Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1925, p. 1

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Vol. 46 No. 4 Flesherton, Ontario, June 24th 1925 W.H.Thurston & Son, Proprietors «â- *»• KiiiCKusnaBaiaaansvs»a;iiiiaisnaaesBa»na(«aa«KBBnninaBa«livu£iHiaiaEai S Eugenia Correspondence â-  H â-  â- â- BKaeBiittnsxsaEasiie£aEiEaBai£iiSffi<isnwvsaBaiaBB(iffiaBnaas8!B9aeae9iiBasui£v2 GoftMiA lli#lAn DiAfl In *''^' ^y'^ Johnston, Whitby; circle aCUiyC niSlOp IHCU hi <^rcm L.0.L. ms-, piUow from boy Uamilfnil HnCnital <^^^"^ °f the Bell Telephone Co.; a namillOn nOSpiiai ^^^^^ from the office staff. Division Construction Dept., Toronto; spray ROCK MILLS CEYLON Had Leg Amputated Above { from Mrs. Jos. Williams and Mrs Jake Williams. The flower bearers were his six chums of the Bell Tele- Knee When Gangerine ' Set In We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Hyslop and family in their sore bereavement by the sudden death of their dear son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Deitz of Cleveland, are lie of Wes ys *ith 'til FEVERSHAM wish lo hove ihe other arm around the visited a few days with her mother, Mrs. . McMuUen the pa.st week. Miss Marion Muir, who has been attending Toronto Normal is holi- visiting with the latter's parents here, ' daying at her home, phone Co. The pallbearers were: i Messrs. Stanley Campbell, Henry Another fine example of young j^j^^, Duncan Williams, Will Gord- manhood, in the person of Mr. George ! ^^ Cardwell Graham and Albert Martin Hislop, answered the last roll ] wiUiams, all members of the L.O.L. call on Thursday, June 18th, 1925, a friends from a distance were: Mr. young man of 31 years and 4 months, ^nd Mrs. Adam Genoe and Mrs. J. He had been employed with the BeU , Baird, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Telephone Company for some time t Campbell and Miss Millie Campbell, and on Thursday morning, June 11th, ^j.^ jgi^g Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hargrave of Ware- ham, visited over Sunday with his uncle Mr John Hargrave, wife and son here. Kenneth Betts, happened with a The pupils and parents of the Dur- ham Road school, met at the school on Tuesday, June 23rd, and presented teacher, Miss May Muir, bride to be with a Beautiful cut glass water set and address, as an expression of their nasty accident on Saturday, while ' eoo«l '*ill "nd wishes for the years to the line men were working on a line about five miles from Milton. George ascended a thirty-foot pole, which broke off at the bottom, and allowed him to fall about twenty feet resulting in a compound fracture of the bone between the knee and ankle. His fellow workmen at once rushed him to Hamilton hospital, 25 miles distant, where al medical -aid could be given him. It was then found necessary to amputate the leg about Jos. Williams and son, Jos., all of Toronto, and a number of telephone boys. We extend our profound sympathy to the family in their sad bereavement. Besides his mother, Mrs. Wm. Hislop, he leaves to moui'n his loss two sisters, Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Wilfred Magee of Eugenia, and one brother, Stewart, in the West. He has mounted the golden stair .\nd reached the Heavenly shore; sir inches above the knee. Gas gangerine set in and another ampu- fHe needs no earthy care tation was made a few inches above ( His pain and suffering are o'er the first. Again the doctors split/ â-  the leg up in several places to get ahead of the gangerine, but the dreaded disease attacked the other' leg which in the end proved fatal. He suffered much, but remained r ; ^â- 7 Mr| Thos. Fenwick has gone to Brantford to visit her father, Mr. Dave Parliament. Mr. Robert Haney has had the Bell telephone installed in his home, conscious until the very last. His ] Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett of Max- mother \Yas with him through the few | well visited friends here recently.Levi llist days and his sister visited him ' is recovering from an operation on orv 'Wednesday, and was on her way his eyelid, having had a small growth iOr'-^iiie him again on Thursday, but I removed. We wish for his speedy re- aimved too late to hear his parting ; covery. words. "Mother," he said, "Will it | Messrs. Wesley Cooey, Ray Genoe be hard to die?" "Not if you love! and Chas Parks of Toronto visited Jesus," she repUed. He said "I love; over the week end with friends here. Jesus." He asked how he'd place; %t rn. t ^ j j ui. »x- ... , ,. , , ,,,,,.' Mr. Thos. Lever and daughter Miss- his hands to die and as he folded his.^^^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^,^^^ j,^^_ arms he fell asleep in Jesus. George j^j^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ was of a quiet yet cheerful disposi-l lion and had many friends. The re-| ^^'â- - ^has. Hanley, 8th line, has mains were brought home on Friday | P"^'^''^^^'* * <=" ^^^ «. Down&Sons -.__and/rnterment took place to the fam- ' ^'®^•^^'^'"'• iiy' plot in Salem cemetery, 8th line. ! Mr. Walter Sloan is in Toronto this Rev. Jos. narrower of the church week. here preached a very consoling ser-| Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan have mon in the church, where the remaiAs mo^^l ^^om Melancthon to our village^ were taken at two o'clock. He took They are occupying Mr. Jacob Will- his text from the book of Job. 'anis house across the river. Mr. Bull- George's favorite hymn, "Yield Not ' i^an is Suffering from foot trouble, to Temptation," was one of the Mrs. Francis Genoe is at present hymns which were sung. He was a nursing a sore foot from stepping on member of L.O.L. 1118, the members a nail. We hope the foot will soon of which surrounded the grave and he well again. paid their last respects to a departed Mr Will Gordon had the misfortune brother. The floral tributes were to have one of his horses badly lacer- beautiful, there being a pillow from ated on the hip on Sunday evening, se- the family; circle from Eugenia veral stitches being necessary to close friends and neighbors; a sheaf from the wound: running on his bare feet he stepped on a sharp stone which lodged deep- ly in his foot. Dr. Bibby of Flesherton, and Dr. Brown of Mtrkdale, were called and it was necessary to ad- minister chloroform before the stone could be recovered, but we ai* glad to know that Kenneth is getting along nicely. Mrs. Roy Woods and babe, of Owen Sound, visited with her parents and other relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and fam- ily of London, are holidaying with the former's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith. Mrs Chas. Howard, and babe, Tor- onto, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Partridge. Goodly numbers from • here have been attending the camp meetings at Proton. Ml. and Mrs. J Burges^ and Mr. and Mrs. McCoskey, of Durham, were Nj, callers at Chas. Newell's Sunday. Mrs. L. Atkinson, returned home Sunday, after a visit with her parents at Thornbury. EAST MOUNTAIN \ Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Tweed, of Egypt, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson visited with friends in Flesherton, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle, and children of Union, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Harbottle. A number of the young people took in the dance at the Orange Hall, Dun- can, on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. A. E. Bellamy of Flesherton, Life Insurance Agent, was a caller in this vicinity last week. Rev. W. Cullis, pastor of the Heath- cote circuit was a caller on this line Wednesday. Miss A. Julian, teacher at Duncan, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall on Tuesday evening. The junior indoor ball team is practising to play with Duncan on the 30th. We expect to have the cham- pionship of the surrounding country before long. Miss Eva .\llen and gentleman friend of Duncan, took in the garden party and concert at Duncan on Tues- day evening. \ Intended for last week Miss Mabel Thompson visited last week with her Rae. friend Miss Monica come. Messrs. R. Cook and George Ar- rowsmith attended the constable meet- ing in Owen Sound last week. Master W. Buckley of Toronto holidayed a few days with Mrs. Jas. Hales last week. • Mr. and Mrs. George Banks atten- ded the funeral of Mr. Banks at Dur- ham Thursday. ^ Mr. M. Ferguson visited a few days in Shelburne last week and was ac- companied by Mr. Harrison Sr. and Mrs. Harrison Jr. and family. Mr. J. L. MoMullen visited in O.wen Sound Friday. The many friends of Mrs. Leroyd Bean (nee Edna McLeod) at Red Creek N.Y., will be sorry to lean) she was taken to Rochester Hospital and underwent an operatic for ap- pendicitis. Word was received that she is doing as well as can be expec- ted. Mr. and Mrs. E. Embury of Port Perrj- A-isited at R. Cook's last week. Mr. Allie Muir and little son Grant, took a trip to Toronto and Guelph this week. ~ Ivlr. and Mrs. S. Hill of Markdale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper, the first of the week. Mr. Stanley McMullen, Toronto is holidayig at his home here. Mr. .A. Grant and Mr. George Arrow- smith motored to Shelburne Sunday and attended the district parade and service of the Masonic order. Mr. .Tack White who has been atten- ding Toronto Normal is home for summer vacat'on. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.Goder- ich. Miss Delia White. Miss Helen Gibson and tw,o friends were at Was- aga Beach Sunday. Misses Georgina and Mary Mc- Lauchlan and friends motored eo Wasaga beach on Sunday. Miss Kathleen McDonald of Toron- to, accompanied by Mr. .Anderson, Mrs, C. Sandford and son Leslie, Mrs. San- ford and Mr. Peasio. visited at Mr. J. McDonald's over the week end. Mr. Jas. McWhinney visited a cou- ple of days at Hanover last week. Mr. Wm. White and son Earl, motored to Owen Sound the Is of the week. PROTON STATION (Intended for Last ""Week) Tlie staff and students of the Bible School here, are making extensive Road work is the order of the day. 1 Preparation for Ihc camp; meeting '^ 'HE Bank of Toronto esteems the spirit of kindly cordiality and good fello^vship above ail other elements that make for success in business. That is why every^customer who comes into the Bank is im- pressed with the warmth of his reception and the friendliness, consideration and attention of every official. The third line is being improved. The willows are pulled off the, swamps, which gives the road a better appear- ance. The east mountain is also being repaired. Mr. Carl Humberstone motored to Orapgeville, and visited friends there last Thursday. Mr. Hugh Smart motored to Mea- ford one day last week. McLeod â€" Berney "BANK-IDSOHIO BRANCHES: FEVERSHA.Mâ€" C. H. Smith. Manager M.\RKDALEâ€" W. L. Young. Manager \ quiet -wedding was solemnized on Jun^ 20th. by Rev. Dr. R. S. Laidlaw. of High Park Presbyterian church, when Miss Shirley Bemey, daugh- ter oi Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Berney of Caledon East, became the bride of Mr. Snowden McLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod of Ceylon Ont. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore a smart tailored suit of wh'te flannel with chic felt hat to match. Miss Hazel McLeod acted as bridesmaid, and wore a French frock of charmouse Satin and lace with picture hat. The groom was attended by Mr. Wm. Bemey. Immediately after the ceremony, the bride and groom left for a short honey moon to Niagara Fall» and Buffalo. On their return they will reside in Toronto. 238 It was just 31 years ago that the street car lines in Toronto w.>rc com- pletely electrified. which is to open c;i June I'Jth A Softball team from Proton played a friendly game \.i',.h a team in con- nection with St. Paul's church Mel- ancthon, which resulted in a ^'ictory for Proton. .-V return game is ex- pected to be pL.yed at Proton next Friday evening. Ml. and Mrs. Iseil McKechnie atul Colin of Fle«bcrton were visitors at 5rr. Sam Bachelor's. Mi-s. D. Nicol iind little daughter of Toronto are holidaying at the home t>f the former's p.irents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons. Lome Hodgin;: and Clarke Wy- vill have gone to Toronto to take sit- uations. We wi.-'h the boys all kinds of success. Mr. and Mrs. Vacre. and Mr. and Mrs. Hergott were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J-.-hn Bro\vn. Arte- Ml. and Mrs. Still and family, ac- comp;:nied by Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jos. Park motored to Mt. Forest to see Mrs. StiP's parents, Mr. and 3i."5. Browgi. ] Lightning Rods j And Buggies! lam p»prescnting the Shin-Flat light- j ninp rod Company agai.i this year. | I am al«io selling the William D03 i buggies and fence wire, ^ p!ows ar.d 1 hafrowB. -Any person wanting any- thing in that line, give Jio .1 call ai?H I will -.IS"? them right. E. K.jth«rford Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Geo. Julian, in Collingwoiid for a couple of weeks has returned home • to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hornby, (nee I Sadie Julian) and is renewing old acquaintances here for a time. I .Miss Marjorie .Armstrong of .Sault , Ste Marie is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. ! Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Brackenbury, I -Ml. and Mrs. Geo Best of Flesherton and Jack Brackenbury and lady friend spend Sunday with friends here, "^i Mrs. Frank Curran and Baby \-Std is visiting with Mrs. Henderson at present. Miss Lily Ottewell has returned home after a two weeks visit with her uncle and aunt at Flesherton. Mr. Thos. Stephens of Singhamp- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Mr. CM. Morris, our Con. school teacher is to be congratulated as all his pupils in the 1st and 2nd forms have passed their exams. Sorry to hear that .Mr. Morris has taken an- other school at Southampton and will ije leaving our \'illage. -A. number of our young men atten- ded the army meeting here on Sunday t ening and appeared somewhat bash- ful it being their ffrst time out with their young lady friends. Never mind boys, yoh will feel n o?e at home later on. Mrs. Edward Linley of Corbetton visited with her r.ece Mrs. Sherman Ottewell over Suni!;»y. Mrs. J. J. Kaitting is visiting her daughter Qucenie and other friends in the city. Keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the mad. for you know one of our fellows came to grief and found hiuself in the ditch by not doing so. Boys, driving with one hand is dangerous, no matter how much you I lady. Cool nights and freiiuent showers ' with warm days, are making the crops or hay and grain grow very ' rapidly. We never saw better pros- j Dects for a good crop in this district. } Mrr,. Andrew McGirr of Rob Roy ; is visiting with her sister, Mrti. Wm, i Davidson Sr.. .Sorry to report that Mr. Wm. Conn I ia under the doctor's care. , I Rev. A. E. Duffield preached his I farewell sermon here last Sunday. Mr. i and Mrs. Duffield will go to Tribune, I .Sask. We wish them success in the new field of labor. ! Staff Capt. Ritchie of Hamilton, Capt. Knapp of Collingwood, and Bandsman Bateman of Toronto, con- I ducted a service in the S. A. hall here on Sunday evening last. The hall was packed and the ser^nce was en- ; joyed by all who heardit. A freight on the C. P. R., left the track at Xeustadt las't week and the traffic was held up for some time. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Modem Funerial Parlors 22-124 Avenue -rrkDrkMTrX Road TORONTO 'Phone Hillerest 0268 J.W.Bates R. Maddodcs Formerlv of Flesherton. 1 HOUSE OF Q.UALITV GROCERIES We carry a good stock of fresh groceries, and our prices are right. Nu Jell Jfelly Powders that make all other Jellies jealous. FRUITâ€" Biinanas. Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit CONFECTIONERY Neilson's chocolate bars, bulk and fancy boxes. Xeilson's Ice Cream that can't be beaten. Our ice cream parlour welcomes all callers- W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton - GOOD VALUES IN Baby Carriages, Strollers and Sulkeys In fact everything from a Doll's Carriage to a Baby Crib. ^all in and see. We wil< be glad to show you also Wicker Chairs to make your verandah comfortable in warm weather. 1 J i Thos. W. Findlay Fl'RMTl'RE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Flesherton L

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