Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1926/ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ANYTHING KLSE Some mouths look like peaches and cream, and some like a hole chopped into a brick wall to admit a new door or a window. The mouth is a hotbed of toothaches, the bunghole of oratory, and a baby's crowning glory. It is patriotism's fountain and the tool chest for the pie. Wit|i- out it the politician would be a wan- derer on the face of the earth and the cometist woulfi go down to an unhonoured grave. It is the bak- r's friend, the orator's pride, and the dentist's hope. Haa BeauUful Urounds Those who visited the ground of the Ontario Reformatory, Guelph, have been struck with their artis- tic appearance. All too much crod- it is due on account of the former poor and swampy condition of this farm. The sunken garden is par- ticidarly attractive and the use made of a Bmall stream is marvellous. This wi^k is to be further extended this year. With it« palatial buildings and park like grounds this institution 'Aill present quite an attractive ap- pearance, .suriwssing even many .summer hotels First Class Merchant Tailoring Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Bird's Mackinaws. Stocking Legs & Yarn Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free H. ALEXAN ER FEVERSHAM SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN EGG SETTINGS FOR SALE We will have a limited number of settings of eggs for sale from oui High grade pen of White Leghorn fowl, consisting of Grandauhters of Lady Victory Hen with a record of 306 et;gs in her pullet year, and 1604 in 8 years, and these ailc mated up to the Grandson of Keystone Maid with a record of 304 eggs in one year. Our strain of fowl are gett- ing to be known now, as quite a num- ber have had real success with them having them laying all winter. Phone 34 r 3, or write. Price per setting $^00, two settings for ^.00. Setting consi-sts oif 14 eggsâ€" T. W. Findlay, Flesherton. POTvVrOES WANTED We are buying and loading every day at Ceylon. ^ Highest, marke. price paid.â€" W. C. White, Ceylon. S. C. White Leghortis from select- ed descendant of Keystone Maid, a 306 egg hen in its pullet year, and Lady Victorj- Hen 304 eggs, and grand champion with 1604 eggs in 8 ears. These are mated ^ with a splendid cockerel a proven cockei*- el a proven sire of egg producers and a i'lT&t prize winner in his class wherever shown This pen had 65, 60, 60 and 65 per cent layers in the months of Decembr , January, Februarj', and March. Early or- ders will be given prefeence. Priced at $1,50 per 15, per 30, $2.00. â€" W. Tumey, Flesherton. EiaajaiajsraraiaicBjaiaiaBjaiaraiaisiafsisiaiaiajaMaE^ usiaiaiBjaiaisajajaiaiaiaraa/aiaiaB Ball Team This Year? I Flesherton ball team of 1926 is no more. After winning the cha.-i-' pionship of the Centre Grey League, and displaying a machine like precis- ion in every department of the gam* the team disbanded. Dow, the star second baseman, is in Kitchener, and will, no doubt, make a place with the Inter County Leaguers. Kelly, the red light guardian, is in Bronte, K. Boyd is attending Toronto Normal, and Reggie Hutton is in Detroit, where he has secured a position. The outfield of last season, namely Thui-ston, AIcox, Sparks and Wauch- ope, wiM be available for duty this year. The infield will have to be rebuilt around Cec. McTavish, who will play either shortstop or second base. There is a probability of iBoyd being homo this summer, but two good men must Joe found to fill the "shoes" left by Kelly and Dow. There is a world of material for these po« it ions, but a lot of hard prttcticc must be indulged in by the candidatb for either job. FVank Betts could de- liver the goods, and Currie, of the O.D.R., McDonald, Buchanan, or Gen- oe would make 'em all step. The battery was badly shaken with Mutton's departi<-e, but Kvith Akins again available, the receiving problem might be worse. Buchanan would be of great assistance if he covid be coaxed out of retirement. Alcox is recovering nicely from his recent illness, and the boys are all pulling for his return to form. Th management are working hard, and some "dark horses," may be trotted out for the approval of the fans. Small Advertisnments LOST OR STRAYED LOSTâ€" Within two miles of my plAce, on or about the first week in April, a pair of skidding tongs. The finder please com'municiAe with me ^nd oblige. â€" J. C Humberbtbne, Duncan, P. O. FARM FOR SALE Lot 12. Con. 1 N. D. R. Artemea- ia, containing 46 acres, all cleared. Good soil clear of stones, and spleiw did hay, grain, and root farm. Good supply of water. Frame house and .â€" â€" j&mal lorchard. Frame barn 60x82, FOR SALE jwitii basement stabling. New hen I FOR SALEâ€" Chestnut mare, 6 yrs. piouse 14x20. Buildings situated on ' oldâ€" <Jarnett Magee, Eugenia. [County Provincial road 1% miles from Pricevjlel, and 2»/4 from Ceylon. Apply ^OR SALEâ€" A number of good Rock hens for sale.â€" A. Shackleford, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good driving liorse for sale, 4 years old. â€" B. Welton, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" A Cockehutt, two furrow plow. â€" J, T. Best, Priceville P. 0. Phone Flesherton 35 â€" 1-5. to A. B. McDonald, Priceville. BOAR FOR SERVICfi Tamworth boar foir service. No. 2-16,816, on Lot 140â€"147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our cuttomers in the six com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. . F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associate* with high| quality merchandU& at theQ fairett pottiblK price*. Death of A. B. McDonald The death occurred on Tuesday, jif A. B. McDonald of Pricevllte, who) FOR SALE â€" Two good young work horses; one young coW in calf.- â€" F. Stuart or W. W. Trimble. For Sale â€" Half bred African gan- der. â€" S. Fitzsimmons, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE SALE â€" Purebred Bronze No. 92-77530. Also a younir York- shire pig, both bacon type for serrie* on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.11., Terms â€" fl.OO. â€" T. J. STINSON. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR Gobbler.â€" Mrs. Tujcker Phillips, phone Portunity 3 on 11, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Large variety of peas for sale. â€" Ben McKenzie, Cey- lon, r>hone 22 r 5. Scully's old egg house, splendid op- for one interested in the produce business. An ideal place for grading centre. â€" Apply Thomas Ow- ler, 117 Leslie Street, Toronto. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- This Week's Offering of Special Values Covers Different Departments of Our Store. Through Federated Buying You Will Find a Big Saving In First Class Merchandise. New Spring and Summer Goods at Values that are unbeatable. Come and See. A look will convince you. Bull 11 jnonthj old. â€" Edgar Betts, Eu;;enia. Phone Feversham. FOR SALEâ€" Seed Barley for sale. W. J. F. Hutchinson, R. R. 4, Mark- dale. FOR SALE â€" Marquis splring wheat $1.75 per bush. â€" Charlie Stew- art, Fleshetoj^. vice â€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms fl.OO. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. FOR SALE â€" Colt j|ising three, broken double. â€" John Meads, Price- ville. Phone ^21 r 12 Ginghams, Very Special 2o piece.'! of fine ginghams, in stripes and in checks, fine for Children's drosses. 27 inches wide Regular 25.c to 29c. Federated Price 19c. / Shirtings and Galateas 15 pieces of good heavy shirtings and galateas. All good patterns. Federated Price 19c. Flannelette Special 10 pieces of good quality Stripe and Plain Flannellette. Regular values up to 29c. a yard. Federated Price 19c. Bleached Sheeting Special 300 yards width A O^c. n yard. V of fine bleathc'ii .sheeting, double bed real good quality. Federated Price Toweling 600 yards Hand Towelling in pure linen and union. Real good weiKht, 16 '/a inches wide. Reg- ular 25c. to 30c. values . Federated Price 19c. Fancy Cretonnes 20 differctn patterns to choose from. Ju'st the thing for chair or lounge coverings. Very Special Federated Price 29c. adn 39c. a yard. Scotch Plaids for Children's Dresses 200 yards Scotch Plaid Cotton Drean (ioods. All dark patterns. Ju»t the thing for children'! dresses. Federated Price 25c. a yard. Clearance of Men's Plow Boots 75 pair of Men's Heavy Plow Booti, all solid leather, sizes to 11. Values up to $4.50 Specif L' Clearing Price $2.29 a yard. Clearance of Women's Heavy Shoes CO pairs Women's Heavy Shoes Just the thing for present wear, will stand the spring wet., sizes 3 to 7. Federated Price §2.50 per pair. Overalls for Men Twenty dozen Smocks and Overalls. BuU Dog Brand in heavy black doniin, large and roomy, will stand hard wear. All sizes. While they last, Federated Price $1.98 per Rarment. The Newest in Men's and Young Men's Suits See our window display this week. 60 only. Men's Suits in heavy Navy .Serge and English: Wotstcds. You will pay doUai-s' more elsewhere for the same suit. Federated Price $29.75. House Furnishing Department liouso Cleaning time isi here. Wo have a lull ranire of Linoleums and Congoleums both by J ard and in rug form. Our price.n arc right and the . quality of the goods cannot be beaten. Also a full range of Curtains, Curtain Material and Wn- dow shades. We carry mosti everything you need in this line. 4 yard Linoleum in heavy quality ai( %\.0Q per running yard. GROCERY SPECIALS Castile Soap, 3 for 25c. Castile Soap, Large bar 16 Oranges while they last, at 26c. and 30c. a dozen .Seedless raisins, 2 for 26c. Seed Tapioca.best oualitv. 3 pounds passed away at tile home of his son, J. L. MacDonald, 89 Glen avenue,' Ottawa. The late Mv. MacDonald wa.s born in the township of Vaughan, near To- ronto, in the year 1857, ar.d moved, with his parents to the t\ownship of Proton, Grey county, where, in 1889, he married Sarah McDonald. Dur- ing the past six years they have re- .;ided in Priceville. They 'had been vi.siting with their son in Ottrjva (luring the la.st few months, Mr. Mac- Donald evidently enjoying his usual ftood health. On Tuesday afternoon, however, he was taken suddenly ill with a heart attack and paSii^d l^way wil'i'xin an hour. Besides his wife, he leaves to mourn his loss a .son and daughter, Jotin L., of Ottawa, and Janet, ' of Toronto. Another son, Neil, pre- deceased liis father jevcn years ago. Three sisters, one brother and one half-sister, also survive; Mrs. ^as. MacDonald, Durham; Mrs. Archie Ferguson, Proton; Mrs. John Fergu- son, Dundalk; Donald MacDonald, ^on in good repair; young Collie dog, Durham, and John MacGillivray.^good with cattle.â€" J. K. Jamicson, FOR SALEâ€" Mare 10 years old, also quantity of small peas for seed. â€"Fred Russell, R. R. No. 2, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" International gas engine, 2 horse-potwer, first class repair. Price right. â€" H. Down & Sons, FOR SALEâ€" One brood 6ow,due April 1st. Two young Durham cows due May 1st. â€" Joseph D. Whyte, R. R. Proton FOR SALE â€" Two purebred short horn bulls, 12 and 20 months old â€" J. I. Graham, Markdale, Phone 58 r 33. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- able terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. NOTICE No fishing or trespassing will be allowed on Lot. 40., Con. 10, Arte- mesia. Trespassers will be cuted. â€" Geo. Ottewell. prose- S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estat.2 and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" FOR SALEâ€" Small quantity of dry .maple lumber; one light spring wag- Woodbridgc. ] Service was held on Wednesday evening at the home of his son, J. L. JIacDonald, Rev. G. G. D. Kilpatrick', of Chahners United church, officiat- inir. Among tho.se present were members of the session and Sunday .school staff of Chalmers church and reprcKenthtive public school teachers, besides the more intimate friends of the Eugenia, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE Ou the Toronto Line Provincial Highway. Three farms, two of^lM Rcres and one of 80 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date li». every particular. Will sell an.T oas of these. Good brick house on on iV the fanns. The stabling for aatf. mals is perfect One f^nr has tea acres hardwood bush and aiiota« nandred haa three acrea of timBa and has buildinnga for everythinc FOR SALE â€" Barred Rock eggp for hatching, stock with 200-egg re- - - , - cord 50 cents per dozen; White ".***• i»:l"ding poultry house tmt Duck eggs for sale $1.00 per dozenâ€" ^'^ P*""; ^•° broken land and elair; Peter Muir, Ceylon, Phone 22 on 2. i", "^f^^^- "^^ person interetasi ! of weeds. • should investigate. FOR SALEâ€" 35 acres of land with house and barn, half mile south of. hny -T. J. STINSON. Proton Station P.a 5 I the family. Following the service i ^"K^"'"' "" t*'^ F""*^*^ Line, recently j remains were taken to the"uniori'^'"<="'ed by Bob Smith.â€" A "r.!.- t> ! station, whence they were conveyed i to Priceville. Ont., where interment.*"*'*' took place Thursday aftenoon, April 22'nd, Rev. *R. G. McConnick offieiat in p. The .iincere sympathy of a large circle of pfriends and Co-workers in church goes out to the family in their great loss. Geo Graham, Eugenia. [Will ala^ BUSINESS CARDS i Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental FOR SALEâ€" Pair of heavy black ""^^^l"?' '"'"O'" Pradnate of Toronto (olts, rising two years for sale, would ""° f'oy"' College of Dental Surgeons take sow on tradeâ€" E. Jones, This- ? .c"**,^'**' . ^** administered fm F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale masBssssBBssasssmw^sss&msssssssssssssi. Presentation in West Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saigeon of Forward, Sask., celebrated their .filvc" anniversary on April 3iid, lii2fi. Mr. "W. S. Rutherford gave a verbal address while Masters LJoyd Moore and Clifford Hnwton V'vsanted the bride and groom of twenty-five years with a shower of silverware. The house was decorated with vftiite hells and silver garlands which looked very pretty. Mr. and Mrs. Saigeon replied in a few well ihojen .worda, â- ^expressive of their appreciation of the kindpess of the friends and neighbors. Mr. Ruth- erford took a few snaps of the crowd, after which a bountiful fowl supper was partaken of, and an en- joyable evening spent in games and social chnii Friends from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, Mr. and Mrs. George Hawton, Wey- hurn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Houghton of Regina; M|r. and Mrs. Thornton Pallister. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pall- isfor, Khedive , and Mr. and Mrs. Km»nanuel Moore. of Trossacks. About 45 guests were present. The Advance joins with »Mr. and Mrs. Saigeons' friends and neighbors in good wtihes for another twenty- live ^ears of married life. , tlethwaite farm, two miles south Flesherton. of of Ontario. Gas administered , teeth extraction. Office at resideaes Toronto Stret, Flesherton. CLOVER SEED-We have an ex- Dr. A. Tumbnll. RA.. M.B.. cntd. ceptionally good price on all kinds of uate from the Faculty of Medieteik clover seed Our prices are right. University of Toronto. Offlcoâ€" R^ Bo sure and get our prices before buy ardson Block, Flesherton Pho U. ing. â€" W. J Stewart & Sons, Flesh- " erton. i Prince Arthur I^odge, S3S, A.F. * FOR SALE-Fivc collie pups, 6 ^z"'- "*!* * *" ^'^^ Masonic hall. Am- weeks old, males $5.00, females $3.00. d*â„¢"^ S^^iJi^r^'r",",- "^'T TSl Also one female collie. 1 year old.- ^^^ "" "' '^^*'" ^ '"^ ""*"• ^"^ Albert Stoddart, R. R. No. 2, Flesh- erton. Phone 30, r2â€" 3, Markdale. Wright, W. M., F. J. Thnraton, ScS, M I S C E L L ANKO U 8 WANTED â€" Young calves wanted ^•'*^ P-â„¢ -Wm. Stewart, Flesherton. C. C. Middlebrv. Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesheiw ton every Friday from 4.30 p.m. to HORSE WANTE1>-Free pasture »-""«» H^nN Barristers. SoikH. given for use of horse du.;ng s.^. --^^-^- ^oa^^TMaSS.;. loi "'!"â-  "^""th^- R- J- Boyd. Flesherton. p,^^' p^^^, ^ Brancioffl^ rt NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Dundalk and Durham. Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham 5 â€" Bros., Eugenia. Telford A Bimie. BarristOT*. ' citors, etc., Offlcea â€" Grey and POTATOES WANTED - Highest Block. Owen Sound: Stlndii market prices. Phone 2-r 3-1.-A.C. Block. Flesherton. (Saturdays). Muir, Ceylon. p Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimio. W. WANTEDâ€" Any quantity of eggs. Wm. KsHtfaif. Liemaed J.RunsUdler, Flesher-! 'o' t*>c counties of Grey and Shn^lk Farm and stock s»1m a ipoetei^ the highest cash price will be paidj on delivery. GRAIN WANTED I Terms moderata., aatisfaetioa ; anteed. Arrangemento for Alh ki^ids of grain being bought. ^ may b« made at the Advance ol Get our prices before selling. Phone ' Central telephona ofllca, 2 T 31.â€" A. C. MUIR, Ceyktii. | « by addissslBC ma at ^f

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