Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1926, p. 1

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The '^One Girl in a Thousand" at Rock Mills School on Tuesday, March Z3rd. Come One! Come All Vol 45 No. 38 Flesherton. Ontario March 17 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors "^^ ROCK MILLS Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ned Croft in her sore ber- eavement by the death o£ her dear mother. Mrs. J. Lyons is with her daughter Mrs. Sammie Fisher at present. BORNâ€" On Thursday, March Uth to Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Fisher, a daughter. Mr. Henry Smith, visited recently with Mr. E. Binnington and wife at Maxwell. Mrs. John Hargrave, has been suffering with a sore arm. We hope she may be better soon. Mr. Geo. Newell returned Saturday to his home near Durham, after visiting "with his son here, Chas. Newell and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher, and family, 4th line, visited recently with Mr. Jas. Dargavel, wife and fam- iiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft spent a few days at Feversham. The service Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Chas. Newell was con- ducted by Mrs. Baker, and she del- ivered a good message from 1st Jno. the 3rd Chapter. The seirvice next Sunday Vill be at the home of Mr. John Porteous. MAXWELL '- â- â- "Tne sewing class began here on Monday, with Miss M. Phillips of Toronto as instructor. Twenty-two have enrolled and it promises to be a splendid success. Mr. Guy held a very successful sale last Wednesday. Miss Katie Findlay of Ow-en Sound is visiting relatives here at present. The United church choir held a social evening at Mr. Chas. Winter's last Friday. Mr. Robt. Priestly of Dundalk is spending a few days with relatives here. Miss .A.nnie Radley has gone west with her aunt, Mrs. EdwTjrds. We ai-e sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. George Sayers of Feversham and extend our sympathy to the ber- eaved family. LADY BANK EUGENIA Thero was a dance held in the L.O. L. hall here on Friday night of last week. " 'Nuff sed." The Kingston Whig says that a small boy with the hives is claimed to have been the originator of the Charleston. Now, they are commep- cing to modify the Charleston. A dance gets out of date almost as quickly as a political platform. Mr. Albert E. Sloan of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan of this place, is recovering nicely from his recent operation. We are pleas- ed to learn of this. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. S Croft, near Flesherton. Mrs. R. Bentham of Flesherton vis- ited relatives here recently. Mrs. Wilson has returned to Mark- dale to spend a few weeks more with her daughter, Mrs. Roy McMillan, before she returns to her home here again. Master Jack Jamieson spent a few days with his aunt, Mrs. R. McMillan, Markdale. We extend our hearty congratula- tions to Miss Donalda Sloan, who won the greatest number of points in S. S. No". 13 school, Artemesia Town- ship, at the Artemesia Rural School Fair held at Flesherton September 12 1925. She has received her certifi- cate for same, which was awarded by the Department of Agriculture. Well done, Donalda. Mr. Mclnnes is engaged working for Mr. Robt. Purvis at present. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hislop have returned from their visit at Toronto. Chatham and other points and are visiting relatives here again before their departure for their home in Al- berta. The U.F.W.O. and U.F.O. held a social time in the L.O.L. hall here on Tuesday of this week. Sorry to report Mr. Cardwell Gra- ham on the sick list. We hope he is soon well again. Mr. and Mrs. H. Falconer and babe visited at Mr. Will Magee's Sunday. VANDELEUR (Intended for last week) Here we find ourselves drifting along into the month of March with our mother earth covered with more snow than it has been all season, but we are not feeling blue as we are looking forward toward an early spring Mr Ed Harbottle and family and Mr Alex "Maxwell and family visited with Mr and Mrs Geo Harbottle East Mountain on Sunday last and found heavy roads. Mrs. Sherman Ottewell has been laid up with pleurisy the past week but is somewhat improved. Mi"s. Wm. Semple visited with Mrs Thompson Allen of East Mountain one day last week. Mrs. Allen is in poor health at present. We are sorr>' to report Mr. Daniel McMullen on the sick list at present but hope for a speedy recovery to all the sick. The Ladies' .Aid of Pro\-idence church will hold their March meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Jas. McKen- sie on Wed March ITth. The work will consist of the quilting of a quilt. Miss Winnifred McMullen of Coll- ingwood is visiting her parental home here for a few weeks. MiSs Edith Semple visited with her sister, Mrs. Steve Sutton of Flesh- erton. A brave sleighload of young peo- ple had a thrilling, as well as a chill- ing experience one night last week. In spite of the cold and blustering winds that threatened they started off to attend a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert HoUingshead. All went well until after the ball was over; when the lads found their road completely filled in and had to trip the fantastic toe back home to a different tune, not some of the way but all of it â€" the lassies sometimes joining in. However the most of them got back before breakfast was quite over; and they speak of tak- inK the snowplough along next time. PROTON STATION Mrs. Jam. Meddaugh of this vill- age suffered a slight stroke on Fri- day evening of last week. We are pleased to know that she is improv- ing gradually. Mr. Robt Bat*s, the section fore- man and his right hand man, Mr. Charlie Davey have both been under the doctor's care. Mr. Baton of Berkley is relieving while they are off duty. Mrs. E. Black of Dundalk. visiteJ her brother Mr. R. Bates and Mrs. Moody of Dundalk visited at Mi's. Thos. McCauley's. Mr. O. Fisher is visiting his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neilson. Mrs. James Oliver, and daughter of the Old Durham Road visited at Mrs. Tames Vause's. Rev. and Mrs. Clements, Evangel- ist Leonard, Mrs. E. Sjtevens and little daughter, and ilrs. O. Patterson spent a day at the home of R. G. .Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Batchelor visited friends at Bruce Hill last Wednesday. Miss Cora Richardson spent Sun- day at Ceylon. Miss Fi-oud spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Whyte attended Mr. S. Whyte's sale at Priceville last Wednesda.y The lucky Proton Juniors were a- gain victors in a ten minutes over- time hockey game against the Flesh- erton boys, on the Flesherton rink last Wednesday night, The score was 1 â€" 3. Mr. Will Hutchinson 'nas returned after spending the winter with friends near Toronto. Mrs. Jane Richardson is very ill at present. The Women's Institute gave their play, Mrs. Briggs of The Poulti->- Yard at Temple Hill entertainment on Friday evening of last week. Mr. Tom Wright of Sask., spent a few days with his cousin Mr. Geo. Pritchard. .A large number from here attend- ed the Dramatic Contest held in Mark dale on Friday evening of last w^eek and report an enjoyable evening. A debate will be held in the church here on Thursday evening of this week between the young people of Kimberley and Chalmers church of Flesherton. .A large number from here attend- ed the funeral on Sunday afternoon of the late Mrs. John Weber, who passed aw^y at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Ran. Brady of Cherr>- Grove, last Friday morning, March 12th after a lingering illness. The late Mrs. Weber was 75 years of age and lived practically all her life in this community, living with her now sorrowing husband on their farm in the valley until a few years ago. when they went to live with heir daughter where she passed away as above sta- ted. Besides her husband, she leaveS to mourn the loss of a kind and af- fectionate mother, three daughters, and four sons, namely: W. A. on the old home. Frank, and Dave of Kim- berley, John of Sask., Mrs. Barnhouse of Edmonton, Mrs. Marshall of Tor- onto, and Mrs. Ran Brady of Cherry Grove. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended, service being held in the Anglican church, Markdale, af- ter which the body ^vas placed in the vault in Markdale cemeterj'. The friends and relatives have the sympa- thy of the community in their ber- eavement. KIMBERLEY The Bazaar held on Friday wa^ a decided Success. The proceeds amounted to S25.00. Mr. Clifford Camaek is home from the west. We are sorry to report Mr. Geo. Mc Connell sick. Dr. Carefoot is i:\ at- tendance. If you want to be in the style boys come to Kimberley. We've gc; iha whooping cough. Mr. Wright of Toronto visited the week end at the parsonage and pre- ached in the United church on Sun day evening. Mr. Stuart Buschle;; of Markdale spent Sunday with friends. .A number of young people attended the dance at Eugenia on Friday night. Miss Jean Cavruthers visited the week end with her cousin. Miss Ev- elyn Soule. Y'ou have all heard of people going to sleep in church, but just a.=k Mr. Ellison about the man who went to sleep coming home and lost his hjrse. Wte have a new butcher in town, born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Ellis on March 10th. CEYLON Miss Kate McMillan left the past week for Gravenhurst, expecting to be absent for three months. Mrs. Peter Muir and Mrs. Hawton, who have been on an extended visit with friends at Peterboro and Tor- onto, have returned home. .\lis3 Irish of Proton was the guest of the Misses Maud and Reta Hemp- hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morton of Durham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. CoUinson. Miss Maud Hemphill, accompanied by her aunt. Miss F. >Hemphill of Flesherton, visited with Dundalk friends the past week. Messrs G. Snell, Thos. Genoe, J. D. McLeod, each entertained their friends at their homes the past week to an evening party. A party was also given in the ball on Friday ev- ening by some of our young people, when a very happy time was reported by all. Mr. F. J. Collinson was at Hills- burg on Satui'day. Miss Cora Richardson of Proton spent the week end with Mrs. Knox. BORNâ€" On March 14th to Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, tlie gift of a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. D. McDonald of Toronto spent the week end with his brother here. Jlrs. Thos. Irwin spent the week end with relatives in Markdale. Constable Robt Cook was on a business trip to Hamilton on Monday. Miss .Agnes Mcphail M. P. loft Mon day for her duties at Ottawa. Mrs. J. Kennedy entertained a number of the little folks on Monday from three to five in honor of her little son, Jimmie's birthday. .\ pleas- ant time is reported. "ONWARD" NEWS Untended for last week) Snow. Snow, beautiful snow. Wallowing up to my neck I go. Its three feet deep outside the door It looks like it a'n't gonna rain no more. Intyre â€" competed for the prize. Bog. nor was successful in gaining the ; judges' decision and will receive the silver cup to cherish for the following ' year. I Miss Jessie Ferris visited la:it week with her friend. Miss Sadie Oliver. JCss .Agnes Macphail, M.P.. spent , last week at her home before resum- . ing her parliamentary duties at Ottawa. ! Mrs. Peter Muir returned home last ' week after visiting at Peterboro and ; other points. FOURTH LINE EAST HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The March meeting of Holdfast Club, Grey County, was held at the home of Mrs. .\lex Carson with " good attendance of members and vis- itors. After the opening exercise^ and general : .;tine of busine|;s. tho roll call was a;.-;v.-ored by How many, and the Kind of Hens you Kept. -A very interesting debate followed. â- â€¢Resolved that the farmer spends more time and money on his own pleasure than the farm woman does. Jas. Oliver unloaded a quantity of fert;Jizer^ from Flesherton Sta- tion last week. We can't boast of any logs with > a seven foot diameter in this local- ity, but the saw-logging industry '< at least seems to be on the go. Num- ( erous loads are to be seen lately ' being Transported to the different \Ve are all looking forward to an lumber olants throughout Proton and early spring and the sugar making. ' Messrs Walter and .Albert Seeley Miss Kate McCannel of Proton is are moving to their new home in visiting a few days with her aunt, ; Maxwell recently bought from Mr. Miss Flora -McDougall, South Line. ' Q^y iliss McDougall has been under the ». t- it j ^r n- _ , , , . ' Mr. E Hayes and Mr. Herman aoctor o care, but we are glad to â-  report she improving. i Mr. A. Currie recently disposed of } one of his horses to Mr. D. McTav- ' ish of Flesherton. Mrs. Reyburn and niece. Miss Jean McKinnon of Caledon. who have been visiting at Jas. Oliver's left for their home last week The "Onward" dramatic cast prov- ' ed 'â- oo much for their Springhill op- ponents last Friday evening in the dramatic preliminaries at the Flesh- erton auditoriur-. A good crowd was presvint to hear "The Cuckoo Nest." a half hou • performance which was well presented by both clubs. Friday's win plac ;s Onward in the dramatic final which will be held in Markdale -Armour. os on March 11th. -All roads lead to JIarkdale on Friday evening. Miss Kate McMillan leaves for Gravenhurst. Muskoka. this week where she has procured work. Mr. and Mi"s. John Meads spent Su?i day at Neil McDougall's. Mrs. A. D. Imin has been visiting the past week with friends near ' Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner spent a day last week with friends in Dur- ham. Clarke spent the past week end with friends at Rocklyn. Mrs Annie McKee and little dau- ghter., also Miss Hazel Pattoa are visiting with Mr and Mrs. S Clarke and family at present. Mr. Archie Campbell has purchas- ed the farm formerly owned by Mr. Donald Mclntyre. The Ladies' Aid of Mclntj-re and a few of the young people in this vicinity met at the home of Mr. luid Mrs Marshall Menzies and presented Mrs. Menzies ^\^th a beautiful serv- ing tray and Mr.. Menzies with a gasoline lantern on their depart- ure to their new home at Ma- dill's. The evening was spent in sing- ing and games. Everyone had a very nice time. Mrs. A Campbell, daughter Mar- ion and son, Goldw>-n are spending a few days vnth friends at Holland Centre We are all looking forward to the return of our minister, Rev. M!r. Shannon, after spending the winter with his mother and other friends in Scotland. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. W. Beaton and Miss Rubv Muir Toronto in :x short time. VICTORIA CORNERS We had a splendid season of meet- ings during the revival campaign of Messrs Crossley and Leonard. We had very good crowds considering the roads and weather. Jeanette Cargoe. Jean Stuart, Irene Cements, and James Clements and Murray Inkster, snowshoed from Flesherton to Intstioge last Friday night and ST'^nt the night at Chas. Moore's. The boys returned the next day but the girls remained till Sunday. Mr. Laidlaw went to Shelbm-ne one day last "week to see his sister, Mrsi' .Anderson who is on the sick list. Mr. R. J. McMillan of Bethel vteit- ed at Jas. Lockharfs one day last week. We are pleased to see R. J. able to be out again. Don't forget the debate between Flesherton and Dundalk at Inistioge on Friday evening of this week. upheld the affirmative and Mi(J. D. Campbell, and Mi-s. Edgar Patterson the negative. Tho judges wei'e Miss .Agnes Macphail, and Mrs. J. K. Mc- Leod, who decided in the affirmative. A solo was rendered by Mrs. .Andrew Hincks. "Belle Mahone." which was very much appreciated. Egg pooling was discv.^ sed. The husbands who so willingly drove their wives to the club were invited to the meeting and delicious homemade sweets were passed. Miss MacphaiL M. P.. reviewed sow - of the work of the session at Ottawa. Questions were asked and answered, and this brought the meeting to a liose. Rcfi-oshments served and a jolly time spent. The next meeting will be at Clayton's Hall, Flesherton, by request of Miss Macphail. I THOMPSON â€" In loving memory I of our dear son and brother, Walter â- T. Thompson, who departed this (This week's items) Mr. Sterling White disposed of his jjf^^ March loth 1922 uirming eft'ccts by way of an auction sale last week and intends moving to Mr. F. R. Oliver left for Toronto Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. IsNsr Saturday and spent the week Remembrance keeps him near. end wirh his sister. Emma, who is iittonding Toronto Normal. To be fair do not believe all the The U.F.Y.P.O. dramatic final took evil things you hear. Give all the place in Markdale armories last Fri- benefit of the doubt until found guil- day evening when some four clubsâ€" ty. Nine times out of ten much Orward. Ebenezer. Boenor and Mc- evil you hear isn't true. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122- 124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. NOTICE The plant of the Standard Chemi- cal company, at Thornbury has been closed for an indefinite periotl and \hirty men are thrown out of employ- ment. / DEPENDABLE Auctioneer Service Mrs. Mar>- Carmichael died on Tuesday of last week at the homo of her son. Col. Doiigald Carmichael. ex M. P. P. Hanover is to have a new indus- j try. which m.ny employ at least 25 j men. The comj^any is being formed with local and outside capital for the manufacture of radios and elec- I trical supplies. The Fisher Foundry j building is being fitted up for the ' new factory. i j Auction Sale | at Priceville Here's an opportunity for you to gret your spring requirements in boots and shoes at: Having added a small stiock of boots V»nd siloes to oiu" no\v too large stock, we have decided to place them on sale. These lines are com- plete in Misses' Boys' and Children's school and fine shoes. Friday, March 19th HOUSE OF Q.UALITY GROCERIES AND FEEDS GROCERIES â€" We carry a full line of fresh grocer ies always on hand. % -fc« The problem of the son and dau- Ithter who go out every night isn't much more distressing than th" same ' â-  ^ of fu'TWi*. Reliable and Reasonable â€" the fac- I am prepared to do all kinds of tors that ha^•c made my service sue- wall paper hanging. Satisfaction and ceesful. Let me conduct your pure- 1 **'*'• >'"*> guaranteed work. Prices right. Ph. bred. Farm Stock sale. .Arrange cheaply. at 3 p.m. To vary the sale we will offer other seasonable merchandise ill be able to buy very Terms, cash. 7 ring 3, Osprey. â€" H. L. LEP.ARD, dates early "t this office. J. O'NEILL KARSTEDT BROS. Feversham f. «!. Shri>herdson .Vuctioneer. Auctioneer Pricpvf:; FRUIT â€" Dried fruits of all kinds, also oranges, lem- ons, and grape fruit. FLOUR AND FEED â€" Puryit, Five Roses and Royal Household. Bran, Shorts, Screening of all kinds, chop Beef Scrap, Oyster shell, oil cakes, and feeding m<^ass> es by the gallon or banrell. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS , F««<1. S^^d*. Croc«rMa Bnd Confectionery Flesherton Flo. /

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