Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1925, p. 4

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^Vc'^lncslay. Scptftnber 30th, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flock â€" l»t Roy, tPen from Home V. »«»>-.n-nu mnu. â- â- â- .â- - Thompson 14; 2 Edim Loutfheed 9; 3 rLESHcllTuN ADw RNCL ! ie<»> Alexander 7; 4 Bruce Mulliu 10; 6 Norval Belts 5. ONLY A DAD , PublUhed on Collyigwood Streot, FlMhcrton, WednewUy of each i week. CircuUtion 1100. Price > ia Canada $1.50 per year; in U.S. A. 12.00 per year; $2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, - Editor P. J. THURSTON - A»8t. Editor Osprey School Fair Brown Kgtfsâ€"l LiUitin Basland 10; 2 Irene Hudson 7; it Olive Scutt 12; 4; Marion Taylor 1 'and 5; 5 Merlie Bukingham U. i White EgRsâ€" I Clayburn Thomson U; 2 Jean Ross 'j; 3 Reta Kindle 6; 4 Minerva Conn 7; 5 Edith Heitmanj 7. ' Heavy Draught Coltâ€" Jim McMulu' Only a dad, of a brood of four, Only a dad, with a tired face, Coming home from the daily race, Bringing little of gold or fame To show how well he has played the game,. But glad in his heart that his own rejoice To see him come and to hear his voice. Quart of Wheat â€" Lawrence Fen vfickB, Wallace Bewell, 16, Donald Keith 16, Norman Patterson 14, James Kerton 5. Sheaf of Wheatâ€" Norman Patter- son 14, Wm. Radley 14, Wallace Bew- ell 16, Donald Keith 16, K. Hawkins 6., Jas McMullen 6. Quart of Barleyâ€" Russell Hawton 7 Cecil Chard 9, Orville Betts 5, Thoa. Stephens 10. Sheaf of Barley â€" Russell Hawton 7, Thos. Stephens, 10, Quart of Oats â€" Francis Chard 1, L. V. Cameron 2, Melville Hindle, 6, Claybome Thompson, 14, Vern Pall- ister, 9. Sheaf of oats â€" Claybome Thomp- Veme Pallister 9, Howard Goldsmith, 1â€"6, L. . Cameron, 2, Melville Hindle 6. Sweet Corn â€" Roy Thompson 14, G. 2, 3, 4, and 5, no name. Tressa Keith 16. Mangels â€" 1st T .J. Hawkins 10;; 2 Cornelius Sullivan 14; 3 Berton Hut- chinson 6. Turnips â€" 1 John McLean 7. Potatoes â€" 1 Edna Lougheed 9; 2 Jessie Morrison 5; Harold Benson 5; 4 Dorothy Stevenson 2; Grace Fee 16. Beetsâ€" 1 Berton Conron 7; 2 Jean Young 1'; .'{ Jean McKenzie 6; 4 Edith Heitman 7; ."> Ina Hindle 'J. Carrotsâ€" 1 Bessie Hindle G; 2 Mar- ion Taylw 1 and h; :! May Moore 12; 4 Jim Conn 7; 5 garnet McKenzie G. Parsnipsâ€" 1 Gordoji Ro.ss 2; 2 Jack Keith 16: 3 Lloyd Moni.so,, it; 4 Mary Long it; 5 Annie Rdbertson 9. Onionsâ€" 1 Stella Young 9; 2 Gord- on Ross 2; '.', Violet Sullivan 14; 4 Inez Wilson 1 and 5; D Jim Conn 7. Coll. of Fruitâ€" 1 Norman Patterson 14; 2 Merlie Buckinprliam 9; 3 Annie Robertpon 9; 4 John McLean 7; 5 Chester Scliwandt 1 and .5. Asters â€" I Fraiicis Kdwards 1 and .">; 2 Bernice Edwards I and .^; 3 Norman Patterson 14; 4 Bill Pallister 14; 5 Edith Heitman 7. Calendulaâ€" 1 Mary Findlay 14; 2 Dorothy Steviiifon 2; 3 Minnie Mc- Intyre 2. SnlpiKlo.-si^â€" 1 Korvnl Betts 5; 2 Kilbourne Hawkins 6. HoniL- (Jarden Boutiuft-l Burton Conron 7; 2 Glaybourne Thoompson 14; 3 Zelhi Lonjr 7; 4 Maiiel Ross 9; 5 John McLean 7. â- Weedsâ€" 1 Mabel Ross 9; 2 Verna Long !i ;3 Vern Pallister 9; 4 Francis Edwards 1 and 5; 5 John McLean 7. Feed Seeds â€" 1 Francis Edwards 1 an d.3; 2 Kilbourne Hawkins 5; 3 Warren Morrison 9; 4 Vern Pallister 9; 5 Mabel Ross 9. Insects â€" 1 Chester Schwandt 1 and 5; 2 Vern Pallister 9; 3 Warren Mor- rison 9; 4 Annie Robertson 9. Jardinere Stand â€" 1 Robert Long 9; 2 Vern Pallister 9; 3 John Poole 6; 4 Roy Thompson 14; .5 John McLean 7. Book Rockâ€" 1 Fred Ro.",s 9; 2 John McLean 7. Breadâ€" 1 Martha Keith 16: 2 Ruby Kerton 5; 3 Bessie Hindle 6;4 Warren [ Morrison 9; 5 Marion Taylor 1 and 5. Oatmeal Cookies â€" 1 Ethel, McDon- ald 2; 2 Marjorie G. 9; 3 Ina Hindle 6; 4 Tressa Keith 16; 5 Marion Taylor 1 and 5. Chocolate Layer Cake â€" 1 Alvera Fee 16; 2 Blanche Henderson 7; 3 Merle Buckingham 9; 4 Beatrice Buckingham 6; 5 Marion Taylor 1 & 5 .Sugar CV)okies â€" 1 Marion Taylor 1 and h; 2 Mary Long 9; 3 Gretta Sellwood 1 and .5; 4 Marie Campbell 16. Apple Pieâ€" 1 i^ylvia Schwandt 1 & 5; 2 Mario nTnylor 1 and B; 3 Greta Sellwood 1 and 5; 4 Margaret Haw- ton 7; 5 Florence Adair 10. Plan of Stableâ€" I Hector Mclntyrc 2; 2 Frfd Ross 9; 3 Robert Long 9; 4 John McLean 7; 5 M. D. Capieron 2. Plan of Kitchen â€" 1 Rhoda Gold- smith 1 and 5; 2 Minnie Mclntyrc 2; 3 Bessie Hindle 6; 4 Mabel Ross 9; 5 Dorothy Bemrose 9. Writing, Fourth Pupils â€" 1 Mary Keith 7; 2 Rh(Hla Goldsmith 1 and 5; 3 Audrey Mullin 16; 4 Martha Keith 160; 5 Norma Clark 2. Writingâ€" Third Book â€" 1st Jean »; 2 Doris Clark 2; 3 Aubrey Hannah 1 and R; 4 Minnie Mclntyre 2; 5 Mild- red Maxwell 6. Writinif, Second Book â€" 1 Inez Wil- son 1 and 6; 2 Grace Wilton 14; 3 OHve ScoU 12; 4 Mervin Sellwood 1 and 6; 5 Grace Stevenson 2. Cockerel â€" Norval Belts 6; 2 James Kerton 5; 8 KiHnime Wawkens R. Pultet^l Korval Betti 6; 2 Jim GiUin 6: A James Kerten K;.4 Kil- borne Hswkens 6. 4* â€" Per â€" 1 Sylvia Schwandt 1 and 1; S Ki.bnme Hawkens 5; 3 Sam ClMStnnt 1 a nd6; 4 D. Neff 1 and 5; i InM Wilson 1 Mtd 5. en 0. I Grade Be«f Calfâ€" 1 John McLean 7. j Market Lamb â€" Russell Hawton 7 Boys' Public Speaking Contest â€" 1 . John Lougheed 9; 2 Marren Edwards 1 and B; 3 Warren Morrison 9. i Girls Public Speaking â€" 1 Dorothy Hughson 1 and 5;2 Helena Long 9; 3 Annie Robertson 9. Parade â€" 1st 1 and 5; 2nd S .S. 7, 3rd S. S. 9. TORONTO LINE, NORTH oi Port McNichol visited with Mr •• i and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Betty, Chas. Perigoe and of Detroit, visited One of ten million men or more. Plodding along in daily strife. Fearing the whims and scorn of life; With never a whimper of pain or hate For the sake of those who at home await. Only a dad, neither rich nor proud Merely one of the urging crowd. Toiling, striving, from day to day Facing whatever may come his way; Miss Macphail's prize â€" 1st Loma Silent whenever the harsh condemn. Chard 9. And bearing it all for the love of Oatsâ€" ^1 Fred Ross 9; 2 Verne Pall- ****'"• ester 9; 3 Russell Hawton 7; 4 L. V. Cameron 2; 5 N. Patterson 14. ^nly a dad, but he gives us all «ru * , «r 11 Tj 11 ,/. o T To smooth the way for his children Wheat â€" 1 Wallace Bewell 16; 2 Jas ., flr^I^p' \'^-. m' ^''""'^n ""'^ "' Doing Tith 'courage stem and grim, 4 Fred Ross 9; 5 No Name 10. ,j.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^^^ ^j^ ,J^.^ Hemstitched Towelâ€" 1 Ruby Kerton ^his is the line that for him I een, 5; 2 Violet Parker 9; 3 Zella Long 7;: Only a dad, the best of men. 4 Mabel Ross 9; 5 Gretta Sellwood; 1 and 5 1 a few days with MV. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hazen, of Owen Sound spent Sunday at J. A. Lever's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore of Brampton, are spending awhile with their daughter, Mrs. George Stew- art. Mrs. J. A. Lever, who has spent the past couple of weeks with her daughter at Moorefield has return- ed home. Mr the coming federal contest. The en- try of Colonnel Carmichael in the contest means that he will have to Centnre Grey shold he be elected. The riding of Centre Grey in the Provincial House was eliminated at Mary Irwin, and daughter, the l«»^t redistribution of the rid- are visiting friends at Bol- ingg in the provinces. Six names were proposed and two names went to the ballot. George Bothwe'H, president of the United Farmer's Co-operative Company and Col. Dougal Carmichael. Mr, and Mrs. Elmo Blakely ,and children, of Minneapolis, called on friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Ethel, ton. PROGRESSIVES OF NORTH.... GREY NOMINATE D. Carmichael Progressives of North Grey yester- day nominated Colonel, the Hon. Dou- gal Carmichael of Colli ngwood Town- and Mrs. Colquette,( and babe, ship, the candidate for the riding in Use Advance Small Mvts. ABOUT BASEBALL Hand Hemmed Dish Towel â€" 1 Syl- via Schwandt 1 and 5; 2 Marjorie Guy 9; 3 Eva Poole 6; 4 Inez Wilsonj ^he local baseball club, are in re- 1 and 5; 5 Reta Hindle 6. I^^jp^ „, „ communication from the ^ancy Stitchesâ€" 1 Bessie Hindle 6; J management of the Owen Sound team 2 Inez Hindle 6; 3 Jean Clarke 2; 4 'to the effect, that, owing to the city Dorothy Hawkins 10; 5 Inez Wilson i cht.mpionship play-offs being now ^ """ 5' fin progress, they cannot play at Home Garden â€" 1 Kilbourne Hawk-' present. But, however, when the ens 5; 2 W. Morrison 9; 3 Martha ; city title is decided, the Owen Sound Keith 16; 4 Verne Pallister 9; .5 Ruby; team are willing to play a series Kerton 5. i of games, to decide the champion- Peasâ€" 1 Verne Pallister 9. j ship of Grey. Barley â€" 1 Maxine Davidson 10; 2 It is feared, however, that the J. McLean 7; 3 Norma Patterson 14. continuance of the present cold weath- Boys* Drivingâ€" 1 Russell Hawton 7;''''' will make it impossible for the 2 L. V. Cameron 2. : scries to be arranged successfully. Girls' Driving-l Maxine Davidson j ''"* '''^^ """^^ ^^^P^ *<»• t^^ best. 10; 2 Mabel Ross 9; 3 Verna Long 9.! I (Jeo. K. Cassie, who has been teller J. H. Stevenson of Dundalk, broke in the llniori Bank at Dundalk, has re- his ankle at Walkerton while work-!ceived a transfer to the Royal Bank in,!r witli a bridge ganp. I at Owen Sound PUBLIC I CAMPBELL LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE CAN- DIDATE FOR S.-E. GREY 1 PKICEVIMJ-:. Thursdav. Oct. 1st. » EUGENIA, I'ridav, Oct. 2nd llADJEKOS. Saturdav. October .3rd WIELIAMSKORD. Monday. October 4th; HOPEVILEE. Tue.sdav. October 6th. DROMORE. Wednesday. October 7th. DESBORO. Thursdav. October 8th. ^lAXWEEIv. Friday'. October 9th. MASSIE. vSaturday, October 10th. MEETINGS COMMENCE AT 8 O'CLOCK p.in AND WILL BE ADDRESSED BYTHECANDl DATE AND OTHERS AnsweraVMOOO The Mail and Empire's "7- Word" Picture Puzzle Game k How Many Objects Beginning With the A ^ Letter ''T" Can You Find inThis Picture? £^ Here's a Plctiirc iniazle which contains a number of objects beginning with the letter "T". Just take a goo«l look at tlie plctiiro â€" there are all sorts of tilings tliat begin with the letter "T" â€" like* train, trap, lop, turtle, etc., and all the other objcct.s are oqnaUy clear. Sec how many you can find, 'rills* Is not a trick puzzle; nothing is hidden and you don't have to turn the picture ui>slde-down op sideways. Fiftj' ca.sh prizes will b;- kIvph fo;- tlie 50 best lists <>f words submitted in answer to this Puzde. The answer havliut the larncN! anil â- ;••;••.•;â-  correct list ot %islble objects shown in the picture that start with the letter "T" will he :;u:i:'.i,\l (irst prize; second best, second prize; etc. Try This Fun Gameâ€" Wia $1,000 It Is different to ouy n paxzlc nt uU, for all 1 You can't help f-njoyiiis thJH new I'U'ture tHiffle. Let's ttU join in and have a jidlj Konil timr. No nuittrr what you*-" ace If* or isn't. If yuu llko to Niiivt> puxxleH, try your hand at this oh*. ' yuu have tried tiefore. It \» really nf>t. the objevtr* have been made perfectly plain, with no altemut to dlacuine or hide them: lunie aru so lunaU but the u«ore«t e>%sljKht can see them. Get a pencil and paper and see now many **T- Words" you can find. Doesa't make any differeuce whether yuu are six or sixty I ears old. Here is a cliance to study aiid "brush on" a little, t Is Intercattair, e^Boatlonal and fHAClnntinr- Notninff hard. Just different. Yea, all Join Inâ€" old fulkn. middle ate and yoonc folks. See who can find the most "T-WontH." You'll have bar- rels of fun flndlnx "T-\V«rdH." 11 IM. ANGUS CAMFBUU. WON $1.M*. We hare already paM thansands ot doUar* In prizes. In recent Paulo Uan'-s, Mrs. Aokhs Campbell, Forest, Oat., won m.MO: Miss Lacy Flreatln*. Gait Ont.. wen >!,«««: Ber. Theo. Isler. WWIaasborc. Ont., won «l.M*t Mrs. TtaoBuu rattlaaore, Athens. Ont.. waK another winner ot Sl.WW and Mm. Joe Doyle, Marmora, Ont., alto won Mr. G. M. OrmlcJiael, WeUand. Ont., won 9AM. and Mrs. Bmnnb Mooro. Ch' sley. Ont., also won tSM. r(f«. it. 8. Morpfay, WalkervlUe. On'., aod Mr. l^rence â- .. Merrick, All atan, Ont., each won $S0O, while MrH. W. r. iHharpe. Glen AUen. Ont.. MiH. J. P. MacMlllan, Ottawa, Ont.. and Mrs. Gcorfe Maclntr.ih, MonUands, Ont., eaoh won $tM. And, BOW, here's year npportonity. OBSERVE THESE EASY RULES 1. Any man. woman )r child who lives in Canada and Is not a r«s1dent of Toronto, and who la not In the ftrnploy of The Mall and Bmplre. may ai.lnnlt un anaw«r. Puxxles c*ndaet«d by more an nut eligible 8. Prise Wlnnrni In former Wcture liie Mall and ]*>iplrf> vk::inliii( 93MO.OO 01 to paitlcipate In thU l*uiKir. 8. All answers must be matted by Oftober 17th, addressed to C. A. MQntK'>niery. Puzzle MitnHg(*r, Kmpire. ^ *-I seefl lere! THE PRIZE LIST Winning Answers will recelTe the flttr cAsh iMlzeB aooordinc to the table b^ow: riiae U Priaa U BO GRAND PHIZES Prise It No tions One Sakaodte- tlmi b "&â-  Are S«Dt. Boat. Are Boat. Ist Priae $30.00 $500.60 $1,000.00 2ndPrtee 25.00 860.00 500.00 SPd Priie a5.M 350.00 600.00 4th Prtae ao.oo 150.00 800.00 aoo.04 Bth Prize 15.00 100.00 eth Prize 10.00 75.00 150.00 7th Prize 8.00 50.00 100.00 8th Prize 0.00 SO.OO eo.oo 9th Prize 5.00 86.00 19th Prize s.oa 20.00 40.00 lUhtoaoth Prizes, IncL a.oo 10.00 SO.OO aist to 50th Prizes, Incl. 1.50 7.50 16.00 In tlie event of a U< s for any prize olTered the TuU amount of sn ch prize wUl be paid to eacli tied |:arllclpa jit. I93r>, Mail and and i. All Hats of names a* paper only, and numborcd • full nnniu and addr»>i«.i !n i desire to wri:u anything « 5. Only such words ai- bo coanted. Do not ^outd b(* written on one side of the '^ns*Kiutlvely 1, 2, S, otc. AVHte your to iipprr ilfrht hand corner. If you .. \:.c a separate whcrt. appear In Webater's Dictionary will hyphenated, compound or obsolete wordff. Where tlio plural ia used the ain^ular cannot be count- ed, and vice versa. 6. AVorda of the «ani.' sppllinj: can be used only onca, even though UJied to dealffnati 'liffcrent objects or articles. An ob- ject or article can be n led only onco. 7. The answer havl; , the largest and nearest correct list of names of visible oh.l' la In the picture that boffin with tlie l^-ll-^r "T" v.'tll l>c aw»r ' d First Tilxc, etc Nealneu. style or liandwrltlnv hav^ no bt rtniv upon 'decldlnc the wlnnera. 8. Ajiy number of \ jople jnay cooperate In annwerlOR the Pussle, nut only one t ^« will be awarded to' any one house- hold; nor will prises b» iwarded to more than one of any Kroup where two or moro Ii; * been woritlng loe*'ther. •. la the event (^ a tie for any prtse offered* the fulk nuaoiit of sorh price \ 11 be awarded to each tied p«rtlcl|Mknt. 10. Subscriptions •'•oth new and renewal) payable in ad- vance of l&.OO per y - by mall or t*00 per year delivered by carrier boy In Hamll' -o, wlU be accepted. It. All answers \. ill receive the same consideration reiard- 1«M of vhetber or n >t a subeorlption to The Mall and Empire Is eeat In. 12. Three promlnr;it Toronto oittsene having no conneetlon with The Mall and Kniplre will be selected to act aa jadves to deelde the wlane:?* and partlefpanu. by seadinv in tbiAr â-  â€" â- IS. avree to r. ("pt the deoMea of the jadgee as final aAd oe»el valve. ^The Jud4ir*e niil oieet on October STtb, and aaaooBDe- meat of the PHa<- AVtaiiera and oorreet Itot of word% will be la The Mall and BmiAre as quiekly thereafter ms It la kl«b et Mir '*'« â€"^ later than three w s h s YiMiCanWin$1,000 The "T" Word Picture Puzzle Same Is a campalcn to Increaae the popularity ot The Mall and Kmptre. It cosla nothlne to lako part ajiil you do not baTe to .â- .<na In a slnelo aub»crlpilon to win a prize. If your list of "T" WordB U awarded FIrat Prlio by the Judge* you will win J30; but If you would like to gri more than ISO, we are making the following special offer whereby you can win blirger cash prizes by sending ONF: or TWO yearly subacrlptlona to The llall and Kmplrc. ( SVBZCRIFTION RATES-- PAYABLE iN ADVANCE !»â- â- â€¢ â- Iiifcm !â-  ni JltJi.K ".HOW: If yonr answer to llie "T" Word PIctiirc I'uz^l,. will, Hr«t JVlte and yon hare sent la .,,2 1."'*''^. ""^'tr'!'".'''? '» T^''" Mall and Bmplre at W.O* by mall or %9.t)H ilrllrered by carrier boy InHimG- ton. yon will re.Vlie S.ia«.w>. Instead of WO. seeaad prU. MBO.OO; third prize »<M.M. and so iorth. (K aeeoiMl eolamn of figures In prise list.) t>r. It yonr answer wins First Prisa aa4 Toa te«« la TWO yearly saW wim a a a *• ThoMM Ml a» PH.. list,- '^ (- «-j'^3jri.*86irs Isn't that a liberal offarT Bat look! Wa mu â- Ire extra amauau on aD pHMa la th* aana lawf If your aaswer Is qaallttad by TWO TMrlr mbi.iH tloas and yon win fearU srlM^ yoa yAatSoJtJmSSS, aad ao on dowa the prias SnT *^ to •tart at aaai* ratwa data, hmn vtMa «â-  |k» wtftr S5SJR\7^.^.»»^ •••'•^ •^ It iSiCrt »»»»p«iy OB that tajt. ^ , _ _ Tbia oMsr mdvHm to wmJU, MOtVe lARGE CX)PY OF PUZZLE PiaURE ^ SENT FREE ON REQUEST <

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