Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1926, p. 7

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BATTERYLESS RADH) SET PROVING TO BE WHAT PEOPLE ARE WATTING FOR Populanty and Succest of Roger* BatteryleM Radio Achievement for Canada. The BaUeryUMi Radio which oper-.the past et-ven mo.iUi», (lie many un- •tes from either 25 or 60 <>ycle e!«.trlc ' J"«'««> <^''^ .r'^l*?:?" XTrt . ' acalnst It liar* dlHauycarcU. The fact current ha« revolutionized lUdk,. The ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^,^ ^^^.^ ^ ^^^ p„^ i,. j,!, eonTeulences of havlug no batieriai home on approval to fliid out. fthows to buy, replace or rundown, thus elim- thai iho Kogei* dealer hea faith In Inatln^ 50% of Radio troublea, U »*> thin wonderful new Hadlo Invention, apparent that the fanjllles plaLuIngl If thWr-m no Rogi^ro dealer In jour to purchase a radio set now arc na- ! comiuunity, write the Q.n.B. Music taraily turninc to the Rogers Battery- 1 Company Cauada. Limited. Toronto, EUeven Saved. Th« like Mtlon aaiong New Zealand youth, hut they admitted that •'women and sl'la" were also d iet-u.'iseJ, The question. I "How do boys trept forelKnerii?" | [brought forth iMWue tliought-provoklng : ' rf-pltes. â- â€¢With little respeei," waa one | I "Treat them rough," w«» another. A j 'third wa.«. "Wa look on Iht- ClilaamaJi | 1 with icoru, jiud ether i^eoplo with â-  curiosity." A hoy (who showijd no Intention elM-where ..t being huiuorou-s) answer- ^ut "'^^J' 'ji^^ raa«hed the Inu they wl tile qu'iy Hii to what ttlse bexldee " ""â- " ' " ~ '*" ved eaine frrjui the »urf itiea new born. Crawling and Maggering, their clothe* tn RtripR. Their eyee «g:.pe with feer, their bodiee Lorn, With bit'od and MA-weeU dark about their llpe. Iws Set. but d-jn't buy ANY Radio until you Now that the Rogers Set has proven flr»t hear ihM RcKers, which U eup- 1 He claims by actual use In huiueH for pl^Pd on ea*y iiiniH. MEN AND WOMEN OF TO-DAY -•A From War to Peace. i Quaintly Named. Many of you wlH be Interested to Many oJerirs lan, fr<;ni personal ex- leam that Mr. GrladeU Matthews, j p^^Tltnce, tell of strange names be- wheee •'Death Ray" creete<l a eensa- j 6towe<l upon Infants at their baptiffin. tlon In two continents a year or so •go, baa turned his attention to more peaceful punsutis. One of hifi lateet Ideas Is what Ib called a Lenlniaphone, an lostrument by means of which mu£k can bo pro- duced by the action of bcam« ot light falling on the apparatus. He Is also working on a device by which a boat can be steered by beams. Hut few, I venture to think, could equal the foUowing instance, tol<l by the Bishop of Sodor and Man. A mother who was on the look-out for II nam<? for her child, saw on a door of a building the word •'Noamo. It attracted her and adopt it. Some few diiys later, pausing the same building, she saw the name "King" on another door. She thought Lii. «:„_ .1 the two would sound well together, bo riia experience. . . , . . », ,^, the bov was baptltied Nosmo King Good «orle« of the sea come na- g^j^jj •> turally to Earl Beatty. and one of hla q^ h^ wny home from the church beet concerns a certain officer of the I ^^ere the christening ceremony had King^s Navy who had for many years suffered from chronic sore throat. war miglil duv-elop qualltiee which come out of war: •'Football and mar- riage." J.spanese youtlis, with curious gener- o«lty. placed the white race. In ans- wer to a question, as superior both to the yellow and thij black. * To Banff in the Roclde*. O: VVorLd of alinoftt-singing inone, Of peacock blue and gold. The hues tlust paradiHO may own But mountains cannot hold. My heart kaows well the bright dla- trcs.i That to your pe«los must coma To liear tiiis lyric lovelinefi-; Vet Ftand forever dumb. My heart knows- well, for It has heard A song- it cannot sing .\n song the hrooit.-< hcive, word for word. Ami birds upon iho wing, she decided to! While I. who would sa love to voice j .luet one of beaaty's days, Must watch tho bursting trees rejoice I taken place, she again passed the building. The two doors on which she And till'! no lougT-o to praise. -T. Morris Longstretli In Tho Monitor. wrung their coatd, Grinned each at oth^r for iheir sad array : And (Hjughed and spat tl-e water from their throats, A* though they spat the adventure clean away. â€" Ruth Ma- n lug-Sanders. MOTIIErnVHolTvE Mb DIHV'S 0W.\ T.4i;ii:TS Always Strongly Recommend Them to Other Mothers. OiK-e a motlic-r has uted Baby'e Own Tablets for her Utile ones she will use nothing eiKe - actual experience teacher her that there is no otuer medicine to eqi:al them for any of the minor ailments from which her baby or lltt.!e ones suffer. Having found the value of tho Tablets in her own home, she Is always anxious that otlier moth- ers should shai'Q her knowledge. That ia why Mrs. C'rolghton White. North UTTERLY DISiOUlAGED At last, while on leave In London, he had seen the names were now closed determined to sea a specialist about together, and what «he read was not k. and accordingly paid a visit to Har- ..^-^^^ kj^^. but "No Sinoking." ley Street. The doctor he consulted, being a great believer In simple remedies, asked htm if be had ever tried salt- water gargling. "Well," was the reply, "I've been torpedoed six times." Mr. The Bell. Stanley Baldwin's affection for Seeing is Believing. Lord Desborough, who has reeenily formulated a scheme for controlling the Thames floods, is the only man alive who has twice swum across the rapids of the Niagara river immediate- ly below the Falls. The story of how he came to repeat the hazardous feat Is well worth re- English things Is shown by this story, ' peating. â€" which he told at a private gathering 1 He was about to return to England recently. ' after successfully accomplishing his Standing on a hill hear Florence, he j first swim, when an American profess- taeard a bell ringingâ€" "Such a boll as ' ed his incredulity. was never on land and sea, a bell ! "No man could swim the rapids be- Thls Was the Condition of a P.E.I. Woman Before Taking Dr. WiUbms' Pink Pills. whose every vibration forced an echo In my innermost heart It was the most beautiful bell I ever heard." His hostess then told him that it was an English bell, bought by an Italian from the owner of a very an- cient English abbe7. low the Palls from bank to bank; the thing's impOseible," he said bluntly. Lord Desborough shrugged his shoul- ders. "Then I had better go back and swim them again," he retorted, to convince you." And he did! ".My illness began," says Mrs. M. J. i Ahern, R. H. .No. 2, .\lherton, I'.K.l. | "when my hu:-.band went overseas and 1 was left with the caro of a farm iiud ; stock, with no helii but that of a young ^ boy. My health broke down and tor ' the first time In my lite 1 became ui-' terly dU-^courage«l. 1 lost my appetite, ! had no strength, and was ready to ^ have ii crying spell any moment of the i day. as the work loomed up ahead of 1 me. .\ friend happene<l to speak one | day ot the good Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills had done her and urged me to ! try them. I had not energy enough,! or perhaps confidence enough, to try ! them, but she would not be denied and j sent me three boxes, and by the time I bad taken them 1 knew they were helping me and was anxious for more. I continued taking the pills for nearly Noel Uoad, N.S., writes the following: â€" "I have a baby seventeen moniha old and have given him noiJiing but j Baby's Own Tablets ever since he was I a week old. I know of no other medl- I cine to equal them, and It Is certainly I a pleasure to recommend them to other mothers." Baby's Own Tablet* are a mild but thorough laxative that regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the sickly baby well and happy again. They are sold b# medicine dealers or by mail at 2.") cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' -â- ^lediciiie Co., Brockviile, Oat. C« "is good tea" TEH Transfiguration. Cold blue the night. Steel blue the moon; My breath was white As uioth cocoon. A night so cbiU My careful tread Creaked â€" and was still Creaked â€" and was deed. Then, window-glow. Through festooned frost. Above, below, Halt seen, haif lost In forest lake, In lake and fern. In fern and brak«, A tendril's turn Revealed your hand And then your f&o« In fairyland Of fr<;ien lace. â€" Forman Brown. The Legacy. not simply to have and to hold â€" let , ; him show It by playing a man"* part There is no bequest a man can make : ^^ ^ ^.^j.,^ ^.^^^^^^ ^^^,^. ^^^^ ^^.^^^^ to his family that m more to be de- , ^^^^^ ^.^^^ ^^^ ^.^j„^^_ ^^.^^^^ ^^ sired than his good name This wor.d ; ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ enfeeble<l can do. I^t will never become so mechanized as to ^j,^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^j,^^^ ^^^^ ,^^^^ lose sight of the merit or demerit of ; ^^^^ ,„^^, ^,^ ^^^^ ^.^.^^ ^^ ^j^j ^^^.^_ human beings taken one by one. Hall the meaning of patriotic c^elebration, ; ^^ ^.3,, ^^ ^(^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ biographic study or heraldic ore, | j„ ^, „,.^^.j ^^^^i^_ remembering always when these mean anything at all. la j ^^^^ conscience and character are the the inspiration of a mesi^age from the ^^tter part of any paternal legacy past to the living present; and any' parent has succeeded In this world when lie transmits to his oflfepriug an honorable reputation built up by years of clean, fair dealing. When the assets ot a busin<»« are estimated, beyond the value of the buildings made wiUi hand.? is the la- tangible but real structure built with minds that would not descend to any kind ot crooked practice and, through adversity or prosperity, have ke-pt the talth with every one. Any business company In our generation cares tor Ms historic tradition; there is some- thing the matter If the officers pro- tend to be so busy now that they have no time to remeiuber anything that happened yesterday. What applies In the ethical tradition of commerce is true of a family suc- oeeslon. The worM thinks little of a man who endlessJy prates ot what his forbears did ever so long ago and eeeme to think their service juetlfie* him In expecting a deference now which in.hla own person, on his own â- ccount, he never did anything to earn. i:p,« non-.acii. sIubkioIi iivd.anJ acid comii- U he to proud of what la tninsmltted tun c»im« bad breath, seigcl's Syrup B«»>t the . ' caua*. fry it and have a wholesoni* breath. to him to enlarge and Improve*â€" and i Adv drugstore. 3is' six months and by that time I had safe- ; I ly passed a critical period in my life, . and regained my usual good health, j ^"^ I To all overworked, nerve-racked wo- ; menâ€" and there are a groat m.vuy of: them â€" I still say, and at ail timos, take' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I know ' you wi'.l regain your energy." j There are many troubles due to j weak, watery blood easily overcome ! by a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink; Africa Land of Music. More even than It is a land of flam- buoyant flowers and riotous color, Af- rica us a land of music, says Rebecca Hourwich in Collier's. Music Is every- where, and you cannot escape It Every native has some musical instru- ment, bought perhaps from slender wages, but more likely fashioned out of any material close at hand â€" fi»m IflO-gallon oil containers to sundried calabashes. Not even the misslonarlee ctin dam- pen this penchant for Joyous noise. On the contrary, Indeed, the natives ' aird their music tend to liven up the missionaries. .\t one mission I watch- ed a rotund little father perched pre- cariously on a rickety stool, conduct- ing the dai'.y hynuis. .\ roomful of Christianized blacks fthuffled and sway- ed aji dsent forth hymns that fairly rocked the little structurs. MInard't Liniment for^olds. * The Reaaon. Tommy â€" '•Mamma, didn't you say last week you wanted the carving- knife and the chopper sharpened 7" Mrs. Brown â€" "Indeed I did. Bless his little heart! How thoughtful you are!" "Well, I'll take them around to tho cutler's for you." "How sweet of you to offer to do such things for your mamma, dear. I'll wrap them up." "No, don't wrap them up. I want them to show. There's a boy out there waiting to ftglit me; but I fancy when he sees me coming hell go home." Classified Advertisements. Fou .sAix -Tiiuu; QL'AJiTKa suenoNB ni Uad In on* ta tha b«ai wtiMl iiroauiUnc dU* uii'U at SukitcbawiD : biilKlliin north lio.uoo: tM per urn; rc&atjlubU Irmif of J. SaiuioD. ItAriDOrc. Buk. PAjriiMDt Addrfln, C. R CHJFINO AT irUOiJ:SAXK. tU*X>*lAi« "Earljr Bird" tala at rocflnt, Aiwdt oolf, buyers ut* br onl»rttt« tpriag nmd» ti Rrllibla grulM anil lieary ««Jjtbi«. Vmsbt paid. ihf^c whnlesate ^nn' ««. Sankpl«« itul i»t«losti« «f Butlder'i UsUrlali FOEi:. Tb* lUlMdaf Co.. Llnut- •d. 10 Jftrkion StrrM, Uuulllon. UAiLTâ€" EITUKJi HKX-UOMJC WOJtK - eiyerlnne umwcnjiary. Wrtt»; Sw Bulldins AgrtxcT. Hull. <iu«L S5.0<)' Song. A •unS'hlne heart and a ooul of song, Love for hate and right tor wnoni,-; Softly speak to the weak, help them aJon^r, A sunshine heart, and a soul ot scng. â€" Robt Loveman. â€" ♦ Telephoning by wireless from mov- ing trains has been successfully tried on British railways, although tunnels caused a distinct "fading^" of the voice. ?ja-i[JTOPit)OTHACHE Sry/ INSTANTLY v^ LaM a LoBg Time. l ^^ SOLD EVERYWHERE jii^* ^Smrnm S. Wri^fai ft C0., 1 i Tnn gJ, Oianlhl*n, TvraMa Case of Necessity. •'So you've Joined the Salvation Army! Well, well." "Yep, I drew this* trombone on a raffle and the neighbors wouldn't let me practice at home." w ET FEET. Take no chances with colds. R'ab your feet well with Mlnard'8. ing to earn, but let him spend himself! Pills. The whole mission of this medi-' cine is to purify and enrich the blood, and when that is doue all the varied ; symptoms ot anaemia disappear and | good health returns. Tou can get Dr. ' Wi'.iiams' Pink Pills from any drug-j gist or by mail at 50 cents a box from j The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock- the A Mean Man. Mrs. Hoyle â€" "Is your husband a man of means?" Mrs. Doyle- "The meanest ever." «. The Truth. "James, spell cloth," said the tea<A- er. James was silent, "Come, come," said the teacher. You know the word. What Is your co&t made of?" "Father's old pants" replied the boy. j villa. Out. On a Clothesline. Two girls wert< talking over wire. Both were discussing what they ! should wear at tho party. In the midst i ot this Important conversation, a mas- culine voice Interrupted, asking humb- ly for a number. One of tho girls be-' came indignant and scornfully asked: "What line do you think you are on, ; i anyhow ?" ••Wrfl." said the man, "1 am not sure I but Judging from what 1 have heard. I should say I was on a clothesline." *~ Wait TiU the End. sit thou a patient looker-on; Judge not the play before the play is done. â€" QuaKes. Sourc: of Income. "No, sir;" said Dr. Jalap. "I wouldn't havo that apple tree cut tor money." "But you never get any fruit from it," argued Brown; "the boys steal all the apples before they are half ripe." "That's Juct it." replied the doctor, with a quiet smile; "the tree stands me In a good thousand dollars every year." O A pound of melancholy will not p?»* an ounce of debts. Old Remedy Relieves Kidney Trouble. A Grateful User Telia of His Thank- fulntsi for Warner's. What Youth is Thinking. Christ wa« put first by 400 out of 600 Japanese schoolboys who were as.ked by the Y.M.C.A., "WTiat three great men have exerted the greatest lo- flueuCK) In the world?" Buddha wae • I naci«"l by only 249 In the country of Wonderful results have been obtain- ij),„i,ihi/>in. nnd Contucliie by 185. Na ed In combating kidney trouble by fol-!p<,j^„n ,ii<, Japanese Emjjeror Melji lowing tHi-tain ru'ca of diet and the fanno. Kaiser Wllhelm II, and Thora;is use ot Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver ; E(jiaon came next. Uomedy, a pit-paration on the market j The Y.M.C.A. Is conducting a world- ut-arly 60 year*. jwlde Inquiry to find what youth Is Your medl- â-  t^ioUng Answers now to hand from The human race began but a short time ago, and uay have millions of years before it.â€" Sir Oliver Lodge. The meek do not inherit the earth; they go to the w«lL â€" Canon Donald- son. A grateful user writes; cine Is a mlrBcIe to me. was reduced from XXil to when I left the hospital In despair. I bc«au to use Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy and at once com- msnoed to improve. Now everyone to wylng to mo that I look better than ever. Every word I have written Is true and I can prove It by hundreds w*oknewof mycoivdltlon." Warners Safe Kidney ami Liver Remedy Is made from herbs and has been •old for nearly 50 ye«irs, a true Indication of Its worth. Oet a bottls to-day. SoH by all druggists. Price $1.25 pw bottl«. Wani«T'« Safe R«m«dt«s : po., Torvato, Ontario. I My weight Japan, South Africa and Now Zealand 114 poui»d* ^j,ow that the tlioughts of youth are sometimes wrong. A New Zealand boy, as^ed wheiher God had any favorite nation, answer^ ed: "Bncland â€" because It aays so In the BibU." .\nother answered: "Yes. the white rac»," and gave the same Scriptural authority. King George, the Prince of Wales, and Mr. Henry Ford are, la the opinion of most New Zealand bo}-*, the most bnvort^^'t nien In the world. Others of British nationality hiclude Mr. Bald- win, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. Lord Jelllco». snd Mr. Rudyard Kipling. Sport la tho chief subject of convcr- BEAUTIPT IT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Just Dip to Tint or to Dye Boil j Colds Are Not i' Necessary Evils Observance of One Funda- mental Ru!s of Health Pro- I tccts Against Them Whether or.s catches cold easily is largely a cuestion of physical condi- tion. If the !{cnLT.il vitalily is low, resistance to disease ia weak and at such a time a cold ia easy to contract and diflic'ilt t3 chfck. Constipation i:- fiiquently the cause of such r. st.ite of LeaUh, with itj atten- dant listlcssnes-j, biliousness, headaches and a general iaci; of Mtaliiy. Puisons from the waste matter that remains behind after iiupropfi', irregular bowel elimination .ir* pitkcd uji by the blood and carried to every pirt of the body. They weaken your resistance to disease. Thousands of ,ricoplr who have »iif- fcred from self-poistning in this way ha\e four.ii thr-t Na'd, the internal lubrica.lt nj-ttc^ bcwclelirijiaationsuro and easy'. Nujol joftcns ihs waste matter and {>ennits thorough and regular elimina- tion without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. Nujol can be taken for any length of time with no ill effects. If you take cold easily, ask your druggist for Nujol to-day â€" ami remem- ber, look for^^he n.ime "Nujol" in red on both bottle and package. ADVICE FOR HOME BUILDERS Hundreds of homo makers have availed thc-msclvea of the informa- tion on Planning, Building, Finan- cing. Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening conttilned in the Mac- Lean Bullder.s' Guide. Profusely lUuBtrated. Send 20c for a copy. Questions answered. Maclvean Building Reports. Ltd., S44 Ad«- lalde St "West, Toronto. 0tme-. ASPIRIN PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine III- neu Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compoond Barrington, N. S.â€" "I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches aiid pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and notliing would do me good. Mv husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in tiie paper* about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoimd, and then got a little book about it through the mail. and my husband sent to Eaton's ana got me a botue, and then we got more from the store. I am feeiing fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. 1 tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel 9o well. ' '-Mrs. Victor RicuAJiDBON. Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Paina in Back St Thomas, Out. â€" "1 took fotir bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and foimd great re- lief from the duil, heavy pains in the small of mv back and the weakness from which I suffered for five year* after my boy was bom. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkhaifi's SajiativeWash I am feeling better than I have for tho ?a.«t aeven years, and advise my riendsf to take it."- Mrs.K.JoiWSON, 4» Moore Street. St. Thomas, Ont. C I>«ar4'« Liniment usM by physicians. Kach 15-cent v.-tcli- age co&UIn; dire:- ' t:ons to ftlmpla any . ? Oman can tint soft, ' lellcats shades or dye rich, permanent . color* In llngeria «llks, ribbons. »klrt«. waists, < r e « 8 e • 1 n K t S . KlOCkingS, ' kweaters. draperiw. covsrlrgs. bai glngj -everything! Ifjy i>iimon.i I.^yos â-  no other klo ! - i ani! toll your druggist whether the tnv : terlal yoa wish to ooljr H wo â- >l or gllk. ' or whslhsr It U ilaeu, colion or niiisd (OOdA. I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism Why Bald So Young! I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Sc/^ Accept only "B.iyer" package •which contains proven directions. Randv "Bnver" boTM of 12 tubleti Also Wtlea'of 24 and 100â€" Dru^gietn. ..•M»t*r of ?.l'<-5llc«-lrt iAo»f.^l lUliejUc Acid. "A. 8 A.">. Wl.1 !.. It IX 7*' J"r" U litit Ooavuf wUt b« iiMBiied wlU Ibetr feJWMl tr»U« ui»i», Ibe Ii.iJ<-. <-»<•». Culicura Will Help You To pwvent losi of hair. Paitdnifl. usuttHy the cause of ]<rrni».«re b«idne»!>, may Ije easily rriiioved by rsgular shampoos wtth Culicura Soap, preceded by louche* vl C \ti- c'lra Ointment. This treatii em keeps the scalp clean atid titahby and promotes hair growth. ntmrit bell rn» >r lt>IL *.:tl'~» < â- 0~ Cvlicura Shvint 5:ick 29o. ISSUE No. 11â€" 'ZS

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