'T t ,; i ) r». » Vol 45 No. 41 Flesherton. Ontario April 7, 1926 W. H. Thurstoii. & Son, Proprietora CEYLON MAXWELL ing. A presentation was held Monday Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Priceville ; Quite a number in this vicinity are spent Easter with her parents, Mr. Jdown with the flo at present, and Mrs. H. Stone. j Miss Shirley Buckingham of Dun- Miss Muriel Spicer of Toronto idalk High School is spending the spent the Easter holidays with her i holidays at her parental home here, parents. I The Women's Institute will hold Mrs. Ross Leslie of Toronto spent! '^eir regular meeting at the home Easter with her parents Mr. and I °' M^s. Thos. Guy on Thursday, Apr. Mrs. Archie M«Mullen: ^th. A paper entitled, "Graining I Staining and Finishing Floors," will Mr. and Mrs. W. Hays, Miss Kath- ^e given. Also hints on house clean- leen and Irene McDonald of Toronto were Easter visitors at the parental j^mt here. , ^j^j^j. ^^ j^^^^^ Wright before he Mr. John White of Hilliams, Ont., , leaves for Detroit, spent Easter with his parents here, i jjiss Margaret Heron of Flesher- Mr. Fuller of Chicago is visiting toh 's spending the holidays at her his sister Mrs. Fred Marshall and home here, family. [ jiie Seeley Bros, have moved to Mrs. Stewart and two children of 'heir farms here which they recent- Bolton also spent the holidays under , ly purchased from Mr. Guy. the parental roof. i xhe late Alexander Ferguson, who Miss Agnes Macphai!, M. P. spent passed away in the General and Mar- Easter under the parental roof. 'ne Hospital. Collingwood, on Mon- • day, March 22, 1926, was in his 59th year. He was born in the vfllage of Millbrook, and at the age of sev- Mr. and Mrs. Robt Rutledge of enteen moved with the family to Bala spent Easter with the former's Listowcl where they farmed for a mother, and latter's parents, Mr. and few years, moving to a farm near Maxwell in 1889 where he has resided most of his life. Seven years ago VANDELEUR (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hutchiason vis- ited friends at Riverdale recently. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at the town hall on Saturday April 3rd. 1926. Present the Reeve, J. X. Hogarth, Miss Doris McGeee, accompanied by j and Councillors, Mercer, Davis and her friend Miss Donelda Graham of 1 Corbett. Eugenia, spent the week end at the former's parental home here. Mrs. Hammond and babe, of Lau- rel, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker. Minutes read and adopted. Communications â€" John Williamson presented a request with twelve oth- ers requesting a bonus toward build- ing 30 "rods of wire fence on 20th Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston, and '. sideroad, 1 S.D.R. A. B. McDonald 34r. Duncan McMillan tV Toronto spent Easter with his parents. Mrs. F. Marshall. Mr. Frank Stewart, teacher in Tor onto, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. Alex Stewai-t of Owen Sound was a caller in town on Monday. he moved to a farm near Duntroon, where he lived for two years, then he moved to a farm on the 10th line Osprey. Mr. Ferguson will be miss- ed by everyone, for he was always Mr. Miller of Toronto is taking Mr. Sinclair's place at the depot. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Archie Sinclair has been laid genial and a .friend to everyone he up with pneumonia and under the met. He leaves to mouiTi his loss, cai-e of Dr. Bibby. At time of his aged father, Joseph Ferguson of writing he is improving. the 10th line Osprey, also four sisters and four brothers; Mrs. (Rev.) W. \V. McWhinney, Kamsack, Sask, Mrs. S. E. Eakins, Millbrook, Mrs. Mr. Ross McMullen returned to Geo. Ross, Maxwell, Mrs. John Toronto on Monday. Black, 10th line Osprey, James and Mr. H. Finer had the misfortune David of Stenen, Sask., Charles of to lose a valuable cow on Sunday. Pleasantdale, Sask., and William Vi Charleston, West Virginia Mr. H. White, who is assisting Mr. T. Genoe, spent the week end at his home in Proton. The farmer's clup had a car load of Flour and Feed arrive on Mon- day, Mt. Roy Riper had a wood bee and death, we wish to extend our sin- on Monday afternoon. cerS a)i() h'pur<^el( JthlblcS oS beh«lf Miss Hanson of Orangeville spent of the family. â€" Mrs. Black, FeVer- Easter with her sister, Mrs. J. Gib- sham, son, I _ ^ Mr. Jack Gibson of Toronto spent DEPENDABLE the week end with his parents. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of T9ronto, was an Easter visitor at his home Reliable and Reasonable â€" the fac- here. tors that have made my s«»vice suc- Mr. Geo. Mitchell, of Flesherton, cessful. Let me conduct your pure- visited his brother Masons, Mr. Ar- bred. Farm Stock sale. Arrange Archie Sinclair, and Mr. T. Chislett dates early at this office, who have been iU. J. S. Shepherdaon Auctioneer. children visited recently with friends at Rocklyn. The March meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Alf. Hill on Thursday afternoon, March 18th and was largely attended. A paper was given by Mrs. J. J. Mc- Gee on, "Women as School Trus- tees," and Mrs. W. Swanton gave a reading. The roll call was ans- wered by each member giving joke. After the program, lunch was tendered his resignation as school attendance officer for 1926. Accoupts were presented. Village of Markdale, rent for Court House for 192-3-4-5, $6.00 per year $24.00; The Advance .for printing $52.50, Geo. .A.rrowsmith, putting in new tongue in Pete JIuir's sleigh broken in opening road, T. L. Mercer, meeting Glenelg commit- I tee in regard to fence on Town line I H. Corbett looking after grader. I Paj-ment was ordered for the foil- BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE ^ NEW MODERN FUXER-\L P.\RLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. k. Maddocks. -r . i '^ served by Mrs. ' H. D. McLoughry, ! ''â„¢'""; T. L. Mercer, Committee re Mrs. Swanton and the Misses Dav- is. fence. $3.00, H. Corbett, examining grader, $i.OO, the reeve and clerk $2.00 each, committee on Auditors Re- port; The .Advance, printin? $52.50. G. .A.rrowsmith, tongue for P. Muir's i sleigh. Mercer â€" Corbett â€" That the .A. debate between the teams rep- resenting the Young Peoples' Society of Kimberley and of Flesherton Chal- nier'.s guild was held in the Vadel- ' eur church on Thursday evening. Mar | 18th. The debate was one of the ser- """""''''^ °^ Markdale for renting the ies being conducted throughout the I *=""" ^"^"^^ >^ P*'*^' ^"^ ^'^''^ '^°""'^" To our friends and neighbors who did so very many acts of kindness during our brother Alex's illness Grey Presbytery, under the auspices of the Young Peoples' Societies of The United C'nurch of Canada. The subiect was, '-Resol/od that the Church, rather than the State should be responsible for the Moral Welfare of the Immigrant. Kimbeley had the affirmative and Flesherton the neg- ative. The judges were. Messrs G. Pritchard, J. I. Graham, and Jos. Buchanan, who awarded the decision in favor of the Kimberley team. Rev. Ellison of Kimberley occupied the chair. Quite a number of people were present from Kimberley and Flesherton. Lunch was served by the Vandelfeur ladies. Mrs. Lundy Johnston is spending I a few days with friends in Markdale. Mr. Richard Sewell underwent a serious operation one day last week. Drs. Danard of Owen Sound, and Carefoot of Markdale performed the operation. Xurse Finley is in at- tendance. Auctioneer Service do not recognize the charge for wit- ness box. â€" ^Carried. Corbett â€" jlercer That VV. J. Black bum be refunded S6.T4, over paid on Collector's roll, 1925.â€" Carried. DAVISâ€" MERCERâ€" Thac the' res- ignation of .\. B- MacDonald >as the school attendance officer be accepted he being about to remove from the township ,and that H. D. McLoughry be appointed in his place, the clerk to prepare a fay-law to be passed at the next meeting. â€" Carried. Changes in appointment of over- seers were made as follows. F Brown instead of R. Richardson, E. Loucks instead of J. Woods, B. Taylor, in- stead of S. H. Buchanan. The council adjourned. ROCK MILLS [HE Bank of Toronto esteems the spirit of kindly cordiality and good fellowship above all other elements that make for success in business. That is why every customer who comes into the Bank is im- pressed with the warmth of his reception and the friendliness, consideration and attention of ^very official. ^ >" "â- BANMORORTO BRANCHES: FEVF.RSllAMâ€" Chas. Smith. ManaRer. M.VRKDALF.â€" W. I.. \OlNG. Manager, Mns. Lewis Pedlar spent a ifew days last week with her mother, Mrs H. Wilson, in Flesherton. Quite a number in this community are sick and have peen confined to their bed. We hope for a speedy recover^-. There was no service in the Bap- tist church here last Sunday. Mr. (Jeorge Hargrave spent Easter with i-elatives here. ^ Mr. Lome Atkinson returned home from near Thornbary on Friday last, after attending the funeral of his brother-in law. Mrs. Atkinson and babe remained for some time. Mr. Baker, Proton, took charge of the service Sunday night. The ser- vice next Sunday evening will be at the home tif Mr. Chas. Newell. The storms of last week made the roads heavy, and they had to be ploughed last Friday and again on Monday of this week, but it looks as though the weather has taken a change for the better, as we are en- joing the beautiful sunshine at time of writing and hope it may continue. ONWARD" NEWS VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. McCi '.jheon of Eriu is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. James Best and other relatives. Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw visited last wee^^ in Shelburne. PROTON STATION (Intended for last week) Mr. Charlie Davey, whom we men- tioned last week as having gone to Owen Sound hospital for an X-ray examination. ha.«: since had two ser- ious internal operations. The latest report of his condition is that he is doing as well as could be expected His Proton friends wish for him a speedy recoverj-. Mrsr Davey is un- der the doctor's care at her home here. Miss Eva Wr.--.chope is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Slierson. Mr. and Mrs. John MoConnell and children of Dundalk were visitors with Mrs. McConnell's parents, Mx. and Mrs. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. McCannell, and Mas- ter .A.rthur visited at Mr. Robt. Mc- Phersoh's. Miss Hicks of Owen Sound, is nursing her si-ner. Mrs. Medddaugh. Mrs. Walker is visiting her dau- ghter. Mrs. I. B. Whyte. FINDLAYS ANNUAL APRIL BABY SPECIAL Till si;; the >easi'ii ft the year that all the Little (urls and Boys like getting- an April fool joke on their Father and Mother, so Ave are again giving, our Special ot one of He best H!gK Chairs in our shop td the first BabyBoy or Girl born in his vicinity after this appears in print. We do not want to appear selfish, so-tha"t all the stipulation we make is that the parents of the baby must be a customer of some store in Fteshefton lor we waatat all times to Boost the Othpr FellgSys. Busines i as well as our owq:i, and by so doing' make our little to\n a better place to live in. and add to the num- ber of c '.stomers to each business in our town. Now to the.p'vjspective winner of our Special, we exend oii» congratirations. but we also would like to say a wofd to the onj who who may not win. Be sure and come and get y )ur wSnts filled liert anyway, and Ixy so doing you you will win in the long r-un. If'you do not n^^ a High Chair you can have something else. Phone the Date and Hotir ot Birth, and that is all you need do. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON ♦ i The Latest News from the Haw Store, Ceylon The Sale of last week was quite a success, but some of the goods ir.? still left, so we have decided to continue the prices quoted on the Dill, while the goods last. Rennie's field and garden seeds for sale again this year. The same high quality, and the price i.« right. Wallpaper is cheaper thaa ever this year â€" ^the selection is weU varied, and the best we have yet shown. See our samples befo^ buying. You have the advanta?? of returning unused rolls. Thss saves you money. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CREAM AND EGGS. A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Credit Auction Sales .\n extensive credit auction sale will he held 1 y David Roberts on Lot. 5. Con 12. 0-prey. on Friday. .â- Vpril 9th. at 1 pn!. Registered Shorthorns, grade stock, and implements will be offered for sale. See posters. Geo. Duncan, auctioneer. Anothfr sign of spring is when the small boy h'des the rake and carpet sweeper. 23S '-^t, ' k-:ii.^t«:>^^3^'^-fMW^'iS*-^^^^&-r ^^ Mr. Hard Winter blew into this neighborhood last w«ck. blocking up roads and piling up fresh snowdrifts. Miss Spring has since put the run on this unwelcome visitor. The Normal Students of North Line. OD.R. and South Line amyed by late train last Thursday to spend Easter holidays at their resin-ctive homes. Mr. Andrew Dinsrwall met with a painful accident last week while in town. When backin.g hi>- team out of a shed the neckyoke broke, the splintered ends striking him Jn the' face, inflicting sc^reral nainful cuts. xhe ta»i^ i»f* Orangeville has no j which necessitated a number of stit- tpits than 11 ga->oli le tanks and the ' I ches to close up. j council has recciv;-,! an application I A wood bee was hold for Mr. Jjeil for another oe. ! j McDougall in the bush la-tt Tuesday ! afternoon when a number of the ^ .N'ever put a frjn-ig pan on the i neighbora, gathered to replenish fire without first putting^in the but- { his somewhat diminished woodpilMik ter or lard, and do not put this on Messrs Rcbt. Pr.r^Oow and Jas. 01- before it is actually required. This iver went to Toronto last tmeek as will prevent disagreeable odors in the delegate? to the Tmstee Convention, kitchen. I A horse will pull your car out of j a ditch. .\nd very often horse sense will keep you out. HODRE OF Q.UALITY GROCERIES AND FEED GROCERIES â€" We carry a fulF line of fresh grocer- ies always on hand. FRUIT â€" Dried fruits of all kinfts^ also oranges, lem- ons, and grape fruit. FLOUR A^F££D â€" Puryit, Five Roses and Royal jLoiM^'^i^Bran, Shorts, Screening of all kinds, chop Jeer Scrap, Oyster shell, oil cakes, and feeding molass- es by the gallon or barrell. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, S««k, Ctoc^rie* and ConfecWonery Flesherton i^ 1 I; i N