pr ! ] t,= Pupi/ Nurses Wanted BUFFALO CITY HOSPITAL 462 GRIDER STREET. BUFFALO. N.Y 863 beds for the reception of evei*y known dissase. SIX DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION Affiliated with the University of Buffalo Medical and DentaJ Schools and District Nursing As.s<K-iation. 3 year registered course, fitting pupils for Be'tside, Public Health and Administrative Nursing. 670 hours devoted to classes, recitations, demonstrations and laboratory work in Dietetics. Home Economics. Bacteriol- ogy, Chemistry, Physiology and General Nursing subjects. Opportunities for selected graduates to fill paid e.\iecutive positions or pursue special study counses. THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE Entrance requirements : 1 year New York State High School or its equivalent. Salary. $15.00 a month. Food, clothing, uniforms, laundry and books furnished free. Straight eight hour duty. No split watches. One whole day off every seven days. A well-conducted nursing course is a fine preparation for' viifehood and a splendid opportunity to cultivate the habit of right living. NEW CLASS NOW FORMING Stories in Stones. There Ih hardly a preciouK stone that has not voiiia .siipersHiloii oonnected Willi ii. ItiiliaiiB wour corul iieckluces as liiarms to uvcn thu evil eye, and some piiopl^- in our own land Btill wear a .string of .inihcr heuits, not becauise they arH fashionable, but to ward off sore throats. I A lilece of agate 1» auppo&ed to be ! an infallible guard against IlKlitaiing and a (>uvp for llilrst, and the beryl was l)(>lievcd by the ancients to cure leprosy anti to promote happiness be- ' tween man and wife. i TurqiKiibe is held to he. a protection ' aptiinst falls and ndden injuries, and topaz used to he vertliighly prized be- i cause It was believed to have magical I power.s of dispelling eui.hant.ments and ! calinint? frenzy. ,j Super-stitlou still attaches itself to j ' the opal. The ancients considered that ; this gem had the power of rendering I its owner lovable, and also of bestow- , I InK on him the gift of invisibility. But \ \ when it was found thai the. stone easily | , became loosened in its sotting and j lost .the idea was set up that it was uulucky. except to people living in j October, birthstoue it is. Still Places and High. In all still places, Places in the hills. Small winds lipple, gu rippling through the uioBs, .â- \Dd the shadow of the hours, And the shadow of the flowers, lllpplo with the niomonta where tlie warm daj s cross. In all mountain meadows, High abov( the ttehiK. Noon is tilled with silence, unlMttak- able and wise. Cool and lovely lapse of sound. Never a whisper save around Deep and diripplng hollows where the clear siroaais rise. •-Struthi'!.i Burt. My Guest. Gallant and gay, in their doublets of grey AH at a flash â€" like the darlings of flame, â€" " Chattering Arabic, African, Indian â€" Certain of springtime, my swallows came! Doublets of grey silk, and surcoata of purple, And niffs of russet round each- white throat, Oarmented brave they hud crossed the waters, Mariners sailing with never a boat! Sailing a sea than the bluest deep bluer, Vaster to traverse than any which rolls 'Neath kelson of warship, or bilge of trader, Betwixt the brinks of the frozen Poles. Cleaving the clouds with their moon- edged pinions High over city and vineyard and mart; April to pilot themâ€" May tripping af- ter; And each bird's compass his small stout heart. â€" Sir Edwin Aniold. The tiiiest thina in Ihe world to keep your stomaoh in tii)-top shapn is 15 to ;iO drops oi Seigel's Syrup in a glass of water. Any drug store. Historic Tower of London is Holding Remnant Sale Tile Tower, that battlemented epi- tome of the grimmer phases of English history, is holding a remnant sale. It is the first sale of its kind held in the Tower for two hundred years, and comprises superfluous armor, some ot it 4»0 years old. A whole warehouse full ot helmets and gauntlets belong- ing to English soldiers and sailors of the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies l.« being disposed of at prices ranging from $4 to $13 for each ar- ticle. Only single pieces are sold to each person to prevent dealers from buy- ing the whole collection. .Most of the armor is painted, which opens up the fascinating; pos.sibi!ity of finding won- derful chasing underneath. American visitors scenting this, bought eagerly. From indications there seemed every probability that many a middle Western home will shortly add to its furnishings a helmet that may have been worn by one of Cromwell's sol- diers in the Civil W^ar or one- of Sir Francis Unike's sailors in the Battle of the Armada. Modern Dentistry. The practice of dentistry to-day is quite different from what It was a few decades ago. Many people can remem- ber with what fear and trembling they went to the dentist and the joyous feelings they had when they were told that their work, for the time being, was comp'leted. Modern methods of piTin elimination have removed much of this dread, and to-day it is the ex- ceptional thing for a patient to suffer much pain when having dental opera- tions performed. Similar advancement has been made in connection with many other branch- es of the science. XHay has revolu- tionized Ihe accepted practice of the profession. The discovery that dental conditions frequently cause systemic diseases has led to increased interest hi the removal of mouth Infections and a greater appreciation of the value of preventive dentistry. The modern dentist Is earnestly striving to prevent root end abscess and Pyhorrhea by dis- covering and correcting the conditions which will lead to these harmful dis- eases. The rapid progress made In Dentis- try has forced the general practitioner to keep abreast of the times. An en- lightened public demands a modern defltisl; and the organized pixitesslon has its regular conventTons and other forms of posL-graduato study; so that the family dentist, practising in auy part of the Province, may be able to keep abreast of the times. In this Province such opportunity is given at the .\nnuul Convention of the Ontario Dental .Association, which will be held at the King Biiward Hotel, Torouti}, May 17 - I'U. 1926. The most outstanding authorities on the North American Continent will give essays, an.i clinics, thus placing in the po.sses- slon of the dentists the modern know- ledge which they need In order to pro- tect the dental health of their patients. Reports from all jiarts of the Province indicate a recorrl attendance at this Convention. Films to Educate Egypt. -Vu Egyptian company in Cairo has obtained a government concession for the education ot Egyptians in provin- cial towns and villages by means of motion pictures. -Arrangements have been made to conduct performances In more than 100 inclosed markets throughout the country; the markets! being under the contnd of another Egyptian corporation. Early Baths In Bath. The town of Hath. Kngland. had pub- lic baths established by the Ruinims in 54 A.n. Retirement. When I reach my room at night I shut the door upon the day; The noise of coiilllct dies away, And presently a little light Burns in my heart and fills the room. DIspplllug gloom. Garments of care are laid aside, My hands are cleansed of stain of â- soil, I shake my feet from dust of toll. The doubts of day are scattered wide; I hear the Inner voice of peace Bid tumults cease. Then is the hour of silent song. The sweet communion that Is prayer, The angels of good thoughts draw near A. healing and a happy throngâ€" And when I close my eyes In sleep Their vigils keep. â€" Lloyd Roberts. RHEUMATIC PAIN AND THIN BLOOD V»""V» Rheumatism BODILY pains and aches are not the only symptoms of rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, Arthritis are all offshoots of that painful illness. An excess of Uri c Acid is the chief cause of rheumatic afflictions. As a remedy, doctors prescribe Lithia, and in Sal Lithofos there is more Lithia and Sod- ium Phosphate in one single dose than In a quart of mineral water. Sal Lithofos has been successfully used for Rheu- matism and kindred ailments for more than 20 years. M your druggM4 â€" thr«« 8/«««. Liniments of No Avail â€" The Trouble Must be Treated Through the Blood. The most a rheumatic sufferer can hope tor in rubbing Bomethlug on the swollen, aching joints is a little relief and all the while the trouble is becom- ing more firmly rooted. It is now known that rheumatism Is rooted In the blood, and that as the trouble goes on the blood be< omes^stlll further thin and watery. To g€t rid of rheumatism, therefore, you tiiust go to the root of the trouble in tae blood. That Is why dr. Williams' I'Ink Pills have proved so benellclal A-hen taken lor this trouble. They make new, rich blood which expels .'he poisonous add and the rheuiuati;-5ui disappears. There are thousaiuls of former rheumatic suf- ferers ill Caniida. now well and strong, who thank )ir. Williams' Pink Pills that they are now free from Ihe aches and |)ainK of /hi.-f dreaded trouble. One of these is Air. Robt. A. Smith. .Mersey Point, N.S., who says: -'•Some years ago 1 was attacked with rheumatism, which grew so hail that I could not walk and WjnX to go to bed under the doctor's Ii is needless to sjjy that 1 underwent a great deal ot suffer- ing. The doctor's medicine did not seem to reach the trouble, so when I was julvlBod to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I did so, and after taking them for soniB_week« I was able to gel out of bed. I continued using the pills and w;is soon able to work, an<i I have not been troubled^ with i-heumatisin since. In other respects also I de- rived ii groat deal of benefit from these pIllB and I think them a wonderful remedy." Dr. Wllliania' I'iiik Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at .50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. 'Ptomaine Poisoning. Ptbmaino poisoning Is due to the ac- tion of certain germs on meat, fish and so on. With the extinction ot life, a chemli'nl <;hnnge Immediately begins, setting up in the end what wo call putrefaction. It is the taking Into our systems of such tainted food that sets np this form of poisoning, the organ- isms produced in the "dead" meat or fish being known as ptomaines. Shell-llsh is peculiarly liable to be- come tainted from water cantaminated with sBwage. Pork, again, easily "turuH." and while tinned foods as snch art generally perfectly safe, it occasionally happens that a particular batch may have been In.tnfflclently sterilised, or that a sound tin may have become tainted through being left about. An Old Customer. Little Hoy- "riease, I want Ihe doc tor to I'oniH to see mother. Servant "Doctor's out; where you come from?" Little Boy -'Whal? Don't you know me? Why, we deal with yon. We had a baby from here last month." NO M...v«,. BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There Is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little oiies- whether it he for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are abH<iIulely free from opiates or other harmful drags and the mother can always feel safe in using tliem. Concerning the Tablets. Mrs. John Armour, H.R. i, .South Monaghan, Ont., says: â€" "We have three line, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine deal- ers or direct by mall at 25 cent* a box from tJie Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. IS good tea" TEA EASY TRICKS An Impossible Balance Classified Advertisements. E lecthk; motohs bought and sold. Matou. Predttflek St . Toronto. To An Author. fond of his own This is a little by-play for use in a parlor entertainment of tricks and stunts. The trickster has used a tumbler for tome purpose. When It has servfd Its p\irpo8e, he takes a playing card from the pack, stands It upright on a plate and balam-es the tumbler on It There the tumbler remains, in defiance ot the laws of gravitation, during the remainder of the tricks. If the specta.tors could walk be- hind the trickster's table, the mys- tery would be a mystery no longer. The card used Is prepared for tho trick. Another card Is bent length- wise and half of It-Is pasted to the back of the card which Is shown. The smaller Illustration will make this clear. The additional support will make it a simple matter to balance the glass on It. Every effort should he exerted, however, to make the spectators think that the balance demands a groat deal ot skill or they will suspect that Borne mechanical appliance is used. (Clip this out and paste it. with nthrr til the scries, in a scrapbook.J Sometimes an uuihor thought, Pursues lt» object till It's over- wrought. Tired with his tedions pomp, away I run, And skip o'er twenty pages to he gone. Ot such descriptions the vaJn folly see, AnI shun their barren supe.i-flulty. I '•* He cannot write who knows not to! Eiiiopean countries give o'ei': I half of Ihe troj)lc8. To mend one fault, ho makes a hun- 1 '======^ dred more; A verse was westk: you turn it much too strong. And grow obs<Mire, for fear yon should be long. Some are uot gaudy, bul are flat and dry; Not to bo low, another soars too hlgli Would >ou of every one deserve the praise. In wiinng vary ymir discourse ami phrase. I A frozen style, that neither ebbs nor i Hows. Instead of pleasing, makes us gaife and <loze. Those tedious autliors ar<' esteemed by none. Who tire us humming the same heavy tone. -â€" Boileau-lJepreaux. Prince Becomes Patron. The Canadian .Medical Association has just received word from Govern- ment House at Ottawa that the Prince of Wales has accepted the invitation, to become patron of the association. The t;auadian Medical AsHociaUon la now affiliated with the British Medical Association, of which his Majesty the King is patron. .y Excavations have recently brought to light a prehistoric implement for which no po-ssible use can he Imaginad. It sounds like an early Christmas iiro- sient. own luoi-e than "DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW Just Dip to Tint to Dye or Boil j Use Mlnard's Liniment In the stables. Beware of Inferior Gas. Car owners, educated to the Import- ance of using good oil in their engines, do not, as a- rule, appreciate that good gasoline also is essential to freedom ' from engine lepalrs. The owner of a Ci^ using cheap gas runs the risks as he woulil if lie boiiRiii Ihe lowest grade of lubricating oil. Ancient Costume Revived. The Ulshop of Carlrsle is to wear a cope and milrp after a break In the custom dating from the reign of tjueen Elizabeth. Eacti 15-ctnt pack- ago jontalas direc- tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye ricn, permanent colors in lingerie, silks, rlbboLS, skirta, w a i s t c , dresses, coats, stockings, Eweatera, draporlss, coverings, liangingj â€"evjry thing! Buy Diamond Dyes â€" no other kindâ€" and tell y_ur druggist whether the ma- terial you wish to color Is â- wool or silk, or whether it is linen, c&itou or mixed gooda. Cramming knowledge down .1 chikl'.s throat, as it is at pre-Miiit done, is not education. â€" Lord .Southwark. PAIN. Pain, no matter where lo- cated, will be eased by ap- plying Mfnard'B. May he taken either internally or exfeninlly. »• LuneberK. Hanover, ment to a pig, which di.'^ mine. las a monu- • ivevod n salt ISll^Mai^l eniu^ do iASPIMN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART A Strong String for N*ckUc«s. In restrluging pearl necklaces u*e an R violin siring as It will laet at least a year. It will seem Bllff for a' few wearinga only, when it will bfr I come (inite pliable. . Minard't Liniment King nf Pain. ^ ^«/^i > Accept only "Bayer" packnga which cont.iiiis proven directions. Handy 'Bayer ' boxes of 12 tablet* Also Wtles'of 24 Hi.d lOOâ€"Dniggiste. AMrlD in til* fr**! niick i'»cl<i<w« In 0«n«il») of 8»y«r M«riif»<'t«i'» of M-.w«c»tlr. •rldwtur of Snllcjlletrlrt l.\(vf}l SdlerUc Add, "A. H. A.">. W lills It U« WfU lliwwii (ktt AlvlltB nfltn Bs^M nwiiilfBCIiiro. In •mW th» piJbUr icalniK ;m:UIIPl». ll^» Tthieu vt B«jer OoBima; wUl In iMiwcd wlUI U»lr â- â- wnl u^tie Btrk, tlit 'Uiffr fiviM.- 1 Self- Poisoning Takes Huge Toll! Many Fail in Life ThrougliJ Sheer Neglect of Funda> mental Rule of Health Thousands of men and women are to-day victims of their own neglect. Grouchy, listless, quickly tiring, suffer- ing from headaches and bdiousness, they spend enormous sums in medi- cines without avail. They would give much to regain their old vitality. Can it be done? Yes! How? Simply by recognizing the importance of one fundamental rule of healthâ€" the proper elimination of the bowel con- tents. Poisons that are allowed to remain in the .system quickly lower the stamina, weaken the nerves and thus pave the way to ill-health. Stop this Bclf-poisoning by taking Nujol â€" the Bcicniific lubricant that completes the work of Nature's lubricant when, through modern living conditions, the natural supply fails. Nujol can be taken indefinitely with- out injury to the system. Try Nujol to-day. Ask for it at your nearest drug store, but remember there iionly one Nujol. Watch for the name "Nujol" in red en the label and package. Ofi Face and Neck, Itched Badly. Cuticura Healed. "My trouble began with black- heads which after a while festered and caused little red pimples. The pimples were scatteied over my face and neck and itched badly. When I scratched them it caused little sote eruptions, end the trouble lasted about four months. " 1 sent for a free sample of Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and after using it I purchased more which healed the pimples in about two months." fSignedi Ivan Towriss, 51 Frederick St.. Arthur, Ont. Clear the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment as needed to soothe and heal. Cuticura Talcum is fragrant and refreshing. Simple EmIi Tm by M»H. Address CaMiliin rt^pot: "StenhoaM, Ltd.. Montrcfct." Price, 3o«p 25c. Oin ljnent 1!6 and &((.:. Talcum 2fic. W^ Cuticura Shavint; Stictc 25c. ] THEY SUFFER NO MORE Two Women Owe Health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound St. Adolphe, Manitoba. â€" "1 was very weak and hati great pains during my periods so that I could not sweep the lloor. The pains were in tliB' right side and ex- tended to the left and then do vv m- wards. It seoinod as if the body Aa.'- heavy and upside down. 11 is for these troubles I took the Vegeta- ble Compovtnd. 1 saw about it in a paper and one wo- man prevailed on me to take it. It ha? helped nie in every way, the pains are less, and 1 have more ,ippe- litc. It is a pleasure to recommend i.ydio K. I'inkhain's Vof^etaV)ie Com- po'md to other women. ' Lka DB- 1A3HVP., St. Adolphe. Manitoba. Found Great Relief Toronto,t)nt. â€" '! am at i ho Change of Life with hot flR9he!<. dizE<neiHi, weakness and nervousness, 1 had head noises and wao short of breath,. I was this way about six rf\onths when T readahout l.ydia E.F'nkham's Vejt- etahlo Compound in thf newspapers. I have liiken «i^ht hot* lee so far ani f.njnd Rr.'at relief. "'â€" Mrs. R.J. SAlr- MON, li;; Lawlor Ave , Toronto, OnU IS3UE No. 1»â€" W. JlL i ll.tii i ]lllUMiBMiiI ' 'i s.'.