THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1928 i~H t'y/i'. '4 'Q '• ' > ^ • .' . I . •« • » 1 ' \ The Most Liquid Investment A SAVINGS SANK Account is pri- marily an inveatment. But is is the only investment yielding a fair rate of interest, that is available for your use at a moment's notice. Emerxen- cies can be imuiediately met by the bank account that has been consist- ently developed. Your investment as a bank account yields constant satisfac- tion a;5d peace of mind !'â- the fact that it is always ready fc '.-s with- out the trouble of con ..lag into cash. THE STANDARD BANK OF cajnaj:3A. "' FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager High School FieM Day Held at Memorial Park Over 200 Schools in Fairs in Grey County ' F CJ».R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : GoHigr South Going North 8.00 a.m. . 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. â- 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails clese at Flesherton as â- follows: For the north at M.OO a.m. •south at 3.30 For moening train «outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the â- previous evening. Local and Personal Justice Wright on The Customs Probe Com. It was announced from Ottawa last week that Mr. Justice Wright i f the supreme couit of Ontario ar.d '>iief Justice J. T. Brown of the .â- ;iiprei:ie court of Sasl atchewtfn have been ap- pointed by the King government to be associatei: with Sir Francois Lem- ieux, chairman of the royal coniniis- I sion on cusr )ras administration. Hon. NeW:.on Wesley Rowell will be general cor.nsel of the commission. It is the ;nt >ntion of the governn'ent that the enlarged body shall makf a thorough ii> -stigation from coast to coast and submit a constructive re- port. Mr. .lustico Wright, who before his promotion to the supreme court in 1923 was William Henry Wright, K. C, senior member of the legal firm of Wright, Telford & Birnie, of Owen Sound, was born at Flesherton and is a brother of Mr. John Wright of town and Mr. D. W. Wright of Dundalk. He is a farmer's son and was educat- ed at Collingwood Collegiate, after which he taught school lor a time. He read law in Peterboro, St. Cath- arines and Hamilton, finally estab- lishing himself at Owen Sund. He has been chadrman of the Owen Sound Board of Education, and presiden'', of the Grey County Law Association. W. Buy in Flesherton I Mrs. T Fisher is visiting friends in Collingwood. Mr. Roy Patton of Durham w^s a visitor in town on Sunday. Mr. T. W. Findlay is away judging this week at Tiverton and Wingliam. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen 'Sound were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. Nat Caswell has moved his family to Owen Sound. Inspector Huff of Meaford was in town last v/eek on his official work. The fairs are nearly over for this year. Many fairs were hit hard by the wet weather. W. W. Trimble, T. Fisher and Jas. Kerr, barber, visited at Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling were on a trip to Fenelon Falls last week. Rev. F. G. Stotesbury w^ill preach in the Flesherton T "njited Church on Sunday evening next. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Irwin of Pro- ton spent Friday and Saturday with their sister, Mrs. John McDonald. Miss .Aleda Mitchell left on Friday to make an extended visit with hti sister, Mrs. G. Goldsborough. Iroquois Fallfe, Ont. The fine weather of last week gave j Sr. Pr. â€" B, the farmers their chance to finish up F. Patton, F the harvest. Mr. W. H. Thurston and daughter, Dell, were visitors at Lions Head over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Blakely and little daughter of Harriston spent the week end with Relatives here. .Mis* Ida Fisher motored from 'lo- ronto and spent the week end with her brother, Thomas Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns Jr. re- turned on Thursday last after a trip of ten days duration to Hamilton and St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. O. Clipperton of To- ronto visited at the parental home in town over the week end. Mrs. Clipperton will remain for a week. ,,-,,„; tract this year. It is rumored they The Sacrament of the Lords Sup- ] have secured an additional contract, per was dispensed on Sunday last in j g miles from where the last contract the United Church. A large num- calletl for, to the Proton Station com- ber of communicants were present. | pr. The big crusher is working over- Mr.' Everett Henrv commenced <^rA[l!i!^J'\l^^ t\.°'' ^Y â- ^'^^'^^^,^^''T has purchased the general store and j p^.^^' Press, post office. ' "_ The annual field day of the Flesh- ert'jn high school was held in Mem- orial Park on Thursday afternoon of last week when a large list of sports were run off for senior boys and girls and junior boys and girls. A fair crowd was in attendance to watch the contestants. Mr. Russell Camer- on waj senior champion and Kenneth Betts junior boys champion, white Miss Mildred Ferris was senior girls champion and Miss Alma Lever won highest points for the junior girls. with Florence Allen only one point behind. The foUowinf is the list of events with the winners: SENIOR GIRLS ".â- > yard dash, J. Cargoe, M. Ferris, C. McFadden; Running Broad Jump, j J. Cargoe, M. Ferris, M. Watters; Standing Broad Jump, M. Ferris, J. I , Cargoe, G. Wriglu; Throwing Softball | M. Ferris, L. Boyd, J. Marshall. Sr. Champion â€" Mildred Ferris. ' JL'NIOR GIRLS i 75 yiard dash, F. Allen, M. Cameron, ! B. Hinsks; Running Broad Jump, .A. Lever, F. .Allen, M. Cameron; Stand- ing Broad Junio. A. Lever, E. Preston F. .Allen; Throwing Basketball, F. Best, M. Stuart. B. Genoe. Jr. Champion â€" .\lma Lever. J. Cargoe, M. Ferris, M. Watters. SENIOR BOYS 100 yard dash, R. Cameron, H. Al- len, A. Morrison; Running Broad Jump, it. Cameron. A. Morrison, M. Inkster; High Jump, A. Morrison, S. Muir, R. Cameron; Pole Vaulting, A. Morrison, S. -Vluir, R. Cameron. Sr. Champion â€" Russell Cameron. JUNIOR BOYS 100 yard dash, K. Betts. G. Beard. J Haw;Running Broad Jump. K Betts G. Beard, .M. Ferris; Standing Broad Jump, K. HettJ, G. B«ard, V. Stewart. High J-ump, K. Betts, G. Beard, V. Stewart. Jr. Champion â€" Kenneth Betts. Softbal games were played between the Durham, Markdale and Flesherton high school girls and Durham came out winners in both contests, the score with Flesherton being 12-9 and with Markdale 12-4. FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL "4th â€" G. Stuart, E. Fisher, G. Mc- Master, H. Best, S. Preston, F. Wei- ton, W. Colgan. Sr. 3 â€" B. Sled, E. Ferris. M. Stuart, B. McEachnie, J. Gibson. M. Ferris, D. McFadden, E. McKillop, V. Mc-Master. B. Patton, D. McMull- en, A. Warling, D. MacDonald, E. Freeman. Jr. 3 â€" L. McEachnie, W. Preston, E. Patton, C. Gibson. E. Talbot, H. McKillop, ,L Gibson, E. Warling, E. Kerton. Sr. 2 â€" H. Bibbv, G. Boyd Welton, H. Croft, W. Littlejohn. Jr. 2 â€" P. Gibson, B. Bellamv. E. Brown, A. Tumey, A. Lawrence. E. Burnett, absent. Sr. 1 â€" Charlie Croft. Murray, G Lawrence, E. Croft. Jr. Pr. â€" G. Gibson, deCudmore, D. Kerton ton absent. A. â€" J. Down. D. Whitehead iVl!iller, M. Duncan, A. McKillop. C. â€" B. McDonald, T. McTavish, C. McEachnie, I. McEachnie. McDonald, D. Stuart, R. Semple. H. Dorothy Ker- M. ROAD BEING PRAISED The Law Construction Co.. Toronto, which has the contract of putting a water bound macadam surface on Pro- \incial Highway No. 10, from Mel- ancthon corner to the 40th sideroad. a stretch of O'^ miles, has completed 3'* miles of the contract, as far as Corbetton. They anticipate with a good fall for work, to finish the con- motorists. Shelburne An emergent meeting of L.O.L. No. ! 2S55 is called for Thursday evening j cf this week. .Ml members are re- • questtvl to by present. â€" Jas. Stewart ; Secretary. I ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Wr.i. McLeod (nee Linjja Flesher) c: Spruce Grove, Alta.. called on Mrs. W. H. Thutston on | Wednesday of last \veck, after an ' absence troi.: Flesherton of twenty- ; eight years. School reports publishe<l next week. Mr. and Mrs. J.>hn McDonald and Malcolm .Al.-Ilonald (..' town spent in J.Sunday in IlMmilton Mrs. Norman Wiley and two child- ! ren of Owes Sound visited Ijwt we"k I at her pitrental hoine her.'. The Thursday half holiday in Flesh- . , erton came to a clooe last week, after A car ran into Leslie Ferris s bi- ^ bejnp ;„ eff^.^ for four months. cvcle on Thursday last as he was , _, , ... , , ,, . ing it across the market square and , The .local junior baseball team won threw him to the ground. A few irom the .Markdale juniors on the lo- spokes were broken from the tim, but '•'?1 dirniord last f aturday afternoon, the accident waiTnot serious and all t."-e s-ore liem-? lo-15^ repairs were made within a couple of ; \ large crowd was at Dundalk ftrtr day-'. I last we«k when about S900 was taken will b h 1 1 '" ^* ^^^ gate. Everett Henry's new : horse was third place in one race and I gave the other horses a real race for the condition he wa.-. on, as its owner Anniversary services will be in Klmberley United Church on Sun day, October lOth. Services at 11 ?-'"4t«»"»\L^v- »il7h!;v»*.'h»'^r"ff-.h^» ;"">v had it for one week and was not ^•^^f«^ r^r \^n! fit^ W^^ condition for a three lap race, mommg service, wnile Kev. Joseph , narrower <.i' Flesherton will preach r Mr. Robert Paton of Flesherton has at iM evening service. ' been inivted by the congregation of iCedarville to remain ther^' until the A chicken pie supper will be held in I end of the pastoral vear, which is St. John's United Thunh on Thursday next April. Mr. Paton ac -epted the evening «f this week, October 7th, nnder the auspices of the Women's Institute. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m, concert to commence at S o.m. Admission 50 cents. The ladies of the L. O. B. A. will hold a sale of homemade baking on .Saturday. Oct. 16th, from 3 to .t o'clock. All members requested to bring something and have it in be- fora 3 o'clock. Sale will b« held at Mr*. M. McDnoald's. invitation. He left this week to con- tinue his stuiie.- at Knox college in Toronto. Rev. A. J. Preston has returned to McMaster Univttrstity, where he Is studying for a degree in Theology. Mr. Preston will continue in char!.;e of the local Bapti.^t Churches and will be in attendance at the services each Lord's Day, morning and evening ini Flesherton and afternoon at Rock Mills. The officials of the local branch of the Department of Agriculture, Mark- dale, are kept quite busy with the annual .-school fairs, the majority of which are now over for 1926. The Agricultural representative, Ti. Stew- art Cooper, informs us that there are now 202 schools engaged in ID school fairs. This is exactly double * the number of schools engaged in 1920. Interest everywhere in Grey Co. is increasing In this work. Many parents are realizing that their children get a most practical train- ing in things that will be of injmense yalue^o them in future years. Thtr" judges this year are: Mis.s E.E. Zavitz. Ilderton, a gradflkte of McDonald Institute. Mr. J. B. Nel- son, B. S. A., assistant agricultural representative. Markdale, Mr. C. Mercer, Markdale. and Mr. .A. Stew- I art. Holland Centre, with Miss Blancli , Walker as secretary, and Mr. T. Stew- j art Cooper as manager. I The total amount paid in prizes ; at the fairs will appro.ximate $1,800. I This is raised by (first), fee^ sub- ; .-icribed by the school boards, (second) I Townshir Council grants, (third) do- nations by Women's Institutes, U. F. O. Clubs, (fourth) private subscrip- tions of either money or goods, and lastly, profits of -a booth conducted at the majority of school fairs. The People's Grocery DON'T SWAT THE FLIES KILL THEM WITH FLY TOX Regular 50c. Bottle of Fly Tox and regular 50c. sprayer, all for 79 cents. This week only. We sell "SURE DEATH" f.,r killin- MITES .>n your puultry. Xo sprayirif^ or du.stinf.^. Sati.staotion yuarnteed. w. G. KENNEDY Phone :i7 This store closes Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. Duncan Won Debate Debaters from Duncan met and de- feated representatives of Douglass St. Mtosion, Owen Sound, in the semi-fin- als of the Y.P.S. series of the Presby- tery of Grey in the United Church, the debate being held in Erskine Church, Meaford, on Tuesday night of laat week. For Duncan the debaters were Miss L. McKeown and Mr. Carl Humber- stone; for Douglas St. Mission, Miss L. Blair and Miss H. Barett. The judges were Mrs. E. Brown, Mr A. Wellar and Rev. W. J. Smith. The subject of the debate was "re- solved that indifference is a.greitter menace to moral reform than is a^j ive opposition." Duncan had the neg- ative side. The final debate will take place in Owen Sound next week between Klm- berley and Duncan on the subject, re- solved "that wealth is a greater soui-ce gf unhappiness than is poverty." The affirmative is being taken by Misses Villa Ward and Kathleen Hutchinson o'f Kimberley and Duncan will again take the negative. VOTERS' LIST, 1926 MUNICIPALITY OF FLESHERTON Notice is hereby given that I have completed with Section 10 of the Vot- 1 ers" List Act and that I have posted at my ofifce at Flesherton on the 2nd day of October, 1926, the List of all| cersons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. I .And I hereby call upon all Voters ' to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last dav of appeal being the 23rd day of October, 1926. Dated this 5th d-y of October, 1926. â€" W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk of Flesherton. First Class Merchant Tailoring New Fall Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free A fine line of Ladies'Dress Silks and fancy goods just placed in stock. Advertise in The Advance I. H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM . AlCTION SALES Mr. Herb Corbett will hold a credit auction sale of a quantity of live stock at the stock yards. Proton Sta- tion, on Friday. October 15th. Se;? large bills for particulars. Sale at 1 p.m. Geo. Duncan, .•Vu'ctioneer. .An auction sale of farm stock and household implements, the property of Rev. W. N. Simpson, will be held at Feversham on Saturday, October 16th. Sale at 2 p.m. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. An administi-ator's credit auction sale of farm stock and implements, hay and grain, belonging to the estate of the lats Geo. Thomson of Osorey. will be held on lot 12, Con. 10, Osprey. cn^ Tuesday, October 12th, at 12.30, wrten a lauge list will be offered for .sale. See large posters. George Duncan, auctioneer. BOR> IMY'LANDâ€" On W<;dii.Md:iy, S^pt. 2ii, at the private p^ti'j-i'.'s pavilion. General Hospital, Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hyland, .;he .irift of a daughter. McKENZIE â€" On Tue.ulay. Sei.K.. 21. at Calgary. .Albert i. f) .Mr. ani Mrs. G. L. McKen7,ie. (nee Odessa Wi'.Iter) a daughter â€" Ruth Christoiie. Corona and Taco Ranges Handsome Polished Surface; easy to Glean; Large, Roomy Fire Box and Oven; Dependable in every feature. QUEBEC RANGES â€" COOKER AND HEATER COMBINED Chang'ed and reservoir troift wood to \'erv neat. coal in a- tew durable and minutes, with < eiUsv to operate. )r without hig-h closet Stove boards.Pipes. Rifles, Sholguns luid Ammunition. A car of Cement StaJble Fittings, Roofing and Qass. just -Vrrivcd. FRANK W. DUNCAN GENERAL HARDWAR.E - Phones: 54w and 54j i^^S!^^SSSi^SSWS8SSSI!S3SiSSS&SSS^S^SSSSSSSS^mS!S^S!^S^SSSSSS&^SS!S^&^SM&S^^^^SSSSSSW!!m. Overcoats We are particularly enthusiastic over our selection of Overcoats this season. They are, without doubt, the best 4ralues we have ever shown. The cloths are all-wool English and Scotch Coatings in Blues and Heather Mixtures, made up in the newest designs- beautifully tailored and finished throughout in every particu- lar. Prices are very reasonable. Sizes 36 to 44. $19.50 to $35. SPD:Cl.\i, \ Al.L'l'S IN .\IK\S Sl'iTS. PK1C1':S troni 5i?lS.50 to $35. WDXDEUKUf, \ .\I.L-1-:S L\ Rj.L'E SERGES. SOME When you ha\e money ready for investment go to {people who *have specialized in these matters â€" who have ex- perience, good reputation and practiced judg- ment. See you us BEFORE Invest. Men's Made-to-order Clothes We lu-e aigents for Semi-Ready ordered Clothing and can promise delivery of any orders for Suits or Overcoats within seven days. Come in and see the new samples and prices. m:\\ puleoxers .\xd sweaters ^z.ii to $6.00. LADIES' WOOL KNITTED SIJITES.SFECIAL $7.95. Stanfield^s Unshrinkable Underwear for men â€" Gold, Red Blue and Black L All siies 36 to 44. abel qualities. Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Fall Mi}lineiy. riced. New arrivals this week. Very reasonably 270* "BANHOltONID â- mwrnrnfm^^^^asr â- F. H. W. HICKLING HLfiSKERTON, ONT. mssiems^^i^misssssssism^^sss^smsss^ssssssi&ssss^?!&mm&ssmKe^m iiiiiMnrggi