatism for six years, and during most of that time my life was one ot misery. I tried several doctors, and many reme- dies recommended, but never got more than temporary relief. The trouble seemed to affect my whole system and I was badly rundown and suffered from headaches as well, l-'lnally I was advised to try Dr. Wllliaind' Pink Pills, and through these I found complete relief and to-day I feel like a new per- son. 1 can therefore strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any- one suffering as I did from this trou- ble." You can get these pillfi from any medicine dealer, or by mail, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. CarpeDiem. Away with thought. To-morrow lie* still-born And shrouded in the grave of yester- day. There Is but Now and many-fashioned Clay. . . . "A moral," quoth he, "In the windy spume Of yearly-springing corn; And cock-crow by the barn gate in the morn; Salvation in time's ever-changing plun»e. In spring-tide and in neap-tide and the spray Recurrent on the thorn." Take empire of the Moment. In the pale. Impalpable, unreal reality That men call life The past and coming, what do they avail? If I but 1 lok I see The silent-footed slayer and his knife Symbol of instantaneous immortality. Sing sacramental waters on the shore; Sing. sweetly solemn stars on heaven's floor; Sing simple, silly stream, sing Now Or Now is o'er. I can make lilies blossom in the snow And strew the sky with silver stars at noon. Aye, if the day be bright I whe^ the moon About my little kitchen to and fro Becouse I will it so. But the steel walls that hedge the Moment round Not all the trumps that all the Joshuas blow Nor plillo.sophie flutes shall sing them to the ground. â€" Hugh Orange. Enroll Now for Summer Course in lh«> Urgest un4 most up-to-date School in Canada. KENNEDY HAIRDRE88ING PARLORS AND ACADEMY Toronto, Ont. 718 Yonge, 231 Yonge, 617 Datiforth Av« /^ DEAF ?^ T\j.e new radio-built AOOUSTI- COJ* Is a marvel of Ughtnese, com- fori, 'nconspicuousness. A joy to wear an-i use. W'e are so sure it will collght you. I'cgardleaa of what othev device you are now using, that we invite you to try It 10 daya without a penny of risk. No red tape to go through. No deposit or payment of any kind. Just send your name, address and free trial request, to, or call on. J. A. Anderson & Co. 367 St. Catherine St. West Montreal, Que. No Deposit. No Expense. ^= J Ancient Account. A butcher's bill more than four thou- sand years old was found in the rulna of Ur of the ("haldees. It Is In the form of a small block or tablet of baked clay, on one face of which the account, for throe lambs delivered to the temple, is cut. Whether it hae yet been paid has not been determined; but if modern hills were rendered in the same fonn. some men could pave their driveways and floor their garagea with incised tiles. An Artful Architect. At an grocers 10c large package Surnames and Their Orpi I MacDERMOT Variations â€" MacDermid, Mac Dermott, MacDtarmId, Darby. Racial Origin â€" Gaelic. Source â€" A given name. Family names of this group are com- mon In both Ireland and Scotland, com- ing as they d« from the same given â-  - naffl ft-i-But the evidence is that they originated in both countries independ- ently. The given name is a very ancient one, and is found spelled variously "Diarmid," "Dermid" and "Dlarmeidh." It is one that Is found all through the Mstory of Ireland, long before It was taken from that country to the land destined to be known In the future as Scotland by the Irish clans known as the DaJrladic Scots. But probably the most noteworthy "Diarmid," at least the one who had the greatest Influence in the history of Ireland, w^as one who lived later, at the time of the flrst Anglo-Norman in- vasions. He was a king of Leinster.'a romantic figure, though a traitor to his Celtic blood, who Invited the aid of Earl Strongbow and the EngUs'h In at- tacks on neighboring Irish kingdoms. In Scotland the family name of Mac- Dermid is borne chiefly by members of one ot the septs of the Clan Camp- bell of Argyle, who derive it from a chieftain of that name, celebrated as "the slayer o the wild boar," who was the progenitor of the house of Argyle. The given name, in the ancient Gae- lic tongue, meant "free-man." Holy Days. Every one may not know that each day of the week is observed as a holy day by some nations. The story of the nations and their respective Sabbaths ] Christopher Wren is prettily put into rhyme in these Paul's Cathedral. One of the most remarkable ca^es of an architectural Joke may be seen by any visitor to Windsor, England. High- er up the hill so well known by visit- ors to the Castle stands the Town Hall, which has often been ascribed to Sir the architect of 3t. But Wren only fln- lUjm^t^' New Eyes , Bui yoB can PnoDle i ^f^ ^dean.HuHkyCanMlloB Mm CvPVCeeMuiine Eye Remedy lUK CI CO "NiabtandMomlDg." â- eqFyaarKycaCleu,Clear aad â- iwHIm Write for Free Eye Care Book. Illiilnbe Bems&r Cs« t Cui gus-SUtob CUsite WHEN BABY IS ILL See That This Label is on Your Fox Wire "Prince Edward" Brand English Fox Wire â€" recognized by the above label on every roll â€" has given more than fourteen years ot perfect service on pioneer ranches and is being used tor most of the new ranches. "There's a reason." Write or wire for free sample and prices. iiOLMAN'S p"ET.i.'n1r 'Oittarto Sale* Agent W. M. C. RUTHVEN ALLI8TON ONT. SIMS Variations â€" SImms, Simpson, Sim- mons, Simonds, Symond», Sim- monds, Symondson. Racial Origin â€" Anglo-Saxon. Source â€" A biblical given name. Strangely enough, the connection between the family name Sima and the biblical name of Simon Is one which d.oe& not occur to most people. Yet to-day It is not unusual for a man whose chriatian name is Simon to be called "Slme" by his friends. Back in the days before the old An- When the baby is 111; when he cries a great deal and no amount of atten- tion or petting makes him happy. Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. -The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates and narcotics and can be given to even the new-born baba with perfect safety and always with beneficial results. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lines: Christiaiu worship God on Sundays, Grecian zealots hallow Monday; Tuesday Persians spend in prayer, Assyrians Wednesday revere; Egyptians Thursday; Friday Turks; On Saturday no Hebrew worlts. ««>M<»/e.w»^ Fishermen's Lies. 1st Fishâ€" "My gills burn!" 2nd Fish â€" "Someone is lying about you!" ished it, for it was designed and more than hall built by another architect i who died before his work was accom- plished. I The Mayor and Corporation of that ! time were not satisfied that the hall was safe, for it is built over the open : Corn Exchange, through which pedes- 1 trians pass daily. At first it waff sup- ported only by great beams, and they requested Wren to erect four pillars In the Com Exchange below to give the beams on which the upper struc- ture rests additional support. It wa* in vain that the great archi- tect assured them that these pilars were not necessary, so the four pillars to all appearance, added their quota to the security of the hall above. Now it has been discovered that Sir Chris- topher left a space of an inch at the top of each, so that the four plUars have never given the Town Hall the least support. The space between the pillar and ceiling was hidden by a thin crust ot cement, and now that this has faJlen out the spaces are clearly re- vealed. Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession If yon desire a profession yoa should consider what the fleld of Veterinary Science has to offer. Graduates have splendid opportunities for a successful career. The live stock Industry is the corner-stone of agrtcultiiral development and the veterinary profession is Its greatest •afegtiard. Seesion Begins October 1, 1925 Wp«« for bullstin and calendar to C. D. Meflllvrsy. D.V.8c.. Principal Ontario Veterinary College Gttclph Oalario AflKtetMl wltli University of Toronto. Undof ths Ontarte Dopartmont of Airleultur*. HON. JOHN 8. MARTIN, Mlnlator \^ Is Mars Inhabited? Mars is rapidly moving away from the earth and appears no larger than a star of medium size. Even the most powerful telescopes fail as new at- tempts are made to study the planet, writes Dr. Thomas Moreux in "Le Petit Journal" (Paris). This, therefore, is the proper time to make known the knowledge acquired | during the recent observations made ' upon Mars. I bear my readers Im- medlately put the eternal question: \ "Yes or no. Is Mars inhabited?" I Mars is surrounded by a layer of air where the spectroscope discovered ' the presence of oxygen and. hydrogen, j Snow accumulates at the poles of Mars i Just as on earth. We can get an idea ! even ot the dencity of the atmosphere i on Mare. The estimates which I took ! up this year, tmfortunately give rather , low results. The air seems much thtn- j ner on the surface of Mars than on our i earth. In fact, it is as thin as it is sixteen kilometers above our earth ' surface. At that altlitude the oxygen ! Is very lightly distributed and the ! average tamperature Is never mohe I that 50 degrees below zero. I Yet Mars may have a temperature of i some 30 degrees above zero during the hottest summer. This ti mperature re- j suits from various causes, the chief of | which is the water vapor which satur- ates the sir of Mars, on account of the feeble atmospheric density. AU the water which exists on Mars is trane- Dlscoverer of Antarctic. Further evidence that the Antarctic continent was discovered in 1820 by Bransfield has been published. thuiS proving that Sir J. C. Ross, who sighted South Victoria Land in 1841, was not first in the region. MInard'a Liniment tor Colds. ;3Canal Century Old. The present year marks the 100th anniversairy of ' tihe completion and opening 4f the great Erie canal. MINARD'S ReUeved His Rheumatism Here is one of many letters teetlfy- Ing to the relief MInard's gives in cases of rheumatism: "I have been relieved of rheumatism by your liniment. 1 thought 1 would naver be freo from this malady and I tritKl many rerae;iies, but Minard's was the only one which gave me relief." ALPHONSE raCIiARD, St. Samue:, P. Q. Minard's is also splendid for stiff- ness of the joints, sprains, bruises, 6tC. MINARD'S LINIMENT For Sore Tliroat Use Mtnard'iLlntment FrendCholders of the bonds of thej Suez Caaal Co. aj-e- di«ape«inte4i at having tos accept the in^;erest' bfi'those! bonds in paper francs instead of gold.] But they are not In suckliard luck as those Germans who invested tn the' Berlin to Bagdad railway. I That Proofreader Again I "What do you mean by implying that I have dishonestly covered myself with the peoples money?" demanded the city treasure:', as he rushed into the office ot the local paper. "What's the trouble?" casually quer- ied the city editor. "Here it is," indignantly continued the public official, pointing to a news Item. The Item began: "William BInns, who Is encrusted with the public funds. . . " other authority in Church or can take, the pl^ or do- the No State work of the Mother. Music ^ves us a new life, and to be without that life is the same as to be blind. Music is a language of the soul, but it defies interpretation. â€" Max MuUer. Neck and Chest Broken Out. Cuticura Healed. > " My daughter's neck and cbe«t were very badly broken d^X with red pimples that festered and itched badly. She scratched tlie afflicted parts and caused the trouMC ta spread. At night she could not sleep and the breaking out caused diaflguretnent, " I tried everything I could think of but nothing helped her. I read an advertisement for Cuticuni Sons and Ointment and sent for a fres sample. I purchased more, and af- ter using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. R. B. Cross, 81 Seneca Parkway, Rochester. N. Y. Use Cuticura to clear yom skin. luBpl. Su!h FiM bT llaU AddreM Cuiadiu D«p«t: -Stoahou*, Ltd.. MoEtrvaL' Prfn. Soap gc 0l» tai«nt 25 and ».-. Talcum S(«. ^P* Cuticura ShaTins Stick 2Bc. WE WANT CHURNING CREAM ^ye supply cans and ^ay sxpress charges. We pay dally by express money orders, which can be cashsd anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free from bad flavors and | formed Into vapor durhig the summer j contain not less than 30 per cent ' Butter Fat | Bowes Company Limited, Toronto and in snow during winter. j The big blots of dark color on Mars are therefore not oceans. The long lines of the same color are therefore j not cauals. The former can only be lowlalad plains, and the latter long, I more or less furrowed valleys. Recent observation showed that both had a different coloring according to the season; a greenish blue dominated during spring, became yellow at sum- mer time, and finally' had the shade of autantn leaves. We cannot doubt that Mars has a sycle of plant life quite as we have on earlli. Lflfe, therefore, exl»ts on Mars; Plants take tii« oacycso of the air and u«e it a* food. But eron it plants do exist OD Mars, nothing enables us to claim that aiiimals or sven human be- Incs Inhabit ths planet. In case people li^ad en Mara itaust hava )>«en a Vaim time ago, and that race mu»t have per- tibad under the hard conditions <A lite which now extat on Marsk Say "Bayer''- InsistI For Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago For referencesâ€" Head Oflfice, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker, Established tor over thirty years. k vnqf A voystmm Ntwn>ricf| iGoin May and . Rheumatism Pain Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 â€" Druggists ABplrln Is tbe trade n)«rlt (i*gl9tered Id Canadn) of Bflyer Manufacture of Mono- •cetlcaddetter of StUcjllctcld. Sc^ wh«a Bermuda ia ablaa* with Flmranâ€" p«r(*cl day* for rMl w play. Ptlmtial, TwInScnw StB»m»rm "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" Far niuttrtltd Booklatt Writ» FURfinS BERMUDA LINE . 34 Whitiball Btteet • Mew York Oky »» '3 strong Nerves Pure organic phosphate, known t most drugglstfi as Bltro-Phosphate, i.« what nerve-exhausted, tired-out peopU' Boat havs to regain nerve force and •nergr- Thaf* why it's guaranteed. ftie* |1 P»' P*««- Arrow Chemical Co.. K Front St. East, Toronto. Ont. PAINS ACROSS THE BACK Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Mitchell, Ontario. â€" "I have taken your medicine for a number of years. 1 do not take it steady all the time, but 1 am never without it. I always keep it in the house. 1 took it first for pains in the abdomen and bearing-down oains, headaches and pains across the back. I have my home to look after and many a day I could not get up at all. I saw the advertisement in tne paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and Mrs. .John Miller told me about it, too. Every time 1 take it, it makes me feel better and I always rec- ommend it to my friends. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about this medicine and you may use this letter as a testimonial. " â€" Mrs. F. J . W.\ssMA>fN, Mitchell, Ontario. The merit of Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound is told by women to. each other. Many women know by experience what this iredicine will do and they are anxious for others to know. Such testimony should cause any woman suffering from the troubles so common to her sex to give this well- known medicine a fair tiial. Do you know that in a recent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, ''Have you re- ceived benefit bv taking this medwine?" 98 per cent, replied "Yes." 'This means that 98 out of every 100 women are in better health because tiiey have pven this medicine a fair trial ISS*UE No. 22â€" '28.

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