Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1925, p. 8

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?edtK.^Ja\, June 3rd, 1925 Tir^H l^hiiSHKiiTOK Ai^ \' ANCi. â- a-a?* •â-  ik.; ..iiff sum- Dean Laird , , lo Victoria ''.if mccf'=s lit iho tri)> at til., wo?;.. C'} 1 I â- . 1 :J I'iUct! witb patiivlic •.yone to ste their own L'ean has anaiiijed for a r, of utaiidani lU'c-ping curs i'ornto nil July 2< tli visit- Ihur, lorl VViUiam, Winrt!- -f ^- (w? nioiorf; ! lo T'.-i! •'"â-  the iu!v! mere II- . and ftwo iaapiiiiu< u\^> a â-  to conceive, with slops ,it,li.'ii ;. Siirinj?!'. Vcrniilliou liiver, ttP.ti Jslsjiiii Mountain liunKaloW Cani|)3 - anothur ' • at Banff, 'tho Edmonton. S.m^I,- <;i, Dcvil'a (Ik-n Bunj'nlow ('<:i .[â- , i>. ..1 Kcnora on the Lake of the W.^hi.-, and a st».'ainfr from Foil William, to Port Mc-Nicholl, thonce rail to Tor- onto, whore the trip will tL'rminfit,«j oo AuRust the 10th. EverythiriK is included at liic pi-ieo ! i.iKi;.4, .Mooso Jaw, Calgary of $235.00 from Toronto, Irhnspor- !â-  . '., Lake Louise, Vancouver, tlioncc tation, sleepinj? cars, nccomodution in fci.-ii.-.tr to Victoria. hotels, and bun);iilow camps, meals in- Ileturniiifr ths trip will be via the eluded, hotels and on steamers, sipht. OVn.riMran Valkv, Kelson, the Koot- si-eing tours at points visited, and .' Lakes, Windemero Bun(,'.ilow »» Rratuities. <... : , iroai which place th.^ party will while appealinjt primarily to teach- aiu. i-s irow other I'oi/as ifiii; < or- V, ilj bo riaiiU'd wnd Itswiriivi <4t<d booklet .tent ,'')(! n Lfiir'i, MncOonald < (}â- â- -. AUTOMOBILE TIRES Godyear Tires aO-x.-J'/i Pathfinder Fabric SC-jO 30x3 '/i Pathfinder Cord 7.50 30s3'/2 Wingfobt Cord 8.95 30x3 '/i Allweather Fabric 8.95 30.\3'/i AHweather Cord 10.95 30x3 1/2 AHweather Cord, Oeavy Tourist Oversize 13.35 31x'(.40 Interchangeable balloon 16.90 29x1.40 AHweather Balloon.T. 16.90 Dunlop Tires 30x3 1 i Samson Cord S 7.50 .30x3!'j Traction Cord, standard.... 8.95 30x3'/2 'i'raclion Cord over&ize.... 10.95 All other .sizes at Krcatly reduced priced. I.NNKR TUBES Special Sl.fi.'j, Kc«ular S2.25 Heavy Tourist S2.65 BATTKKIES (; Volt 11 plate Batteries 518.75 D. McTAVISH 81 SON Chevrolet Dealers 'Slh Cliifiiâ€" E. Prt-sU»!, H. Thi>inpson, G. McPuddcn, L. FerriB, E. Fenwick, E. McKee, 1. Tliompson, F. Howden, •L Creaaer H. Welton, J. Laughlin. ; Sr. 3-A. Heard, J. McFadden, E. Fenwick, M. Fenwick, M. Bibby, G, Sled, A. Lever, B. Phillips, B. Patton, E. McMtillen, L. Batt.v„-A. Irwin. Ji.\â€" S. Pre.ston, W. U.lfran, E. . Fisher, G. Stuart, G. McMaster,, D. Castle. Si . 2â€" H. Beat, F. Wclton, B. Pat- ton, B. Sled, E. Ferris, J. Gibson, E. McKillop, E. Prc^man. ] "Jr. 2 â€" M. Ferris, J. Gibson, B. Mc- Eachnie, 1). McMullen, W. Preston, D,' McFadden, M. Stuart, A. Warlinf?, V. McMaster, C. Thistlethwaite, E. Kerton, W. Laugrhliii, A. Laugrhhn. j .Sr. 1â€" E. Patton, E. Talbot, Geo. ' Boyd, E. VVarlingr, C. Gib.son, B. Welton, H. Croft. : ji. 1â€" H. Bibby, L. McEachnie, H. McKillop, \V. Littlc.fohns. Pr. B.â€" P. Gib.son, B. Bellamy, A. Turney. Pr. A.â€" A. Lawrence, C. Talbot, F. Patton, E. Brown, E. Bnrnt-tt, H. Laughlin: Pr. Câ€" N. Thistlethwaite, E. Croft, B. Murray, Helen DeCudmore, Roy Semple. Sundd^ Sotioo? Urn. Was Weil Atierideit stock.â€" Kj^ Little, Wurahaa. ^^" SALE Purebred . Short- Hundred has three acres of Hml>«» :?V!?rri*.' !;'!"_' !'!'.'''*1'i"_' hom bun calf, or wm exchange other ;a„d h-^ bulldinn^s f^ ev^^SS needed, including poultry house 8d4 pig pens. No brokni land and clear of weeds. Any person iateretaad should inveetigate. -T. J. STINSON. ^"•y Proton Station P.a "If i little wfcrd of mine ! May make a life the brighter. If a little song of mine May make a heart the lighter, God help me Hpeak the little word And do my bit of singing. And drop it in some lonely heart To set the echoes ringing." LMIOKTANT NOTICE RE WOOL .rJi Prvscnt market reports, in refer- once to the wool situation would in- (ii^nta ihiU much lower prices are! â- ''cly lo provail. \Ve have a con- \ •.j.<:i; to fill wbicA cxpirea on JiJ^ne : hh, and up to that time v/e can pay ; 2.2 '•o 37 cts. per pound for utiwasheJ . v>ol according to qtiality. We believe i you arc well advised to market your i nonl at onco. â€" F. T. lliU & Co., ! Ltd., JMarkilale, Ont. i /*• Jf* *â- * •!/ *â- â€¢ •.♦ ^* <M» «i/ Va* m S^K jSt. ^»- <â- â€¢ •â- â€¢ *"* •'•"•"I. 4"» * yfc? W- "^".'•.S'' »..• W -.j> v./". SIX HILL STCRE.5 We buy togotbcr in Oi-Jcrt!i>.l ourcuiitoniera in the r.i-: ccm- rmuii(;p.o may roaterir.ily !i ri- o:i! individuaSIy.'- F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. f^brkdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- ^ ively associates with liigh ^ q.uality merchandise at the ^ fairest po«*ibln pi icei. ^ i'i ilie uiihuhI t<.fuvf!itiun of tlie .-Vrte- in* sla, Murkdale and FIcsherton Sun- day 'School Absociations v/as hild in the Presbyterian church in Flesher- ton on Tuesday of last week. Tho devotional exercises were con- ducted, by the President, Mr. Joseph McKee, aft«r which the roll was call- ed and representatives from eight bchool.s responded. Tho department .Superintendents did might luivo been given under differ ent ciivumsttinces. A (lominating committee was a.i)point«d to meet after lunch. Rev. P. W. Madden, who_ formerly had charge of the Eugenia circuit, and who represents the Ontario Rel- "igious Education Coundll, was unable to attend owing to illness in the family. Miss Lewis of Toronto rep- ic^ented that department and gave an excellent address on the Primary and Jurn'or work in the Sabbath school. Miss Lev/^is showed great cnthufiiasni in and a marked know- ledge of her subject, the decisions arrived at had been formulated in the school room and were not theor- etical. She thught the life of the teachers should be blameless and without blemish. She spoke strong- l.V on the necessity of the intermed- iate.s niemorizing the scriptures and hymns, and in this, as in many other ways, parents should co-operate with tho ^cachor. ^ Rev. H. H. Eaton entertained the convention with a solo. beautifu'Jy rendered:' J.Uss Lewis held a round table e<^n- I'oivnce, when questions were asked and answered, many of them havinr^ to do with the uniform and gra.Ic-.l lissons. She aeid that those .schools that used the gradetl lessons for a / time would never go back to the uni- form, as the former hml a wealth of helps to offer the teacher which the latter has not. ,. ' At six 'clock the meeting adjouri^- cd to the Sunday school rooin where the ladies of the churches had pro- vided a bountiful supper to whom Rev. Dr. Gray of Markdal« on behaif of the delegates moved a hearty vots of thanks^^ At the evening Sf.'ssion Rev. H. ~H. Eaton, by reouest, spoke on rha mission.iry conference held in Wasli- ington last Febtuary. We w^ssh we could' give this address verbatim, brt as we cannot we quote a few poiiits and v;ill allow our i-eaders to givo a reason for the statements made.' Speakers were on the platfonn at Washington from Cvea,, China, Japan, Africa, ete. Sme of those speakers, who 'vc. riS\4ft^n.t«tft lflMt'TI*ri» wiiat FARMS FOR SALE LO.ST OR SIB A YEP \ LOST- At the back of Do-,.! ' ag^ a K.r,„chh:i ^k^.L pjj.u : On the Toronto line Provincial "'•n'"K'''^r'\f„ '^ ^** ^hereaboma jiighway. Three farms, two of 100 will be thanlrfuHy received. _ ^er.s and one of 60 acTes all cleared. STOCK FOR- SAL ^'"* '^'**^ buildings, up to date ir cr.«c. WT^ ,T / y , every particular. Wil. 8*11 any cae ^, ^.^^f, ^'}^^ - "''^'â- y ^""^^ '"'* «**** 0' these. Good brick house on on .• v- .S,nt<a.l« for country road work. -A. the farma. The .tabling for amf. Lonkey, K. E. 1, dylor.. niai, jg perfect. acres hardwood One f'trm has tea bush and anotbtt FOR SALE, FOR SALEâ€" Large Seed Peas â€" Ben. McKanzie, E. R. No 1, Ceylon .'^KED FOR SALE â€" Buckwheat seed for sale, silver hull. â€" J. G. V.'hyt.'. Priceville, R. R. No. 3. | â-  . â€" â€" â€" _ 1 ^'"1 of 100 acree, 9« acres cleared- LIME FOR .SALEâ€" Kiln of fro.' hU^,** on shares. Fail" buildings, good lime for sale at Portlaw at 35c per ^oJH Also pressed hay and straw, 1 FARM FOR SALE l)u.â€" W. H. Blakev. Maxwell R. R. ROOMS FOR RENT â€" Suite of roo.-ns for rent, suitable for small family. Reasonable terms.â€"Mr;;. M. McDonald, Flesherton. mnt south of Wareham. Robt. Little, Proton StB. R..R. No. 2. H. FOR SALE â€" Litter of registered .Scotch Collie pups for sals, §.t to 8?. They make A 1 cattle dogs and arc \cry fund of children. Ti-y one â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Mahogany music cab- inet, fumed oak china cabinet, fumed oak 3-sectiona book case, high chair, secretary desk, cutter, gasoline en- gine I'/iih.p. and Beatty power wash- er and wringer, Underwood type- House For Sale In Flesherton ! Frame 1% story shingle roofed dwelling with nice la^ge lot and stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A, ARMSTRONG. Flesherton FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. N. E. 30 acres of 171, and N. E. 50 '*'^!f o ?, '''^' '" ^*'« ^""l con- N.E.T. an<t S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acres Cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tim- ber; 2 ',4 miles from Saugeen Juactioa It the purchaser can giv a good un- writer No. 5, quantity of ceilers, all encumbered farraJn as collateral se- in good condition and for quick sale, (purity, he can buy ou easy terms of -Rev. A. E. Duffield, Maxwell. Payment. „,.,„„„„ t>u XT ~9^^- RIjtherfor©, Phone No. 7 Box 67. Shelbo*! -M I S C E L L ANEO U S Pasture for cattle for the coming season. Apply to Samuel Thompson, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" ChoDpjng done on Sat. only./ â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. WANJEDâ€" Young calves, about n v.'col: old.â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. ibtii^» BULL FOR SERVICE '"^^.. Purebred Shorthorn bull H^ '&^^-- vice on lot 40, Con. 8, Artemfe-Sii^E Chas. Hanley, Eugenia P.O. !^ NOTICSâ€" Will'the person wha bor- vov.'.'c! my wire fance stratciiers last r.ill pl.^aco relurn thcrn.â€"l''i â- â€¢;!:: W. Duncan, Fieshcrion. TO RFN7â€" I..ot3 rdt-13j, cast back line, Artemesia, 100 acr'3s, belong'-ng to Mi-ii. W. J. Lever. ATin'y to Fred Bro^n, Flo:!horton. BOAR FOR SERVICE. y Tamworlii Eoar for sorvice, 5 mos.' old. i-eg. bacon type, ot. lot 31, Con. l" O.D.R. Terms §1. Any .sow not re- turned will be charged same a3 those m ri-r. Anyone wi.<h!i!g Ui I6ave the sow wilt be charged 25c per'day ex- tia-,IOHN aiEADS, Priceville P.:.Q_.J.. R. R. 3. 3wk» BUSIFnESS c.^.rds Dr. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental Dui-ing Uie monilt cy Jukg wc will have ir-any special bargains int<e way<»|->^a| ms'cul odd lines at a big saving from rec4»i«pH3^i!;i»*«;^' % ^ 1!5» Dt* iEk« tJi:. ^ 25^;n G.^F TRIMMED MILLINERY a ^ ^ a S • • MEH'S rj : r (• mc'sh of .Tunc we will sell the bal- tmivs \l our l;;ir.nu.d mJlJinci-y at a discount of Zi'h off our preneut vovy low p-iof;.^. This certainly has been ono of the n^ 1 ful millinery pe.i- ijon.5 v.T have had, and ' lont still remain- ing ir. i.Trgo and varied. j;.i.:' Hdvontage of tUi;; oppo:tunily of buying bi-autiful,- iicw â- up-to-date millinery at so low a pii". ' i^OOTS, LADIES' WHITE CAiMVAS SH0EI5 and SLIPPERS $1 PE§ PAIR The price adccd fpr the.ge in many instaurjn >:• • iiot renresont half the original cost, but wc an; :. i; . u.'i to clear out many oddt! and ends of broken line.'!. Why nc.t have a p.'iir of two of th( .jc for wearing diiri.-ig thr warm d.iya. Thoy will he nice jiiid cool iirid we iivc sure 'hat your fwt will bo very gratc-fnl because of thi!! small outlay. Reg- ular up t-r * f.7"'. Special June price ^1 per pair. CHILDREN'S TENNIS SHOES 98c. SOpairs Children's Canvas Shoes in tan, black and white in sizes 5 to lOVi will be cleared during the present month at the above very special price. Hpccial June price 98c. a pair. MISSES AND YOUTHS* CANVAS SHOES AND SLIPPERS $1.29 A ^mplete asortment of Youths' Canvas Shoes in tan, black and white in hIzcs 11. 12 and 13, and Miates' Canvas Shoos and .Slipper.i. sizes 11 to 2, rt^rular fl.40 to |1.85, to be cleared durin" June at fl.29 per pair. RUBBER APRONS A new assortment of Rubber Aproni in quiet and brifbt colors. Siiccially priced at 59. 7* ft 85c. PA.S'RJJRE FOR RSNT^Sa acre.^ of pasture fov rent, good r;i'-"-S3 .and surgeon, honor graduate of Toronts pots of v.-ater, on lot*6 end 7', 2iKl "'"<! Ko.v;i I College of TV-ntal Surgeons • Con. N. D. R., .A.rt<jTnesia<â€" Archie' of Ontr.rio. Gas ad.ninisttreil for Conkcy, Ceylon. v - (teetii extraction. , Office at residence OU! â€" -â€" â€" â€" -r. .-- â€" '-i^.^^^-^ â€" Toronto Stret, Ple-sherton. TO ATTEND THE "iU-l .r:' -^_- show IT PAYS t more I â- Ls^iOTT i^M^J't^yM4J^/^/'f'Zi:y •.';'.'â-  '"^•'^^ the Faculty of Medicine. mis cy rec ivit'SQiVionarips thfe^live diiT- lMim.»>'y meet Wc..>. for edu- W't'Si-s. One j a tcjnent that j oij-iryjtvork iri ?•? ncccptsd Chrift • thau W8, they'^ving Tcnii Uiii-ns IHunday I iinibnll, B.A.. M.B., grad- of ' Toronto. VoHug and Alexander ijtii. Te'iiniA. 'niflsori Block, FlesJjertoE, Every graduaJe of the last fiftesn ' "" -^ 'â€" ^^ Officeâ€" Rich- Phona 35. raontbs Kh;^ se.iirrd empk'vjr,: V.ni-iT now.' ' Open all y. v;:i!a)«?ue frco. \v. I T-r?,!fyn\ PriRfio:, •nt. af. . P.ii>M A:h^T Lodge. .33.3, A.F. & .A.M., meet., in tho Masonic hall. Arm- strong. Blcc^PSesharton, every Fri- ."orn tho full ruoort. G. '5' V;. It ir.e â- :ccpt.>? in thojr]- ::r .siud.that no j :> the progress years that the •ie-i Rnd Afr"c-v )n was listened i OWliiN SOUND Indiv;.ii::ii In-^Jru-lina j Business Shorthand and Prep.;r;;{-,iry Cc.\\^7^-. Catalosue ..Free. r. \. !'. Ming, F.C.A. G. P. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. Bank;^ ^v'.-r., p; j Thur.5to.-\, Stv. V I â-  â- â€¢ o.irii.iTcrit, Soli'-it- :•â- "â- â€¢â€¢ ^â- 'â- '•- ' â-  '^^'is, K-.C. ; '^V. D flt-nry, .H.A. miici.vs, iM.irkdalo Luc.is I'lock, .Phone 2.' Biahch ofl'ces at Duudalli and Darharo. Telford & STrnie, Barristers, .soli- *• XafM 'a '! VICTORIA CORNERS oito;:5, TJ!o>- ' P.- T(!lfci'd .Jr. "â€"Grey and Brtiee ;!l; Standard B.->nk â- , (S.ilufdavsL F. P. Rirnie:' L^DsES' VESTS 35c . 3 TOR %\M ;>0 I :â- ;;,' a Piip liUiiV of fottoii vi: !;lu«ves and olhoTs with none: for .«!!.nO. , mado frorp n. .sc)iii<» with EhoTj SneciaRl 3Bc. oaoh;". .Sfl.OOO POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED The vofil market ia somewhat unsettled this season pnd lower prire.t may ?>Bevail later in the .year. If we can get immediafc delivery we can pay 25c. to 27c. per pound for unwasheil wood, re- jects out, for which we will pay the highest possible prices. \ GROCERY SPECIALS Sunflower Brand Salmon 18c tin. 2 tins for Jl5c 21b, tin Pork and beana Reg.aSc. for25c. TomatoeR. Georgian Bay Brand....18c. a tin. 2 for 35 Olyrcrine Soap Rex. lOc. S for aSc. Rnlk Coroa. high quality 2 lbs. for Mc. RaBuberry J»w, 4lh. tin Reg. 85c.. for 55c. A Special Broom 4»c. each F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdaie ' III-?,. Milton Bannon spent la.st V. cck in Toronto attending the last iVittthodist VV.&LS. convention, and ulg visited friends. .-Hy, Islontreal, and jj,._ jy^j^;^ jjj^^^;^ ^j^jj^^ up hiirbar "tud.uH. g„.,j^ ^^ ^-^^^^.^ stinson's. imson of the O.D.R, BKuring hi«> B.A. .\ HI. Kaiitmg, Li<"en<.LU .'..•ictioneei r ti-e . vuntics of Grey nnd Simcoe a specialty. guar- Farhi and stock sales Ternis moderaio., .«!atisfactioa antecd. Arrnng-oments for dates over may be made at the Advance ofSce, or Central telephone office, Fevergham, ..i-.f.'.i brv- ^'^^** Laidlaw. nurfee of Hamilton, or by addres.sing me at Fn-ersham. ^.' i viaitcd her brother. Mr. Jas. Laidlaw. â-  ni. M"', Joe Hood visited i,;.,d t Banwm's over Sunday. (ixt-or, I Our school was closed .1 Y.y. at Milton TENDERS ^VANTED Auothu- old suider.t of the local high Fchool who was successful in l)«ssing his exams was W. R. Buch- anan, son of* Mr. Jos. Buchanan of tho Meaford Road, Bill securing his B.a.A. at the Guelph AjrricuUural College. last week Tenders will be received by the un- i for a couple of days on account of «Jt»^'Fncd «P to and including Satnr- |tho teacher's illness, but she is back ''*>'' •''"^*' ^^^' for the construction of on duty again, although not feeling " ^^"^ re-inforced concrete bridge to I quite herself yet. ^^ ''"•"^ on lo* 40, Con. 4 and 6, Arte- j mesia. Plans and specifications may MRS. JAS. MAUNDERS DIED ^ *««« «t the office of the engineer IN TORONTO ON TUEDAY "t the court-house. Owen Sound, or at the office of the Township Clerk, The" sad news was received Tu^ W. J. Bellamy, flesherton. A mark- day evening by Mr. Tucker Phillips ed cheque made payable to the Mr. Clare Oke. son of the fonnMr,of the Collingwood gravel that hia Treasurer ecf the Township of Arte- Methodist minister here, has secured sister, Mra. Jas. Mauders, bad died meaia for 6% of amoant Of luBikl his M.A. at Victoria College. Toron- "t the home of her daughter, Mn. must accompany each tender. TTie to, and Mr. Robt. Paton, son of Mr. j Wes Hamilton at Toronto. Mr. lowest or any tender not neewMarOy Wm. Paton of town, has PMsed hie PWUips left on Wednesday afternoon accepted. foorth year Arts. Miss Marguerite f« Totonto to attend the funeraL Ranstadler has secured her B.A. and The late lira. Maunders was an aunt lOae iwased the fourth year eourte «* Mr. O. W. Phillips of town. in Blolocieal and MedkaU Sdeneea' with honen, it bling ^ «i honor C McKMievr, Tw». CngnMalattBa .sra MnAerwl to USB THE ADVANCE "SMALL A0VT8." W WILL PAY tOV. Large crowds haWbeea sttiiwiihn the evangeliatie s e rviee e ta 1t>t1ii|ii tk* fut trudt

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