Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1926, p. 7

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I V. r. **â-  f- 1 f- V - » ^ «> S<i r.> FROM POVERH TO SONG I Reduce Your Wei^ Through!'*^'* •*' ^^^ ''^'*"' i^*** ^*^''' •'^ =***! 1 Dfet b«ck o/ the neck, until you' Mrhou«l 1 _, ^^ I body ia as «r«rt aa you can mak« it. â-  ____^______ I f^lrst maJM « inoder«t« raduction in ' Siowly r«i6« your arma straight op How the "Moot Enlightened Agricultural Population in the ,**•*»<>""* o/ rood cor»umed. if .fier from your .idea ur.tu you hav« tb« THE FRIENDS IN THE DARNING BASKET World" Wm Dovdoped. BY M. M. McCOOL. A little more th»n one- half of a part plrrart* eoneeroa. ter- of the scVufls, aivii In I . ..â€" . /-« .->.«. »..^^ ^«>^ ,.«.» vu. ^a • cozy wicker da.rnir(f baaket The bl^k spool of itemte? "" ^ * J*^ JT**^ * ch&nipe in weifdit does jr^iieo of your ftt5««r tipa placed to- ' Bv«4 a Wbo'.e famiiy of aiff-^.ent co - waa surprised, indeed, aad h* ^t^trntA not f(Hrf>w eat sUU leas of the fat, \ gether Just as high over yeur head aa ' o""*** 9»«>la «' daminfr cotton. There ta take up letis room in the b«sket. H* •tarchy and sweet tooit. Eatinar be- you oan tret them. Then slowiy turn "** * black spool and a while Of>e, was reaiiy a reasonable and san^iale ♦ween moala is forbidden. Water may the hands a.-ouad until they are placed se^wai s4.-.d«s of tan and bro.vT), and spool, aad h# krvew that they had ali Tk^ M t ^^ appease hunger, though back to batk, ju.« as high as you can ^ '•'^ sipo^*^ that were red and pink b-jen telMng the irath. iTve axntXAn not^m eiocsa. From four to six gjtaita get them. You wilJ And that in tum- «»d Woe. .^jid on a fat iittle cushion 'I can teiJ you sometMnf else," h« »^Uiry ago, Denmark was in a ter- of the Bcho.^s. and In many eaaea, a day will injure the elinunadon of in^ ihe hands you have readjusted' f"*** ^urvg on the <;ide of the baakfit rtblo condition, both economically and farmers in the surrounding distrlcti, waste. .^^y „, ^j^ ^^^^ ^, ^^^ vvaist-Mne i d^elt a nee<fe with a loag eye. They E.^rybody iistei^ foolal.y. These conAtions «•'«<!«* 1*: ^^'^S-^'^^ **T' o ^ r^ k u . 7^ *'"" '''**'*•'' ^ ^ '^"''=* '^*'* ^ ^^'"^ "'•-=* ^ '^at yoa can fc-el an up- 1 »»•<»â- Â« b*« f^iende for ever «> long. "Where woold an^ c< a. be without file wars that she bad passed through, Fma^y. there is a Royal Danish tal amount of food without art-.Hilly ; ward puU on them, anxl that you are On« day when they were ^jetting our friend up there on the cuehioc?" The Napo.eonic era left this country , Agrictf.tural OoJxge at Copenhagen prohibiting any one food.* Use tfreen able to stretch at least a iialf-inch : »'""« ««*'y to«eth^r, tha black spool KA glanced at the need> with the m a bankrupt condition. The prolong- , which is a staie concern, f.nd which vegetables, frulU, salads and clear higher than before I •a resistsnce to Prussia resulted in a offers degreee in general agriculture, ^ ^^ ^^^ .._^...,„. „-.w,.^ toss of about two-fifths of her entire dairyinR, horticulture, verterinary, for- tha amount of potato^, bread"aiid tauTi^a ^ e^^tn^'s in your fleiire" • himself in the basket home lmportai>t. -Why. think •* it." »»ld the wrf . The death rate of the people estry, and land surveying. It gradu- ewwts. X pint of sklra-rai'lk or butter- 1 This movement whi,;h ^ â-  â-  â-  • • tirea. Wa* high, and it viras said that tuber- ates about eighty students each year, milk a day ia permitted. eulosis was quite prevalent, and llllter- In addition, I was informed that there ecy was common. Denmark was a are several young farmera who study praln-growing country and had (^mpete with Canada and the United States in the world market. Her live in Canad«. The graduate* aid. higher than before. Lower your arms 'â- ^*"' away and was gone a long time, long eye. They Ikad forgotten aLl •egetab.ee soups freely and reduce to the natural position, keeping all the Whei^ he flnaily came back he settled about that quiet frJand. . -._... ... .__ ^^^^ ^ h takes but a few i -y' crowded the pink spool ever a spooi with new intareat, "th^ need!e i to for shorter periods, as 8t>€c!al students ' . ii^/"^ "!'''''* !^» been successful lited do in somo of our agricultural collesea ^^^t ' o^f.^ weight ofh.s patients live in Can«d«. The graduate, of this ?fJ!"'^r'' ^^ ^^^^'P* '^"^ <^^?P» '^"<i seconds of your morning time, is the : 'ittle, without even saying -excuse DiETlNO IS GOOD. j beat of "setting up" exercises. i me," and exclaimed: A specialist who has been successful ' * , "?;*'" ^'^ * ^'^^^ '°'^ '^^ *» â- '*»'>^'* Drying Small Article*. h«f • Jhey sure.y k*.^p me busy." Indeed, they do, ajrreed all of tha When smarJ, delicate articles, aa , da-raiisg basket friends. stock was of Inferior quality, as Veil institution are encoura^^d to travel in _r„„J' *! „„,. „** „°f^ *^;f^ \. ^u* hamfeerchlefs, collars. doi'.ies, «ti,'., are' the busleat one of u« all* .. . . . â-  M t i.-i-_ J ^M Ai »v.wwcM \Aj ea^ one or me otner or botn. i,,..,., «_ ti.^ t_.i. i- ^i_ . j ' .. - - ""••â- 1, hung on the o.ctheslnve. the line and la oar er.glc* â€" eiD we do is trail along; behfod:" The needle on the fat little eoahbxl smiled pleasantly, and aaisedi "But wliat would be the use of my* You az« running back and forth through * I ^rtiocking withouit an.ythiag to pull?" 'Ye», air," chuckled the Mack vpoo), Ail the spool* laughed merrily, and ea were the various products produced, foreign countriea, and many of them, j^^.^ ^^ other food not evtf - ~ To-day Denmark la an agTlcuItcmJ a« a result, study In foreign oountrka ^^^ j,, .^ ^^ ^^^^ -Auction* ^ cIoAeeplna often leave a deep mark j growi.r^ mora pieaa^d' with ' hi"?^^^ th^~Wa"ek i^rhaT"tk^~oraii"''After fairyland, with an area of,;i>.^ ml.Hon atso. It is »ald that the majority »f ^^^^ j^ feUowin* thla : f !**?" V^ ^^"^ i^onin?. | every mlimte. "In fact, the rest of that they ali lived tOKethv in jurt acres, 7.4 millipa iv^i' ot which are these return to Demnark in order to ,^^^ ' '^"""""'K ">«, Instead of hanging .such articiea in,ywi could ail taJse under c'-^ation. Sh^s has a million assist in the further development of A»wi*h»r .v^»-^ T>-â„¢,i+. Ai^ MileulturaJ workers; 206.000 land : its agriculture. ' po^^IreV of veXw. J, « ^1 folding.; 1.5 million cow.; 1.8 million^ _ I_bad the privilege of traveling f ^^r,":;!.:^;^^^^;:^"^'",^^ the usual way, first put the alothespina (which must be the kind that fasten wi-.h a wire spririg) ever the t>iothie3- then into their lewer end inaert Stipplles about one-third ^^ to the -.^-orld market, nearly one-half lege, and a student of the Ontario ;;;„^^" J â- -.'; ^ ^^ ^ of her bacon and eggs to Great Bri- AgricuAural OoHege. He is a member ^y ^j^ Very little water is taken tain, and has t'-. mostt|ten'llghteAed ; of the administrative staff of tha Dan- ^^.jj ^.^^ diet Wrlculttiral population \n the world. \^ Health Society. He acted « my ,^^j ^, ^ ,^^ ^^^^^^^ j^ composed This little country \\&s gone further interpreter while on this tour and took entirely of skim-mllk. with co-operation than any other coun- ' n» t» places of most interest to me yoTX cou-d aa taJse a vacation aad the contested way that friends always wx>u:d scared y !« missed." | do when they understand e*oh other. A queer llrtJe feeling ceme over tha ' ♦ occupants of the darr.ing basket home. What Are YoU Afhamed Of? No one paid anything for a whKe and plg«. and 19.1 million chickena. Shef^w days with Einar Ornatrup.agrad- ^thlne but the liouid i« t^^T t^I '"â- â€¢'• '^^*" '"^^ -d of the butter , uate of the Danish Agricultunil Col- Zr^^J^ilrJlT^li ! ^ 1'^.J <-^ 'op edge of __ _ - - -' â-  ' â-  • ------ P''^"''^'''^^'^"'='"^.'^P'^."»i''^^''« the article itaelf not on the Mne at all. I p^^ the articje. Thia brinss 1 the spool ef black eo+Lon continued to "Oh. why didn't NeUe J*v« fried I n-sariy droj.- to t)e crushed out of shape, but leaves' important he became, tlie more cour- P**^ ^^ coffeepot in^the pastry when with this diet Another diet r«.«ni " ^""^^f^ straight -iovim. susp««ded| »ge.>'aa the others "grew. The pink ^ <>^«rt«ard this remark from one of J ^ -CI rcom- fr<iTD. the b)obtom of the clothespLn. Usej spool bl-uahed a little more and said: '^ ^'-^"-^ ''^'*â„¢ ^â- ^'^ '^''^y ^^* '''** visit- plenty of clothespins for the sake ofl "We iia^^y agree with what you '^-^ "*•• afety. When the article is taken I have said." ! ^ thought I was cutting wMI try in the world- Her soci'al condition a ' with respect to land reclamation and undertatoiir alv"^of ^jJ* «*lLm«i^ i ?°"^ ^^^"^^ '''*^'' ^ "** ^^^^ ^^^ '^i "^'»* '^ ** *'""••" inalated the black '^^t^ ^^ serving tham alone at a sec- .... ... â-  -.^i... .•-..•4. â€" 1 â€" n..in„ i_ i.1,:. » r^ fv,.,. ^JIlZ. .;,„t^Tr! "'^*' ^"'^ '"* P'"^^ *^^ the pin will not- spofti. and her co-operative buying and sell- \ other agricultural activities in thia Ing methods are the wonder and study ' country. When one leaves the well- of hundreds of students from many trodden route of the average tourist, countries yearly. | It Is well to have an interpreter, un- When one enters Denmark from i les6 he can speak the Danish language. Germany, he is at once favorably Im- â-  I attempted to make the purchasa ot ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^,^^,, ,„ „»,„ i pressed by the generail conditions of a box of matches from a young lady ^^^{^^ °^duaT rv^t^ghirr!^' the country. The farmsteads are neat, . tn a railway restaurant In the absence ^j^^j^ diets. Perhaps the wisest plan is to I follow either diet for three days in tha week, and go on a very light, bal- i anoed diet for the other four daye, i untiil the desired weight is reached, j Care should be taken to have the i»- ; show on even tha most delicate article. Waxed Linoleum Floor* Re- quire Leu Cleaning. Why ws;t linoleum? One good reason is that waxed lino- everything'ls in order, there is no rub- ' of Mr. Om«trup. First, I asked for "~r '^'^J:l-TZ^^X^^^^L^'^^l^ â-  -•"m doesn't haw to be scrubbed. Just ; ing the joke. blsh, there are no implements exposed ^Hiieia in Englls-h and waa unauccesaful, to weather conditions. Very often the] and then attempted to ask for them in surroundings are Jandsoaped, the very poor Germanâ€" a^ain was unauc- housee are whitewashed at least once | cessf ul, and finally I resorted to the in two years, and near the sea coast the cows that are grazing in the fields are blanketed. When one travels on the railways, be observes that over ond breakfast of creamed chipped beef "The raet of ua would ba miMwd," ^ *»•«*, toffee an<I grapefruit. Like aontinued tha pink spool. "You * ^^^ '* dawned upon me that they couldo't mand a pink aock any more '^°'^'-'^ rather have come down aa hou» than I couid a bteck one." i •oJ'iiaar to the regular family break- "Imagine a nJce big black heel in | ^^"*- I go to high school and often brlogj girla home with raa for the w*»k-»nd.' But such a "aplucter&tlon" a« I made of trying to ape the city w^yal Why, I have even bought Sowers at the flor- one of Marjorie's dainty pink sooka." laughed one of tha tan spools enjoy- , ii • J .. , * properly waxed linoleum floor apot- 1 ing," grinned the blue aooo! rp:^bre^f?2 onltS^t^'-orhou^r . •^^'>- '^^'^- -^ ^'•*- "''""^ -- - ! ."0^ ---'"» ^^'^ .oc?^ added the i-. 'or table decoration wh.n our W In the open air, and in any case ar- range some exercise for the afternoon. moves all spots and restores the aoCtlwhite spool. and hedgpe rows were scarlet with "And wouldn't I make a pretty plo- '"'^'*^^'* "^ bltaersweet. My fac* polish to the walked-on places. much of the right-of-way, pine trees have been planted and are kept in good condition. As I stated above, Den- mark impresses one as being an agri- cultural fairyland. LOVERS OP PE.\CE. Mt One does not spe, as he does in Ber- lin and other Germe.n cities, statues of great warriors. It is obvious that Denmark is a peac^lovinjr nation. On holidays the people appear to enjoy themselves imm«?ns-sly. I have seen sign language. I made a movement as if scratching a match on my trou- ^*"*'' '~'"'' "-'^'^''-'^ ^"'^ •â- "« an-ernoon. • gyery one who has triad the wa.xinff j ture mending the runnoru In a black '"rns b««t red every time 1 think of it. ser leg, and again I was evidently mis-, ^ " eiekcisk. i method says it's not only the eaaueet, sock â€" oh I" and the red spool turned S"^* •fried eggrs" opened my eyes. I understood. Upon the arrival of my A simple exercise to practice upon way to care for fine linoleum, but th^e a iomersault. »ee now that I was haK ashamed «f conductor and Interpreter, he asked ''^sin-g in the morning Is a reducer, and cheapest. Once or twice a yaaru i-s' "While we are on the subjectâ€" tan *^'''" fs^^n woya aj'.d upset the whoi» me what I desired to obtain and I toM t^i'S a^so sets up the carriage for the often enoosfh to liave it done. And in Is not becoming to all shades of stock- hou^ehoid in my effort to put a eoun- hlm that I wished to purchase a box of entire day. Stand with the weight di- applying the w.ox, don't be too liberal ings, either." cheerfully cojiitrlbuted a'T 'oot forward in a city sh-,-. lam matches. It is evident that the Dan- vided evenly on both feet ish people do not have the custom of â€" scratching matches on their trouser leg, inasmuch as they had a good laugh at my expense. « Stiffen the with it. the t.in snool. Killing Quack Grass. Killing quack gra?.s was easy for E. 0. Huttner, who had a ten-acre, trainload.s of school children on excur-, field on which the quack was as tiuok; slons. They were well dressed, the J as ^ hair on a dog's back. Huttner! picture of health, as a v^hole, and re- ; waited until the pes'tiferous quack was ' fined. The children and the grown-up' in full bloom and cut it for hay, since' people of Denmark apie.ir to be court-! quack-grass jrielda hay of very fair, sous, not only to visitors, but to each 1 quality. The land was then plowed | other as well. ' s-haI!ow and worked at weekly inter- 1 There are only two thousandths of vals with a spring-tooth harrow. Byi one per cent, of the p^-^ople in Denmark I this means tho field was fept bar* who are illiterate â€" thanks to her edu- , until just previous to frost, when it cational system. In an educational 1 was plowed to a depth of seven inches. way Denmark owes much to the vision i This process destroyed Mr. Quack- of Mr. Kold, because he started the! Grass, although a crop of corn waa people's high schoo-1 movement for planted the following season in order; adults. According to Dr. R. Kampp, ; to destroy all stray survivors. When ! In the "World .Xgricultnre," the high j quack-grass is either pastured or cut school movement, which started in a for hay at blooming time, the roots be- The Canadian Homliviaklr ^ jsries ^ wsa7(/y ariicfss coueririQ. PLANNING . BUILDING . FINANCING DECORATING . FURNISHING . GARDENING very modest way some seventy years ago, when an old farm building was altered to give room for a school where a few grown-up sone of farmers apent a winter studying under the ieadei^hip of that remarkable man, Mr. Kold. The aim of these schoola is to broaden the mind of the pupils, to teach them individual thinking, and to make them see the joy of life and the joy of work in a simple and mod- est way, as well as to encourage their patriotism. The new national movement, which arose after the low of South Jutland, was greatly supported by the high schools. As one of the results, a large come shallow and sod-t>ound and the, plant is then comparatively easy to! handle. If it is allowed to stand after . blooming, new roots that penetrate^ deep into the soil may form, >nd eradi- cation is then a harder job. â€" A. A. H. «â-  Australia Fanning. January wheat harvest â€" that's what they have in Australia, where E, B. Pitman farms. Here is part of Pit- man's letter: "We grow abiout 200 acres of wheat each year. We work on a bare fallow wheat rotation and keep an average of one sheep to each acre besides the cropping. Our wheat number of national songs were added | harvest from 165 acres, finishing Jan- to the old folk songs. The singing of uary 10, gave us 4,200 busliels. We i tlMce ^ngs became a special feature in the daily life at the schools.' And from. th!> fields, where the farm-hand Is digging large mangels, and where the lad is driving his team from be- hind the plow, or from the milkmaid in the stable, sound the tunee of the «ld national songs in praiee of the | bushel." land wjth the broad, undnl»ting plains, and light green beech foresta. and the swset smelling clover fields. There are sixty-five of these people's high school*. With the exception of three, tiiey are located in the country dis- tricts. TR.\INEF> F.^RMERS. There are twetvty-two agricultural schools in Denmark, the enrollment rang:ing from twenty to three hundred pupils. They have fanns in connec- tion with the schools, whare the scien- tifle as well as the practical aspects of acriculture are studied by tha pupils. "The courses last from six to ninei use eight horses on an eight-foot head- : er, and grain is liauled right from tii© header to the railway station, eleven j miles away. This is the rule, aitd over a period of years is profitable. I soM my wheat at the railroad for five shrllings ten and one-half pence a , 80 glad I learned my big lesson whil« still in hi>rh .srhocL Little sister, big brotiier, mumsy. dad and the hired man love to *h«ve tho outside world ; brouprht in by a lianch of young fol"\S, j now that it is l>3:ng dono without ! throwiog the whc-'e kitchen mich:-'?ry I out of gear. Mumsy often had told me j that my 'nospitality waa veneered. Be- ting "Jits^t sweet sixteen" I couldn't sse it that way until my "blintiers" were jolttnl off with "f r""ed eggs." But I am saving the best for last. On Sundays I serve bcw's of hot mush and milk for supper. It ia som?thing city people never have and I found it is more of a t.-^at to them by far than saiviwiclies and v'ake. In tl» summer I change it to homemade bread and milk. â€" Nella Jonee. Siphoning Oil From Barrel. A CANADIAN HOME OF ENGLISH DESIGN n. A.R.I.BA. By MurrL Character is a predominating In- allse the eileet to b«8i advantage, is a guired a.s it is located in the centre oi floence of this borne. It pervades the suitable selection of colors. The archi- the housti and provivle* flue» for th« ensemble a.nd ia prominent In every tect advises that thti s.hing;e3 of the boiler, i'ving room tireplao* ani klt- Sorae people can't suck hard enough detail of the perspective and plans, roof be dipped in varying shades ot ohen. This Brraneenumf a!.^''' ''*j2^^ to exlMiUst the air from a hose siphon. ! The checkt^red t-himne.v; pyramidal golden and light browti s-t-iin. The much ben«>tit fi-.>m tii» heat which A better way is to stop the lower end roof and-the little 'e.vebrow ' window frame work of the ixjrcli sUoukl also radiates from th«> chimney and which of the siiort piece of hose w^ith a cork! which nestles so su:isly and recedes be stained brown, a darker tone than and tiwn ftll the hose with oil. Keep «i'ace(ully into tho stiingles: attractive used ou tho roof, and the sable tho corked end lower than the level of ontrtlnce porch, windows and shutters; shingles done < i white. Ver.v striking the oil in the barrel. Thrust the open ! lai^e Hvivg rooijji and in fact where- and charming will be ihe result when end of the hose beneath the surface of : *^*'' o"^'** *>'*** â- "**'â-  '' '* ^'I'^^'ou* and the window frames and sash are paint- H:« ground and brick .t hollow m« the oil in ti>e barrel and quickly re- ! P'***""*'^ pers-uasive. ed orange and cream nui the' shutters are sugse*teil as the backing fr»r ihe ' .A. most importai i-onslderatlon. and door» a blue green. letuojx) surface ot t.n^ rumainlug walls. without which It is impossible to visu- The one chimney ia all that la re- Extra heavr 9hin«^(?e *r^ rec.nuraediHi IS almost sntirely plsi'eil in an oi.'.sid" ii-Wt wall. when It la The base of the ht.iise Is of brick, carried ab<.»ut a foot ani a half abovp move the cork or stooper in the other ond, and the oil wui begin flowing through the siphon at once and will continue as long as the upper end is ... • J J I _^ 1 ! submerged in the ot^ anti the lower end months for a period of two years. In , : ; "^ ... , < .i. â- â-  u jaj»- u f «» J is lower than the surface of the :iquia addition, short coursee are offered on . "i. I , „ r. a rreat variety of subjects. It is in-' *" *•"• ''""^lâ€" «• ^^ tsrasting to note that all of tliese schools are only partially financed by the government, being for the most ^Bifi Plan Book Htnitemcl; IIIuMritsd wttll moJcrtu priced komctby C«ni ck)t*ct». llicl.au 1 ^niii^. mit:rli!s.lnMrlar ar- GvdU* irlinKlsroa tod 00 1^ Kn» aflioa mateniis.1 r«Qc*ic9at aad d«ooratla«. Sond ac for a cofiy, MacLaao BuHdan'OnMc M< i.4el»Ma St. CoM Soilâ€" Slow Growth â€" Backward Gardens: Nitrate of soda will help the tardy crops. Should the soil continue cold an application of nitrate of soda to the soil, up to 200 pounds per acre, would be profitable, on garden crops, sroaH fmite and spring grains. The plant i to grow mnst have nitrates, such are ! naturally supplied if the soU is warm, j otharwlse we must apply this element I or wait. Waiting Is frequently un- i profitable from ths crop production I pelnt of Tiwr. for the roof with c."-.«»« varying from eight inchee to tho vveMJj'ST at eaves to five ai the ridce. It happei'.s very rarely that such a larg<> I'.ying room is 'iniud la a h>>u«e 37 (t. .X .IS ft. This i-rMun. 1.1 ft. x 2S ft., occupier half ot thi» ground floor and the poaition •^A the windows, loors, fireplace and built in bookcoao* wH! be noticed with keen Interest by thoaa whom symmetry enthuaes, ! The estimated coat la ten thousand ; Flah and 'rheaae. The 5u;j^g*?5tions > ch follow pro- vide satisfactory disVs for either a ir.id-day or evening m»-l. or for emer- gencies. For ?ca !jpi»d salmon, drain on-» of best salmon, remove skin and bones and flake tlie fish. Add 1 cupfal of oream, H cupfal of milk. 2 teaspoon- fuls of fiour rubbad smooth wifh 1 tallies :xK>nfu! cf butter. 1 green pep- per (remove seeds and chop finely), and pepper and .salt to taste. Cook i;;itil smooth, p-lace in a baking-dish, oovj-r with crumbs, dct with bul'er and brown in th*? ovei>. Mock lobster requires 1 tai>le«pooT> ful of butter, 1 cupful stewed toma- toes well season-eti. IS cupful^ salmon (skin and bones removed"!, salt and paprika, a dash of Worcestershire eauoe. 2 tabJespoo.-^fuIs of cracker cruntbs, MeJt the bu*)ter. add the to- matoes, tish. seasoning and crumbs, boat all well together and .«T\-e ^-ery hot. rhees souffle i,<5 made with 1 13 cup- fuln of bread crumbs, m cupful<» <rf grated ch-^'ese. 4 eggs. 1 cupful of 8CaIde<i milk. H teaspoon ful of sailt, l-t> te«.spoon-ful of paprika. Poirr the scalded nvilk over the bread crumbs and ohe-?-»». add ??asonrne*. the >-olks of the eggn (we 1 !'>ei!ten1 , then fcld in the ogg whiter i beaten until jtiffl. Pour into a we'1-bt^ti^e^ed Hakin-p-dish and hak? haif an hour in a moderate ovon. Serve at once. Treamed tuna fi A i» prepared thus : Turn out a ran of the fish ar.v? i-sin off the lii]U<ir. Ri^tnovp skin and r;: -s and break the fish into flalces. U'.'nd 1 tAM'esp'>onful »ach o' hutt.°' an! flour, add 1 cupful of n''"k, rlac? over the fire and stir i' â€" •! th'ck and smooth. Thon ad-! M> ',- a.^poonful of salt, '4 rt'aspi-c.iful e.'ch of pepper and paprika. 1 tc-aspoonful of ihoppe<i or.ion. ' t'^bleapoonful of chopped p««- "ey, and tonally the fish. 83* asi 'o. ^ n* when cool rtir ir the rolks of 2 e.:ija th'>n f'vd !!' th? beate'i wKiJos. Turn into r\ greased bakin-g-dish, sprinkl* with bread crumbs, bake 16 minutesL Serve hot Stockings for Dusters. ^r^ftr* »oo*. -fi^ji * dollars and if comparisons are to be : (>,^ ^y^ f^^ oiT_ g^d split open tw>». Indulged in. It should be remembered ^.^^ „f 4isoav>ded silk or cotton stock* U»t Ibis inclwItHf hot water haating j^^. g^^ the p^-tiona togeittier and, and two bathrooms. ' ^C^^^ .j^yij ^p^.j^t j^ excsilant dust cloth Kcad<rb destriiig farther infortuatlon f^^ ^-^ furntture or ear. ragardinj: the plans aad speciflcationa ; ,4,â€" of this house »houid communicate with \ Cfp^m should be tested before put-, the prchl'ect d,ire<t. ra.T Life OuUdltt*. Torontu, tMil. | ^^^ und quiokljk ui:? in-aso a-uvu.-. v»^u»uiuj..^-i« .. .v- | t. ream SHOUia oe wsvea oeioie pu*-, erchltect d,ire<t. Addres* Mr. Mui^ : j,jg ^j ;„ the churn. Hftve the t«n<, ta-o*n. .\.K.I.6..\, r>nfederaOon pjjt^p^ ^igi^ jf y^u ynih to Anxa,'

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