Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1925, p. 8

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IWednesday, November 4, '25 TIIK FLESH ERTQN ADVAXCE o TRUNKS and SUITCASES If you are in need of a good Trunk or Suit Case or Club Bag we have them. Suit Cases from $2.75 up. s I s s Get Arch Supports for sore feet. Repairing as usual. ^ Teddy Jones is Winner of Miss MacPhairs Prize Sixteen Students Competed in Contest Held in MijJ^li _ SeWudl at Flesherton %\ Will Take Trip to Ottawa O' L THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO •o<«9ic»e0$(S)@@90e@&a9«ttoo®ooci9«o S. S. NO. 5, OSPREY 1stâ€" Myrtle Wright. Pr. â€" Marjorie Leppard. Number on roll 16. â€" J. Bradley, Teacher. Sr. 4â€" R. Kerton, Gertrude Wright. Jr. 4 â€" iWillie Somers, Lawrence Fenwick. Sr. 3 â€" Kilbourne Hawkins, Harold Benson. Jr. 3 â€" Nerval Betts, Bert Wright. Sr. 2-P. J., Somers. James Giblin.>« K'^«" '" ^•'^ Flesherton high school Tressa Leppar'd, Arthur Lawlor. ^ <>" Tuesday evening, Novemeber 10th. Jr. 2 â€" James Kerton. Be sure to attend. The play, "All a Mistake," will C= T he Staff of Life I CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDER'S BREAD AND GET THE BEST. aâ€"> ^' P INDER'S » ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery 111 the crowdo<l auditorium of the Fk'sherton High School, .sixteen rep- resentative winners of the various .school Fairs throughout the County, met in the final elimination contest for those who would receive the a- wards of Miss Agnes MacPhail M.P. The subject, "The Federal Government of Canada," was well handled by ev- i ery speaker, and everyone was de- I lighted with the outlining of he meth- I od in which (fanada is governed. Miss Hilda Gordon of Artemesia I was the first speaker, with the foll- i owing in order: Clara Subject, Ben- tick, Helen Jerrett, Collingwood, Geo. Acton, Derby; Susie McDtfnald, Efere- mont; Irene Saunders, Euphrasia, Dorothy Robinsont, Glenelg; Milton Shouldice, Holland; Ruby Crampton, Keppel; Teddy Jones ICeppel (Shallow Lake); Dorothy Mann, Markdale, Kathleen Walters, Normanby; Lorna Chard, Osprey; Archie Clark, Proton; Edna Stephens, South Proton and Eg- remont. Rev. Clements of Flesherton, led in community singing. Miss Blanche Walker of Markdale rendered a fine solo, with Miss Dunham playing the accompaniments throughout. Miss MacPhail acted as chairman, while Dr. O. J. Stevenson, M.A., D. Paed, Professor of English, O.A.C. Guelph, Mr. Jas. Shaw, B.A., principal of Dufferin School, Owen Sound, and Mr. Ralph Clemens, B S. A., Agricul- tural Representative of Wellington County, were the judges. Dr. Steven- son scored the memorized speech, and declared that this was not the ideal way to deliver an address. He then 1 announced the prize winners. Teddy Jones of Keppel township (Shallow Lake,) won first prize and chose the I trip to Ottawa in preference to the gold watch. Kathleen Walters, of Nor- manby was second, and received a solid gold medal, Clara Subject of Bentinck was third, and received a ster ling silver medal while Milton Shoul- zes with the excejition of the extra one needed for the fourth prize, which T. S. Cooper contributed. Miss MacPhail unnouned that the eoiilest v.-ould he continued next year and made clefir, that the memorized speech would be a great handicap to the contestant. We are giving below, a cojiy of Teddy Jones' address which was the one which gave him the trip to Ot- tav.'a. Hunters on the Trek The Federal Government of Canada 'â-  registec-ed ram could get a premium I of $1(>>* divi<led into jvo annual _, paymtnla of §.'i.0() each. Tiie policy ,,„ : , , r. MM • Ot '« now changed. The following are Jhirty-thice l.eft Ihf ^i'^^- ,h. m^m points:- â-  tlon Monclav and luesday j j. That there must he ten far.men, J'^iir the North. !{„ „ community who apply. (The .1 I size of the community is not defined.) The hunters of this vicmity left on | 2. These must own at least ttn ewos .Monday and Tuesday on their annual ; each and have never used a pure bred two weeks' trip to the north, some of ram. . - v.hom motored, others going by train.' ,j ^pj^^y ^^^ purchase rams of the Some thirty-three men will be in the „^_ u--«j _, _ ,.,, ' same breea, the three parties. The Rock Mills < party go to Ardbep while the Flesh- 4. All male lambs must be caatrat- Canada is a federation or a fed- ! erton and Kimberley men wll camp ed and all lambs docked. eral union, that is, a union in which the power does not rest wholly with the central parliamnt, but is part re- tained by the provinces. Ever since 1867 Canadians have had a greater outlook than that of the citizens of a province. The Dominion is depc/ident, but (j'^f -governing, a group of statc«) yet a single union. The three functions of government are to enforce law, to make law, and to interpret law. The government of Canada is carried on by a governor general an executive council, a Sen- ate and a House of Commons. IThe Governor-General represents the crown and is still the guardian of the interests of the Empire, and his knowledge enables him to give advice of g^-eat value. The mcimbers of the Senate are chosen for life by the Governor Gen- eral. A Senator must be a British subject, thirty years of age, a resi- dent in the province, and worth at least four thousand dollars. Ihc House of Commons is elected by voters over twenty one years of age and of a sound mind. A general election is held every five years. Rep resentation is by population, Quebec having sixty five and the provinces the same ratio. The Govenor-General chooses the meihbers of his cabinet from the party in power. When the cabinet has decided on the policy which it in- tends to pursue, every member must support that policy or resign. The Prime Minister is their president. There are also ministers of Agricul- ture, Finance, Marine, Labor, Rail- ways and Canals, etc. five miles this side of the former, which is Boakview. Those in the various parties are:- Kimberey^The Stuart boy^, J. A. 6. Application must be received not later than December 31st of tho year in which the ram was purchased. Quite a large number of farmers Chas., Fred, Will, Jack, Robert and i have requested these premiums this George, E. Ellis, E .Proctor, H. Down, } year but they are too late unless they have nine other farmers to form a- club. AH those securing first premiums Phillips, Wm. Chard, Leslie Chard, R. last year must sign the forms for McMullen, Ed. Croft, Wilfred Phillips their second premium and return not and Jas. Harverston and Otto Loss of later than December 31st this yea* Palmerston and D. Williams ^s cook. I â€". V. Ellis, Jas. Stuart of Burks Falls and H. Fellows as cook. Rock Mills â€" Jas. Dargavel, Wm. Flesherton â€" Geo. Mitchell, T. D. Berry, P. Munshaw, Jack McRee, S. Pedlar, G. B. Welton. J. Hodgson of Brooklyn and A. Sparks as cook. Mr. 'Thos. Mercer of Markdale will likely go with the Flesherton party. DISCOURAGED AT SCHOOL * Students discouraged at school, per- haps disappointed in Examination re- sults, or from overcrowded profess- ions make good at the OWEN SOUND because the instruction is individual^ The Dominion Government some and the course practical, and there i» threq or four months ago made a always a place if you are qualified. change in the policy of giving pre- I Enter any day â€"Write to-day miums on rams. Heretofore .the in- j Catalogue Free. dividual who never owned a pure bred c. A. Fleming. F.CJL G. D. FlemiBf, NEW PREMIUM POLICY FOR RAMS Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOSTâ€" \A horse blanket between Les. Chard's and Wood's. Finder leave at this office or with Ray Pedlar Maxwell P. 0. LOT FOR SALE â- â- "â-  ^ There, are in Canada, three par- ton Station P.O ties, the Conservatives, Liberals, and dice of Holland and Dorothy Mann the Progressives. Each of these is of Markdale tied for fourth place, j organized under a lci-.der, and ex- STRAYED â€" Yearling roan heifer came to my preimises around the 1st of September. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" J. T. Parker, Pro- Extra fine buiding lot beside my Residence on Peter street. Mrs. M» Jameson, Flesherton. POTATOES! POTATOES! Miss MacPhail donated all four pri- 1 SIX HILL STORES W* buy togathar ia ordaribal oar cuatomars in the six com- munitiaa may raatarially ban- afit indivlduallytP F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Stora e'varyone initinct- ively aaaociataa with high quality marchandi^e at tha fairait poMibIn pricaa. Many Clearing Lines of Seasonable Merchandise tends throughout he country. The members of Parliament of each party hold frequpnt m()et'i-ngs at Ottawa at which tho affairs v of the party arc discussed. The Speaker is chosen from *he party in power, and on the right sit the party in power while on -the leift sits the opposition. Many important matters are con- trolled by the Dominion, such as the organization of railways, banks,etc. All STRAYED â€" From Lot 27 Con. 12, Osprey, four head of year olds, among them are 3 heifers and a steer. Per- sons having knowledge of whereabouts please communicate with Jos. Freethy, Rob Roy, Wq are loading every day at botb Ceylon and Priceville. For prices tele- phone 2 r 3â€"1. â€" A. C. Muir, Cey- lon. FARMS FOR SALE' FOR SALE - the Indians of Canada are, ^own Ram, aged. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Fine purbred Ox- ford Down lambs, also a pair of heavy draught horses. â€" fired Spoffaird, Eugenia. Purebred Oxford - W J. Stewart & Ladies' Union Suits 89c. 20 only. Ladies' Union Suits in fleeco-lined, nat- ural color, worth more than twice thQ price asked. While they last, per garment, 89c. Girls' Union Suits 49c. 25 only.Girls' Union suits. Some of these are soflc-J, but the price is rediculously low, much less than wholeteale price, but out they must go49c. Ladies' Vests 69c 5 dozen ladies' Vests at the very special price 69c. Ladies' Underwear in a Big Assortment Our Ktock of Ladies' Underwear is very com- pU.tc, whether you want long sleeves, short sleeves or just a strap over the shoulder. We have all styles in all wanted materials, such as cotton, cotton and wool, silk and wool. etc. All have been priced most reaHonably. f Ladies' Hose in a Large Assortment Our assortment of Fall and Winter Hosiery is Very complete, comprising union wool and cotton, all wool rashmero, silk, silk and wool, etc. Special as- Hor«m«Sita at the popular prices of75c., 98c., (1 25 and $1.50 . Princess Slips $L35 This is a special assortment of ten shades of Ladies' Princess Slips, made, from a nice quality of •elf strijJa sateen Very sperial tlM m garment. 'Ladies' Sateen Bloomers 79c This is a good full sized Ladiw' Sateen Bloomer made from a heavy qualltv of colored sateen. Spec- ially pried 7»e. a garmrnt. Boys' Heavy Rubbers 79c. 16 pairs Boys' Heavy Rubbers to clear at this low price of79« , per pair. Wome'ns and Girls' SpaU 49c. a pair Thia is a clearance of our regular $1 25 to $1.95 8p«t« that are more or l<Vs soiled, n( the very low price of 49c. per pair. Ladies' Spats 98c. a pair^ Ths is a clearance of our regular $1.25 to $1.95 lines. Act quickly. Only 98c., a pair. Big Assortment of All inds of Rubbers Our assortment of Men's Women's, Girls' Boys and Children's Rubbers, both light and heavy; Mpn's Overshoes; Women's Misses, and Children's Golosh- 'M; Men's Women's and Children's FcBt Boots; in fact all lines of fall and winter footwear is hcre( in great abundance at prices that are remarkably mod- erate for high-class footwear. Ladies' Spats $1.48 This assortment includes all our belter lines T.he prices were $1.76 to $2 6(). Clearing at per Overshoes and Goloshes About 2 dozen Boys' Reefer Coats in attractive cloths of heavy materials, warmly lined. Sizes 22 23, 24, 25 an d26, Regular $6.50. Clearing at $4.95! Men's Sweaters A big assortment of Men's Sweaters in coat and . pullover styles at prices to suit all, and each price IS a special one To be sold at $1.49. $1.69, $1.8£» $2.38, $4.95. $5.75 and $5.95. Boys' Sweaters A special showing of Boys' Sweaters, both pull- over and coat styles. Specially priced from 98c. up. Men's Winter and Fall Cap* We have just placet! in stock a gnecial assort- n-.en» of Men"s and Boys' Fall and Winter Caps, with or without wool bands. The assortment is at- tractive, the materials are reliable and the priaea are most reasonable See them. Special pricea, $1.25 $1.35, $1.5«. $1.75 and $1.85. M«n's Felt Hats Ncsw shipments of Men's Felt Hata gives us a most conipleta assortmtnt in the most popular shap- es and colors. Moderately priced $2.65. $2.96, $3.75 $3.95 and $4.50. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale under the car* of the Dominion; even .Sons, Flesherton foreign affairs are under its control.. pQR SALE--Two heating We may saj(, how is this money ob- f^^ ^oal or wood tained: from excise, from custom dues, from licenses and revenue of the post office and other public works. Yet large as is our revenue, at times wq are forced o borrow money and our national debt is away up in the* millions. Thus everj- Can'adian is at once a citizen of a municipality, of a prov- ince, of a domnion, of an empire, ince ,of a dominion, and of an empire, part of a province and the province as part of our native land. As an English poet has said: "We sailed wherever ship could sail; We founded many a hiighty state. Pray God pur greatness may not fail Through craven fears of being great." -W. stoves J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Oil the Toronto Line Prvviactel^ Highway. Three farms, two of li» acres and one of 60 acres all eleu«d. First class biiUdings, up to data fa». every parUcolwr. WUi seU any oaa of these. Good brick house oa ontC. the farms. The stablinar for aafl!. mals is perfect. 0ns f«i# ^s te acres hardwood bush and anofia^ nundred has three acres of timHi* and has buildinngs for evwythiBC needed, including poultry house tut pig pens. No broken land and e!a«£ of weeds. Any person intarstsS# should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Ingl Proton Statira P.tt FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn bull for sale. â€" W. E. Loucks, Flesh- erton. FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR SALE â€" Farm for rent or sale. 100 acres on Lots 166 and 167 1st range west of T. S. R,. Apply to Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A quantity of good quality winter apples, either on the tree, or ready picked, at reasonable prices. â€" Robt. E. Gorley.Eugenia. SEED WANTED Sweet clover hulled or unrnlled, al- sike, red clover and alfalfa. If any: to offer, please send samples. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2 r. 3â€"1. FOR SALEâ€" Brick house for sale, partly new, with % acre, of garden. Electric lights, good cistern. Close to high shcool. Apply to A, Thistle- thwaite, or W. Bellamy. 4th Classâ€" A, Heard, E. Fenwick, J, McPadden, M. Bibby, G, Sled, E. Mc- Mullen', M. Fenwick, A. Levefe-, L. Batty, B. Phillips, B. Patton A. Irwin. Sr. 3 â€" E. Fisher, G. Stuart, S. Preston, W. Colgan, G. McMaster, A. Clements. Jr. 3-^F. Welton, E. Ferris, H. Best B. Patton, B. Sled, E. MteKiUop, B. Castle, I. Gibson, E. Freeeman. Sr. 2â€" M. Ferris, D. McMullen, A. Warling, D. McFadden. B. McEachnie, W. Preston, M. Stuart, A. Laughlin, V. •McMaster, J, Gibson, E. Kerton, W. Uughlin. Jr. 2â€" E. Talbot, E. Warling. H. Croft, H. Bibby, C. Gibson and W. Welton equaj. E. Patton. G. Boyd. Sr. 1â€" L. McEachnie. H. McKillop, W. Littlejohns, Jr. 1â€" P. Gibson, A. Turney, Bob Bellamy, E. Clements. Pr. K-â€"E. Brown, A. LaWrence, C. Talbot, E, Burnett, H. Laughlin. F. Patton. Pr. A.- 1). Stifljrt, F. Lawrence. H. DeCudmorc. R. Semple, G, Gibson. A McKillop. The play, "All a Mi.«take." will be given in the Flesherton high school on Tuesday evening, November 10th. Be sure to attend, * FOR SALE â€" Two thoroughbred Oxford Down rams, one and three years. Apply to S. R. Hawkins, lot 6 Con 8. Osprey. Phone Fc\'er8ham, Euge'hia P. 0. BUSINESS CARDS i J)r. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Snrgeeaa of OnUrio. Gas administered <ta; teeth extraction. Office at rasids Toronto Stret. Flesherton- MISCELLANEOyS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Dr. A. Tnmball, BJL, MJi;, n*U from the. Faculty of University of Toronta Ofleeâ€" Ri^ •rdson Block, Flesherton. PhoM Mw Prince Artfcur Lodge. 333. aJ. * A.M., meets in the Masonic halL iCnn. strong Block, Flesherton. ereiy fM. day on or before the fuU moon T W PhiUips, W.M: F. I Thurston, See. C. C. Middlcbro. Barrister solicitor et«;. of Durham. Will be in Flesh* ton â€" â€" . . 8.46 p.m. WANTED â€" Farm to rent early, possession must be clear and not ***"g *^^ Friday from 4.30 p.m. to stoney. Good house and buildings,' Pull particulars to Box A., Advance, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Hunting and trespass- ing on loU 176, 177, 178 and 179, 1st Range W. T. O. S. R. Artemesia, will! Dundilk iiid'ourhrm" be strisUy prohibted at all times T. J. Stinson ,Proton. ^. etc.-L B. Lucas, K.C ; Tf. A Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Block, Phone Z Branch •OoM at <*4 Telford A Birai^ Barrislwt, Ml. NOTICB - Trespassing, hunting. 2S?' ^^J"^'*' ««» and trapping, on loU 158. 159. 160 I n v 2^? ^'"**'' Standwd •nd lei, 3rd rang^ T. & S. R, strict-' P T^;,^'5*''*rJl**''^^>' ly prohibited. _ Norman Archibald,! ^•_"""' *''••• ^- ^- ^- »"»«* Proton Station, R. R. No. 3. ^«. KalMhig, 1 IccBseJ lirtlsaâ€" FARM FOR SALE for the counties of Grey and Sis Pnp «Air ~Z â€" , I Farm and stock sales a spe ,^. KM "" '"^ '"â- â- " "^ ^1 '^•™' moderate., sstisfactJoV acres, buildings in good condition, anteed. Arrangements for da«« Well watered. 1 mile east of Mclntyre.i may be made at the Advance offlcT « For particulars apply to James Rinn,l Central talepltoiM efSee on premises. | «^ ky uMgrntk^ mt at

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