Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1925, p. 1

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^^1'^ 1. i \ ^ U' • * â- 1 J litlije /le^lpt^n %hmnct^ Vol 4 No^l Rcahcrlon. 0«Mrio October 7 1925 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictort ROCK BULLS Mrs. Lewia Pedlar, spent the put m^ with relatives at Feversh«m. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeann, of Price- ville, visited the past week with the lattek's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Quite a number from here atten- ded Dundalk Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howaird, and babe of Toronto, motored up Saturday and visited with her mother, Mrs. A. Partridge, returning home Sunday. Miss Gladys Wickens, of Kimberley spent a few days last week with her cous'ns, Jim and Ita Pedlar. Our teacher. Miss Whittaker, atten- ^ ded the convention in Owen Sound, last week . Sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered in tUl Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, and children, visited with her parents, Mr. I. Smith, and wife. Some ol the people around here were busy taking up potatoes last week, and if the weather keeps dry, others will be taking them up this week. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. an* Mrs. C. Thompson, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Teed, mo- tored to Preston for the week end. Mr. H. Thompson visited over the week-end with his parents in Erin. A number from here attended the Flesherton Fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Smart, Mr. Clarence and Miss Lilian Smart visited the first of the week, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fields, of Flesherton Mr. and Mrs. M. Morewcod, return- ed with them, after a few wneks vis- it with friends in Mark^ale' and in Flesherton. 4TH LINE AND VICINITY Mr. Geo. Meldrum returned home much improved in health, and wU her^fter be a resident of the 4th line. On invitation by Mr.^B. Campbell, a corn roast was held at the home of J. K .McLeod. A pleastant time was spant in games and dancing, to the strains of music by Mr. Donald Mc- Leod and son Snowden of Toronto. Com in abundance was served, and dainty refreshments. "Home! Sweet Home" was heard at an early hour. Miss Mildred Whittaker, teacher of Rock Mills school, Miss Edna Nichol teacher of Stone school, spent Thurs- day and Friday at teachers' conven- tion at Owen Sound. Mr. J. D. McLeod exhibited his fine span of horses in the agricul- tural class at Priceville fair and cap- tured the white rosette. Pleased to report Mrs. David Hincks much improved in health, and able to be out again. -.^ Quite a nuaiibcr attended rln«- ville Fair, rain spoilixjg outside sPMs Mrs. Geo. Boyce is home again, W- ter apleasant visit at Winghani Onf. ter pleasant visit at Wingham, Ont. gus, Ont. spent tSle week end at Mr. Richard Whittak||fs Holdfast Club, I?: F. W. 0. wiU hold their regular meeting Friday of this week, Oct. 9th. at the home of Mrs. D. Campbell. Mr. Tom Irwin, and family, motored to Townsend Sunday and called on friends. CEYLON Mrs. Coleman, who has been visit- ing her daughter Mrs. F. J. CoUin- son has returned to Ow«n Sound. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. CoUinson, and Mr. and Mirs. F. D. Cairns, attended the wedding of th^r cousin, near Durham one day last week. Miss Carson has taken a position with Mrs. A. Haw. Mrs. Gardiner, who has been vis- iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. Geo. and Miss Jessie McKenzie, left Mon- day for Toronto, where she will spend a few days before leaving for her home at Eagle River. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden McLeod, who have been visiting the former's par- ents, left Saturday for their home in Toront . Mr. ^d Mrs. Jas. Dyce, and Mrs. Yiirs of Mt. Forest, were callers at R. Cooks, Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. West, and babe, of Angus, spent the week end at the Matter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker. Dr. W. Si Laird, and Dr. Morgan of Guelph, were week end visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. A. Sinclair and family. Mr, A. Whittaker. Sr. left Monday accompanied by his son Arthur, for an extended visit with his son in Tor- onto. Mir. and Mrs. H. Mathewson, of Toronto, spent the>week end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. White and family of Owen Sound, spent the week end at Mr. Wm. Whites'. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnston, of Rocklyn, Mrs. Duncan Simpson of Vancouver, Mr. Campbell, of Glenelg Centre, were visitors at Mr. George Arrowsmith's the first of the week. Master John McMillan is spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Allie Muir, and little son spent the week end with her father in Dur- ham.^ Mr. A. C. Muir, has rented the off- ice, recentely vacated by Mr. Royden Gibson from Mr. T. Chislett,. and will use same' for seed house and office, where he will be found by his custom- ers. EUOENIA BABY MAGEE DEAD There was a sad gloom cast over this viicnity when the news was spread of the sudden death of Elva Marion, infant daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Wilfred Magee, 8th Line. She I was a bright little child of one year and twenty days. She was seized on Sunday, with intestinal influenza, and passed away to be with Jesus, on Wednesday morning, Sept. 30th, 1925. As she lay in her last sleep, in her little white casket, she was a symbol of innocence, purity and love; top ' Proctor, at present. Miss A. C. McQueen, teacher, atten- ded the convention in Own Sound, on Thursday ^nd Friday of last week. We ara glad to learn Mr. J. K. Jam- ieson is recovering from his illness. Mrs. Alex Cameron has returned home from a visit ip Toronto, Hamil- ton, and St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fooerster atten- ded CoUingwood Fair, on Thursday «(5f last week. DAVIESâ€" WILLIAMS Westminster Union church was the scene of a very pretty wedding when beautiful to remain in this coldi Carnea Mildred, daughter of Mr. and world of ours, so she has departed to a world of bliss, where pain, sin and sorrow are unknown. Rev. Jos. narrower of the United Church officiated at the house and where he delivered a very comfort ing sermon. Interment took-- place on Thui'jday Tafternoon in thi* family Mrs. J. A. Williams, wai^nited in marriage to Mr. W. G. â-  Da vies of Orillia. The Rev. Dr. Little offi- ciated. The church was beautifully grave, decorated with gladiola, cycas leaves and ferns artistically arranged. To the strains of the wedding march played by Mr. West, organist of mains of her two dear little sisters. pl6t, Salem cemetery, beside the re- 1 Broadway Tabernacle, the charming bride entered on the arm of her FEVERSHAM CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee of Eugenia, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the sym- pathy and help giwn during their r« cent bereavement. The weather still continu^y. wet and some of the sweea clover that is out yet, will be damagd so badly that the seed will be unsaleable. Mrs. R. J. Colquettes spent the week end with their son Will and family in Owen Sound. Will moved from Port McNicoll to the city of the Gvcys recently, and has a position in the Owen Sound Co's eliivator. He ahd been. in the C. P. R. levator at the Port for six years. Mrs. (Dr.) H. A. McKee, and baby Jfljl^ie. is visiting Vvith her sister \lr^W. R. Coliuette in Owen Sound." Mrs. Lou Pedlar of Flesherton, is viisting with her cousin Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak. ilc. aiicl_Mrs. Harvey Pedlar, of the suburbs spent Sunday with the latt- ers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Win- ters at Hatherton. Rev. Mr. Shannon of Mclntyre, pre" chcd his farewell sermon to the con- tinuing Prsebyterian congregation here on Sunday last. Rev. Shannon will now serve the United congeega- tions at Mclntyre Badgeros, and Maple Valley. We understand Rev. Howey hag gone to take up his work at Englehart N.O., and the new pastor Rev. Mr. New. will preach his first sernwn here to the United church on Sabbath morning next. who have joined the Heavenly Band. , f^tj,er. She was gownd m ivory The little casket was laden with ; flat crepe and georgette, with rhine- pretty floral tributes, which ex.ores-; ston trimming. Her Normanby cap ed sympathy and devotion, a spray j veil was caught with s.origs of orange from sister Erva, a sheaf from the | blossoms. She carried a' shower bou- school children; a spray from the cousins, s^-pray from the Linton children, a spray from Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. Besides her parents, she leaves in sore bereavement, one sister Erva, Our deepest sympathy is xtended to the family in their sorrow. There are some who miss her sadly. And find the time long since she went. There are some who think of her daily. And- try to be brave and content. As they -shed tears that ^re silent And breatlf ' deep sighs of. regret. For she was theirs to remember If all the world should forget. BORN PROCTOR â€" On Tuesday, Sept 29, 1926, â€" To Mr. and "Mrgj Ernest Proctor, the gift. of a"' daughter. Con- gratulations. MISS .MacPHAlL SPEAKS OCT. 4 Dr. Campbell of Markdale, Con. candidate for the next federal elec- tion, held meeting in the hall last Fiiday evening, and gave a very in- teresting address. Miss MacPhail, Progressive candidate, will address the public in the( h^U here, this Fri- day evening, Oct. 9th. Mrs. George Proctor of Kimberley, and grand-daughter Marjorie, is vis- iting her son Ernest; and fanrily. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wiiliams, an^d quet of Ophelia roses, orchids and lily of the. valley. Miss Bessie Stew- art, cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor, while Miss L. Williams, was bridesmaid. Miss Stewart, maid of honor, was attired in Nile Green chid georgette, with silver trimming ing and picture hat to match, carry- ing bouquet of beauty roses and gyp- sophila. The bridesmaid wore or- chid georgett ewith silver trimming and picture hat carrying a bouquet of rsoes. Little Eleanor Williams, as flower girl, and Hedley Lehman as pagie. Mr. Leslie Gourlay of Toronta, acted as best man. Mr .Ross Lehman of Toronto, Mr. Stewart McTavish, Oshawa, Mr. Lloyd Wright, Ham- ilton, Mr. Henry James,- Orilla, act- ed as ushers. Dr. A. R. J. Snell sang '•Because" during the signing- of the register . The groom presented the ^assistants with very suitable gifts and the bride a handsome check. The re ception after '"e ceremony was held at the bride's iiome, 1.52 Collier street. Mrs. Williams, mother of the btide, re- ceive<i in a fown of rosewood satin with ostritch trimming and hat to match, and corsage bouquet of rose?. The bride's sister, Mrs. Ross Lehman, attired in oakwood eeege with pansy hat, assisted at.^the.^'eception. The wedding breakfai . was servetf to about 70 guests, aBi^v which • the happy couple left ~h'n an e:^ended motor tri.i. The bride'.s gtin^ away costume was .pearl grey crepe back Mr. Will Gordon's on Sunday. MUST PAY FOR PAPER In giving judgment against a del- inquent subscriber recently. Judge O'Reilly, of Cornwall, made the statement that news.oapers publish- be added that nu publish^ witlliW to force his newspaper 'oi^ anyone lifld any subscriber wishiii^i^ his pap- er discontinued will have no trou^la if he does so in a>i honest and boai- ness like way. Hundreds of doU^FS are lost to publishers every- year by ers had hard enough time in financ- ; j^ose. who after the subscriptUm h" mg their business without being donej^^pj^ed f„^ (hree or six months de- out of the subscriptions. If a P««on.^ide to discor.tfhue tHe paper, and wanted to stop a newspaper the prop-! ,^^j j^ ^ack marked "rtrfused." The er way was for him to pay all ar- : ^^„^„^ j^ ^^ g^^U for the pubUah- rears, and get a receipt, or if he wasi^^ t„ ^j^^ ^ f^^ j,bout. but all, the pa-d up, refuse to take the paper atig^^^ j^ amounts to a neat little sum ihe post office, and have a record , ;„ a year. made of his refusal. A man who ow-| ed for a newspaper could not stopj a choral society has bfeen organiwd taking a paper, and expect the pub-'^t Orangeville, and numbers ov«r one . lisheY to go without his pay .It may hundred voices. > Markdale Fall Fair TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY \rf October 13 and 14 Grey County's Best Livestock Show SPECIAL ML SIC DURING THE AFTERNOON AND EVENING Trials of Speed-3 Races FREE FOR ALL. 2 40. GREEN RACE GRAND CONCERT ON THE EVENING OF OCT. 14th THE LAST LAIR OF THE SEASON LN THIS DISTRICT SO ARRANGE TO ATTEND IT. J. I. GRAHAM, President. J. S. SHEPHERDSON. Secretary. Mrs. Roy, of Flesherton, visited "at satin. Metallic tri-.nming, rose coat yAth fitch trimmi-.igt, with hat to Ml. and Mrs. Will Xewoll, and babe '"f <=!>â-  ^".,f ^''^ ''«*'-"•" ^''°y ^^•'" '^'- side in Orilla. 'â- " Let This Handy Boy Gean Your Stables This Winter when the snow makes the wheelbarrow hard wdrk. Ask Colquette in Feversham for pric- es. He is also agent for Beatty Barn and Stable equipment. Gil- sc:i products & Cock- shutt Plow Co.'s Farm i;:iplements. R. J. COLQUETTE, Feversham fc:' One "feature of the evening was th^ presence of Mrs. C. F^Stew&f*- s)i- Gait, also Mr, Ji..,eph Cobey of Tp- ronto, who are row in their^lst j'ear. It was at their two separate hemes 30 years ago that the parents of the bride spenc their honeymoon. Mrs. Stewart wa.s given the seat of honor at the b; "de's table and also received the bride's bouqiiet. of the East Back Line, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar, on Sunday. Miss Eunice Gordon, spent Sunday at "her parental home. Mrs. J. A. Gardiner of Eagle River, spent a few days with her cousins, Mrs. \Vilfre<i Magee, i-nd Mrs. John Campbell, and aunt Mrs. Hislop. Mrs. R. McMaster of Flesherton, and Mrs. J. Lyness of Stpne's Line, attended the funeral of Baby Elva Magee. Ml. and Mrs. Gordon WarUng, and family, of Flesherton ,visited with Ml. and Mrs. E. Partridge here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, and fani- ilyr visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft Flesherton, recently. ^e wil be at the Feverham Hotel Miss M. Moffat, nurse> is waiting on. Friday, j)ct. 9th, from 12 to 6 p.m on Mrs. Allen, who is yet in a ser- with a full range of fallhats, coats ious condition. and ready-made dresses. Mrs .Douglas is with Mrs. Ernest' p. G. KARSTEDT /:'â-  old I|anover • boy ran a sliver into his foot whiW iath- .A. sixteen ye«r ing, and as a result dij dijid of lockjaw. New Styles at feversham IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our mother, Elisabeth Kerton, who departed this life, l)ct. 7th. 1915. You are not forgotten mother, Nor ever will yo!i be. As long as life and memo.'- last We win remember thee. .Jâ€" Tha Family. After striking a buggy on the high- way west of Belleville, and injuring one of the oeupants, a motorist from Niagara Falls, N. Y.. took the in.lured man to the hospital at Belleville, and left $150 as compenMtioif. In loving memory of our dear son and brother, who died Oct 4th. 1924. He shall sleep but not for ever. There wiH be a glorious dawn. We shall meet to partâ€" no never, On that resurrection mom. Ever remembered by Mrs. Hax- ton, and family, his mother, brother and sisters. Mrs. Fred Curry of Markdale. whila helping her son to remove the hay rack from the wagon, Monday of last week, was the victim of a painful accident. The rack slipped anj struck Mrs. Curry on the head a'nd knocked her unconscious, while her right hand was pinned under the rack.. House Cleaning Season Furniture Talk We are carrying at present nearly a coinpl^te line of the nec- essary Furniture stock required, an3 would be glad to show our stock to yoq at any time, whether wou purchase anything or not. We how- ever, for the next couple of weeks are specializing in three lines. .Xan-.ely Mirrors, Framed Pictures and Jardinie'r stands. We hjjve at present, we think, the best assortment in these lines, ever offer- e<l in Flesherton at very attractive prices. Mirrors running from 50c. to $4.40. Framed pictures from 75c. to $6.00. Jardinier stands from $1.00 up â-  The only way to pa^S an opinion on these articles, is to see them and be convinced. L THOS. W. FINDLAY FURNITURE DEALER A UNDERTAKER BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SEHVIjCE NEW MODERN FUNEEL^L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. t~ I lt^ HOUSE OF CLUALITY QUANTITY OF GOOD SECOND HAND SEED BAGS FOR SALE AT A GREAT REDUC- TION ,t. ?'<\ Store Closes Tuesday and Thursday Even- ings at 6 o'clock. „ W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, S««da, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton

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