Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1926, p. 4

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WEDNKSDAY. OCTOBKR C. 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published un CuUinflrwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of eacb week. Circulation over 1100, Price ill Canada, |2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A. |2.50 iH;r year, when paid in advance $2.00. ' W. H. THURSTON, - Editor EDITOKIAL NOTES Mr. A. M. Yynne played the weddinjr march. The bride, who was iriven avvay by tier brothcr^.Mr. VV. 8. Mi-Leod, look- eil charniiiiK in h K'^v/n of ivory crepe .at in. Hi'i veil and coronet was of Brus.jels net, cuut'lit with orange l)l(>.4sonis. worn by the bride's mother, i OENERAL COaTS Enxineer'.-) Im-al help, per pay list L'. \V. Christie, enifinoer, 5% days' field >*'or^L .. L. Loth, enifinecr's uiisi^tant, 7Vi day.i' field work Boari) and lodjfini; Railroad fare.i .„ ,^, ,..r u. ...c =. iiiun.c. .Conveyance by car ^.~~.....^. ami Viirried a^lToVerbo'uqutVoraut- i plans*, profiles, apeeificatloji*. assi-.sSmenf .schedule, con- urr.n Kinw's and buby'.s breath. Miss . '.'''»'•!• ''""'i. «te., and expenses incidental 171. Doris I'atti.son acted as bridesmaid I f*'""""^"^" t" "uni"ii<"i «r Ontario Railway Board. > xpense to be and wore .shell-i>iiik KoorKettc trinim- K home by the Canadian I'acifie Ra '.way Company estimated at 50. black pic-'^^-'^K"' «."t«>-e ^. V 50. \ i-horal satin with :ind carried pi♦^Ji and white MUi Afrnea MacPhail is still the only female member of the Domin- ion Houae of Commons. I'erhap." before the end of the new Parliament "Some l>onnie lad<lie will tak' liei awa." That is, if .she is willii.jf. * * * A medii'al man declares that the lunKH of the ordinary person contain 76,0iKl.m»0 air cells. We would like to have the jrcntleman tell us how much time he took to make the count. He certainly must have worke<l over- time. • • • Lord Willinirton, Canada's new Governor-tieneral, arrived at Quebec * last week and took the oath of office. We we'.'tm>e Lord and Lady WillinR- ton to this Kreat Dominion and hope that durinir the period of hi.-, stay with us that Canada will prosper as it never did l>tffore. « • • Improvements continue to be made in flyimr machines, but at best the air system of travel is yet ci :nl)er some and dauKerou.-s. What we neeii ij some new Kdiscm or Ford to in- vent a simple nuthod of fllKbt for individuals. Why should the aver- ajfe ii'.an <t woman not be proviridl witn v.'inKs. after the fashion of the crow or the piueon, so that all ihat Would be necessary would be to hook up the flicr.^. and ko careering around the .^ky at will. We would be pre- pared to bet, however, that even if every one had wings, some would mislay taem. and be late for work 01 meeting:, just as it is to-day. .1 with til re hat asters. J. S. Beatty, B.A., M.A., brother of j the t'rooii:, acted uj best man. I Fol!o\"in({ the ceremony 'a reception was held at the home, of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. I'atti ion, after wliicli the han"v | •ouiile left for n motor trip, the bride ' travilLnif in a dress of or.-hid >roorK- | ette and coat .)f blaik needle ptimt, \ with ermine trininiinn.,, black picture | hat and shoe;: and stockinjr^ to match. I Dr. and .Mrs. Beattv will reside at Dundas, Ont. IN MEMORIAM .SMITH -- In loving memory of our dear mother, .Mrs. John Smith, Rob Roy, formerly of Kimberlcy, who passed away October 10th, 1!)21. .•^he ah^ays leaned to watch for us, Aii.Nious if We were lute, 111 winter, l)y the window. In summer by the gate; .And though we mcK'ked her tenderly, Who had .mch foolish care. The loiiK way home would seem more safe Because she w.aited there. iler thoughts were all so full oif us .^he never could forRCt! .•\nd so we think that where .she i.! .She must be watchin? yet. Waiting 'till we come home to her, .Anxious if we are late â€" Watching from heaven'.-; window, L;;'.iiint; from heaven'.^ gate. -THE CHILDRK.N. IT I'AYS TO ADVERTISE BEATTY â€" ."McLEOH A very pretty wedding was solem- nized in St. George's United Church, "Toronto, when Hazel '.'.... youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Leod, Ceylon, was united in marriage to S. Robinson. Beatty, M.D. The Rev. Dr. Black officiated and The coOHsh lay..? a million eKSs, And the helpful hen lays one. But the codfish doesn't cackle. To tell what she's done; And .so we scorn the codfish coy. And the helpful hen we prize. Which indicate.-, to you and me It pays to advertise. The Wedge. The Advance is the beat medium to advertise your auction sale. By-law No. 8 of 1926 A BY-LAW to provide for drainage work in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $882.50, the proportion to be contributed by the Municipality for the completion of same. A BV-L.AW to provide tor drain ige work in the Township of Arte- mesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing, on the credit of the Municipality, the sum of $882.50 the p-opoi'tion to be contributed by the Municipnlitv for the completion of th • .lame. PROVLSION'ALLY adopted thi.s day of . .1U2C. it ^•»;^%„ WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Proton has taken procoedi nifs lo construct a drain in the said Town.diip under the provision.s of th« MuTiicipal Drainage Act, which said drain is to be extended or continued in- to I he Township of Artemesia. AND WHEREAS the .Municipal C.>uncil of the Townjhip of Proton has served the Reeve of the Township of Artemesia with a copy of the report, â-  '.ns, specification. i, assessments anJ estimates of U. W, Christie, O.L.S., -ngineer of the proposed work, a^ re(iuired by the Municipal Drainage 'd the said report of the said Engineer in respect thereof and of the nage work so far as the sam.- relates to the Township of Arte- ; follows. leeve and Council of the Township of Proton: ;^ en,â€" In accordance with your instructions I have made an ^K Drain .No. 2<> with a view to making improvements under '*y^ five (?.')) and niaint linin;,' under Section Number Eighty ''y,^2w. *'" ^*^''^^ "' ^''^' ^'ntirio Municipal Drainage Act. t./if-v rosses public Highways or railway rights-of-way, bridges alt" *• ''*' '''tered and maintained t>y the Corporation or com- v,0 Kv ' over such big The Railway C<jmpany shall aiso bear >|Srt». f to owner.^ of private properties requiring bridges, ' f^tMt n every case, arc to be built and maintained by the •pVi and not a llie expense of tli? druinnge work. ♦p*!* nd main'iiined in si..'h a way as t.i allow an â- V"*'^*. as la.-gi- as the capacity of the drain, in- Ici.^ am btyond the excavat.Ml cross section. f s^ ' Ic of drain throujrh the liank with a the .*^ three iiori/.ontal. The cash pay- one *' . »ull amount of his or lu-r allow- • i<» »*^ -eto within one month after the r f„V<?>nK "'â- 'â- "•''*' *-^^ drain, and in â- " ia«»*- to he pla.ed in the .b-ain -r Adjil' 'â- "' land nwnors shall \ Ni.nihoi' .TiKhtj-two (82) of •'n all oth.^r i-rn iHcts he main- oton at the exiien.ie of the undertaking in the ratio ?ndments hereto. 'he Canndian T'acific be lowered by the n shall also bear ">y the owner •e vvjthin 2 • all tim- 'ing. '», '>'?. "h Pfh\ Jll. s.vv. 2 S.W. E.pt. W.pt. E.pt. W.pt. 1 E 1 E :5 Lot i8(; 187 18i 18'J 18!) 100 100 18.^ 184 IS."; 186 187 188 180 180 181) 100 100 100 184 185 186 187 1S8 ISO 190 185 18C 187 188 180 100 S.DR. Gore lot. W.pl.E.iit. W.pt. E.pt. ; pt. pt. pt. 1 S.W 1 E. 101 102 lO.'J 194 106 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 North of Front St. 2 S.W. 1 2 3 4 5 and W. pt. 6 7 and E.pt. 6 8 .ind W. Dt. 10 E. pt. 10 11 12 13 •M 15 16 19 17, 18 and Acres 10 50 50 5 4.1 10 30 50 50 74 72 72 72 >4 22 38 14 18 35 30 50 50 - 50 50 50 50 4 6 39 49 40 49 50 45 32 G 2 13 4ii 46 37 3G 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 40 25 25 37 38 25 28 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 Value of Benefit Liability 10 00 40 00 25 00 100 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 30 00 35 00 ;w 00 30 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 00 Value of Outlet Liability $10 00 50 00 75 00 10 00 40 0i> I 456.55 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1.3 00 5 00 fi 00 « 00 « 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 . 2 50 .2 50 "2 50 2 50 2 50 10 00 00 50 50 00 00 50 50 50 50 ^m 1338 00 \ '^hK"' It- v* â- '^ ^ «»•, y >f. ''V Total for Benefit Liability. .$544 50 Total for Outlet Liability .... 338 00 Roads, Lands of Municip'ty.. 100 00 Total Assess, for Artemesia $982 50 LOCATION: 1." The drain referred to in these s;*«irifica^ions e.xtetafti.froni a point ten feet westerly from the westerly boundary of the road aUnwance west of Rangre Four (4) S.W.T.S. road, opposite lot '201 iit the Townafcip of Proton in a northerly direction aj shown marked re<> on th» acconipanj'ing plan, to an outlet near the boundary line between' Lot* Niunvbers One Hundred and Eighty-two and One Hundred and eighty-thr** (182 & 183) in. Range (2) S.W.T.S. R., in the Township of .Artemesia. WORKS: 2. The work to bo done compris? e.xcnvanii*, the romoval .«f timber ;ind brushwood in accordance witb theu' specifications an I the accompany- ing plan and profile, and also the maintenance «f said w ork during their construction an<l until finally passed and accepterfi !»» compkHe by t£K Enf^tn- ccr in charge. LINES: 3. Stakes have been planted att intervals of llfO^ fert ali'ni,' the iunk <»f the (dd drains and on the centre kne-o" the new part of tilv' drains. _ The surface of the ground at eaeh stake iiidiiiates tlie elevati«ir from v.-hich the depth is to be measured. Excavation *hulT h" oarried .iiit in: itraiprht lines nlonj; the courses •( thj drain audi lin grciiUe curves at the- turns. (LEA RING: â- I. -All trees, log.s and brush shsil be close ch>.«pped and jrrubbcii'. ta a width of fifteen (15) feet on each sfite of the fiitujftvd! fipes of the- <irain, and shall be reinove<l or placed in piBes along the »uti"ir eibres <if such, clear- ing. No lops, .stumps, brush or gafe will be ulliwiid. on Uic banks ifbht drainn. KXCAVA'riNG: .'). Tile drain shall be excavated t-i the full depth wnd width."? siiown an«l set forth on the orofilcs and the side slopes mutt be«ie to one tfcrmigh- out, except where a drain i.'» excava»iml to larger dimension.-! as is relVrrott to hereafter. In all casus the botlmni of the dr«in musti bo true tn- grade- shown i.n the prohle and the .sides -rarefully sloi5»d.' (to she proper nnt?le)' trimmed and true to line. All excavated material must be deposited at b-ast four feet clear of the edge of the drain or \vtnic of sseream. Tfcu' spofE hanks sha'l have a slope of not U-.^-s than one to one on tiie side nexB to the- ilrnin and breaks with a bottom wiilth of two feet must be left in said' bank i nl hcdiows, water run.s :tnd dVair *, to allow the surf:u-e wai:er tre.' iccess to the drain. The cross sectiim of the drain may be charged by the consent of the engineer to meet th? conslrjctiwn poaKibilities (»f .•ertatn typ^.^ of machine, provi<led such cftange is an inc«uiK=e i» every cli.-nor.:i:itt ^£ the drain section. LIABILITY or CONTRACTOR: <>. The coiUJ-actor must assume all risks from .•=torm:) aVd the cavinv in if the ditch and must have it free f r mi depofHs of sand, mud, eiSr.. N'tbrc will be accepted and paid for in full. If h% finds it necessary dVirinfc the Tress of the work to remove fence.! (^r bridges ho shall carcfun^' re)iIaoo '»ne in their original condition and protect the lands, crop* and prop- itiguous to the drain, from anv damage which might ariise thn)iiKh •ution of the work, and at all times care muBt be taken not to un- injure or destroy timber, crops r>r other property. . -actor shall use all proper prrc.iution for the prewntion of ac- 1^ will indemnify the Corporation of the Township of Proton . ^ *vl actions und all co«t« and damages occasioned by the neg- â-  .,».• ess of the contractor or his agents or employes. •>F SPECIFIC.\TI()NS: '<e executed under the direction and to the satisfac- mis.^ioner in charge and thp decision of the engin- •r quantity of work done, or in the case of ambiir- interpretation or doubt as to the correct Interpre- .inal and binding on all parties concerned. , AND SPECIFIC .VTIONS: change or alteration in the plan, profile or tpecifioa be deemed necessary by the enginoerjje shall ha»e auth- .•h changes or alterations and unless otherwise herein pro- nount proportionate f' the price contain.»d in the "tender cortrart was awarded shall hv nddM to or dediscted from thr .At of the .'ontrnct. i'B TO THE Ct»NTRACPOK: j'he cor.tiactor if entitled J.0 re.oive monthly 70"^; of the value / portion of the work completed under these specifications, it rf«tsires and requests, and it shall be understood and agreed by the par- nereto that the mea.suremcnts tak"n during the pragre.^s of th<?^work and the estimates of the engrineer shall be final and conclusive evidence of the maount of work performed by ths contractor. The Corporation will pay the cost of one progress inspection per half mile of drain and the finftl inspection, but all other inspections will be charged to the contractor and will be retained out of any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. At the expiration of thirty days (30) after the acceptance o{ the work, the ,, whole moneys accruing to the contractor under these specifications shall be paid. â-  PAY.MENTS TO WO^lKMENs 10. The contractor shall puncti^lly pay the workmen who shall be em- ployed on the work comprised in the.-ie particulars and final payment for the work will not be made to the contractor until all wages have been pa id. BOND: 11. Before the contract is signed or the work commenced the contrac- tor ohall furnish j4 bond for the due performance of the work within a lim- ited time in favour of and approved by the Corporation of thf Township of Proton for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (?500.00) signed by two re- sponsible sureties or a guarantee company. LKHIDATEU DA'VUfiES: 12. The work shall be commenced not later thaij the (lay of and cjmpleted not later than the day of , otherwise the Corporation may deduct from the contract the sum ascertained and liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of Five Dollars f^S.OO) i or day for every day the work remains uncompleted after the date agree.1 upon as above for the peii'ormance of the same. ... .A'ND WHEREAS the said Council are of the opinion that the drain- age of the area above described is dedrable:- THEREFORE THE SAID MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN- SHIP OK ARTEMSIA. PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE ^ "MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT", E.VACTS AS FOLLOWS :- 1. THE said report, plans, specifications, assessments and estimates are hereby adopted, and the drainagj work as therein indicftted and set forth shaU be macle and constructed in accordance herewith. 2. THE REEVE of the said To-vnship of Artemesia may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Artemesia the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($882.50) being said Municipality's share of the funds necessary for the said work and may issue debentures with interest at the rate of five per ' cent, per annum, guaranteed by the Municipal Clorpo^tion of the Town- ship of Artemesia, that is to say:- In ten e<iual annual instalments (interest and principal included in each instalment) payable respectivelv in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years from the date of the same, said debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada, Flesherton. 3. FOR paying the sum of FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR DOLARS AND FIFTY CENTS (1544.00), the amount charged against the oaid lands and road for benefit, and the sum of THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($338.00), the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and fo;- covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, the following total and spec- ial rates, over and above all other rat-.>s shall be assessed, levied and coll- ected (in the same manner and at th? same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned lands and roads and lots, and parts of lots and the amount of the said total special rates and interest against each lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into ten enual parts, and one such part shall be assessed levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. 4~H Con. 3 S.W. 2 S.W. Lot 186 187 188 E.pt. 189 W.pt. 189 E.pt. 190 W.pt. 190 183 184 185 186 187 188 W.pt of E.pt. 189 W.pt. 189 E.pt. 189 pt. 190 pt. 190 pt. 190 184 li^.W. 1 E. 3 S.D.R. IE. 1 L". 185 186 187 188 189 190 185 186 187 188 189 190 Gore lot 191 Acres 19 50 50 5 45 10 30 50 50 74 72 72 72 - 14' 22 3S 14 18 35 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 4 6 39 49 49 49 m , 194 195 191) * » 197 198 199 J200 201 202 1 203 r 2b4 •4 20r) T â-  296 ( 207 \ -m t • 209 210 Ppotci Station Sub. pt. Lot 190, Con. 2 S.W., .Artemesia 5C 45 32 G 2 13 46 46 37 30 40 40 .45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Value of Value of Benefit Outlet Liability Liability $10 00 50 00 75 00 10 00 10 00 40 00 40 00 25 00 100 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 30 00 35 00 35 00 30 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 "," â-  â-  15 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 13 00 5 00 5 00 .") 00 Cover int. at5 7t per Total ann. for Special 10 years Rate f 2 95 $12 95 14 75 64 75 22 12 97 12 5 90 25 90 23 60 103 60 7 38 32 38 29 50 129 50 2 95 12 95 2 95 12 95 4 43 19 43- 8 85 38 85 10 32 45 32 10 32 45 32 8 So 38 65 5 90 25 90 8 85 38 85 8 85 38 85 8 85 38 85 11 80 41 80 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 2 95 4 43 1 48 1 48 1 48 3 84 1 48 1 48 1 48 6 48 C 48 6 48 6 48 -,12 95 19 43 An. Asst. each yr. for 10 years 1.295 6.475 9.712 2.59 10.36 3.238 12.95 1.295 1.295 1.943 3.885 4.532 4.532 3.885 2.590 3.885 3J?85 3.883 4.18 .648 .648 .648 .648 1.295 1.943 00 00 00 00 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 48 48 48 48 1> & 1 2 3 4 W.pt. (i :â-  n.pi.t- ,s w.pt. in E.pt. 10 n 12 13 14 !.-> 16 . 18. 19 50 40 2.1 25 37 38 25 28 2" 2^ 2,i 25 £i 2.T 100 00 00 RO 50 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 48 1 48 1 18 74 74 18 10 00 $541 TiO 1 18 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 2 95 6 48 6 48 6 48 16 84 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 G 48 G 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 U 48 6 48 5 18 3 24 3 24 5 18 5 !8 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 2-". 3 24 24 24 24 12 95 .648 .648 .648 1.684 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .648 .613 .648 .648 .518 .324 .324 .518 .518 .324 .324 .324 .324 .324 .324 .324 ..•;24 .324 1.295 S3S8 00 4. FOR payirw the sum of ONE HUNDRBt) DOLLARS $100.00) the amount assessed against the said road.^ anil lands of the said Munici- pality, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per rhTA. per annum, a special rate oa the ilollar, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefore shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the rate as all other taxes are levied and eollecked) upon Mid fron the whole rateable property of the 8iiid Township of Artemesia in each year for ten years, after the final pass- ing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. 5. THIS by-law shall be published once in every week for four con- secutive weetes in the "Flesherton .\dvance" newsMii^r, published in the Village <<f Flesherton, and shall conie '-'o force iff^ effect upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the '' By-taiw NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thit a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall in the Village of fjbherton. in the County of Grey, '^ t>.o Twelfth day of October, 1{>2«, at tHf^our of Two o'clock in the aftem ;>on for the hearing of appeals, if any, made against the mbore assessments or any part thereof and for the adjustment of the said asaesmmenta in the manner provided h'- the Municipal Drainage .\ct, a notice of such appeal t«> be .â- â€¢â€¢rve<i upor the Clerk of the Mi n'oiwlity at least ten days prior to t'u- fifBt s'ttins of the said Court. AND FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any one intending to apply to have the foretroing by-law o: any part thereof quashed must, not later than ten day.« after the final pa.-.sing thereof serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve and Clerk of the Municipality of his intention to make ap- plication for that purpose to the Referee during the six weeks next a#ter the final passing if the by-law. * 1 ' 4 ±:' «<=*-5n I < >^\i â- â- {: . • > , \ \ a-

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