g:hje fimi^txim ^hmmt Vol 46 No.8 Flesherton, Ontario, 'July 22ncl 1925 W* H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Unity U.P.W.O. Club held their monthly meeting: at the home of Mra. A. Cameron on Thursday July 19th. After the usual opening exercisee a discussion was held on the coming: conference of the different U. F. W. 0. clubs which is to be held in the Town Hall Flesherton, on Aug. 14. Mrs. John Hargrave thoK gave a splendid •'reading. Refreshments were served at ' the close and an enjoy- able time spent. Fanners in this district are busy at the haying. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar last week were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Valentine, and son, Harold, and Mrs. Hall of Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Copperswaite, and son, Mac, and brother, John, of Brock, and Mrs. H. Docherty of Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean of Pricevjlle, Mr. and Mrs. McDermid, Beeton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, Shel- bume, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mul- lin of Rob Roy, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith and family on Sunday. Mrs. George Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore, and two children of Durham, and Mrs. Chas. Stewart of Buffalo motored over and visited with the former's son, Mr. Chas. Newell, and wife. Mrs. Geo. HargraTe spent a few days with her sister Mrs. John Wick- ens, Kimberley. The Durham Furinture Co. finished cutting logs last week, and the old mill is silent once more. Master Jim Laughlin is holidaying with relati(Ves in Collingwood in place of Toronto as published last week. Mrs. John Hargrave and son Fred visited with Mr. and Mrs.' Edgar Betts. Mr. Carl Atkinson and wife, of Victoria Corners visited the former's mother and brother here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luesby and Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Brownlee a^nd Mrs. John Clement of Toronto were visitors at Mr. W» T. Pedlar's recent- ly. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cullis, Heath- cote, spent a few days in this "^ neighborhood. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Caldw«ll were sorry to hear of the accident which befell them, whe^ their car was struck by a train at Bolton, and all hope for a speedy re- covery. Mrs. E. Warling visited friends in Flesherton for a few days. Miss Jean Wright pf Mimico is holidaying at her parental home here. Miss Edna Burritt, who has been with her sister, Mrs. D. Graham, for some time has gone to her home in Kimberley for the holiday. Miss Mary Bowles of the West Back Line is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jake HoUey. A large number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman (who were recently mar- ried) visited their home last Monday night and presented them (with a miscellaneous shower. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Graham cele- brated the anniversary of their wed- ding on July 12th- All the family were present for the occasion. The Community Park Committee are making preparations for a big (toinual celebration on August 3t4. More particulars later. PRICEVILLE Two lives were lost in a fir* which destroyed one of the oldest bai^ngs In Quebec, city, Neptune. Inn. Damage amounting to $20,000 was caused by fire which swept through the Cutt grocery store in Samia. The Australian government has con- firmed the report the Australia vrill float a loan in United Staaes soon. Russia is planning an aerial route from Moscow to Pekin. Three planes engaged in surveying the route have already arrived at Pekin. Roy Mitchell of Ravenna was freed from any liability in the accident which, occurred on the Meaford-Owen Sound r<5ad the end of June, when Mr.a. Wm. Onwiston was struck by his car on the night of the 28th of June, and died the next day. Mr. Mitchell used all precautions necess- ary while travelling on the road at night. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Harrison and Miss Roberta of Detroit, are visiting with Mrs. Harrison's mother, Mrs. R. J. Conkey, and other friends at present. Mrs. Edgar Dobson and three child- ren of Toronto are spending the holi- days with her brothers? Messrs. Jas. and Archie McArthur. Miss Victoria McMillan and Master Stewart Carson were successfully op- erated on for the removal of tonsils, on Thursday in Durham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I)rimmie and children from Yoevil. visited Sunday at W. G. Watson's. Mrs. Dave McDonald spent a few days with friends in Chatsworth. Miss Kate McTaggart came lip from Toronto on Tuesday to visite her sister and brother here for a couple of weeks. Miss < Florabelle McLean and Miss Dorothy Carson of Toronto are spend- homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Pennock and little daughter of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Toronto have been the guests of Mrs. Pennock rfnd Mrs. Wood'« mother, Mrs. Jas. McDougal the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HoUiday and children Mrs. N. Hollicjay of Mt. Forest and Mrs. Sturtridge of Dray- ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McLean on Monday. Mrs. N. Hallijday remained for a few days. Mrs. Farquhar AIcKinnon visited her mother, Mrs. Ferguson, and brother, Dougal, at Mt. Forest on Sunday. Quite a numbc/; from Priceville attended the O.D.R. picnic on Friday and report a splendid time. Mr. Geo. Watson and Miss Edith Watson of Toronto are visitors at Mr. W. G. Watson's. MAXWELL Mrs Raymond Wellar and two little children have returned to their home in Weston after a fortnight's visit with friends here. There was no service in the Presby- terian church here on account of the anniversary services held in Mclntyre church. Mr. Scobie, who was on the circuit seven years ago, preached at both services. Quite a number from here attended the services and were most pleased to hear Mr. Scobie again, â€" .,-^v .. Mrs. R. F. Guy of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Guy and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison stnd little daughter, Kathleen, have gone on a trip to visit friends in different part« of the West. There will be special services in St. Mary's church here on Sunday even- ing at seven o'clock on July 26th, the occasion being confirmation. There are to be about twenty confirmed and will come from different appointments of Mr. Pogson's appointment. The Bishop will be present to conduct the service. Mr. and Mrs. Billy ' Morrison and Mr. Neil Thomson attended the fun- eral ofthe latter's cousin al Duntroon on Sunday. Word has just been received by Harry Linley that his mother had died suddenly of heart failure at her daughter's home at Corbetton. The remains will be taken to Saskatche- wan for interment alongside those of her husband who is buried there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fenwick's little girl, a year and a half old, was badly bitten on the face by a dog. We trust that with Dr. Guy's care she will soon be around. A DOMESTIC LEMON A -Jemon measuring 9 inches round the middle and lOVJi inches round the long way grown right here in AJliston may seem to be something incredible to many people. It is a fact never- theless. Mr. Wellington Graham was I showing this product of a lemon tree that has grown from a seed in his own home. It was one of the plumpest and nicest looking lemons one could wish to see and much finer than the ordinary commercial lemon that is purchased in the fruit nad grocery stores. It took this lemon a year to mature after the blossom ap- peared. At the present time there I are four little lemons on the tree. â€" Alliston Herald. EUGENLik Ci'ope are Looking fine. There are some excellent crops of hay. Mr. Francis Genoe drew 13 good loads off Zhii acres. Next! We are pleased to report IktLe Misg. Patricia Morgan, who has been (juite ill with whooping cough, re- covering. Several children in the vicinity are laid up with the same contagfon. Mr. James Harbottle of East Mt. called on friends here Sunday, but made a hasty retreat as he was afraid of the whooping cough. We think he next went in hunt of a Leopard. Mr. Robt. Hollinger of Toronto visited a few days with Mrs. Wilson and other relatives. Miss Fleming of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mrs. Robt. Purvis for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman and son Hedley and Mrs. Jacob Williams visited with Mr. Jacob Williams over the week end. Miss Marguerite Pedlar visited a few days in Kimberley with Miss Jus- tina Ellis. Many acquaintances of^r. Stanley Godfrey of Meaford were pleased to have a, call from him the other day. He was accompanied by Mr. Brown of the H. E.P. C. and wife and was showing them through a picturesque little village. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoy over the week end were:- Mr. and Mrs. Simmons accompanitd by Ml', and Mrs. Woolner of Draayton, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Phillips and son, and Mr. Chas Hoy of lorono, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy of Meaford. Mr. Code of Toronto visited with' his wife and family here over the week end. \. Several people from Milburton have been camping in the park. Ml'. J. Black and three daughters of Chesley were welcome callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Park's recently. Mrs. Munshaw returned Saturday from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Large, at Niagara Falls. Miss Marie Acheson of Walter's Falls accompanied by Miss Currie vis^ted Miss (Marjorie Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Max- well spent Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. J. K. Jamieson. Miss Carneah Williams and friend of Toronto visited with Miss Marj- orie Park on Sunday. They were enroute to -Owen Sound to visit friends there. Mr. Douglas Wilson of Toronto spent a few days with his friend, Mr. W. B. Morgan. Another "wonder." has arrived at Pheasant Island. This is a beaver which was shipped there about two weeks ago. In' last week's items we were in- formed that Miss Millie McMullen accompanied her mother home from Toronto to spend her holidays. This was incorrect as it was Mr. and Mrs. Bowermajn that cme from Toronto with Mrs. McMullen, and Miss Milliie has gone elsewhere to «pend her sum- mer vacation. EAST MOUNTAIN A number from here attended the eleventh of July celebration in Coll- ingwood and the 13th in Dundalk. The community wish to extend their sympathy to Mr. Lestb McMullen in the death of his sister. Miss Mabel McMullen, who died at her home in Osprey last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart visited in Priceville the first of the week. Miss Pearle Allen, teacher at Union is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. C. Thompson. Mr. Eddie Orr of Orangeville is visiting his grandfather. A successful dance was held at the Duncan Lake pavillion on Thursday, the 17th. Markdale Orchestra was in attendance. ~A monster salmon trout was cau- ght off Meaford harbor recently that tipped the scales at 27 pounds and measured 42 inches from head to tip of the tail. A handsome cup is given each year for the largest salmon trout caught off the Meaford shore and it looks as though this one would capture the trophy. Large Following At The Funeral Of J. T Chislett Ceylon Correspondence. There passed away after a lengthy illness and much suffering, Mr. John Tucker Chisjett at the home of his son, Charles, with whom he resided, on F|^ay evening at 6 o'clock, at the lipc age of 75 years and 8 months. He moved to Ceylon in 1902, where he has ever since lived, coming from Maxwell where he had lived for ten years. Hie always proved himself a good citizen, an obliging and kind neighbor. Me was twice married, his second wife predeceasing him eleven years ago. To them were born seven children: Will, JlTohn Marie (Mrs. Chas. Melia), Alfred, Samuel, Charles and Effie. All were present ^t the funeral with the exception of Will, who passed away several years ago, and Alfred, who lives in the West, was unable to be present. Rev. Mr. Preston, Baptist minister had charg'j of the funeral services at the house and grave, of which church Mr. Chislett \Yas a member, and gave a Comforting message to the bereav- ed ones. He leaves to mourn his loss one brother, Mr. T. Chislett, one sister, Mrs. A. Seeley, of Durham; son, John of Manitoba; Marie (Mrs. Charles Melia ), Toronto; Alfred in the West; Samuel, Toronto; Charlie, with whom he lived, and Miss Effie, Toronto. The pallbearers were Messrs. John and Sandy McFadden, T. Gilchrist, Jas. McLean, Alex Richardson and George Arrowsmith. The ci^sket was pillow from the family, Wreath from Ceylon citizens, spray Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chislett, Listowel, spray from Mr. T. Chislett and Mrs. A. McMillan, spray from Baptist Mission, Flesher- ton, spray from Baptist church, Flesherton; sheaf, Mr. and Mrs. F. Collinson and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns; spray Mrs. Mcintosh, Toron- t6; spray Mrs. Carnahan, Toronto; bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hales; bouquet, Mrs. E. Purdy; Mrs. D. Mc- Leod. The funeral, which was largely at tended, took place Monday afternoon to Ebenezer cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Those who at^nded from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Melia aAd. son, Artie, Mr. Sam Chislett and Miss Effie Chislett, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Leslie Marshall, who have been visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMull- en, left on Wednesday to visit with friends at Kitchener and other points. Mr. and" Mrs. Mark Wilson and children of Durham were callers in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and two babes of Shrigley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail. Mr. F. J. Collinson had a very suc- cessful barn raising on Thursday of last week and about one hundred people were present and partook of an excellent tea. ' Misses Kathleen, Irene and Viola McDonald, Mr. Mesenger, Mr. Hay of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mc- Donald of Weston were visitors at Mr. J. McDonald's over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and babe, ac- companied by other friends motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. A. Genoe and Mrs. Robt. Smith of Eugenia visited the first of the week at Mr. L. Duckett's. Miss Mary Seeley of Dundalk spent the week end here, the guest of Miss Dell* White. Mr. Wm. White of Dundalk is visit- ing his son and family here. Mj-. a. Sinclair and family left the first of the week to visit friends at Harriston and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMullen of Flemington, New Jersey, are visiting with Miss M. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauristc'.i spent the flrat of the week at Mr. H. Piper's. Mrs. Bell of Pais^ley is visiting with her brothers and other relatives h«re the past fortnight. Mr. A. Sinclair last week attended I the Masonic Grand Lodge at Hamilton as a delegte. Miss Kate Baxter and Miss T. Manson spent a couple of days in Owen Sound last week. I Mrs. Timmins visited her uncle, Mr. S. Hemphill, on Wednesday, on her re- turn from Toronto. j Mr. Alex. McDonald is relieving Mr. A. Sinclair, who is on a couple of weeks' holiday s and will visit Harris- ton, Guelph and other points. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and babe of Toronto visited at the former's home here for a couple of days. Mrs. F. Marshall and daughter, Stella, spent a cotiple of days last week ii» the city. Mrs. Rice and three children, return- ed missionary from South Africa, spent the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Banks. Misses Mary and Georgina McLach- !an left the past week to visit with friends in Toronto. PROTON STATION NOTICE TO I'LBLIC This is to notify the public that I will not be responsible for any :!ebts contr.ieted by my wife after he following date, July 22nd, 1925. .Alfred (Jenoe, Eugenia. Col. Edward Rorke, veteran Clerk of Thornbury and Collingwood town- ship, missed his first council meeting since Thornbury was incorporaated in 1887. This is certainly a record that Co!. Rorke can be proud of. Miss Jean MoCannell is t»king ^ summer course in Toronto, and Mia*- Marjorie Acheson is on the Leader's staff at the C.G.I.T. summer school camp at Port Elgin. Miss Emily^ Acheson is at Atherley summer r»» sort. i Mr. Jack and Miss Ha BstchelcC accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C» Davey and children were at Baddick* ville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Still and family 'vi»f- ited iftrs. Still's parents at Mt^ Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Hergott And family Sundayed at Chatsworth with- Miv and Mrs. Woods. ^V-. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, aa^ children of Pontiac, and Mrs. Hisey^ of Port McNichol were guests jatiiil^ Hugh Hodgin. -." -^ " • Visitors at the home of R. G. Ach^ eson were Miss Whitmill of Parry Sound; Mr. P. Story, retum^ed miss^ sionary from South America; Mfy and Mrs. €. Johnson and daughters,. Eileen and Jean, of Shelbume. , The ball game in Mr. Carson's field between Swinton Park and Pro- ton resulted in a victory for the hom^ team. V I Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and children of Toronto are visiting at Mr. T. Wyvill's. Mrs. Fell and daughter of Bramp- ton are at Mr. W. McNalty's. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS â- 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. HOUSE OF QLUAHTV GROCERIES We carry a full stock of fresh groceries al- always on hand FRUIT f i Oranges, Lemons bananas etc. CONFECTIONERY Neilsons Chocolates, bulk, bars and fancy boxes. Neilson's Ice Cream always on hand. W. J. STEWART & SONS FIqut, Feed, 9»> d », Croceriea and Confactionerjr Flesherton I i Have Your Verandah Fixed Up Now is the season of the year that we may expect warm weather. Whynot get your verandah fixed up with a Hammock or Couch, or say a couple of Easy Chairs and be ready. We are putting on a couple of sijecials again. .V quarter-cut Oak Library Table and Chairs to match at greatly reduced price. Also slightly used Sideboard with six Dining Room Chairs at bargain price. For anything else in the Furniture line call in and see us. Thos. W. Findlay FIRNITURE DE.-VLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Flesherton iiiil