Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1925, p. 4

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-'- - *'«! i i i i i i >j« ' » ' iiii II im i-Mi^oâ€" LH ii â€"n ii* â- wiiiwiMtiw u iiiiiii . w 1 1 iWednesday, June 17th, 1925 V ♦ * ^- Till- FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collifigwood Str«et, Flesberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada |1.50 per year; in U.S. A. 12.00 per year; |2.00 p«r year when not paid in advance. W- H. THURSTON, - Editor BOTH CHI RCHES CONTINl'ING Church Uniou canit- into effect on Wednesday of last w^i-li, Junv lOlh, but 80 far there has not bt-en any change in church services in F"lesh- «rton, both Presbyterian and Meth- odist churches continuing as before. The committee from the both church- es, '.vhich was workini; on the problef of union had the the church and prea cher selected, but that seems to be as far as negotiations have gone. The outlying appojntnients,two of the Presbyterian and one Methodist can- not be allowed to drift off and the two ministers are needed to adminis- ter to the field and the Meriiodist conference has appointment a new minister to come to the Methodist church until details are worked out. Thi.>* will allow the churches to combine services and cut down over- lapping, which is expected will be accomplished within a few months. THB CHRYSILIS OPENS Last week the Christian Guard- ian ceased to exist as such after 95 ^ears of continuous publication. It first appeared in November 1825. At the same time the new butterfly .un- der the nanie of The ' New Outlook, broke from its chrysalis, a Nspnder- ful number, giving a synopsis of the activities of the three churches, which have entered the Union. The Guard- ian in its farewell article says: "Had the end come in any other way it surely would have brought great sadness of heart to many people; coming as it does, and as ''a result of the consummation of the great en- terprise of union, all sorrow that there might have been is swallowed up in a sense of gratitude and re- joicing." No. 1 of The New Outlook is a paper worthy of preservation as a record of the consummation of the greatest church forward movement ever known in Canada. Date Of Big Day At Flesherton Changed To Thurs.y July 9 Owing to other attractions the big day in Flesherton advertised last week for .Tune 25th, has been changed to Thursday, .July 'Jth. Special events will be horse races, baseball games and other sports. Fuller announcements will be made at a later date. The Late Mrs. S. Pedlar Bufieiii Here Wednesday Garden Party A Succsss Success, "was the result of the gar- den party, held at the home of W. There imssed away at her home on J. McFadiien, Orange Valley on Fri- the 4*h line Arteniesia. Martha Mc-'day evening last. The beautiful home .N'^lly the belov* wife of Mr. Sam- and grounds were thrown open to uol Podiar. Mrs. Pedhtr had been the public in aid of the Markdale a long sufferer. Recently her ill- Ladies' Aid of the old Methodist ness became more acute, necess- church, which we must nov/ call the itating treatment In the Collingwood United Church. Hospital. Everything was done that Flesherton and Markdale High loving hands could do, but to no school girls played soft ball, which avail and she fell asleep in Jesus oi^' resulted in a win for the Flesherton June 8th. She leaves to mourn her damsels, the* score being 14 â€" 8. An loss, beside her husband, three daugh- excellent supper was served and mus- ters; Mrs. \V. .1. Chard and Mrt. E. ic throughout the evening was sup- Seeley of Artenicsia and Miss Delia plied by the Markdale band. at home, also four sons, Fred of Creu- more, Clinton of Detroit, Roy and L;iurie of Artemesia. Three broth- er.-i and two sisters survive; .Samuel George, .Mary and Bella of Toronto, The program was good and vai^ ied from."! love them all a little bit." by a .soloist frcjm Durham, to "Womcn'.s Influence,'' commented on by Agnes C. A^^Phail, M.P., ' and ^y li'*),'" "/. •'^.'Y"'^**'"' "l*^. Kt'l^Pkah "^iiuieh Union," by Hon. Dr. Jam- ieson, .M.P.P. The Durharn" quartette interspersed the program with some of B.C. All, with the exceiition of the last named attended »he* funenil ser- vices. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, among Iheni being a basket from the brothers aAl sis-j ter.*, Broken Circle, the family; wrca-' tb. Iva, Wilfred and Violet McNally; wreath. Fred and wife of Crec!-n>re;| wreath from the grandchildren, Jacob, Bernald Pedlar; spray, Mr. and Mrs.; A. Blackburn and family; spray, the! Meldrum family, and a spray from' .Mount Zion church. The pallbearers were; Messrs. C.l Meldrum, A. Blackburn, H. Fisher, i R. Fisher, F. Plantt and W. Plantt. I W. Plantt. I A very large gathering was pres-l ent at the home to pay their last re-! spects to the departed. Amonsf these' were WiHiam and Joseph Fenwick.l cousins of the deceased. The ser-' well rendered selections. The proceeds amounted to over §160. Grey County Beekeepers' Association Meets Grey County B«ie Keepers Assoc- iation held their spring meeting in the Department of Agriculture office in Markdale on Friday, June 12th, which was attended by about fifty bee keepers from all parts of the County. President Showell of Owen Sound opened the meeting in his usual cap- able manner and called on Professor F. Eric Millen of the O.A.C., Guelph, who addressed the members on Reg- istration, Apiary Inspectfon, special vices at the home and the cemetery! restrictions on beekeepers, selling and were conducted by the Rev. Alfred J. Preston. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'ershaded. Sweetly my soul shall rest. FINAL DRAFT OF METHODIST PREACHERS The final draft for preachers In the Owen Sound District were given out last week, and are as follows :- Owen Sound District. Owen Sound â€" First, C. E. Kenny; West Side, Thos Laidlaw; Fourth Avenue, co-operative charge supplied by Presbyterian Church; Markdale Frank N. Bowes; Flesherton, Wm. R. Clements; Dundalk, Robt. A. Spen- cer; Holland Centre, A. E. Bushell; Kimberley, Harold V. Ellison; Wal- ter's Falls, Geo. Gainsborough; Trice- ville, John F. G. Morrison. Collingwood District. buying bees and supplies in which he explained that anyone is liable to prosecution, if Jie sells bees without first having them inspected by an authorized inspector, after which he must receive a permit from fhe de- partment of Agriculture. The inspector for this district is Otto G. A. Knowck, R. R. 4 Elmwood Ont., and application blanks may be secured from T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale Ont. These special restrictions are being placed in an effort to clean up bee diseases and thus eliminate to a great extent the losses of tremendous sums of money each year throughout the province. Professor Millen described the three diseases, namely, American j Foul Brood, European Foul Brood and i sac brood, giving symptoms, causes, i results and treatment, which may i be studied by obtaining a bulletin ,froni the department of .Agriculture jon Bee diseases. Prof. Millen point- bum the bees and contents of the ] Kive. 'i'his leaves no chancy for further infection. | Inspect ^r Knoerck gave a clever \ and witty talk on co-operation and ' described the need of funds, to be ' should be used to pay the expenses | of prdfeiisional inspectors, and that a lery of nine cents per colony tax, , would enable the government to spend I tljousffhd.; of dollars for the benefit - of the beekeppers. . | Mr. K '.crock spoke of the Ontario j explained how much easier it is to , sell all your honey in one day than | it used t ) be to sell three pounds to ' one cust imcr and one to the ne.\t. ] With the present system of grading j and marketing, the consumer gets] a guaranteed product, an."t>lhe produc- ! er j-ets an horest price for his pro- duction. Ice Cream Social and Bazaar ,|- '.he Ladies Aid of Rock Mills, will hold mn Ice Cream Social 'and Baz- 1 !,:.v at Mr. Ed. Crofts' at the mill j CM the 17th of Jiiti". Everybody! < ome and enjoy a few hours of fun ;ind a good prograol which is being i)repared. - , The People's Grocery KENNEDY'S FOR GROCERIES A full line of Fresh Groceries always on hand. ' Headquarters for ^Willard's bars, boxes and Bulk Chocolates. Everybody jilces a Sweet Marie choco- late bar. Try one. Ask for City Dairy ice cream. W. G; KENNEDY Phone 37 f^ The "Bramptonion," commenced publication at Brampton ij|pently and makes the third newspaper in that town. The field looks limited for another paper. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY. "HOLDFAST" I'.F.W.O. CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.W.O. "Holdfast" club was held at the home of Mrs. F. Cairns Jr. with a large attendance of mem- bers and visitor."!. After the usual opening exercises the meeting was called to order by the president, tjre roll call was answered by their fav- orite recipe. A paper was given by Mrs. Ben McKenzic on "Co-operative Marketing in Other Lands," v.hich was instructive, also a reading by Mrs. J. Stewart "Rural Women Take the Lead" and were enjoyed by all. Mrs D. Campbell was chosen delegate to the annual meeting of the U.P\W. O. at Priceville. A resolution was sent in re(|uesting the Co-operative Company to commence a poultry pool. The Club was favored by an unex- pected vi.iit from Miss Agnes Mac- phial, M.P. A social time was spent when refreshments were served, bringing the meeting to a close. led out that anyone who was not or ColWigwood (First), W. B. Smith; apparently could not make a success Collingwood (Second), Arthur Har- of beekeeping was very foolish to den; Thornbury, R. E. Morton; Mea- pursue the vocation but to sell them ford, Edward Baker; St. Vincent, to yomeonc who could handle them Charles H. Forth; Woodford, R. K. with pleasure and profit. He gave Hoathcote, Wilfrid L. Cull- illustrations of diseased combs being Harold H. Kippon; Max- infectious after being out of the hive Singhamnton for twenty years, showing that all D. Roy diseased comb should be burned or Lambert is; Ravenna well, Harvey J. Howey Fred T. Grafton; Stayner, Gray. melted down into wax. The safest LADY BANK Spring is Here And the season for Good Work Boots is at hand. We have them that will give good wear and at reasonable prices. Also some good nifty lines in Men's Black and Tan Oxfords. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1925, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon at the Mun- shaw-Welton House, Flesherton. By virtue of the power of a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property :- " Lots Twelve and Thirteen in the Tlnth Concession of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing two hundred acres more or less:- Th0 following improvements are said to be on the property: Abiut 100 acres under cultivation, about 25 acres pasture land, about 50 acres timbered, balance swamp; well fenced and well watered, small or- chard. ' The buildings are: a frame dwelling, frame woodshed, bam and stable. TERMS â€" Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, for balance terms will |, be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to ! â€"JONES & LEONARD, ] 18 Toronto St., Solicitors. Toronto. Tricolette Blouses Just six of these blouses left, made with the new cascade on Jront, in sand and brown, tanguine and white, rose and grey, salmon and white and black and white. One of the newest Blouses made for S.1.50. Ladies' Chambray Dresses in grey and mauve' suitable for after- noons, made both in large and extra large sizes. Good quality $2-23. Ladies' Gingham Dresses in all colors of checks, in all sizes $125. Ladies' White Dimity Night Gowns, short sleeve, trimmed with blue and pink $1.25. 32 inch Duck Gingham The good guaranteed fast color Ginghams in plain and check colors. These are the wide 32 inch width and good weight 38c. Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Milady will require several of these good silk hose in all the best shades, namely. Topaz, Nude, Airdale, Light Tan, Black, Light and Dark Grey. Black and White, to wear with the new enscmbW suit or coat. "These hose range in price from $1.00 to $1.95. SPECIAL in Ladies' Colored Cotton Hose in Sunburn. Blatk^imt Stove shades. Special price 35c. per pair. - *ii'-v Special in Ladies' Hair Nets We have just received a quantity of Ladies' Hair Nets. Real value for the special price of 4 for 15c. We still have a large assortment of Summer Materials such as Vmles. Ratines and Crepes of every color, ranging in prices from 58c. to S2-00 per yard. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON • â-  * P^ Take a Kodak With You Little Miss Dorothy Patlon of j Flesherton visited the pa.it week with <§J Mrs. .Jos. Sowell. j ® Mr. Mort Sayers cut a quantity of i €^ tvY)od for Mr. Dave Roberts last Fri- ^ day and a social evening ended the i €'• Mrs. .Tos, Sewell is at Flesherton this week at the bedside of her grand- V^ father, Mr. Reid. who is ill. The Ladies' Aid held their fSonthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Dan Cameron with a large attendance and new members were received. The 1 ©fflceni elected for another year are as follows: Pre?., Mrs. Wm. Semple; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. Dan. Cannyon; Rec. Sec, Mm. Frank Short; Cor. .Sec, Mrs. Wm. Kaitting; Trens., Mrs. Jos. Sewell. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. .las. Thom- son on Wednesday, .luly 8th. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO '^©•3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i 9 S 9. 9 9 The recent electric stormr. in Ont- •tlo have ''one considerable damage. The In-, -rial OH station at Wi.-i?- ton was broken into, and between .'iO •nd 100 gallons of pasolinr- wrre Stolen. Sherwin-Williams Paints & Varnishes WIT" APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JUST NATURALLY THINK OF PAIfrt-ING Ptrh.ip.5 it furniture, a floor cry your automobile, Imt whatever it i.s vou insure vourself against mistakes by referring to the HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. If you haven't one auk us or write for one. We have a ])aint of varnish tV«- every surface. Boilers, Pails, Washing Machines, Brushes, zenoleu^, etc., etc., for Spring Housecleani"g. FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE And take an extra roll of ^The Dependable Film that Comes in the Yellow Box"-- . KODAK FILM. LET OUR PHOTO FINISHING EX- PERTS MAKE YOUR PRINTS. QUALITY WORK EVERY TIME. 9 t 9 t 9 9 t ( W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton I 999999999999999999999999999990^«}^99©9999999^9999

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