July 22nd, 1925 THE FI.ESHERTON ADVANC|5 "•'« <Piii» "W «|i«l * * Create Your Own Curreucy Your ownership of a Savings Bank Account creates a currency all your own. A cheque bearinu yoiir signa- ture jointly with that of the Standard Banit adds the prestige of our name to Che integrity of yours, a combina- tion of inestimable value to you from a business and social viewpoint, while offering other practical advantatges of incalculable number. The deposit of one dollar to your credit in the near- est Standard Bank Branch will lay the foundation of a currency all your own. STANDARD BANK OP CAJ<fAJ3iV FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Manager 10 Potatoes In Two v Hills Is Record Yield \: I ANADIAN PA^ciric League Picnic A Success C. p. R. TIME TABLE Traina leave Flesherton Staticxn u (oUews: >Going South Going North 8.00 a.m. 4.10 p.m. The annual picnic of the Young People's of the Methodist church in the Owen Sound District was held in the Memorial Park here, and in spite of the drizzling rain, and the unpleas- 11.52 a.m. I ant feeling resulting, a most enjoy- 9.30 p.m. 'able time was spent. About one hun- A heavy thunder storm hit this dis- trict Tuesday afternoon and a vivid display of electricity from the clouds was witnessed. Rain fell heavily for some time and the grour.d was thoroughly soaked. The farm- ers are in the midst of their haying but it is not thought that the rain would affect the hay to any extent. In tri|/elling Around the towiiship we notice numerous fields of wheat that are ripening nicely and prospects! are bright for another bumper crop. The potato crop will likely be heavy again this year as reports received point that way. Some are already using their new potatoes and one per- son topk 63 potatoes of fanly good size from two hills, which is quite a record. Mr. J. R. Pawcett of Kimberley i.s, we believe, the champion vegetable raiser in this district. On Tuesday he sent us a generous lot of big early potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage and casliflower, the latter head nine inches across. Mr. Fawcett sends us a sample of his early stuff evci-y year. For the present excellent samples he will please accept our hearty thanks with the hope that ho may live long to till mother earth. Equally low price* on all alsM. Vfhy buy your *^ires by mail f Now you can buy Partridge '^Quality" Tires here, in your own town, cheaper than you can by mail. You can examine them and make your selection right here in the store, without uncertainty and vexatious delays. Every one of these tires bears the Partridge guar- antee. They are tough, dupbie and will give faithful service. Come in and see this wonderful value. 14 Sold by r^l^- H. DOWN & SONS, Flesherton Social and Personal TOWN COUNCIL 9.00 p.m. 4,38 p,m, dred and fifty young people were The mails close at Flesherton as ; present and all (mjoyed themsel-i follows: For the north at 11.00 a-â„¢- Les immensely. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail { wuth at 8.30. For morning train ' Flesherton and Massey soft ball «*uth at mail doses at 9.00 p.m. the teams played an interesting game previoua evening. | ^^ open up proceedings, and Massey was victorious 17-12. Owen Sound and Dundalk then played, with Dun- dalk winning by a one sided score. In the final contest, Dundalk and Massey put up a strenuous contest with Massey being forced to accept defeat 16â€"12. A fine supper was served in the park with' the Ladies' Aid' superin- tending operations in their usual cap- able manner. In the absence of Rev. R. A. Spen- cer, Rev. Ellison presided at the meeting which followed and congrat- ulated Massie on winning the mission- ary shield, and - Flesherton for 'win- ning the diploma for the best sug- gestions for the picnic. Owing to the Advertising brings customer^ to the stores. P. H. W. Hickling had a very suc- cessful sale the past two weeks. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto is visiting at W. L. Wright's. Centre Grey ball game at Vandel- «ur this Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson of Dur- ham visited friends in town Sunday. Mr. Fred Mathewson of Meaford was a caller in to'wn on Monday. Mr. S. E. DeCudemore was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher and son Emery spent Sunday at Mt. Forest. Mrs. H. M. Hyland and two child- ren are holidaying at her parental home here. Mrs. F. W. Harkins and little dau- ghter of Sam Luis Obispo, Calif., are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fields. Mr. B. Eugene Field of Toronto, jind mother Mrs. A. Field are visit- ing at Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Field's. Baseball tournament, football game and races at Markdale on Wed., July ^th. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the -former's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston and fam- ily and Mr, Parkins of Toronto motor- ed up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tremp. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCauley and little son of Toronto are holiday- ing with the former's mother, Mrs. A. McCauley. Miss Gertrude) Egan of Toronto has spent the past two weeks with her cousin, Miss Marguerite Runs- tadler. Mr. and Mrs. George Coppersvveight and son, John, and Mrs. Docherty visited at the home of Mrs. W. T. McKee. Mrs. L. Griffiths of Toronto is spending a A meeting of the council of Flesh- erton was held on July 7th, 1925. There were present the Reeve and councillors Inkster , Richardson and Findlay. ff The minutes of last meeting were read and aadopted. Mr. Inkster presented reports as follows on expenditure of county grant work on roads, and work on side- walks. By-law 5 of 1925 to prohibit stock and poultry from running at large and making provision for impounding the same was introduced and passed. W. Stewart waited on the council in reference to an accountof his for hauling stone on road in 1920. Findljay-Richardson â€" That Mr. Inkster's report of expending county grant on Durham and CoUingwood road, showing expediture of $225.00 be - ., , ,, received and checks issued in payment moist condition of the grounds, the' ^ ^^ ^„^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Garden Party At The Memorial Park July 30 Few Can Equal It j When we look over our exchanges j and read the entrance results of var- ious centres we ra conscious of the Old Hen Dies but Chicks Anyway Hatch Mrs, Grace McKinnon, Hepworth's oldest resident, handed an item in the other day vihich says she is real news. The joint committees of the Worn en's Institute and the village council, remarkable record which the Flesher-'She set a hen on a dozen of eggs are holding a Garden Party in the to^ public school, and Principal R. G. , Biddy was faithful to her duty for park on July 30th, for the purpose, Holland, has achieved this year. At of raising funds to fix up the front; t^e exams eight students tried and all two weeks when she became ill and left the eggs. Mrs. McKnnon brought of the park for different kinds of ^^^e successful four of them taking' th^m into the house put them in a ~ ' ' cane bottomed chair games. Everybody in the commun-| j^^no ity is in'vited to help every way possible make it a success.! very few. We congratulate Mr.! the result was seven chicks hatched Supper will be served from 5 to 7.' Holland on his excellent record this' out and all are doing well. â€" O. S. I nonors. Some schools had very few • basket under a Bake and in; pggg and the honor students were | put a lamp under the chair too and A good program of sports will be carried out in the park afternoon andi evening. Everybody come. Full' details next week. | Mrs. Dr. TumbuU,. Mr. Thos. W.Fin- Chairman of Woman's Com. dlay Chairman Council Com. year. Sun-Times. program of races was withdrawn, Treasurer make required report to Carried. That Mr. This was the last annual picnic of ; county council, the league as organised under thej pi„diay. Richardson Methodist church but the hope is j^^^^^,^ ^ ^^^^. ^^^^^^ ^^ expressed by all that the United. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j,^ church may be as successful in rts ^^^^ .^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ .^ endeavours as the Owen Sound Dis- ^ * iu _ , . , ,, _ , , - I payment of the same.. trict Young People's League. ' „. , . ,â-º „ â„¢, . Richardson-f^ndlay â€" That Mr. Down's report by Mr. Inkster show- Centre Grey ball game at Vandel- ing expended on sidewalk acct $50.00 eur this Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. ' be adopted and the reeve issue checks Baseball tournament, football game to the parties in payment of the same. and races at Markdale on Wed., July Carried. 29th. j Richardson-Inkster â€" That W. Stew Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron and art have his account for work done two daughters of Toronto are visit- in 1920 certified by the reeve when ing at G. B. Welton's. ; the work was done. â€" - Carried. Miss Minerva Stafford spent the The council adjourned. past week visiting friends in Wood- ' ^tock. I Misses Martha and Lena Wright Miss Allifi Bole, and her sister Mrs. and Mrs. Currie of Detroit motored Stone of Toronto, visited her cousin, over and spent the pa-st week with Mrs. W. Thurstom last week. 1 friends and relatives here. They Mrs. Henry Holman of Toronto has were accompanied home by Mrs. A. spent the p^st two weeks wjjh her S. VanDusen, who wHl spend a couple sisters, Mrs. Duncan and Miss Nich- of weeks there. olson. I Messrs. Leader and Brown ftnd Margaret Wiggins ' of Sunnidale Mr and Mrs. Duckworth of London ^"'""'^''^ P"*^"^^ '"='" entrance examin- are visiting at the home of Mr. T. J """"^ *-^'^ y^^'' ''"'^ '^ ""^^ "'"« J'^"'"" " old and weighing 48 pounds. She has only attended school for four years and seven months. BORN HEWSTON â€" In Flesherton on Wednesday, July 15th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hewston, a daugh- ter. McCRACKEN â€" In Artemesia, on Monday, July 12th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. La'wrence McCracken, a soi. PERKINS! â€"'In FJ/>sherton, on Thursday, July 16th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins, a son. STAFFORD â€" In Toronto on Wed- nesday, July 15th, 1925, to Mr. and Harry Stafford (nee Pearl Blakely) a daughter. AND DAY A SUBSTITUTE FOR FLEAS Scientists have discovered a dog that; s flea-proof, and are trying to find out the reason for its immunity. As dogs are popularly supposed to have fleas in order to keep them from worrying about being dogs, it will probably be found out that na- ture has afflicted this particular dog Fisher. Owing to the death of Mrs. Cle- ments, prayer and praise service in the Methodist chui-ch this Thursda.v evening will be withdrawn. Masters Harrison and Jim Miller vacation at the Baptist I of Ovi^n Sound spent the past week Parsonage with the Rev. and Mrs. \ "n the bicycle travelling as far south A T Prp<!ton ^^ Shelburne. They spent some time ' , ,, , -, T, „,.„'with Mrs. W. Thurston of town. Miss Mary Maddoek of Toronto , i.s visiting at the home of her | Mrs. H. Down is visiting her daugh- grandmother. Mrs. J. Taylor at tor, Mrs. W. Poole, in the CoUingwood „ ^, I hospital this week. Mrs. Poole un- Portlaw. . ! . , * » • I i. 1 , ,r T^ j -vi T'„v;=i, nt dcrwent a serious operation la.st week Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTavish of i . . . ,^ i„ „f,..„„u~ but IS improving nicely under the care 0.shawa arc spending a couple of weeks ^ ^^ \..^Jl^ with the former's parents. Mr. Mrs. D. McTavish. Mr. L. A. Fisher has installed a gj^jj of Nurse Moffatt. j The union picnic held in Lever's grove last Thursday afternoon drew . 1- u'T *1!.„7 <.m,th ""t a la''S<? crowd and fully three gasoline station on his farm soutn ,,,,„,. , . . ^ 4.„„„_ii hundred and fifty people were in at- of town and vnll cater to the traveU- ______ ,_ /_};_ *_^ „_ , „_ ing public. SUN LIFE Assurance Comp'y Canada's BigRest Value in Life Assurance Generous options. HIrIi dividends â€" every year. A dependable company^.^. The biggest life assuranc'fe com- pany in the British Empire â€" <a Canadian comp.Trny. with another has pyorrhea. ritant. Maybe he PICNIC FIELD MARKDALE Wedn'sdV, July 29 Hon. John S. Martin and J. Lockie Wilson and other prominent speakers. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT FLESHERTON ROCKLYN VANDELEUR Football Match Foot Race Quoit Pitching Horseshoe Pitching. Admission to grounds 35 and 25 cente. Grand Concert in Armouries in the Evening. J. I. Graham, Pres. J- S. Shepherdson, Sec. • 9 • t ® tendance. Ice cream and candy were â- ,-1.1 given away freely and the day was Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm. Miller and l>ttle ^^jj^ ^^^.^^^^ ^^ ^,j daughter, Mr. Gordon Long and moth- er visJied alj Honejywood on Sun- day. Mrs. John Ritchie and daughter Grace of Durham were the gueets of Mrs. Hanley one day la.<5t week. Mrs. John Lawrence and three children of Toronto are spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. J«hn Nuhn. Rev. and Mrs. F. 0. Fowler and two children, Nancy and John, returned to their home at Waterbury, Pa., after a very pleasant holiday among their old friends in this <iistrict. The second game in the Centre Grey Baseball League will be play- ed at the Vandeleur Community Park on Thursday afternoon, when Flesh- erton hooks up with Vamleleur. the game to be called at 5 o'clock sharp. Stan. Thurston FLESHERTON â€" MEAFORD FLESHERTON â€" ROCK MILLS â€" CEYLON BAPTIST CHURCHES "Homes of the Old Time Religion" Services at convenient hours each Lord's. Day. Flesherton â€" 11.00 a.m. Rock Mills â€" 3.30 p.m. Cevlonâ€" 7.00 p.m. Sunday school at each church- A hearty welcome awaits you at our services \Vc preach a Crncitied. Risen. Returning- Christ Rev. A. J. Preston, Pastor 9 O 9 Many lines of SUMMER MERCHANDISE clearing at Special Prices i during the next week 9 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. ^^^&^-^9®9^^^®^9^®999e99n»%Mt999^^^i»9'^^99tH^9999991^