TOO LrrrLE BLOOD iDOMDilON OBSERVATORY INVESTIGATING METEOR The Cause of Nearly AH the Everyday Ailments of Life. The Empty Workshop. "Let'n go OM and play." This iiivlt- lug, chlMlub couimojid 1« go often btfard by teHcbera and parenu, tnui all t4)o often the pJaco of tsTltatlon Is a barren yard or fenced piece of Ooii's An unuaual awl Wrlklnjc iihMunne- , ports «how U did not fall Ui earth as ^reen earth, utterly devoid of e<iulp- nou vaa eeen lu the eveiiJng sky of ! a iu«t«or!te, awl iiiu»t therefore &lUier ^.^ut ^r lucenUve for aotlve ptay. The December 29, ab<jut £.26 *'""* escaped agoJn Into space or, pei^ playground 1». to tbe child wha4 the o-i-lock when a bright meteor leavlna. ^^ '"'*''* 1 robably, have been entire- hom« la to the U«m«.maker-it U hla them drag along, always tired, never ° '^, \, ? * f T.. T . , tt f^'^ con.u.r.od before Teaching the ^.orhatop, his eoclal center, and hU rell hunTrv, unable to digest their"" "lum Inated J>»th^hIcU lasted for earth's .^, face. fta„d of adventure f^ breath ess after even slight exer.:^"«"y «"""^. »f'^'«<' «!• ^"^ '•«'- ObH«r,e:s lu Too little blood- that la what uiakos men and womeu look p&le and sallow | Tuesday, and feel languid. That la wliat uMties i . . . ,, ' txi'^t vtti^ iaJL<^P<» fiv«'" portions of southeastern Hon. and often feellug ._"'f;''*f, Ontario, eoutb western Qu^ber, and ad- •c«rt-ely worth living. The doctors ^ ..,,.. ,,.:..... teU them they are anaemicâ€" the plain English being. too little blood. More weak, anaemic people havs been made strong, energetic and cheer- ful by taking Dr. Williams' Pink PUia than by any other meaua. The case of Mr3. A. P. Foster, Uowilftn, Alta., ie excellent proof of this statement. laceut parts of the United ytates. Meteora are known ti) be small bbdleH revolving lu orb;ts, ainiilar to that of the tarth, around the sun, and cx)ntrolle'l by its gravUaiivo force. From lime to time individuals of thla Innumerable horde, which are all nor- mally dark and invlwlblo, collide with the earth's atinospliere, and are Im- Otlawa aod tlie eastern part cf Ontario and neighboring parts of Quebec eaw the phenomenon tn the southweot, -.^'hitle those north of lake Ontario aod weet a« tar as Haiailtun, lake Simcoo ajid Urey county, snw it In a southerly or southwesterly direc- tion; \ew York and Massachusetts obeervers apparently saw it in the nortliwest But <h« wide difference between these two institutions, the home and the playground, 1b that the home- maker haa- tlie oupply of equipmeut of the home much within her own «^jn- trsil. But kiie cJiIld ha,s littJe or noth- ing to say alH)Ut what eiiuipment shall be placed on hl« pJayground. As a re- sult we BPvs little or 710 equipment on "is good tea" TEA Qnd Hcaiuc uoU iikt 4ocd ^ mlngj yDulL Ukt Shui 'Mit, It seems likely thar some-;, he aven^ge scb.H>l «nd community where in tho region south of lake On- ; piay^ as wo pass through the tarlo It should have been seen over- . (.,J^^,rv rieiiced 1th- Mrs. Foster say8:-"6omfc years ago . v i, , , „â- â- , ., , I was very badly run-down. My doc- '"«»''"'« f rendere,! Incawescent by , head travelling in a general northerly | e,,,j. „^,,e-maker has eiperleuc tor attended me for several months '^^ irictlon arising from their terrific , direction. Lufortunately very meagre , u,e .Mmcully of preparing a lucnj wiu.- and then told me 1 had better go South ^^O^' *"'«" "^^^ '" «om« cases reach , details from that section of the conn- ; „„! ^^ffleleut cooking equipment. She to spend the winter as my blood waeK*^ f* 'f''^ "« ^0 or 40 miles per sec- ; ^y have ut he time of writing reach- ^.u,. also, expeileaced the thriU of add- so poor that he feared I would not ""<»• As they.are of all size*-, varying ed the Dominion Ob.-,ervatory, which ,„g ^^^ or two mucli-need^d pieces sund the cold of our winter. I took j f"-"" 'f ^« ^^^^^ to mass. -s of many , ts colW'ilng information from all' f „^,,. pq„ij^„„,,t ^ „^, ,,^„,. hU advice and went to my mother's, I ^^v'^^^y "'">"''« '^''l^^'- ''".â„¢^ "1' '-^ * j f^'"''^'''''/"""^^'''"^ ^ ohiw u is, al«o, difficult to 1 fra<:tion of u second, or in extreme ly in Ontario nn.l Quebec. A hirge ] without anything to play wlUi leases may ppnetrato the earth's at- ; numl>er of rcijortj have be«>n received ' ClaMified Advertisements. B and as soon as she saw me ehe said, | "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are what you need." She got the pills for me mcsyhcre and fall on Its surface; (Jfjat Harvard I'oilege Observatory, of Eoaictimes may only graze the atmos- ! Caiubrldge, M.irs., and It seeuii? likely phere and escape again into tpace. i that a fusion of ail the data may serve Many thonaands of such collisions oc-jto deflnitely settle the direction and cur every day, and were it not tor the extent of its path, as well as the eleva- and I began taking them. I had In- tended staying three months, but at the end of the .second month I came home a well woman. When the doctor eaw me he said. "You are all right now, but don't let yourself get run- down again or nothing will save you." , , ,, , » . , , ,. .1 , ,. • „.x. 1 . ~. .„ t v„ 1 .1, in , -,- I °^^' ^ven to the point of rendering the 1 that It 1 Then last winter I had the Iniluenza, ' which left me as weak and pale and protecting blanket fumLshed by the air we should be coutinually an 1 un- bearably pelted by these celestial vlslt- earth qult.e uninhabitable, miserable as before. Again I took Dr. I .P'/; P^^tlcular m^cor in question Williams' Pink Pills and again theyj ;"^,t^ /'*'°' tne position in which ,t made me well and strong. I can grate- bf^^ff' ',, "-"^^ ^ava overtaken the fully recommend the pills tor I feel ''^'^*' '" "« ^^'"^ """""^ "^« «""' ^'^^J that they have eaved my life.' Weak, ailing men and women should begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day and note the .speedy improve- pills from medicine dealers or by mall at 60 cents a box by writing The Dr. WlHIams' Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. as a consequence its apparent speed was relatively slowâ€" probably not more than a very few miles per second. Such slow-moving meteors are also . ^, . , ,, ,. ... called flrebaUs. From Its unu.inal lEcnt Uiat follows, -ion can get these brightness It must have be<>u of cou- sideriible size, but so fur a^ prestmt ra- tion. The etudy of nict>»ors had a contact with so niauy branches of aistroaomy iiesirable to investigate sucb phenomena as that of December 29 as thoroughly as the records will permit. The Duminion Obeervatiuy, Ottawa, would bo glad to receive delinlte in- formation from observers anywhere, more particularly as to the exact di- rection and position In w^hlch the meteor was seen, as well as the direc- tion of motion and length of the ap- parent path in degrees; any other available details would also be wel- comed. CHILDREN LIKE THEM The Goblins* Bonfire. live and Easy to Give. "Buildâ€" Buad!" Away teuiud the distant Irish moun- tains the rich glows of the e/euing sunset are framing them round, 83 well as throwing them out from back- grounds ot orange, purple, red, pale yellow, and delicate green. Below these are the slian>er outilnps ot near- er hills, up which the hazy evening mlf'ts are creeping. Nearer still, the plowed fields show up their rich, dark surface.?, ready for early planting; and the trees. In their winter tracery against the sky, take many intricate and quaint patterns, guides for the artist's pencil, or for the art de^'igner's needle. . Nearer still, the lately bare llower- beds speak a lesson of hope, for there the first shafts of the pointed tops ot daffodils and cro.ii.ies are appearing; snowdrops are ncdding their graceful bells, and the ever cheerful primroses of every hue, first children of the spring, are heralding Its coming. On the garden rail a red-breasted robin 4ias perched himself to rest a moment In bis ardiious task of build- ing. We seem to hear in his merry eong the message, "Build on, â€" build i ever." And then he hops down, and ' collecting a few twigis, flies off to lay! the foundation beam ot his nest in the | thick Portugal laurel, which grows near at hand. \ Again he alights, a little nearer, and j now his prize is a coll of white lamb's | wool, and a shred of scarlet flannel, ' wheirewith to decorate his home. | And "Build, build, keep on building," seems the burden ot his blithesome eong as he pours it forth on the dewy air of the clear CAlm evening, ju«t as the llrst glint of the crescent moon Is heaving above the horizon. "Build, build, â€" never cease build- ing," his song rings out, as' he rises from one of the flower-beds where his Bearch has evidently been prolonged, -vvho was the "inventor" of radio? resulting in another twig and a longixhe Soviet Government claims the trail of soft blue-checked cotton stuff. | bono r for a Russian, Profes«or Alex- There'a a crackle and a s-plutter In the â€" • â€" -- j hoaow next the oak. Baby's Own Tablets Are Effec- j And a lltUe flaeth ot firelight, and a j litUe puff of smoi.6; And sturdy little goblins axe dropping You do not have to coax and lUreat- eii to get the little ones to lake Baby's Own Tablets. The eaae with which chey are given, as compared with liquid medicines, will appeal to every nitrther. None la spilled or wasted; you know Just how big a dose has readied the little stomach. As u rem- edy for the ills of childhood arising from derangements of the stomach and bowels they are most satisfactory. Mrs. Rose Voyer, Willlmautic, Conn., says: â€" "I used Baby's Own Tablets in the Canadian Northwest and found them a wonderful medicine tor child- 1 ren'a troubles, especially • indigestion i und constipation. I have u'.so given ; ihem to my children for simple fever : and the rest'.essneas accompanying { teething and they always gave relief. ! I can rccomrjend Biiby's Own Tablets j to all mothers." j Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box fiouu The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. from their backs Their Utile s-tores of fuel packed littile mouses'kln saclis. In There are kindly words unspoken, there are kisses left unkissed. And promisess forgotten, and the chance that were missed ; There are little envious heart-throbs, and little loans unlent, And letters left unwritten, and the ^ gifts that were not sent. For play The placing of a uew slide, swing, or ball game equipment on the playground would be u thrill for the child In dou- ble iiortlon. In the number of letters received this week, llliJe mention was made of the needs of the school and community playground. Almost universally, there Is great opportunity tor community organizations to s-pousor this move- ment which would bring greater hap- pinees to every child In the nelghboi^ hood. ^^ On the MocM's. la It Spring on the moors today, are the skylarks singing? Do they sing la pearly blue ekiea to-day? Has sho come, my Lady ot Green, with heather bells ringing? What do the south winds say? â€" Alfred Turner. Take the pep frcm ycur dj-spepsia with IS to 30 drops of Seigel's Synip in a glass of water u directed on the bottle. A -ny drug store. C- An Extravagant Gesture. As he passed the pavement artist a Scotsman with a lordly air flung a shilling into his outstretched hand. | know. I puts 'em in regular a« the His wife Immediately tcok him to task ! clock strikes eight and I takes 'em for his extravagance. j out promptly when I hears the train "Dlnna fash yersel'," he said, "'twas ' go by." a bad shilling." "An hae ye no' a bad eaxpence, gowk?" she retorted. The Regulator. Mistress â€" "Mary, how Is It that the breakfast eggB are sometimes boiled soft and somettmes quite hard?" Mary â€" "Well, mum, I'm sure I don't AK>iin' OVEHa WSITK fOK lATil/XJi-i uaa IIH pf DMl ontu UuUurt Ona Caa> itigr. m Ela* Wot. Tot«Bi« \^ oil aAU- -Tiditt;:; ijl'autkb siM-rioKs o» J. BikmitiB, Ukyiaarr. BailL R at WUO!.,KHArJL Hi'Y.Xklt EulT Dlrd" %\\m at lOuDng, U&rob «ii)r- Cawti bujt'rt Mv« lr7 otii'^m KOrtnt att^t M BcUtLblo cra(:r4 uid tie*i ; volstiii. Fral^t i<«!d. ttiCM wtiOl'^Mile prl«^«t. Samylti and c&l&»oiua at BiilJd«r-i> MMerliLli FRKK. The lUillday Co , Limit- ed, ID JaoLtfon Uit«et. lUmlUoa nUBPEfl GOODS. C*m.:ii uuEn-ir IT'S .vuDi: of nuuiuit. vMt haia IL..- Write m miu inierjvo jotir itauu. a Suwlj <u.. Dn*. W.. Mcmtrral. Song. Qo, teach the swan tu swim. The swallow still to s'klm, The bat to go by night, The lark to love the light, Tho tortoise to step short, the gnat to ' iricn u> siuuiii.'Hu; buuduni »ortii' tic.oc'; ist Qj^y^ per &nrc: rMtRuiatle tvnLs of i>ftrui«nt. A4dreM. C And counsel me to love. Were I, like every creature. But true to my own nature: But let my lips impurt What lieth near my heart. Then would I teil und teil lu every place Her goodnetis and her grace. Wliat's beautiful and Qt? 'A rainbow bravely lit, The gilding S'Un at morn, A hllslde rope with com, Apple in bloorUt a fuU-rigg«d ship at sea, And my love kind to me Soon it may be â€" B. N. daC. Andrade. 4 Mlnartrs Llnlmant for colda. ^7 Mountain Calm. Unutterably far, and »tlU, and hicb. The mountains stand agalns't the sun- set sky ; O little angry heart, against your will, You muat grow quiet here, euid wise, and etIU. â€" Prances Comford. In Selecting Wallpaper Try Samples In Home. Do not decide on a wallpaper In the â- hop. Take home a sample and try It !n the room where It la to live. See It with your furniture and your curtains, in the light that Is to give It value. Thla is the only way to be certain that you are getting the right thing. You may be sure that your hoose wi! be grateful for its new spring dreew it you consult Its taste in this fasiiion. ^ â€" I went by the field of the sluggard and . . lo, it was grown alt over with thorns. ... So s)iall poverty comi' as a robber and thy want as an arme4 man.â€" Prov. 24: 29-34. AFTER SHAVING Dilute MInard's one-half with cream or sweet oil and apply to the face. Very soothing and rpfrephing. Pains in The Back Are Generally Danger Signs ; Disease Will Lead" to Fatal Results Unless Checked In Time. There's a crackle and a splutter, and the grimy goblins etoke Till there's nothing left but ashes ot the bonfire by the oak, A heap of smoldering ashes. Then i ^r^Jj^jj upon his horueward track ! ' Each weary gobiln hastens with his empty mousesJdn pack. Golden eagles have been credited with carrying off live lambs and even' •^''^"'y infants. An expert photographer of birds now states that he has failed to ! „^ ^ . TT . 1 1 - 1 find any evidence of this; he himself- Thousands have kidney t«>«ble and saw an eag'.e have the greatest diffi- culty in lifting a live harj off the il' HSIllliSiislkl iniTUgmiM This is Silly. "Hello, how do you feel to-day?" "Awl right!" 4. Who Invented Radio? "Build, build, â€" keep on building." S« he leaves us pondering. Sign of Mourning. Shaving off the beard was a sign ot ander Stepanovltch Popoff, and has adopted a characteristic method of telling the world about It. A new Russian stamp came to the notice of the writer a tew days ago. morning among t'ho ancients. The Ro-| Above an excellent likeness appear the mans began eiaviug In 296 B.C. when words "Inventisto de R!»dio-Popov." the Idea came form Sicily. It was as ' The language ot this Inscription Is Es- tate as 1700 when shaving became peraato, though the other characters even a half fashion in lYance. | on the stamp are Russian. * I The facts appear to be that Profess- A fly had fallen into the inkwell of or Popottâ€" admittedly one the great ft certain author who writes « very bad Pl°°B^''B o' wireless â€" publicly trans- »nd a very inky band. The writer's' â„¢'l'»'l wireless signals over a dis- littto boy rescued the unhappy insect tance of 40 metres la 1895, the year and dropped him on a piece of paper, before Marconi took out his first pat- After vi-atching him intently for a ^^^ ^°^ Hertzian Wave Telegraphy, while, he cai:ed to his mother: "Here's^ ^^^ Branly and Sir Oliver Lodge a fly, mother, that writes just like ^^^ ^^^^ e.xperimenting for some time Now every goblin slumbers In his cozy ; moss-lined bed, ' And the moon looks down in sadness â- on the ashes faintly red. j â€"Joe Walker. ' <,_ I • Serenity. With how much care and tret and use- ; less trouble ! We build our souls of unsubstantial . things, ! Until our minds grow 111, our bodies ; double ! For lacking wisdom, all our striving ! brings Serenity no nearer. And the springs j Of joy we might have found are choked with stubble. About our foolish roofless walls of rub- ble Doubts brush, like bats, our faces with their wings. We have not learned that ancient pagan calm With which men, firm tn courage, met des'palr; Nor peace, which is the Christian's secret charm; Nor Nature's deep serenity; the air Of starlit evening, and a quiet river. And Death a wind to cool the hottest fever. â€" Theodore Maynard. IF COUGi4S AND COLDS INTERFERE WITH BUSINESS Slop than with I A YegetabU Preparmtion that] Igivts qaiek resaltt withouti dngging the syitem M},„ir^i ;bwATSON f/ea;. The face vsJue of a friendly smile cannot be measured in doliara and cents. â€" Edward W. Young. down" feeling, dyspepsia, ebattered nerves, dizzy spells, backache and a hundred and one other ills are due to the condition ot tho khineys and liver. Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Remedy has been tested aearly 50 years and found a iwsitive relief for kidn iv and liver troubles. It is a vegetable and f contains no harmful ji drugs: a most vahiablo and effective tonic. Goes right at its work and does it with posi- tive method; hOoLliing. etiu-iulalii.g and healing the bro'iien down i i.ssues and eo builds up th< body, gives It strength and restores energy, iilj Got a bottle at once. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle. Warner's Sate Remedies Co., Toninto. Ontario. dad. MAIL YGUR WATCH FOR REPAIRS TO DURBIN JEWEUERY CO., Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1912. ESTIMATES FREE. 270 YONQE ST., TORONTO along the same lines, and the latter gave demonstrationes In 1S94 In which "coherers" (the eai-liest form ot radio "detectors") were employed. It Is not easy, therefore, to award the palm. Hertz, after all, was the first to produce the radio wave. SICK ASED EIGHT MONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkliani'i Vegetable Compoimd Coald Do All Her Work and Gained in Weight Mel fort, Saskatchewan. â€" "I had inwiird troubles, headaches and severe pains in my back and sides. 1 was so sick generally that I could not sit up and I was in bed moat of the time for eight months. An aunt came to visit and help me as I was unable to attend to my baby and could not do my work. She told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- taijle Compound, and alter taking two bottles I could get up and dressi my- self. I also took Lydia E. Pinkbam 3 Blood Medi^me. When I first took tho medicine I only weighed seventy- eight pounds. Now I weigh twice aa much. If I get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. I find it wonderfully good for fe- male troubles, and have recoin- mended It to my neighbors. I will be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking about it,' â€" Mrs. William Ritchie, Box 486, Melfor^ Saskatchewan. O { BIO PLAN BOOK Hand80m«l7 lUuttrattd with plans ot moderate prlc«d bomw 4«*lf a»d by Canadian Architects. MacLean Biilld«rt' Oaida wUl iMip 7«u to decide on the typ« ot home^ «x.tarlor flaiab. matartaU, Interior %rranx«(neat aad decoration. Send SOc to* a copy. QttMtlons an*- varad. Maoli«an Butldlnc R^ yen*, Ltd, I4t A<i«laldi» SL West. Torvnto. Eternal. I have seen cm anchor on tino naked hUl» And ooean-«hells amons the mountahi tops. Bat Otte, One only; for the Eternal Mind Enfold* aU chaag**, and can nearer ohange. â€" AJfred Noraa. Only <m« modarn girl out of tw«nty ksows how to a«w properly, according to on* expert. Minard'a Llnlmant uaa« by phyalclana. Sach 15-cent pack- age contains direc- tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye ricb, permanent colors In Ilnserle. tiiks, ribbons, skirts, waiata, dresses, coats, tt3ckliu(s. twaatera, draparles, coTerlngs, h*n«lng» â€" everything! Buy Diamond Dyaa â€" no other kindâ€" and toll your druggist whether the material yon wi»h to color is wool or allk. or whether it la linen, cotton or mixed good*. *^roved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Lumbago Colds Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Pain Toothache Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART S^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Eandv "Bayer" boxes of 1-2 tahleta Alao bottles of 24 and 100 â€" Druggista^ Airino !• tiM trail* nark (rtgtuttttt ta CSui*<U> "f B>j«r Mant>''^ctsi« of Mr>noie*tl». MMwtn ot SaltcTllcacM (A«ttrl Sallerll* AcM. -'A. 8. A."). WklU It la w«ll kiiown that Aiplnn OMana TIayar attnafaetara, ts ataiat tka pubilo tntsat iialtatlom. th* T>b<at^ at Barw Ownpany wtU bi staawsd »t<k ttntr ganena tn& matk, t^< "Ba.<-ar Otoa." TROOBLED WIIH MAI m^ All O'/er Scalp. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Healed. ' " I was troubled with eczema. It b'.'^ke out in a led rash all over tr;y scalp and after a time turned to pimples. It itched and burned all the time and caused my hair to .all out. " I read an â- dvertlsement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample and after using it found great relief. I purchased more, and after using f.vo cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuti- cura Oitilment I was conpletelv healed." (Signed) Miss Satah O. David»cn. Summer St., Nrw Glas- gow, Nova Scotia. Cuticura Soap. Ointmcot and Talcum promote and roaintain akin puritj', skin comfort and akia health often when ail else fails. l*ii>p)i S^'\ Ttk Ht Mill A4dn» CaiiMllaa D.1 .-. -lt»<i».'.i* tti. >«as»«l*|»»M. Sm» CuCVcura Shttviag SUch SSc ISSUE No. 12â€" '28.