The Delicious Flavor iv drawn from tl«« leaves of SAUDA' II Haet GREEN TEA Hflks MTon it tnllllons of users. Finer tKan any Japan* Gunpo'virder or Yotani^ Hyson. AsK for SALAOA. (F The Phantom of tbc Opera BY GASTON LEROUX ( HAPTER XIX.â€" (Cont'd.) "Ah, I am not going to die yet . . . presc-iitly 1 f;ha;i ... but let nM> cry! . . . Listen, (larogB . . . listen to this . . . While I was at her- feet ... I heard her say, 'Poor, unhappy Erikl' . . . And ?he took my hand! I had b{-«iâ€" .0 iiO mcrt, you know, than a poor dog ready to die for h«r. . . . I nw-iin it, daroga! ... 1 held in my hand a rinp, a plain gold ring wWch out. Bjt )ie reflccte^i that, even when] blind, Krik would fetitl be ab'.e to build tio remarkable a house for anothwr bovereigri; and alio that, a» long as Erik was a'.ive, so,ti« one would krovr the gecrrt of the wonderful p«laoe. Erik's death was decided upon, to- * gether with that of all the laborers I who had worked under his orders. The ! exetution of this abominable decree devoilved upon th<- daroga of Ma«en- deran. Erik had shown him Koma filight services and procured him many a hearty Iuu!>h. He .saved FJiik by providing him with th« means rf eticace, but nt^i".y paid with his bead for nis gtnerrus indulbctire. Fortunately for the daroga, a corpse half-eaten by the Lird.s of prey, was found on tht hhorc of lbs Ca^ipian .Sea, and wa.s taken for Erik's body, be- cause the darojra's friends had drefl-iieJ the remains in clothing that be'.onged to Erik. The darogn wa.-; let off with I S^ the loss of tho imperial favor, the confiscation of his property and an ordter of perpetual banishment. As for Erik, he went to Asia Minor and thence to Constantinople, where he entered the Sultan's cmp'.oym'ent. In explanation of the services which he was ab'e to render a monarch haunted by perpetual terrt '-s', 1 need only say thnt it was Erii. who con- .'-tructed nil the fainoua trap-doors and •â- ^i'crct chamber.f and mysterious jtrong^oxt:) which wei© found at Vidie-Kiosk ufter the last Turkish . , I â- , • . , r,.'vo'.ution. And t M- call drove off into th^" muht. ; of course, he had to leave the Sul- Ihe PerMaii had swn the poor, un lun', services for the ^^ame reasons that mads him fly from Persia; he knew too much. Then, tired of his ad- vtnturous, forraidnble and mon^.trous life, b? lorg-d to be some one, "like everybody else." And he became a contractor, like any ordinary conti ac- tor, building ordinary houses with fortunate Erik for the last time, Three weeks lalfr, (he Epoque pub lished tliis ad-verti.sement ; "Erik i-. dead." EPILOGUE. /^^ Heaviest moleim uu THE COSTUME COMPLETE. A frockâ€" a coat â€" the costume cont- I have no^v told the .singular, but ; ordinary bricka. He tendered for part | veracious story of the Opera (Jihost. j of the foundations in the Opera. His I had given her . . . which she had \ As 1 declared on the first pape of thi.s \ estimate wa.-* accepted. When he found | lost ... a wedding-ring, you know, i work, it is no lon;;er po:-.-ib;e to deny , himself in the collars of the enormous j ... I slipped it into her little hand I that Erik really lived. There are to- playhou.'^e, his arti.stic, fantastic, wiz- and said, 'There! . . . Take it! . . .day so many proofs of hi-t existence i ard nature re.'sumed the upper hand.] . .4. v^ ». Take it for you ... and him! . . . i within the reach of everybody that we' Be.sides, wat. he not as ug^ as ever? j ?»»â€" "^ans not on.y smartness, Wit It shall be my wedding-present . . . a ] can follow Erik's aciions logically | He <Iream>>d of creating for his own ! comip-ete smartness, and is more than present from your poor, unhappy ; through the v.hole tragedy of the ' wst- n dw^^ling unknown to the rett of â- a fashion, it is a necessity for the Erik. ... I know you love the lx)y ' ("hagnj-s. I the curth, where he could hide from 'smart woman. Madam removes her ^ .... don't cry any more!' . . . She' There is no need to repeat here i men'.s eyes for all time. | coat to disclose a frock of equal chic,! asked me, in a very soft voice, what j how greatly the case excited the capi- The reader knows and guesses the| ^ \io\^ in perfect harmony a* ex- 1 1 meant. . . . Then I made her under- tal. The kidnapping of the artist, the , re.-t. It is all in keeping with this â- ' ^-^ :_ jj,^ rnodel pictured here of i Btand that, where she was concerned, ' death of the Comte de Chagny under; incrodilile r.nd yet veracious story. | {; . ^ •. • „ .^ j„ a.^,^ tk..' 1 was only a poor dog, ready to die ! such exceptional conditions, the dis-i, unhappy Erik! Shall we pity , "asha in strikmg border design ine, for her . . . but that she could marry I appearance of his brother, the drug-] him? Shall wo curse him? He asked; «>»* «s fashioned on straight hMa, the young man when she pleased, be- &ing of the gasman at the Oiera and j only to be "some one," like everybody | with set-in sleeves showing the boirder cau;.' she had cried with me and j of his two assi^tants: what tragedies,; else. But he was too ugly! And he ait the lower edge and on the collar.! mingled her tears with mine!" Erik's emotion was so great that he had to tell the Pers-ian not to look sweet and charming Christine! . j what passions, what crimes had sur-, had to hide his genius or use it to ^ The one-piece drees has centre-front ! rounded the idyll of Raou! and the; play tricks with, when, with an ordi- ' fagtening ending in an inverted plait, fastening ending nary face, he would have been one of i^^^j |^„g ^jgi^t g^eeves finished with! at him, for he was choking and must â- What had become of that wonderful, j the most distinguished of mankind! i t^i'ored cuffs The coat No 1052 is take off hi.'< mask. Tho daroga went ' mysterious artist of whom the world He had a heart that could have held i . ' . oj oc oo .i/v/io ' j 'i< • ,.Loo ' to the window and opened it. His 1 was never, never to hear again? . . . I the empire of the world; and, in theij" sizes, d4, 3b, JB, 40,4^ and 44 incnes, heart was full of pity, but he took caro "Sho was represented as the victim | end, he had to content himself with a ; «>"â- *• Size 86 bust requires 3% yarcte to keep his eyes fixed on the trees in of a rivalry between the two brothers; the Tuilenes gardens, lest he should and nobody suspected what had really Bee the monster's face. j happened, nobody understood that, as "I went and relea.sed the young Raoul and Christine had both disap- man," Erik continued, "and told him pcjired, both had withdrawn far from to come with m- to Christine. . . . ' the world to enjoy a happiness which They kissed before me in the lyouis- ' they would not have cared to mako cellar. Ah, yes, we must needs pity 54-inch material. The dress. No. 1071, the Operft ghost. | is m sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches I have prayed over his mortal re- bust. Size 36 bust requires 5 yards mains, that God might show him se-inch, or 3% yards 54-inch material mercy, nothwithstanding his crimes, p^ce 20c each pattern. Yes, I am sure, quite sure that 1| <-,,._ t^„„vi^„ ij„„i, jn prayed beside his b^y, the other day. I O"' ^»^"<»" ®^'*' 'â- ' •llustrating the Philippe room. . . . (Tiristine had my 'public after the inexplicable death of i when they took it from the spot where |»«^^.""'' "^^^^ practical styies, win ring. ... I made Christine B\vcar to Count Phil'ippe. . . . They took the i they were burying the phonographic i <>« <« interest to every home dres6- come back, one night, when I waa ; train one day from "the northern rail- j records. It was his skeleton. I did j maker. Price of the book 10 cents dead, crossing the lake from the Rue- jway station of the world." \ not recog:nize it by the ugliness of the the copy. Scribe sire, and bury me in the great- ' If tho reader v/il! visit the Opera' ht-ad, for all men are ugly when they] jiqw to ORDER PATTE&NS est (iecre<.'y with ths gold ring, which | one morning and ;.sk leave to stroll have licen dead as long as that, but * F-he v/as to wear until that moment. . . ' where he pleases, without L-einf; ac- by the plain gold ring which he wore Write your name and address plain- I told her where she would find my companicd by a Blupid guide, let him and which Christine Dane had certain- jy^ giving numbsr and size of such body and what to do with it. . . Then go to Box Five and knock with hLs ; ly slipp-ed on his finger, when she came patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in Chri.Htine kissed me, for the first time, or Ktick on the enormous column 1 to bury him in accordance with her j gjamng or coin (coin preferred- v.Tap h*rBelf, here, on the foivhead â€" don't that separates this from the stage-box. t promise. | ,^ carefully) for each numlier and look, daroga! â€" and they went on to-' He will find that the column .sounda I The .skeleton was lying near the lit- -jj_.., „.„1 order to Pattern Dept gether. . . . Christine had K£opi)ed Ivolliow. Aft«r that do not b? aston-ltlo well, in the place where the Angel S^.t n w u- r" -79 iv » hA^ crying. . . I alone cried. . . . Daroga. ^ ished by the suggestion that it was i of Mu.«ic first held Christina Daac! J^"«>n Publishing ^O;. '<> west Aoe- daroga, if Christine keeps her prom- o<cupie(l by the voice of the ghost; | fainting in hist trembling arms, on the ; '*lâ„¢ St., Toronto. Patterns sent oy <-. ir-(., she wil-1 come back Foon!" 'then- is room inside the column for ! night when he carried her down to the return mail, Tht- mimster resumed his mask and two men. If you are surpri.-ied that, ' cellars of the opera-house. | _ collected his strength to leave the when tho various incidents occurred, I And, now, wliat do they mean to do daioga. He told him that, when he no one turned round to look at the 'with that skeleton? Surely they will felt hiw end to be very near at hand, column, you nuisl remember that it' not bury it in tho common grave! . . . ho would send him, in gratitude for presented the appearance of solid , I say that the place of the skeleton tho kindness which the Porsian had niaible, and that the voice contained |of the Opera ghost is in the archives oncc- shown him, that which he h<'l»i in it seemed rather to come from the of the National Academy of Music. It dearert in te world: all Christine side, for, as we have seen, the; ia no ordinary skeleton Uaae's paper."", which f.he had written was an cxp.-rt ventrilo<|uist. for K.Toul'.s benefit and I'-'ft with Erik, According to the Persian's account, together with a few objects belcinging Eril< was born in a small town not t/o her, surh iis a pair of gloses, a far from Rouen. He was tho son uf rhoc-buckl.' and ttvo pocket handker- a master-mason. He ran away at an • hiefs. In reply to the Persian's (|ue:-- early age from his father's house, tioiis, Erik told him tluit the two wh^re his ujjliness was a subject of young people, as sfwii as they found horror and terror to his parents. For themselves free, had resolved to go a lime he fretiuented the fairs, where To use Lux for the entire family wash is to prolong the life of fabrics, thereby lessening the strain on the family treasury. Important The long enduring popularity of Lux has encouraged imt- tations. For your protection Lux is nrjer sold in bulk â€" only in packages -with Levtr Brothers Limited nami m each package. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto 'T^HE same quality in Lux that thor- oughly cleanses and preserves woollens, deals gently with the filmy things that are so beautiful and cost so much. St534_ (The End.) MInard's Lln'msr.t for dandruff. Three Riddles Served. Protecting Source of Natives' Food Supply. Tlie protection of the i'ame supply of the Northwest Territories ha.5 been given special conRlderatlou by the Dominion Government during recsnt years. Particular attention has been directed to the cariiHiu, on which the natives, Indians and Enklmos, who are â- Chained. I want 10 see the fi'endor spars Dark against the moon; I want to feel the deck's plunge And hear the wind's rune. My coulter cuts ths stubWed sod (I heard a pull cry Flying toward tho open sea) I am a cnptlve, I. Chained by sordid clrcumstauce To furrow out this lea, When I would go lu a »witt All Baloney. Meat Dealer â€" "All our smoked saus- ; Uie wardH of the Government, depend I j^es are ot the very highest quality " I Why do wo use the expression "ap- for food, clothing, and other necfisl- ] Customer- "That's all baloney "my of iome instnmieiit, such as a picture, pie plu order" when we mean that ties. The valuable wild life Is pro- , friend." . transmits emotion to a respou-slve per- The Artist. An artist then is one, who by me*uu» and look for a priest in some Nmoly a showman exhibited him as "thtf liv- 1 things arc exactly In tlieir right tected for the natlv«^ by means of pre- spot where they'coul.l hi.lo their hap'- ing corpse." He seems to have crossi ! ''••"T^- "^"3 ' The Dearborn In.lepeud- , serves (lu which all whites are pro- j Minard'. Liniment for sore throat piness and that, with this object in cd the whole of Europe, from fair to^n^ "â- '"«'» Proceeds to answer the hibited from hunting) and by bounties: .. ^ son or, at least, evokes seme aestbetlo feeling la blni, though the wish to trecamit such enoUon need not be pre- view, they had .started from" "tho fair, ai.d to have ' completed his j 'l"r6'i"n: ' '°'' ^''*"'**'"'"'^'"'° °' *'"'^'**- '^^ P"^" i Reoent I nnrlrtn r>K«»rwii»irtn« ^*="- Aivt u work of art Is the vehicle northern railway station of the strange education as an artist and! Uecausc every Saturday a certain serve.?, five lu number, aggregating j ""T^'" *-"«««" vyoservacioiM. ^j ^^^^ transmission. â€" Percy Moor« world." Lastly, Erik relied on the niagician at the very fountain-head of ' Puritan dame, Hepzibah Merton. made ; 241.800 sfluaro miles, have been set! ^"^ '**• difference among men '' | Turner, lu "The Appreciation cf Painfr Pcrhian, as scon as he* received the art and magic, among the Cypsioe. .\ ' a practice of baking two or three dozen aside by tho Department of the in- ; ''^'^''^^o those who are prepared to ,yg â- . pron.ificd relic-^ and pnpet.R, to inform icriod of Erik's life remained (luite opple pies which were to last her tarn- ' torlor and are aUnilulstertHl by its ! 8lve more than they tet and those who the young couple <f hi.s death and to I'mcure. Ht> was seen at the fair of '^jy through the week Sho In' «dverti.-«e it in tho Epo.jue. Nljni-N.,vgorod wheie ho displaj'ed^^p^ uccordlng to the day of tho Thnt wa.s a.l The Pevsmn .saw Enk him..e,t in al. h.s hideous glory. He , , to tho d<K>r of his flat, and Dnnus already .'.an|< aa nobody on the earth ^ ;"_,__ ,,____ „„,„v.,i ,..o^ J..i,i helped him down to the strc<'t. A cab liad ever sung before; ho practiced " " was waiting for him. Erik stepped ventribxiuism nnii gave displny.i of in; and the Persian, who had gono legerdemain ,•â- •,â- > extraordinary that the back to the \vindow, h'rard him cay caravans returning to Asia talked -*- to the driver: "(io to the Opera." Cany it always you/ uhom it during the whole length of their journey. In this) way, his repu- . tation jier.etrnted the waUs of the pa> wo at Mazendoran, wlicro the littlo sultana, the favorite of tho Shah-in- j Shah, was In. ring herself to death. A ' deiiler in fur.>:, returning to Samar- kand from Niini-Novgorod, told of tho marvels which he had sefii performed in Erik's tent. The trader was sum- labelled North West TeaTltorles and Yukon j ^""^ •<> K^' ">««"® <^«n 'li«y give.-- week Branch. Stanley Baldwin, nd the i During recent years further Btops | ^o he appreelate<l by the populace pantry, thus arranged, waa said to be have been taken to suppress the wolf | ''^ne*"'* no discredit upon a comiKiser. In apple pie order (menace by wtflttlug wolllng expedl- 1 ~-*'"''"^*''" ^'â- ^"'•^â„¢''*'- Why Is an unmarried woman calle<\ 1 tlons and sending them into those ' Though debt Is a duarrelsome topic, _ ^ a spinster? {parts of the north country In which j ^^ settlements at Washington have | through Uiyerg of London dirt. HecatifiP women wore prohibited wolves are known to congregate, par- j P*'«'5 '^« "^V '<"â- frlent^'y and practl- from raanying in oldon days until they tlcularly to the east of Oreat .Slave; '' «o''>"o«"' hi Europe.â€" The Ob- â- •riii spun a full set of bed furnishings and; take, where a heavy toll ot the oarlbou i**^,'.*"^' iTHc NEW WALLPAPERS Cleaned for the first time for forty years, a carpet in the drawing-room of the Premier's house. 10 Downing St., was found to be a priceless Persian carpet. It had l^ee:; unrecognizably thus, until marriage they spent much to taken during the siting and fall! ^^'^ "'"*' *''<'*' '*•* '"*" who swing* time at the spinning wheea and wers, migrations, 1 » hammer all day long, Just how, and P'=a""-RS and decokator.<i, send roa therefore, "spinsters" During the season of lft22-23 a party I "^^^ ^* " ««"^">« ^<^ ^i"» every 1,,™°^'" ,l'",^'''*J;^^„*lJ'i:^, "^'°K. Why do clergymm. habitually wear of three, operating In this region, se- ^'^k^. -P. T. II. Kirk. \ rL ^ Tl^u^cT ^t:t'^ black? i cured 135 wolves. The .success of this ! ^s surely a» contending natlon^ vie- j ' ^- •'• f^^ "„„ °' ^"• necaufio wheu Martin Luther. In ' experiment wa.* mast gratlfvlng an-l In *"'" «"'' vanqukihed. lose by war, so """ '^"'^ '*'>" »""* Rooms: I nnned to the palace and tho darogn 1524, laid neldo the hnbll of a monk July. 192«, a party of four, with pro- *"'"*''' ^° employers and employees of Mazenderan was (old to question uiiil adopted the stylo of dress pre- vlwlcns for a j-ear, was sent to the '*!** *•*' '"du-s-trial strife.â€" W. A. Ap- him. ,\<xt tho daroga wii.H in.strucfed vailing at the time, the Elector of Sax- Great Slave L;)ke area. ThI.H expcdi- to go ami find Enk. He brought him ,„ „g^,^, ,„ „^„, ,„ ^|„^ f^o,,, ,,„,g („ tlon r<-.(urnod to Fort Smith in Jnlv. Eril';"' u1-'l waTiaw"' He" wa^S 'I^ fT' V i'r\;"""- T "'"^ 'rt:'''\ "" ""Tr r\ '' "" ^ "^^ <•!' hol a fi v.- honorp, for he seemed *'""' holng foshlonahlo at the court, of 186 wolves and 2 wolverines, liot t'l know the diffcr..'nce between Luther's dlsciplea thouglit becaiue ha ; The groat destruction to gani» good and e\ il. He took part calmly in wors black, It became them to do so, ' wrought by wolves In the Northwest 818 YONGE ST. TORONTO Where Dogs Taste Good. WRIGLEYS ^F Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen and zestton of .Mnrenderan, of which tho daroga's «««o wai made by Ix.uls Pasteur SO narrative hns given mi a ffllmps«. Erik years ago. had very original ideas of tho subject t" • â- -' â- â- â- . â- . . â- 1,1.1 i<if archkccturB and thought out « pal- 1 Ra«#I ' aco much as « <onjuror contrIv€w a' l\eaa trick casket. Th« .^hah ordsrefl him "HIS BROTHER'S WIFE" t/i cxMiMtruct an edifice of this kind. ' r» r» 1 » Erik did so; and the bnflding appears j By Ruby AyreS to havs boon so Ingenious th.t His f^ ,,^,.„,y ^riiian story into which fur-beaiing oi imals caught on the trap llne.s. l-'iom the stove ligiireo It wUl bo seen that conslderablo »avhig has been effected In wild life by this feature of the Oovernnient's gania pro- tective actlvltle* In the Northwest. Gradually man's know!edc« of dis- Majeety wa? sblr to move sbmit in it ,^^ g,„^„,. y^^^ entwined adventure,' eases is becoming more and more com r.'L '.-^'^^^^ i> â€" S |f>f ""**^'!o.*' # .V 1 1 1. «L j"" ' romance and puMling situations that pletc. his control ove • them more iT.^/^EHeiy^l Jg ^Xi:^ ,t Sah-in'^I^.^'rml ^'' »">'«' >o- '"*-«^ '^ »^-» »«>-tive, and with each year of "^Jl ""'â- "• wi.l come gr«'«ter knowed;** and effi- l»«Lb No. iiâ€"Zi. himself (he jHMMssor of thin g«m, he lords rad Erik's j'ellow ey«s to be put SUrting Next Week ciency along these linen I p««on BABY CHICKS There are always three sides to au;l H.ntcbii.g ilggs from l..irge Whlt» every dispute- .TOurs, mine, and the l.rf>gbc>rns, spcci.nlly bred for Laris correct one.â€" G. W. P«ton. i Egga and iuar.y of them. Reduced .prl<M for .May ilnij June deltTery. I lOO'-;, live delivery. Write for fre» IIIiK^trated price list and order now. Ick, Box 4J3. Hsnovsp, On»! . ,Andreiv5*PIii^S "roiBorary maft- • â- •kieJi 9CM-D KVERYWHERE k^* hf-^'-SMit* US youA â- â- â- â- 'â- Ǥ |fP0ULTRY,GAME,EG6S.l i BUTTER*-" FEATHERS I P. PpUMN f-f Co, UNITED P (lonalities bring cattle sad such thlnga i to market I Do Not Discard That Good Goat and Vest Because the Pants Are Worn. M«ll »> *%• «cit. K pantv or • u>.,i« 'a; nkaiil nKttt •»< M-lM •! at* »uti H Bitak. THE PANT SHOP 22 Psrhfleld Ave. Toronto -. i . i- fi\ >'' i i h . 1