•HMHW*"***" B\^edncstlay. July 15th. 1925 :r^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FUSHEftTON kmmi I Published on CsUingwood Street, j Flesherton, Wednesday of each *t week. Circulation 1100. Price )in Canada |1.50 per year; in U.S. A. $2.00 per year; f2.00 per year wh«a not paid in advance. W' H. THUKSTON, - Editor OUft MKMORIAL PARK I Flesherton is the proud posseas- 4>r of>a 94«murial nark, which, for 'the size of the town is second tg none in the province. The Women's Institute installed li«rhts ftirough- out the park, crpcted^tubles and a kitchen, and teas were held for some time to raise money. Later a fine krge pavillion was erected at an ad- vantageous point. So far the park Ims been u.sed very little by the peo- ,^le of the village until recently when 'dhe large grounds in the park fac- ing oa Sydenham street were utilized for Softball Ksni^s, u diamond having; been made for that purpose by the yousK peoolo, and several games have already been held. Good crowds have gathered each time ^nd the pleas- Jant surroundings in the park allows one to enjoy the outing and forget tfie cares of the worl(i. The young people should he encouraged in their under"! iking *') (T-ve other-i pleas- ure, beside.^ receiving benefit them- selves from the oxercise affordbd. We would like to see a couple of teams formed,hoth young and old, men and > women, and have games three* evenings a week throughout the re- mainder of the summer. Softball is coming to the front rapidly and in many places where the confines ot the field would not allow the playing of baseball, softball diamonds arc spring- ing up and the followers of the game ire growing. The Women's Institute llso intends building a couple of ten- nis courts on the same grounds Ui the course of time.* Memorial Park is coming into its own and will soon realize the purpose for iwhich it was secured â€" a place for H:rea<l't)n and enjrf/rnent for "the j^ople of this district and village. 1 halt. They were doing this in other counties .and Grey county County Council Again Refuses Soecial Grant "***'"''* ""' "»'"' "^"^ """i^f "'*'"• nbiH«»a wpuwiHi ui«H» ^^ understood that some of the mun- i icipalities were prepared to forego Putile were the efforts of the ur- 1 ^^^^ exHtid»»ure on their r^^ads i. I, representatives ^>f the Grey , jj,jg y^,„,. g„j ^^^gn g„ on with con- County Council to change thi opinion • j,,.^,^^ „ext ygar.He hoped the matter of theli rural confrere*, in expressed] ^^,^^1^ receive favorable considera- U ' ho June sussion. with respect â- jj^^ f^^^, j^e county council. to the. giving of their consent to pro- â- ceed with the construction of pave- 1 ments in the towns of Durham, Han- Reeve W. L. Taylor thought the council â- would be establishing a bad ovei-, N'eustadt,. Thornbury, Mark- } I precedent by passing the resolution. There was nothing compulsory about daK- and other centres in the county aa connecting links in the provincial, ' • i... i -^ ^. . * iir ^ 1 1 # ' the government might make it so, }?i";hways. Reeve Wm. Calder, of , ^ 7, ^ ,. . u u n , . „ ^i • 'and that would be soon enough. He Diil'ain, who was really the moving, .... . .. . . . ,, ^^ . , . L 1 1 was oppoiied to the scheme on the sp.rit ;n the matter, fought a hard i ^ ' .... -. 1 ... « .1. u . u . .. Kround of expense, and that it was battle for the urban centres, but itl. ^ ' . „ . , - .. .,..,., ., . . .1 . 1 inopportune, especially in view of the was evident right from the start that '.' ,. ' ... . , , , , .1. r n. .cutting ofl of the government of a he iiad no sympathy from the rural , , .. . • . j ' number of the good county roads which meant a great deal. He urged the council to wait another year be- m4;.TiijcT.s, and the final vote bore t\'\^ out, as there were" but nine vr ie<i in favour of the scheme as aga'nst 25 opposed, with two abaen UcA. There- were very little fireworks in the discussion, and Reeve Calder fought the battle almost alone, and he presented many strong arguments, but all to no avail. fore taking action of this kind. He did not want to see any friction be- tween the urban and the rural sec- tions, but could not support the res- olution. There was some further discussion, after which the amendment was put It was very disappointing to the | ^^ ^^^^ ^.^^-^j, ^„,j ^^^ declared car- rvban representatives 'that neitih.* • | ,.:g^^ ^^us confirming the action tak- H.)n. Geo. S. Henry, Minister of High | g„ ^^ ^^e .Tune session. There were ways or S. L. S(iuires, the Deputy- Minister, put in an appearance, as they had intimated they would do, and their absence was keenly felt, in- tact there were a number of unfav- orable comments made, in view of the I'act that it wa.s' on the advice â- of the Minister that the special ses- sion was called. The district engin- eer, Mr. Hawes,, was wired to and came to the meeting, but ^ his pres- ence did not go far toward achiev- ing any result.. ^ In introducing the pavement ques- tion Reeve Calder, of Durham, re feiTed to the adverse vote which this 25 in favor of the- amendment and 9 opposed. Mr. -Calder's motion was defeated on the same vote. Bentinck 17 to 11, while Glenelg put Egremont to sleep 12 to 4. .Owing to insulficttffit time at their dispoftU, the Oaprey and Qlenelg teams did not meet to decide an ab- solute winner. The big crowd was divided up in sections and each section carried on various games and were very amus- int;. l''olbwing supper, the gathering met in the rink at 8 o'clock to listen to the final debate of the South-East Grey series between the Onward U.F Y.I'.O. Club on the Old Durham Road, .Artemesiii, and the Community Club of No. 7, Normanby. Thre matter to be debated was resolved "that Consol- idated .Schools Would Serve Rural Ontario Better Than the Present Sysl.'m," i(rhe debate was {hotly contested but the lattcj- club wasi fortunate to emerge ae winner, asj the Onward team has made a name! for ijjelf this year as expert by winn-| ing some excellent debates. The' tear.i was composed of Messrs. Kayquhar Oliver and Elford Walters ^ .A. big crowd was on hand and; everybody enjoyed the day to the, fullest extent and it is an excelllent, way in which to have the young | people of South-East Grey inter- 1 r.iingle. I The Staff of Life CAN VOU AFFORD NOT TO T.4KE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. . TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE,. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR PINDER'S BREAD AND GET THE BEST. INDER'S r ERFECT * RODU Flesherton Bakery CTs i Big Crowd At The farm Youth Rally At Durham \ The farm youth of South Grey .with fh|''r families and friends to t,he number of possibly 800 gathered on the Agricultural grounds Durham on Wednesdy afternoon and held a most successful series of field day sports, proposition was given at the Jun? The program commenced at 1 o'clock session, and he wanted to give due credit for the action taken by the with a baseball game between the Onward Club from the Old Durham EDITeRIAL NOTES .The editors of the Ontario weekly newspapers went to Winnipeg this Week after a splendid trip. Winnipeg isknown as tlie "Gateway of the West' ai)d ii one of the finest cities that Canada can boast of in every way. Its wide streets, beautiful residences, fine public and office buildings and the large commodious public parks makes the city a place where the working and living conditions are ideal. The editors are all praising the reception which was given them by the C. P. R. and C.N.R. and city officials. Mr. L. J. J. Ball of Vernon, is the new President of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. various Reeves on that ocasion. Since , jtoad Vfcinity in Artemesia and the that time, however, oertain other I Allan Park team. Allan Park proved information had come to him and he too much however for the men from felt justified in bringing this matter ; the East, and they went down to before them again at a special session. ' defeat by a score of 13-2. He .nointed out that a large deputa- tion had waited on the minister of highways and he had been informed then that it was much better to build permanent roads than to waste the money on repairs, as a great deal of it is being wasted. He referred to the construction of the Meaford road a few years ago, which was now in i a poor state of repair. Oil and tar- via had been used, but to little effect. The sports proper were in charge of; Prof. A. McLaren of the Guelph Agricultural College, and while per- haps the most interest centred in the elimination series of softball, the races and group games also caused a lot of amusement to those participating as well as to the spec- tators. I In the first round of the softball Big Celebration The P^ast Grey Auricultunal Society held a very succe.ssful day of sports, races and baseball on Thursday after- noon of la.sl wfck when a fairly large crowd was c>n hand for the cvent.i The day was idcil for the occasion and the sport.s were thoroughly enjoyed. W. W. Trimble was the starter in the horse race, which was won caSily by Claude Akins with his Eva Canuck, Sam Seniplo coming second with .1. Nichol third and .M. Wilson fourth. Kimbcrle.v aiul Flesherton juni )r.( played softball the former winning by a close Kcore. Flesherton and Dundalk Centre CJrey League teams played basebnll, the former winiiinK 14-lH in a cK)<c and exciting game, which was fea!ur- cd by heavy hitting. The visitors U»e<l three pitchers in an effort t<i fitavp off (U'feal, while Mutton was ri'- liev6d in the fith for part of the iniiinK by Buchanan, but again took up the work and rinishi-d the game. Dow scored thii>o runs for Fl««hirt< v.. Sparks, Al'.iiis aiwi Mutton two cm-ii, while Kelly, Vollelt, Buchanan, Mr- Tavish and \Vauch<^>c, each scorcil a run. The gaiiit wa.s renlete with thrillx and was close all I ho way with the locals iiunchini; hits when most needed. The foot race.s were well contestfd Mnd resulted in some close finishps. In the Iwys' race under 12 Bill Patton came flrst with ^toward Ferris sec- ond and Arnold Clements third. Boys over 12 and under ir> â€" R. Acheson f<r»t, M. Ferris second and SrwBt Fenwirk third. Girs under ISâ€" Marie Fenwick first, Elsie Mc- llullen second and Alma Lever third. Girls over 12 and under 15â€" Hazel Stuart flrst, Mildred Ferris second and Florenc*< Welton third. In the Men's 1IN> yards dash F. Thurston won from Rimer Kills by a small margin. The Swintoif Park pipe band rend- ered excellent music at the grounds and on the market square, He believed the time had come, in ^'^'•'«*' No'^^n^y »"'> Osprey were these days of heavy traffic, when con '««t«^»'e<'. while simultaneously games Crete roads were thR only kind worth »'«^-^'"'" ^''*"'''*f """^ Holland, Proton and Artemesia, and Egremont and Bentinck were played. The winners apply to the connecting links in 'the i "^ ^»>'« '•"""'^ ^'"â- ^'' '^"'"â- '^^â- ' ''''1° ,";'? towns. In the municipalities the gov- 'â- ^'•«"' Normanby by a score of 20-1. Glenelg lost to Holland lO-U; Arte- mesia beat Proton 16-14, and Ben- palitics would have to assume the ' '•""•'' "'"'*' ""' "'"' "Sa'^st ^gre- other 4fi feet and he was sure they '"°"'' 12 to 6. were all willing to do this. The '" *ho second round, Bentinck won county pays the other .'50", of the ffoni Artemesia 14-1; Osprey defeat- 20 fool. Ho had tho a.ssurance from ^^ Holland K{ to 6; Egremont won the minister of hiffhway.s thai lhe^'"°'" I'n'lon 8-4, and Glenelg elim- province was ready to go ahead as ; '""'''•I Normanby 111 to 4. soon as the county was ready to pay , The third round saw Osprey trim building. If these things applied to the county ;roads they would also ernment guarantees the payment of i SOC' for a 20 foot road, the munici- After a successful pastorate of four years in CpUier St. Church, Rev. H. K. WoUwood bade farewell to his congregation on Sunday, his last ap- pearance in the pulpit before going to his new charge at Beech Ave. 'Un- ited church Toronto. Large con- gregations were present both morn- ing and evening and at the close of the evening service Mr. Wellwood Was presented with a substantial purse on behalf of the congregation, and the ladies presented Mrs. Wellwood with a sheaf of roses. Mr.Wellwood and family left this week _ for Toronto, and the new j;ninisters. Rev. S. H. Greenslade and Rev. A. D. Cor-| nett will take charge of the services i next Sunday. â€" Barrie Examinee j The People's Grocery Kennedy's for Groceries Always a full line of Fre»h Groceries in stock at the right price. Come and look them over. -- When you buy flour always ask for Sovereig.n and you will have good bread. White Lily Pastry for nice cakes. Don't forget that we always have that good bulk.tei. W. G. KENNEDY Phone Z7 9 til ;8 • • • O « o o « Spring is Here And the season for Good Work Boots is at hand. t « • , • • • « « @ % « €» ® DIAMONDS We carry a very heavy stock of diamoads in the latest 18k. white gold. New York mountings. Before you buy come in and see our line, then compare our stock, styles and prices with ajiy other jeweller}- tirni in the commimity. W'e guarantee every stone to be as re-preseuted. Approval parcels sent on request. W. A. ARMSTI^ONG & SON Jewellers I 9 I I % • • • jg^iS^€»i^4§^@i$i^^^9^€>099 BIG We have them that will give good iq) wear and at reasonable prices. Also © some good nifty* lines in Men's Black ^ and Tan Oxfords. 9 S THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO g Se0ooft»»»i»»i»«»«»0o««««»oooo0O0Oc»«*S -.:.ij..i^-ii..:. i u:.j Br». tiar* wt of Rocklyn and Kko of Markflt'' have formed A partner- ship. Dr. Carefoot has moved to ll»rkdale and will visit Rocklyn three dftjm each week. Haying and Harvesting Supplies Draw Rope Sling Rope Trip Roi)C Forks Plymouth l»in(k-r Twine Scythes .^naths Machine (Ml Motor Oil Cup iirease Masscy-llarris Co. repairs. Parit Green Arsenate of Lead Bug Death Sherwin-Williams TaviUs and X'arnishes White Ia;h1, Turpentine and OW Coal Oil Stoves Screen Doors Screen Windows Car of cement to yrivc this w eek. 1 FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE Celebration Civic Holiday at VHHDELm Baseball Tournament Softb all-2 T eams B\ND IN ATTENDANCE ADMISSIONâ€" Concert in the Evening 35 cents L'MSjy ?5SSBi«*lfe;sm2gf»^2?KiSS^*^ »-**«»•»>««-«•••