Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1926, p. 7

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MUCH SUFFERING FOLLOWS INFLUENZA HOW OCEAN AFFECTS VOLCANOES Sinking of Sea Floor is Cause of Destructive Eruptions. Health Can Only be Restored Through the Use of a Bkwd- Making Tonic. An epidemic of Influeusa, such as to now prevaleut In many parts of Can- ada, always leaves widespread suffer- ing In Its wake. The dlseese ttself Is dan««rou6. but the danger 1* seldom over vhen the characteristic symp- toms f>f tho trouble have passed. There is left behind depression of •plrits, weakened vital powers, thin blood. Impaired digestion and over- sensltiTo nerves. Men and women who were rcrtjuat before stricken with in- fluenza find their bodies racked with pain previously unknown to them. This Is due to an abnormal thinning of the blood and leaves the syatem an easy prey to other serious troubles. This Is the time when the convalescent from Influenza should build up the blood with a reliable bk)o<l-maklng tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When the bloo3 regains Its rich red quality the nerves recover their strength and the organs of the body Itunction naturally and the dangerous, depressing after-«tfects of influenza disappear. Proof of the undoubted value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a . blood-builder and nerve tx)nic is shown J by tbo case of ^Irs. R. O. Stromberg, Cobalt, Ont., who says: â€" "I had a very severe attack of grippe, or influenza, I ; which confined me to my bed for a week. On getting up again I did not j recover my usual strength. I was very I weak, had a sevrt-e pain In my head, and a constant backache. I bad to get | a woman to do my work for me as I ! had neither the strength nor the ; energy to do anything. At this stage, j remembering the great benefit I had i through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in i girlhood, I began taking this medi-| cine, and scon my strength began to | return.' I am now able to do all my' own work again, and take care of my j baby boy. I am very grateful for what ' EASY TRICKS A Difficult Problem [ f â€" - // li - " kv r=4 â€" ROSEnp. • "is good tea** TEA fh^haos ijvauu gcvd Ua.Wi This diagram shows how sea water creeping through a rtK:k Assure in- to the lava po<"ket of a volcano causes a violent eruption. Secrets of Science '% By David Dietz Contraction aud adjustment of the earth's crust results in another des- tructive phenomenon besides tie earthquake. That is the volcano. The cause of volcanic action is more complex than the earthquake. Here wo must also take into consideration the fact that the material In tlie In- terial. This is likel; due to water from the sea creeping through liasures into tiie pocket of molteu material, where ^he intense heat turns It to ste&m. Finally the pressui'^ due to the steam and other gase.s becomes so great that the pocket can no longer hold It. Tlien it is suddenly blown out of the volcano in a great eniption, fre- quenitly burjiug farms and whole vll- terior of tlie earth Is at bo high a tern- , luges beneath a stream of molten lava, perature that it is kept rigid only by Besides molten lava gases, water In the Intense pressure of the earth's Hie form of steam aud fragmenUl mat- crust upon It. Geologists believe, however, that in the buckling up of the earth's crust the rocks sometimes assume a forma- tion which releases the pressure upon large area.s in the earth's interior. As the pills have done for me. and hope ^ * ^^'^^'^^ ">^ material in these pockets my experience will bo of benefit to ' ''e^JDies molten. some other sufferer." ! ^^^^ pocket.s would be mo If you need a blood-building tonic â-  ^""^ ''''^^^^ ""^ begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' earth's crust was greatest to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers i *''* theory, is supported by the fact or sent by mail at 50c. a box by writ- apt to movement of the Therefore ing The Dr. Williams' Brockville, Ont. Medicine Co., Alien. Far through tlie shadows the thin rain Is falling. Faint on the sand i» the sound of the sea. IHigU in the twilight a wild bird .to calling, • 'Lonely and test on the desolate lea. Under my lashes the slow tears are burning, 'Empty the hand that was lifted in prayer. While my heart, like the bird, for its lost land is yearning. Calling through darkness, defeat and despair! - Josephine Johnson. that volcanoes are found as a rule either on islands or close to the sea- coast. As we have seen, the ocean beds are slnkiug as a result of the ecirth's con- traction. The downward pressure upon the in- terior of the earth would tend to pro- duce a corresponding upward pressure under these pockets. Hence, if tliere were a crack or fis- sure in the earth's surface, the molten material would be forced out, and that is just what a volcano is^ â€" a hole or sort of natural pipe connecting with one of these pockets ot molten ma- terial. The molten material usually pours slowly out of the crater of the volcano. But occasionally another factor en- ters the situation. A great quantity of gas collects with the molten ma- ter are hurled forth by volcanoes. The lava streams cool and solidify into a variety of rocks which are class- ed among the igneous or tire-harifened rocks. The fragraental materials range in size from dust-like particles to par- ticles the size of walnuts. The dust is known as volcanic ash. The steam ejected from a volcano condenses and falls as rain. This car- ries down ^rith it muci of the vol- This is a tost o£ the wiim but you will find that most of those to whom you show the stunt will have some difficulty in arriving at th« correct sohitioa. Arrange niue matches in the form of the outer square and any tliat they represent four walls of build- ings surrounding a xmaller build- ing, represented by four other matches. Declare that it is eight feel from each of the larger build- ings to the smaller a;id lh:ir you have two plucks, each represented by a match, and each eight feet long, on which it is desired to make a bridge frimi any of the larger buildings to the smaller. The immt'diate response Is that only one plank Is neces.sary â€" one eight foot pUuk to bridge a gap of eight feet. Point out. however, that this i.s not practical because the distauce woMld not allow the ends of the plank to be supported. The dotted lines in the dlagtftm show the manner In which the two planks should be arranged. (Clin this out and paste it. tcUh atKer hf r*e icries, tt» o tcraybook.) THE ONLyIwEDICINE BABY HAS HAD ] Classified Advertisements. w RfTE OAK BHIIHJE rUA.SK, A.VQ ttmbvn. lUld Bmt.. Bothwell Onuxto. ^LEtTHIi' .MOTOH.H Bl)i:i;iIT ANTJ SOIJ>. \i;ltoo. Pr^.'tpr:-* St.. Toronta ^\T TO HKAn »KOM OWNOl OV OCOD turn ur nun h for •tit \^ . Memlt:. Uox Ml. ft. Worth. Tmi.-. life. â€" S hortiio use. Child Health. If is diJRcuIt to luc-asure in actual j t«rms Of dLsea^e the hamv Ui»t will j ultimately result, but one cannot fail] to be impresse*! by the large number j Of children in Ontario who are hand!- §ij capped as the result of b'&d foo<l habits. \ Fifteen per cent, of tte physloallr i \Y "below normal" children throughout " " the province who present themselves », .u- u ^u â-  ^ â-  rw. â-  ^ to a phj-siclan for examination tell the ^J^'"^'''« ^"'. *f .:""""? ^'l t' same story, namely, a pronounced dls- 1 ^""^ ^''.^u.'t " "" 1 like for mltk, fresh vegetablse (car- rots, cabbage, white turnips, beets, let- tuce, spinach and celery), fresh or cooked fruits, cooked cereals and milk puddings. These children eat chiefly package cereals, toast, jams and jet lies, sweet biscuits, thin soupe, meat, potatoes. plcHes, cakes, pastry, sweets and highly seasoned foods, with tea as a beverage. The lack of the first mentioned valuable fcM>ds in the diet is evident-'on examination: the child; is materially below- weight, is pale, has 1 flabby muscles, tires easUy, is irrlt-i able, has decayed teeth, suffers from' BEAUTIFUL HOMES The Macbean Builders' Guide gives valuable data and aids in solv- ing prob;ems relating to planning, building, financing, decorating, gar- dening aud furnishing. Profusely illustrated. Homes of all types shown in various sections of tho country. Send Twenty Cents for a copy. Questions answered. Mac- Lean Building Reports. Ltd.. 344 Ad«?lalde Si Wet-t, Toronto. that they are without an e<]ual fur re- lieving baby of any of the many minor ailments which afflict him at canic dust, forming whaj; is known as I one timtj or another. The Tablets volcanic mud. This mud solidities in-lnevec. fail to be of benefitâ€" they can- to a porous rook known as tufa. j not possibly do harm as they are gnar- In the historic eruption of Mount ! anteed to be- free from all Injurious digestive disturbances aud const ipa>- lion. - -Much, if not all, of the responsibility for this condition of affairs is due to apparent ignorance on the part of the parents and those associated with the j child in infancy. No serious thought I is given to the question of making it }fi What Thousands of Mothers | ^^'y f"-" ^^^ ^'"*J «'" '""^ ^-^ ''"^ >;f''â„¢ _ to acquire a liking for these whole- Say of Baby's Own Tablets. some, inexi>ensive and es.^eutlal ar- I licles of its diet, in fact tile opposite Once a mother has used Baby's Own | j^ ^j,g ^^^^ p^^ g^j,^ ^.^^^^ reason Tablets for her little ones she will use j ^.j,^^ twelve or fifteen months old the nothing etee. Experience teaches her; .^^^^^ ^^ required to take its allotteil place at the family dinner table. Here, /^ AndreH^'PMS <\jxi|nOPT00THACHE ^J/ INSTANTLY V L«M a Loag Tiiae. \^C SOLD EVERYWHERE * Nvmoi i. 7n(l>i S Co., Liamd, Diuntmun. TanaM* Vesuvius In 79 A.D. Pompel! was burled under volcanic ash, while Her- culaneum was buried under volcanic mud. There are three great lines of vol- canoes. The first runs down the west- ern side of .\meriea from .\laska to Patagonia. The second. Including Mount Ve- suvius and Mount Etna, which erupted in June. 1923. begins in Iceland and runs across Italy to eastern .\frica and Madagascar. The third gr<eat line starts In Burma and includes Japan and the Philip- pines. .Next article â€" The Metamorphlc Kocks. Silly Display. The mania tor t>stentation. foolisii 'fchen It Ls not absolutely wicked, jwliich attacks so many of the newly land suddenly rich, has been observed and satiritetl ever since the days of Egypt and Babylon. The latest ex- jample ot it Is reported from Java, rwhere the daughter oi a man who has made a quick fortune in rubber was iactually married in a dress made en- 'tlrely ot Dutch banknotes, sewed to- gether and cut wherever necessary, regardless! of Uieir value. You can- not help pitying those who have so little Idea of beauty, good taste or the proper u. e of wealth. . Road on Lofty Mount. X-Rays on Mummies. .\ federal road to the lop of Mount Mummies of pre-lncan inhabitants of Haleakala, Hawaii, is to enable tour- Peru are being X-rayed at the Field Ists to drtve cars up to 10,000 feet jWuseum in Chicago to permit stury of j above sea level to view the famous their anatomy without unwrapping. i crater. A Lecson in Grammar. One of the questions put to a class ot rural adults was: "In the sentence 'The bird flew over the house' is 'flew' a regular or an irregular verb?" This proved a sticker for the class, but finally one man ventured an answer, said ho, "If the bird that flew over the house was a wild goose, it went in a straiglit, regular line, so the verb Is regular; but If it was a woodpecker then it went In a crooked zigz.ag line, and so the verb Is irregular." ' Tilings taste so good we can't lielp eacins too much, now a::d then. Don't su£fer for if. Take Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. ^^ Unwritten Law of the Sea. The British sailors' unwritten law of the seas, "women and children first." when taking to tho lifeboats, was amended to include "married men next," by imperiled bachelors In the crew of the Antinoe, when on Jan. 26 last they were dTamatically rescued drugs. I Concerning Baby's Own Tablets Mrs. Russell Hill. Norwood, Ont.. says; | â€""I shall always have a good word ' to 9«y for Baby's Own Tablets. I have given them to our baby girl. In fact they are the only medicine she has ever had aud I am proud to say that she took secoud^rize at our baby show. 9Ho Is eleven mouilis <.';1 and weighs 22 pounds. No mother v.iiuse child is peevish or ailing will make a mistake In giving it Baby's Own Tab- Jets." his unsweetened (but essentially i nourishiugi diet is supplemeote<l by : the misguided but. well-meaning mem bets of the family who give -him "tastes" of ail the strongly-fiavored. highly-.seusoned and attractively-color- EARACHE Heat an itx)n spoon. Put four drops of linim«nt aud four drops of sweet oil in It. mix and put one or two drop* in the ear. Medicine Co in inidocean by Captain Fried, and the AU but the graiumai--boimd examiner [officers and men of the .â- \merican liner were satisfied planatlou. with' this rational ex- -^ Peps You Up! Do you feel all in? Have you that stupid, alecpy, dragged-out feeling that bothers so many people? Then use dailyâ€" an effervescent, saline laxative that gently clears away the poisonous waste matter which so often clogs the system and leads to many seridus diseases. You'U marvel at the difference in your feeling. You will be full of pep, eyes c^ 3S bright, c^or clear, mind alert, ^%** ^Sn *^^ Uv«Qr. Try it foir a week •no sec few- yourself. Thr9* a6«*-«f all OraUMm. ThtWlntaM CiMmkMl Co. LimlUd KfontTMil Preieldent Roosevelt. The fact was brought out at a Board of Trade Inquiry into the loss of the British freighter which left New York on Jan. 14 with 35 men. Nine days later in a tumultuous sea a. big wave struck the ship and bent the steering rod. The story of the crip- pled vessel's heroic res«ue is now his- tory. The unpublished version of the bachelors' reganl for t^e famiiiee of imperiled compauloos wa» toJd at a court inquiry by L. P. C Darby. Ten of the surviving 23 men had 't>een saved, leaving 13 still In jeopardy aboard. Darby testified; "The diMlpiine on the .-VBlIuoe seems to have been good, because when a lkfebo«.t was seen to be Bpproac9itn«, the remaining men on the Antinoe were, arranged In the; order in which they were to go and the ; mnrrled men were sent away to the! President Koo«evelt first." i ed articles of food on the table. He not only acquires (at once) a pro- nounced dislike for ilie food which is best suited for his prosetit iiee<ls. but acquires a liking for those which may 1 be dietinctly harmful. Much of the j trouble could be avoided If children up j uutil at least three years of age were i served their meals away from the : family table. WJi'le this may mean | some little re;idjU3traent in the home. I it will unquestionably result In a' mar'iied improvement in the health of the children and help prevent their a tew Baliy's Own Tabk-ts are sold by , being classed "below normal medicine dealers or direct by mail at | years later. 25 cents a bo.x from The Dr. tVIUlams' ' .% MInard's Liniment for sore throat. .jt Laying Asbestos Shingles. Asbestos ?hingle« nruy be laii by the roofer In any one of .vevoral different ways. EJacfc ot the;.' ways, however. Is so simple that, without aTiy instruc- tion, a couipptev.t rcofer can apply the ahlngles .so ihnt the?- will r-rotect the houffe as long as it lasts. Built That Way Miss Eel-^'l wish yon wouldn't I jump around 6o much when you | dance; " Frogâ€" "1 can't help it. and besides this is a "hop" anyway:" No Wonder. Jerry "That woman you were with last night looked old enough to be vour mother." Harry "Yes; Isn't It mv it-.andtnother." queer. She's the Love's Ambassador. The haudKome yoin^ man house party suddenly woki> ui) to the' fact that the hogtess' youngest da«sh- â-  ter of about eight stimmers was try- ing t" ninke friend,"" with him and. be-' Ing a kindly young man. he encouraged , her. "1 (Miy, l!(>w o'.d are you?" a-iketl th» ' falr-halred mite suddenly. lie smiled and annwered the quae- 1 tlon. only to meet with another: j "Are you married?" The young man stuilingly aadured the little girl that he w«« not. i At that moment the hostew her««lf : appeared. anO the lltU« girl turned to j her and said ; I "He'» OK. t-o tar, mother. 1* there i anything e!«e you want to know?" Stunning the Waitress. , Fried fish and potato chips occupy In London the same plane of economic sustenance that is occupied In this country by "hot dogs. " The .Argonaut tells the story of a gentleman with "the Oxford manner.' who often getjs short of hinds toward the end ot the month and takes himself to one ot the numerous establishments where this refreshing dish Is purveyed. After a careful scrutiny of the carte de Jour, he gave his order to the at- tendant. Thus: "I'U -ahâ€" httve all - some fried plaice, if you plea.«e. and- alt yes. perhaps ah Just a few fried p<-)la- toee." "Hie waitre.'is stared «t birr, pop- eyed, and gasped. Then, as she seem- ed i<n the point of fnmtlng av ay sh.> recovere<l herself. "Ow:" she cxclslnied "Fish an' chip* yer mean Klglu«>:" Among British vt^terx thei^ e'.even n»en to e\"«'ry eiRht women. Minard'e Liniment for dandrull. are CAN YOU SOLVE THIS? D I ERFL A G The above letter* «heii i^roperly arranged speli the name of a late President. Kverycne sending In the correct sohitlon will be awarded â-  beautiful lot 20xluO feet Free and Clear of All Kucumbren.-es. In a sec- tion now open to colonization In New Jerrifv .\n«»ec puxile and mail to-ri.iy. Thl« Offer »xplr«t July 1». Beware ot ImlUtors! We ara the originators of this adrerttnlnf iiien. Maxim Development Corporation M* WcM <Oin Slrnt Nm Vttk CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN-BALM Yoar/avcr'[c old LINIMENT 1*1 ncui heing ojfcftii in TUBE FORM Better than before! Easy to apply! Its well-known toothing, healing and penetrating qualities have been inten- sified in the new. compact form. For over fifty year* it has been a standard household remedy for sprains, bruises, rheutnatic pams or muscular lameness from any causa, j Generous tube for 25 ctntB. Sold Everywhere, or by mail from ! Chamberlain Medicine Co.. Toronto Keep This Safe Home Medicine Ready to Use Ti> every home come per'odj of ill- ness, the trtatmant of «-hlch i,« so well known that itie us« of a household meti'.clno like 'VN'amer's Sate Kidney and l.trer Hflme<iv ik required. rile relief that this reuixMly can ac- complish Is almost limnfaaurable. and It should »lw»\-s he keut ready for u.«o in all cases of derangvuient of stximacli aud bowels, and eepeclaJly If symp Tom* indt^-atc disorders of the kWii^.vti, llvw »:u] i urinary orgaiie. thti.* prr j venting the de\slopm<M!t I of more serlcis s.vroptvMr* i and often seriou* illness CUTICURA Mother's Favorite For Baby's Skin The pure, cleansing properties o! the Soap make it ideal for baby's daily bath. Assisted by Cmicura Ointment it does much to prevent little skin and scalp troubles be- coming serious and to keep baby's tender skin healthy and clear. Cuti- cura Talcum is soothing and cool- ing, ideal for baby after a bath. SuDTt. S«cll Frw &T X^ll. Addr«-!ie Csnetllan I l^fpot: -Sunb7«B«. Ltd Muctr.*!.'' Price, SoilP I 'JSc, OinUBcnf JS and f^v. Vtt::uin 2Sc. I ViV~* Cuticur* Shavms Sticlc 2Sc. I all drugslais. Trice $1.25 ^ Wariier's Safe Kemcdto.'' ; SoM by per bottle Co.. Torot»to. OntariOk DRAGGINO-DOWN PAINS RELIEVED Woman Suffered NeaHj a Year. Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vefetable Compoud Broogfat Her Health Moose J;".w. Sask. â€" "I am eotng U.i try to tell you what Lydia E. Pmk- ham's Vegetable Compound haa done for me. I suffered very badly with dragging-down pains and inflamma- tion, also pains m my right side over my hip and down my whole side into ny leg. I had it nearly a year when 1 went t« a doctor and he said I would have to have an operation. But my mother eaid to take Lydia E. l^inkliam's Vegetable t'ompound as it saved !ier life years before. I took two bottles and I found I was better, so T kept on taking it and also used l.ydia %. Pinkham's Sanative Waah. 1 have had two more children since t'nen and am perfectly well. 1 used to have to- lie down two or three times a day. and now I do all my housework without trouble. 1 al- ways keep the Vegetable Compound IP the hou-<e as 1 mid a dcse now and tlien helps ne. I am willing for you to use this letter any wav you see fit and I will answerlettcrs. If'lcanhdip any other woman I "d be cniy too glad to "trv. â-  â-  - Mrs. Esther flouuHTCN. 712 Athabasca W.. Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan. Uydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnound in a dependable medicine for ail women. For sale by druggists wtTfwhen, • ISSUE No. 17â€" '28.

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