Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1925, p. 1

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Collingwood United Football team play at Feversham, Sat. June 20th. Game at 6, Vol. 46 No. 3 Flesherton, Ontario, June 17th 1925 W.H.TTiurston & Son, Proprietors Eugenia Correspondence [ â- aBaBiiKaaBaBX99atagiS9iie»a GEO. HISLOPS LEG BROKEN â-  â- MMMutBienssKneaBiESiiiBnaBBBas KESIDENCE BURNED The fine brick veneered residence | We are very sorry to report B4r of Mr. Adam Hislop, in the vaUey, i George Hislop in the HamUton hos was devoured by fire about 5.30 on Thursday morning, the cause of the MAXWELL fize beinf a mystery. The only oc- cupants in the house .at the time iRcre John and his sister, the other members of the family being at the fishermen's club house of which Mr. Hislop is manager^ Miss Hislop was aroused by a noise and found the house a prey to flames. She awakened her brother, who with her, escaped from the house. Nothings of any account was saved and the loss is great, as there was' very little â-  insurance on the building and con- tents. Many are the friends and neighbors who offer to give a helping hand if Mr. Hislop rebuilds again. We extend our sympathy to them in their loss. VISITORS pital. He is employed with the Bell Teleohone company and had the mis- fortune to have the bone in one of his legs badly broken. We wish him a speedy recovery. Geo. is a nephew of Mr. Addm Hislop and soa of the late Wm. Hislop and Mrs. Hislop of this place. ' THE SICK LIST Mr. A. F. Pedlar's health is impair- ed at present. Mr. Percy Magee is suffering with an attack of "flu." Mr. John Magee has almost recov- ered from his sore knee. Mrs. Park has been quite ill the past week or so, but is somewhat better at time of writing. We hope all the sick will soon be well again. VISITORS Mv: and Mrs. Cardwell Graham visited the former's sister, Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mcllveen and j Hoggard at Thornbury. We are daughter, , Ida, and Mr. and Mrsil sorry Mrs. Hoggard is- not recqver- Hugh Clark of Owen Sound visited jng from her illness very fast, but with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar oti ! j-ope that a greater change for the Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Munshaw of Alliston and Mr. Gerald Large and brother of Niagara Falls visited at the Eugenia House. " Dr. Boyd and son of Toronto are on a fishing trip at the Fishei-man's Clul^^House in the valUey. better takes place soon. Mrs. Beaton of Glenelg visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Park. aiv. and Mrs. Wickens and little son, Emerson, accompanied by Miss Muriel Carruthers have returned to their "home at MacTier after a visit with the latter's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and Krsi»*ri^V c>f Meaford and acconi- family 8th line visited with Mrs. Wil- ^!©x. Hoy visited "lier sister. panied the Tuohy family to Paisley, ' son. and visited her grandmother, Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Hillock of Max- Parliament, who is il);. The old ,' well visited at J. K. Jamieson's. lady is in her S5th year and we learn '. Stores in Eugenia close early (6 p. from Mrs. Hoy that she is recover- ;m.) ^very Tuesday and Friday eve- ing from her illness. ning. IN MEMORIAM HODGSON â€" In loviitg mem- " Ory -» f -ear dear father, wh-o passed CARD OF THANKS Mr. Samuel Pedlar and family de- sire to thank their friends and neigh away June 13th 1924 and mother who bors for kindnesses and assistance passed away on Julv 2nd 1924, - ^ ren(iered during the illness and death Oh how we miss them words cannot of their Wife and mother, Mrs. Sam- telL uel Pedlar. BORN â- The bright happy faces we all loved ' so well. The sweetest of memory is all that . is left, -ANDERSONâ€" At the Manse, Kem- They are not dead but only sleep- ble, Ont.; on Tuesday, June 9th, 1925, eth. to Rev. and Mrs J. E. Anderson, a â€" Family son. (nee Ina Laidlaw.) Two large families from Scotland Miss Olive Kurd, recent graduate are to settle on Bruce County farms of Owen Sound hospital has been ap- this month, under the settlement sch- pointed supervisor of the surgical de- eme. partment of the Kitchener hospital. |fji!.V-~-..-.a«.''«iEici,- - 'n Increased wtput PVERY time a dairy fanner in- creases productian he increases profits. Increased production b largely a matter of inqwoved and alimented herds, modem eyi^mcnt, time and labor-aavi^ macfa^icry and better, •a>H>und pcoductioa tmdBidu. All Am,' of coune, ctMCi BM»cy. But k â- â-  maacy which die B«ak of Toraoto may wiil|r advance to de- If ]ia«.|4aBio ftaB^ai#ifM« •<T< your 41 yoacaadoi The recent rains '%nd ^eat is mak- ing the farm and garden stuff flour- ish. « Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winters' little son of six years was operated on last Friday for appendicitis, and is now iloing as well as can be expected, Mrs. George Fisher of the Centre Line is in a very low condition from peptic poisoning. ^he ' was taken to the Collingwood hospital for treat- ment. We hope to hear of her re- covery soon. Jlrs. Fenwick Sr. who was stricken with paralysis a couple of months ago, is very low at present. Mrs. Will Guy and two, children leff for Toronto on Saturday last. ^ir and Mrs(^. Dannie Cameron spent Sunday with the former's mother here. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Duffield re- turned <in Thursday last from the conference held in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Duffield haS an.swOTed the call to the mission field in iSa.skatchewan and he and Mrs. Duffield wilj leave for their new field in the beginning of July. He will preach his far- \\>I1 sfrmon here on Sunday next. Then Rev. Mr. Howey<-who has been engaged for the ministry here' will proach in his new. appointment the following Monday. The Presbyterian garden party will be held in the. Orange Hall grounds here on Thursday, June 18th. A good program is being .orepared. The Women's Guild of St. Mary's. St. Paul's and St. James and Trinity will meet at .St. Mary's church. Max- well, on Thursday June 18th. Rev. Mr. Richardson, rural dean of Mark- dale will be present to assist Rev. Mr. Pogson with the service in con- nection with the Union meeting. There will also be a Lady Missionary from Owen Sound to speak on missionary work. The members of the Methodist ap- pointment ^et at the parsonage on Thurs. eve. June lltb, and presented to Rev. Mr. Duffield a pair of mason- ic emblem cuff links, and to Mrs. Duffield a pair of woollen blankets, and satin finished china buffet set. Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon of Tor- onto are visiting the latter's brothers Mr. Frank and Will Seeley. Mr. «and Mrs. Robert Priestly of Collingwood, Tjisited over the week end at Mr. Harry Guy's, and Mrs. J. L. Morrison's. Mrs. Morriton returned with them for a few day's visit. Mi. and Mrs. John Parson and son V Renald, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Moi-gan and little son Dougrlas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Seeley. Mrs. Kernahan of Feversham and Mrs. Robinson of Regina were visit- ors with Mrs. C. Fiel(i and daughter Mrs. H. Coulthard. The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. will hold a meeting at the home of Mr. H. Coult- hard on Tuesday the 23rd of June. A jjood program will be given. Maple Grove club is coming and will provide part of the program. .\ soft ball game between the two club teams is expected. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburg and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Matthews of Collingwood and bank inspector, R. P. Bellamy of Toronto were the g&ests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. David- son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heitman of Dunedin visited with the former's son, Wm., and family here Sunday. Mr. John Brimsmead of Toronto is is again angling for the wily speckled is aagin angling for the wily speckled troyt. Miss Hilda Wolfe of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. J. A. Kemahan. Our bank manager, Mr. C. H. Smith, has gone to Oshawa for his holidays and Mr. Cavelle of Toronto is relieving here. Mr. Emerson Woods and Lou Lepard are busily engaged making cement blocks for Mr. EH Robinson, who intends to veneer his house and store" with tiiem. Emerson is an e.xpert at the job and has a good block machine. Rev. Mr. Slingerland of Newmark- et preached in the tent on Sunday evening and left for home on Monday. He is an eamesf and pleasing speaker Come again Mr. Slingerland. Rev. Simpson will continue the tent meet- ings for a time. Mr. Fred Hawton of Stayner v;as a caller in our burg on Monday. Mr. Geo. Burk and wife attended the funeral of the former's bi'other- in-law, yU: Wm. Hamlin, in Toronto on Tuesday last. PRICEVILLE ROCK MILLS Mr«. Lynn of Ha.iover and Miss \Ve extend our heartfelt sympathjf Laidlaiy of Toronto are guests this ^^ yi^ g p^^^^. g„j ,^„j,y j^ ^^^ weeks of Mrs. Mather and Miss hour of sorrow by the death of their ^'^^'*- loving wife and mother. Miss Donalda Nichol and friend, jj^g McGuire and other members Miss Bell, of Mono East visited Sun- ^f the family from Thornbury mot- day with the former's parents, Mr. ^^.^ ^p ^^^j visited with her daugh- and Mrs. Thos. Nichol. ^^j, Mrs. Lome Atkinson. Mrs. A«- Mr. Arch. B. McDonald is spending kinson returned home with them for a few days with his sister, Mrs. T. a visit. \ C. Mino, in Owen Sound. xhere will not be any services Jn' Mr. and Mrs. Lucas of Toronto Salem church for two weeks owing spent the week end at Mr. Dougal to the camp meetings which are McDougald's. starting at Proton this week. Miss «8tie McTaggart of Toronto The Young People's Class, whicb visited her home here one day last was organized in the Ba.otist churcS ^ee\s^ here last week, will hold their firai Mr. J. M. McGillivray is in To- meeting in the chi^h Monday even* ronto on business this week. ing. ; Mis Violet Watson is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and fam* fiJor.cs i.r Toront5 and Port Perry ily and Mrs. Jas. Park visited one this week. Mrs. F. McKinnon visited with her daughters. Nurses Sadie and Mary, CEYLON <' ^ # Mrs. Bryant and little son .Allan of Toronto are holidaying at Mr. N. .Archibald's. -Mr. .Austin McMullen and bride of Toronto spent a few days, the past week with the former's father .Mr. J. L. McMullen in Toronto on Friday. Mr. Findby UcPhail from the city on Friday returned on Saturday, accompanied by his daugh- ti-i. Miss Deliah, who has been visit- ing friends here for the past month. Mrs. W. W. .A!c!corn and Mrs. Don- ald ?iIcLauch!an vis! ted friends in Durham on Sundoy. day last week with relatives in Walfe.. erton. ^ Quite a number from around here attended the races in Walkerton on motored up Thursday last. CARD C. THANKS We desire to e:;^ress thanks to the their efforts in r rtempting to save Hydro employees and neighbors for our residence frc .i destruction on Friday morning oi last jfeek. â€" A. KysIoD aAd family. • VICTORIA CORNERS "BunnnoMi) Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw had ah operation on her eyes in the general hospital at Toronto on Tuesday of last week. She will have to remain for a couple, of weeks, but is doing as nicely as could be expected. .Mi. and Mrs. Carl .Atkinson motor- ed to Toronto U«St we^ and were present at the big Union meetiap in the .Arena on Wednesday. Mr. Lockhart and Miss Edith Stinson companied them to Brampton. They returned by way of Guelph, where they were met by Mr. Jas. Lockhart and Ottillie, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson and Wm. Nixon. Work on the provincial highway is commencing again. Mrs. A. McRae and family are vis- iting' at Mr. J, Stewart's. Mrs. M. Phillips of Flesherton, viajted her di-.ughter, Mrs Gibsfn, last week. Mr. Rutledge and Mrs. McKen.'.ie of Xew Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son of Toronto, visited the past we^k with Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper visited the 1st of the week with the latttr'o mother near Markdale. Mrs. Wilson McMullen. who for several weeks has been visiting her daughter in Toror.co, returned home Saturday night_ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair, Miss Margaret and Jin:niie, motored to Harriston for the weekend. Mr. Will Huston and son of Pine River, near Kincardine, who spent the week end with his son in Flesherton, also called on tho McMullen ar.d Cook families. Mr. Arthur Whictaker of Durhajii snent the week end at his home here. Mr and Mrs. Stewart and babe of Bolton, motored up the 1st of the week, and visited Mrs. Marshall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mathew^son and little daughter of Toronto spent the past week at Jlr. Wm. Mathev.-,?on's Mrs. .A. Sinclair left for Toronto on Monday Mrs.^^Tate and son of Toronto, Mr. J. Sealey and Mrs. A. Sealey of Durham, Lloyd McLean of Swinton Park were vi.sitors at Mr. Charles Chislett's on Sunday. $20,000 is set aside for harbor im- provements at Collingwood by the Donnnion government. • Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Modem Funerial , Piu-Iors 22-124 Avenue â„¢-,„^.Tr„.«- Road • TORONTO •Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Formeriv of Fleslierton. HOUSE or GLUALITY GROCERIES W'e carry a gocfd stock of fresh groceries, and our prices are right. Nu Jell Jelly Powders that make all other Jellies jealous. FRUITâ€" Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit CONFECTIONERY Xeilson's chocolate bars, bulk and fancy boxes. Neilson's Ice Cream that can't be beaten. Our ice cream parlour welcomes all callers- W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Se«d«, Crcccries and Confectionery Flesherton 8TH LINE. AKTEMESIA ':: jLightnirg Rods And Buggies I am njpresentir.g the Shin-Flat light- ning rod Company again this year. I am also selling the William Doj buggies and fence Wire, plows and harrows. .Any person wantiliK any- thing in that Une. give me a call and I will oae them right. E. Rutherford (Intemlcd for Last Week) Mr. and Mra. Mcintosh and daugh- ter. Marguerite, spent the week end with Mr. ami Mrs. T. Fanwick. Mn. Hialop is visiting her da^i- ter. Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Miss CUribel Fenwick of MarlMlal« •pant th« week end at b«r iiiWfiiLi] bene ha|e. Mr. GMIon Wilson and lady friend •|wnt Smmimf «Mi the fannar's siatm- Mn. M ItaitMon. Mi*. W Iter ti Om Watt is visit- k^ tar l i iuti w , llr. Ala«. Caaanm. GOOD VALUES IN Baby Carriages, Strollers and Sulkeys Maxwell SarieR Party The annual Garden Party of Max wall 'Presbyterian Church, will be held 1 at Maxwell Orangtf Hall, on Thursday ; JaiM 19th. A good program, con- | sisting of Drills, solos, duets, read- ings mat instruaMMtal music. Foot- ballâ€" ^venhaM MMl MaxwelU al«o Softball. Tea served from < to 8. Admisaieo 40 and M cents. â-  Stmnc* iant H that tke biggaat of , liars ia generally a little man. In fact evenrthing from a DoU's Carnage to a Baby Crib. Call in and tee. We wil' be glad to show you also Wicker Chairs to make your Terandah comfortable in warm weatber. ^ ^'X ^r. Those We Findlay PVBmrVBB DEALER FUNERAL DiKECTtA Flethmrton «•

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