Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1925, p. 2

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Your Grocer Sells II SALADA' n H«7a GREEN TEA ?) OPERATING ON TONY BY MARGUERITE MURPHY. z:if I'AIIT I. CanacU's Salt Producing Areas. Canada last year produced 107,190 toiM of all grades u( salt, of a ralue of , tl,S69,61<, nut Including packages. Dur- ; Ing the same period 171,858 tuns of salt , was imported, of which 67,941 tons was | for the use of the aeu or guif flsheries. \ Practically 97 per cent, of the Cana- j dian salt output is produced in Ontario ! In the countle.i on the south-western Have rou tried it? The tiny ricK« flavored leaves and tips are sealed air-ti|(Kt. Finer tKan any Japan or GtinpoMrder. Insist upon SALADA. ClIPSM Yen Set'* Doll. Doc leaving the reins dangling' this case called for unusual hurry. Doc Kon's loiiKi lanky frame seemed ulway;) to be leaping from one duty to anoih'cr. .So great was his urge as he entered the house, he overlooked the Kmall boy who sto.e down the wallt towiird the curb. "Don't you want it?" The boy raised a flush<?d, half- „ , face. In his hand, out.stretch- *ed toward th« horse, lay a lump of U'.ng a specialist wn.s tjrov/inj;: dim ciouB, all of them, who could b« mads ^ , , , »%. L I well and strong with proper cate but frontier, where a number of substan- Kon leaped from the buggy Ij^^^j^j, ^j^^^ Any man would rave! tial InduslTlcs have been buflt up at Doctor Koneski had h -ji^d to bFP-| Windsor, Ssrnla, Sandwich, Ooderich, ciulize in children's dij.jases. For tb't ^ cilnton and Kincardine. The salt of reiFon, he had left )m native Bui- ^^^^ j,^^^,^^ ,g re^^rkable for its rana, had completed hu medica! ,. i.. u .. .. • education in New York. Strange how P"'-"^- ^^»"<," "as been a very favor- things went. He locaicd in this sir all "'''e factor In extending Its market, as â- ti.kl- western town of Baywater, w)uld al^o cheapening its refining, ^.rtctice a few years and uirn enough The salt beds, of which as many as moiuy to go on with his .specialty. ' six were passed through by one bore It was six yeira now, iii'd 'Lough I'oc hole at Qoderich, lie at depths of from i With a garden (rowel aA her only Im- ,*"Kry face. In his hand, out.stretch- 1 Kor. did not realize it. that dream of 900 to 1,800 feet, and some of the beds pleraent little Yen Set, aged twelve, '^'^ toward the horse, lay a lump of U.ng a specialist wn.s jjiov/pj,- dim | ^^e KM) feet in thickness. The salt Ifi aft..r almost an hour of patient labor, '|!fl^''\„«^^^' hu'^'an'"" TK " °^ ^^^ TL" h"iXl '"•^{'.'"'"'ti rth Im'Jh' recovered by evaporating artificial ,, . . , I. . J . t child, tossed his mane. 1 he boy was to have a hospital. Mo still thoughi, , , , , ^. . . had excavated what seemed to bo a determined. Laboriously he climbed he wanted to specialize but ail he had,'''"'°e8 Produced by forcing water, un- miniature grave. She lived next to i„io the buggy, the stIScy sugar, valked when away from hU patients,; der high pressure, down the bore holes clenched in his fist. As he entered, was hospital. If only ni cottUl get; to the salt beds and then pumping the the buggy bounced slightly and the sonieone to endow one. But all his brine back to the surface, horse looked around. Seeing only a' patients were poor! Heavens! They Salt springs yielding weak brines child in the driver's place, he again couldn't pay their jwn doctor bills. | are to be found In many places In Nova turned his attention up the street. He But, if the town would -Aart a hispital,! geotia and New Brunswick but no knew better than to take children it would contain a ward for .hildren. I ^.^^^^^^^1^^, ^^^ ^^^ been 'made of seriously. lA ward would be a beginning, and ,t,.„ _, «.,,,„„ . „, ,„„•, o„if ' '<. ,. . .„i,„ -.J »^-,i9 ij,,v»u« ,..,.' them. The llrst discovery of rock salt With his free hanii, the boy tested fiom that^who coujd teil? But there; Maritime Provinces was made the dashboard It was rRth^r ohnkv 1 Would be no beginni.nji! Morton was/" '"" Maritime iTOvinces was maae The dfsta^ce from The buggy ?o& "««r « milTionaut. a. the to;vn at Malagash,- Cumberland County, her. She returned, her face very sober, st^et ^8 no"^yjh°^°"^^^^ [^ bo&.sted. Morton really ought to. ilo' Nova Scolia, by diamond drilUlng In with the doll In her arms. Now the distance from the street to the buggy, something toward tho project; and he 'l918. Mining was commenced In 1919, missionary noted that there were tears The horse was unpleasantly close and *"» a stose wall! Doctor Kon had and each year there has been a grow- on Yen Set's cheek,s. He called his it was a surprise to this particular interviewed him once on the proposed jng production of rock salt, which finds wife. 1 youngster to see how large are the f.°^P"*l-*^!;'J,*/ ,*_!!?. '*^??_".° ^.?.â„¢.'!!! » '"'""ly inaiket In the flsh curing in Unobserved, the two looked on as hind quarters of a horse when seen time. If " ' the Kirl placed the doll in the box and "* <=-«se range. However, the lump ^^^'^Xt^nâ- l^ covered IF with a tiny, silk blanket. ' ^"K"'" was still undelivered and there ; Pnys|='^JJ orwriist" He ^-Doc' A recent suggestion of Dr. Frank T. Then she put on the cover. She closed :;!!l^,^HL^"jhll^"^i.?=o»''.f°l^i.Z^^^^^^ stopped. Even to himself he Shutt, Chemist of the Dominion Ex- her eyes; her lips moved. LARGE PATTERNS IN GAY COLORS REGISTER IN SHEER KABRICS. r'a.shion decrees sheer frocks â€" summer demands cool ffocks â€" and frocks of printed fabrics are highly favored. Flowered English voile of chifl'on texture was used to fashion this delightful frock. The jabot, which is one of fa.shion's latest fancies, is a straight piece of material and x:ut the length of the dress. The front is slashed below the shoulder in yoke effef't. The dress as pictured is sleeve- loes and has a low neck, but the pat- torn provides long sileeves and high neck with convertible collar. Sizes Ifi, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 years re- 3\ the niisKloM station, and the mission- ary had watched the work from his study window. Close at hand was a wooden box. which the^ man recog- nized; Yen Set's doll had come across the watcT from the United States pack- ed In that box. I The missionary watched, perplexed,' as the child walked slowly to the ar- If only_ Doctor Denton would ^ ^j ^^^^ g^^„^ ^^^ j.^^ ^^^^^_ Mortons , , «v„„i„ „f wlclc. He was the whlsr I could be grabbed in case of emergency. ' ^*",^^PP**^' ,. , . , ,, . ,„ . „,. , ^ \ T. â-  , 1. iu .,1. vij would not express his opinion of the perimenta! I'arms at Ottawa, may lead Pered ,,:S[*T'^? fnr on f hl^^^^LhlntrH «« I ^o^n's only other doctor. | to a considerably Increased market for "onary s wire. £^i^fd aw^ardly stradd'ed 5L top I . ^\ It^"^'^ ^'' '^°,''^'' ^^'^ ^'% '»"« ^°^^ Scotia salt. Very large hay it is not Play," returned her ' ^^d pr^a^d t^Tra^^^^^^^^^ are raised In the province, par- th* h^ors^. wriggle along his back, and ^''^^\^Z''^:^ m^Je:' n X'^/ti ".-!-»: - the dykeUnds at, the head "She is playing funeral, the missionary's wife. "No husband. Now the little girl lowered the box offer the sugar across his neck. He ^^^de ymran''"rt,;;m';iy prett^ ;ir°V "' ^^^ B^^ <" ^""^y. into the grave and began to throw in was just poised for the desperate leap, ' ' < r j o . the loose earth. The woman started 1 when the long, strong tail swished toward the door, but her husband dls-^"'^*^^"'y across his face. I Buaded her. I Blinded and frightened, the child Ren Set has an old > young. She has a mo- 1 ^'f^Hair^ anXTooW ng Tad who ^"VJ''/ """'J^ ?Poke worlds. Doc Kon what It Is " ? lair-naired, angeiic-iooking laa wno nodded, and since he had no hat to 'â-  J\f<J ?^" watching operations from ^jp, raised his hand in salute " the sidewalk. ' >-, . "Ya-ha! Mama's cry-baby!" "I..et us wait head for one bo tlve; let's see That afternoon the mlnifiter called on the family next door. Ron Set's parents had accepted the Christian faith and demolished their Joss, a small stone Image in the lllceness of a man, which they had once worship- ped. The missionary .saw Yen Set; she was about her doll. That night, by the light of the noon fell howling back into the bugg:y and his howl was answered mockingly by a stranger. ] "Hello, Doc!" he called over his shoulder as he swung by the slow- moving horse and buggy. Inoffensive enough but the tone and the accom- He saw the girl glance at him curiously,' her gaze wander to the horse and Dr. Shutt sug gests that this hay be salt cured, a pro- cess familiar to the pioneers, but now almost forgotten. The Malagash salt is stated to be particularly suited to this purpose and a largely extended use for this purpose is anticipated. The proximity of the salt beds to the coal fields of Nova Scotia and to sea ports should be conducive to the estab- In northern Alberta a number of salt springs have been used for local sup- ply. In 1920 an Important discovery The child continued howling. The buggy He saw her smile He thought Ushment of chemical Industries. In boy on the sidewalk was enjoying him- j^ rather a nice smile. 'There was a"i's connection the presence of potash self immensely. .^, 1 question on her lips as she turned to' salts with certain bands in the Mala- Cry- baby! Cry-liaby! Then, with Doctor Denton. 'They were gone. gash deposit Is of interest a sudden glint in his eyes, he took a, ^t the next stop he was surround- red-eyod. but she said nothing '*^ nearer the placid horse. 'Get ^j by half a dozen children, ha,. ,inn ""tn'oKiup, you old horse, there! Get up! I'd ..h^u d^,» like to see if you cou.d run." ..rjo- ifon will vou ira fishiniy with *"â- ' " " ., The horse looked around mildly.' ni^. Sun'drv"' 1 °' 'â- Â°^'* »»^ the niKssloniiiy dug up the box, filled , Then his ears pricked. Running across ^ ..yQ^ missed it last Sunday" We "^^P^-^ °' *** ^®^' *' McMurray. De- the excavation with paper and heaped jthe sidewalk, bareheaded as usual, his caught a big pike and a lot of sun-' velopment of this deposit Is now under up the earth again. He would preserve ^^ir blown awry, came the long, figj,* the doll from the rain that had Just ' '''"'^y ^?^^ °^ *^ doctor. .The horse, ."But I couldn't go. Timmick was begun to fall. Several times on the 'â- e*"'""«<l ""^e more to his contempla- â-  gâ- ^^]^>, next day he saw Yen Set sweeping *""! "' the empty str«t. If ever a, ..^1:1 you go this Sunday?" near the grave. Each time she turned ^^u^,?'"*' ^J^^^' ^^-u f'*^'-! • u^ ' "Tain't half as much fun without iiiuL Biie lurnea , "Everything will be a^l right; now. yuu " ^^â- ^,^^" '^ '*^''®1 . w , ,• i Doc Kon smiled. "I'll do my best." • With a swoop that completely ehm-: Qne of the older boys stepped up inat-ad the boy on ths sidewalk, the ^^ Doctor Koneslri doctor had the howling child in his . "Better tie your "horse, Doc." quires 3% yards of 32-inch, or 2V4 . . yards of 54-inch material. If made i'^^en the only sure way of deal- away with an air of determination Several day« later, the girl, under the tactful questioning of the mission- ary's wife, unburdened her heart. The â€"-- - „ - - -- --, doll, she said, had reminded her of the "'"'ns, and the tease, cheated of his I Joss the family had once worshipped "Rhtful prey, walked off in search of. It had proved a temptation to her- it f"']']'*'' mischief. J aroused a desire to return to Idol wor ' . '^''^ ^°^ crying?" Doc Kon asked 1 ship. 80 she had n„. ,»™„,„.,„ °r. the_ youngster, of her reach. Painful though It had been. Yen Set "Oh. he'll stand." "I know, but you'd better tie him." "Why? He's used to all of you." "Yes, but . . . " the boy hesitated. "Nobody will steal him," the doc- with short sleeves Mi yard less ma- terial is required. Price 20 cents. The designs illustrated in our new Ing with temptation. It Is good pys- chology, and It Is Scriptural. The an- cient Hebrews were warned by Moses Fashion Book are advance styles for ''*^*'"*' having anything that in any the home dres«maker. and the woman |"'', 'â- Â®**""'''®'^ ""^ heathen idols. or girl who desires to wear garments' ^'"' ^®" ^*' ""^ Incident soon had dependable for taste, simplicity and " ''^'"'*' ^"<""«- "er determination I economy wilJ find her deeires fulfilled **®*" ''*'" ""'^"t'on' The mlsslon- in our patterns. Price of the book 10 ^^ returned the doll uninjured and centfi the copy. Each copy includes '," *^""' *'^'" '^"^'' ^"^^ Nor did It ever one coupon good for five cents in the ** '*'"'" ^^ ^° Idolatry. She had purchase of any pattern. ' conquered. HOV/ TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- tri'^K number and size of such ns as you want Enclose 20c in or coin (coin preferred; wrap Hefully) for each number, and Bs your order to Pattern Dept., Ii Publishing Co., 78 West Ade- _*St., Toronto. Patterns jent by '*p mail. < â€" ♦ â-  '. Courtship Tickler. 4(lf (Jlrl's Father â€" "Young man, the 4f:. in this house go out at 11 o'clock." Young Man- -"That suits me." d^A Swvet Breaih ai att times t way, and the first commercial ship- ments were made recently from the new plant at that point. m For First Aid â€" Mlnard* Liniment. o- • A "Goog Oppotuny." If we remember rightly. It was a Portuguese who wrote that extraor- dinarily funny book-'English as She Is Spoke. And here Is an advertisement, found in a Brazilian newspaper, which offers additional evidence that there Is sonielhlng particularly puzzling to Pcrtugueisespoaking people in the Eng- lish language: •'PAYING GUEST IN PRIVATE RESIDENCE "Goog oppotuny, for a snlgla re- fined gentleuiitn. Large 'room nicely furnished, splendid food. Six windoros f(K:ing the sea, quite close to bashing him down while he rummaged in hisj ""Tony !"'choru^"two"orthree, too' ''^a^"" i pockets. The child watched eagerly g^rious to realize that the doctor was „ ~'"r~~V^ZrTC*x but all that was forthcoming was a joking. I Begin Fry Distribution. 8'naJA>l<».<=l' notebook and pencil. | ..jje's going around now bragging The 1925 distribution of fry In the he never had a licking in his' lakes and streams of the Dominion was begun recently with the distribution of 80,000,000 young whitefish In the waters of Lake Erie. The fish were produced at the Department of Marine and Fisheries' hatchery at Klng«vUle, Ont., and the distribution was made on selected grounds in the weistern end of Lake Erie. I The child stopped long enough to t^r crrinncd i I look at him in surprise, then howled ..j bate to tattle but that young with redoubled effort. Morton kid is over in the next block I The doctor cocked his head as ^nd ... I don't know but I wish though hstening to distant music. | you'd tie him " I "Are you crying?" he asked again ..who? Tony? I don't think he'd' Utterly disgusted, the boy stopped take very kindly to tying." ""fJ'^h^u "*â-  ^Tm *• *i "Somebody ought to tie him and Yes,'- he said distinctly. I give him a good thrashing!" I "Oh, dear!" said Doc Kon and net," ..Tony or me or the hor^?" (To be concluded.) » Music and Walking. "What's that?" that "Whenever I find a boy or girl who jjf^ >• is really crying, I put their names in here and then, of course, I can't take them for a ride." "But I've stopped!" "So you have. All right. To-morrow you go for a ride. Now, let's deliver; To sing, hum, whistle or generally that sugar." j adumbrate music is at once the dls- Much to the doctor's delight, the boy tinctlon and the pride, the duty and i never flinched when the horse's no«e the pleasures of walker* . . . the i advanced toward the little hand. A ^ast moderately and modestly musical ' warm breath, a touch of soft, velvety „, ^^^ become on a walk encyclopedic \ lips and the sugar wan gone. Beck ' was an expert at accepting gifts. \ Doc Kon put the child .down. Expresses Perfection. The "T" square, or rule. Is an In- In their range of melody and Protean ! strument used by mechanics and oth- in their variety of tone-color. There Is ' era when great exactness is required. "Will yoii be here to-morrow?" surely soipe natural kinship between ' therefore, "It suits to a T,' " that is After eatlntt or saofclnA Wrl^Iryk frrKhens the noatfc and fwcetriu the breath. Nervrt are so.ithed. throat ts refreshed ami dlgedion a]<M. So ea5> to carry the little packet! The doctor smiled down at the eager walking and music; the musical terms ' It la correct In every way as a piece of upturned face, glanced back at the â€" andante, movement, accompaniment I work would be if measured by the "T" house and sighed. Behind the drawn â€"are full of suggeetive metaphor; and ' rule, curtains was a room, tiny, dark, the sacred svmbol of both arts is the breathless. In that room lay a wo- wooden stick which marks the stride „, „ , man suffering bnively but suffering „, ^^^ ^^n,„ ^„^ i.^t,, ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ She -"Have you been following the ' "P'?«ces«?'^'iy- , Across the doctor's . .-_j,eBtra new Paris styles'" (vision flashed another pictureâ€" a, ''®*;'* °' ^"® """f"'â„¢' , , He -^ure l' foiinw^rt « ' »«••«« "^ool ^^^> lui^t. airy, whei^' The most obvious ground for this hinrl. „„w ,..M„„ .. ^'"'.nu^s came and went with silent "kinship is rhythm. The simple beat DiocKs oniy lo-aay. tread. A slow rage burned within him. of the foot on the ground, while the na- For the moment he forgot the boy. tural swing of the body above it, sug- The heart of Montreal. Here yon will be catered to with tru« United Hotels' boBpltallty. Rates three dollars a day and np. Vernon G. Cardy Managing Director Direction: United Hotels Com- pany of America Mount Rc»al Hotd M N T R E A L The Hat's the Thing I An ordinary .Mexican wears a shirt which cost two sjiiUings, a four^ahlU- Ing pair of trousers and nothing else except a liat, but â€" the hat will coat him at least five pounds. He will go, hungry and thirsty for years In order to get enough money to buy a fine sombrero. Higher class Mexicans spend al their money on gay saddles for their horses. Here's One to Try. How quickly can you start to stop? There la a lot of talk about efHcient brakes, and many drivers take time to test out the stopping ability of their cars. But what about the stopping ability of the driver? How much time is wasted In realizing that It's neces^ sary to stop or in transferring the foot from the accelerator to brake pedal? Unknown to Science. 'There is no scientific definition for what is called "astral color." It is a term used In palmistry and fortune telling, meaning the effect of the color of heavenly bodies on the lives of in- dividuals. Dyes in Underground Rivers. Underground river courses in the Mammoth Cove region of Kentucky are being traced by means of dyes placed in the water. A stubborn person is like a pin without a head: liErd to remove in either direction. If we w.iste to-day, we can never make it up, for each .'ay will bring its duties ns it conies. Esau squandered his t irthright and bankrupted himself in the Bank of Life. The sundial was introdaiced into Rome from Greece in 268 B.C. INECTO RAPID Th« world's best â-  hair tint Will re- store gray hair to its natural color in 16 minutes. «mall size, «3.30 by mail Double size, $5.50 by mall The W. T. Pember Stores Limited 129 Yonga St. Toronto in Rockies, of transplanting Country-Born. They dread the darkne^sa never known A world outside the flare of man- made light. Who have not leaniud to read the chart of night .\uJ walk unfaltering by the stars alone; .\nd thoy distrust the silence who have grown Where human sound, attesting bu- mau might "Will you be here to-morrow?" re who have ' pcated the child. ] The doctor smiled rather sadly. "Yes, I'll be here to-morrow." "All right, I'll have some more sugar." "The doctor sighed as he climbed into his old buggy. It was damnable that a town of this size should be without a hospital. l>e relieved Swiss Roses The experiment Swiss rosea in the Canadian Rockies will be tried this year. Dr. Huesscher, late Swiss Consul at Montreal, brought over a number of the plants which will to set out In the gardens at Banff and L.ake Louise. They are hardy and gestd Inevitably the beat of the musi cal bar. It is difflcult to walk for long' thrive only above elevations of 3,000 undai the sway of the regular "one, 'feet, two, one, two," without witling a ' melody to It; It Is even more diiflcult to hear a melody played or sung when ' walking without dropping Instinctive- i ly into Its rhythm. A Landon crowd, ! So much suffering could the mr)Bt apathetic ol masses, begins to It was had enough for march in unison when a barrel organ See That This Label is on Your Fox Wire "Prince Edward" Brand RngU.sh Fox Wire -recognized by ths above label ou every roll â€" hag given more than fourteen years of perfect service on pioneer ranches and Is being uaed for most of the new ranches. "There's a reason." Write or wire for free sample and prices. HOLMAN'S %'r'sZ': Ontario Sales Agent W. H. C. RUTHVEN ALLISTON ONT So weaves its spell, their need and ' £.*''.'*' '" Pa.'"'''''i''>'' ^^'>'' troubling him their delight Is In the city's reaselesji undertone. Hut the older people but for the children etvikes up "The Soldiers of the Queen"; â-  â- â€¢ â-  • ! u''^ . P"'"> "'â„¢"*^ phy.sioal, or the Intermezzo of Mafcagni or some gripped hi.s heart. J^f J-«»e of ^one „^^,^^ item from the repertory of chantral music; and If ever \-- after eifery meailm I33UE No. 29- -'U. â€" I to my heart the darkness ts a friend I woisld not sparf- - denied, muEt sorely miss; The t>tlllnes? Is a mantle to be worn With deep contentment at the long day's end. How sh.,ll I voice my gratitude for this, iMy heritage, that I was country born! â€" Molly Anderson Haley. Minard's Liniment for BackaehSk mo- Tul>ercul'<.sis. The parents wore poor. »^'»'"'7' "â- â€¢"â- ;;• "»° " «''" you wish The parents of the children he treat-' '" ''"*^«' co"demn, tramp on and . ed were always poor. Doc Kon did â-  • f"""!'!! over a tune (which rot mind that for himself but when happens to ail of us sometlnias), thera a child vas in such need as poor little Is nothing mere .satisfying than to Torn and Iherp was nobody to supply walk past the band or gramophone that need, ths doctor raved. Plucky from wlience it is.sue8 at a step cutting chap, too, Tomi Always cheerful in j dean across its rhythm, spite of a weeping mother, a squalid â-  room, insufficient nourishment and a' "" "♦ fathy who was 'utterly impo.ssible. Sunbaths Through Clolhe3. There was a chance to save the boy, fiun baths In evorv-dav life are made â€"with proper treatment. Without impossible by the use of a new fabric, . . then therewas Mil.y. that lit- ^.hich looks and feels like silk, yel tie girl over in West End. A serious u. u .. ,., .. : it . . conation. He-*-as afraid of worse '^'''^'^ """*â- Â« the u-tra-viollet ra>8 of that mieht develop. And there were '"^ "'"^ '" P»^» through It. It is the.ie â€" all t<^d â€" a dozen youngsters, pre-l""*}^ which are so beneficial to hsalth. ( H eit A t < G nee A< I ^ Jken you Will Want On^frr your Own Kiichen â- a The very feel of it wii! make you want to ov,n it. It balances so nicely, seems to be just right. The handle is rigid and il.ics n,>t tip avonnil like a hinged handle. That means no slippinp-, Kcaidcd hand.«i or accident?^. Sec how you fill it ? You lift the hin<v<>d lid and can fill >t ricrht under the tan or by dipper becaflfic the opening is al the side, not the centre. ?ii» .'^^".'^'."'-J''"*."^"'- ."I'-'" '^»:« kettle a»t no man than the old fuhionrd kt-ttlik EiNAIV1El_ED j Tea Kettle

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