Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1925, p. 5

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+ / 1^ i: THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE W«densday, October 7, 19ZS List of Prize Winners at Fiesherton Fall Fair HORSES Heavy Drauifht Team. F. Taylor, C. Hutchinson; -year-oH, Cliffoni Hutch- inson; Best in class, F. Taylor. Agrriciilturalâ€" Team, Thos. Freeman Geo. .Shaiid; 2 year-old, T. Freeman 1-year-old, Andrew Hincks; Brood Mare with foal by side, A. Hincks; Spring Foal, A. Hincks; best in class T. Freeman. General Purpose â€" Team, Russell Storey, L. Pringle; 1-year-old, P. Sinns; Brood Mare foal by side, P. Sims; S|>ring foal, P. Sims; Best in class, R. Storey. Carriage Single driver, R. Storey, Best in class, R. Storey. Roadsters â€" Team, T. H. Wilson, Harold Lever; 2-year-old, Levi Betts; Brood Mare foal by side, H. Lever, L. Betts; Spring foal, H. Lever, L. B«tts; Single Driver, Dr. Hemry, Hugh Matthews; Best Lady Driver, T. H. Wilson, J. Gilchrist, R. Storey; Specials â€" B^st gelding or mare in heavy class, F. Taylor; Best animal in roadster class. Dr. Henry; best single turnout, roadster or carriage, Or. Henry; best Single Driver, judg- ed for style, action and speed, T. H. iVflson; best Draught or Agricultur- al Colt .Andrew Hincks; best Match ed team, Tho.s Freeman; best team of Farm Chunks, Thos. Freeman; best groomed horse on grounds, F. Taylor. CATTLE Shorthorn â€" Bull, any age â€" Edward Littlejohn, C. .A.kin; all other prizes to Ed. Littlejohn. Jerseysâ€" Bull calf, H. C. Radley; Cow giving milk, Radley, Radley; 2- year heifer, G. B. Welton; Heifer Calf, W. L Henry, Henry. Polled Angus â€" l-year heifer. F. J. Collinson; all other prizes to P. Sims. Holstein â€" Bull. H. Baker; Cow, Baker. Baker; 2-year Heifer. F. Davis Davis; 1-year Heifer, Davis, Davis; Heifer Calf, Baker, Davis; Best Ball any age. Baker. Beef Purposesâ€" Cow. Meads, Adams 1-year Heifer, W. Inkster; Calf Steer or Heifer, C. Stewart, W. J. Stewart & Sons. Dairy Purposes â€" Cow, R. Bentham, F. Brown; 1-year Heifer, F. Brown. H. C. Radley; Fat Steer. Collinson. Collinson; Best three Female Cattle, Ed. Littlejohn; Best Herd. Bull and four females, Littlejohn; Eaton spec- ial. Best Herd Dairy Cattle, H. V. Baker; Baby Beef, W. J. Stewart & Sons, Ed. Littlejohn. SHEEP Shropshire â€" Ram Asred, Shar.d; Shearlini. Edgar Betts, V,'. -J. Meads; Ram La-inb. Shand, McLoughry Bros.; Aged Ewe. Shand. McLoughry Bros.: Shearling Ewe, Eldgar Betts. Meads: Ewe Lamb. McLoughry Bros., .^hand; Best Pen. .Shand McLoughry Bros. Oxford Down â€" Ram .A.ged, C. Akins Shearling, E. Betts, W. Meads; Ram Lamb, Meads. Meads; all other prizes to Meads. SWIXE Berkshire â€" All classes C. Stewart. Yorkshireâ€" Boar .A.ged. E. Betts; remainder of class to W. J. Stewart & Sons. Tamworthâ€" Sow Pig .H. C. Radley; Best Bacon Pig. E. Betts, W. J. Stewart & Sons. POULTRY Barred Rocks â€" Cock, Connor, Bar- ber, Hen, Barber; cockerel. Connor: pullet. Barber, Cor.nor. White Rocks hen, Connor, Barber; cockerel, Con- nor, Connor; pullet. Connor, Connor; Partridge Rocks, cock and hen Barber. Golden Wyandotte â€" cock. Wilson; hen, Wilson. Barber. White Wyan- dotte â€" cock. Bentham. Barber; cock- erel. Barber, Barber; hen, Bentham, Barber. Partridge Wandottes. 2r.il hen Bentham, balance of class to F. J. Thurston. Silver Wyandottes, all to \ Connor. Silver Grey Dorkings â€" cock and hen, DeCudmore. Brown Leghorn â€" hen. Barber. White Leg- horn, hen. Barber. Black Leghorn â€" hen & cock. Barber. Buff Legh'n-cock Barber. Wilson; hen. Wilson. Wilson: cockerel. Wilson. Barber. Black Minorcaâ€" all to Barber. .Andalusiar! â€" cock. hen. Wilson. Rhode Island Red S. Câ€" hen. Barber: R. C. all to Barber. Light Brahma, cock. Barber hen. Barber, DeCudmore: cockerel, deCudmore. Barber; pullet. Barber. Buff Orpington â€" cock and hen. Barber, cockerel. Barber, Thurston; pullif. Thurston, Barber. White Orping- ton â€" hen. Barber: cockerel and Pullet Ridley. Silver Spangled Hamburg* â€" all to Barber. Mottled Houdonâ€" h«n. Barber, Wilson. Games â€" cock, and hen. Wilson. Mottled Ancona â€" cock. Barber. Wilson; hen. Barber, WHsonr Best bird in the show, W. D. Connor with a Barred Rock Cock: best pair of bred-to-lay Rocks, Barber Be.«t pair of Bantams. Wilson. Ge«!>e â€" Toulouse, male F. Cairns, L. Atkinson: female, F. Cairns. .Arch. St«W»rt: Embden. male, H. D. Mc- Loughry; female, H. D. McLoughry; A.O.V. male. Fisher. Humhersti->:ie; female. 'lumberstone. Fisher. Duclcs â€" Pekin, male, CoUin^ion, Rad- : ley; female, Fisher, Radley; Rouen, \ male, Atkinson, Barber; female. B.i - ! b.-, Atkin.son; Indian Runner, female Barber; Muscovy, male, Barber, Rad- ley; female. Barber, Radley; A.O.V. male. Wilson ;female, Wilson. Turkeys â€" Bronze, female C. Tiionip- ' son; White, male and female, H. C. Radley. OranmJntal Bantams â€" W'iljion, DeCudmore, Guinea Fowl, Wilson. Pigeons, Wilson, Barber. Rabbits, Thurston, Barber. GRAIN AND SEEDS Winter Wheat white, L. .Atkinson, J. F. Collinson; Barley, six rowed, F. Cairns; White Oats, F. Cairns; Coll- ection ,Beans, L. .Atkirfeon^ W. P. Crossley; Red Clover Seed, L. .A. Fisher; .Alsike Clover seed, Fisher. FIELD ROOTS Potatoes, 4 Varieties. S. Patterson; Irish Cobblers, S. Patterson, Fisher; Green Mountain, Patterson; Potatoes A.O.V., R. ^chardson, W. P. Crossley Swedish Turnips, L. Fisher, R. Ben- tham; Carrots white, Patterson. L. .A. Fisher; Glot}^" Mangels, Patterson; Mangels, long, Patterson; Ensilege Com, J. R. Fawcett, J. I. Graham; Mangels A.O.V., J. R. Fawcett. Pat- terson; Long Red Carrots, Patterson. FRLIT Fall .A piles, Cayuga or Red Streak, J. I. Graham; Duches.<, .J. F. Collin- son, F. D. Cairns; St. Lawrence J. I. Graham, F. J. Collinson; A.O.V., J. I. Graham; Best Coll., J. I. Graham; Winter .Apples â€"Northern Spies. J. I. Graham, F. Cairns; Bald- win, Graham; Spitzenburg, Graham; (iolden Russett, Graham, F. Cairns; Roxboro Russet.^, J. I. Graham; snow, tiraham, Cairns;King 1 .npkins, Gra- ham, F. Cairns! King Tompkins, Gra- ham; Mann, Graham; Rhode Island Greenings. Graham, J. C. Adams; A. O.V., F. Cairns; Coll. Named, Graham , Ben Davis, F. Cairns; Coll. Crabap- ples, .J. I. Graham. Pears â€" Bart- lett, Graham; Clapps Favorite, J. C. .Adams; .A.O.V., Graham, S. Patterson. Plums â€" Lombards, L. .Atkinson, J. I. i Graham; Smiths Orleans, Graham; ' Coes Golden Drop, Graham; Reine Claude, Patterson; A.O.V., S. Patter- son; Coll. Graham; Coll. Grapes. J. I. i Graham. VEf;ETABLES Red Cabbage. J. R. Fawcett. Pat- terson; Flat Dutch, A, Gilchrist, C. Thompson; Drumhead, W. P. Crossley C. Thompson; Winningstadt, J. R. Fawcett, F. J. Thurston; .A.O.V., S.I Patterson, \. Gilchrist; Carrots, short: â- .va:t, F. J. Thu!-st..n; Car-' rci! ' A 9'â- â- ^::>' rots, intermediate, F. .1. Thurston. S.\ Patters'j«i; Parsnips, Wm. Paton, L. i A. Fishc-r; Celery, self bleaching, F. J Thur.st' â- ), Patterson; Tomatoes, red, L. .A .risher, G. Cairns; yellow, L. .A. Fi.-«her; Beets, long b!o<jd. Fisher. H. D. McLoughry; Beets, blood turnip rooted, C. Thompson, A. Atkinson; Collect-on of pears, J. I. Graham. Onions, black seed or Dutch setts, L. A. Fish.T, Patterson; PotatoO nions, Fisher, .Mrs. C Martin: Radish, black winter, Fisher, Patterson; Radish, any Continued on Next Page) .\ very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Jack. Proton, on a recent Wednesday ghter, Jennie Ellen, (Jean), became the bride "f -Mr. .Nathan Haw, .Shel- buri-.t'. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST LLIOTT. ^^^^i^l TRUNKS and SUITCASES If you are in n«ed of a good Trunk or Suit Case or Club Bag we have them. Suit Cases from $2.75 up. t % 9 • • • • • • «l g Get Arch Supports for sore feet. Repairing as usual. S 9 m • • • S \9 9 9 THOS. CLAYTON - - O.NTARIO § i FLESHERTON, - - • PUBLIC CAMPBELL LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE CAN- DIDATE FOR S.-E. GREY niCSIU)RO, Thursdav. October 8th. V \ ^Z MAXWKLI,, Friday. October 9th. M.XSSIl-:. Satitrdav. October 10th. !-l.l-.Sm'.KTO.\. Moiulav. October lith. 1I.\X0\"1:R. Tuesdav, October \Mh. l-l'A'KKSHAM, Wednesday. October 14th, l\VTC">.\. Thursdax . October 15th. Xia'STADT. Kridav. October Ithh. TH'Xn.M.K. Saturday. (Vtober 17th. MEETINGS COMMENCE AT 8 O'CLOCK p.m AND WILL BE ADDRESSED BYTHECANDI DATE AND OTHERS Young and .Alexander Sts. Toronto Noted fur high grade iostruetion. and placinK ma-ny students in good positions Write for catalogue. Eln- ter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PriadpaL Advertise in The Advance DISCOIRAOED AT SCHOOL Students discouraged at school, p^- hapg disappointed in Examination re- sults, or from overcrowdsd profew- ions mak..- iij'i-i at tiia I OWEN SOUND because the instruction is individual, and the course practical, and there ia always a place if you are qualified. Enter any day Write to-day Catalogue Free. C. A. FbaiBK. F.C.A. G. D. PtoMtac AnswerraVMOOO Word' Picture Fuizk Gmu k How Many Objects Begrinning With the ^ ^ Letter "T" Can You Find in This Picture? it Here's a Pfcmr*- I*uizle wbicii ivntains a nambor of obje^'ts be;;lii«ing wiLh the letter -T'. Jtist take a jood look at Un» pictim>â€" there are aJI sort* of xiiXng» that b«^n with the letter •T" â€" like train, trap, top, turtle. fl«\. ajod all rbe other objeot.* are equally dear. Srt> ttow many you can ftml. This l9 not a trick pa2zie: nothing b« hidden an*! >ou don't ha\-e to torn the plcturp upr^ide-down or sideways. Fifty ci-ih prizes will l)t> given for the .'VO best lists of wortls submittetl in answer to this Pnzilc. The answer liavinc the Ui.r!n>t and n<>apest itirre<t Il^t of visible objects rthown in the plttjire that start with the letter -T" will be awarde<l lii^t prl/e: •i«>'on«l best, â- set-onrt prize: ete. Try This Fiia Gameâ€" Win $1,000 Yoa <'aji't heJp ^njoyin^ ttli» n«\v HfcCvre PvkeI^. Vi*t'% ifcli Join In and have a Jiilly %^n*i tinv. \o mattpr w^»c Toar affv in or l.'vzr't. If ynu Ulce t« .M>lt,. poxzl^H. trr vonr h,Mid at tblM uoe- It if d]ff«rPBC to nnj >'oa hav* trtrti b«fere. It U reailT not a paiaie a* ail. for all the* abjr^rts havr Ix^^n [nA«i« parf«-,^tlT plalA. with BO att^MTtrt to dioKTiim. or liliie Th^nx: dod« are so «iixall bat the uumft pyvalrht ("an •«rp tb^cn. <>^t a p^n,^ and papvc and soe QO*r iBaii7 "T-Wnnis" run ran fiiMj. Doeaa't mailfce any d.fffreu«« iTb«th«r_ yoa are #x or riLx9 T*"^* oid. Uerv I> a chance to itDdy and "braab an" a tittle. It ia tntercstiar. ednratlooal aad faociiuUUw Nothlnc Iiar4. Joat Jtfferan* Yea. all join in â€" old folks. mMdle a<e and 7W« foflo. Boa wiM aan And tile moat TWoi-da.'' Toa'll havo bar- roia of fun fladinc T-Word*.- UBS. JOiCCS CAlCrBKLL WO>r CMO. We have a lu ady paid thwaan«iB of liwIhirB in prtaea. La rae^tt l^axle (lam^i^ Mrs. \acvii ramplK>n. Forest. Ont.. woa (l.OM: Mis La«T VTrvaUne. Gait. t}nt.. woa (J..*** : Bov. TWo. Islv. WIUiiaMtiiirr. On«^ ««b tlMm' His. -r-|ia«ii Fasti Mre, Aihraa. Oat. Tvaa anatfcor «iaii«r ef »L.MO a n j Mrft. Jnr Daylr. Marmara, Oat., aina wna $ MO. Mr. G. M. CarmiebMrf. WeOaod. On*.. - '>a saw. aad Mrs. Tmm» Mo«pe. I ic*l<T. Ont.. alao wan MM. Mr*. B. S. MariA7 Watkervine. '"tit., and Mr. Clareaco L. Mrrrtck. liltâ€". Oat.. MrJl won (3«e. whlU :r«. W. C. »karp*. UleQ kiXmm, Oat.. '(ra. J. r. MarltiUaa. Ottawa. t>o«.. aad Mra. l i ea i ge Marlr'oab. MoaklandA. Oa*.. «a<Hi woa SSM. Aad, now, here's joi:r oppai tiiiiity. OBSERVE THESE EASY RULES I. Any man. wotna-: or I'hiM who ^iv^m m OAn^d^ rtnd u not ft ra«tJent at Toron' j, and who .a nui n ih« fmp<o> o' T^h M&Jl and Kmpirw, may ubmit sn \nsw*^r t. ritev V^'inners i i f«n»er Plctar^ PuakW cvmlaieivd by Tile 3fmtl ajsd Ft«plr» -â-  fnnioc (SCO. 00 or morr s%rr not elicible "n thin IiiTzle. (" A. Mtintyomenr. Putxte Manager, Salt and to piit*Jt'i: i. A.l a ^.tltlrwud Kniplr*. 4, All "sta of n.i:: -'s .^houM bo nr(r*en on onp side of th* rap«r aniy. anil ntimbtTcd •on9*^uUv»-.y ;. l. j. f*ti\ Write your fu-1 namv and addr^sA *r. ih«« uj^p^r -isr'u b«nd --orner. if you drBlr» to wtIi* anyOmg » 5r. u:u» a «t>parate sh*«'t. 5- Only «uch words ;ij« .irP^af m WVbat-r's Dlcf.onary w.ll be counted. Do mit us«» hyphenwi'^d oompound <^r obiKji-'* wordB. \Th-»r^ thi? plurn; i« ui>»d ih" s:r.srular cannot. t« coun: ed. and vlco vcrna. iS. W.T Is cf r]'-^ s;i". » j.*-i:Tnj K'An be used unly onc«a *vpn houK'i Msoxl li) d»*««i,rna dirr*»r-nt oojofts or article*. An ob- vtnod only once. rf lht» larfffBt and nearest f^rn^'t Uat >-t.« In tbc picture tliai be^^ln wif.i '.h- "d {-"irst T'lit*. »»tr>. Nt^atneM. •ty'.j? or nax lipun dev'ldmir the wrhners. M>pl(« may co <'pfra:e In answer inp :^* ' z« will be awarded to any ooe hou»*- iwat'led trt mi*r«« 'han on*" ••? any t^'-out.'' \» b-*en wo'ki7.^ 'osr*"^**" f A tie f«r any priar offered, the fall ..(U be awanled to e*rh lied pwllrlpMnt. both new and r-r.ewnl » payable ;n ad- â- r by mni\ or Jfi 0»1 r**r yar dei-v^re-l by • n. wi;i b*! accepted. li! r*»<'ei*e The !»am* fonflMeratlon re^a-d t a Bub«crtpiion ro The Xmi: ajid Kinptre ^Bi Si lere THE PRIZE LIST Whining Answers iriU PooHvo tHe artr 1 'a«ti prt2a» •ccocritna to ite taMo b«ivw: | 5t GILA.ND > ritealfX* r<tea U Oaa 3^ Are S«a L •<«. 1 ArT'C^ lilt Prtie *M.0O SSOO.00 ti.OM.ao 3S.M sse.oo j »00.00 Srd Prize ^00 aso.oo 309.00 44b Priae M.W isaoo SOO.0O 5tli IMie 13.00 lOO.OO 300.00 ttti Prtae !».»»« , 75.00 ! iftg no Tth PHae 8M ' MUM 100.00 8tl» PHao a.o« SO.0O ; â- AM 9tti Prlxo &.00 3&.00 1 jO.00 10th PH«e 3.00 iO.OO 40.00 tllii coaoth PWxes. Incl. 3.00 f 10.00 MOO •2Ist tu5«th 1 1 Prises. Ind. "v^ 1 7.50 i U.M In ch* event of a d« • for anj prtae offered the full atnoont of -ioi i-ti prize will be paiil to etu-t\ tied partlt-ipa nt. ject or iirilrie can be 7. The answer hav: of names of visible obj â- -*tt»r 'T" w:U be awa- handwritlnc iiave no b <- Any number of l*\ia»ie. but only one ' hold; nor will i^rlaes I where two or nior- 9- In the eveaC A^w«nt of jiarh prlae 10. rvubscrlptit-na vaji<.e o' (6 â- ;'> x**t y- carrier boy :n Hami 11. .\il anawers '.r'mm )f whe;h*r or . \m eent In. 11. Thr^e prei. with The Mail an.i decide the Winn*' aaaver^ ac^ee lo . c^aehSBtre. T^e jndffe* « . tneAt uf the Fr» • • in Th* M bit. at aoy - »nt Teronta ciUaens ha r:nc no ^-i-nne^-Mon '.nplre wUl t?e aeievied to aet aa :udire« to «. and p»^tle^pant», • by 5ead*ns ti :neir cept the d^eiaton of th<* judcee •• r.n^: ftod meer on fVtober 37th. and aancoat-e- \Vln nera and < or-eet \im^ of word*. wiU N» ) and tCmp'.re ad qijlc|i.'>y Tbemafrer aa it •« rot later than ;br»e we^ks SUBSCRIPTION RATES'- /»/ YABLE IN ADVAfifCE fB.09 p- ymmr. Utoa. r*. <i per Tipire aayiv^re in C»wkdft by ni IVII«ere«l by i-»rrler h»y In Ha YouCanWin$1,qOO TM.> "T" Word Picture Puzzle t^Ame ia a campaica 'o In-r-asr the popu:arity of T?!» Mul and Emptre. l: costs notiiin;; to t.Tlce part an.l you Jo not bave to Ji-nd ^n a sinit>« aubsi-rlptlan to win a prize. If your 'â- â- ii of "T" Words n awarded Ftmt Prlie by lita JudgM rati wii; win ISO. but if you would lllie to cet more than tlO, We are maklnf tha foilowinc spacial ofr»r wh>>rfby you can win bl««»r oaah prises by •eoJln« ONE or TWO yearly subscrlplinns to The Mail aad Kmpir... UKJUC'S HOW: If ynnr aniiwrr to ehc "T" Word Plrtar»> I"niil<- «ln, Klr^l IXre Mnd ren hurt, wot in OM-; Tearl.i .ubiM ri|!!ion to I'lie Mail .ind Kmpire at SO.OO bj nuiil or $«.(M> i|-IIt>ti^ by c«rrirr ho» In Hamil- •on. you nil! r»<'<-iic SSOO.OO. Inxtrad of »30. errond prt»r *2.taiW: third prise ii.-<*.90. and no forth. "*«« «e*^f»d roiuntn of rlffarnt in prlre list. Or. if loar an..<wer wtn* Kir^l Prise %nd yan bare sent in TWO yearl.t «nb«M-riptioae to The Mail and Em- pire new or rt-n^-wal imbflrnptioas' yoa will rere^ea *l.«0« in place of MO: sreond pHs« fM»: third prts* (S«e. and •a forth. .See third colosa of flBaraa la pHse ll««.i lar ; that a liberal ofrer? But ook: We wm five estrs amoants on all prisaa ta rhe aama aiannar ir your answer is laallflad by TWO yearly sabaorti^ •.ions and you win foarth prtsa. yo« win racat^e IM*. tnd so .in Jown tbe priaa ilat. Tnnr own subac.-lptlon will eoant. or iiillai i milsiu •0 star-. «; some fritare dale. Joat wrtls an taa erdar when ynu »«nt ihe paper startad. and it wi:i start prompt iy in ilin' lat*. This olTrr appUen to RIRAI. ROCTK pM- roB9 aa well a.< «aNvTlbrT<< llTtas lii cities mat toann. If yoa are alrvajy ret^ tlu g 'Rtc Mlrfl and f'rmplre. yotir -'uhsrrlittloa will be • from its prvwtit expiration. LARG COPY OF PI ZZLE PICTURE hKNT FREE ON REQUEST ADDKIW9 Torn A^ISWTBS to Movr«<.MjtKT THEMAaA i rrxzue iiAMAeKit. OKPT. 1 EMPIRE (AT* ABA.

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