Wed.. December 2, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Let Your Banker Help to' Build Your Success MiiiMiniitHMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMnii Farmer who relies upon his banker for advice and assistance in matters of finance is free to devote all his attention to the actual problems of ( "ming. Enlist the assistance offered by the Standard Bank of Canada which, for fiftytwo years, has faithfully served the Agricultural Interests in this Dominion. Consult our local , manager. imiuitiumiiinii iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imi AiHlrew Wilson Dead THE ! The citia«ns of Fleaherton will re- I regret very much to learn of the death ; of a former resident of Flesherton, in j the person of Andrew Wilson, at his I home in the West. About fifteen I years ajto Mr. Wilson and family left for the West after conducting barber business Jjere for a number of years. Mr. Wilson was also the capable leader of the Flesherton Citizen's Band which was in a very flourishing STANDARD BANK OF CA.rCA.DA. TV/0 HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA 5-1 S: ANADIAN ' PiiwOlFlO C. p. R. TIME TABLE Had His Ankle Broken Trains leave Flesherton Statiokn as follews: Going South Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton a3 follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail Bouth at 3.30. For morning train 80Uth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Social and Personal An uafoitunate accident, occurred to Ml-. George Beecrot't of the East Back Line, Artemesia, on Thursday of last \\eek which resulted in the bones in one of his ankles being broken. He was cutting down some sapplings on his property on the mill road when two of them became lodged in another tree. We understand that it was when he was chopping down the third tree and he misjudged the way the tree was to fall and slipped the trees hitting him when he fell. He was taken to his home and later to the Owen Soumd hospital by his son, John, who was in the district, for expet-t treatment. The injured Aan is doing as nicely as can be expected. The sapplings fortunately were small ones otnwwise the accident had a more serious turn. condition at that time. Mrs. Wilson ! and family have the sympathy of the I community in their great loss. The ; ; following report of his death was in ; the Weyburn Review of November I I iSth:- ' A death is chpomcle«k this week in ] the pa.ising of .Andrew Wilson of | i Maxim, at the age of sixty one years, | who died on Thursday, Xov. 12th. ; I He was born at Markham, Ont. on i ; .April II, 1864. Bringing their family [ ' of 2 sons. and 2 daughters, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Wilson came west fourteen I • years ago, first to Radville. where i i they lived for a year, and then settl- j I ed at Maxim where they started a i general .store which they have eonduc- j ( ted for thirteen years. Mr. WiLson j , was made postmaster a year later j \vl\;^n mail was brought into the dist- j lict from Colgate twice a week before j the C.P.R. built the branch line. He { was also a justice of the in and for the pro\'ince of Saskatchewan for the last ten years. Owing to poor health 'he sold his business about five weeks ago to James waham of Nap- inka and he and Mrs .Wilson intended taking a trip to visit their children at various points in Che States also to their old home in Ontario when he suddenly took ill three weeks ago ar.d | i\; THE gradually grew weaker until the end. JOHN The Late Mrs. J. Stnrt Another of our esteemed pioneers i of Grey Coanty has answered the ' ineviuble call. The de^th of Ellen i^wcett, widcW of the late Jamea | Stuart, uccurrad at Kimberley at the â- home of hor daughter, Mrs. W. T. . Ellis, after a short illnes on Thursday : morning, November 19th. The late Mrs. Stuart was born in ^ Euphrasia township in 1850 and in : the year 1867 she married the late, Januis Stuavt and were amxtng the I first settlers in the valley, and made | a home for themselves on the town- line of Euphrasia and Artemesia, ! where they lived for many years. •Th(< union was blessed with eight children, seven sons and one daughter! all of whom survive and were present ; to pay their last respects to a kind | and loving mother. In 1887 Mr. and ' Mrs. Stuart, with their family, mov-1 ed to their farm one mile south of 1 Kimberley and later in lylO they re- tired and lived in the village. 1 On February 28th, 1918 the very ' happy occasion of their golden wedd- ing was held ;at the home of their i son, J. A. Stuart, at Kimberley. Mrs. Stuart's Christian character | and kindly nature won for her the 1 love and respect of all who were priv- • ileged to know her, and her many 'â- kind and loving acts shall not soon be forgotten. She was a life long ' member of the Methodist church. Intemient took place at Markdale c|i Saturday, November 21st. A very impressive service was condu<-t- ed by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Ellison, at YOUR BATTERY Is li in Proper Condition to Stand Coid Weather . . If > u uare still driving y(jur car, drive in and have the battery e-xamined free of charge. If not using the battery bring it in, send it in, or have us call for it. Having installed an up-to-<iate recharger we are in a position to give your battfry first-class winter storage. KING in RADIO H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS VS THE .MATTER of the Estate of .MARIA ALLAN, late of the Town- ship of .VKemesia, Widow, deceased of ''their claims, a statement of ac- counts and the nature of their secur- ity, if any, held by them. ^ -VND take notice that after such last mentioned date, the E.xecutors will proceed to distribute the assets NOTICE is herebv given pursu- . ant to Section 56 of the Trustees' °i tn*-' sf»'d deceased among the par- the home of her dauehter, with whom Act, R.S.O., 11)14, Chapter 121, that '"^-^ entitled thereto, having regard she resided since the demise of her husband, who predeceased her on Mav 24th, 1923. Members of the family who mourn the loss of this devoted mother are: Wni. and Geo. of Pow- as.san. John of Burks Falls. Charles of Rosseau, Fred of Flesherton, Rob. ert of Ihornbury, J. .A. and Mrs. W all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said .MARl.A A-LLAN. who died on or before the 10th day of October, 1925. in the Township of .â- Artemesia, County of Grey, are requested, on or before the lUh day of December, 1925, to send by post, prepaid, or to T. EUis t>f Kimberley, also thirty- deliver to the Solicitor for the Exc seven grandchildren and si.xteen great cutors of the last Will and Testament 1 of said deceased, their Christian names. Surnames, addresses descrip- tions, and full particulars, in writing, grandchildren. .Servant of God, well done! Thy glorious warfare's past, The battle's fought, the race is won .\nd thou art crowned ta last." only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Execu- tors will not bQ liable for the said assets then unpaid to any person or persons, of whose claim notice has not then been received by them at the time of distribution. C. C. .MIDDLEBRO. Durham, Ont. Solicitor for the E.xecutors. Dated at Durham this Twenty-first day of November. 1925. Jjrs. M. Thistlethwaite left Tuesday to spend the winter months with her dautrhter in Toronto. NOTICEâ€" Ceylon U.F.O. No. 403 '.vill hold their annual moetinu^ in Clayton's Hall on Friday. December 4Vi at 2 o'clock p.m. for election ,of officers for the coming year and to appoint delegate for the convention. â€"â- E. Wickens, Secretary._ NOTICE-TO CREDITORS MATTER of the Estate of , .,, I CHISLETT. late of the Hs IS sar\nved by his widuVv. two Township of Artemesia, "-entleman might have Visit of D.D.G.M. Pilkey Mr. Fred Mathewson of Meaforc! visited in town on Tuesday. I Miss Pi.^rce of Chatsworth visited last week v.-ith her sister, Mrs. W. B.' A. Cross. ~ ' 1 Come to the bazaar in Clayton's HaJI on Saturday next and get yolur Christmas presents. ; Mr_ Robert Bellamy of the head! attendance and enjoyed ' very daughter.*. 51rs. .Jennie McLeod, for- merly of Weyburn. now of Detroit, and Mrs. Elizabeth Roache of Chicaga and two sons, William, of Detroit and George at Maxim. The sincerp sym- pathy of the entire community is ex- tended to them in their bereavement. Funeral services were held at the for- mer home at 11 a.m. on Saturday, after which the body was taken to Weyburn and shipped to Toronto for burial. His widow and s()n. George, accompanied the remains east. office of the Bank of Toronto Sunday with his parents here. spent: On Friday evening last Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.M., received Right Worshipful P. T. Pilkey, D.D.G.M. *f Grey District on his official visit to the Lodge. About eighty members and visitors were in much the address of R. W. Pilkey. The, second degree work was given and ' the officers of the Lodge were highly LADY M.P. PRESENTS PICTURES TO SCHOOLS Recently Mr. T. W. Findlay deliver- ed to ^liss Agnes C. Macphail, M.P.. a number of beautiful pictures which he had framed and which are to be pi-esented to several schools in Grey County. The pictures have been on Get your auction sale bills printedj congratulated on the excellence of the exhibition in the Department of .•Vgri- at The Advance. Prices cheap and, degree work. A banquet had been good workmanship. I prepared in Clayton's hall and a Miss Minerva Stafford leaves Thurs- 1 lengthy program was given of day to spend the wnter with relatives I speeches and music. Messrs. Wes in California. i Armstrong and Percy Rutt gave a „ , ,, „ ^ . ., i few guitar selection which were ap- M1S6 Pearle McMastec, nurse m the, piauded and Mr. W. B. A. Cross gave Owen Sound hospital, spent the week, ^ couple excellent bass solos. R. W. end with her mother, who has been ill.'^ gro. Pilkey gave an interesting ad- W. A. Armstrong & Son are otfer- 1 dress in replying to the toast to the ing Columbia records at 39c. each. This is a real bargrain. Mr. Jos. Field is taking a few days off work, having fallen from a scaffold while working on W. A. Armstrong's new residence. Mrs. W. Boyd has returned from visiting v/ith her mother, Mrs. Binnio, in Toronto. Mrs. Binnie is improvinjf nicely after her recent seriou.s auto- mobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. George Carter of Melancthon visited with the former's daughter, "Mrs. Robt. Down, over the week end. Mrs. Geo. Carter remained over for a few days. , .' Grand Lodge in the Province of Ont- ario which was much enjoyed by all. A representative of the amusement tax branch of the provincial govern- ment wa« in town on Tuesday exact- ing their mite from the baseball games held in town last summer. The bye-election in Centre Grey to fill the vacancy by the resignation of Hon. DouguU Carmichael when he ran in the dominion elections, will not be held, according to Premier Ferguson in a statement issued Monday. E. N. Cooper, mayor of MeafQrd, was chosen b.v the Conservatives to con- test the constituency in the event of an election will now be saved the * T « T XT expense thereby. With the end of The regular ^meeting^ofL.O.L.J<o. tj,e present Conservative regime the ""* ° " seat will pass into oblivion by the culture at Markdale. There are 19 of them and they are to be presented to the school in each of the 19 school fairs, winning the greatest number of points in proportion to the number of pupiLs enrolled. The total points have not been figured out for all the fairs owing- to the rush o; fall '.vovk but it is hoped that inside of another week the schools winning will receive their picture. The pictures are actual photographs about 18 inches square, of some beau- tiful spots in Canada. Most of them are of Rocky Mountain scenery with a picture of a couple of buffalo and another of mountain goats. These were given to Miss Macphail by the Parks branch and the framing was done by Mr. Findlay, being paid for by Miss Macphail. The pictures are indeed most excep- tional and should prova quite an ac- quisition to any school room urhich in many instances are not furnisned with pictures which teach the children any- thing of their own beautiful Canada or inspire them with a love for the land of their nativity. Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to Section 56 of the Trustees' .Act, .S.O.. 1914, Chapter 121. that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said John Chislett, who died in the Township of .\rtemesia. County of Grey, are requested, on or before the 11th day of December, 1925. to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, their Christian names. Surnames, ad- dresses, descriptions, and full partic- ulars, in writing, of their claims, a statement of accounts and the nature of their security, if anv, held bv them. â- ' .'V.N'D take notice that after such last mentioned date, the Executors will prgceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which thev shall then have notice, and the said Execu- tors will not be liable for the said assets then unpaid to any person or persons, of whose claim" notice has not then been received by them at the time of distribution. C. C. MIDDLEBRO. \„ , . Durham. Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Durham this Twenty-first day of November, 1925. FURNITURE TALK THIS WEEK WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO COMPARE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES WITH THE CATALOGUE PRICES. Kitchen Cabinet â€" Same as the one found on Page ol7 in catalogue with exception of drawer imniediatelv beiow porcelain top a,nd our customers do not seem to want this. Our Cash price on this cabinet is $41,50. Now we can also supply you with any other cabinet at corresponding- prices, if you want any other kind. Wicker Rocker and Arm Ch^ir â€" Same as on Pag<e 325 Xo. 63-272 in catalogue and ours have lo springs in each cushion. Our Cash Price is $14,00 each. Wc also have them at S12.00 each. We have an Imitation Black Leather Arm Rocker, same as Xo. 63-106. page 322 in catalusue. Our Price is $15.00. We have other lines in Rockers and arm chairs, and they make good presents or Christmas gifts. . Xow, we would also like you to compare our Sleighs and Doll Carriages, Doll Cradles. Kiddie Kars and other lines for the children. Our sleighs run from ^Oc. for sleig-hs 27y'j in. long- up to $2.75 for the Silver ^yer Steering Sleigh. We might say that Santa Claus has made our store his headquarters for these! special lines and any order will be set aside and kept called for: so come early and get your pick. until [ THOS. W. FINDLAY Phone 34 r 3. Furniture and Funeral Director. FLESHERTON 2866 will be held in Clayton's Hall <<n Friday evening, December '4th. The election of officers wil take plaice and all members are requested to ^attend. Notice is hereby given that a baiaar and homemade baking sale and tea will be held in Clayton's hall I on Saturday next, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of St. â- John's United Church, commencing at 5 o'clock. A bailiff's sale under distress warr-j ant will be held on E. "Half lot 15, con. 12, Qsprey. for taxes on Monday^ the! 7th day of December, 1925, tlie follow- 1 ing: about 1 ton good hay, one ton of Alfalfa hay, set iron harrows. Sale, â- at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. â€" J. J. Kaitting. bailiff. , â- The Maxwell United Ladies' .Aid wil^ hold a bazaar in the United Chuhih hall on Saturday, December 5th, commencing at 5 p.m., alsio a play will be given in the church entitled, "Red Acre Farm." Everybody wel- come. Admission: adults 35c., and children 25 cents. The Uish ; school literary society held their yearly concert on Friday evening of last week in the hitfh school to a crowded house. .The propram wa.^! roa! isrood and was pre- sided over by Rev. .7os. Harrower. About cifrhty dollars was taken in at the door, which will ^ro towards thpi society's fund.'? and to make impi-ove- mcnt.i t» tho .'â- -tnite. new redistribution of seats announced last spring. Advertise in The Advance Mrs. W. A. .Armstrong and''Miss Marie Patton are in Toronto this week attending a C.G.I.T. convention. Don't forget Saturday next, Decem- ber 6th, is the day of the^ig bazaar in Clayton's Hall. The People's Grocery Don't forget that Christinas Cake • • o • • o • • BOYS' SUITS 25 per cent. Less Than Regular Prices • : We have our new raisins, currants, prunes, dates, ligs, peels, etc. on hand now: also our candies and nuts. Bring the children in to sortment of toys. Many from. - see our as- to W. G. RENMEDY PhL>no 37 O o • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Z 9 s o lo i«l 9 We have laid aside an assortment f rom our regular stock that we are offer- ing at this special reduction. These Bio omer Suits are made up in popular styles in all wool tweeds and serges specially a dapted for boy's hard wear. Every suit is well made and lined with dependable linings and properly tailored. The col- ors include browns, greys, heather mixtures aitd navy blues. The sizes range frdm 26 to 35. These values must be seen to be fully appreciated. Come in and look them over; also see window display. MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS A Few Prices From the SPECIAL PRICES /% TCW TTICCS ITOm IDC We are offerinof Special Values in all CirOCerV DeOt* lines of Overcc^ats â€" the styles aye all this " season's designs â€" the cToths are heavy - pounds Seedless Raisins 25c. weaves with plaid backs â€" the colors in- - boxes Shredded Wheat ZSc elude Navy. Grey. Dark. Medium and 3 pkgs. 10c. Handy .\mmonia 23c. Light Heather mixtures. AU sizes from Quaker Corn Flake s 25c. 36 to 44 included. Sweet Biscuits per pound 25c. PRICES FROM $6.50 to $35.00. Raking 15c. size 10c. 9 9 9 ! F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. %Q9^9^^^^^^'^O€'ti'Si'^&^9^^^v^i0^9eO9Q&994^^99999999^9