wmwsmiiim Headaches and Backaches Often Mak* Life MiMrable. A woman's health handicaps her al- moet always. She has pains and dis- abUitlee which do not afflict men. Na^ ture does not gtVB her a fair chance. Her blood Is more often thin and poor than a man's, and she cften neglects the first beginnings of lU-health. Mary women who seemed destined to a life of frequent suffering have been freed entirely from their suffering through the wonderful blood-making qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Many a woman tolls all day with a pain In her back and side, a bum'ng headache, and a sense of having no spine left. What a pity women will not listen to their friends whom Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved from their mis- ery. Whenever a woman suffers they win help her â€" in youth, middle-age Bsd afterlife. Mrs. John Mitchell, of MiddleviUe, Ont., gives her experience for the benefit of other women suffer- ers. She says: â€" "Some years ago I WHS so badly run down I could hardly walk around the house. I tried to do ft few chores but was able to do very little. My boys and husband had to do the rest. If I started up stairs I had to go very slow or I would fall, and I was jusi played out when I got at the top of the stairs. My head ached terribly, and my lieart would beat violently. In this deplorable con- dition I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I had finished six boxes I felt much better. Then I got a further supply, and by the time I had taken thes« I could wal^ any- where without being exhausted, the headaches had disappeared and I am now perfectly well. Any woman who Is ruH down should not hesitate to be- gin Dr. Wi'.Uams' Pink Pills at once, as I am sure firom my own experience they will build her up." « You can get these Pllla from any medicine dealer or by irail at 50 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Msdicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. 11^ I^Msii^ of Aiilnui. Th» viiard haa woven his ancient acbema A day and a starlit night. And the world is a shadowy, pencilled dream Of color, haze and light. Like something an angel wrought, maybe, To answer a fairy's whim, A -told of an ancient tapestry, A phantom, ruro and dim. Silent and smooth as the crystal stone The river lies serene. And the fading hills are a Jewelled throno For the Fall and the Miat, his Queen. Slim as out of aerial seas The elms and poplars fair Float like the dainty spirits of trees In the mellow, dreamlike air. » Silvery-soft by the forest side â€" Wine-red, yellow, rose â€" The wizard of Autumn, faint, blue- eyed â€" Swinging his censer, goes. â€" Archibald Lampman. NURSES Th> Tmnto Mowltal (ar tnninMtt, la •ffllUtlan with B<llt«u< and Alll<« HixplMll. New Vwt Cll>, ofart a thrca ftrf Couru af Training tj young wauicn. having tht rc«ulrtit iducatlun, and dealroul of baeomini . nurici. Thti HoaiillaJ tiiu aduptcd tha elc>ht> helir lyitcm. Tha pupltl rcaalva unllarni* of tlia School, a monthly allawan«« and travalltts axpaniea to and (ran Now YotIl for further Information apply to the Suparlataident. A Sidelight on History. An Interesting piece of secret his- tory, which explains how the German- naval clgnal codes came ipto the hands of the British Admiralty, has Just been revealed. When the German cruiser Magde- burg struck a mine near the island of Odensholm, off the Estonian coast, the crew abandoned the ship and sur- rendered. But it was noticed by some Russians that one of the Ger- man ofllcers Jumped overboard. Thl.s aroused tlie Russians' curiosity, the spot was noted, and a diver was sent down. He recovered the body of the oQlcer, and It was then found that the latter has secured to his person a number of secret German naval codes. A copy of these codes was supplied to the British Admiralty, but the Ger- mans, unaware tliat they had fallen into hostile hands, continued to use A Serious Encounter. Billyâ€" "Miss Skelton turned her back on me and cut me dead." Phillppaâ€" "Gosh ! and her shpulder blades are sharp enough to give you a severe cut." Was Suspicious. After reading about starved lives j and the soul hunger of wives for a ] kind word, Mr. Tenspot became con- trite and resolved to do better. So on reaching home he hailed his betters half after this fashion: | "Well, here she Is, the best little wife in the world." "John," interposed his wife, sharp- ly,- "have you been drinking?" "Of course not." 'Then what have you been up to?" Huge Glass Roof. Tke roof of the famous Crystal Pal- ace in London contained fourteen acres of glass. Alaska has a fish which, when dried, forms an effective candle. He Got His. Timid Voyager â€" "Steward, doesn't this ship tip a good deal?" Stewardâ€" "No, sir. not that I've no- ticed, sir â€" she leaves that to the pas- sengers, sir." Gave Him the G. B. Sophie â€" "So Miss Passay has given her lover the grand bounce?" May â€" "Yes; he made the mistake of writing her a poem and calling it •Lines On My Sweetheart's Face.' " O Speed of Gulf Stream. Speed of the Gulf Stream as- It flows along the United States coaiGit Is approximately five miles per hour. Research In India. A research institution for tlie im- I provement of cotton was recently opened at ladens'. Central India. Sentence Sermons. No Man Makes Progr«a« â€" Uutil he ban chosen some great obluctlve la life. â€"After be become satisfied with his own work. â€" Whose Ideala are rot constantly In advance of his achleveniuuts. â€" Whose profits are made at the ex- pense of principles. â€"Whoso self-respect l.s lowered by the work be does. â€" Who is constantly at war with bis conscience. â€" Who depends upon Influential friends more than personal endeavor. A LITTLE BOOKLET DlOTllERS SKOILD HAVE A tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea XEi^^is good tea And most grocers recommend it It Tells What a Mother Ought to Know for Baby's Sake. Above all things every mother wishes that her child, or children, whatever their age, may bo bright, healthy, good-natured, rosy boys and girls; clear eyed, clear skinned babies ; good sleepers, bright wakers. Every mother's wish for bur little folks is that they may be well. It is natural for little folks to be them. It is stated that the possesslon-j well No wise mother thinks that her of these German codes was of con- child at any age is in a natural state siderabio value to the British fleet unless It is well and happy. No moth- during the battle of Jutland. er can expect, though, that her child will escape all the ills to which baby- hood and childh<ipd are subject, but she can do much to maka baby's bat- tles for health easily won. A valuable little bcoklet entitled "Care of the Baby in Health and Sick- ness" has been prepared and as it Is something every mother sihould have, a copy win be sent free to any mother on request who will mention this paper by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Father's Fault. "I am sorry to say it, Henry." said the tHat'lier, "hut your composition Is not worthy of you. The grammar is faulty, the logic weak, the statements are based upon misinformation, and the style Is lamentably crude." "My word!" Henry repliwl. "Won't dad be angry when 1 tell him that?" "But you can tell him you'll do bet- ter next time." "Do better? Wiy, dad wrote the whole of it himself!" Classified Advertiaements â€" â€" â€" I.I - â€" ^ â- i« lliOWrAUD WllITi.XO INCm:AHKS HAU.MNQ i>owcr. \Vi> th-'tt? the tr*;. Studcntj mII work Ufars ihroush t^cur.'f. lUtr. pffectlra. SUuv B^^hooU. Toronto. Forty- tr-o Bloof We»t. S' rAi>ii:s J Krldirt. ONXY OUR UOOKJLET. LAU1E3" milled ID liUiii riiiclop*. frctt. Culrt M'tntrctl. LAinCS WANTIID -TO DO I'lAlN A.VD LlUKT ••Willi *t tiomr. wholf or upare time : c^^ r^T ; work Mnt tor dULtnca. rhirgei p&ld : »end btkinp for pu-tlculuL NattoQAl iluiuf&cturioc Co., Montrral. Ask for Minard's and take no other. ITS Kl'll.KPSV I'KKMANE.STLY BTOI'l'KD Ijy Trench's UtUifdv. Slniiile home trfalintnt, 3S r»r«* cucreii. Uiousuida tMtltnonl&ls. Write it once for frre bonk. Trrurh'i Hmiedlra Umlted, DepL T, 79 ViieliUlc East. Toronto, ('aiiiila. (f'ut tlilf ou*..) AKKIIS* 0VI:N8. WTllTK FOIl CAT.^I.O'Il.a and list of u»iJ "\et\i Hubbard Ovrn Tym- l«n). 782 Kln» West. To-omo. F B SILVCfl FUXES. Sl<X>-!550O 8' 111!HMAN FVn i'Air.l. SCMMKRHIDE. PEL Many Codfish Species. The codfishes number ninety spe- cies, of which the ordinary cod is the most Important. It renchcK a length of four feet. In November each ma- ture female deposits about ten mil- 1 === lions of eggs which hatch floating on ' the surface of the sea. Vast numbers I Due of codfish are caught with hooks and | tlon facilities, thoiibands of tons of lines along the North Atlantic and I African produce are â- still carried on Pacific coasts, and are much valued ] the backs of natives. for food both in the fresh and salted 1 --â€"-â€"- â€" state. On Backs and Heads, to the absence of transporta- Europe's Largest Glacier. The largest glacier in Europe 1& the \ Justeldas Brae, In Norway. â„¢j»- Chineee Chain Stores. Chain stores, operated by Chinese, now dominate certain linos of retail trade In the Philippines. There are more cattle in England â- and Wa!e.s to-day than there were be- ' fore the War. WE WANT CHURNING CREAM We supply cans and pay express charses. We pay dally by expres* money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charga. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free from bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent Butter Fat Bowes Company Limtte<i Toronto For referencesâ€" Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or >our local banker. Elstablisbed for over thirty years. The total estimated honey produc- tion for Canada in 1924 was 15,804,- COO pounds with a value of .'?2,552,O00. Commercial Mind. A country minister was talking to one of his flock, who ventured the i opinion that ministers shcuki be bet- ter paid. "I am glad to hear you .say that," the minister said. "I am pleased that you think so much of the clergy. And so you think that we should have bet- ter stipends?" "Yes," said the man. "Ye see, we'd get a better class of men." Why are good resolutions like a squalling baby at church? Because they should always be carried out. Surnanies and Their Origio b FILMORE Variations â€" Fllmur, Fullmer, Fulmer. Rscial Origin â€" English. Source â€" A locality. More anciently this family name had the variations '"I'Vlniere" and "Piimour," but these spellings appar- ently have disappeared complelery In recent generations. A quite plausible argument that this name is of C-eltic origin and that It was developed from the words "fllea," meaning a barj, and "mor," meauins great, has been advanced from time to time, the argument tliat use fMON SAWS «^^^ bMACHINE KNives They stay sharp longer. WUOND8 CANADA 6AW CO. LIUITCD 1»»0 0UN0A3 BT. W., TORONTO VAhOOUVU MOMTIIBM. VT. XMtt. N.B. INECTO RAPID The world's best hair tint Will r«. •tor« gray hair to its natural color In 16 minutes. •mall sizs, 13.30 by mall Double sise, $9.60 by mall The W. T. Pember Stores LImltad 129 Yonga 8t. Toronto some ancient ancestor of the Fllmores was a "famous bard." But the theory does not S'tand up in the light of research, which 8how4t first, no evideuce-of Celtic origin, and, second, that there were so many "fam- ous" bards among the Celts of Eng- land, Wales, Scotland and Ireland that it would have meant little for a man to refer to his ancestry In such vague terms. But in the speech of the Saxons, "fllle' meant fertility us applied to the land and "mere" meant either a lake or a moist section of ground. It is easy to see, therefore, that Uie com- bination of these two words might easily have been applied by the Sax- ons to many spots in England as local names, and indeed there are records to be found of several places so named. Quite naturally the surname arose as indicating residence at or near such a spot. Not Really Afraid. "Bang!" went the rifles at tlie man- oeuvres, j "Oo â€" ol" screamed the pretty girl' â€" a nice, decorous surprised little ' scream, as she stepped backward Into the arms of a young man. "Oh!" she said. ;)lushing. "1 was frightened by the rifles; I beg your pardon." "Not at all," said the you;].^- mail. "Let's go over ami watch the artil- lery." Japanese ehiiciren aro v/rite with both hands. taufjht to i â€" everything ! I Buy Diamoad Dyes- Each 15-cent puck- age oontainc direc- tions Eo simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors In lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, iweater.?, draperies, coverings, hangings -no ether kind â€" T-. • i V iu • ,1 I and tell your druggist whether the ma- Few ;ove to hear the sins they bvc , . , , , , -, <•» luc ma , . C.U 1 i terial you wish to color :3 woo or silk to act. â€" Shakespeare. . ., , oi.<v, t- I nr Ti-hotiipr ii it; men, cotton or mixed ^9 Tsro/fA/ tV/NOOtVS FArrojf TMMSELyes Stop Fuel Wjijlf . imure Winitr Conilu.i Willi Stoiis W^nJort-?. Low "Fttnlit Paid" pr!i-f5. rr»c)v-&l^2Cd: ^afc dc!:vpr>- fpitiant^fd. Free price \\A and e»>y mcasunng chart. ^ HALLIOAY '.^Tt " HAMILTON I or whether it is ' good.i. ^#&^«»*!i^ -^^SHIP us YOUli' POULTRY, GAME.EGGS, BUTTER ^-° FEATHERS - We Buy ALL Yeau Round - WrUe today fur prices â€" ire ^ueiratUao j tiid»i for a week ahead P.POULIN <[VCO..llMITEI> 36"3d Bonaocourj Marhct â€" Montreal WAIislPROOF ARCTIC DUBBIN SAVES BUYING RUBBERS Tlie Ctoti Poli>:ics Ltil.. Hamilton BETTER RBUITS-*^?^^^ After illness you need BOVRIL Influenza, debility and other illneuu result in loaa of vitality, weight, and weakened digetfion. Bovril is the food which not only contains nourishment and stirnglh, but supplies it in â- con- centrated and easily digestible fonn." Bovril contains the most valuable nour- ishing and (timuUling qualities ^l Prima Beef. That U wKy:â€" 4 BOVRIL pnlsBllf inlo you Vi5 MacNIDER. Variations â€" MacNiter, Weaver, Racial Origin â€" Scottish. Source â€" An occupation. » Here la a family name which comes from Scotland, and though purely Gae- lic, traces back to an occupational origin. Family names of this descrip- tion were extremely unusual among i the Oaels of Ireland. But In Scotland, I thaugh they iire by no means general, they are occasionally met with. Spelled In tha Gaelic fashion, this Xamily name Is "Mac an-fhigheadair." [ .\t least, that's tlie nearest you cair come to the Gaelic spe'llng with the i English alphabet, and the Qaellc- j speaking Scot would pronounce It so that to your Bnglish-trflined ears it would sound something like "Maca- niader" with the accent on the "nia." i.Take a pronunciation sometJiing llko â- this anl put it on careless English j tongues, and it docs not take long to i make It .MacNMer or MaoNlfer. ! The meenlng of tlio name la "Son- I of-the-woaver,' 'and It appears to be j found only among tho.se who claim ^ descent from the famous old t'lan I MacKarlanc, one of those clans des- I cended from the first Irish settlers of Scotland, a century oc two before Cbriastlanily spread among the Gael.". I It is a name that came into being c.<< â- a sul>.'slit<ite. evidently, at the time the ; MacFarlanes were "outlawed" and be- ' came, like the MacGre^ors. .a "broken I clan." Ii has In a great many ^^~e- I been changed to Us virliial equivalent In English. Weaver. Large Red Pimples Itched Terribly Cuticura Heals " My face becBi\ie full of large, fed, scaly pimples and at times they itched terribly. They spread in great blotches and formed large,' sore eruptions that burned a great deal. I was ashamed to go any- where on account of them, and the trouble kept getting worse. The trouble lasted about a year. " I tried -/arious kinds of oint- ments without success. 1 sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they helped me. I purchased more, and after using three boxes of Cuticura Ointment, together with the Cuticura Soap, I was healed in about two months." (Sigr^ed^ Miss Mildred M. Brcau, Crousetown, Nova Scutiu, Prevent pimples by daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment when re- quired. Dust with Cuticura Talcum. Bunplt Euh Ftm br Ifjdl. AddrfH Canadian Price, Soap 25 c. Qin mi«nt ib and 60c. Talcum '.Sc. Cuticura Sha'rina SUcIt 23c. Depot: "Btenluru., Lti, MoatiMl. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism 1 Mtnard't Liniment for Distemper. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handv "Bavcr" Ix>x(»(i of 12 t*bl»ts Also bottlesof 24 and 100 â€" Driijrgists. Aat.lrln !» tti« •«*> marls (rrt^ntt-'y^ In Canada^ cf Bajw Man^ifni-tnr- of MoiwiawilP- â- cMe-'tfr of 9allcjlleni-lu (.\.-riri Salicylic Add. 'A. R. A '•>. WTii:? It :« ro.i imo^ that Aapltln m»an» Bayer mannfactnr*. to assist the pnlillc a»alnn 'mltailOTr, tb« TabwM tt Bafer Compaiv »>U )>• ataa^d wlUi tlialr geuaral uad* iB«.-k, tLa °::a:'<T Cnaa. PAINS ACROSS JHE BACK Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Mitchell, OnUrio. â€" "I have taken four medicine for a number of years, do not take it steady all the time, but I am never without it. I always keep it in the house. 1 took it first for p»in8 in the abdomen and bearing-down pains, headaches and pains across the back. I have my home to look after and many a day I could not get up at all. I saw the advertisement in the piper about Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and Mrs. John Miller told mo about it, too. Every time 1 take it, it makea me feel better and I alway.s rec- ommend it to my friends. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about this medicine and you may use this letter as a testimonial. "-Mrs. F. J. Wausmann'. Mitchell. Ontario. The merit of Lydia. E. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound ia told by women to each other. Many women know by experience what this medicine will do and they are anxious for others to know. Such testimony should cause any woman sutferingfrom the troubles so common to her sex to give this well- known medicine a fair trial. Do you know that in a recent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,iK>O replies were re- ceived. To the question. "Have vou rc- Cf ived benefit by takinK this medicine?" 98 per cent- replied "Yea." This means that 98 out of every 100 Women are in better henlth because they have given th:f> modicine a '"air trial C IS?'je No. 'W- 26. J