Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, â€" nf THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- :^ Dundalk Oeafeated Locals ley are pickttl many. to win the cup by The way Dundalk trimmc-d Flesh- «Tton in thfir firnt meeting hist wuek, reminds one of the Rocklyn-Flesher- ton debacle ttf |a.<t s^mson. It was a real "shave and liaircut," and the localx on the STANDING OF LEAGUE To Wbn Lost play Huiidulk 3 afternoon's exhibition, Kinil)erli'y 1 looked Iflce a bunch of h!i;h school youths in n spring workout. By the •way the foore waa 27-10, enouf^h runs for three or four ball Runu's. The home team simply' couKl not Ret Koinjr, were apparently luckinfr in practice, and the breaks were all the wronK way. Kitchen wa.; wobbly throughout, but with any kind of de- fensive support, thinps might have been a lot better. However it was a tfood time to work a lot of bad se-<sion.«t baseball out, and the Greys play bacelMill from now out. Flo.sherton 1 .Mnikdale 1 Vandifli'Ur 1 5 (> S 5 5 p.e. 1.000 .500 MM .333 The United Church (Continued from Pajre 6) exibttsnce in Cunuila to pioneera from the United .States? The United Church of Canada has followed, em- braciuK an it does, not only the two churches urisinj; out of the former : unions but the ConRrcgational chuivh as well. "We have now had a full I year of this enlarged union, and the success of the United church has al- ready exceeded the most sang;ulne expectations of those who had work- The final rally for the year of the ''*' "'"' Pi-iy^'<i f«>r the brin«:ing of it Farm Youth of Grey, held in Mark- ^ »''""'â-  ^"^ " h""' '"^♦•'" asked, would dale on Thursday afternoon and even-1 t'"^"'" success continui? Without a injf attracted largo crowds at both ''o"'^*^' '^ ^^^' United Chuix-h is true The younp people of the *^o 'he primiplc.i on which it is j,,,ould : county took an active part, in the ac- ' '"""''<-''•â-  ""^ is the mission to be Farm Youth Rally Itivities throu).;hout, and much 1 â„¢'"'''^''l out '•'at shall ensure the ] benefit is being derived by i niaintenance and extension of the 1 rural Grey as a result of .the woi-ic i K'"*-'''""' "f ^^hrist. The Church had District Promotion Exams' Still Another Still U.S.S. NU< 16. A. and (;LENELG, I Constables Beckett and Cooke un- j earthed an illicit still at the home of Eva Sym«|s, Daisy Mr. Art. I'orteous, about one mile east of Maxwell, on Wednesday after- noon of last week. On .searching the house the constable:; found the Jr 4 to Sr 4 McWhinney. Sr 3 to Jr 4â€" B Mart-.i, A Eagles. Jr 3 to .Sr 3â€" J I) Campbell, Walter Eagles. Sr 1 to 2nd Pr to Sr 1 -M Martin, J Campbell still in an upstairs room, and when WilnieiyEagles. an investigation was held Wm. liig- gins admitted connection with ' the kick .M. C. MliRl'HY, Teacher. S. S. NO. (i, AKT::.MESIA . . . , , ^ Sr 3 to Jr 4â€" M Snell. U McDonald. '^}'^^ produceh. He was taken to Jr 3 to Sr 3â€" D Snell, J. McLeod. ^J'"'-'^']. Sound, and being unable to 2nd to Jr 3â€" B Cairns, J. McDon-I P^^. *}!« ''"p o^ *200 and one month aid ' !" â- '?'â- > was .sentencew to 8 months Sr 1 to .Ir 2â€" C Douglas, A Douglas "nprisonment. iliggins admitted Por- B Cairns. Câ€" 1 Fisher.E Fisher, Jr 1 to Sr 1- Pr H tr) I'r B McDonald. Pr A to Pr Bâ€" Billie Wright. â€" E. M. NICHOL, Teacher teous had knowledge of the manu- facture of the wet goods, and it is at present unknown just what steps will be taken to satisfy the demands of justice in his case. IN MEMORIAM McMULLEN â€" In loving memory of our dear Mabel, who passed away July Cth, 1925. While the midnight staid are gleam- ing On a lonely silent grave. Beneath it sleeps our darling. The one we could not save.. Her voice on earth is heard no more. Her battle's fought, her race she's run. With jujt enough clouds o'er her life To cause a gorious setting sun. â€" Sadyl missed by family. Mrsi David Winters of Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Russell of Toronto are visiting at Brownlee, Sask. Rene Cai-goe of Toronto is Miss spending mother. a coupel weeks with her Thompson and Di.uglas hit two ' of jjjs^ A. C. McPhail M.P. and T. S. " (-'reat field. Their United church homers for DumlUk, and each of Cooper, Agricultural Representative I ""tended throughout the Iciigth and the team is credited with at least one'^f Grey run excepting .Stafford. Lockhart'j fine .catch bid for a hit in the 4th, was thtj (fea- ture of the day. She wa.s a peel- er. Vandeleur won their first game of breadth of this vast i)ominion, and it The finals in the lithletie contests i^^'^ missionaries already doing good , were staged in the afternoon with ^^"''k in India, Japan, Africa, the of .Sparks I Ma^sie winning the Softball title. Rcc- •^'''"'•s ^^ the Sea, v.ith missions qS lognition badges were given the win- >'''â- Â«Â«' opportunities for promoting the ! ncrs of each contest in every event. , '••''"â- ^«-' "^ ^h'"''*'- ""' *'"•>' among our I In the evening, the armouries were "ative population but among the packed to capacity, and an interest- hitherto neglected new comers They ing if lengthy programme was pres- lad the injuiiction of ChFist in thus the season on Wednesday last, when I „{(,,) ^ dobatet between Edgehill ""'''"« f"r the common cause. In they defeated Maikdale 17â€" 12fBothl ^, Bu„pssa„ „„ t,,p subject, "Resol- this community the United Church, these teams are playing good ball, i^j ^y^^^. p,.ge,|„n, of Speech is a pub-^^'h>eh had come together under circ- and are "weak sisters" to no team : jj^ Safeguard, Rather tlian a Men- "'"stances so au-spiciouii would be in the league. ^^^,. ,,.j,^ ^„^ ,,y ^^^ j^jgp uju club, •''"^â- '^<-'^^^"'' ^"° J"*^' '" I"-oP"rtion as supporting the negative side. Miss,"- was faithful in each memlier per- Mvrtle McKe.«ock, in her rendition of """""y •''â- '"« »"<' working for the speech which won the championship advancement of the cause of Christ." in the public speaking contest, dis- played marked talent, and her theme, "Health and Happiness," was close- Kitchen and Major were off color ly followed by an appereciative aud- by reason of playing three games in ience. a tournament at Camilla the day Bognor club presented the prize previously. The rest of the gang winning playlet, 'The Cuckoo's Nest,' thought it a good time to do the in a very exemplary manner, and the fadeaway too! - rendition waa very entertaining as well. The locals arc playing in Vandeleur this. Thursday afternoon, and must have a win to rc-cotablish themselves in the league race. .At the close of the service Rev. Mr. narrower expressed the gratefulne.-.s of the congregation to Rev. Dr. Wilson for coming to them and preaching sermons so impressive and appropriate I'or the memorable occa- sion. He trusted that Dr. Wilson would again visit them at no distant date. The choir, with Mrs. Joseph Black- ma.xwell public school H stands for honors and R for rec- ommended. Jr 4 to Sr 4 â€" Mabel Ross (H), Law rence Kenwick, R J Udell. Sr 3 to Jr 4 â€" 'Margaret New H, Mary Bemrose, Ruby Robertson, John Benirosc, Golden Udell (R). Ji- 3 to Sr 3 â€" Kathleen Morrison (11), Reta Fenwick (II), Cecil Chard Jean Young, Marjorie Seeley (R), Bill Castle (R). Sr 2 to Jr â- '?â€" Marjorie Guv (H), Arleeti Pallister (R). Jr 2 to Sr 2â€" Edith Lougheed, Tillic Kerton. 1st to Jr 2â€" Stella Young (H). M. Chard (H), Irene Parker (H), May Linley (H), Lsabel Pallister (H). Bill Kerton, Robt. Priestly, Annie Murphy Donnie Radley. v Sr Pr to 1st â€" Merlio Buckingham (H), Ethel Fenwick (H), Joan Ross (H), Leslie .Seeley (H), Lloyd Morri- son (H), Helen Guy. Jr Pr to Sr Prâ€" Tommy Pallister, Mabel Bemrose, Jim Poole. â€" H. I. MAYNARD, Teacher. Small Advertisement] Flesherton and Dundalk play at In- ' Mr. Harold McKechnie, of Durham, burn as leader and organist, w-as out istioge Garden Party this Friday af- acted as chairman, while Miss A. C. Wilson and was not acquainted with temoon. A good game should re- Macphail M. P., presented the prizes cellent aid in the praise service but «»dt. ^ {_ JJ^* to the various winners of events. several appropriate solos. There was a full attendance of worshippers. In the afternoon Rev. Dr. Wilson, accompanied by the pastor, journeyed their son, Elwood, and his wife mot- with Flesherton in the United Chtirch, and preached to a much-interested congregation. There was also a solemn communion service. j A number of musical selections, The Old Durham Road team play short addre.3scs, and readings helped in Flesherton this Monday evening make the evening enjoyable. Bognor at 6.30 sharp. All players are re- orchestra supplied music throughout quested to be present, whether they the evening. It is estimated that the reed practice or not. aggregate attendance numbered close- ly to 1200 people. Kimberley jfay in Dundalk this | ; Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 A Read OUr Small Ads. for battle royal shduld result a.s Kiniber- real honcst bargains Own a home in Flesherton. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Jr 4 to Sr 4 â€" Irene Martin, Reta (ienoe, Patty Morgan, Hilda Gordon, Glenn Pedlar, Enid Gordon. Sr. 3 to Jr 4â€" Kathleen Pedlar, \'ictor Campbell, Gadys Fawcett, Melrose Campbell, Gladys Williams. Jr 3 to Sr 3 â€" .Annie Laughlin failed Sr 2 to Jr .3 â€" Phylis Graham, Lucy MacDonald. Belva Genoe, Lloyd Gen- oe. -Mamie Kerton. Bill Laughlin (R). Sr 1 to Jr 2 â€" Nell Benson, Bernice Campbell Teddie Dixon, Vernice Faw- cett, Teddie Campbell, .Annieta Tur- ner and Hugh Laughlin failed. Sr Pr to Jr 1 â€" Herbie Fawcett. Pr Pr to Sr Prâ€" Willie Knight.Fred Partridge. Percy Graham. Pr to Class Aâ€" Lillian Plantt. Bella Laughlin, Elsie Plantt. Not ranked .Argyle Martin. â€"A. C. McQUEEN, Teacher. LOST AND FOUND FOUNDâ€" Lady's scarf in Flesher- ton, Saturday, June 12th. Apply to â€"Delia Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Flesh- erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tamworth boar for service. No, 2-16,816, on Lot 140â€"147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton FOUNDâ€" Came to niy premises, the middle of May, one Leicester sheep The finder may have same by pay- ing expenses.' â€" Richard Clark, Rock Mills. July 16 BOAR FOR SERVICE F O B S A L E ! FOR SALEâ€" Fresh lime for saleâ€" Wm. Blakey, Portia w. I No. 92-77530. Also a young York. shire pig, both bacon type for serrice on lot 176. N.W. T. & S.R., Terms â€" $1.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime.â€" T. Fen- Wick, Eugenia, Phone Feversham. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customer! in the >ix com- _ munittes may materially ben- S efit individually. Biaaiaiarataaia'fflseia/araMaiaaaEEiaia'Haararai^^ F. T. HILL & COatd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE i A Store everyone inatinct-(2l ively associates with highg quality merchandise at theS fairest pottiblf! prices. @ Special Clearance of Summer Merchandise at Low Prices I We have gone through our stock and pick- ed out the broken lines of Summer Merch- andise which we are going to clear, in many cases at half original prices. If You Shop H«rc you Will Save Money. Spec. Clearance Men's Oxfords Children's Dimity Bloomers S. S. NO. fi, OSPREY .Ir 4 to Sr 4â€" Bessie Hindle. Sr S to .Ir 4 â€" Mary LonK, Burton Roberts. .Tim McMuUen. Jr. 3 to Sr 3 â€" Beatrice Hutchinson Mildred Maxwell. Doris Roberts. Sr 2 to .Ir 3â€" Melville Hindle, Robt Lontr. Viva Roberts, Will Sanderson rcconiniended. l.-;t to 2ndâ€" Burton McKajizie, -Jean McKenzie. Pr to Int â€" Pansy Thomson, Ethelyn Hutchinson, Edna Maxwell, Eddie .Alaxwoll. . â€" E. E. ALLISON, Teacher FOR S.A.LE â€" New Perfection four- burner oil stove and oven with therm- ometer; cash sale. â€" Advance office. FOR SALEâ€" 2 year old steers and heifers, extra good beef bringers. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2 r 3 â€" 1. FOR SALE â€" Good Silver Hull seed buckwheat for sale. â€" James Sergeant, Ceylon. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,998 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog" Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- lable terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. ( FOR SALE â€" House and (lot *for sale; large house with one and a half j acres of land. â€" John Wright, Town. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire buggy for sale nearly new.- Flesherton, Ont. Mrs. A. Best, ^^^ FOR S.\LE â€" Solid brick house for sale, all newly decorated, on nice lot with stable and §^age. â€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton KZl FOR SALE â€" Violet Ray gener- ator, good condition, nearly new. .\pply at The .\dvance Office, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" First class second hand Deering Mower for sale, also one cheap second hand mower. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. Registered Jersey bull for service. Sire: Rrampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. ?5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" FARMS FOR SALE j Ou the Toronto Line Provincial Highway. Three farms, two of* Iff acres and one of 50 acre^ all daarad. I First class buildings, up to dat« fr. â- every particular. Will sell anjr oiM Good brick houso on ocf'^ ' of these. CEVLON PIBLIC SCHOOL Sr 3 to Jr 4â€" John McMillan, Jack son Stewart, Kendal Stewart (R). v, ,/^V^?'â- n~^M"'V"^v'â- '''''"pâ- ^"^•|' FOR S.\LE - Extra good Range the faiâ„¢, Th„ .» u,- , Donelda MacDonald. La Verne Piper, I , , .,, , , , ^ ^'"^ larms. The atablina: for dtita*. Jim Sinclair, George Jaynco, Hilda , f"*" sale with warming closet and res- 1 nials is perfect On« f,nr }aa Genoe failed. ervoir, coal and wood grates. GoQiLacrgg hardwood Sr 2 to Jr 3â€" Stanley Hunt (H), I price.â€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton. fu Milford Piper. I-, f ' fl Jr 2^ to Sr 2â€" Francis Collinson, FOR SALE â€" Honey, bee boxes Kato Stewart, Dick Stewart, Eddie ' j ^ • i ^ , „ . Ti 1 . t-u 1 1 .and frames, any size; comb founda- Geniie and Llovd Archibald rec. ,• . ,% » ,. »,. . Istto Jr 2â€" Erne.^t Mathewson (H)^'""- «'*<•• ^ees bought. Picture Marirai-et Collinson (H). Olive Mar- j fi'^ming and other light woodwork shall (H). Nellie Genoe (H), and done.â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. tJeuririna MacDonald (H) equal. Or-) ton Leslie (H) Leslie Chislett (H), poR SALE-Set of Brass mount- Alex Marshall (R) ' J V Stewart ., v„,. , , , Sr. Pr to 1stâ€" Sherman Piper (H),^" ^^""^ harness, with bush and anotSkr nnndred has three acres of timlte and has buildinngs for everythias needed, including poultry house ami pig pens. No broken land and e5^ of weeds. Any person interetaM should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. ln»y Proton StaUon P.a I .11. * 1 LV. law oilt^l lllttll 1 ipfi \ri/,I 1 Laura White (H). Mabel Haw (H),l nearly new; also bay j Harvey Archibald (H», Herbie Chi.?- yearling. Would take lott fai breechings, colt heavy ., „. three or u'l ''""h ^^ i • ^'"'•'•nv/I'"-s''a"- four young pigs on a deal. - E. H. led and Fenn Lesie failed. , d d o t> * o. i- m Jones, R. R. 3, Proton Station. Two miles south of Flesherton on Toron- to Line. Jr. Pr. â€"Bert Serpant. Goldie Ken- lU'dy. Xaurie Genoe. Betty MacDon- ald, jMar.iory Duckett. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seelov, Teacher 60 pair Mcn'd Fine Oxfords in Tan, Black and Patent Lfather. All sizes in the lot. Values up to $C..50 per pair. While they last, $2.95 per pair 5 dozen only, sizes 6 te 12, made from the same cloth as the ladies. Bargain at 39c. per pair Children's White Running Shoes Gingham Aprons 100 pairs Misses' and Children's White running Shoes. Sizes 5 to 10'^ and 11 to 2. All first class quality (foods. Regular up to$1.75. CIcarinK at 9.'>c. per. pair Men's Heavy Work Shoes 10 dozen only, Mcn'i? Heavy Work Shirts in Blue Chttinbrny. A real shirt for hard wear. Special clearing price d.'ic. each Men's Khaki Pants 6 dozen Men's Fine Twi II Khaki Pants in a good wearing weight. Well tailored with cuff. Very flp^cUl at $1.9.1 per pair Ladies' Dimity Bloomers 10 down only. Toadies' Fine Dinrlty Bloomers in all tho newont xhnHo*. Good full sir.e. Very SperUl at R9c. per pair r> dozen onl^ LndicB' Ginghnin Apron. A good seleotion of patSrns to pick from. While (hey last 65c. each Figured Voiles and Musins 2.') pieces of New Voiles and Fine Muslins in spots and dress imttern.i. All the newest shadea in the lot. Special 45c. a yard Clearance in Ladies' Hats 40 only, Indies* Spring and Sumaier Hats. This is a real chance for you to get your summer hat for little money. VOIR CHOICE at $2.49 Grocery Department Specials 8 bars Castile Soap for 10 pound.i Granulate Sugar for Purity Package Oats Seedless Raisins, 2 pounds for Cooking Figs, 4 pound.-t for ....asc. ....6Be. ....27c. »...9Be. 2Bc. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale PRICEVILLK PlBLfC SCHOOL Ji- 4 to Sr 4 â€" Donnlda Reilev, Marg- aret Niohol (R), Pearl McDougal (R) Sr 3 to Jr 4â€" onica Lambert (H), Rida Frook (H), Alma MacLean, Gor- don Teeter. Jr 3 to Sr .3â€" Sadie Cai.^on (H), A. Stonchouse, Mar£ar^t Mc.\vthur, ! Mariorie Everist, Neil .Mdcorn. Jen- nie Chesney, Hazel Bender and Stuart Carsow equal. Cameron MacI.ean fR). Sr 2 to Jr .3- Mary Matlier. Kath- l.vn Buinitt. Wilfred Frook. Wall»» MiDcrmid, Donnie McAithur (R>, Johnny McVicnr reo. through illness. Jr S to Sr 2â€" Catharire MoVicar and J D Teeter equal, Donald Aid- corn. Lloyd Bender, Cameron McLean recommended. Sr 1 fo Jr 2â€" Anna McLean (H). .>•> Pr to Ist â€" Toe Che.snev (HL Violet StoneKou.se (M), Donald Carson Jack Mc.Arthur. Mavme Teeter. Dan White. Jr Pr to Sr Prâ€" Nellie Mcecham. A. Mc Vicar. Isobe) Mather. Lauretta Turnlnill, .Aggie Chesnev. Jr Pr â€" Francis Rciley, Emerson Burnett, Waldo Stonehouse, Margaret McLwin. Douirlan Turnbull. Principal: P. A. Johnston. Assistant: Beatrice Jelly. MISCELLANEOUS W. ANTED â€" Fresh cow wanted.â€" Flesherton Dairy. Phone, 81. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L,D.Sr, dental surgeon, honor graduate of T«rttata and. Royal College of Dental Surgaeaa of OnUrio. Gas administered |^ teeth extraction. Office at resldaaea Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. A. TumbnII, B.A., MA. ..^ uate from the Faculty of \l»M^^ WANTED"â€" Field of timothy hay University of Toronto. Offl<»-Jlij^ wanted. Telephone Flesherton Livery, "^son Block, Flesherton. Phflk.-.' tg. S. a. NO. 4. ARTKMESIA Srt 4â€" Mvrtle Mooro(R>. FVnost Nioholls tRV David Talbot (R>, Win- nifred Talbot (H>. Clifford Talbot. Sr. .3 â€" .lim Bannon. Merv Little (H) j Jr. .1â€" ilnn Acheson. Maudie Ache- .«nn. Doris Bnnnon (IH, Ifelen Moore I (R>. Beth Talbot (R>. : Jr. 2â€" Jim Gallagher (HI. Argvlc I I.ookhart (H>. John Talbot (n>. Jr. 1 â€" Arthur NichcOls. Cllarence j Nicholls. I Pr.â€" Pelbert Bannon. Karl Talbot. 1 â€" B. K. RICHARDSON, Teacher. NOTICE-Chopping done Satur^ Prince Arthur Lodge 33S. A »* days only. - Grah«n. Bros.. Eugen- A.M.. meet, in the M.^okic L^AJ! "*• «*fonjr Block. Flesherton. every M. d,y o„ ^ before the Wl aiaan. 1«^ WANTED-Ai,y quantity of eggs, Wright, W. M.. P. J. •nanOOL mlT the highest cash price wHl be paid â-  â€" â€" . Tl_^_ on delivery. - J.Runstadler, Flesher- C. C. MIddlebro, Barrister solleHor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesher- ton every Friday from 4.30 t>.ni, to 8.46 p.m. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Hunting, Fishing and Trapping on lots 4 and 5, eon 8, Osprey, is strict- ly prohibited. â€" J. P. Ottewell, Eu- genia P 0. CACUS STAR 2.10^4 (Trotting) j Lucas ft Henry, Barristers, Salltft* W9. etc.,-!. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. B. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale LoMa Block, Phone 2. Branch offieaa at Dundalk and Durham. - Will be in Fle-sherton - t i* ^ > bi ~ ~~" THIRSDAV AND FRIDAY riU. ,/ . * "'™»^ Barristar^ aaH- NOON citors, etc., Officesâ€" Or«y and . MARKDALE THrRSDAV NIGHT S"!l;' £*? f^"«f ; StaiwUtd See posters for further particulars. S T-if^'^* t^'JI"^*'^^' ^* P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimlak â€" Chas. PALMER! WOOL WANTED and Coarse, medium wool wanted. Va. Kaltthig. Licensed i1iiillanwi for the counties of Grey and Farm and stock sales » tfm i»ne Terms moderate., satisfaetiMi anteed. Arrangements for Re Aerton Woollen MiUs. ^f J5 "^^^.t **" il?'^ X t. IT . <*« *^«i»tral taiepbona ofllee, John Nuhn, Prop, or by addrataiBt m» at 'il * V ♦ I .

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