Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1926, p. 6

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The Delicious Flavor II drmwn from the leaves of II SALADA' GREEN TEA Has MTon it millions of users. Finer IKan fkity Japan, Gtinpo'ivder or Young Hy^son. AsR for SAI-«ADA. lout a k*y, for I am m trapdoor lover I dark, st«p hy step, went up with the I and I op«n and shut what I please and water. MS I pleas*-. I open the little ebony j The water canie out of the cellar caskets: mademoiuelle, look at the lit- j with us and spread over the floor of tl« dears inside. Aren't they pretty? , the rwjm. If thin went on, the whole If you turn the (frasshopper, made- house on the luke would \n- ».waiiir*-(i. fniolse.le, we shall all be blown up. | The floor of the torture (•lianil>er had j There is enough gunpowdi-r under our itw-'.f l>ecanu- h rt-t(u'.ur little lake, in, I feet to blow up u whole quarter of which our fe-t Kplashed. Surely there '^* VONGE ST, I Paris. If you turn the worpion, made- ' was water cii.iujfh now. Krik muM j . moiselle, all that powder will he soak- ; turn ofl the tap! ed and drowned. Mademoiselle, to: "Erik! Krik! That in water enouifh |c*:ebrHte our wedding, you shall make for the giinpowder! Turn off the tap! ja very handsonir (iresent to a few hun- ' Turn olf ihe scorpion!" dred Parisistis who are at this mo-' But Flrik did not reply. We heard ment spplaudinpr a poor masU'rpicce nothinjc but the wati-r rising: it was '"' Meyerlieer's . . . you shal m:ike half-wi.j to our wai.ts! THE NEW WALLPAPERS QKALUIK ANI> DC<:ORATOR.S, HKNIl FOK OI!K Sprx^^IAL KAMPIyE BOOK. LIHER/.L MM-Ol NTHâ€" SKLEMill- V.^Ll'BS The W. J. aOLUS CO.. Ltd. liCAIl 0*KI( E AT. r> tU'iW ItOOMS: TORONTO GoodJir tlw of " crio<l ,M. ds Channy. The water is up to our I them a present of their lives . . . For, "Christine with your own fair hands, you shall "Christine! turn the scorpion. . . And merrily, 'knees!" 1 merrily, we will be married!" ! But Christine did not reply I A jKiuse; and then: We heard notliinj? but fh* water rl»- "If, in two minutes, mndemoiselle, "'?' The Phantom of the Opera BY GASTON LEROUX ( liAl' ill: Wll. â€" tCoir.'d.; nuuhiiiery lh:u is to blow everylhirijf M. d« Chapny patted tha round"!*' •• -I tt-jl you, a cracking sound: shapes a'ld kept on Baying: are you deaf.'" Karres! liarreUI . . Whnt a lot' M. dv Cha/ny miil I l)ef!;an to yell ofLiarr>.s!" .like mad:ii(tn. iM-nr spurred us on. Wo '^^ Th Indxd, tiiere was quite a number rushed up the trt-ads of the stnirc!is<', ••••'" of tht:- . Symmetrically arrange»i in stunibling us we went, anything Ut y, ,l â-  , two .ow.s, one on either side of u^. escaiX! the dark, to return to the moi- "^"^â- ^ ,^"* .â- ^coipuin . Thiy w<,TO .:niull barrels and 1 thoJitnt tal light of the room of mirroral , grasslioppei-. thi.1 KriK inu.sl have scli-cted *hvm'of M. de Cha^nv brokt- the glass of his i thai Bi7.e to facilitate their carriage to watch ami felt the two hands. . . . the house on the lakv. [Judging fiom the space between the examined them successively to, hands, he thought it might be just you have not turned the scorpion, I shall turn the grasshopper . . . and the grasshopper, 1 tell you, hops jolly high!" The terrible silence began anew. The Vicomte de Chngny, realizing that there was nothing left to do but pray, went down on his kncjes and prayed. At last, we heard Erik's voice: "The two minutes are past .... (iood-bye, ina<iemoi.'-"ere. . Hop, grass- hopper! ..." "Flrik," cried Christine, "do you swear to nie, monster, do you swear to me that the scorpion is the one to . turn? ..." i j "Yes, to hop at our wedding." I ' "Ah, you see! Voii said, to hop!" At our w'-tMinir, iiifi^Lnicuis child! scorpion opens the b:ill. â-  .... But thAt will do! . . You won't have the scorpion? Then I turn the We 'f them had not a funrcl, 'eleven o'clock! BOB if one Ehowi-.g that it had bei-n tapped at R^t p^^haps it was not the eleven some time or another. But a'.l the „viock of which we .stood in dread. â- Perhaps we had still twelve hours Vie- "Erlk!" I was crying out In concert with Christine. M. de Chagny was still on his kncs. praying. 'Flrik! I have turned the scorpion! Any! barro!.'- were hermetically iealed Then, after half lifting one to makd 5-jrc it was full, we went on our knets and, with the blade of a small knife which I carried, I prepared to stuve in the bung-hole. i At that moment, I seemed to hear, I comint,' from very far, a sort of mono-l tonoua chant which 1 know well, from' often hearing it in the streets of Paris: I "Barrels . . . Barrels barrels to sell? . . ." My hand desisted from its work. M. de Chagiiy bad also heard. He said: "That's funny! It sounds as if the barrel wero singing!" The song was renewed, farther away : 'Barrels! . . . Barrels! barrels to .sell? . . ." "Ob, 1 swear," said the viscount, "that the tune dies away in the bar- rel! . . ." We stood up and went to look be- hind the bjirrel. But we heard nothing there and were driven to accuse the bad condi- tion of our sen.se.s. .And we returned to thy bung-hoh'. M. de Chagny put his two hands together und-.Tiiealh it and, with a lust effort, 1 burst the bung. "What's this?" cried the viscount. "This isn't water!" The viscount put his two full hands clos'.' to my lantern. ... I stooped to look . . . and at once threw away the lantern with such violence that it broke and went out, leaving us in utter (iarkjiess. What I had seen in M. d» Chagny's hands . . . wa'; gunpowder! No one, no one in the next room, no one to turn the tap, no one to turn the ficorpion ! We were all iilnne, in the dark, with the dark water (hat seized us and clasped us and iroze us! "Krik! Erik!" "Christine! Christine!'' By (his time we had lost our foot- hold and were spinning round in the water, carried away by an irresistible whirl, for the water turned with us, and dashed us against the dark mir- ror, which thrust us back again; and' our throats, raised above the whirl- 1 pool, roared aloud. Were we to die here, drownied in the â- ^"'' torture-chamljer? I had never seen that. Erik, at the time of the rosy With hours at Mazenderan, had never shown mo that, window. "ICiik! Flrik!" I cried. I saved your life! lienicmber! . . . Y'ou were sentenced to death! But for me, you would be dead now." We whirled around In the water like so much wreckage. But, suddenly, my straying hands seized the trunk of the iron tree! I called M. de Chagny, and we both clung to the branch of the iron tree. j And the water rose still higher lay hold of the w.tIIs! Oh, how thow glass walls .';lippfd fiDm under my groping fingers! .... We whir'ed round again! . . . W« beg^n to sink! . . . One laiit effort! ... A last cry: "Erik! . . . Chrif-Mne! . . ." "^ueK«. KUKK1«-. guggle!" in our ears, "tiugglef (iugglel" At the hot torn of the daik water, our tars went, "(iuggle! Guggle!" And, before losing consciousness entirely, I sei-nn-d to h?ar, betwean two guggles: "Barrels! Barrels! Any barrels to sell?" (To be continued.) â- â™¦ Bright Earth. I know a bright worll of snowy hills' at Boonton. ' A blue and while dazzling light on everything one seefl, The iee-covereil branches of the hem- locks sparltle Bending low and tinkling in the sharp thin bree/.e, through the little visible i â€"Sara Teasdale. Shadow." Iridescent crystals fall and crackle on the snow-crusst the winter J^un drawing cold blue shadows from the trees, in "F'.ame and Minard's LInlmor.t for dandrutT. i> Big Playground. Jaaper National Park in northern Al- berta, with an area of 4,400 square mile«, Is one of the largest "play- grounds" in the world. A part of this reserve to the north of the central fore us: •Suddenly, 1 exclaimed: "Hush!" 1 seemed to hear footsteps in the next room. Some one tapped against the wall. Christine Daae's voice said: "Raoul! Raiiur" were now came, now returned with the lapping , ^v r i â- ^•^ " above the dark water CHAl'TKR XVllI. We were now all talking at once, loud. But it was not the hiss of fire, on either side of the wall. Christine It was more like the sobbed; she was not sure that she And now it became a gurgling sound would find M. de Chagny alive. The Cuggle! Guggle!" monster had txen terrible, it seemed, ' We rushed to the trap-door. All our had done nothing but rave, waiting thirst, which vanished when the terror for her to give him the "yes" which she refused. And yet she had prom- ! of the water. ised htm that "yes," if he would take The water rose in the cellar, above her to the torture-chamber. But he the barrels, the powder-barrels â€" "Bar- had obstinately declined, and had ut- re!s! . . . Any barrels to sell?" and 1 teied hideous threats against all the we went down to 'members of the human race! At last, throats. It roFp to ou 'after hours and hours of that hell, he mouths. And we drank. We stood on had that moment gone out, leaving her the floor of the cellar and drank. And alone to refl< ct for the lust time. we went up the stairs again in the "Hours and hours? What is tho - time now? What is the time, Chris- tine?" "It is eleven o'clock! Eleven o'clock, j all but live minutes!" j "But whic'n eleven o'clock?" i "The <!ev;-n o'clock that is to decide. life or death! . . lie told me so just j before he went. . . He is terrible. ... i He is quite mad; he tore off his mask and bis yellow eyes .-hot flames! ... He <lid nothing but laugh! . . . Ho said, 'I give you five minuies to spare' your bhishe;<! Here,' he said, taking u key from the little hag of life and ; i!<:itb. 'here is the little key. . . And. \v .-igai)! laughed iike a drunken de- 1 mon ami left ni:'. Oh, his last words I were, 'The grasshopper! lie cari>fnl of i the grasshopper ! A grasshoppe:- d.x's I [iiot turn: it h<ips' It hops! And it :h(.ps jolly high!' " I The five minutes had nearly elapsed and the scorpion and thi' grns.'-hopper were scratching at my brain. Never- theless, I had sufficient lucidity left to understand that, if the grasshopper (^h, the second through which we passed ! Waiting! Waiting to find ourselvea in fragments, amid the roar and the ruins! Feeling something crack beneath ;,,",''I"l'^''.. . , .v, j , " ; " ' ' our feet, hearing an appalling hiss ''/""'^^^ "f,. '^'^ V.*^, ^""^ '^* dome- ^ oonstructlon of trails and hitfli ways. through the open door, a hiss like the ! shaped celling? Do try to remember! | « first sound of a rocket! 1 : ,• • ^[^l fr^^"" ^f*"' ""^V stop It came softly at first, then very I 'K"?"'?^ .'^"'*. '<«. l«yel! • -., There. I j "Oh! Oh! Can you remember? How 8«ctlon is still unexplored, but the ! much space is there between the i park is being rapildly opened up by the After jit must find its level! I think it is stopping! . . . No, no, oh, hiss of water. J'jf"!!''*'' ' ' ' ^^'"'' ^'^'"^ ^'"' y**"' Our arms became entangled in the effort of swimming; we choked; wc fought in the dark water; already we Jieen tanght lately that dinner could hardly breathe the dark air j should always be pleasant." the air which I i> escaped, which we could hear escaping I Puss at Play through some vent-hole or other. ,.„ . . , . u. "Oh, let us turn and turn and turn! ^^'l^° * cat is frightened or angry until we find the air hole and them" â„¢'"«« "P the hair of itfi body and Unpleasant. "How did you make out at school this week?" Inquired the father at the dinner table. "Had WB not better dlscuas- some- thing else?" replied James. "I have talk Who's Who in Music Handelâ€" 1759-1865. George Krederick Handel, in Saxony bom, When a boy loved his mualc mort. than hla game; But his youthful ambition was treated with scorn, And his music hte father threw into the flame. In secret he played In the garret alone Such beautiful music aa never was known. 'Till a good German Duke beard this marvelloua creature, And forced the stem father to give him a teacher. Of his work, the "Harmonious Black- smith" we note. And one single month "The Messiah" he wrote. While he s.leadUy rose to great honor and fame. And the works of bis genius Immortal became. ^nrTbin.; ?r ^ri»f'"e "ur mouths to It!" taJl In or^er tliat it may appear more ' ° But I lost my strength; I tried to j Jangenous The cat does this by a » â-  . I chemical discharged by lt« adrenal Minard's Liniment for sore throat. i glands. THE, CANADIAN HOMLMAKLR ^ jerias of weeJ^/y artic/is coueriny PLANING . BUILDINQ . FINANCING DECORATING . FURNISHING . GARDENING Hair Goods h • grade noted for H i V lonpee* perfect fit and eomforl. A 1 â-  e women's hair gooda â€" tran»foniiatlon«, HC CoiTe*pond«M« EDWARDS & WrilfE 777 Yonge St. Toronto. Sand For BookUt. TIIK .^COUIMO.S' OR TlIK (IHA.StillOPI'ER: WHICH? (The Persian's Narrative Continued.) The dif.covery flung us into a stale of alarm that mi.de u.-. forget all our were turned, it would hop . . .and past and present sufTcrinsjs. We now with it many members of the human I knew all that the nionslei- meant to race! There was no doubt but thati convey \vli"ii he said to Christine the grnsshopfrfr tontroller an electric 1 1':'^". : curient intend'.d to bl<iw up the pow- 1 "Ve-^ o. i!oI If your answer is no, der-niagnnincl everybody will be dead ;'.,i.| burieti!" M. de Ch;ig;iv, who i-eenied to have The monster had f.riven hr>r until re<-overe(l nil his moral for-'e from eleven o'clock in the evening. H<- ha'l hearing Christine's voice, <xplaiiied to chosen his time well. There would he her, in a few hurried words, the situa- | many people, many "meinl>ers of the tion in whieh we and all the Opera' human race," up there, in the re«i)h'n dent theatre. What finer retinue could be expected for his funeral? Ho would go down to the tomb Pocort<>d by the v,-hite;:t shoulders in tho world, decked with t!r,> riclK'sl jewels. We v,'-i-c all 1) Ik' blown up in tlu' niid-iU of the performance < hiistiiie Dane said no! were, lie told her to turn the scor- pion ut once. "Here he comes!" cried Christine. "I hear him I M«'re hi is!" We heard his stejfs .'ipproaching the l/ouis-l'hilippe room. He came up tfi Christine, but di<l ntit speak. Then if 1 raised my voice: I "EriU! It is II Do you know tne?" .Ml, wb.-r. w;i:. the time? . . . For, j With extraordinary calmness, he at after ;ill. eleven o'clock to-morrow once replied: evening might Ih' now, might lie this! "So you are not dead in there? Well, very in..uient! Who could fell us the then, see that you keep <iuiet." lime? Wr .seenwd to have lieen im- 1 I tried to speak, but he said coldly: j pri'i !-ed in that hell for days and days - "Not n word, daroga, or 1 shall bbnv . . . for years . . . since the l>egin- everything up." And he added, "The ning of the world. Perhap.'* we should honor rests with mademoiselle be blown up then and theii! Ah, a i Mademois<'lle has not touched the round! A crack! | scorpion" how deliberately he spolte! "liid yoti hear that? , . . There, in "mndemoiwUe has not touched the the corner . . gocMl heavensl . . Like grasshopper" with that composur*' â€" n sound of niiti-hinery ! . . Again! . . "Imt it is 'tot too late to do the right oil. r.)i .1 llghl! . . . IVrhaps it's the ibing. There. I open Ibe i nsk.ls with- nw ILill- "vr Don't Let Them Fool YOU I You be the Judge of the Radio Set you want R O G E R S ^SK^UMmwsSiSS^ Vih, boy an "OutHjf Dats" Radio? Rogers Is the Latest In Radio. No Batteries. Sold en laey Terms. Free TrIsI In your home. Atk your Icc.t! dealer, or write to T!'E Q.H.9. MUSIC CO. »»0 KING 8T. W.. TORONTO ONT <:•.•â- â- <* [Uml PIam The Illusi rat ions fihow n ccunpnct ii,ul. at the pnme time, tlioughtfully â-  â- laiined liouoe. the living room and dining room well lighted iukI with floor iiMil wall wpnee quite sufflclrnt for fur- iilluie and pblures for riKinis of such hizf*. Kilchen with I's f.Tvlcp en- Iriinces to the dining r(K)m and bn«e- meni and nlde enl ranees well iirrangel n very imporlnnt, factor. The l)ed- roonm each entered dlrecll> from the hhll and provided with rnplxiard ac eommodatlon. The direct conntKllon 111 Iween (lie main bed room Bn.l bnlh room a* well ss from the hall should bo noted No wsK'^ hall spa^e Just floor area cii(Il(l«»nl for service to (he VMrious room" The veotlbule U llJed with 6' Dutch tile mill llie hnthrooni ilado and floors of fame nmliTtal In ilelfl blue and white. Ulrcli floors are bid thTmigboiif. tlioce in the gnmnd floor rocinii being slatn^ wahnit color. A WELL PLANNED COLONIAL HOUSE By Gratton D. Thompson Architect Wnlltt of rooms and bills throughout are finlsho'l In sand Btiiccn for water color llnlsh, the plasterins ImiIiik rip- Iille<l direct to comiWKltlon board l>la«ter base. Instead of the ordinary wiHjd lath. The manleUs. dror.-- and trim, of slni- i;le Cilonlal design, nre of pine for paint finish. HenilnR U with hot water, the radlalois twlng plnce.l un- der the windows, and plunibinia: wlili nil Ktandar.l tlitnre.i. Iniili In. Stor age for house w^f. as well as a pro- perly fltted np laundry, t» provided In the hanemenl. 4t>K*ther «llli <-04>l slor- II He and boiler room. . wrol .vliiii.e.-. Ill l.:-.-rl!i ureen. The >\lndows ihrcunl.oui are ciisemont, the â- â€¢.".-h biMng suh-dlvlded Into small lights giving a proixr *calo to the poneral design Hoviflng material Is . slate fi«rfnc© mutll-i'olor«»d ahingles. giving n \ei-y pleuaing help to the general scheme. Th',^ house cpijld be hullt on a kit with fifty feet fron^ace. with a depth ; of not less th«in one hunilre.l and ten fe^^t : more ground than this, of courae, , «<>uld add very luuoh to the posaibili- ti»« for a well planned gardvit, with tennis eourt. flower and truck gardens i.ind drying area and garage yard. SrMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which make* them bold their keen cutting edge uoder every usage. »^ SraONDS CANADA SAW CO. LinTO I l»50 nuKDU ST. W.. TOFONTO IVANCCI.n MCWmtAL ST.JOHN.N.a. Cabin Liners Headers desiring furthw (nforroa tion regarding the plans and cpeclfl- catioi.s of this house KhouM conununl- crtle with the architect d1r»ct. Ad- Id re s.i Mr Oralton V>. Thompaon. 6fi The walls Hni..i>e 1 with clnp-'hoaril- ! â- "^'<^"'^' »"''I''^K<' Avenue. Montreal. Que ing ov.r .on.ivi, iti.in boaiu- ',ive ' <'"'1^*''«'" l"-""- ^'"f'-*"" «""«»«»« «•- been pelnted a The exterior shon.-- a lu:nie'iike. yet' (lilfnifled design the enlrHiice «iif- . fleiently marked wl»b a hmnlfsi do' r- i way. the door Itself tieinp partly i glaxed and With simute paneling. ^ to d«.p cream, «n-,i lh.ei »'<'^"". l''n'''*<>- EUROPE FAMOUS "O" etesuaert are lavohtre anoDf (hounnde oi dacnmuuCng traveler* â€" luxuri- oo* aiccmmod^uona, cxcdlent cuirine, ^^Rcntive cer\u»^ , * .-„.n- m%\nf* K^w^n Ilal'faT C>frbOuiTj and Southamotcn "TWCii^eii Bean" ROYAI ^^MAIL^ TAr RaY AL MailStkam PACVrrCtt. Ia»4«r««a $i t«a» lac, Jg«**i ftA Brp»4w«T, K.T. Or L*cil Af«Bta ISSUE NOb 10â€"2*.

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