WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1929 THE FLESHERTON AFA ANCH HOSE AND SILKS THIS WEEK Vi'v have u special line of Ladies' Silk Hose in all the new pup- ^:hallt'â- '^, such us Amber, I'tar Bloom, Bamboo, at the low price of 50c. per pa-r. Another interegtinfc numbei' in hosiery is our Dollar Line, in- cluding the shades already mentioned, aldo Redskin, Bran, Woo"' Rose, Airedale and Black. Ladies' Ladderproof Hosiery, one of the heaviesA dualities of silk hose we can buy. Have sold same hose at $l.i'5. Our special price $1.5.0 Men's Dresiy Silk Socks , featuring the new check patte' "'*â- from 50c. per pair to $1.50. Bordeaux Voiles and Citpes, sold in dress lengths only, from $2..}'' to $;i.U5 per length. MEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING -Watch fpr special prices next week. I F. G KARSTEDT FLESHERTON THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published idi Collinjrwood street, Flesherton, Wednitsday of each •week. Circulation over 1 100, Pric« ill Canada, $2.00 per year, k'when paid in advance $1..')U. In U.S..\. $2..'>0 j)er year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THL'RSTON, - Editor F.J.THURSTON - Asst. Editor EDITORl/L NOTES A penny for your thoughts, after July 1st • * • Easter Sunday will not fai! again on April 4th till ihc ear 199!t. « • • After all, nothing on earth can move as fast as a thoroughly idle rumor. • • • fThe ol«t time Liberals claim that to tariff reductions will be satis- factory, and that no motor car fac- tory will cease operations on that account. It is all Iduff, they claim. « * 4 Owen Sound Board of Trade is offering prizes for the best pic- tures of scenery in that vicniity, to be used for advertising purposes. The experiment should prove satis- factory. • • • ....The Liberal Association in South Grey fj becoming active. They in- 'Kend placing a candidaAo in the field at the convention to be held in Durham ^his coming Friday, and expect to corns •u't Iv-iclorious if a three-cornered contest is staged. Mrs. Jas. Fisher Died From Result of Stroke After an illness of about one weekV suffering from a stroke, Mrs. James ' F'isher passed to her heavenly award ! at the home of her son .^hos. J.' in town on Thursday morning, of last week, at the age of 73 years. She had been in excellent health all >vin- I ter, and it was a shock to the fam- 1 ily when the stroke came so sudden- ' ly. The late Mrs. Fisher, whose maid- en name was Sarah MacComb, was ' born in the township of Hope, in the | year 1853,. where she lived until she ' was married to her sorrt'wing hus- band i«i J880 She afterwards ' came with her husband to Artcmesia i township at that time, and settled on the c'.d homestead on the 4th line. To Ithem were born five children, all of. their so;i, Thos., where she was when Uikeii ."(I ouddenly ill. The late Mrs. Fisher has been a life long member of the Methodist church, formerly attending Mt. Zion while on the farn\, and latterly of St. John's United church. She was u devoted Christian woman, and wag loved end respected by all who knew her. j Besides her hu8i>and and family, she leaves to mourn their loss, two j sisters and one brother:- J. H. Mc- Comb of Lang, Sask., and Mrs. Thoe. ' Little, and Mrs. J. Brothwell of Potilt i Hope. I The floral offerings were many, and beautiful, banking the casket in a lovely diffusion of color. These were tendered by the ITollowing: A Pillow, from the family; spray from the grandchildren, sisters and broth- er, Ladies Aid from St. John's church Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKechnie, Mn John L. McDonald of Ottawa, office staff of Singer Sewing Machine, Co. where her daughter Ida, is employed; Misses Hill, Flantt and Pedlar; Mrs. Jas. Chard; Mrs. Patton, Miss McMill- an, Mrs. W. Stewart, Mr. A. F. Patton, Toronto; Mrs. Mc Arthur, Toronto; Carleton St. church Bible Class, Toronto; L.O.B.A., Miss Fish- er's roomates at 00 Alexander St., Toronto; and John Blackburn and family. The funeral was held on Saturday, service being held at the home of her son. Rev. W. R., Clements, her pastor, preaching a very comfort- ing sermon. Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Blackbupi, and Mrs. A. Dawn sang very beautifully thedeceased's fav- orite hymn, "Jesus is Mine." Inter- ment took place in Flesherton cem- etery, the pallbearers being her six nephews: Frank Brothwell of Port j Hope, Georre, Wallace, Harry and Edward and Robert Fisher. Several t* legrama were rsccived, conveying sympathy to the bereaved one, thetie b -ing from Arthur J. Abbott of Oneida, N.Y., Adelaide. Baptist chur -h, London, Mrs. Camp- j bell and Mrs. Knight of London. The Advance join.-i in extending sympathy i to the bereaved ones. i BORN HOPKINS â€" • At the Heppenstall private hos;.ital, Meaford, on Wed- nesday, 21, 1026, to Mr. and! yrs. Albert E. Hopkins (nee Laura Henry) a daughter â€" Winnifred Mary.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS i In the matter of the estate of Caroline Emma Fenwick, latfe of the' townih^p of Osprey in the County, of Grey, Widow, Notice is here- by given that all parsons having, any claims or demands jagainet the estate of Caroline Emma Fenwick, late of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, widow, deceased who died on or about the i)th day of August, 1U25, are reqiiired to iarward their 'claims duily proven to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, 1926. And notice is hereby given that af^r the said date the exc^aton will proceed to distribute the estate having regard to such claims as they will then have notice of. xDated at Collingwood, this 20tb day of April, 1926. • â€" Malcalm McLean, Drawer 20 Collingwood, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. , These chaps writing four and five (Vmes a week to their best girl will save considerable money when the penny postage comes again on July \nd 80 will the girl! SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS | COUNTY OF GREY , • Und. r and by virtue of a Writi of Execution issued out of the Coun-' ty C'urt of the county of Grey to me directed against the lands and^ Tenements of James M . Ansley, surviving Executor of the Estate of William Kingston Flesher, deceas- ed, I have seized and will effer for salfi by public auction, at my office in the Court House, Owen Sound, Ontario, on Tuesday the 4th day of May 1926 at 2 o'clock p.m., all the ri^jht, title, interest and equity of redemption, of the above named James M. .\nsley, surviving execui- tor of the estate of William King- ston Flesher, deceased in and out of thetinsold portions of lots 148 149 150, range 1, S. T. & S. R. be- longing to the Flesher estate, in the village of Fleshei^n in the county of Grey.â€" J. S. Wilson, Sher- iff of Grey, Sheriff's office, Owen Sound, January 18th, 1926. The People's Grocery ..»a Kei nedy's for Groceries When in town don't forget to shop at Kennedy's. Always a full line of fresh groceries in Stock. Ladies start your spring housecleaning with a new broom. We have many to choose from. W. G. KENNEDY «Phone 37 whom Arc living:- Tho-s. J. of Flesh- j erton; Kthol (MrsfTS. N. Leader) of j ; London; Ida in Toronto, Edna, (Mr.; I R. McGeoch) of London, and Maggie, : }(Mr.s. H. Patton) of the 4th line of ! Artemesia, all of whom were home for the funeral. In 191.'5, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher mov- ^\ *M ed fr Ihcy past ,pm the farm to Flesherton where have been livincr, but 'for the two month;; have been with I DIED PURVISâ€" Sniddenly at Toronto. Wednesday, April, I'lafi, Hilda Gertrude, dearly beloved daughter of Emily and the late William L. Pur- vis. Funeral 2 p.m. .Saturday, 24th, irist., from her late residence, 123 : Westlake avo. Interment St. John's «emetcry. Deceased was a daughter of the', late William L. Purvis, who spent his boyhoo<l days at Uugenia Fall.!, \ Ont. Miss Purvis contracti-d stoni- i ach influenza two weeks ago, but i was not considered seriously ill, but , on Wednesday last she "suffered a ; relapse and peiltonitis set in. She | passed away suddenly on Wcdnrij- ! day evening A'>ril 1926. Mi:;.i ' Purvis was in the Money Order Dept of the To'irmto CJencral Post Office un<l is survived by her moth- . er and one brother, Wm. F. Pui-vis. on the staff of the Riverdalc lerb I aical school, Tonjult'j. The three days of heavy thawing weather last week created havoc with mnn.r bridges in this dis!|rict, as the deluge of water was too much ))f a strain fm the bridges "to withstand. All rivers wr'i-e exceedingly high, in, fact highi r than they have been for some years. Most of the . ntfw is now gone on the main l-oads but Ihc, back lines are stiMI bound up and travol is exceedinly difficult. Here are the facts When 3 telephone orders can be taken in tlit' tune required for one order over the counter â€" as has been proven â€" and the amount of a telephone sale averages almost a third more, as it does, can there be any doubt in your mind that the merclumt who uses the telephone consistently will win out over the rival who does not? Can you afford to over- look the rapidly increas- injr imiiortance of the telephone in .vour busi- ness for incrrasin.? salea and reducinj? l!ie cost of selling? ^ Be open-minded. Ti-y it â€" not spasmodicalI.\', but consistently, nnd judge for yourself. PAINTS AND VARNISHES THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, lor insi<le ;iihI outside use. FLAT TONE â€" .\n ideal flat finish for use on walls and (eihiijjs etc It docs not drasif cr pi'.U under the brush or .sliow brush marks. tS HERâ€" WILLIAMS LAC-.\ modcrr. finish for ici.cwin^ (lid I'hJors, funiitiuc, woodworL. etc. ?'asy !o apply, dries over nig^t and when used on furniture will not stick to clothes. AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car may run well, but yoti will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of c»iani- el ni:ik('s it look like new. .Mso top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household C.inMr. Stop making mistakes in painting-. F^ANR W. DUNCAN Phone 54 GIGANTIC SALE - OF AUTO TIR TUBES I have just made a very attractive purchase of brand new fully guaranteed tires and tubes, which enables me to give to every car owner exceptional bargain prices. 30x3^2 Clipper Cord 5000 mile guarante'e ... (Standard), SOxS'/z Traction Junior (Oversize) 6000 mile guarntee BOxSVa Traction Touring (Full Ov- ersize) 8000 mile guarntee 30x'/o Traction Sedan (Extra Hea- vy Duty) 8000 mile guarantee 31x4.40 Interchangeable Balloon, Fit 30x3V2, 8000 mile guarntee 29x4.40 S.W. Low Wheel Ealloon, 8000 mile guarntee' 31x4 S.W. Clipper Cord, oversize fits McLaughlin 4, 6000 nile guarantee 32x4.95 Traction Bolloon In' archan- geable, fits 31x4 S.W. Rir , 8000 mile puarntee „ $9.45 11.65 13.85 16.50 17.S5 1§.65 31.95 30x3V2 Strndard Tubes $2.23. M)x.^y2 Ext.a Heavy Tubes $3.50. 31x4 S.W. Sedan Cord, full oversize, 8000 mile guarantee 32x4 S.W. Traction Touring, over- size, 6000 mile guarantee 32x4 S.W. Traction Sedan, full over- size, 6000 mile guarantee 33x4 S.W. Traction Touring, over- size. SOOO mile guarantee 34x4 Kitchener Tread, full ovetsize 8000 mile guarantee 34x4V2 Kitchener Tread, full over- size, 8000 mile guarantee 33x4V2 'Kitchener Tread, full over- size, 8000 mile guarantee 33x4.95 Traction Balloon Inter- changeable,fits 32x4 S.W. Rim, 8000 nniile guarantee 30x3V2 Regul2v Grey Tubes $2.65 $ 24.95 23.95 28.95 24.95 31.50 39.85 3495 32.50 Every Tire and Tube is fully guaranteed. This sale will be h^^ld for three days only, Thursday, Friday and Spturday, May 13, 14 and 15 Special Free Offering for Saturday, May 15th TO I^'ERY OWNER WHO PURCHASKvS T .VO TIR^CS .\XD .TURKS 1 WILT, CAVE AWAY ABSO- ,LUTELY FREE, YOUI: CHOICE OF TI^E FOLLOWING: 5 Gallons of "Super Power" Gasoline Gallon Can of Marvelube Motor Oil * • These prices are below the mail order hou' -^r. in Toronto. Every tire purchased will be placed on your car Free of Charge. Owing to thes extrem eiy low prices it is necessary to sell for cash only. D. A. JACKSON Phone No 20 MARKDALE P. 0. Box 191 Dunlop, Cjoodycar, Ames Holden and Dominion'Tires I X