Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1925, p. 1

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%hmnu^ Vol 46 No. 1 1 Flesherton. Ontario August 12th 1925 W H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Miss Ruby McWhinney of Irish Lake, Mr. Earl Maycock and Miss Margaret Quirk of Hanover visited at Mr. Jas. McWhinney'a the past week. Mrs. Knox has returned from a three 'weeks visit with friends at Goderich and other parts. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. McCormick of Swinton Park is visiting with her this week. , Mrs, W. J. Cook, Elrodale, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fairweather, and babe of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cook of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Cuchnie, Toronto, were visitors at R. Cook's the past week. Miss Grandison of Stratford is visiting at Mr. Geo. Banks and Mrs. McWilliam's. Mr. Jack White has returned from taking his summer course in Tor- onto. Mr. D. Harrow of Owen Sound, vis- ited with his daughter, Mrs. Beaton and called on many of his old friends. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Soimd is visiting her daughter,* Mrs. F. J. Coll- inson. Miss Agnes Lever of Toronto vis- ited her friend, Mrs. Jas. McMallen, the past week. Mrs. E^therington and two' child- ren of Toronto are visiting her cousin Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Miss Kate Muir, who has been vis- iting in Collingwood, has recur'ied home acompanied by her sister Mrs. Baxter, who is visiting for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Raney of Wiarton and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and babes of Shrigley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. McPhail. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall spent the week end with friends at Roder- ick, near Bala. Rev. Mr. Harris of Hanoye^ Baptist church took Rev. Mr. Preston's work here on Sabbath evening. The Rev. Mr. Pearcy of Owen Sound will 'Supply the j^ork. h^re next Sunday evening, when we hope for a good congregation. Mrs. H. Piper and Mrs. Roy Piper visited the first of the week with friends at Lauriston. Master Jack Torrey, who has been holidaying here, accompanied them back to his home. Mr. J. C. McMullen left on Monday for Toronto. A number of our young boys are camping for a week at Wilcock Lake and are having a most delightful time. VICTORIA CORNERS (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Jno Regan and two children of Toronto are visiting at Messrs Thos. and Milton Bannon's. * Miss S. Ludlow returned from Owen Sound hospital last Friday and is feel- ing very well. The young people are practising another play, "Just Plain Folk." Elmo Stevens had the misfortune to break his ankle last Saturday while driving a beast to the beef ring slaughter house. This is very un- fortunate at this time, just as he is in his haying as it will lay him up for a long time. Mr. Jas Best has a very sore face and has been ill for a couple of weeks. Geo. Best left his car standing a few minutes in the streets in Dun- dalk last Sat. eve. When he return- ed to get it the car was gone. But it was returned to Dundhlk somje time during the night. Some one want- ed an adventure. DECIDE THAT TENT NOT A DWELLING ' Silas Taylor of Brantford was fined |50 and costs, with an optioa of two months in police court last week on a charge of having liquor in an il- legal place. The case roused much interest, for the defendant alleged that he had been ordered by his doctor to sleep in a tent during the summer months, and the liquor found there, he contended, was because of his illness. A. H. Boddy inosecuted, and M. W. McEwen ap- peared for the defence. Acting Magistrates Bunnell and Buskard found against the defend- ant, holding that a tent was not a dwelling house within the meaning of the Act, that the liquor was not procured legally. having been brought there by other parties and that it was not kept in a sick room. Young Child Saved From Drowniiig By Small Boy ONE YEAR OLD SON OF MB. AND MRS. J. WICKENS FELL INTO BEAVER RIVER AND WAS RESCUED BY KEN. GILBERT. A very conspicuous act of bravery was shown last week by a small boy, Kenneth Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert of this place." A number ^f children had gone to the home of Mr. John Wickens to a birth- day party and were going swimming in the river. A baby of one year old hnd not walking, crept to the river some distance down stream and fell into the water. Kenneth thought he heard something and rushing down was just in time to rescue the child from deep water. He shook the water from the child's mouth and ran to the house, almost before any of the other children knew what had oc- curred. Kenneth did -not_ lose his head as so many older people have done and by his counu^e has saved the life of the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wickens. We think that he ought to be congratulated. Mrs. Stuart, Nathalie, Shirley, Hazel and Mrs. Carruthers are oc- cupying the tent in Meaford recently vacated by the girls. Messrs Basil and Burton Carruth- ers and the Misses Muriel, Carruth- ers, Leona Weber and Denelda Stuart spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Thos. Camack and Miss Myrtle spent the week end" in Owen Sound *rith Mrs. Wm. Martin. Mr. Albert Ellis has »etum^ after spending tend^ys with his mother in Powassan. "Jtfiss Joy Ellis came home with him and is spending her holi- days here. f BORNâ€" On Monday, August 10th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl DiUon (H. E.P.C.J^.ji son. Congrai||btions. The 'young men of the vicinity held a dance in the hall last Friday even- ing. Althuogh the weather -is rather warm for such amusement, everyone enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Myles and Mrs. Hammond spent Sunday with the campers at Meaferd. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Township Council met at Flesherton on August 1st, last. The members w^ere all present, the Reeve presiding, the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Accounts for grravel supplied over- seers were ordered paid; J. Gibson $20.80, Bert Taylor f 1.10, J Buchanan $9.90, F.Taylor $1.40, Jos. Oliver $4.20 C. Moore, $14.00 C Newell $11.50, W. Magee 7.30, H. Cairns 2.10, A. Cam- eron $6.90, Bert Magee $12.20, T. Henry $5.70, John Oliver, $.4.70, C. Moore 6.60, T. Taylor 9.40, G. Wall- er 12.25, G. Cairns 5.50, J. Carson 14- 40, A. Currie. 8.00. Bylaw No. 10 to authorize a loan from Bank for current expenditure was passed. Williamson-Hogarthâ€" That Mr. H Corbett be paid $12.00 for 3 days overseeing work. â€" Carried. Hogarth- Williamson, â€" ^That Mr. Carruthers' report be adopted, am- ount expende<f 27.25 and 57.40, and be paid $5.75 commission and $8.00 for two days overseeing work. Carr. Carruthers- Hogarth â€" That R. Gorley be paid 67.00 for sheep killed by dogs, valued by John Campbell. â€" Carried. Corbett-Wililamsonâ€" That the foll- owing be paid Collectors' rolls $14.70, steel for Phillips' bridge $88.73 and freight $7.52.â€" Carried. Carruthers â€" Hogarth â€" That the council accept the Globe indemnity Co. policy as approved by this coun- cil. â€" Carried. Carruthers Hoarth â€" That the Game and Fisheries department be permitted to erect a fence and gate on 30th sideroad con 9. â€" Carried. Corbettâ€" Williamson â€" That this council consent to the proposal of the council of Proton, to have th%(| drain at Proton Station cleared obstructions. * Camithers-WiUiaroson â€" That the Reve and Messrs Hogarth and Corbett be a committee to meet the C. P. R. authorities in the matter of the cross ing at Lot 137. Con. 3. S.W., and the clerk forward a copy of the reso- EUGENIA Haying will soon be finished in this locality. " We noticed in last week's issue of The Advance that Mr. Jas. Porteous, 8th li«e, has a field of oats measur- ing. over 5 -feet. Mr. Chas.' Martin measured a few stalks off his best field of oats and they measured ar- ound six feet, some stalks measuring 6 feet 6 inches. These are the black variety of oats. Next! Miss Peggy Ross of Toronto is hol- idaying with her friend. Miss Donalda Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huggard and children, Odessa and Kenneth, of Thombury spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell Graham. We are pleased to see Mrs. Huggard able to be out again after her prolonged illness. Mr. .\lbert Sloan, wife and family wrere the guests of the formerTi mother, Mrs. Walker Sloan, for a few days last week. Messrs. George and Wilfred Shaw of Cheeseville spent Sunday at Mr. A. F. Pedlar^. B Mr. Roderick Gordon, who has spent the past week wit^i Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppard, returned to Toronto on Monday last. He will make a bus- iness trip immediately to Detroit, then to Philadelphia and Chicago, w^here he hopes to secure a position as superintendant or assistant man- ager of some large firm in one of these industrial centres. We hope he is successful. His wife and (^Idr ren will remain here for a visit dur- ing his absence. Miss Jennie Ellis of Orangeville w«s the guest of her 'friend, Mrs. A. F. Pedlar, the past week. While Mr. and Mrs. Foester and Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham were away on Monda^ evening, we are informed that sneak thieves were at work and took considerable gas out "of Mr. Gra- ham's car, which was in Mr. Foester's $150 Raised at Priceville Garden Party Last Week DURHAM T.\LENT SUPPLIED AT j THE BIG CONCERT HELD AT i NIGHTâ€" SWINTON P.ARK WON i FROM .M.\XWELL 1-0. EAST MOUNTAIN MAXWELL The Presbyterian congregation held a very suceessful garden party on Thursday last on the school grounds. The evening being fine a large crowd turned out for the occasion,and every- body seemed to be in the right humor to enjoy the evening's entertainment. An abundance of good things w^ere provided by the ladies, to appease the appetites of all, and supper was ser- ved frona 6 to 9 p.m. A very nice game of football was played between Maxwell and Swinton Park, the latter .winning out by a 1-0 score. A lengthy and excellent program was presided over by Pastor Sutherland. The Durham Presbyteinan choir rend- ered several pleasing choruses. Mr. .Grant McComb and daughter. Miss Esther, members of the choir, each sang a couple of solos and Miss Firth, another member, gave two splendid readings. Mr. Archie Clark of Dro- more delighted the audience with two humorous recitations in his own pleasing style. Mrs. .A.. McMillan of Edmonton gave two sweetly-rendered solos; also a piano instrumental solo by Miss M. Smellie; humorous read- ing by Rev. A. Sutherland; pipe mus- ic by Mr. N. Cameron; violin, picalo â- and piano by Messrs. L, McKeowri, C. A. McLean and D. L. Mc Arthur; duet by Mr. J. A. McDonald and Mrs. A. McMillan were much appreciated. Mr. Stewart Mc.A.rthur of Durham, in- terpreting Harry Lauder, made a de- cided hit with the large crowd, in sev- eral numbers. The proceeds ol-the evening amounted to nearly $150. Messrs. Donald and Colin Tryon, also Dr. Mary Tryon of Detroit are visiting their father, Mr. G. Tryon. garage^ . Again another night late^,j^ n^j^g McKinnon vid Ux. Fred on in the week gas was taken out of Mr. Foester's car, which was in his garage. The owners of the cars think that they are certain who took the gasoline. Surely it was no citi- zen of our village, but whoever it was should learn the Lord's commandment â€" "Thou shalt not steal." Mr. and Mrs. H. Foester visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, Cey- lon, on Sunday. We were quite pleased to see Mr. Wellington Graham able to drive out again, also Miss Phyllis, who was quite ill with whooping-cough, almost ^covered. Miss Fordar of Parry Sound is hol- idaying at Mr. Robt. Purvis's. Mr. Harry Pedlar and mother and his sister7~Mrs. Geo. Fisher, of the Stone Line, visited at Mr. T. McKee's on Sunday. We are informed that Miss Isabel McKee has secured a jwsition in To- ronto. Success, Isabel! Miss Dorothy Genoe of East Moun- tain is visiting her cousin. Miss Dor- othy Jamieson, Sth line, .A.rtejpesia. ROCK MILLS Mrs. W. T. Pedlar, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Betts, and daughter, Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts and family, visited friends at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and fam- ily, motored to Owen Sound recently, and visited with relatives there. Miss Leila remained for a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Park. Master Delbert Smith underwent an operation in the Collingwood hos- pital last week for the removal of tonsils. We are glad to know he got along nicely. Mrs. Wm. Bristow, and son, Clif- ford, Mr. George MoBride and Miss Bristow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, and son Norval, spent Sunday with Mr. J. Hargrave, wife, and son. Mr. Ned Croft, commenced thresh- *'* ' ing last week, some of the farmers having threshed Fall Wheat. The European Com borer plague which has infested Essex and Kent counties the past few years is still un checked, although the government has Lee of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr W. A. Aldcom's. Mr. R. H. MoConkey has 'treated himself and fr.inily to a new Chevro- let coach. Miss Flo McLean has returned to the city. Mr. Geo. Robertson of Detroit is visiting^ friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mino of Owen Sound visited the latter's brothers, A. B. and D. H. McDonald. Mr. E. D.Hogg. CP.R- agent, is spending his vacation in Shelbume and Mr. Clements is relieving here. Mr. R. J. Sim of Caledon was in town Saturday night and met many of his old friends. Mr. Bert .\ussu.-.i spent the week end in the city with friends. Mrs. Hay (nee Katie McArthur) of Fort William is visiting at Mr. J. McMeekin's. .Mr. and Mrs. Arihur Hill of Toron- to visited at Mr. Dave Nichol's. Slisses Christina and Elizabeth Nichol of Detroit are spending a few weeks with their uncle, D. Nichol. Dr. and Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Ball and Mr. and Mrs. Davis Jr. of Detroit are visiting Mil^s M. A. McLean. The United Church S. S. picnic, held in Curie's grove on Wed- nesday last, was a very decided suc- cess. The weather man handed out the real picnic brand, the crowd was large, eatables plenty and good, and everybody was happy. Foot races and games were indulged in by young and old. and a baseball game between O.D.R. and a Flesherton team result- ed in a win fort he D. R. boys. TOWN COUNCIL lution to C. P. R. officials and ask « been continuously investigating meth- them to Ix date of meeting.â€" Carried. od» of eradication. The council of Flesherton met on August 4th, last. .\U the members of the council were present. Minutes were read and confirmed. The following accounts were pre- sented and on motions ordere<l to be paid. Municipal World Collectors roll 3.6S. John Nuhn for tile 15.66, J. O. Patton, for gravel. 14.00. J. Field re- pairing sidewalk 1.50, J. G. Myers re- pairing sidewalk 1-00. J. A. Heard, gate to park 4.00, Jos. Blakely work in park 5.00. Jos. Blakely cutting grass 2.50. Orders were issued for the above amounts. The council adjourned. Mrs. McKinley of Toronto is spend- 1 ing a m«nth with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall. Miss Adella Smart of Duncan spent a few days with her cousin, Mildred Smart. Mr. and Mrs. George Pedlar and daughters of Durham spent the week end with relatives here. ^ Misses Kate and Mary Orr, accom- panied by friends of Orangeville, vis- ited at the home of ^r. Wm. Hum- berstone recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson vis- ited with friends in Kimberley on Sun- day. The Rainbow Dance Orchestra of Markdale held a dance in Duncan Lake Pavilion last Thursday even- ing. Mr. John O'Brien of Toronto is hol- idaying with his friend Mr. C. Hum- berstone. • Miss Eva Allen spent a day with friends at Redwing. .A pleasant evening was spent at the Duncan Lake pavilion on Tues- day of last week, when a "shower" was given to Mr. and Mrs. Rufua Hindle of Duncan. Miss Lilian Smart spent a day with friends at Cherry Grove. Miss Bessie Wright ot Toronto vis- ited her parents here recently. Maswell girls soft ball team play* ed the Shrigley girls team at Shrigley_ on Sat. last. The result was 10â€"5 in favour of Maxwell. After the game was over Mr. H. Bailey passed the hat and got a collection of aboat $5r.0O and divided it between the cwo teams. Then the Shrigley girls treated the Maxwell girls to a dainty lunch. The Maxwell girls have yet to lose their first game. ' The .Anglican softball team of Maxwell, played with St. Paula on Friday, the result was 18-2 in favor of Maxwell. Don't forget "Field Day" at And- day' August 13th. Mrs. W. E. Irwin and little daugh- ter of Windsor are visiting her par- ens here. Mrs. Fenwick Sr. died at her son Roy's home on Sunday evening last. Interment virlli be made to-day, 'Tues- day, at 2 p.m. at Maxwell Union cem- etery. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field of Rock Mills visited with Charles Brodie and wife Off' Sunday. Orangeville tax rate is 43 mills. i The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Over 300 teachers applied for S. S. j Alex Morrison of Florida died while No. 6 Bentick, when a . teacher was | motoring to Durham with its parents, wanted and Miss '.'. Wiatson of Price- Death was caused by impure milk ville was the luckj^ yoang lady to be secured on the way. Mr. Morrison accepted. , formerly resided in Osprey. i*!- BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEftAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO J. W. Bates. "R. Ma«kk)cks. MOUSE OF Q.UALITV GROCERIES \ We czrry a full stock of fresh groceries al- '^ alwavs on hand FRUIT Oranges. Lemons bananas etc. CONFECTIONERY Neilsons Chocolates, bulk, bars and fancy boxes. Neilson's Ice Cream alwavs on hand. W. J. STEWART & SONS Fleuw, Feed, Swds, C«o««riM and Confcctioneiy Flesherton â- n Durham's tax rate for 19'25 is 54 FURNITURE TALK What could be more uncomfortable these hot nights than a poor spring and mattress to lie on? But there is no need to be uncom- fortable. All you have to do. is come in and fill your wants from fuU stock of springs and mattresses. We carr>- a full line of both ranging in price frem mattresses from seven DoUars in a felt fdl- ing. up to thirty doUars for a spring mattress; and in springs our bne is fron. Five DoUars up. Remember we are willing to compete in prices on these lines with the big department stores and we want yon. i£ satisfied to tdl ohers. if you are not satisfied tell us. Thos. W. Findlay FIRNITURE DEALEIt FIXER.\L DIRECTOR Flesherton

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