* V; '>â- f^ c !U ! « ®()je ik^\)tx{m %iimiu. Vol 46 No. 5 Flesherton. Ontario June 30, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA Messrs Culham and Wallace of Gait visited a few days with Mr. Will Magee. Mr. H. D. McLoughry of Markdale has been appointed Truant Officer for Artemesia township to succeed Mr A. B. McDonald. He is a capable man for thei position. Mr. Thos. Genoe and family of Cey- lon were recent visitors at Mr. W. J. Magee's. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and daughter, Kathleen, accompanied by Mrs. Shaw and daughter, Jean, of Cheeseville uperit a couple of days in 0"\jn Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman ane little son, Hedley, of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams over the week end. Harold Lever o;f Flesherton spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Martin*^. Master Wilfred Shaw and sister, Miss Ethel of Cheeseville and Bert and George Shaw of Owen Sound were visitors at A. F. Pedlar's Sunday. Work on the new church shed is being pushed ahead. The concrete foundation was completed Monday of this week and the forms are being prepared for the construction of the walls. We understand that contrac- tor T. R. Lever of Flesherton has been awarded the contract of the concrete walls. Mr. Edwin Purvis of Toronto spent the w^ek end with his wife and par- ents here. Mr. Chas. Williams of Toronto visit- ed over the week end at his parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and child- ren of the Fourth Line, Artemesia, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plantt and family here. We are pleased to report Master John Park making a apeedy recovery from his severe illness of pleuro-pneu- monia. "Mr. David Genoe has purchased a new Ford car. We vdsh him and his family much pleasure and success with it. Master Argyle Martin spent the past week in Flesherton. Mr. Will Williams and wife of To- ronto spent the past week with friendg here. Mr. H. Foester has had a gasoline tank installed near his blacksmitli shop. This will render quite a ser- vice to car drivers. Mr. Robt. Hogg of Winnipeg visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Cairns. We were pleased to have Mr. Hogg visit our little village again. Mrs. Hoy fias a neat little canteen erected in the park. This will he a great convenience to her in selliag ice cream, etc., to the visitors and tourists. We wish her success. Mrs. G. Proctor and Miss Marjorle of Kimberley visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Proctor recently. Mr. Archie Cairns, who is on a visit East, visited his brother, Henry, hero. Mrs. Hoy and the Tuohy family vis- ited friends in Buffalo recently. Mr. John Magee has returned from the West. He attended tlie funeral of his sister, Mrs. Brown, at Midland a few days ago. We extend our sympathy to John in his sad bereave- ment. Heartiest congratulations are ex- tended to Miss Loreen Gordon, who has taken as life partner, Mr. Mel- bourne Phillips. We wish them a long and happy wedded life. We must also congratulate Mr. Jonathan Latimer, whom, we learn, has been recently maiTied at AUiston. Anglers from here and there about Still come to catch the speckled trout; Some hae luck and some hae none. Come and fish ere the season's done; Fish from morn 'till setting sun. If you don't hae luck you'll hae the fun. ^ Mrs. P. Munshaw visited friends in Niagara Falls. Mr. Wallie Williams and family of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. William's. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and child- ren are attending the golden wedding of Mrs. Pedlar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall; of Meaford this Monday. IN MEMORIAM HAMMOND â€" In Loving memory of a dear father and husband, Hugh R. Hammond, Kimberley, Ont., who passed away June 23rd, 1921. Five years have pas'sed, our hearts still sore,'' As time goes on we miss him more. Sadly missed by wife, daughters and 'son. Advertise in The Advance Vacation Talk FEVERSHAM CeYLON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armitage, Mp. and Mrs. Dawn and Mr. R. P. Bell- amy of Toronto and Mr. Hector Mc- Lean, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fachnie of Creemore spent Sunday, the 20th, with the Whiteoaks. Miss Clements spent a few days in the Queen City last week. Our Entrance exams for this disT- rict commenced in our school on Mon- day with Miss diements and Miss Ferris presiding. There are aboyt fifty pupils writing and in the even- ings our village rings with youthful merriment. Mr. A. Goldin and Miss K. Williamn of Toronto and Mrs. Alex^ Cox of Winnipeg were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Mr. and Mrs. R. W.Wtc- oak last week. Mr. Thomson Davidson is visiting- with his brothers in Detroit at pres- ent. ~ Mr. H. Thibaudeau and cousin. Miss E. Thibaudeau of Markdale and Miss Stewart of Flesherton called on tlielr friend. Miss E. Ferris, on Friday eve- ning last. Miss Stewart remained for a short visit with Mrs. Colquette and Miss Ferris. Major McCrae and wife of the Sal- vation Army at Toronto are holding meetings here. The fellows in town have been jolly- ing R. J. about his large red nose, which, they claimed of course, was the direct result of him having been liquored up too often. He countereii by not no claiming it to be the result (4' rooting into other people's busin- ess. If that is so other people's bus- iness must be in a serious condition as there were more red noses in town lately. The Gospel Workers have two lady evangelists holding meetings in therr church here. Mrs. Robt. Alexander, Mrs. Mc- Killop and children, Mrs. McPherson and Mr. Sheldon Myers spent Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. Jas. A. Davidson, who resigned his position as miller in our mill on 1 account of having to undergo an oper- ation, is improving nicely. Mr. Frank Wiley of Nottawa has been secured as miller in the mill here. PRICEVILLE No Doubt You are Like the Rest of Usâ€" Expecting Company . .^ . Perhaps your home is not comple- te without an odd piece of NEW FURNITURE. We show this week a nice Livingroom Suite for $65.00 that includes a settee and 2 chairs. If you think that your company will not rest at night on that mat- tress aji^L hed which you have, we can supply good complete bed out- fits at $18.00 in white, and $23.00 in walnut. Just share your troubles with us and we will fix you up. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER A FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON The fiirst annual garden party of St. Columba United church was held on the school grounds" on Friday even- ing last, when a large crowd assembl- ed and a splendid time was enjoyed. An exciting game of softball was played between Bunessan '"Superiors" and Durham Road "Onwards" and was 24-14 in favor of the Superiors. After the softball game all enjoyed the bountiful repast given by the Ladies' Aid. Later all attended the concert in the church and a fine program of singing, music and speak- ing was pre.;ented by home and local talent and w'as enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Ferguson of Dundalk and Miss Nellie McLean were week end visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean's in town. Miss .\nnan May McLean has fin- ished her term teaching at Belacroy and is home at present enjoying holi- days. On Sunday evening Mr. Jack Small had-the misfortune to have his lovely grey horse drop dead opposite the memorial in town. Miss Mary Mather of Durham was the guest of her cousin. Miss Lizz!e '; Mather, the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. MIcNab of Manitoba and Mr. Charles McLean of Shelburne are visitors at Mrs. Saulter's. Mijis Nora Walker of Muiock, ac- companied Miss Violet Watson home over the week end. Miss Esther McLean, Toronto Nor- mal, has completed her course and ;s holidayiTrg at her home here. Miss Louisa W^atson, teacher at Bee- ton, is also holidaying at her home here. Mr. Sutherland returned home from Montreal last week and on Sunday he gave an interesting discourse on the work of the Synod j)f the Presbyter- ian church in Canada. Mrs. Sydney Stftndin left "for her home in Stratford last week. Master Johnnie M«Vicar was rush- ed to Durham hospital on Wednesday, for an operation on his appendix. He is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Gorrie McTaggart retiimed home from Toronto last week. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mather on June 10th, 1926. a daugh- ter. Congratulations. Mrs. Heslip of Eugenia is visiting her sister. Miss J. McKenzie. Mr. Goldwin McMullen of Toronto is viiiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan have returned from Toronto, where they visited - tjheir daughter. Miss Kate, who underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in the General Hospital and is doing as well as can be expec- ted. Mias Mclellan of Portlaw is visiting Mrs. J. J. Patterson and Mrs. John Kennedy. Mrs. Robt. Campbell and two child- -en of Proton is visiting her mother, Mrs. Haxton, and sister, Mrs. Mc- Williams. Mrs. Alfred Chislett and three children, who have been residing here for come time, h-ft on Monday for their home in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Stan White and babe of Toronto are holidaying at the for- mer's home here. Mr. F. Marsliall and two sons, Alex and Muirray, spent the week end at Bala. Misses Irene and Olive Marshall have left to spend the summer vaca- tion with their siater at Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Austin McMullen of Toronto are holidaying with the for- mer's father, Mr. Jas. L. McMullen and sister; Mrs. Jas. Hales. Miss Mary McLachlan and friend and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder (nee Gcorgina McLachlan) of Toronto motored up and visited their father the past week. Mr. H. Piper paid a business trip to Markdale on Saturday. Mrs. George Walkey of Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Whinney the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Axchie Sinclair and Miss Margaret and Master Jimmie motored to Harriston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McFadden of New Liskeard are visiting their bro- thers, Messrs John and Sandy Mc- Fadden. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chislett of Pro- ton visited in Toronto on Monday. Mr. R. Cook left this week to visit friends in Oxford county. Mrs. Cummins, who has been visit- ing friends here, left on Tuesday for her home a, Oshawa. Mr. and Jlrs. E. Sergant and child- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sergant and family and Mr. and Mrs. Quigley of Owen Sound visited at Mr. J. Serg- ant's on Sunday. We understand that Mr. John Mc- Donald has purohased the Presbyter- ian Manse in Flesherton, having sold his residence here to Mr. D. McPhail. Quite a number fronte here attend- ed the Masonic service in Markdale on Sunday evening. Hear It / The New Orthophonic Victrola • And hear it in your own home â€" NOW you are in the equally for- tunate position of the New York or London audi- ence. The self- same music just when and what you wish. The latest hits are always at your command. ANDâ€" the quality of the music â€" well â€" just hear it! We will arrange for you to hear it in your own home â€" COME IN and see ua. W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, (Ont.) BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Here are the facts When 3 telephone orders can be taken in the time required for one order over the counter â€" as has been proven â€" and the amount of a telephone sale averages almost a third more, as it does, can there be any doubt in your mind that the merchant who uses the telephone consistently will win out over the rival who does not? Can you afford to over- look the rapidly increas- ing importance of the telephone in your busi- ness for increasing sales and reducing the cost of selling? Be open-minBed. Try it â€" not spasmodically, but consistently, and judge for yourself. i The Latest News from the HaMT Store, Ceylon W'e handle Sherwin-William Paint â€" the kind that stays on better. Come in and ask for the color card. If our stock of paper ddes not please you we can get something- that does, wihin 36 hours. Stock prices range from fice cents to 35 cents per single roll. Don't forget we' take back every singl« roll at what it will cost you. Why buy rtiore than you need? HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CREAM AND EGGS. Al A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON HOUSE OF Q.UALITY I Special This week only. No. 1, 3 Bushel cotton Bags 3 for $1.00 . W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, 9M<lt. Oa m riw and O o nttH i i w.t f Flesherton J