Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1926, p. 1

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X I -^- %.. ^ ®()je /lesh^tton i^^nmu:^ Vol 46 No. 1 7 Flesbcrton. Ontario October 6, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pfliprietmrt EUGENIA In naming the floral tributes obituary of the late John K. Ji la^t week's issue there was an In«t«iul of wreath from fcrandchj Laure, Sask., it should have wreatfi 'from Mr. and Mrs. Jarr :lta«i, Laura, Sask., and a from the grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw and little dauffhtcr of Cheeaeville visited at Mr. A. F. Pedlar's on Sunday. Mr. Robert Gordon of Toronto vis- ited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jame Leppard. His wife and four children, who have been visiting here since last spring, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Phillip.! and babe spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Ml. and Mrs. Roy Wood and chil- dren, of Wodehouse, and Mr.s. Thos. Lever, Flesherton, .spent Sunday at Mrs. C. Martin's. We are son-y we omitted the name of little Wesley Jamieson last' week in naminR the little tots who pas.scd through the gates from the Cradle Roll to the Primary class on Rally Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .lamej Leppard "and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon and children, visited at Mr. Wm. Wright's, Mea- ford, and Mr. Joseph Leopard's, Bea- verdale, on Sunday. Mrs. David Genoe .ipent a few days with hrr sistir, Mi.ss Kate Jamieson. last week. A credit auction 3ale of the chattels oi the late John K. Jamieson will be ..hield this Thursday afternoon at his late resideny. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and daughter, Kathleen, visited over the week end in Owen Sound and A.ea- ford. Mr. Edwin Purvis was up from To- ronto over te week end. Mrs. Tucker and son, Garfield, and daughter, Vera, and Mr. Sanderson and little daughter, Irene, of Oranpre- villle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin- Boyce recently. Mr.«. Williams (nee Miss Lyda Munshaw), from Iwcle Sam's domain is visitWig her brother. Mr. Peter Munshaw of the Eugenia Hou^e. It is a nii'iViber of years since they saw each other. Mr. Emerson Simmons of Drayton motored up and vi.uted at Mr^.AIex. Hoy's. His wife, wiio has been visit- ing her sister, Mr.s. G. Magee, and Mr.'. F. Hoy. returned hiime with hiin. Mr. .Wer.. Hoy also accompanied them them home and spent a week ait Dray- ton. Mr. Harold Falcher and daughter, Dorothy, spent the past week with Durham friends. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Morphy of To- ronto, called on their friend, Mi. E. Morgan, recently. A g£ng of men of this vicinity aro engaged working at the 30th sideroad (from Sth line to the lake) making a better road to get to the lake. Mr. Leonard Latimer was appointed over- seer of the work. VANDELEUR Anniversary .services were held ki the Vandeleur church on Sunday last and were very largely attended. Rev. Jafties Dudgeon of Port Credit occupied the pulpit in the afternoon and Rev. J. H. Oke of Toronto was the preacher in the evening;, and both delivered ^etcellent sermons. The Markdale'fRoir. led by J. H. Dundas, provided splendid music throughout the day. The beautiful -breather also helped to make the anniversary ser- vices a real success. Mrs. Will Burnett of Sligo visited with her mother, Mrs. Genoe. Ml. and Mrs. Sam Btichunan and children of Owen Sound spent the first of the week with friends here. Mrs. Davis is visiting "friends in Chesley. Mr. and Mro. Will Walker of Eu- genia visited friends here recently. air. and Mrs. Fay Marshall of To- ronto visited the latter's brother, Mr. Will Weber, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spofford, son Harold and daughter, ToUie, and Miss Maynard, of Feversham, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family the first of the week. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bellamy of To- ronto were callers in our village on Tuesday of last week and attended the fair. R. P. was manager of the Bank of Toronto here for some years and his hosts of friends wish him and his esteemed wife a happy and pros- perous journey through life. A number of people front here at- tended the Great Northern exhibition at CoUingwood last Thursday and re- port a good fair and a record crowd. Mrs. James Ball o.f Maple Creek. Sask.. is visiting with h«r brother, Mr. George Whiteoak, and family. Mrs Ball is hale and hearty at the advanc- ed age of 78. Her late husband had a ranch in the Mapl» Creek country for some years before his death. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson of Detroit are visiting with the former's brothers, and other friends liere. Major McRae and two Salvation Army officers, of Toronto, held a meeting in the Army Hall here on Sunday last and Sunday evening thev had a full house. Mr. George Julian of Collingwood was a caller here on Monday last. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Detroit spent the week end with his brothers here. Bomâ€" On O^t. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole, a daughter. Mr. GoulB and Mrs. Fuller motored from Toronto and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson. Miss Burney. who had been spending a w#ek in Toronto, r-^tumed wfth them. CEYLON Misj Stewart spent the week end in Toronto, returning Monday morn- ing. Mr. A. C. Muir made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr! and Mrs. Luther Duckett and family motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. Speers of Feversham visited at the home of Mr. S. Hem^Jhill on •Sunday. Mrs. F. Marshall and babe returned Saturday after visiting her daughter atSala. »e are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Wh^ ill with pneumonia and under the <»ire of Dr. Turnbull. His many friends hope for a spwedy recovery. Mr. T. Chiilett visited his sister at Durham the first of the week. Mr. D. MacPhail held a very suc- cessful auction sale -Monday, when a very large crowd was present. -Mr. Charles Kruge of Chesley and student at Knox College, Toronto, had charge of the service here Sab- bath morning. He'is'avery pleasing speaker., ' Mr. .^. Hemphill and daughter, Miss Maud, motored to Owen Sound the past week. .Mrs. John K. McLeod left Saturday to visit her mother, who is ill in To- ronto. Miss Rita Patterson, nurse, visited her friend, Mrs. Percy Hunt, for a few days last week. Mrs. Sam Pedlar of Detroit mot- ored over and is visiting her mothei:^ Mr. Neil Cameron had a number of men engaged the past week putting in a cement wall under hi.s new barn. -Mr. J. B. Egan of Toronto was in town the first of the week. Mr. Robert Cook visited friends in GlenelfT Friday last. (Last Week's Items) It was learned with deep regret that Mr. Gordon Pro&sic, student, who has had charge of the services here for the past two months, must return to his studies at-' Belleviile. He preached his farewell sermon on Sunday morning to a large congrega- tion. His dispourse was thoughtful, earnest and full of wise council. Dur- ing the offering Miss Stewart sans; a sweet solo • .My Task." The people of Ceylon were very sorry to nart with him apd at r!:o do^e ui the ser- vice pi-esented him with a- address and a oeautiful f'->intain pen as a slight token of the good will of the people of this place. Mrs. Hales made the presentation and Miss Delia White read the address. .Mr. Prossic wa.s completely taken by surprise., but ve^^'" feelingly thanked {he people for their good wishej; for his future car- eer. During his short stay he had found kindness and encouragement everywhere, which he would not soo;' fo|get. Mr. and Mrs. ^\ D. Cairns are on a motor trip to Toronto, HamSlton and St. Catharines. Mrs. Will Gibspn motored to Toion- to Friday and attended the stampede returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder and babe of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with the latter's father. Mr. D. D. McLachlan. Miss Wilson of Wareham visited with Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist over the week end. Miss Lottie Muir of Toronto spent the week end with her brother, .AUie Muir, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Irwin an'j oon, Brady, and Mrs. William White mot- ored to Cherry Grove the first of the week and visited^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brady. Mr. George -A.rrowsmith and -Mr. S. Hemphill attended as delegates the church meeting held in Durham on Tuesday. Mrs. Hunt and son, .Mel- ville, accompanied them. Mrs. .Tas. L. McMuUen visited with Shelburne friends on Wednesday and attended the fair. Miss Maud Hemphill spent a few days the past week visiting friends at Fergus- iNIrs. D. McLeod left Thursday to visit her daughters in Toronto and Pttend the marriage of her daughter, Hazel, to Dr. Beatty. Mrs. Wm. Bagley, Mrs. Jas. White- sides, and Mr and Mrs Gordon White- sides of Severn Bridge motored over and visited with* the former's sister, Mrs. Edward Sergant. and familv. BORN â€" At Bala, Ont.. on Sunday, September SOth. 1026. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge (nee Ida Marshall) a son. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMulIen visited with Creemore friends on Sat- urday. Mr. S. Hemphill, Percy and Miss Reta Hemphill motored to Fergus the fir.^t of the week- Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston spent Sunday at Mr. H. Piper's. Mrs. F. Marshall and babe left Men- day to visit her daughter at Bala. Mr. and Mrs. X. Sinclair and son. Jim, motored to Harriston Sunday. Mr. T. Hemphill and sister. Miss Hemphill of Kleinburg visited with Mr. S. Hemphill and family the past week. TORONTO LINE, NORTH _ The farmers are busy threshing. M^. and Mrs. Rob. Richardson and son. Harold, attended the Collingwood fair last week. Mi.«s Gertrtide Lever motored to Hanover *nd -ipent Sunday with her friend. Miis Mavcock. Mr. Thomas Sled and son. Burton, ^ere Sunda;^ vlgitors with friend.^ at (Trangeville. ROCK MILLS Urtty U.F.W.O. Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Wni. T. Pedla» on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 2 p. mV Note change of date. Mr. Marall Betts, Mi-s. P. Gorhani and family, and .^4rs. Tucker of To- ronto, motored up Saturday and spent the week end with the form- er's father, Mr. Levi Betts, returning to the city Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and two sons, Harvey and Everett, and Mr Sam HoUey, motored to Holland Cen- tre on Sunday and visited friendj there. Judge Klein of Walkerton will re- tire from the bench next month after serving the country well and faith- fully for over 33 years. MAXWELL â- *â-  (Intended for last week) The Rally Day service was observ- ed in the United Church Sunday even- ing last. Messrs. G. McLeod and F. Ross spent Sunday with Rob Roy friends. Harvest Home service was held iu the .Anglican church Sunday last. - .Mr. and Mrs. A. McLean and son of Feversham spent Sunday at Mr. Robt. Priestley's. Quite a number from here attended the Flesherton Fair concert. -Miss Rose Dawson of Flesherton •' visited with Maxwell friends for a few BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 .Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Mrs. James Park of Owen Soun^ days last week, vi.-ited the past week with hbr daagh^' The I 'nited Church was filled to ter, Mrs. Dick Clark. capacity Sunday evening, when the Harvest Home service will be held first anniversary of the United in Rock .MiII.5 Baptist rhurch next Church was held. .Mr. F. Brown of Sunday, October 10th. Ml. and Mrs. John Porteous and Toronto officiated, and his address was appreciated by all. The morn- son, Joyce, visited on Sunday witB jng service was also well attended Mr. and Mrs. .A.llan McLean at Fever- The United Sunday S:;hool will be ''fiam. J held at 2 p. m. for the fall arid win- Prayer meeting will be held yi thfe ;er months. The Maxwell L. O. B. A. enter- ' tained the Dundalk L.O.B.A. Friday con- church Thursday night as u? ducted by Mr. Walter .A.kitt. Mr. Edwin Smith of London has] evening Vast joined his wife and family here f<^ a week's visit. "^ > Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Dundalk fair on Thurs- Mrs. Jack Park of Owen Sounflijay las. spent _la.st Wedne.;day afternoon with ] the county road east of this village -Mrs. C. Newell. _, , „ , ' '* nearing comnletion. For some -Mr and -Mrs. George Clark of the I time it has beeii verv annoying to bac.c I'.p.e spent .Sund.-y -!tn .Mr. Dick ; tourists, but is in good condition ClaiK anu fami!y. . â- ; :i^^v. Mi:'. H. Poole takes possession < ' the store formerly owned by Wm. Wright and .Son. Success, Herb. NEW DRESSES, COATS & FALL MILLINERY We rfre now .showing the New Fall Dresses in a heavy <iuality of satin faced crepe, and crepe ramoine, intheiiew autumn shades of wine, brown, rosewood and black. IDon't buy your new winter coat until you see our display; they are expectefl *o arrive in a few days. They are beautifully tailored of all-woolNeedle Point, Duvetyne and V'elour in all the new shades, wtih fur trimmings. Once again we have a wonderful display of Fall Hats, in the new rust, wine, bla;k, tan and sand shades. All reasonably priced. SE-\SONABLE SUPPLIES FOR MEN Fall Overcoats Mackinaw Coats Mackinaw Trouserrs. Sweaters and Sweater Coats Rubber Boots Rubbers Work Booots. •â- ^^ ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Mrs. Frank Betts and babe spent a day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc.Mullen. T Rev. A. J. Preston, will conduct harvest thanksgiving service at Rock -Mills next Lord's Day, October 10th, the hour of service being three p.m. Special, singing is being arranged and I -.,. „ ., t-, , the church will.be tastefully ded-l^^"'* Council met at Flesherton • r orated. ' ' I Oct. 2. the members all being pre.:.e-.t. The'nrayer meeting at the chua-ch t'^*^ , Reeve presi.iing Minutes were this Thursday night will he in charge i ""ea''. a"d adopted. Reports of Cov.- of Dean Walter .Akitt. ' | mi^sioners on e---:penditure were \- .\ in. The following were paid: .lohii I Williamson. 40 rods of wire fence, SlO, and -John Stewart. 51 rods wiro ! fence,.'>14.2.5. beinur bonus on same ar -- ,,,.,,. ,- , „ „ . i-Iic per rod. H. B. .MacLean w i: Mrs. William hyslop of Eugsnia paid S3:l for sheep killed and injure.' sucnt a toupie of v.-eek.-^ with her bv dogs. Grav,,l hills as follov.-;: daughter, Jlrs. \.ilfiea Magee. I were ordered puijii A. Cu'-rie S3 " I F. G. IIARSTEDT FLESHERTON A. Carruthei-« S.'J^SO. The Covmjfe w(?Ht into : Cammiti:'i: of th.-- WhoIe/tnrflVlaw No. 6, to le .-y rates. Mr. Garruth^rs in the chair. The Com'niAee reported Bylaw filled up as follows: County rate S13.- 572.50; Township rate "S',",000; Gen- eral School Rate $7,413; and the sev- eral school sections for the amounts Miss Cooper, of Jiarkdale, spent the week end with Miss Delmer Fenwick. We are sorry to report that Mr. Cameron. Sr., is not improvinc as quickly as could be dfsired. Miss Mabel William? has returned to her duties after a two weeks" visit with friends in Btiffalo and other places. -• Miss Selena McDonald spent a few- days with friends in Owen Sound. Mis.; Ida Magee sp^nt a week with her friend Miss Greenaway. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee- recently. VICTORL\ CORNERS Eighth Line, Artemesia y]i^^^ .Martha Fenwick and inenci, jCainis Sl-15. Bi^T^Tavlor S6, W. A:<- Mr. Biggar. ot Owen .Sound, spent jitt S4.10. R. VxAxTi 33.60. Geo. Wkl' â- > the week end with the former's par^ jj^ y, McTavi|h^4, D. Hincks $3."0, ents, Mr. and Mrj. Thos. Fenwi«k.^„;, - - - -Mrs. John Seeley and babe, of Mafit- v.ell. spent a few days with he', par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parsony. Mr. George McKenzie and sister, accompanied by Mrs. Stewart of 'f.^y- lon, spent a day with the former's sister. Mrs. Hyslop. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan and babe, of Markdale. spent the week l^aried"for "on.^reouriitVons.""". end- wKh Mrs.' Prfc(* JamresoiW«â€" --<»â-  ;^ie,.,,pi.j:corbettâ€" That' in refer- Miss Claribel Fenwick and tnend. ^^^^^ t^, ^1,^ c. P. R. crossing at lot 137 Mr. Pfrossic, our minister for a couple of months, preached his fare well sermon- yesterday. We are sorr\ to lose Mr. Prossic. but he coidd "ot stay and continue with his studies. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming (nee Miss Neargarth) one of our ex teacher-^, and three children of Hanover, visited at Mr. Carl -Atkinson's. Ernie Stinson, accompanied by his mother, 'Mrs. -Albert Stinson, his sis- ters, Mrs. Bert Badgerow and Marg- uerite Stinson, and Miss Richardion motored to Bright on Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawkes, re- turning Sunday evening. Mr. Jas. Lockhart paid a week end visit with his daughter, Mrs. Bert Rowden. at Clinton. S. W.. the Clerk is hereby instruc- ted to call the attention of the rail- way authorities to the present con- dition, of the crossing, ar.d a.sk the«u to h.f»i- it put in its proper rroce as agrt ? â€" Carried. Cq-. thers â€" Davis â€" That the Cle* cal! t '.f attention of the Hydro-Elec- tric Co.nmission to the arrangement made to have fill and railing on Sth line, at lot 33, put in proper condi- tion for traffic. â€" Carried. Corbett â€" Davis â€" That permission be grarted to bonus wire fence oppo- site lot 154, 3 S. W., they having pro- cured thp re(|uired number of petit- ioners. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Carruthui-s â€" That we pay #ie Canada Ingot and Iron Co. for one eulve't 24x20 S54. and theMetallic Roofing Co. $11'J for two culverts. â€" Carried. Corbettâ€" Mercerâ€" That the 0. W. Bridge C'<. be paid S407.38 for steel â-  for the B!nnie bridge. â€" Carried. Canuthoio-â€" Corbett â€" That the fol- lowing be paid for commission and committee work: T. L. Mercer $3 and $4.00, J. Davis S4.00 and ?3.40, J. Hogarth .^lit.OO and S6.00, H. Corbett commiss- in $41.00 â€" Carried. ' The Cmncil adjourned. CLEARING SALE Of Women's Lace Boots These are of good quality And good value. . . . Price only . . . $2,79 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON HOUSE DF GLUALITY Grain Bag$ WE HAVE A FEW NO. I SEED BAGS AT A VERY SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEAK. JUST THE THING YOU WANT FOR YOUR SEED. S. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESIA IN MEMORIAM Sr. 4 â€" -\udrey Brow-n. Lola Black- burn. Jr. 1 â€" Earl Johnston., Ellen Par- ker. G'orge .A.llen, .A.nnie -A.kins, Clif- ford .\llen, J. Beard. Lsabelle Ferris. .Jr. 3^Cecil Thistlethwaite. Wilfred Best. Willie Parker. Dorij Waller. 2nd Classâ€" Merle .\llen, Oren South -Mar'ory Wyatt. Harold Johnston, Sel- H.\XTONâ€" In loving memory of Joseph Haxton, beloved son of Mrs. Janet Ha.xton. died October 4th. 1924. ;ma South. ,_,-,â-  ) 1st Class â€" Patsy Beard and Elsie Short and sudden was the call, i White equal. Doris South. He was so dearly loved by all. i Sr. Pr. â€" Nellie Thistlthwuite. Ivan But oh how sweet the promise given Waller. Russel Johnston. We'll meet again' with him in heaven. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Saada, Ooovrics and Oon{«c«i«Bn>ry Flesherton 1 -'i • -/ - â€" -J Q '" ^ ** >» 1 .U \ ^^^EconomyReco^ Utility Espraas Ckaaaia $730 Roadster (640 Concc SI 10 Sport Roaditcr 7: j Coach 810 Touring 640 3*d>» MO Sport Touring 715 Landau Sedan 970 ComoKrcial Chaaaii (495 ^rt'eoa «t Fmctory TasM KMtrm cr-tt« TN almoat evcnr line of buaincaa ^ the Chevrolet Utility Expraaa truck has catabiishcd a new record of ecoBomy in opctadon and main- tanancc Truck owner* are amaicd at the low upkeep coats of thij Clievroict ooe- too truck and th« dayWn. day>out aervicr under wUdi it atandi up ao dapcodabt>'. The amooth Chtrroit* angina pr»- vidcs aixindaot power â€" av«a MC conaidcrabla overtoada on hBSa and roach wm. A doae In apecttoa of tha adOty cxprcaa chawii and t! ^ recorda ol ChcTtoict inidc owae will txaUn D McTAVISH Chevrolet Dealers to you the perfomanca and acoo- offly that hdve nude Chevrolet tha world's third largest prodticer of trucks and couuneroal cars* Ask your Chevrolet dealer for de- scription 4iid prices at the type of body tnost (ultabla roc your bo^ nasi. Any regular body ttyl* ouqr be built on th« Oicvroiet vd&tjr •xpress chaasia. The Smootfaaat Oieviolat ^â- i Ptkt lot which ^wWpIm I b««y soH ip Cmdi Aak at>o<:t GMAC Viu» ol DJmtA relet i^jtory U 9cl{ing M dialc St SON Flesherton^ Ont.

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