Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1926, p. 4

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r- Kt;. ;^..#^ 'ED] WEDNESDAY Seasonable Supplies of Hardware We henve in stock the Kuaranteed Zinc Insulated Fence Wire, iiisuluteed uKainst rust at u .pecially low price. 5 wires at 35 cents, 7 wires at 47 cents. 8 wires at SO cents, 9 wires at 60 cents. Barbed wire, coil-sprinK wire and poultry fencing are also kept in stock. Screen door^ at $:i.riO uiid $4.00 and jcrecn window.s at 45 ami .'>0 cents arc Kood values. We have some screeninK in different widths. \j;t us equip your iraraKc door with The Hatch Garage Door Out- fit, per set with track *10.50. We can supply the paints, oils and turpentine for the house you intend to painlt. A large shipment ot g\&sa direct from BelKium is erpccted in a few days and will be sold at a very attractive price. HiKhest orice is paid for ejTKrf either cash or trade. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON 'P^£ Mr. Peter Muir left Friday to visit CICOUCDTny AnillllPiri'''^ daughter at Peterborough. rLtdnLKlUn AUiAIIUL Mt. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledgc of Published on CoHingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A. $2.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor Entrance Examinations Eleven Tried From Flesherton School and AH Passed, Two With Honors Bala are visiting with their parents Mrj .A Rutledgc and Mr and Mrs. F Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. S. Chislett and two children, Mi.ss Bffie Chislett, all of Toronto, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. T. Chisett and daughter, Mrs. Anna McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. George Yirrs and two daughters of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glencrass of Edgehill, Mx. and Mrs. W. J. Cook pf Ebordale, were visitoes the first of the week at R, Coook's. Mrs. H. Piper and grandson, Master Leverne Piper, visited the first of the week with the former's mother at Markdale. Miss AlljUi of Toronto i.^ a guest ' FLESHERTON Jack Arnott, Lorine Batty, Bessie Beard, Florence Best, Marion Bibby, Muriel Cameron, Willie Coburn, Earl j of Misses Maud and Reta Hemphill. Fenwick, Marie Fenwick, Muriel Fen-; Dr. W. S. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. wick, Howard Ferris, Blanche Genoe, 1 Steele of Guelph, Mr. McWilliams of Alice Heard (H), Agnes Irwin, Alma i London were week end visitors with Lever, Fred Linton, Glenn Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Margusrite MacMullen, Christina) Mr. James W. McMullen spent the Magee, Reta Marshall, Jim McFadden week end with his sister in Toronto. (H), Elsie McMullen, Beatrice Moore, Bob Phillips, George Sled, Donalds Sloane (H), Dora Stewart, Evelyn •Turner, Harold Turner, Willie White. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie, To- ronto, Mrs. Fairweather and babe of Toronto, Miss Eveline Cook of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden, Orange Valfey, were visiters the past week Wallace Bewell, Lawrence Cameron with Miss M. Cook. Marie Campbell, Loma Chard, Max- Mrs Ulrich of Chicago is visiting ine Davidson, Lorcnda Eagles, Allan her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. Meflla. Fawcett, Alvera Fee, Mary Findlay, ' Mr. Robert Cook and Mr. Jas. Mc- Marguerite Hatfield dH), Margaret ^ Whinney attended the funeral oif Mr. Hawton, Blanche Henderson (H), Willie Izard, Donald Keith, Martha Keith, Tressa Keith, Ruby Kerton, Helena Long, Zella Long, John Lough- eed. Garnet McKenzie, Janetta Mc- Mullen, Audrey Mullin, John New, Vern Pallister, Annie Robertson, An- nie Robinson, Eunice Simpson (H)^) Willie .Sommers (H), Irene Stoll, i Cornelius .Sullivan, Lillian Thompson, - Beatrice Wright, Gertrude Wright (H), Jean Wright. | PRICEVILLE * Jack MacKechnie, .lean R MacLach- lan, Murray MacMillan, Eleanor Mather, Alice I. Reiley (H). KIMBERLEY Myrtle Cornfield, Reta Fawcett (H) Evejyn Smart, Lillian Smart, Ruth Stuart (B), Mervin Walker, Sadie G. Ward, Geraldine Weber. Joseph Cook, which took place at \ CEYLON We are pleased to report the four pupils of Mr.i. Seaiey trying the en- trance were all succejsful and con- trratulate them, the four being Miss- (Pa Margaret McMullen, Doris Stewart, Blanche' Genoe and Reta Marshall. Mr. John McDonald moves his household effects to F'lesherton this week. We are sorry to lose Mr. Mc- Ponald and Tamily, but wish them success in their new home. Quite a number from here attended the 12th of July celebration at Dur- ham Monda.v. Mr. Mark Stewart of Detroit, Miss Jones and Miss Irene Stewart of Toronto, Mr. Will Stewart of Bramp- ton, and Miss Evelyn Smith of Pres- cott, were visit<|s the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Master Kendal .Stewart is holiday- ing with hi.t cousin Mrs. Edgar Pat- terson, 4th line. Mrs. Ross Leslie Toronto, visited the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. The one best way! Each year there are more people you can sell. The finest kind of intro- duction to these new comers is to call them up on the telephone â€" by Local or Long Distance as the case may require. Many merchants always call up a new customer by Long Distance before sending a salesman to see him. Think how much difference it makes in the kind of re- ception the "salesman gets! All around you, in outly- ing towns, are custom- ers who will be a.s glad to have you call them by telephone as you will bo to sell them. Don't over- look the one best way of winning and holding their friendship â€" the telephone. The People's Grocery WHEN IN TOWN CALL AT KENNEDX'S Alway.s a full line of I'rcsh Ciroceries and Fruit in stQck. Dates, Prunes, Seeded and Seedless Raisins. If you want some pood bread ask about our O. Canada Moiir; there are hiindred.s using^ it with entire sati.sfaction. . W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Mi THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE lliinover on Monday. Mr. J. J. Patterson visited friends at OranKeville the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and daughter of Wcllanil and Mr Ed. Sergant of Owen ."^oiind visited with Mrs. CooJtV. brother, Mr. Edward Serirantt, and family the past week. Mr. and .Mrs. John WarlinK of To- ronto vjsitt'il the lattor's brother, I"r. .S. Hemphill, and family this week. Mr (Jeorge Arrowsmith and dnugh- ter, Mrs. Hunt, visited with friends in Durham the past week. Mr. Ernest McMullen, Mr. W. K. Buckley of Toronto were holiday vis- itors at Mrs. Jas. Ilnle's and Mr. Jas. L. McMullcn's. Dr Patterson and Mrs Patterson and son, GeorRc, Dr. Beatty and Miss Haz.el McLeod, Mrs. Richie and little daughter, all of Toronto, were week ond visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chislett and son, Claude, of Listowel, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes and daughter, Jean, of Owen .Sound visited their father, Mr. T. Chislett, and sister, Mrs. Anna Mc- Millan. Mr. and Mrs. George Hemphill of Klcinburg' and Messrs. Watson of Woodbridge were week end viditors at Mr. S. Hemphill's. ADDITIONAL LOCALS L.O.L. 2855 and Carnation Lodge L.O.B.A. paraded to the United Church on Sunday evening and listen- ed to a splendid .sermon delivered by the pastor. Rev. Jos. Harrower on the 'foundation and growth of the Prot- estent faith. A meeting of the plot holders of Salem cemetery will be held at Salem on Friday, Julf 1 th.â€" A. F. Pedlar, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thstlethwaite have rentod their home in Flesherton to Mr. George Wright antf have left for Toronto and Niagara. A LUCKY STRIKE Wonder h: i been expre.->sed in church circles of Flesherton how the pastor of the I'nited church managed to secuire the services of so able a church leader as Rev. Dr. Wilson, who was the p.-eacher at the inaugur- al services c; n.iummating the union of Chalmer's and St. John's United churches on .'unday 4th inst. It is understood tl at the selection â€" a very happy one â€" was accidental. Rev. Mr. Hai'rowir had never met Dr. Wilson and v.'as not acuainted with him. Hi3 name was the first of three supplied by the superior church authorities from which the Flesherton pastor cr.uld choose as special preach- er. Mr. Harrower took the first on the list, and it certainly proved a very happy choice, or no more ap- propria'.a exposition of the reasons for Church Union could be given. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Munro with their son, lEwood, and his wife mot- ored to Flesherton by way of the Blue Water Highway to Owen Sound last week. En route, they visited old friends and relatives at Owen Sound, Kimberlcy and elsewhere. Mrs. Munro Sr. is very well known in Flesherton, being the daughter of the late Wm. Wright, for years a respected merchant here. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned lyi to the Slst day of July, 136, ICor the purchase of lots 1 2 and3, north of Queen street in the VillBfre of Ceylon; the property of the late George Meldrum; the lowest %r any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"MILLIARD LeGARD, Executor 26 Muriel Avenue, Toronto. STABLE AND FARM EQUIPMENT I am agent for stable equip- ment, manufactured by the Su- perior Co., also Shinn Flatt light- , ning rods. Manure Spreaders; wire fencing by the Canadian Steel and Wire Co., Mount Forest Buggies, and Feury Plows. A call solicited. â€" E. Rutherford. ' Proton Station. Phone 44 ring 3-2. PAINTS AND VARNISHE THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€"the old reliable, for inside and outside use. FLAT TONE â€" An ideal flat finish fc" use on walls 'a.nd ceilings etc It does not dra^ or pizll under the brush or show brush marks. tS HERâ€" WILLIAMS LACâ€" A modern "finish for renewing old floors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easy to apply, dries over night and when used on furniture will not stick to clothes. AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car may run well, b«t you will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of etiam- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guide. Stop making mistakes in painting. PRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 FALL TERM OPENS Sept Ist at The OWBN SOUND I Individual instruction. Businau and Shorth«nd eotmes. Preparatory cotines for thoee who miseed first chance at ptd>lio schooL Catalogue Free. i C. A. FlemiBff. F.C^ G. D. FlaslBC. Shoes for Summer Wear WE HAVE SOME VERY NICE MAKES OF SHOES. Dongola and Patent LeSither strap shoes with some of the-latest styles and new makes of heels. Ranging in price up to $4 a pair THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON 'â- â€¢fc' ANOTHER SHOE k This is a genuine Clearing Sale of up-to-date Shoes From Tuesday, July 13th to Tuesday, July 27th YoU can't beat these prices anywhere. Come, try them on. i: »M Men^ Shoes THEY MUST BE SOLD Mens Tan Calf Oxfords, rcg. $5.25 for $4.25. Men's Black and Tan Calf SJioe sale price $4.50 Another line of Black Fine Shoes on; sale at $3.49' Rrown Canvas leather toe cap and strap $1.79 Tan Duck Rubber- sale price $1.08 White Duck Rubber, .sale price 99c. Men's Harvest Boot, ridiculous price, to clear $1.23 Children's Shoes Infant's, Hevvetson's strap slipper reg. $1.85 $1.29 Patent Sandals size 5 only 89c White Canvas with patent trim, size 8 tal2 99c. Canvas Straps, leather or rubber sole. Sale price 99c. Child's brown Canvas Strap or high 78c Ladies' Shoes ALUMINUM WARE Double Boiler at 98c. Preserving Kettle 98c Set of 3 Pudding Pans 79 cents Black Patent, cut-out design $2.75 Black l*atent. suede trinuuing $2.59 Patent Strap, low heel $2.45 Odd lines of Patent and Kid .Strap $1.49 E K Widths in Kid and Patent $2.69 White Canvas Oxford with cloth covered heel $1.49 White Canvas Comfort Sli-oc with low heel $2.00 Tennis Oxfords with crepe sole $1.25 SOAP DEAL 4 Bars P. & O. â€" 4 bars Oold and 1 bar Ivory with' enamel .sauce pan for $1.00 4 Wallpaper Other Specials Gingiiani, regular 35 c. for26 cents Children's short Sox, white with assorted trim 19c. Little Boy's Wash Hats 3Sc Little Boy's Crown Caps 29c. Men's liroadcloth Shirts- assorted colors $1.99. Bundles of 5 rolls and 16 yards border at Bundles of 4 rolls and 12 yards border, better quality All 15 ct. papers at 12c. a single roll. All 25 ct. papers at 19 c. a single roll All 35Vt. papers at 26 cents a single roll All these prices good while the goods ImV .99c .99c Our Terms are; CASH Store closes only two evenings a week (TUESD.W & FRID.W) at 6 p.m. during the summer months. ^B Don't miss your share of the values mentioned above. A. E. HAW, Ceylon :!s. â-  • f« W ., -1 \

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