Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1926, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1 415 &41 836 741 7939 acphall 103 81 74 117 1B7 92 136 â€" ^i,.â€" K .urth a!k . nam BTumont Fleghertoi! Ol''nolg HaiioT«r Hollauil Markdalu feustadt Xormanljy 91 225 71S Z'lit 153 260 702 690 829 117 .-J 'I bil J 96 I 15G j 246 I 8S6i 93' 651 I 590 j 627 ' 117 . »2| 72v: ' Itciitinck T(J"&ormory 20 Clark's C2 HuttoD Hill 56 Allan Park 107 Campbell's Corners 76 Lamluiili ^Louise Elmwood 34 36 88 429 825 57 102 91 96 91 160 97 117 UundaUc A to L M toZ 109 116 225 Durliani North Ward 167 East Ward 231 Wesl Ward 315 713 Flcshertoii 1. Flesbertou 153 KiTi-entoiit Allan's Dromoro Hulstein Yeovil Ml. Forest Drury'a Chat«worth Chatsworth &I 811 96 80 28 120 3S 40 53 359- CJlcurlg Ritchie's 7S Glen 12 Wright's 68 McKenzle's 37 Township Hall 65 66 »0 166 71 62 118 246 93 115 139 221 152 14C 113 8SG 152 138 12G 113 122 StUrkdale ^ 1. Markdale 329 JL V 117' CHANGii IN MOTOR MARKERS will thuiijf've the province better ad- I vertisement. Osprey 1. Wareham 2. Maxwell 3. Fevuraham 4. Siugbanipton IK Mclutyre 6. Kob Roy 7. Uadjeroa 8. Ilatbcrtoa 49 113 147 84 36 21 63 43 556 Advertise iir Adv ance 109 127 28 75 71 78 24 â- â€" â€" i 5411 Ext< e Sale 260 CLEAI^ING ALE ^ Hanover OF COLUMBIA RECORDS 4 for $1.00 THIS WEEK ONLY. 500 Records to Choose From L W. A. Armstrong & Son Estahlished 1889 161 64 93 104 108 78 94 702 651 111 SO 5!) S2 109 74 Holland Arnott Walters Falls Berkeley Moggie \ Holland Centre Massie 43 92 199 64 137 ,56 590 \eustadt 1. Neustadt 117 690 91 94 70 137 77 68 627 92 Proton CedarvlUa 38 Hopevllle 50 Swim on Park OS Vtjiitry _ 4G Dundalk 90 Kiilgjtute 20 Uk'nuic's 45 Proton Station 41 398 1^9 170 177 97 47 103 fi:i 50 Sullivan ("hatsworth iJornoch Keady Peabody Dt'sboro 86 61 30 34 123 334 S36 114 126 14S 186 170 744 The dcsitrn of Ontario motor niark- ers for li>27 "is featurt-d by u slight ffductipn oi tht size of tlu- fijrures, | which will nevertheless be as rea'lily ; distintcut^hable as fornurly, owinK , to the new design. The fijf.ire.s, which are black, will lie on a cream back-'j g_ gHEPi^DSON, MAKKDALE Krourid. The desisrn of these figures ^jij ^oij ^ ,:eariig?-out sale of his will be considerably improved. I-nr- , g^,.^^ „^^j ^f j^^^y c„uie. other nicrlr/ the threes ami the nines could | pariii St.-ck, Household Effects. be chanKed into eifrhls bat now thut Implements, Etc. - will he almo.«t impossible. The new-! FRfUAV. OCTOBER 8TH- ly dciitrned fiKUics, which should act) 25 Hea« .f purebred Jersey.!, the a.-^ a iletercnt <o au'.oinobile theft* tfrreatest offerini? of Dairy Cattle tQ and chant,'in(r of marker nir.nbers arelf^ver jro under the auction hamnj^r In ve;y U-j,'ll)le d|!ipite tjh'cir altered size. I [''"•'y ^'^'-^^^y- "'*" » |}'»fh •â- â€¢'?'«' f^j^'^f: ,,.. < .' ' . . , , , I horse 8 years old; 2 purebred Tam- Ih,- mime of the provmce. instead of [worth Sow.,, due time of sale, benig abbreviated to Ont., h printed } -j hi.s is a large sale and wiH corn- in full, the idea being to make the â-  mencc at 1 p.m. aharp. , province known to those who might â€" L. E. Franklin, Toronto. A jc- not identify it by the abridgrnicnt, and ' tioneer, assisted by lJi>cal .\uctioncfcrs.' • -Lf-^i Small Advertise THE VOTE IN NORTH GREV Duncan Tf-Iford I'V.-Lii L-: .l.lid . Thornbjry .Shallow Lake Sarawak St. ViiK'cnt Xonnanby 1. Alsfeldt 57 124 2. Ayton 213 168 3. Neustadt 63 112 4. Hampden 47 79 '0. niyth'3 80 82 c. IMcPhee's 29 59 1 , Itobinson's 51 104 ... 3123 ... 22c 97 ... 126 ... .360 .Sydenham 393 .Meaford eS.") Advance Poll 21 CnllinKWood 629 Derby .')40 Eluphraoia 616 Kcppel .503 Totals 706!» 2''o:> 207 hH 170 514 898 602 10 688 47i» 396 574 7595 .STRAYED â€" Dog strayed from ray premises, yellowish brown Coliie. loner tail, had strap on neck, brown eyes and nose. Kindly notify Earl liutchinjon, KaVenna. STRAYED â€" From lot 27, con. Artemesia, white heifer two years' old, piece out of left tar. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this ani- r..s! pie!' Pedlar. Flesherton P. O BOAR FOB No. 92-7'Z630. AUB« yonng York, shire pier, both bacon'^rpe for Kirlec ..^ on lot 176, N.W. T. £-8JBL, â- -'" Tenns â€" fl.OO. ^ '!_ â€" T. % JTmSON. -J, ' BOAR ^OR.\^KVlCE •u T ^- , Registered YorkdS^ ']«^ for ^er- ccn,mi,nu-ate with L. W . j ,ic^_Edffely Brigta|frVim,%o. 3S,996 LOSTâ€" In Flesherton on Saturday night, Sept. 11th, a sterling silver i pin. sot with brilliants, in shape j^qx iRg-') of bow. Finder plea?e leave at The 1 -Property of SotigcvRi Bacon Uog I Club. Terms $1^' IpC. HINDI.E, â- '# "^ Proton Station. , 3rd;^,T.-«.R., Artemesia. Advjinca office or communicate with , Mrs. Ray Pedlar, .Maxwell P.O. Flesh- i erton phone. | JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICfi FANS SECrRED THE FIGHT RETIRNS FIR.ST H.\NI) FOR SALE POR SALE â€" Young pigs 5 weeks ' old. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. j FOR SALE -• McClary range, coal ' (,i- wood. â€" G. E. Henry. Flesherton. 540 728 iSjsia'aiaHMaiaia/afSjafaiaiaia'aiaeaaiEMa'aiaiaisjaaia^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order Ik*! our ouitomera in the (ix com- munities may materially ben- efiX individxially. F. T.' HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct-^ ivcly associates with higl^ quality merohandiie at theS) fairest potiiblA pricea. S] The fight fans here tuned in on the air on Thursday night la.it and li.^tened to the rounds, pupeli by punch, of the Denijjsey-Tunney heavy- v.cight bwiing baHtle held at Phiia-i delpliia. The stall,' in the air was I'ud, but nevcrthclejfe the ijrogres.^^ oi the fight was very clear. The fans seemed .stuinied t!iat Denipsey could not got ffoing and expected that at any moment the famous wallop would ! come acrn.is and the crown would re- main in th-< old , hands. The n?w champion earned the decision in no uncertain manner and his elevation to the head of the heavyweight class is a popular one. The world .series baseball games will be the next to bp roceivsd. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale, i ready about October 6 â€" H. Freeman, j Flesherton. 1 Registered Jersey bull for service. Sire: Brampton Jersey Co:ucript; Dam: Brampton Petune»s â-  JLady. Fee: $5.00 at time of sen-ice. ^.^ â€" H.RADLE«i- Fleshertoiu Oit. S. E. DeCUDMORf ^ •PHONE 53, flesherton" ft. General Insurance Specialist"' ' Real Estate and lavestmeal â€" Inquiries Solicited -^ r-? V y i It EYESIGHT SPECIALIST COMING FOR SALE- .^ car load ol western ^ oats expected co arrive about .Sept. 18 I New Coats New Millinery New Dresses ^ Cciiiiiig again to relievo your eye- i sight trouble. Prof. E. Katz, the welU known optical specialist, will be -it j the Park II()u.u\- Flefilierton. on Wed- I ne.itday, October 6th. Headache, diz- I zincs.^, defective vision, cross eyes, twitching eye lid's, relieved through properly fitted lenses. .As Prof.Tvatz is known to be one of the most skilled and experienced ooLicians of to-day, he c;an help, even though others fail. Pemember the date, don't nii^s it. MIDDLEBRO & BUrf?iS~*1 Barristers, etc ^ â€"W. C. White, Ciylon, phone 3Sr:{n. , Officesâ€" Owen Sound Dnrh=.«.' â-  ^il^^J'^H"^"- pSert<i^"5|;S FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale. | '=atl _ ^ afternoon and evening. " $12 i)er pair, also 6 purebred Tarn- i FARM FOR S\LE~"~~" â€" worth 30WS ready for breeding. â€" ^H ; Radley. Flesherton. __ 1 100 acres-clay loam, well ^vatered l^R SALE - Good brick veneered ! J,""'^ ^^l^^T I' "^ '"' ^'^^^ house for sale in Flesherton; 8 rooms, iJouse smaH ZTl T'' """''^^ main street: convenient to the high b^^"' 3" "'•'^'^'^"J. 20 acres of .school. Apply to S. Osborne, Town, anrwoodsh.^ ?' "f ""T'^'^ ^°'''^ L_J â- ^"'' woodshed, stone foundation, cellar , FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford ^.^ cement floor two miles south of „ , , , , i * I'Icsherton Down ram lamb; also cook stove for sale. â€" Ben McKonzie, Ceylon P.O. Phone 22 r 5. ..^V â- ^ .. 1 â- f^ â€"J. Thistlethwaite, Fleshertpp ».0. i- FARMS FOR SALE O FALL FAIR DATES bred-to-lay, good breeding stock each. â€" F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. Specials 10 doz. Brassieres, all sizes. Special 39c. 100 yds. 42ii:. Pillow Cotton Special 47c 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling, Spec- ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls.' all-woo! Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. Special $5.Z5 to $6.75. Gents' Fursiisliings Department Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to clear at $2.48. Men's Work Shirtr,, r.ew shipment just arrived, to clear at 95t. Clothing^ Department Men's and Boys' Bolts in brown and ^ black to clear at 23c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to'ckar a $1.98. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks Special 29c. each ( I Bolton Oct. 1 and 2 I Chstsworth Oct. 14 and 15 CoUingwood Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 Dundalk Sept. 29 and 30 (Jrand Valley Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 Markdale Oct. 5 and 6 Palmorston Oct. 4 and 5 Priceville Sept. 80 and Oct. 1 Royal Wintei-Fair Nov. 12-20 Auction Sale Men's Suits, value? from $22.50 to $26.50 to clear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast* ed Suits in plain blue & ctf-iped. Reg- ular value $}5.00, to clear $24.75. Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craven- ett. While they last $3.98. Gropery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c. Wonderful Soap, 4 for 25c. 5 pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 25c. Fly Tox Spray. Regular 50c. for 45c. 'liie undiisiirned- has received in- structions from the e.xecutors of the ost.itc of the Late Alefi. Ferguson lo sell by public :i«i.tii)n on LOT 17, CON. U, OSPREY - on - i'RIDAV, nCTOlBER HTH, 192.; LntK STO('K - General I'urpose horse <J yr.-;. vld; General Purpose hcrse 7 vrs.; I)uivin<' Mare in fi>al to Koysl Tower; Red Cow, 7 yrs. due March 17; Jei.s»y Cow, S yrs.. farrow; drey Cow, h yrs., farrow; 2 Steers FOR SALE â€" A number of excell- . Cm tbo Toronto Line Proviari»l ent Uliode I.sland Red R. C. cockerels, j Highway. Three farm?, two M^O $2 ceres and one of 50 acres aU cleared. 1 First class bnildingrs, up to date Jr every particnlar. Will sr 11 an* ««. FOR SALE-Building lot for sale cf these. Good brick houso onlr^T^ in the village of Flesherton, aah ac-jthe fams. The stablins for amX re, opposite the high school.-^j^Mrs. ^ mals is perfecc. One fir- Mas ^ Ellen Parker, Flesherton. , acres hardwood bush t>id anofcSw - nundred ba* three acre, of timlter loi 'and has buildinngs for everyAiM sale in Flesherton, solid brick, good needed, including poultrj' l-oa»e uri stable nn.l garage. Best of.^er.â€" G. ' pig pens. Ko broken land and c"a."- (Of weeds. Any person intereUed ishouW investigata. -T. J. STINSON. FOR SALE House and U< E. Henry. Flesherton. MISCELLANEOIS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Satur- ' day.-- iinly.â€" Grahir.ii Bus.. Eugenia. , limy Proton Station P.a BUSINESS CARDS W.AInTED â€" A number of cords of good dry buzz wood. Inquire at this office. Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Blond 1 -strap slipper. Spec. $2.95 Ladies' Blond Pumps. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pumps and Oxfords. Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sandles and running shoes Dr. t. C. .Murray, L.D.S., denUI surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of DcntjU SiiWai NOTICEâ€" A err load of Western of Ontario. Gas administered for oats will arrive at Flesherton in a few '^e'h extraction. Office at residence days, also a car load of ."lour and feed. Toronto Stret,- Flesherton. Leave your orders with A. B. Ferris or ! Harold Spofford.^ Dr. A. Turnbnll, RA.. M.R, gra* uale from tha Faculty of vIh»m«-. HO.VR FOR SERVICE University of Toronto^ OAI^^r'SI ,, ,. 7 ,ard9on Block, Flesherton. Pho. 88. Tnmworth boar fon- service, i\o. j "*â-  ""• 2-1M16. on Lot 14G-:-147, 3rd range' "" â€" L. MEGGOTT, HeifcTS yrs.; Ye-.n-limr F.T. HILL & Co.. Limited, Marltdaie [&'BfSi3l5iaa8iBi'3.'a3ISi5eS!Si5)8!fSl&i1 iiSBflsisisiSBaisisiaBi!^ Heifer; Call, B'mcnths; Sow due be- ftiro sale; 10 l=>«\-os, 1 Ram and 18 hens. j IMPLE.MENTS â€" M.-H. Bimkr, 7 : foot Out. with trucks; M.-H. Mower (\ foot cut; M.-H. Seed Drill, 13 disc; •M.-H. Cultivator 17 tooth; .Set 12- bull Irou Harrows' Steel Hay Rake, 10 feet.; .M.-H. Steel Roller, 10 ft.; Wagon -and grain rack; Set^Bench .>^ltigH.<. .M.-H. Manure Spreader; 'McLaughlin Buggy; 2,000 lb. scales; .Scitflet; Riding Plow; Gang Plow- Walking Plow; SotTeam Harness; ('<y\t\>\ .Stone; Quantity of Hay;Chum; Inc! l^r•Cl^set; 2 Rocking Chairs; 1 Stnndavd Cream Separator; numerous other articles. Farm to be offered for sale, subject «o reser\V hid. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. TERMS â€" All sum.i of fS.OO and I ider, cash; over that amount 12 1 lo-t.' credit, ,i'i off for rash in lieu rf notes. W. W. Ferguson. W. Kaltting, Excrutir. Auctioneer. No resAve as everything will bo sold to wind itp the eattkte. Apr. 27. FOR SALE . [â- /'"'« Ar'.hur Lodge, 333. A.P. * Flesherton '\^- "'^'^ in the Masonic hall. Arm- strong Block. Flesherton, every Pri- day on or before the funll moon. Roht Dox.n,j\'. M.. F. J Thurston. Sec House and lot for sale, six room- ed frame house, gootl woodshed, a good bam and garden. â€" •â- ^pply to John Blackburn. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on the Provincial High- Lncas A Henry, Barristers, SolteH. m, etcr-l. B. Lucas, K.a ; W. ©. Honry. Bjv. Oifieos. MarKdale Lneu Block, Fuone Z. Branch office* at Dundalk and Dorhatn. Telford « Bfrnle. Barrtsten, toM. way, lU miles south of Flesherton; citors, etc.. Office!) â€" Grey and Bnies good barn 50x60 with stone wall: fitoek, Ow«n Sonnd; StandAd Bask brick veneer hou-ic, drive shed, pig Bk>ck, Flesherton. (Sctordkys). I5. I>en and hen houee, 10 acres good P. -TelfOTd Jr., j. F. P. Binie. busli? â- ^•e!I watered and fenced. â-  " -JAS. FERRIS. Flesherton.' Wm, Kaitttaf. UemutA AmHIomw ^' "" f'T *lw TOTHrttes of Onf nd Shnoaa GEO E. DUNCAN Porm and stock uies a spcclaBr DUNDALK jl%rms modnat^ ntisfaetini LJCENSED AUCTIONEER anteed. ARuwemantt for For the eoujity of Grey. Reason- "nay be made at the Advanc* ( able terms. Satisfaction goaran- Central telephone office, teed. Dates made at this office. or by addreetlar me at it ^<

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