Wedncs.. Novciiibtr 11. 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE '*-- fc. .â- ..•^. The People's Grocery 1 1 KlvNNKDY'S FOR THE kIC.HT PRICE. FRESH (GROCERIES AT A FL'FJ. IJNF-OF HULK CI K/CULATES, liARS.ANI) BOXES, AIAVAYS ON HAND. 'i'OHACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS. AND CKiAR- ETTES OF ALL KINDS. WHEN IN TOWN, IX)N'T FORGET TO (UVE US A CALL. WE CLOSE TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 6 p.m. AND THURSDAY W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 The SUmlttrd Chemical Co.'» plant Dundalkites are rejoicing that J. T.' at Thornbury has been re-open^. Park is not leaving town. He had to The by products of this concern vras cancel negotiations for bandmaster of charcoal, wood alcohol, acetate of lime , Walkerton band on account of his son, and 33 oil. Bert Park, who had planned to man- age the jewellery business in Dun- Durham is entering an intermediate •'*"^ ^ert, who is on a tour in tfaf , States in the solo clarinet section of , the Souaa Band, is retaining his posi- tion with that organization. BARN HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM FIRE The ^am of Mr. Ale.'c. Morton ut the Ko^ky had a narrow escape from d««trurtiun by fire last Wednesday night, and liut for the fact that Mr. tAotiun had occasion to go to the bam tbc chances are that there would have been another mysterious fire to re- port.^ Air. .Morton was getting ready to thresh, and the separator and engine had pulled into hi^ place about 5.30, the engine hauling the separator. The (separator was placed in the barn ready to start in the morning, while the crew went to their homes for the night. Along about 9 o'clock Mr. Morton w«nt to the barn, which was ; discovered full 6f smoke, and a hurr- j ied irrvestigation showed that the top I of the separator had caught fire and was smouldering. Mr. Morton lost I no time in getting water on the scene ! and extinguishing the fire. There is no explanation offered for the near catastrophe other than a spark from the engrine must have alighted on the separator. Though not blazing when di^overed there is little doubt that if Mr. Morton had not gone to the barn when he did, the fire would have been beyond control. It was a narrow escape. â€" Durham Chronicle. 4TH LINE AND VICINITY jhe Aivaflce Wil lof Be Published Xext Week! team in the O.H.A. and a junior team ' in the Northern League. i 11 The Staff of Life CAN YOi; AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSrry OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH i)EMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAi) OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDERS BREAD AND (iET THE BEST, INDER'S » ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery (Inten^d for last week) A very .successful Hallowe'en social was held in "Stone" school on Friday tvening, Octobei" 30th, under the^li- n'ction of Miss K. Nichwl, teacher. Mr. I. B. Whittaker was in the chair. Programme of .songs, recitations and dialogues, after which games were in- dulged in by all present. Prizes were awarded for the best contestants. The ^hool was tastefully decorated with lanterns, Jacko-Lanterns and pump kins, and was haunted by ghosts, wit- ,ches, fairies, clowns and southeners. A good social time wag spent, after which refreshments were served. Mr Ben MacKcnzie's shooting match whs u decided success, some carrying off five and six ducks making an afternoon of sport worth while. The Holdfast Club held a Hallow- e'en dance at the home of Mrs. Arch- ie Stewart, whose home wag beauti- fully decorated for the occasion. The evening was spent in cards and danc- ing under the strains of beMiti/ol music, renderd by Mr. A. E. Ra}«r, Mr. W. McMillan, Mr. D. HcLeod^ and Mr. A. Knox, until a late hour brought ''Home Sweet , Home," all having spent a jolly time. Mr. Reg. Hutton, Markdale, spent a few days at Mr. Thos. Irwin's. Following the usual custom to â- â- cut out one edition of the papter | each year and take a holiday we draw to the attention of our subscribers the fact that The Advance will not : be issued next week. The office { will be open to receive all subscrip- tion renewals, etc. This has been one of the busiest years we have had for some time and we> feel that a little holiday will not do us any harm and that we will return to the editorial chair with new vigor to chronicle the many doings of this fair town. 1 Butter and Cheese Exports The News letter dated October 10 of the Dominion Dairy and Cold Stor- age Branch affords pleasant reading for Canadians. It shows that the exports of butter for the twelve mon- ths ending with August, 1925, increas- ed to .34,666,928 lbs. in value $12,453,- 293 from 16,007,507 lbs. in value $5,809,962, in the corresponding 12 months preceding and in cheese of 14.5,041,500 lbs. in value $.'^0,099,585 from 117,185,400 lbs. in value $23,- 029,200. Thus there has been an in- crease in the year of 18,550,431 lbs. valued at.$6,643,331 of butter exports and 27.856,100 lbs. valued at $7,060,, 385 of cheese. Exports of milk powdef show a similar increase, i-unning to 9,61'7,700 lbs. and $948,919 in 1924-25 from 4,- 278,800 lbs. and $402,815 in 1923-24. Enters Advertising Fidd Hector B. McKinnon, naftve of Priceville, and for some years back on the editorial staff of the Toronto Globe, who resigned from that paper three v.-eeks or so ago, has entered the advertising field. Mr. McKinnon has joined -the staff of the R. C. Smith & Sons Advertising A|:ency. Mr. T. McGillicudy, who lectured so acceptably in the Baptist church at Rook Mills on Tuesday night, is an old n6v^paper man. He learned to "pick type" in the office of tbii Guelph Mercury. He started the Brussells Post in 1873 and after seven years he sold out and took I possesion of the Huron Signal in' Goderich. After running that paper , for a 4ew years he again sold jsuti and took a govemment i^sition in, Toronto. Here he remained for 37 years and is n»w superannuated andi entertains in the Canadian Ch^u- taaqua. -4Mc 1^. S. Meetinf The annual Thanksgiving meeti^ of the Women's Missionary Soeie^ cf Chalmer's United Church was held to-day (Wednesday). Mrs. (Rev.) narrower presided and an interesting program was given. Mrs. J. Thomp- son gave a reading on Giving; Miss McMillan gave a helpful talk on the Missionary work of the United church and Mrs. McCaflum and Miss Agnes Henderson gave a duet and Mrs. J. Perkins a solo Mrs. Cargoe carried (greetings from St. John's W.M.S. and Mrs. D. Williams from the Baptist Circle. The ThankofTering amounted to over $71.00. This no doubt wiH be augmented by those who were not able to be present. / Messrs. Fred and Stewart McTav- ish of Oshawa spent Thankagivinf at their parental home here. Mn. Fred McTavish also came up and expects to remain for a short holiday. TRAIN RAN OFF TRACK I'he young people of Duadalk Vnited Young People's League faw a play in the high school on Tuesday eireniiig of this week entitled '''AJl 4 Mistake", under the ausipces of H0 UO.B.A. of jFlesherton. A go«rit crowd was in aUendiuice and all Â¥$â- ported the play excellent. Small Advertisement s LOST OR STRAYED KEYS LOST â€" Lost in town on Monday a bunch of keys. Finder please leave at this offcijie and receive reward. FARM FOR SALE LOSTâ€" VA horse blanket between A railroad accidecit ^vith a great L"' Shard's and Wood's. Finder deal of inconvenience but litt^lc dam- ,'.?^«^ "M"" °5'" "'" *'^**' ^^^ P*'"^"" age occurred last night about 4.30 when the westbound freight )from Ma.xwell P. O. FOR SALE â€" A good farm of 20» acres, buildings in good condition. Well watered, 1 mile east of Mclntyre. For particulars apply to James Rinn, on premises. LOT FOR SALE The official majority for M. R. Duncan, M.P., Conservative in North Grey is 446. - r SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. 1 F. T. HILL & CO Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise nt the fairest possible prices. Many Clearing Lines of Seasonable Merchandise Ladies' Union Suits 89c. 20 otily. Ladi'.'s' Union Suits in fJoece-lined, nat- ural color, v.orth more than twice th(i price asked. While they, per garment, 89c. Girls' Union Suits 49c. 2.T only.Girls' Union suits. .Some of these an* sofle-'l, but the price is rediculou^ly lov/, much less than â- wholc'sale price, tut out they must go49c. Ladies' Vests 69c. 5 dozen ladies' Vests nt the very special price 69c. Ladies' Underw€a^ in a Big Assortment Our stock of Ladies' I'nderwoar is very c.<m- plc'te, whether you want long sleeves, short glecvts or. just a strap over the shoulder. We have all lyft-^ in all wantcil materials, such ns cotton, cotton •ui^vool, .silk and wool, etc most rensonably. All have been priced f Ladies' Hose in a Large Assortment Our a>:'irlniiTii. of Fall and Winter floiiiory is â- ^ery coniplctc, compri.«lng union wool nnd cotton, all wool cashiacrc. Bilk, silk nnd wool, etc. Special as- Kortmi^nts st the popular prices ofT.'ic., 9Ho., SI 2.1 and SlJiO . Princess Slips $1.35 > This in a special .-issortment of ton slindes of Ladies' FrincesH Slips, mado from a nice quality of self stripe sateen. Very Hprcial $\.:i't a garment. 'Ladies' Sateen Bloomers 79c. This is a good full sized I.adiw' .Sateen Bloomer maile from a heavy (jiialitv of colored sateen. Spec- ially pried 79c. a garmrnt. Boys' Heavy Rubbers 79c 16 pairs Boys' Heavy Rukhi-rs to clear at this low price of79c , per pair. Wome'nt and Girls' Spats 49c. a pair This is a clearance of our regular $1 25 to $1.!»5 spats that are more or Ifws soiled, at the very low price of 49c. per pair. Ladies' Spats 98c. a pair Th.s is a cloaranoc of our regular §1.25 to $1.95 lines. Act quickly. Only 98c., a pair. Bi^' Assortment of All inds of Rubbers Our ns.-uitiiH'nt of .Men's Women's, Girls' Boys and Children's Rubbers, both !ii;ht and heavy; Men's Overshoes; Women's Misses, iTiid Childron's Golosh- r; Mf'n's Women's nnd Children's Fivt Boots; in tact all of fall and winter footwear is here\ in ureal abundance at prices that are remarkably mod- erate for hi<;h-c!a-;s footwoar. Ladies' Spats $1.48 Thi.s assortment includes all our better linos. Tihe prices were ?1.7.5 to 52 50. Clearing at per paV $1.48. • Overshoes and Goloshes About 2 dozen Boys' Reefer Coats in attractive .Inth-: of heavy material.':, warmly lined. Sizes 22, 23, 24, 2.^) an d20, Re^Milar $0.50. ClearinR at S4.95. Men's Sweaters A bifc assortment of Men's Sweaters in coat and pullover styles nt prices to suit all. and each price is a special one To he nold at $1.49, $1.89, S1.89, I2..18, $4.9.5. S.").?? and $5.95. , Boys' Sweaters A special showing of Boys' .Sweaters, hofh pull- over and coat styl«r!i. Specially priced from 98c. up. Men's Winter and Fall Caps We have just placed in stock a snecial assort-\ of Men"» and Boys' Fall nnd Winter Caps, with or without wool bands. The assortment is at- tractive, the materials are reliable and the prices are most reasonable .See them. Special prices, $1.25 $1..1«. $1.50. $1.75 and $1.85. "^ ' Mtfn's Felt HaU' .\ciiw shipments of Men's Felt Hats (?ives un a most cr>mplete assortment in the most papular shap- es and colors. Moderately priced $2.«5, $2.95. $3 75 $3.95 and $4 50. F.T.HILL&Co., Limited, Markdale Saugeen Junction to Walkerton left the rails on the sidinp leadinp into the Durham Stone & Sand Company's and pay expenses plant. The engine and four cars ; ton Station P.O. left the track, and, while the damage | was repaired, without calling out the auxiliary, it took until 8 o'clock this morning before the track vTas cleared and everything working as usual. A car of stock on the freight that for- tunately did not leave the rails was picked up by the night passenger and •itaken to Walkerton. The cause of the accident has not been determined. â€" Chroni<?le. STRAYED â€" Yearling roan heifer came to my promises around the 1st ct September. Owner prove property < Extra fine buiding lot beside my- residenee on Peter street. Mrs. M.- Jameson, Flesherton. J. T. Parker, Pro- POTATOES! ..POTATOES! S. S. NO. 6, ARTE.MESIA 4th â€" Dora Hazard**, Ncilbert JIc- Kenzie, Isaac Snell. Sr. 3 â€" Macil Snell, Raymond Mc- Donald*. Jr. 3â€" Dorothy Snell, J. McLeod. Sr. 2â€" Boseie Cairns*. Jr. 2 â€" iTessie McDonald. Sr. 1 â€" Clare DcuRla.-, .-X. Dougla^:. Jr. 1 â€" Billie Cairns. 'Pr. A. â€" Irene Fisher. Pr. B. â€" Bessie McDonald, Elsie Fisher, Bruce Douglass. ' denotes absence for o^ie or more examination. â€" E. M. Xichol, Teacher. â- Wo are loading every day at both F O R S A L E J Ceylon anipriceville. For prices telc- FOR SALE â€" Bell organ in first P^<*"e 2 i%â€" 1. â€" A. C. Muir, Cey- class condition; price reasonable. â€" T. J. Stinson, Priton Station P.,0. Icn. FOR SALEâ€" Durham Cow 6 years old duc\ to freshen November Sth./-', P. Muir, Ceylon. \ PARWS for SALE On the Toroifto Line Prsvind*) aighway. Three farms, two of lec FOR SALE â€" Short half bred Afri-' ^''"' ""'^ °°« <>' 50 acres all cleared can geeseâ€" R. S. Fitzsimmons, Flesh- ^ *^"^* '^^^^ buildings, -up to date ir erton. Phone 21 r3 . ! *!*7 Particular. WUl srll any ta» « . : CI these. Good brick Kbuse on on i 1! »,. FOR SALEâ€" T;,vo heating stoves v^he farms. The stabling for ann.*- fcr coal or wobd. â€" AV. J. Stewart & i â„¢*^ '3 perfect. One f^rn- has ten .Sor.s, Flesherton. ' 'acres hardwood bush and ano'ch^ â€" â€" , nundred has three acres of timber FOR SALE â€" Purbred Southdown and has buildinngs for everything ram, 2 years old. â€" Harry Genoe, { needed, including poultry house Had Flesherton. Whitmore â€" Newell On Wednesday, October 23,-&t Knos -Manse, Durham, at the hour of <3 p.ui. the marriage was solemnized of Miss Margaret Newell, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Xewell, Glenelg, and William Nassau Whitmore, third youngest son of the late Nathaniel Whitmore and Mrs. Whitir.ore of G'cnclg. The bride was attractively gowned in navy blue canton crepe with silver trimming, and wot-e also a black niftr- vella coat with shoes and hat to match. She also wore the groom's gift, a ropo of pearls. The only witnesses at the ceremony were Miss Lizzie Woir and Mr. (?eo. Newell, brother of the bride. After the ceremony they returne<l homo where a sumptuous wedding dinner was awaiting them. The happy young couple will reside in Durham. , FOR SALE â€" Farm for, rent or sale. 100 acres on Lots 166 and 167 l.'t range west of T. S. R.. Apply to 3Irs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. ! pig pens. No broken land and elesT of weeds, .'.ny person interetsed should investigate. -r. J. STINSON. Proton Station P.a Itny SEED WANTED FOR S.AL? â€" Fine purbred Ox-| fcrd Down lambs, also a prfir of he.tvyj •Irnught horses. â€" Ilred ' Spoffaid, | Sweet clover hulled or unrulled, al- "ugenia. ^ j sike, red clover and alfalfa. If 'any vcM «AT 1.' t. • J 1 ^ 1 ! *** °^^^"' ^^'^^^^ ^^"'' samples. â€" A. C I: OK SALh^Bnck house for sale, Muir, Ceylon, phone ;^ r 3-1 partly ncv, with Vi .icre. of garden. ^ i- j . i. •Electric lights, good cistern. C.osetoi ' - -- hich shcool. Apply to A. Thistle- BUSINESS CARDS thwaite, or W. "Bellamy. Cockereb, eggs /rom Guelnh, also two' of OnTar o S "^.^'^I'f' burgeons S. C. White Leghorn cockerels.- f\P"^«."°- . ^as admm.stered for Harold Thompson. Flesherton R. R. teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Stret, Flesherton. FOK SALE â€" Bred- to lay Barred ' " Ro.k pullets and some bred-to-!ay ^'^- A. Turnbnll, B..\:, M.B., grad- cocjierels for sale.â€" John W. Eagles, "^\e from the Faculty of Medicfla. Orange Valley, Markdale. Phone 33 r 23. a. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESL\ » Sr. 4 â€" : Howard Ferris, Audrey BroAvn, Lola Blackburn, Florence Best and Bessie Beard equal, ,Willi() White. Sr. .1 â€" George Allen (H), Earl Johnston (H). Clifford Allen (H), Annie Akins, Ellen Parker, Isabelle Ferris, Jean Beard. Sr. 2â€" Cecil Thistlethwaite. Jr. 2â€" Wilfred Best, BUlie Parker, Doris Waller. Sr. Pr.â€" Merle Allen, Harold John- ston, Marjoric Wyatt, tvan Waller. Jr. Pr.â€" Elsie White, Barry Caswell Patsy Beard. â€"Miss G. E. Miller, Teachft .See T. W. Findlay's advertisement in this issue ot prices on couches, chairs and rockers. His prises are equal to tho^e in mail order cata- logues. .M I S C E L L ANEO U S University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. PhoHS SS. Prince Arlhur Lodge, 333, A.F. « A.M., meets in the .Masonic hallj Arm- WANTEDâ€" A few bags of sugar strong Block, Flesherton every mangels.â€" F. J. -Thurston, Flesherton. ! ^^V on or before the full moon TO RENT â€" Four rooms to rent A.Shackleford, Fleshertep. . Pri- . r,. .„. s f"'l moon. T.W. «=: I Phdlins, W.M; F. J. Thurston, Sec. - - . .- , ?•.£•**'''<*'*'"•»• Barrister solicitor. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, T^'^- "' Dnrham. Will be in Flesher- Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham ^"l*. ^^'^^ Friday from 4.30 p.m. to Bros., Eugenia. NOTICEâ€" A line of Christmas nav- elties and ladies fancy work. â€" H. Alexander, Feversham. 8.4 a p.m. WANTED â€" Farm to rent early, possession must be clear and not stoney. Good house and buildings. Full particulars to Box A., Advance, Flesherton. Lucas A Henry. Barristers, SoUefl. e."' ""'--I- B- Lucas, K.C. : yT^. Henry, B.A. OfBces, Markdale Losta Block, Phone 2. Branch oflW«. ^ Dnndalk and Durham. Telford A Blmle. Barristers. mB. citors, etc., 0«ces-Gtey and Bno» Bock, Owen Sound; SUndard Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). P.TelfordJr..J.F.P.Bi*S^ NOTICE â€" Hunting and trespass- ing on lots 176, 177, 178 and 179*, Ist. Range W. T. O. S. R. Arteme.sia, will I ~ â€" be strictly prohibted nt all times.â€" i ^^'"- K«»ttinf, Licenaad AnettaMw T. J. Stinson ,Proton. j '*"â- ^â- ^^ counties of Grey and SimeeSk â- â- â- â- â- I ^*''"> «nd stock sales a spwiiUty. NOTICE â€" Trespas^sing, hunting,; '^^'''ns moderate., satisfaction giutl and trapping, on lots 158, 1.59, 1«0, •"t**^- Arrangement* for ibk^tt and 161, 3rd range T. & S. R. strict- ""y *>« «»«de at tlie Advance oAea, i ly prohibited. â€" Norman Archibald,^''-'"' ' * * Proton Sfhiionj R. R. No. 3. Central telephone office, FevenlttM, or by addressing me at Pe .*- » > V.