Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1926, p. 1

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Vol 46 No. 3 ^ Flesherton. Ontario June 16, 1926 W. H, Thurston &5on, Proprietors ROCK MILLS EUGENIA Our sincere sympathy in extended to the Croft family in their hour of sorrow by the death of their dear mother, Mrs. Chas. Croft, who de- parted this life on Saturday, June 12th. Mrs. Chas. Howard and. babe of Toronto ,are holidaying for a coup- le of weeks with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A. Partridge. The frequent rains are producing a very rapid _jjrowth 'and hay crops ^re laokihg well. Rev. Mr. Taylor of Durham will preach the anniversary service in Rock Mills Baptist church, on Sun- day, June 27th and on the following Monday evening June 28th, Rev. M». Harris, and the choir of Hanover will be present to help in the entertain- ment. Rev. H. B. Jackson preached at Salemn last- Sunday evening, and de- livered a good message from the 15th psalm. Quite a number from around here attended the meetings in Markdale on Sunday last. Mrs. Chas. Newell, and 'sister Miss Edith Bett*3, attended the annual joint meeting of the U.F.O., U.F.Vv. O. and the U.F.Y.P.O.T held in Price- ville Friday, June Uth, the fonnei- as delegate from Unity Club- Mrs. Frank Betts visited the past vireek with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips and son Albert, and Mr. Chas. Hoy, and daughter .'Ellai^ of Toront^j, visited at R. Hoy's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellridge Phillips of Toronto visited at Dick Clark's. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Robt. McMullen has purchased a new car. A number of the young people at- tended the Fireside Circle in Duncan on Tuesday evening. The club from Heathcote put on the programme and the home club supplied the lunch. An enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Jlrs. Clarke Teed and Miss Pearl Allen of Egypt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Com ford Thompson. Mrs. Sam Smart and son Clarence, spent Sunday with relatives at Dun- can. A number from this vicinity at- tended Mr. Gordon Wilson's bam raising on Wednesday afternoon of last w^eek, also the celebration in Kimberley on Thursday. The re- ports were good. Nearly every store in Orillia now has the Union Jack flying from a standard placed at the edge of the sidewalk. NOTICE I am prepared to do all kinds of wall paper hanging. Satisfacfcion and guaranteed work. Prices right. Ph. 7 ring 3, Osprey. â€" H. L LEPARD, Feversham Some of the farmers are through seeding. Still the fishermen come from all points to try their luck in the Eu- genia Hydro basin. Som« have been qu'.tc succesr.ful while others have had poor luck in catching the speck- led beauties. Mr. Wallie Williams and son of Toronto visited relatives here for a few days. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Tupling last week. Mrs. Tupling had been nursing Mrs. Jas. Porteous for several months We extend sympathy to sorrowing friends. Mr. Wesley Johnson the Watkins salesman was in this vicinity on Monday. Miss JVrabelle Hoy of Meaford has returned home here. Mrs. Cha.s. Martin attended tht funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Blak- ely of Toronto, on Wednesday af last week. A number from here attended the meeitngs of he Gospel ^\'o^kers in MarkdiUe, and report excellent meetings. Mr. Calvin Boyce has purchased a car . Several from here attended Division Court in Dundalk on Friday oi last week. Mr. Charles Williams has gone to Toronto to take a position. Mr. Wilfred Plantt is now assisting Mr. A. F. Pedlar. Mr. Jos. Williams has rented Mr. Albert Williams' residence and will move there shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and child- ren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C. Martin. Mr. Court Smith, 8th line has pur- chased a car. A party from Peel county made a pleasant visit to our little village on June 3rd. Dinner was served by the Ladies' Aid of the United church and the proceeds amounted to over $50.00 which will be a welcome ad- dition to the churdh funds. VICTORIA CORNERS PRICEVILLE Seeding is at a close in this com- munity and these fine rains and warm days rather lead us to believe we may have a Ij^rgt; harvest this year .although very late. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nichol and .\Iiss Rebecca, nv)tored to Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Lcona McDonald accompanied them to her home, af- ter spending a few days in the burg. The young people i^f the Presby- terian chuTch here presented their famous play entitled, "The Building of the D. and R. G.," at Swinton Park last Friday evening, and all from here enjoyed the ouiihg. We hope the Swinton Park people enjoyed our play. Rev. Dr. Bir«ley of Guelph filled the pulpit of tb.e Presbyterian church here on Sunday in the absence of Rev. .A. Sutherland, who is attend- ins the synod at Montreal the past two weeks. T'lrs. <Dr.) Blake returned homo from flamiltcn hospital on Sunday. A speedy recovery is wished for her by all. Mrs. A. D. McDonal^ of Ottawa, formerly of Priceville, on the last re- port, was confined to her bed. We also wish her a speedy recoverj'. Quite a number of tourists seem to fancy our Saugeen in tovn\ and loiter for fishing and picknicking. Mr. John and Miss Sarah Fergu- jon of Swinton Park were the guests of Mi', and Mrs. Colin McLean the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean S, Line visited Sunday with Miss Marjory McLean. Mr. Wilfred Parslow of New York city, arrived Saturday to spend his holidays with his parents on the O. D.R. and with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Kate McDonald. Mrs. Mills has gone to visit friends in and around Proton. Mr. Ed. Hogg, C.P.R. agent has returned to his duties after a few months of rest. Glad to 'see him looking so well. FEVERSHAM Mrs. Walter Acheson's mothm- Mre Cooke, brother Mr. Walter Cooke, wife and little girl of Tbrontj are visiting with her. Miss Lee of Toronto is visitinj- her brother, Robt Lee. Miss Edith Stinjon is home from a visit near Goderich. Mrs. .Arnold and Mrs. George Moore visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. W. Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Franke Nicol of Pon- tiac Mich., motored over and are vis- iting at their two homes here. Miss Vera Moore is spending a few weekj with her aunt, Mrs. Allan Montgomery of Dundalk. Nine year old Claude R. Cassel- man of Williamsburg township, died from lockjaw, caused by a sliver in his foot. Real Sensible Talk What would you think of a merchant, who ad- vertised goods at Right Prices and when you called you found he was only bluffing? I guess you would s.iy, "Stung Again." and go away back home and look up the old catalogue again, and make out another order We feel sure we have have proven to any person who has called fnquiring about any of our advertisements that we actually are doing what we say we are because the increase in business sfiows us that they are satis- fied. Ju^t aAvord to any who have not proven our prices right. Call once when you want Something, and if we cannot satisfy you that we are actually try- ing to s'erve you with goods at right prices. Then we would sav, Buy from the catalogue, but we think you ought first try your own dealer who is trying to boost your community as well as his own. & by our ow*n com bined efforts make our little town a real Hve centre. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER A FUNERAL DIREGTOR FLESHERTON CEYLON Messrs Fred and Russell Mathew- son of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair and daughter Miss Margaret, and son Jimmie, and Miss Delia White, mo- tored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. D. Stewart paid a business trip to Owen Sound on Monday. Mr. Ansley of St. Catherines was a caller in town last week. Mr. Jas. McWhinney accompanied Rev. Preston to Hanover last week and attended the annug^l Baptist con- vention there. Mr. and Mrs. Vicker, Mr. Farquhar Baxter of Caledon, visited at Mr. P. Muir's and other friends over the week end. Mr. A. C. Muir was in Toronto the past week on business. Mr. George Cairns has purchased a car for the pleasure of his family. Ml-. Alex Stewart has also pur- chased a new Star car. DIVISION COURT at DUNDALK Division Cou't was held in the town hall here Friday, presided over by Judge Sutherland, cf Owen Sound. In the ca.«e Rutherford vs. Charles Ma.xwell. the plaintiff, the plaintiff sued for $26.40, insurance premium. The defendant claimed that this sum had been paid to the olaintiffs fath- er previous to the death of Mr. Ruth- erford, sen. The ease was dismiss-' ed with costs. Another case was that of Thomas Mercer, of Markdale. against Charles Moorc_of V'ictoria Comers, for $120. repairs to tractor. It appears that Mr. Moore had purchase*! a second hand tre.ctor from Mr. Mercer. The tractor did ont work sattisfactorily and the McTavish â-  garage firm at Flesherton was caHed upon to repair the tractor. The bill was $120. Both the buyer and seller of the tractor claimed the other should foot the bill. The judge gave his decision against Mr. Mercer. Three other cases brought before His Honor were dismissed. â€" Dun- dalk Herald. .\n rjifortuaate accident oocured here last week while Rev. Koeber, who is a young man serving the con- tinuing Presbyterian congregation here was taking a stroll back to Mr. McLean's woods. He was getting over a fence, and the top rail rolled away, causing him to come down on hij leg on the other side of the fence, breaking the bone below the knee. Dr. M-Vv'illiams of Dundalk, who ij taking care of Dr. Guy's practice, he bein>T in Montreal attending the Council of the United chu:V-'h, was called and had the uni'ortunate man removed to the hospital at Colling- wood. The Gospsl Quintett, a troupe of neyro singers, who are assisting the Gospel Workers in special services in Markdale, motored over from that tcwn on Saturday, and visited v.-1?h Rev^. and Mrs. Simpson. We undei'stand that our miller, Mr. Jas. A. Davidson, has resigned his position as miller in (he C^pvey Farmers' Tilill here on account of the trouble fi-oni a hurt he received tv.'o y.'ars ago, raid resi.srnation to take effect in one month. Those fre- quenting the mill will regrret Mr. Dav- idson having to resigrn. Jlrs. Wright and son, of Toronto, spent a ietv days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean. Jlr. and Mr;:. Rundell and son of Maryland U.S. were visitors vi'ith the latter's sister. Miss Agnes Speer and Mr. and Mrs. Jas Speer the last week. A. number from here attended the Gospel Workers Services in Mark- dale on Sunday and heard the negro quintette sing. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morris, South- ampton were here over the week end. Miss Clements and Miss Ferris spent the week end at their respec- tive homes at Kincardine and Flesh- erton. Mr. Rutledge and sister of Hom- ing's Mills visited with Mr. and ifrs. R. S. McGirr on Saturday last. Sorry to report that Mr. Josiah Crawford is under the Dr.'s care at present with a severe attack of as thma and bronchitis. We hope he may be w^ell again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coulthard have treatec". themselves to a car. X good idea to have a little pleasure along with the hard work. Mr. and Jlrs. Jas. Henderson of Meaford motored over and spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Henderson and family here. PROTON STATION .\t time of writing, Mrs. Park sr. is seriously ill. Dr. Carter is in attendance. We were pleased to see Miss Emily .A.cheson*s name in the list of sucess- ful second year ttudents at the Uni- versity of Toronto. Congratulations. Jack and Ed. Batchelor, accompan- ied by their sisters, and Miss Cora Richardson, motored to Owen Sound and Port Elgin on Saturday and re- turned Sunday. Mr. P. Still has gone to Burks Falls to be with his brother who had a paralytic stroke recently. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Mr. and Miss Bell of Erampton were guests icccntly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vause. Mrs. Brimm has returned from her visit in. Mount Forest. IN MEMORIAM REIED â€" In loving memory of my fathei, Wm. Reid, who departed this life. June 2Cth, 1925. "\ here is no. death To those, whose hearts are set On higher things than this life doth afford; How shall their pasing leave one least regret. Who go to join their Lord?" Hear It f Tm New Orthophonic Victrola ^ And hear it in your own homeâ€" NOW you are in the equally for- tunate position of the New York or London audi- ence. The self- same music just when and what you wish. The latest hits are always at your command. ANDâ€" the quality of the music â€" well â€" just hear it! We will arrange for you to hear it in your own homeâ€" COME IN and see ua. W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, (Ont.) BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4.344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. The Latest Nevys from the Haw Store, Ceylon We handle Sherwin-William Paint â€" the kind that stays on better. Ccmie in and ask for the color card. If oin- stock of paper does not please you we can get something that does, wihin 36 hours. Stock prices range from fice cents to 35 cents per single roll. Don't forget wc take back every single roll at what it will cost you. Why buy more than you need? HIGHEST PRICES P.\ID FOR CREAM AND EGGS. 1 ^ I A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON IN MEMOrvIAM The grt««test known depth of the sea 13 said to be 32,088 |feet, about 40 miles north of the PhilUpine Is- lands. At this point th« ocean bot- tom would be about 11^ miles lower than th« top of Mount Everest. PEDL.\R â€" In loving memory of our dear mother., Mrs, Sam Pedlar who passed away June 8th, 1925. Wc A-atched her suffer day by day, It caused us bitter tfricf To 3ee her fail away And could not give relief. Her weary hours, her days of pain. Her troubled nights are past. Her ever patient worn out frame. Has found sweet rest at last. Ever remembered and loved by her sorrowing husband and family. HOUSE OF GtUALITY Big Spring Bargain 8 Bars Comfort Soap 2 Bars Pearl Soap 6 qt. Aluminum Kettle Reg. Price $1.92 Bargain Price 29 $1 W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, F*«<l, S»« J» . Oo ow toa »ni Oonf»c«(«tMry Flesherton ^'av.-.â€" .,.. â-  -â-  ^naMi,ia>^}'' --'»'-â- 

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