Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1925, p. 3

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.\ r • i WE WANT CHURNING CREAM W» (apply eaoi and pay csprMi «bar8es. Wa pay dally by^ espreit l&on*y orders, which can be eaabed anywbera without any charsa. To cbtain tba top ),rice, Cream Bust te {roe from bad flarcrs and conUlB not less than 30 per cent Butter rat Bowe» G>iiq>an]f Limitedi Toronto For referencesâ€" Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established tor over thirty years. >~*--s«/^ US voa/a â€" â- Â«Â»Â«< POULTRY,GAME,EGGS, BUTTER ANo FEATHERS - IVe Buyau YlAR Round • fttit* today /or prices - wo ^aranttO them for a week ahead P. PpVUN b CO- UNiTEO WTsrORM WINDOWS FArroff TMTMsayrs Slop Fu*! Wa«e . irwuf* Winter CoTr.forl with Storm Wtn^wt. Low 'â-  Frrighi Paid " pricrt. fc*dy-Ctunl; ufe .Irlr.fry (uAfatitrrd Free pncc bn ftnj easy mcasui mg ctun. â- ^HALLIDAY -ja,'nS''HAMH.TOI1 IThe library has a chained Bible and ' copies of the "VineKar Bible," and . various others in which are misprints, j The Hebrew Roll of the L,aw. which is â-  supposed to.be WO years o'd, was j found in a cave near Oaniadcus. It is written on g'ixty sheepskins and con- tains 204 voluiuns uf writing. The "Souldier's Bible," icepared by Cromwell for bl» auny, presents a great contrast in size to the little khaki volume is-sued to the British sol- diers in the World War. Yet it con- tains extracts only which "doe shew the qualiflcatiODs of his inner man, that Is a eoulder to tight the Lord's Battels both before he flt;ht in the fight, and after the fight." Book Written With Twigs. In many curious ways have the bibles been written. The Batta char- acters are written with a twig and ink j 'i.-e Maude, Aiuunds*ns ve=.;ttl, wlr.cu ;ia» pui ;n at .Aia^-vu, aii^r uer made of soot upon bamboo staves and ] unsuccessful attempt to drift over the North Pole. She started out three the bark of trees. Photographs usual- ' „„„„ „_. ly are made of the pages of the bibles | written by hand, and plates for print- ing are made from the photographs. The printing is done as much as pos- I sible in the countries where the bibles are to be sold. But even so, 434 tons of Scripture have been sent out from the Bible House during the last year. | Biblee by weight is the measure in j the waretouse, for the boxes have to I If you*d like a little better tea than you are using, please try "Red Rose" ROSE fEA^is good tea (0 The «ame good tea for 30 years. Try it! 572 LANGUAGES USED BY BIBLE PRINTERS TREASURES OF BIBLE HOUSE IN LONDON. 400th Anniversary of First English New Testament by William Tindale. A man from Corea arrived recently in London with his two sons. He could not speak a word of English, but he showed an address ins-ide a little Bible and was guided to the Bible House, in Queen Victoria Street. Then he pour- ed out a heap of money on the table and pointed to his two sons. When an interpreter was found, writes a London correspondent of "'The Chris- tian Science Monitor," the man re- lated how he knew of nothing else in England but the place which had sent his Bible to him in Corea, and he had come there with his sons because he wanted them to be educated as Chris- tians. In the windows of the Bible House ai"e bibles v.-hich show the link with little peoples and great peoples all over the woi-Id. Because of this work. Ui« Bible, or parts of the Bible, are printed in 572 languages to-day. By reason of such efforts the Gospel has been published in a fresh language be made up according to the loads the native porters, mules or camels can carry in the different countries. A man's hea4 load in Nyasaland is fifty- six pounds, while in Nigeria it Is sixty pounds. Bibles drift also into forbidden areas. People coming cown from Af- ghani.s<tan, where the Mahometans do not like any Western influence at all, are given the forbidden Bible and take it home with them. People from Tibet, also, where Christian missionaries are not allowed by the Buddhists to settle, come across to India and go into China, where they find the Scriptures. In China itself, during the last year, when the country has been in con- tinual chaos, 715,000 volumes of the Scriptures â€" more than in any year be- fore â€" ^have been circulated. At present it is not possible to send the Bible into Russia. The authorities will not allow it across the frontier. Yet there is evidence that the re- ligious Russian peoples have not lost their love for the Scriptures. There are Siberian peasants who would will- ingly give a cow for a Bible. In the words of William Tindale, the Bible Society is asking: "Who is so blynde to axe why lyght shulde be shewed to them that walks in dercknes?" World's Biggest Cathedrals. 1 St. Peter's, Rome, is the largest I cathedral in the world. It covers an J area of 227,069 square feet. Its length i is 718 feet, and its dome rises to a height of 448 feet. So feet higher than the cross of St. Paul'j', London. The next in order of size is the Spanish cathedral at Seville, which covers an area a little more than- half that of St. Peter's. Its tower is 400 feet high. When completed, St. John's Cathe- dral in New York will take third place. It is designed to cover 109,082 square feet, and beats all the others In the height of its tower, which is 500 feet The famous cathedral at Milan covers an area of 107,000 square feet. It is 500 feet long and Its tower is 355 feet in height. Three English cathedrals come next in size. By far the largest cathedral in England when It is completed will be the new one at Liverpool, designed to cover 101.000 square feet. York Minster comes next, but it covers an area of only 63,- 800 square feet. St. Paul's London, cornea seventh on the world's list of big churches, cover- ing 59,700 square feet, being 460 feet long, and its famous dome rising to a height of 363 feet NO BEHER MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby, or growing child â€" one that the mother can feel assured is absolutely safe as well as efficient â€" is found in Baby's Own Tab- , . .^ , 1 lets. The Tablets are praised by every SIX weeks for t&a last ten years, i^^^^^^^ „, ^^^^^,^ throughout the To Honor Tindale's Work. | country. These mothers have found Went Very Deep. "That scientist goee very deep into things, Lhey say." "Yes; he's studying the bottom the ocean now." of The Common Law. NATURE'S WARNINGS Danger Signals That Everyone Should Take Seriously. Pain is one of Nature's warnings that something is wrong with the body. Indigestion, for instance, is characterized by pains in the stomach, and often about the heart; rheuma- tism by sharp pains in the limbs and joints; headaches are a sign that the nerves at stomach are out of order. In some ailments, such as anaemia, pain is not so prominent In this case Nature's warning takes the form of pallor, breathlessness after slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, and loss of appetite. Whatever form these ; warnings take, wise people will not j ignore the fact that many diseases \ I have their origin in poor blood, and i that when the blood is enriched the ! I trouble disappears. Dr. Williams' ! Pink Pills are most helpful in such | j cases because they purify and build up | I the blood to its normal strength. In 'â-  I this way it tones up the nerves, re- ! j stores the appetite and gives perfect health. Miss Hazel Berndt, of Am- i prior, Oat, has proved the great value j of this medicine and says: â€" "I am a! 5'oung' girl and have been working in i a factory for the past tour years. For ' two years I had been in such poor \ health that at times I could not work. 'â-  I was thin and p'ale. and troubled with 'â- . headaches and fainting spells. I doc- | tored nearly ail this time, but it did not help me. My mother adviied-me â-  to take Dr. Williams' Pink PiUf. and | after using them for a while I could | notice an improvement In my condi- , tlon. I used nine boxes and can truth- fully say that my health is restored. ' When I began taking the pills I weighed 97 pounds and now I weigh , 114. I feel that I owe my good health ; to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and hope ' other ailing people wlU give them a fair trial." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Somewhere a Woman. Somewhere a woman, thru.sting fear away, Paces the future bravely for your sake. Toils on from dawn till dark, from day to day, Fights back her tears, nor beed» the bitter ache; She loves you, trus'ts you, breathes in prayer your name â€" Soil not her faith In you by ein or shame. Somewhere a woman â€" mother, sweet- heart, wife â€" Waits betwixt hopes and fears for your return; Her kiss, her words will cheer you in the strife When death itself canfronts you. grim and stern. But let her image all your reverence claim. When base temptations scorch you with their flame. Somewhere a woman watches, thrilled with pride â€" Shrined in her heart, you share a place with none; She toils, she waits, she prays, till side by eide You stand together when the flght Is done. Oh, keep for her dear sake a stainless name. Bring brack to her a manhood free from shame. Classified Advertisennents l.MUfcASi;.'* tAllNINO pow,T. W« i,ho« th* my. SttuioflU mU wolil IWora thmufh rour.*. E»«y. *ffwllr«. Sb*« Sfhool*. Ti,rr>nlr). K-Tty-tiro BWt We»t. S' New Fruit for America. East Indian mangosteen trees, the fruit of which tastes like lemon ice and vanilla ice cream, are now being grown in tropical America, The Atlantic, the &3cond '.argest of the five great oceans, has an area of 30,000,000 square mi'.es. sB^^ M yoa CSS Proaote i Mid CVrSUMMariiu: Eye Bcmedy rUK LibiJ "Nisbt and Morning.' â- MyyoarByMCleaB, Clear antf OeaObyb Write for Free Eye Care Book. atalltCltBHM<fCt.9CMtaUa«iMt,CkiMM Look Younger Care-worn, necveexliausted women need Bltro-Phosphate. a pure organic phosphate dispensed by druggists that New York and Paris i)h>-sician3 pre- scribe to increase weight and strength and to revive youthful looks and feel- ings. Price |1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 FYont St East, Toronto, Ont New Steel for Ships. A new &hip of 6.300 tons, the first ve.'^sel built of the new material known as elastic limit steel, has been :ai'"ohed in England. rORNS ^^ Rub Rub them frequently with MInard's and get speedy relief. â-  â€" />â€" Pourrns)-4.l.o tine Oil. Over 1,500 barrels of crude olT a miuute is the production record of the United States at the present time. "Size, Please, Madam?" Women's hats are now made in dif- ferent sizes In the same way as' male headgear. This is dae to the preval- ence of shingling. The tree that never had to fight For sun and sky and air and light, , ,..„.. , » . I by actual experience that there is no I That stood but in the open plain, work of the first translator to , ,. , , ..... . , a i „i„.„,-. o.„» wo =i.q,./> «f txKt, 1 other medicine for little ones to equal And always got its share ot rain, I them. Once a mother has used them ! Never became a forest king. i for her children she will use nothing j But lived and died a scrubby thing. I else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles The man who never had to toil, Hutt, Tancook Island. N.S., writes: Who never had to win his share , "I have ten children, the baby being ! Of sun and sky and light and air, ^ , ,..,..,, I just six months old. I have used ; Never became a manly man, f,?_.l°^ '"'• "'"'"'"'° '" '^^1 Baby's Own Tablets for them for the ; But lived and died as he began. past 20 years and can trutlifuUy say ; Good timber does not grow in ease; that I know of no better medicine for ! The stronger wind, the tougher trees, little ones. I always keep a box of ; The farther sky. the greater length, the Tablets in the house and would ', The more the storm, the more the advise all other mothers to do so." strength; Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all • By sun and cold, by rain and snowa, medicine dealers or will be m:iiled up- j in tree or muu good timber grows, on receipt of price, 25 cents per box, ' Where thickest stands the forest by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., I growth Brockville. Ont. A little booklet, ; We find the patriarchs of both The put the New Testament into printed 'English â€" William Tindaleâ€" is being commemorated at the Bible House this autumn in its 400th anniversary. Copies of all the earliest editions of Tindale's Testament have been gath- ered to library. A long line of translators both be- 1 fore and afteir Tindale are commemor- ! ated in this library of 10.000 bibles. I or part bibles, in different langua.ges. j There is the Latin Bible, written by : hand, probably In the twelfth century,' said to have belonged to Luther's friend. Melanchthon, the Geirman re- . former; there is Wyciiffe's Manuscript^ Seaside Boarder (to newcomer) â€" j "I say, old nian â€" I don't think I'd touch the rice pudding if I were you â€" there was a wedding in this street yesterday." i my Going Too Far. "Mamma," sobbed Willie, '"do ears belong to my neck or face?" "Why, what's tlie matter?" "Weil, you told Mary to wash my face, and she's washing my ears, tool" MInard's Liniment for Distemper. __ • I The New Testament translated into \ Esperanto, was published thirteen ! years ago ; it is now stated that an j Esperanto edition of the Old Testa- 1 ment has been prepared and will be! issued shortly. New Testament in English, of 1420, | ..care of the Baby in Health and Sick- And they hold converse with the stars beautifully Illuminated; there is the' ness," will be sent free to any mother branches show the Whose broken scars Of many winds and much of strife â€" earliest New Testament printed in an oq request. Indian language and the first in any j ____> language printed in America, trans- 1 if your I'oot s.ip, you may rrx.vor n-jij^ -^ the common law of life. kited by John Eliot, "the Apostle of-.^ur balan.-e but if your ton'rue slip.j . ^ , Ack for Minard's and take no other. Surnames and Their Origin Pomare II., King of Tahiti. And there Is the greatest treasure of all â€" a page of oldest manuscript of St. John, in Coptic, the old language of Egypt, which was found about two years ago during excavations in Egypt. It was written on papyrus â€" reeds of the Nile I â€"about 400 A.D., and was found in-i RADCLIFF. clo6«d in a string bag In an earthen- , Variation â€" Radcliffe. ''â- *'"® P°'- . Racial Originâ€" English. Signs of Persecution Shown. | Source â€" A place name. Many of the bth'.es bear witness to the persecutions which attenJcd them. , , ,. ,. . , .,„,!, i=- -iial A Bible in the Madagasoan languages '"•''^ P'^^« »>"' ^*'^ "*'"" °' localities |,^al ,. 1 ..... , , ,_ â-  j.._ in Tih-rh »hA nrlcinal bparers lived are *â-  Over 1,000 British families will emigrate to Canada next sprinp under the Empire Settlement Scheme. Faniilv names which were in the Bible in thi shows signs of having been buried dur- ing the great persejution; another was rescued from the flames and hid- den uudccgrouad by the Christians during the Boxer movement. The earliest bibles print.'d in Chinese had a false label on the paper cover, put there by the Chinese printer "iu view of the grave risks involved. " :cAPp: POIISHES K OR All PIIRPOSIS REFLEX FUOOR WAX RENUALL rURNITURE POUISH TIM Ctf* PMIihn, LM.. NaalNiii in which the original bearers lived are not so very difllcult to truce, tor the j names of places seem to change less iii their spelling than the names of \ families, and besides, there is always a wealth of historical data in connec- tion with place names which is so of- I ten lacking in the case of family names, and whic-h makes It easy to identify the ancient forms of place 1 names. I Thus, you need only a good atlas to i come to the conclusion Uiat ths family ' name of Radcllff is the same as that of Radcliffe, a place in Lancashire, i England. Of course, the original form WENDELL Racial Origin â€" English and Dutch. Source â€" A locality or an occupation. There are two sources of the name Wendell. One of them is English aid one of them is Dutch. In the individ- al case you will have to decide from ! ome knowledge of ancestry asato which explanation applies. Wandle is the name of a river in Surrey, and nothing would be more na- tural than the development in many cases of a family name based upon if. as Indicating the place from which the first bearers had corns, or with which they were identiflel in some peculiar way. Ue^rords prove, however, that in a great many Instances this family name Is not from English but from Dutch sources. And in this case it repre- sents a shortened form of the Dutch word "wandelaar. " which signified IteraMy a "walker." figuratively and Face Was Disfigured. Healed by Cuticura. • " Some time ago I was bothered with eczema which broke out en my face in a rash. I look no notice of it at tirst until the trouble began ta spread and the irritation caused me to scratch. My face was disfig- ured and the trouble lasted about three months. " I tried different remedies but none seemed to do any good. I heard about Cuticura Soap and Ointn-.ent and purchased some, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cutictira Oint- ment I was completely healed." .Signffd) Miss Gladys Pahl. 353 31st St., N, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept 29, 19:4. Use Cuticura to clear your skin. SftiBple Each Fr«0 bT UaiL Address Caxatll»r Di.pot: â- â- fiteniwnns. Lt4. MnntrsaL" l'nc«, So«vi 28f. (^in tmant 2i and 50c. TilrTim 25c. WV Cuticura Sba^ins Stick 2Sc. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheum.itism IfSSW&RK RIHIRFfSllls CAPP of the family name was preceded by ' more generally, a traveler, or one who ; "de" (meaning "or") and indicating ha.' been a traveler. In this case the that the person referred to Bad come original descriptive form of the stir- | from or formerly lived in that place, name would have been ' De Wande- ; In the case ot Kaddlffe. the meaning laar." But dont confuse this "de," j of the place name l« not hard to ascer- j with the Norman-French "de, " which fain either, though it is not quite ap- meant "of and was a development parent at first, owing to the change of from the Latin '"de." meaning "fro_i." < a single vowel. Spell it "Radciill " and i The Dutch "de" was ea.uivalent to the \ot\ have it iBngllst "tlie" and the German der." I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ] tW Accept oiiiy "n,^ver" p.Tckage which contains proven Jircctions. Ilandv "Pavpr" boxes of 12 taWetg Also iwttles'of 24 and IOO--I)rn::!ji?f!i. Annfrln Is tl» tra.l* mirk tTrt\ftm6 la Ofr«»<Ja> of B«r»r Mimifartnrp of M<>r.<««-tl<^ troubles. *c\«r»xrT at 8illcTl1<-«old iAc»t,Tl 8»llc»lk Add. -h. S. Avi. whllf !â-  i,« weil Unown that Aspirin <ann% B«Tcr m«riif«ctnr». to s«Ji5t \t>r . viblii- sgstt^st ttii;«irl<»ti«. the Tabwtj t( Bajtr tXunpaoy wUl Ik gtaaptd with tsttr (cwral inO* awrk. tto -iMuer Cron." HER NERVES BETTER NOW Received Much Benefit by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ontario. â€" "I started to get weak after my second child was born, and kept on gcttinij worse until I could notdo m.vownhouse- work and was so bad with my nerves that I was afraid tn stay ainne at any ti;nc. I had a pirl working: for rae a whole y->ar before 1 was ab!e ta dorr.v washing a(;ain. Thn.ugh a friend I !f-arned of Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegeta- i-iic Conrj.iiiuiifi and took four bottles of it. I gave birfn to a tiaby boy tie 4»j» day of Septetnbcr, 1922. I am stil! doing my own work and washine. Of course, I don't feel well every day because t cross. I ng the N'cgetaWe Com- pound and an-, going to keep on with it until cui-ed. My nerves are » lot better pince taking it. I can stay alone dav or night and not be the lea-^t frightened. You car. •,;?r> this letter as a testimonial and I will answer letters from women ask'ngabr.iit the VegctableCompound. " â€" Mr«;. Chari-es Carson, 27 Forsythe Street, f^atham. Ontario. .Mrs. Carson is willing to Write to any girl or womao 8aSeri<ie trqn femai* don't get my rest as ♦hebabvissocro Put when I jjet ray rest I \^\ tine. am still taking the NVgetaWe Co â- ^*i V*^ â- 9--: ISSUE No, 40~-'2B.

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