Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1926, p. 3

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1 •4 1 4 t 11 TONIC TREATMEOT FOR INDIGESTION WIND AND RAIN AHACK ROCKS Elements Cause the "Etern«l HilV to CrumUe Away. ' * Indiflrestion Comes With a Run- s: down Condition â€" Relief Comes Through Enriching the Blood â€"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make New Blood. There ar« many Hymptoma of Indl- jeetlon such as acute pain after eating, belcta-ing of wind, nauKea «iid vomit liii;, bloating &nd paing In tile region of the heart, a dread of fo«)d for the misery It causes. Dieting and the use of pre- dlge»led foods may give ea«e, but that la all, and meanwhile the fitomacb grows steadily weaker. The work of diges-tion depend* upon the blood and nerves and the only way to get rid of indigestion is to tone up the stomach throuBh the blood, to do the work na- ture Intended it should do. The one thorough way to do tUte is througli the tie* of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, which renew the bl<x)d. strengthen the nervea and enable the etoniach to do Its work with ease and comfort. Ncg'.ected in- dlgeetlon means prolonged misery. If you have any of the symptoms of this trouble try the tonic treatjnent with Dr. William©' Pink Pills at once and you will be gratified with the resulie. Among the many who have found new health through the use of Dr. Wlliianifl' Pink Pills is Mrs. Ada Webb, R.R. No. 8, Presc^tt, Ont., who Bays:â€" "For a long time I went through the forturee of nervous Indi- gestion; I call it torture because no other word can describe what I en- dured. If my stomach was empty I retched. If I took food I vomited. I did not sleep, and I was steadily grow- ing weaker. I doctored for months but with no benefit. One day my hus- band said, 'as the treatment you hare bad has not helped you, why not try Dr. WllHamB Pink PiUs?' I consented and he got me a supply. After I had been taking the pUls for a while I knew they were helping me as the palus and retching grew lesa and I •lept better. I gladly continued the "u«e of the pUla and In a few months I felt like a new woman, better tJian I had felt for years^ and able to work for my husband and children again. After Buch a wonderful experience how can I do anything else but recom- mend Dr. Williams. Pink Pills?" if you need a blood-building tonic begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills today. Sold by all medicine dealer* or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont A New Gold Ore. An Ha. 1,111 en.i;ln<'i-r wfi'jae nam* Feero* to be a secret Ro far \n unrter- Hloiul tr) hiire luadH the di«<"overy of a nt-\\ Koid <>r«i which will greatly in- cr<;a«e the world supply iif gold. Dal- fornlte I0 the rwiii» givt-n 10 the new mineral, which is to l>« found in rocky foriuntioiiri With in Kurope and in the United Slalc'«, Mexico and South America. It cunieK under ll.e head of a »uper-refr«ctory or«». and xold fMn only l>e extrai'teti by siierial ]iroces«- e«. l'n>x« ilie hyp cnti'Hiiu? at least thirty tt> llfly grani.s of gold per ton, the procr-KS of rnflluiug la of no use, but the liivenior cluim.A Uir.t the d«- I^oeits of 'Ialf(.rnit« already di«covered contain lii^lier ipiantities than thn»c Just meii'.ioneil Ka much :i.< a kl!o- gitiin of golil hill) been obtained from a ton of dalfcriiite after the retiiUng pro- cess. The inventor, who bi;a already obtBined i;sleiit.v fri'iii ieveral govern- ments for hi* proce.ts of rerim ni<-nt, propt*v.s to go shortly to the United States to K.tarl prowpecting there. ''is|{oodtea''TEA TCanadlan M»<1« In Tan*. I liian Climate. Double wall. |(,'os>p«fr H(H Water hratlnc y^iem. St^ntitive AuWmatio r««ulacor. H&idiiM strouc I hi-al'hy chiiki. Writ* for FREE Circular to: â€" J. B- Uaciunzia. Ueorirlswn. Ont.. CUâ€" ified Advertisementg. aad Ita a( aMd onM BotX liar, ttt â- !â- Â« Wait. T«<«wa FARMS WANTED. B T f ASH BLYKKS •tate lowrit pr*.t:a. DLiM lUBK rCLI.Y A.SD I. V U'. <l<larl. ;.1CX. James Hultvm, a do<'tor by profession, leJd tiie cornerstone of modem geological tlujught when he declared that all changes in the earth's surface muet be explained In term« of s^idi forces as can now be obeerved at work. He was born In 1726 and died in 1797. COLOR IT NEW WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Just Dip to Tint or Boil Oh Mother! What Can I Do? ; How many times a day do your j babies ask you that question? And bow ofiii are you abl»- to suggest •ome interesticg game for them to ' play, some amusing occupation for a' rainy day' If you'd like always to have a practical, helpful suggestion i for them, read this snappy new fear | tare. ! Secret! of Science. By David Dlel2. The first agent which attacks the rocks is the atmosphere. Ita actloii la both chemical and mKK-hanical. The structure of a rock Is a very complicated affair. The elements which compose Uie rock are first united Into a number of minerals. These minerals In turn unite to form the rock. Granite, for example, la a mixture of three minerals known as quartz, feldspar and mica. The oxygpu, the carbon dioxide and the water vapor In the atmoephere enter into chemical combination with various minerals found in the differwit rocks. This action increases 'he volume of mineral matter In the r.'<'k. Aa a re- Hiilt strains are set up In the rock and 11. cracks and crumbles, Just as Iron crumbles when it ruets. Temperature changes also hasten the decay of the rocks. When the eun shint's upon a rock, the outer portion is heated and expanded. This sets up strains In the rock which result In large cracks. Temperature changes bolweeti day and night cause expan- sion and contraction «f rocks and con- seiiwent cracking. Certain products formed In rocks u a result of the chemical action of the atniospiiere are soluble In water. Con- sequently when It rains ihey are dis- solved by the water, leitving the rock in a porous condition. The nie<'haKical work of the a.mos- I'iiere Is ]M»rformed by the winds. The win<I blows the particles re- Millius from ilie ilecny of the rocks against the rockfl themcelves, thue wearing <he«n awiky still further. The falling rain also does a certain amount of mechanical wearing down of the rock«. The wind also serves as a trans^r- tation agent, moving the producte of rock decay from one place to another. , The tranaportation of the finest par- ticles â€" dtLst â€" Is nearly universal. Much dust ie carried far out to sea, where it falls UTwn the water and lettlee down upon the sea floor. In the great eruption of the Kraka- toa Volcano in the East Indies in 1883, volcanic dust was carried all arotind the world by the winds In 15 days. The wind also moves the larger ijar- ticilee of rock decay known a« send. I Except In the case of severe wlnd- .'torms. It does not lift the sand into the atmoephere, but merely moves It along the earth's surface. As a reeult of this, great sand hills known as dunes are often formed. These are found along the eastern coaet of the United States to-day, and along certain parts of the coast of Eng- land and continental Europe. Also la the arid regions of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wjx)niing, Arizona and In the SaJiam and the vast planes of Cen- tral A^ia. Dunes range from 10 to 300 feet In height. Due to the fact that the wind blows the sand up one slope of the dune and down the other, the dunes gradually sAlft their positions where there are s-trong prevailing winds. Frequently they bury fertile lands and foreets beneath them a.s they sihlft their positions. Next .Vrticleâ€" The Work of Streams. tCach IS-cent pacd- •ge contain.: direc- tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors In lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings. â- weatera. draperies, coverings, hangings â€" everything ! Buy Diamond Dyes â€" no other liind â€" anv! toll your druggist whether the ma- terial you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether It U linen, cotton or mixed goods. Funny Name. Mr. SiKJUter â€" ".\n heirloom, Johnnie. Is something that's handed down from father to son." Little Johnnie â€" "Huh! That's a funny name for pant»." O Very Soon, Now. very soon, now, over earth and sky. Will come a special light, till it will stem That bills and dim horizons where they lie Wear once again some quality of dream. .\nd cool, keen odors where the ploughlandB are Will seek us out and make a* strange and eitlU, Till we B-hull grow too thoughtful o( a etar In dreamy splendor bung above a hill. â€" David Morton, In "Harvert." Minard's Liniment for colda. Fortune* arc made from tiapU idcM. Soul tor liM ut iavrntiuiu wantt^ oiir*'PatC]tt Prt*- ta^oa" booklet aod matauoe "Hike TUakcr" SMIP MAN Si CO.-Tm« Ouj ReuAour Fiim aawaTvNeo •»t«nt ATToMMrva. ottaw*. c*h. I Her Definition. i A little girl, on arriving late at j school for the third time, waa scolded i by her teacher and told to write a com- I position on "Punctuality." I After a strenuous quarter of an hour I she produced the following: "Punc- tuality is knowing where to make •tops." -^- An Island on the Move. A French officer. Commander Hel- bronnar, who has been making a sur- vey of the Iftland of Corsica, recently made the startling announcement that It was floating away. In the lost hun- dred .vears, he estimates, it has moved i eu.'lwards a distance of about 33 feet. j This curious discovery would fit in wItJi the theory of geologists who sug- gest thait the earllis crust Is shifting horizontally. An Italian humoriat has suggejyted that the people of Corsica would rath- er be Italians than French, and there- fore are riding towards the land of their preference. BM'S OWN TABLETS ARE OF GREAT VALUE While hi^ *cho<il yoii cm make ilieui cai !. ;tn orange Jack-o-lanlerii for lunch. Paste these bits of black ps^per ou tiie omngos tv look like eye.« an! uose and mouth. Woi'.'i the: ''•' suipriseJ wi'.eu they <omo home? A Bottle Brain Wave. The latest alil to conuncrce Is an automatic machine tliat fli'o. seal.x. and labels bottles at great speeil and with unfailing accuracy. A machine of this kind, which has Just been placed on the market, can 'flu and seal over 7,000 bottles in an hoar. Liquids of any consistency, in- cluding syrup, sauces, and salad dre's- faig, c»n be bottled In this way. Each oontAlner is filled only to the height required, and bottle* tliat are cracked or otherwise unsuitable are rejected by tbe machine. I Perhaps the moet wonderful part of the inechanlim is the labelling appar- I atUH. Thte picks up j» label, molsteiie It, sticks it firmly riuind the Jar or I bottle, and then wipe;-* it clean and ' dry. The sealing is done with npw j hernieilc cap." which cmu l>e removed ! by the liners. | To .411 Mothers Htiving Young Children in the Home. No other meilciue is of siicli aid to mothers of young children as is Baby's Owu Tablets. The Tablete are the very best medicine a mother can give ' littl? on€>3 during the dreaded I. :hing time because they regulate till- stomach and bowel:* and thus drive out constipation and indigestion: pre- vent (•«)lic and diarrhoen and break up colds and t-imple fevers. Concerning Baby's Own Tablets, Mrs. John A. Patt.eri?on. Scotch Vil- lage, N.S., says: '1 have six children, and all the tuediclne they ever get is Bab>'8 Own Tnbleta. I would use nothing else for thetn and can strong- ly recommend the Tablets to all other mothOTB." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by me<llclne dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wllliame' Medicine Co.. BrockvUle, Ont. The Moment. Still as tile holy of holies breathes the vast. Within \te crystal depths the stars grow dim; 1 Fire on the altar of the hllte at last | Burns on the sbadowy rim. j Moment that holds all moments: white! upon I The vergw It trembles; then like mists' of flowers ! .Ireak from the fairy fountal:i of the : dawn The hues of many hours Thrown downward from that high corn- pan ionehlp Of dreaming inmost heart with inmoet heart, .My fire from theirs apart A. E. in "Poems." Vmiplcs coinL-Irum bluod that 'a nut just right. ;:yuu want to get rid of facitil biemiBhes try ^ .xeVi S) nip. A-.y dr-jg star? . Coitly Styles. -Although there are more tlian a mil- lion, unemfloyed men iu England, there is one trade whicb neeJs Lo draw noth- ing frotji the dole. Barbers and hair- ; dreesers have their haads full since ' the women took, to bob ami shingle. One Loudon barber says that the new styles cause tlie women to spend $100,- ' 000,000 a year more on their hair than : they used to, 1 â- > i Part of the wall of a Chinese rug factory had to be taken down before , an immense ruij that had been wo\-en there could be removed. It co\Ters 920 square feet of floor .fpace. Beetles will disappear if a mi.xlurel of bora.x and white sujjar .is sprinkled | near their haunts. 1 BABY CHICKS Bli. hushj. li'aUity â- IV'ir.lnl.-n" ruids. Ail FarleUw. | Trodui-nl from slamtanl-lirrd. bred lo-lay floors. \V» j pay ex;ir(»*H ami ciarinti-fl ?7 per -^nf, Ur* arrlral. â-  Writo to-ila>- f.>r -ur Kr<H! Ulustri'-d t'hlck Bouk on , ttiA Kp«<Iiiig nntl C'ara 'if Bal^y t'ti:cKs. j DOMirjtON CHICK HATJHERIES. LTD. t H. H. Embx. Mitnaotr 69-H Qroivenor St. Tot^nto, OntsTto What CITIES Are The«e ? First Prize TO AL WIN <3»' RADIO SET 10 Prizes of a Wrist Watch 10 Prizes of I Gents Watch 20 Prizes of a Camera HUNDREDS OP OTHER PRIZE3 Eii-ery penoo who Mlids mf a OTtrett uMwrr to Um abovt puzilc and alio Mils 30 p»ckcti ot my Dunt7 Breslb Patumf at 10 cents a packet mil win one <4 these tieatit;ful nnr«». TTiis is very tvj to sell, to tend In vom answei NOW anil get the Breath Peff imjc ;« â- ^ right away- Daint/ Dora, ^<' WaterfMcl. Ont I PLANS FOR HOMES Last word in builders' aid. Practical, up-'o-date suggestions on iil.inning. building, turnlaiiing, decorating and gardening. Pro- fusely illustrated, and scores of actual doUar-savlivg suggestions^ Send 20 cents for current issue of MacLean Builders' Culde. Quod> tious answered. MacL-ean Huild- Ing Repoils. Ltd., 344 .Vdelaide St. West, Toronto. Handles that arc loose on cupboards and chests of drawers can be made se- cure by applying alum melted in an iron spoon. j m COUGHS and COLDS Are Just Th« S«gmnmg BfififT CAMBUtMriM VOVA HtAtJN .TO ^IMOTNB \wmo GRAYSSYRUP NED SPRUCE GUM Winter Study. The grouud was hard, tiie air was •till, my road wa« lonely; I walked fast till I got warm, and then I walked slowly to enjoy and analyze" the spe- clen of pleasure bix>oding for me in the hour and situation. It was three o'clock: the church hell tolled as 1 pafoed under the belfry; the charm of the hour lay in its approaching dim- ness. In the Uiw-glidlng and pale-beam- Ingsun. I was a mile from Thornfleld. In II lane note.l for wild roses I sum- mt^r. for nuts and blackberries in th<- autumn, and even now possessing ;i few coral treasures In hipe and haws, but whose best winter delights lay In H<i utter solitude and leafless repose If a breath of air stirred, it made no sound here: for there was not a hr^lly. not an evergreen to rustle, and the stripped hawthorn and hatel bn«he-^ were as will as the white, worn stones which iause-w«T»d the middle of the rath Far and wide, on each side. there wore oaly fleUji where no catt'c now browsed: and the little brow: birds, which stirred occasionally In t! i hedge, looked like alncle russet UvRTes that had foricotten to drop, rhiilloi! - nrcrip. in "Jane Eyre." Minarif'a LtnlnMNl wart by phyaicians. Just a Slight Cough but the forerunner of Bronchitis, Pneumonia or Flu. Takenodiances. Buckley's Mixture brings prompt and last- ing relief. Wards off dangerous diseases. Two kinds â€" "Strong" and "Modified". Either kind acts like a Sash on coughs and bronchi- tis. Invaluable as a pre- ventive in cold damp weather. Stops night coughs and sleep re- turns. J 12 BUCKLEYS mm MIXTURE 90 "Strong" or "Modiftod" 7Sc â€" 40 doses W. K. Bucllkv. Limilad. l4SMutt»l <)l. TorontoS Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Safi Accept cfiiy "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handr "BaTer"' boiea of 14 tablets Also l>ottl«a of M and 100 â€" ^Dmggiita. f^iAndrews'PMs ?ia-1nOPT00THACHE ^JI INSTANTLY V f "Xtrnfonry Fniiagi • • xbkfa ^ \jt/k a l.otig Tun*. "I C^ SOLD ES'ERYWHERE t^' Nwwa S. Wrifhl X C*.. Umkai. D<ur»mM,rt, T««M> SOOTHING Every pain yields iiiiickly to the soothing Influence 01" MInard's. The world's hig-hest aerial tramway, from 15,000 to 17,000 feet above the sea level and more than five miles in length, is used at a Bolivian tin mine. KHIMOII^ ^^^ OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEM Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Coniston, Ontario. â€" "After a sa- vere uperation and a three wctlts' stav ill a hospital I retiirned lioine so weali that I waa uiiable to move a chair. For four mont!^s I was al- most frantic with pains a.id sufTcr- iiiK until I thoi:Kht sure there could not be any cure forme. I had very severe pa ins in my let't siae and .suf- terc-i Hf^ony every iTionth. One d.iv when 1 was not aoia to get uti tny mother begged ine to try your 'p'.cd- icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegetable Conipouiid at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to my surprise and joy tlie imrnA In my sine le^t me completely and 1 am able to do all my worlc without help. I am a f.armer'.i wife, so vou see I can't be idle Imiflr. in a!i, I liave taken si.x bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable CiimDound, live boxes of the Comnound Tablets, two bottles of T-ydia K. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and hHv also used the San- ative Wash. ' â€" Mrs. L. Lajeunes.^e, Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. o A<t>l-!.i l:< tnr rrt<!» mark (mlHium ia Oknadt) et Ba^fr Mu«r*et«» or xc ^qo*<.»(1«. • cltlmi'r of •T.Ui.'.rsrl* 'A»MJil S«U«rUe Arid. "A 8. A"' WJill* It 1« w. : kixnra ttvB* A«;<: n c *4u« It«.r«r m«anrii<-t«r*. to â- â- â€¢Iwt t!>« ?t;bl1c tffttlnKt Imi arl^.tt. I't.- 'r*t»4««i CUTICURA HEALS RED PIMPLES On Face. Scaled Over and Itched and Burned Ter- ribly. C ould No t Sleep. "My face broke out wiih small plmplaa which latM jrew larger and were very red. The pimples scaled over and Itched and burned terr'bly, and I could not sleep at night bec.tuse of tht iniiation. The trouble lasted about six weeka. " My moth"^r recomreanded Cuii- cura Soap an^ Ointment so I seal for a free sample. It helped me so I purchased more, ami after using three cakea oi' Cutici'ta Soap and two boxea of Cuticurjt Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Mill Stella Dudley, Stratford, Wash., June 7, 1924. Cutlenra Soap, Ointment and Talcum promote and maintain akin purity, akin comfort anil aklo health often when all ette kUa. , S MMj â- â€¢. Mma »& icwa SlMvlht Mad tl% Mr. Olri issue N«. 1«u-2Sw i il

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