Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1926, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WED., MARCH ITth' 192« WBom * * • â-  • » ft « • tx* Doubling the Arguments for Saving ALL that can be said in the fav- or of opening: a savings account in the Standard Bank may be repeated with greater emphasis as regards a joint savings account. Joint ac- counts are primarily for covenience of depositors, but where two people are bound together by common inter- ests, the moral, as well as the prac- tical value of working together-, plan- ning their financial betterment with the aid of a joint bank account is clearly evident. The Standard Bank solicits your joint savings account. STANDARD BANK OP CWKAJ3/>k. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager I s I CJP.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.52 S.m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 l).m. 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. FISHING IN HYDRO UKE AT EUGENIA OPEjTTHIS YEAR? It is rumoured, but on good au- thority, that the public will be allow- ed to fish in the big hyaro pond at Eugenia this summer. It is also stated that boats will be allowed on it. The fishing rights are to be al- lowed within a certain diistance of j the island game preserve. i Great quantities of trout fry have 1 been placed in this pond by the De- I partment of Game and Fisheries from 1 Nipigon and other points within the province and fishing should be good but there are those who think that it will prove disappointing. It is thought by those who hold this view that the great quantity of decaying wood and vegetable matter contain- ed in the pond have been fatal to piscatorial life. We hope this view will prove erroneous and that some good sport -will result when the res- trictions of the past have been re- moved. For some years the question of re- opening the lake for fish has been advocated and much discussion has Mr. Elmer Ellis of Kimberley is 'taken place there-to, but no action the proud possessor of a Registered could be secured. We think that the Oxford Bown ewe. who believes in ' government will not make any mis- doing her duty in the reproduction take by so doing, and aBjow the pec A Kimberley Ewe Has Unique Record of her kind. In February of 1925 she gave birth to two ewe lambs, and this year brought three fine youngsters into the sheep fold. Her two lambs of Miss Thelma Wilson friends in Owen Sound. Mrs S. Breese of Chatsworth was pie of the district surrounding the lake to indulge in the sport. We believe that one would go a long way before they could find a lovelier spot for a summer home than around the lake at Eug:enia, and with the lake open to boating and fishing " last year have given birth to five visited with lambs between them, and so the/ jj j • ^' ^ , grandmother of these five j^oolies h'" *!f/" ^'^'^^'^ •"'=«"*'^« .^""^ P,«°P'^ ; has the credit of being the dam of Mrs C. Moore of Brampton is vis- ten children, five daughters,and five iting her daughter, Mrs George Stew grandchildren in the space of one art, and other relatives in town. j year. By the time next year rolls around, her descendants should be a clan in the purebred world the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs , i. ^.u • _li. 4. „ ,, , „yL , , 1. 1 honour to their worthy ancestor. Holland on Thursday last. > All Miss Hazel Inkster has returned I to her home here after spending a | few months in Toronto | Debates This Week to build summer homes. With a beau- tiful memorial park and fine scenery at the Falls, interesting walks to the caves up the bed of the river; and below the falls, makes an ideal spot for rest and recreation. We hope that in a few years the shores of the Hydro Lake at Eugenia will be lined with cottages of summ- er dwellers. St. John's W.M.S. Hold Thankofffering Meeting The Easter Thankoffering held in St. John's church last Thursday was well attended, members being present from the Baptist Circle, Chalmer's auxiliary, and Inisitioge. The presi- dent, Mrs. Cargoe, occupied the chair After the devotional exercises, in which several members took part, Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Richardson sang, "I sing Because I'm happy." Mrs. Jack Perkins also favored the audience with a solo, and Mr. Leon- ard, who with Mr. Clementte, had come from Inistioge, tendered two solos most expressively. Mrs. W. H. Thurston gave one sole reason why we should give a thankoffering at Easte* for the cause of misfeions, namely our love for God who gave his son for us. Mrs. (Rev.) Preston carried greetingrs from the Circle and Miss MacMillan from Chalmer's aux- iliary. The speaker of the day was Mi's. S. Breese of Chatsworth, who has been District Sui>erintendent of the Methodist W. M. S. Mrs. Breese is of a very pleasing personality, speaks distinctly, and knows her subject from A toZ, though she says there are a few letters she misses. She spoke about the stations which have come into the United Church from the three denominations represented, and gave a sketch of the manner of work each iS endeavoring to do. The address was interesting and timely. Mrs. Murray gave a recitation en- titled, "Mary," in a most acceptable way. Lunch was served and a social time spent. The Thankoffering am- ounted to over fifty-five dollars. The L 0. B. A. will hold a baking sale next Saturday, March 20th at 3 o'clock, at Mrs. McDonald's, Mrs. Murdock and daughter The debating series of the Grey, Presbytery gets under way on Thurs- day night of this week, when Chal- mer's and Kimberley hook up at Van- of I deleur on the subjet, "Resolved, that HYDRO POWER ON THE GEORGIAN BAY SYSTEM INCREASES There is a steady increase in the demand for hydro power on the Georgian Bay Hydro System of which Flesherton forms a part. In the current issue of the Bulletin, the â-  Markdale spent the latter part of the , the Church, rather than the State, week the guests of the Fi-eeman ' should be Responsible for the Moral family. \ Welfare of the Immigrant. Both If your stock of printed envelopes'! '^agues have entered into the f 'eht â-  --^jj^:;! -p^-'j;â„¢ ^'^^-^j^^' ^ ^ p (, ^^ letterheads, or billheads is getting low ^i^h grim determination and a fme Ontario, the chairman, Mr C. A. phone or see The Advance. Good b^^Wle should result, with Kimber- ! ^^j^g^^^h, deals with the progress of stock at closest prices. ; l^y upholding the affirmative. \ ^^^ Commission during the past year. In the course of his review he sets Order now with T. W. Findlay for , ley upholding the affirmative On Friday night, St. John's team and out his opening statement to these remarks, saying: It will be recalled _.-..,. T, , J , "I'u Dundalk, meet at Inistioge on Easter Lilies. Early orders served ,, i. • ^ , >.. ^ i.. - ^ • „ J . , X , the same subject as the first mention- first. All orders are required to be ; , , .,, r^, , . in bv Sâ€"jrday Mach 27th j ^'^ *'^^'"^' ""^^ Flesherton supporting that the various systems originally • I the affirmative. An interesting com- â-  j^^q^ ^s the Severn, Eugenia, Was- HELP WANTED â€" Experienced ' petition should result in the debates ' Neil's and Muskoka were combined man for farm work, duties to com- this year, and the District Presby- ^^ constitute the Georgian Bay sys- mence at once. Apply to Chas. Doupe, tery is donating a handsome shield, ^^j,^ jjjjg system serves a terri- Proton, R. R. 3. Phone 32, r. 1-4. : as a trophy for the winner of the ' ^^^y adjacent to the Georgian Bay Dr. Osbom Carr of Owen Sound, ' '^''""'y competitions. -It is announ- extending \from Huntsville on the formerly of Priceville, has been ap-!<^ed that there will be accomodation n^rth to Uxbridge and Port Perry pointed as Medical officer of Grey;^"^ ^'^ wishing to go. Leave your j „^ ^j^^ g^^^^ ^^^j j^ Kincardine and Regiment with the rank of Major, j "'^^^ ^'"^ '^- '^- F'n<Way or Earl • Lake Huron on the west, and embrac- Mr. and Mrs. S. Sutton last, week ' ^''' '^ Thursday noon. | ,, ,„ „,, appro-ximately equal to the moved into rooms in the Clayton ; RECEIVES $2,836 FOR 31 HEAD block. Mr. Alex JMcKechnie and OF BEEF CATTLE family will move; into the residence ; jcross from McTavish's garage. i Angus Weber last fall bought a j bunch of Western cattle, 28 in all Commission's Niagara system. The past year was the first for the oper- ation of this new consolidated sys- tem. The commission completed ihe extension to the South Falls generat- ing station on the Muskoka River, Chalmers United Young People s ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^j^ ^^ ^^^^^^ 0„ Tues- Guild paid a social visit to St. Johns^^^ ,^g^ j^^ ^^,j ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ thati^^'hich increases the output of this League on Monday evening. A joy- 1 ^^^^ weighed 32,980 pounds, an av- i Plant by approximately 3,500 hoi-se- ous time was spent in games, con- ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ,j^j^ ^^^^ ^.,^5 pounds. ' Po^er. tests and Junch. 1 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^ ^^ g ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ | partially Sacrament was given in Chalmer's Mr. Weber also sold a bull, weighing United church on Sunday afternoon. ; 1,790 pounds ,at 5 cents per pound. Foilr new membei-s w-ere received ; Two fine butcher heifers were sold to into the church, two by confession of W. G. Oatman, one of the local but- faith, and two by certificate. I chers, at 6*4 cents per pound. The I total amount obtained for the 31 head !was $2836,65. The cattle had done exceptionally well, having gained on the average about 60 pounds per head per month. An average gain of 50 pounds per month is generally considered to be doing well. â€" London Free Prefes. Mrs. Wm. Sharp will hold an auc- tion sale of household effects at her home on Lots 161â€"162, W. T. & S.' R., Artemesia, on Thursday, March 18th. See posters. Geo. Duncan auc- tioneer. The inventor of barbed wire has died at the age of 100. He didn't That salesman is adver- \ come in contact with the working end of his invention. For a very small wage you can em- ploy salesmen that will reach thous- ands of people in town and district ev- ery week and tell about your mer chandise. tising. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Un- ited church are holding an Irish Stew supper in the bapement of the church on Wednesday (to-night) Mar. 17th. Admission 25 cents. Every- body come. A good time for every- one. Mr. D. G. Russell, formerly <rf Dundalk was married recently at New Liskaird, Ont. to Mias Edith Greenwood of that town. "Darby's" many friends at Flesherton wish him prosperity in his new home. The young couple will reside at Alliston, where Mr. Russell has entered in< to the hardware business. A credit auction sale of farm stock Implements, etc., will be held bgr Mr. John. S. McMillan at his farm 1% miles west of Ceylon on Monday, March 22nd. See posters. John; O'Neill, auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. I McMillan intend moving into Ceylon j and will occupy the house the pur-< chased some time ao from R. K. Gib- son. , An additional extension is completed which will pro- vide a new unit of approximately 2,000 horsepower at Hanna Chutes, thus making a combined increased capacity of about 5,000 horsepower on the Georgian Bay system. The total generating capacity serving the Geor- gian Bay district as about 251,000 horsepower. SPRING TERM OPENS On April 6th Advertise in The Advance OWEN SOUND Individual instruction. Business and Shorthand courses. Preparatory courses for those who missed first chance at public schooL Catalogue Free. C. A. Fleming, F.CJl. G. D. Flemisf , First Class Mercbnt Tailoring Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Bird's Mackinaws. Stocking Legs & Yarn Overalls, Smocks, Work Skirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free H. ALEX.4NDER FEVERSHAM LIVE STOCK LECTURE D EMONSTRATIO N J. M. Gardhouse, Weston, noted Shorthorn breeder, and Dr. W. E. Baker, V.S., will give addresses. . AT . FLESHERTON- McINTYRE Dr. Baker will be at Flesherton on Friday, March 19th and Mclntyre on Thursday, March 18th Mr. Gardhouse will speak at Mclntyre on Friday, March 19th. T. S. COOPER, Ag'l Rep. Age has compensation. At sixty to-day and take the paper. You'll en- you no longer get excited about the joy everj' issue and get several times things that don't matter. ^^^ ^^j^^ .^^ ^^^^,^ bargains in store The Advance is adding new sub- , , ., , . ,, ., , .. ,. ^ u 1 T^ goods and other thmgs you womd scribers to its hst each week. If you ** " are not ateady a subscriber,' come in like to know about. If you can keep your disposition sweet and sunny, it is lots of fun to work in the post office. The oth- er day a patron on one of the rural routes sewed his postage stamp on the letter. Possibly he didn't have any "stickem.' Auction Sale of Household Effects LOT 72, 2nd Range, N. E. T. & S.R. Artemesia THURS , MARCH 18 at the home of Mr. Fred Taylor, near Portlaw, the estate of the late Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, when the following will be offered: j One red cow supposed to be in calf. ! range stove nearly new and pipes; 1 j parlor heater sfiove, coal oil stove 2 burner and oven ; 6 octave Bell organ, i dining room table, % dozen dining room chairs, rocking chair and arm i chair; glass kitchen cupboard, parlor table; hair cloth sofa good as new, Lounge bed, 3 piece bed room suite, 3 bed steads, bureau, large washstand small kitchen table, 3 feather ticks and bed clothing, carpets, washing machine, Chatham incubator 120 egg size good as new. Large mirror and pictures, barrel churn, 2 '•2 cords dry hardwood, dishes, pots pans etc. TERMS:-Cash on all articles, ex- cept cow, 6 months credit on approved joint note. j JOS FERRIS, Auctioneer Don't Throw Away Your Old Gillette Safety Razor Blades USE AN INGERSOLL BLADE SHARPENER -THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ON THE MARKET. $1.50 Fifteen sharpened blades pay for it. Diamonds on Credit. Watches on Credit. oâ€" -~â€" a W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON FLESHERTON jiaiaigjaiaiaigjsjBiaiaajaiaHaiaii isrcjiraisisiaiaaiaiaEiaraiBiaiaiaisiaaEfsiaEfaE^ SPRING MILLINERY THIS WEEK WE PLACE IN STOCK A VERY DESIRABLE SELECTION OF READY-TO-WEAR SPRING MILLINERY. YOU WILL FIND OUR STYLES CORR- ECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR AND OUR PRCES VERY REASONABLE. NEW SPRING GOODS Art Sateens Drapery Chintrcs Curtain Muslins Bungalow Nets Quilt Printo i- Silk Crepes ^ . Paiama Ootiui Unf eri« Cre^ â- 51.; Victorian Prints ». ^^ " Galateas . ^ ^ fiinglKann * ' ^ Broaddotfais ^ '^ Printed Voilet Fancy Dress Lengtiii Silk and Wool CriffN â- : Fancy Silk. \ j; J! SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW JARDINERES. FLOWER POTS AND VASES. NEW ENGLISH GOODS. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT.

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