"Wcdneslay, k»«ptember 23r(l, 1925 THE FLESHEKfON ADVANCE ^ IF* The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTKREST IN THIS NEC ESSITV OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT VOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS. IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR l» I N D E RS BREAD AND GET THE BEST. INDER'S lERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery LADY BANK EUGENIA IT PAYS TO AITE.ND THE BESTi â- LLIOTT YounK and Alexander Sts. Toronto Noted for high grade instruction, and placing many students in Rood positions A\ rite for catalogue. En- ter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. We are very glad to be favored once more with a few nice days to let the farmers finish their harvesting. M'isses lyv and Lena Izard, Edith and .lanie Scmple visited a few days at Clarksburg with friendc and at- tended the camp meetings on Sunday; The Ladic*' Aid of Providence church will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos. Sewell on October 7th. Quite a number of people from Lady Bank took in the camp meet? ings on Sunday. Mr. Guy Kaitting of Feversham , visited with his brother, Mr. Win. Knittinir, and family here. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Semple and son, ' also Jlr. Fred Semple of Islington, ! rr.otcrCt* 'to the foriwei's 'parental I home on Saturday evening. Clarence =dJ j ar.d Fred returned on Sunday everi- The Grey Regiment marksmen-were '"!!â- . while .Airs. Semple and son, Reg- at Camp Borden last week compet-' '"«'''• ^^''" '•*'"' ^'" ^""^ » fortnight, ing in the rifle meet and won firstl (intended for last w-^ek) place and the much coveted trophy.] ^^^ i^j^^^^j sunshine makes itk, Sergt. Sum Neal^ was the high man| appearance once more, after nearly Col. Pembrok/3 was eight days of steady rain and Grey's total score clouds. The people of this community met The weather at time of writing is allowing the farmers to contplete the harvest. We hope it continues fine. â- We extend our sympathy to the Kaitting family, Feversliam, and the Warling family, Vapdeleur, in their recent sad bereavcmenl^s. We are sorry to report Mrs. AUem ill but hope she will soon be better. Dr. Guy is in attendance. Miss Betsy Turner has gone to Rock Mills, to assist Mrs. George Weiner Boast .ambitious players, who would like to 1 take nart should get in practice, and A very successful weiner roast was , make themselves known to any of the held at the home of Mrs. J .McMillan, I above local players. on Thursday evening at Six Corners, when the "Hold" club entertained the U. F. Y .P. 0. club of the Old D. R., | DIED they being t^e honor guests of the ' _____ evening. The lawn was tastefully I »♦ ,u u „* u: • .r. ,• . . 1 ? J -.1. /-.I.- r ^ . -^* the home of his son m Canfield, decorated with Chmese Lanterns •^ and illuminated by a huge bonfire. A "^^^ • Alfr«-<1 Russell in his 85th year. program of games by Miss Kate Mc- He was formerly a pastor in the Meth- Millan, were heartily indulged in. otlist Church at Maxwell, and is a Community singing of the, old time brother of Mrs. Olivia Ross. songs was a pleasant part of the pro- Johnston, who is not enjoying good ^«'" ^""^ ^°'^*''^'- ^"^ taken from with 105 and next with 101 { was >*53 ; the Simcoe Foresters came second with 680. The People's Grocery SOME MORE OF OUR GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Fancy Sockcye Salmon 2 tins 45c. Large tins Sockcve or Horseshoe 39c. Red Salmon ' 2 tins 50c. Pink Salmon :. 2 tins 35c. lirunsvvick Sardines 4 tins for Z^c. Cross Fish Sardines .j. 2 tins for 35c. Kleenup Soap, regular price 2?c 2 tins for 26c. 1 W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 ^» at Providence church on Monday eve- ning of last week with their pastor Mr. Howie, when a Y'ouQg People's Christian Union was organized. An outline of the work was given by Mr. Howie and a .staff of officers was duly elected. It was decided to hold their first meeting o^ Wed. evening at 8 o'clock in the church. Everybody welcome. -Miss Janie Izard ^s sp<;nding a fortnight with her cousins, Mr. Roy and Chas. Fenwick of Maxwell. Miss Adell Roberts of Epping vis- ited her parental home over the week end. Mr. and Mr.s. W. J. Moore of Spring Hill, visited with Wm. Semple and family on Labor Day. Much sympahty is extended to Mr. Wm. Kaitting and famjly in the loss they have sustained in the death of his mother Mrs. J. J. Kaitting at Feversham. health. Wc are sorry to hear that Mrs. Smith's son George, who was recent- ly injured in an accident in Toronto, hag passed away to his eternal home. Wc extend our sympathy to Mrs. Smith. .Air. Alfred Genoe and wife visited Ceylon friends on Sunday. Mi'. Geo. Graham has made a de- cided change in his residPilCe, which he purchased a few years ago from Mr. Thcs Fenwick. He has given the exterior a complete renovation. .Mr. Graham is a first class carp- enter and is making a fine job of it. MR. GEORGE GAMEY DEAD Anniv. Services tho.ce who did not participate in the ' games. Refreshments were serveid ' and I a delightful social time was : - - . \ .spent by all. A prize was given to Anniversary Services will be the iierson ivho found the famous Mr. held in connettion with the and Mrs. Banks, who were on the , Kimberley, New England, grounds. Mr«^Dan Campbell found Victoria and Epping congre- Mr. Banks and Miss Edna Nichol .. , , w,. • /-,• * » found Mr. Banks. Mrs. Donald gatwns of the United Church Stewart was Mrs. Banks and Mr. Ar- of Canada on the following- chie Stewart was Mr. Banks.. All dates:- , shook hands and said, "Are you the c _i ot c • .^ t o« famous Mr. Banks " Sept 27â€" Epping at 7.30 pan. special preacher, Kiev. Ed. I'aker of Meafortl. The Vic- Collingwood Checker Players Visited Flesherton Last Week On Thursday evening the> local checker players entertained the CoU- ingwood checkf.r players, six in num- ber to a checker match, the score re- We extend our sympathy to Mrs. .\lex Hoy, who has received the sad new.s of the death of her Uncle, Mr. George Gamey, of Verwood Sask ,who ' favor of Collingwood passed away to his heavenly home Flesherton toria.-Rocklyn orchestra will assist in the musical service. Oct. 4 â€" NewEngland preach- er announced later. Supper and concert in the basement suiting in 29 points to 43 points in ^ Monday night. Oct. 11 â€" Kimberley, preach- C""'"K woodier announced later. Fowl on August 20th, 1925. He was un- H. Hodgins 8 Dr. J.. M. Mitchell 10 ^.„^„„.. „ . . . • jj J Arnold 9 PP " entertainment in S.Patterson 7 :tlie hall Friday night, Oct. 9. J. Graham 7 Qct 18 â€" Victoria, Rocklyn, R. Legatt 7 preacher announced later. ao uii- n-Trri<?d and was in his 59th year, J. Hodgins 7 being born on the 4th line Osprey. j A. Turnbull 6 He was a son of the Lite' Mr. John W. Akitt 3 A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong; it is but saying in other words that he is wiser to-day than he was yes- terday. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thai our customers in the (is com- | munitiei may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario I THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively asaociatea with high quality merchandise at the fairest possible prices. Commencing September 23rd, This Store Will Be ' Open Ail Day Wednesday New Creation of Vail Millinery Arrived this week 1 lav( Many new models in trimmed and plain felt hats have arrived (lire^:t from the manufacturers. Sales up to the pr,.scnt time have far exceeded our oxpctation. People are coming a long distance in order to buy their millinery at this store niul ex- press themselves as most agreeably surprised at the low prices asked for such lieautiful new creations. Many hats at tli,^ popular prices of $2.95, $3.U5 and $4.95. Inir 'rrininicd Fall Coats, Distinctive .'\s to Models. Keasonahly Priced For variety of styles, ranges of colors, richness of materials, our present showing of Ladies' and MisHe.s' F'all Coats surpass any previous showing. Prices are most reasonable and we are convinced thai you will have no difficulty in choosing the coat you require from our muoh-larger-than-usual showing. Prices range from $9.75 up to $37.50. VVonifn's Work Shoes Specially Priced $1.<>X 30 pairH of odd lines of Wom/.n'a Heavy Work .Shoes have been gathered togt^ hr tind spcially priced for fast clearance. Rgular $2.25 to $3.75. Spcially priced $1.98 a pair. (lirrs .Shoes, Fxtra Value $l.(vS a ])air 40 pairs of Girls' Heavy School Shoes, being o<kl lots of a few pair* left from several lots of th,. bent sti'ling lins. The reirular pricn wer,. $2.00 to $3.25 per pair On these we giv,. a special clear- ing .nricc of $1.68 a pair. Men's Sweater Coats $2.48 Thia is a npe>-ial oualit.V, not too heavy in weight for the pr,.iient season and not too bulky to wear under a coat when the dayn K,.t a bit colder. Snek:ial- ly priced $2.48. Men's Pullover Sweater, Roll or V-Neck. $1.4« This is cerUinly a very low pri«^ on such a sub- stantial garnie«it. The colore ar,. dark nnH «oin« in either the roll or V-nock with roll dollar that can he buttoned up close if required. Spt/^ially/.iriced IJoys' 9-inch Top Tan Crain Calf IJoots $3.29 It would be difficult to get a more substantial :ind longwearing boys' boot, ada!ite<l especially for the wet fall weather, than this boot on which we are giving such a special prioe. If you buy a pair of tiie^e boots for the boy you will not be disap- pointed. Regular price $4. 50 Special clearing Price $3:29 a pair. Men's Overcoat's Possessing I:5oth Style and E.xtra Wearinj; Qualities If requiring a new overcoat be sure you see our solendid asBovtment. lieVo you will kec thq last word 111 the matter of stylo beautiful material and posf.ewsitig long wearing tiualitieS. Very specially priced at lUJ.SO up to $27.50. Hoys' Pullover Sweater Roll Collar. 9S cents This is a snbndid low priced garment for the school boy It comes in a good weight materia,l, dark of color and all sizes from 2(5 to 34. Very spec- ial 08c. n garment. , ^ ^^^'^^ Hoys' Sweater coats $1.28 -This is an excelMnt garment for such a low price It nas roll collar an<l comes in sizes 28, 30 S2 :U. S.necial priced, i)er garment> $1.28. Grocery Specials Snacka Game>. He went west almost 25 ytjirs ago. Previous to thirf, he made his home with his sister, the late Mrs. J. Parliament. His illness was of short duration, he undergoing an operation, making good progress for a week, when he was seized by a bad attack of asthma, which resulted in a hemorrhage, proving fatal. He is survived by three brothers, viz. â€" Thos. of Sault Ste Marie, John of Forget, £<ask, and Josiah of Verwood Sask, and three sisters, Aiinie, Tillie and Nora, all married, of Buffalo. Tho friends who attended the fun- eral are, John Gamey. Forget, Slask, Josiah Verwood and neice Mts. Law- rence Lyons and husband, of River- hurst, Sask. Our respectful sympthy is extended to the bereaved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of Cataract, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Walker of God- ((^•ich, and members of the Rozell family of Georgetown were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon and family. Mrs. Will Walker and son Will, and Mrs. Wilson, attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Warling, Van- deltur, Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Lever and daxighter, Gertrude, visited with Mi'. C. Martin,^'' and family .Sunday. ^ Messrr,. C. Willianrs, P. Magee, and lady friends, attended Owen Sound Fan-, on Thursday of last week. G. Shearson 3 G. .McTavish 2 Flesherton 29 A return match is to be played in Collingwood early in October-. Any H. Lamont 3 Collingwood 431 ; Supper and entertainment in the hall on Monday nig-ht. H. V. Ellison, Pastor Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED ^ FARMS FOR SALE LOST â€" Parcel containing hose.j ribbon, collar and buttons, between | On the Toronto Line Provincial Ceylon and Six Corners. Filider j Highway. Three farms, two of 19» please leave same at Haw's store. | neres and one of 50 acres all cleared. ! First class buildings, up to date if HEIFER STRAYED â€" Came to: every particular. WiL arU any ca» the premises of James McKeiizie, Lot. \ "^ tl*"*- Good brick hoase on on ; ».- 12 con, 13. Osprey, about July 15th, j***^ farms. The stabling for «2n?- yearling heifer. Owner claim prop- •""•« >s perfect. One finr has tas erty and pay all expenses. | *"'f hardwood bush and anoca«r 1 nundred has three acres of timber LOST â€" Black and white hound | and has baildinngs for everything about July 20th. Answered to name : needed, including poultry house an^ of Rex. â€" Chas. Hanley, Eugenia, j pig pens. No broken land and cletr P.O. 1 "^ weeds. Any person interets«d I should investigate. STEER STRAYEDâ€" Came to the premises of the undersigned. Lot 4, Con. 3, Osprey, red steer. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" / Jobn Winters, Maxwell. Phone 92 1 4, Dundalk. • ! Imy -T. J. STINSON. Proton Station P.O. and 3 tins Kipper Corn Flakes .25c. Shredded Wheat "... ... ... .. . ; ^l ^^iic Tomatoes •«;••;;: If ^°^: p^^g Z tins for 35c. Salmon; ry,^nd";;iz;::zz;;::zz:'" ^^ C£^ TTjompson Seedless Raisins .....ilba for 25^" Mixed Tea, very .special 21b« for ti 9^ Glycerine .Soap, lar^e cake % ?L*yR-? Pork & Pe«nsr2Wl&. tln.'W. l6c:for::..!..25;.'t''„ Ccrto â- â- .; ^ """f*- '»'â- 28c. Speciai'Br^nr'.".'.""".".".'.".' " 2il** Pickles, quart size '^ZZ " ^^ Pickles, 10 oz. size. wg. SOc. for " ".â- â- * Sir' Sweet Pickles, 10 oi. sii«. reg. 35c. for," v^' Comfort, Sunlight. White Naphtha and Gold Soaps, 4 cakes for 26c Swe<.t Gherkins. 10 oz. wie reg. 46^."foT;.;; Si' Sugared Dates, regular 2.3c. 2 pkgs for ...HScts." I F. T. HILL & Co., Umited, MarMale Cause of Lump Jaw. Lump jaw is not a hereUJtary dis- ease, nor Is it directly couingious or "catching." It is caused bv the ia- Taslon or a punctured wound, lacera- tion or abrasion of the skin or mu coua membrane lluiuK the mouth by the "ray fungus" (aetinonnces). T.'io disease technically is ttrnied actino- mycosis, from the lungus nieutionov!. In probably a majority of cases !!;.• disease is caused by the btarUs or awns of barley, rye, Avticat or wild grasses, or the hulls of siraw ol grains, and possibly the stalks ui loU- ders carrying tho Inftctive spores ui the fungus into the tissues. Whin Pus flows from an affected tumor o- abscess, caused 1)y the fungus, it cou tains canary-yellow, gritty puruciw, Which contain. spores, and these sot ting onto grass, grain, ttc. in tii « reinfect animals when wtunds occur For that reasou an animal that has a discharging actinomycotic sore or abscess should not graze with sound cattle, and had better be kept isolat- ed. As some of tho pus may also get Into milk and contaminate it, a row affected with a discharging diseast centre should not be u«eu toi milk production. It may be added that the meat of an affected animal Is at for use if slaughteriug is done before emaciation is caused or pus foims and while the animal Is otherwise In good health and eating well. The same is true of milk. But If the lump has become an open sore, neither fieah uor milk of the^lfected animal i* at tor human f<^<a. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Young pigs sale. â€" Ben. McKenzic, Ceylon. BULL FOR SERVICE Purebred Shorthorn bull for ser- jvice on lot 40. Con. S. Artemesia. , Chas. Hanley, Eugenia P.O. fori BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR S.^LE â€" A stack of hay for ' J«""'0"h Loar for service, 5 moa. sale. Cheap for cash. - J. K. McLeod. , ^^^' l'^-,^*'-'"" ^l^' "'^ lot 31, Con. X - - O.D.R. Terms IL Any sow not r». FOR S.\LE â€" Canaries for sale. '""'<•'- will be charged same as thos* Young singers. â€" F. G. Karstedt, 'n Pisf. Anyone wishing to leave th* Triccville. ' ^^^ will be charged 25c per day ex- I traâ€" JOHN MEADS PriceviII« P r» FOR SALE â€" A Quebec Heater, r. jj. g ^^ "*' "'"vniie ^O^ used one season. â€" C. F. Lawrence,' owma- Flesherton. bi !«-•.» *,.«> _ 1 BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" Spring ram lamb (Leister) for sale. â€" Thomas Bern rose, Flesherton. phone 11 r-1-5. FOR SALE â€" 1 top buggy in of Ontario, good condition. Must be sold to wind teeth extraction, up estate. Apply to Thompson Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S.. dental. surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto "^•^^oyal College of Dental Surgeozu Gas administered for Office at raBidenc*- Davidson, Feversham. Dr. A. Tumbnll. RA.. MA, grad. FOR SALE â€" Three young Sows uate from the Faculty of MediciiM. for sale, bacon type.â€" Wm. Johnson, University of Toronto. OfBceâ€" U^A- lardson Block. Flesherton. Phone 9$. •Proton Station P.O. FOR SALE â€" Mare colt, three ytjirs old, or would exchange for Prince Arthur Lodge, S33, A.F. cattle. John Hatton. R. R. 5, Mark- i'^r^pf J" !!!* ""'^-i* ^^ ^^ji- dale. Phone 29 r.2. ! **^"^ ^^"^^ Flesherton, ever, fS- 4 Rock Mills Baptist Church HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday. Sept. 27th Display of flowers, fruit and vegetables, etc. v^pccial .sermon and singinjj;'. On Monday Eve., Sept 28, special Praiae Meeting at 7.39 p.ni. Refresljnients will be served. Thankoffcrinp at ht>th services. Everyboily Wekoae ____ ^*y o" °' '>«fore the full moon. FOR SALE â€" Onions for sale ati **^*: ^•**- ^â- ^- Thuwton, Sec 3c. per pound. Choice honey at IIH, containers not included, if)». Buch- anan, Flesherton. Phone 31, r. 1-1. C. C. MhMlebrtt. Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesher- ton every Friday from 4.30 p.m 8.45 p.n». t» MISCBLLAME0U8 WANTED â€" Men to pick apples, about Oct. let. Good wages with board. E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. j NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Lo«M A Henry. Barriston, SattdW Jrs, etc,â€" L B. Lucas, K.a ; W. Ik Henry, B.A. Offices, BfarUala Locaa Block, Phone 2. Branch oOeta •« Dundalk and Durham. NOTICE â€" Hunting and tres.nass- Telford ft Bimie. Bairistm. mB- citors, etc. Officesâ€" Gray aad Block. Owen Sound; StaadaH ing on lots 176. 177. 178 and 179, 1st.; J'*!l\*-"!'!!*'^?'-J Saturday.). Range W. T. O. S. R. Artemesia, will ^- '^•"""^ '''- '• '^^ ^- W"*^ be strictly prohibted at all times.â€" , T. J. Stinson .Proton. . j W». Kaitting. Liccnaed ftor the eonntiaa of GvBf NOTICE â€" All Hanover cement j '"•rm and stock hags must be returned by October j Tern» moderato.. mtiaf action 16th, l»Jte. to Flesherton or Priceville. •nta«d. Arrangementa tu After that date hags will not be «c- "**7 ^ "•<i« at the AiknuMa «! repted for the above company. â€" F. ^^*'*' taiapkona oOei G. Karstedt, Flesherton. "â- ' ^ tMtmtiag aa at 4