Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1926, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, ld2S * \ • « i y ^ Our Opportunities are Often Found In Your Problems Our local manager is ready to dis- cuss your financial requirements and render any service compatible with good business practice. Our oppor- tunities to render any financial serv- ice can only be restricted by your fail- ure to approach us. The Standard Bank maintains a staff in your lo- cality which is organized to especially deal with the financial problems of your particular commercial commun- ity; call and .see the Manager of the Standard Bank. THE STANDARD BANK OF CAJsTAJDA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. B«tty, Manager John C. Adams Passed Away on Sunday Last .After ailing for «eviral years and i^ently suffering acutely from an inward cancer.jMr. John C. Adams i>f Flesherton passed away Sunday evening last at his home at the age of seventy-one years and five months. He has been a resident of Artemesia fur a great many years, and besides his sorrowing widow leaves six child i ren to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and ^father. The funeral takes place this Wednesday afternoon, service being held at the house at 1 p.m., intei^nent taking place in Flesherton cemetery. Loses Sight of Eye Social at Home of J. Field W. t. Meets May 5 The nine year old daughter of Mk*. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce of the 4th line Artemesia was splitting cedar when a chip flew L'jJ and struck her in the eye, cutting it so severely that she has lost the sight of it. She was taken to the hospital for sick children in Toronto, where efforts are being made to save the sight of the other eye. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce returned home on Saturday, leaving the little girl comparatively happy with other! little invalids. A social evening was held on ' Thursday evening of last week at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fielda, east of Flesherton, by their neighbors and friends of the district and pre- sented the esfliemed couple with pn electric reading lamp to be used in their new home in Flesherton. i(iss Ella McMuilen read the address ai^". Mr. W. J. Talbot made the present^n- tion, i|r. Fields replying in a fitting manner. The remainder of t!^» evening was spent in dancing and games. The W. I. will meet at the honw of Mrs. Inkster, on Wednesday, B£ay 5th, at 3 p.m. The election of of- ficera will take place, and every member is urged to be present. Pay- ment of dues will take place, also anyone wishing to Lake the sewing course which is to commence on May 31st, kindly hand lin their names. Baking Committee â€" -Cake, Meodames Hickling, Heard and Thurston. Sand- wich; Mesdames R. Down, Tumbull, and Mrss McMillan. C.P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Fleghertop Station as; follows : Going South Going North 8.00 a.m. - 11.52 a.m. '4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at if.OO a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal Mrs. W. Wilcock is spending a week with her daughters in Toronto. Mra. Geo. L. White of Aylmer is visiting relatives here. Mrs. R. G. Holland 13 visiting in Toronto at present. Mr. Wm. Woods of Toronto spen*< rt\he past week with his friend Mr. Joe Corkhill. Mr. Emerson Thompson left last week tio join the Murdock extra gang on the C. P. R. and will be working' in the North- country. Mrs. H. Down is recovering nice- ly from her serious illness under the care of Dr. Tumbull. Many of our subscribers have ne- glected t.Heir renewals. These woiild bf very welcome at this season of the year. Miss Sadie Ferguson of Toronto who hai- been visiting in Dundalk, has spen ihe past week with Mrs. P. H. W. Hickling. Rev. A. J. Preston attended a con- ference of the Baptist Bible Union held in Toronto Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. Notice was received here last week, by local trappers that the trapping season for mu-k rats was extend <\ one week on account of the fateness. of the season. On account of the extra amount of advertising this week we are forced to withold a nuTuber of budpets of correspondence and other communi- cations. SHNIGLESâ€" Cr^r load of N. B. shingles including extras and second clears. Have a few scco^-jd clears on hand at Flesherton yard. â€" W. .A.. Armstrong, Flesherton. So far- the run of sap in the suglir bush has not been uu to expectatiorr ; and only about one quarter of the amount of syrup of last year has now been made. ^ Saturday of this week will see the,' opening of the trout fi.-.hin.sr seasor of 1926. We surmise that the fish â- will be quite safe for a week or so longer with the rivers as high as they are. The annual oonvontion of the Lib- eral Association of South Grey vs being held at Durham thi.* Friday afternoon. It is likely that a num- ber of Flesherton Liberals will be in attendance. Mr. Koy Neilson of Toronto vi.^it eil his wife and little son here last week, who returned to the city with him on Saturday. Mra. Neilson had been visiting her parentis Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright. A good attendance waa at St. John's Y.P.S. on Monday evening when colored slides on the industries of Ontario were shown. Other num- bers wore a chorus by several pupils of the high school and two playlet*! also by high school pupHsl under the direction of Miss Dunham. .\ coB- *ction was f'lken to defi-ay expen.«es , Ml. 5. W. A. .A.-n-.strong and Mijr. Florcncc McFadden ar'ended tho Crey Presbyterial which met in Owen Sound Tuesday of this week, as ivp- resentioir the C.G.I.T. Mrs. Cargo" and MVs. Iremp attended as verl^e- sentin-r the W.M.S. Rev. Harrower and Mr. T. W. Findlay of Chalmer".-. church and Rev. Clements of Su John's church also attended. Bacon Hog Club Organized A meeting was held at the home of Mr. Chas. Stewart on Tuesday even- ing of last week to form a bacon hog cliib to be known as the Flesher- ton Bacon Hog Club. Mr. C. Stew- art was chosen President, and Mr. R J. Boyd as Sec.-Treas. There was a good attendance and it was decided to irapori, at once, a purebred York- shire bacon hog, which will be cared for by Chas. Stewart. . ' The Saugeen Bacon Hog Club have secured a new hog, bred by .Al- fred Ba;?g of Edgely, Ont., from the Ontario government and will be kept by C. Hindle. The optiimism of the man who sees benefit to imself out of a backward season is refreshing just now. Farmers who refuse to be ap- prehentiv say it nieanj a wet June with a hot damp summer and bum- per crops. The story was told in these columns last week of a Tossor- onto man who w^as ser\-ing oi» the jury in Barrie the first week in May forty years ago. Not a stroke of work had been done on the land up to the time 11*16 jury was discharged. The jurymen were able to commence work on their arrival home and that summer gave them a crop which could not be beaten. â€" Alliston Her- ald. Silent Cop to Scrap Heap After sen'ing the village faith- fully for the past couple of years, a.< chief traffic officer, Flesherton's constable has at last beea forced to retire from public life. During his long service in directing the traffic he has had several narrow escapes by being run over on different oc- casions by various reckless drivers, hut each time bobbed up again and continued on duty, none the '.vorse of his experiences He continued on duty night and day during tihis time, tireless, never taking a rest and JV- fusing to accept any filthy lucre for the performance of these duties, do- ing it all for the good of the comm- unity. It is very raeldJom that a municipality can boast of an official so sacrificing as ours has been, and we are indeed sorry that Mr. Cons- table will be relegated to the scrap^ heap. YeiS, our constable has been a silent one, and when it was left on the square during the wnnter ; a team accidentally ran over the inan- imate object, splinthring the wooden covering, and so seriously injuring its "innards" that the bobbette fails to bob when 'bunty pulls the string.' i6^ Economy ^TransDorbiticm CHEYROtET BETTS â€" McMlTLEN The marriage of Miss Lottie Ella McMuilen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMuilen of Flesherton to Mr. Francis Betts, son of Mr. and Sirs. Thos. Betto of Rock MLUs, was sol- emnized at the St. John's United church parsonage this Wednesday afternoon. April 2Sth, Rev. "W. R. Clements officiating. The happy young couple left on the afternoon train for Toronto. wliallty is the biggest factor in economy; IJuailty determines the pride fou take in your car; y Uallt y â€" the finest you can buy in a low-priced car, is provided by ^ Chevrolet. The Quality built into a Chevrolet assures economy from the time of your purchase through the entire life of the car Study Chevrolet quality in relation to Chevrolet cost â€" then you will real- ize that Chevrolet prices are unusually low. The experience of over two million ov.n^s has proved that Chevrolet cost of operation is small â€" that the motor gives a high mileage with a low consumption^ of gasoline and oil. Come to our sho^sTocm this week and see how quality is built into Chevrolet. Come and find out for yourself how remarkable a \a!iie you obtain ih a Chevrolet because of its "Quality at Low Cost", DeLAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR If you are thinking of a new Separator let us demonstrate to you a new DeLaval. We also have a few used separators on hand. W. A. HAWKEN '^&>ack FISHING TACKLE This is the time to secure your new fishing tackle for the opening day for fishing on May 1st. An excellent line to choose from. Hear the new Victor Orthophonic Now in stock. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet Sales and Service QUALITY AT L©W COST HOUSE FURNISHINGS SPRING 15 PRE-EVllNENTLV THE TIME WHEN ONE THINKS OFSOMETHING NEEDED IN THE LINE OF NEW FURNISHINGS FOR THE HOME-LET US REMIND YOU OF SOME APPROPRI- ATE ITEMS YOU CAN PURCHASE HERE TO ADVANTAGE. WINDOW SHADES â€" Plain and duplex colors with and without in.scrtion. BRASS CURTAIN RODS â€" Single, double and for side drapes. LACE CURTAIN PANELS â€" Xew designs from $1.25 each. BUNGALOW NETS â€" l.arye ranc:e of new patterns, speciallv priced. FRILLED CURTAINS â€" Xew colors irm\ SI. 00 a pair. FLOOR OILCLOTHS â€" 1926 patferns 60 cents a .square yard. PRINTED LINOLEUMS â€" Heavy quality in eijrht different designs. Heavy qualiix , tour vanls wide $4.00 per running vard. CCNGCLEUM SQUARES â€" Gold Seal (pialitv. ' Goo designs 6x9 $7.25: 7>^x 9 S<).25: ^x^) SU.i: : *'xlO'.; S13.25: 0x12 S14.75. We are showing the best selection of patterns we have elver offered in 22 inch Papers. Very reasonably priced, starting at 10 cents per single roll. BRANDRAM HENDERSON PAINTS ..^a W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON KLESHERTQN Ready mixed paints in all colors for iu side and out.side u.se. Floor Paints for inside floors. Porch Paints for verandah and porches Fresconette for flat interior finishes. Frescota in all shades for kalsoniining'. X'arnishes for Floors, Linoleums, Fur- niture and Woodwork. China l.ac \'arnish Stain for all put poses. Raw Oil. Boiled. Oil. Turpentine. Shellac, Dry Paste, brushes of all kinds F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT.

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