Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1926, p. 6

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The Automobile RETROSPECTIVE. | B«:ki>ur(l, turn backward, O time, Itt \ me 8uy, Ba<.-k U) the years that hav« sine* passed away, So that r.l iMM> and be able to know A 'I tb* old cars thut w«re inad« Ioiik; ago. Turn to th« days when pedcAst^JAca ! cried â€" "Hey, get a horn©!" when you wont fo â- . ride. ! Back to I â-  tima of the door in the' r< ;â-  . . I Whrtn -i I I was equipped with a tiller] t" steer. \ Backwa: !, flow backward, O Time, j tc ihe past, I Show nie the caps they considered so fai?t. 1 Let me examine the top with its' fringe, The Btpp for the tonneau that hungj on a hintre, I Thrt crank on the side and the' eprockp'ts â€" and more â€" | The queer little engine down under; the floor; i Turn »'> the time when fastidious cbaps Wore leatner gaunt'.ete and f^oprg'ies and caps. ' -HAROLD S. OSP.ORNE. ! %gv» the hoe has befn praisod a.s a mode, ill industry, ami if one fliei. into your car, you may'bo sure that it Is un accident, for the ifo is either out Hcoutinff for nectar aimnif the floworB, or returning to th^ hiv'o. Left to himse'.'f, tlii- Ic-e will try to escape and continue his work. ! But ripht here is where most peop'ej who don't ki .-.v bees, get excited audi swing and swat. That tells the beo| that you are his enemy. The bee Ikv j lieves in preparcdne.is, but he never I attacks, he only defends himself. I If you take a .swing at a l)ee, tho charwes are 1,0(M) to 1 that you will be; stung, for the bea can dodj<t» faster] than you can nwat. I Don't fight the l>ee. You're licked before you start. I/onve him alone, or rather, givo him a chiince to jjet out of the car. If tho windows are ojwn, I tho bee wiU soon find his way out. MOTOlil-T SHOULD AV(MD I SWATTING BEE IN C.\R The motoriat who gralibed for his old hat lis it blew oflT and in doing sO; wrecked his new car ha'< lung l)een the clafwio dumbbell But what aiiout the man who goo^ into hysterics and then into the ditch, periling his '.ife and the safety of his pas.sengers, because a] lilt'.e bee flics into his car? I Tilling pei>pje not to be afraid of bees is futi!e advice, for most jnirsons can't help regarding bees as unwel- Cl^mf KU'^-iv. However, a knowledge ./f bee behavior may give you confidence in how to art when one bu/aos around : your head. j The bee that blunders into your car' is not out looking for deviltry and eomeboiiy to sting. V.'lii'i-, th<t t)eo Bting-s, it di>3 short.ly afUrwaid. For DON'T RUN THE CAR WITH BATTERY OUT. t Never run an automobile engine after the battery ha.s been taken out, or even with the generator di.soonnect- •d from the ! attory. On some mag- neto-equipped cars whijie the battery i is only used for starter and lights, thlsl is easily prjS.siblc, and any attempt to do so will almost certainly ruin the generator. Under the circumstances,! 'â-  » current generai.v.'d must go some-; where and, unable to find an outlet,: it will back up and burn out the armature. If for any reason it Is nee- j easary to run tho engine of a mag-, ncto-^uipped car, or any engine with I tho battery out or disconnected, con- 1 nect a heavy insulated cable to thei binding post of tho generator and I carefuKy ground the other end to the! fr.^ime or other metal paa-t of the car, | making sure the connections at eachj end are good â€" *hat is, clenn and tight. The wire used must have a diameter of at least one-si. xteenth of an inch. (This means the wire insido tho cable! and not the entire cable, includin,'^ in- sulation and all.) Too lifcht a wire can not carry th<- heavy current and con«ie(|uently will boat. Busy Times at Nit^ara Falls. Niagara Falls, Ont. â€" At this port during the month of August 055,380 tourists entered Canada from the United States. This was an increase of 51,517 over the proviojs month. In addition" to the touri.sts, "(,-,.,01 per- sons returned to Canada durinjf the same period, making the total entry at this- port for the month nearly one million souls. .â- Vctivities are, however, not con- fined to the tourist buoinesa. There has been an active deninnd for farm lal-'irers and fruit pickers. Manufac- turing indu.rtries are running steadily, and activity in building construction Is very pronounced Extensive road improvement."' are absorbing a large amount of comn on labor, « Modernizing of Castie Done to the Queen's Taste Ladles-ln-waltinR to Queen Mary no nger shiver m!s<»rably whtio on dnty Balmoral Castle, as they did in Iho lys of Queen Victoria. The caallo tiis been moderolzed, and the ininis- tpr in attendance to the King needs IM longer to use his bed as a writing tkble and .bis. c^in^ney j^ a a^okliig rbom. â- *' •-••»••- i^he ta<»k of bringing the castle Into lifie with modern Ideas of comfort and simttatlon started In King Edward's rfeipi. has just been sPniPJ**^- 1%(>ueb the Interior fumfshluys are qillte simple, tho castle Is honic-llke, ajirt this year tor tb« first time l^^'not t^le uncomfortable, drauijhtrifldled with sijch "a'ffecllon. Scotch Boy's Appetite Tested by Experiment ^n experiment at an Ayrshire min- Inig school In Scotland revealeil 'hat one boy could eat tlve morning rolls ao'i a large slice of hread and butter, wUh a big iKit of tea. for breakfant. Two hours later b»' consumed two tnor*' ri)Us, and was prepared to con- tinue- but the ofllclais called a hi It. Scottish n- -nlng ro'l« ar« very la^-gB and !• .y. Ono, or at most two. are Bufn- • nt fur most adults. British Forces in Irak To Use Air Transports England is planning to use airplanes 8.3 troop tran.?iiorlR, it was rcvoaloj recently with the announcement that larce fast planen. <'upab!e of carr.s-ing twenty-fou' fully aricei soldiers each, are now heing b i.It fo rthe use of the royal air force In Irak. The 8k> transiKjrls when loaded weigh nearly nine tons and can at- tfln a Sliced of 104 miles an hour. They are provided witli gunracks and with folding seats along each side of the cabin, and will be used to rush troops to disaffecU.d aroa.-i. A .'lingle squadron will be able to carry 200 sol- diers In a few hours !o a danger point.' whora with ordinnry desert transport several days would elapse before troops could arrive. Wind. I love the wind; I lovo It lu my hair And rushing through my fingers on the hill. I love It there: And more, peilaps, when all Is very still Within the house, Suddenly I am aware That something stirs among the garden things. Trees that \\or<> bare nave voilod ihenLselves with move- nieiit as with wings; Their f|iii«; ))<)ughs I>lke eager torches flare With long invibible flames, and no bird lings. But waits i nt, Aa I do, and aware That some auspicious Journey may be ours Upon the air, Or dutifully sent With slender si.ake to reassure the flowers. I love the wlud. I lovo It in the day, And In the night I am attent to hear What it will .Jay. â€" Ma-xwell Ariiille'ld, In Christian Science Monitor. Natural Resources Bulletin. That crop kwaea eauaed by p«ra- sitic ' organisms, such as fungi and I bacteria, amount to many millions of dollars annually is the statement made by the Natural Resources InteSligenca Service of the Dept. of the Interior aJ, Ottawa. Th'- romedy is seed disin- fection. Dr. Clayton t'^berts Orton, Prof. of Plant Pathology at Pennsylvania State College, Is engaged in research aloncT this line and has been able to trace the spread of plant diseases through seed distribution in many I cases. Through the sale and distribu- j tion of infected seed, parasites have . been widely distributed throughout the j production areas of the world. Some parasites, .such as the cereal smuts, I are known to be distributed wherever 1 these crops are grown. I Seed treatment of wheat, oats, bar- ; l'»y, etc., will control smuts and other I diseases and result in a yield increase I valued greatly in excess of the expense ] involved. For seed disinfection, for- ; maiclehyde, copper and corrosive j stiblimate have i>eon generally con- I sidei-ed standard, but each has its limi- . â€" .. ; tations. More recently organic mer- Sa'int John, N.B.â€" There will l>e in 1925, 30,069 in 1024, and 19,383 In curios have come to the attention of thirty-threo .sailing from the Port of 1 1923. ' scienti.Hs studying the problem of seed Saint .lohn for the Canadian Pacific Rogina, Sask.- Production of wheat d'sinffction. These appear to be sup- Staamships, according to the winter, in tho three Prairie ProWnces, as esti-|erior to any material previously used, schedule j'ust announced, as aguinstl mated by the Bureau of Statietica, is giving as wide n range of toxocity to t\,-onty.six in tho last winter season, j now 375,697,000 bushels, as compared , parasites and a much wider margin Stcam.ship officinls: all express confl- 1 with the finally estimated production : of safety. dence in a big growth of traffic and I of 882,959,000 la-st year. Estimates Seedsmen are beginning to evince believe that the large volume of busi- for other grains, with the finally esti-' Prwter interest in seed treatment and ness on tho St. Lawrence this year ' mated production of 1925 within â-  it is predict.ed that in a few years only will in all likelihood extend to the brackets, are as follows: oats. 289,- 1 disinfected seed will be .sold or seed CANADIAN DELEGATES AT LEAGUE OF NATIONS .Above, thu ('anadlan delegates lol)i:iiul. of thu Ontario >;ovenimeiit;latter has mada several important the prestent 8Be«lon of the League olHon. Philippe Hoy, Canudi lu comnilsspe'cches In tho league assembly, In- NatioiTs are shown as photographed In u<n:cr to France; Sir Herbert Ames^'Iuding one In which he affirmed Oonova. From left fo right they are: and Senativr Sir George Foster, formerOanada's right to a temporaiT seat on Dr. \V. A. Hidden, former s-U'iierln-ininlster of trad© and commerce. The'.h;; counci'l of the league. ten' "lit u:' the trade's and labor Canada trofa Uasfto toast ' Dine in Darkness. With so much ntre;is being laid on the virtues of artificial BunJight, spe- . clal interest attuohes to the aiintiiince- ment, made- by a prominent London doctor, that- wo do not autllclently <on- sirier the health vauie of darkncs.^. i The authority in question states that in his opinion many of the ills that have their orlgiu in digestive troubles are traceable to the too lavish U.10 of light at uu-als. Brilliant I lighting, he asserts. Is harmful in din- Ing-rooma, restaurants, and other places whore meals are partaken. Our dlgostli-e processes, on the per Saint John season, warranting addi- 608.000 (.?22,254,0{H)) ; barley 94,434,- tional sailings. 000 (94,141,100); rye, 11,334,500 (11,- IMontreal, Quo.â€" An interesting esti- 545,000) ; fla.x.=eed, 7,221,500 (9,13S,- mate of Canada's per capita wealth; 000). Manitoba shows increased yields has been made by the I.«ague of Na-jof wheat, barley and flaxseed; Alberta tions, with comparative figures of 22' â€" wheat, rye and flax.'jeed; and Sas- ycars :igo. In 1925 the per capita katchewan, flaxseed only, wealth in this country amounted to Calgary, Alta. â€" It is expected that $2,400, as contrasted with f 1,100 per | traffic over the new highway batween capita in 1903. Out of the 35 nations ; Field and Golden, throuf;H ono of the listed, Canada ranks third, the United: finest mountain stretches in ths world, .States showing $2,918 and (^reat Bri-jwill be possible early next summer, tain $2,459 per capita, respectively. | This will provide a triangle trip from Toronto, Ont. â€" The population of , Calgary to Golden via Field, thence to trio city of Toronto now stands at 556,- , Windermere and back by the famous 691, which shows an increase over the j Banff- Windermere highway. Later en figures for the last f.scal year of 7t263, the road will bo carried rij^ht through according to a statement made public , to link up with Vancouver, by th? Chief City .\s.sessor. The rate Nelson, B.C. â€" Announcement of a of increase in population is stated to | third big development by the Weit compare favorably with that of other j Kootenay Power and Light Co., to cost ;^'eais. j $300,000, was made by Mr. L. CamTv Winnipog, Man. â€" Greater interest is ] bell, general manager of tliat com- Ijeing taken by farm?rs of the Prairie | pany. This will be tlie hydraulii de- Provinces in KrowinK sunflowers for j velopment of 60,000 h.p., one mile produced 'inder such conditions as to be relatively free from seed-borne parasites. The Wee Bit Boxie. There is a small musi' al Instrument known to some of Its friends and ad- mirers as "tlio wee bit boxie," though to the worLl in general as the ooncer- tl.-ui. ftegui-ded from one point of view, the concertina and the wee bit boxie are on-a and iiidlvia.iblo; seen frojii an- other angle, they are as far apart as the poles. As usually played, the con- certina St. Ikes the ear as a somewhat dull and e<;aimoi'plae9 Instrument, but such epithets as these could aever ba applied to the wee bit boxie. On the rare occasions when the voice of the wee bit boxie Is heard in a city street, It acts as possessing a falry'8 wand. You are wafted sudden- ly away fro nith« city lights and gl:^r^^ ensilage. This ye;ir it is estimated down the Kootenay River from the , an find yourself once more In the deep thi'.L 10,000 acres have been planted to Lower Bonnington Falls, and sunflowers, as compared with 36,723 will be startea immediately. POISON !.N EVERY FOOD Everybody- adage, "One man's iioison. work deptl.-i of the country, under the c!e;ir gray gloamins of the noi :heru June. Tho air is keen, but swee-t with the scent of Ian 1 and birch, of whin and broom and innumerable wild flowers. The grass is soaked with heiivy dew, the sheep «tilj browse peacefully ba-,, fore settling down for t^e night on tiiei,. of "the. English Land Owners War on Gleaners foci working of which human 'lealth; changes that Nature rings in the. arr and liapplneMS so largely de"(K; ,. aro; rangemeut, shajie, color, and other Is familiar with the accounts for that undue sensitiveness iriin's meat is another to certain kinds of food which the ! higher ground, the denizens ' Very few people, bow- doctors call ''Oinaphylaxis." Some of big hocse" are Indoors, ever, appear to know why tjris should these organs, or, it may be, groups of This Is tlib hour at which tlie sen- be bo. ..â- 'â- ; ! cells., are ''seasitlzed" to certain foods Ument.U plowman, with slow uni, Con.ildering the Infiiitte ningie of as Lhe, photographic plate is to light. Ueavy-boc^led st'-ii. psranihulates a Groans Always Alert. [ park playing on the we<; bit hoxlei' ! The cons^qufuce is *hat the owneJ , ^^^^ plainth?-^^cottlstt airs, so full of Wage Interfered with by the extra stimulanti qualities of a couple of eyes, a nose, a J ^^j ^^^-^^ ^ atomach, ' liver, lungs, orb^a^'y "'"^ t^nderuese, mellowp^d 'by' provided by garish lighting. The de-| mouth, and their few accessories, '" | ^vhatever other portio-n of his anatomy lovo thoughts of the lori; centuries lu niands inado .-Oil tho seiiBos by such' order that e^very human being may ' j^ thus t>nduly touchy soon knows all which they have charmed th? hearts of nihU.al fame i fi«'t";«-'»3 'bright lights and arresting; have what^ we may cnU a facial mono- ^^^^^^ ^^ ^,^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ discovers that.! *>* â„¢e°- "^'^S'^ liaturally with tlie deW all is not well within; or, knowing his. I Ruth and Naomi .„ .jh.u. .n .umc â-  , , : ,, ,, i_.ii .•« i i would hav. a hard time picking a„ ; «ound.s n,«,in that bniod Is drawn from j mark whereby ho can bo idenU^ existence from Kngllsh grain fields ; '''««•'''""''> t" '''^ ''"•^"> ='"'' '"'>««'««i'''*'*"«"'^ fi-om all others. U ,,.,. doing cvisry- â- '"'' "'*' asHiniiliitlon of food naturallyfisbould surprise nobody to learn that a to stawp out â-  ''"'^'^^'â- ^- |teiinllar varlDty prova ils throughout I According to this authority, the best since the farmers thing luJLbelr £la.^ve.r The lat«»t plan Is m leave H.»olijnr,v,i W^ 'f'.'' !"''»1. .'.ifff^^,,'". t'^'M .Klv^i by shock of whwit In il.. cpjiti-e'of the sh!fded-(^.indte-9.- But tv'e should all be Held because under the law any llrtd, better in health and In temper, tho no matlf.r lw»w lai-«o, lhat...coutalU3 a , ph.vslclnii stales, if we ale our meals Bingb shock of. grain is considered not '" serai-darkness. leant' rs « !» ba rred . .J reaped an(l Canada is Painting Up. , ;the whole of the body. There are on this planet at the present moment about flfteen hnudred millions of liu- man beings, and not one'.of theiis' is a fasciniile of another. ' .;,' " ;' j ,.,,.. No Two Eyas All^e. ..,,.-/.: j It is a fact observed dally that most little weakiie.>ts, either, forfeits it ia a fit of absent-mindedness, or throws prutfence tp.itlw vv-iods;;and .-Cbt»iW5e« hlH.lUCk. : â- ' '.' "â-  ',•,•."" . ' Unfortunately, the "sensitized gaiis never sleep at~ their posts, and t:hp rash eater 'finds himself poisoned with the very tlt-.blts his frletids en- j„j.^ ... : ... 11- ! - ;^ ..-.:.. .- Thus one m«n""inay' develop an at- people have a gait when walking, and tuck of ititliiiii^ Vhronjrh'bdtng potion- a siieaking yoU'j, both of wlilch ara ed by i perfectly ti-esh '6gg â€" an article •'Grigfri 6f Pawnbrokfjr's Symbol. â- Th6 itflwahrojers' «6,va>b>irt -qf three golden balls conies from the noted de Ottawa, Ont.- Tho consumption of Medici family, money lenders and ^n't*«4'***Kteh;fecyns»'*Hii^^ nor their vocal cords as other. good indicatiw of geiverul. pj;f»,>p«iiy,. u^n.ji»,j-;ft(g^^uiitOi»ft.<Jf.thei.««p»tejKiflt.'^ ""''' friends. It Is not a far Or the poison produced ty the eat- throughout a country. Basetl on this i lie do .Vledlcis iTgVitiug i.inlei- ciiarlo: '^''>" ^'â- Â°"' ^^^ larynx to the lungs, nor Ing of other foods by other people with characteristic, of theiusolves alone, of food that will cauie fatiitness and Irhat means that their legs are not as dangeii'Pus. cardiac .. coUapae in aa- ind th« scents and the groaming, atfd" form- a flrttns flnlsh^ to' the sweetsiinr-'^ mer day. ~ ''â-  ^-^ ' And now the melody becomes' faim- yer and again .fainter as Rob and his ; ^f.| little Itistrnment wend their way htome- to the farm. The eheepsl<>T*Ty fWiVef " up the knowc*; all is stiRneas; th« ' rabbits venture forth onto tlM lawns around the «l<f towi**; '« ' ' . "'" . The spell breaks, and once mop© we And ourselves "in, th» busy haants ol men." ,• â-  '"^ • ,-•.... principle, prosperity in Canada is de- ' niugno, slew iho giant wliyse mace froin the lungs to the liver, and these cidedly on the up grade, accordii;g t?^ wi^? decorated , with threo,.gflMen bnllai : '" ""â- "â-  ^" ^*>' "o^biug of the heart, a statement just issued by J.t» f^niift-'niii a<loptod| th«infti:j|i aS.*h*.;fBmlly In^ ""' '''<^™«''*'' ""t^ "^^ other Internal or ;on Bureau of Statistics, virhrfh shows 'signin ' " â- â- - - an incrc:.BO of 9 i>er cent, in produc- tion of paints, pigments and varnishes ill Canada during the year 1925 as cohipared with the previou.s-^cftr. Tho production in 1925 was vaiued .$22,234.2t)S. gans, differ in eaclj feiiijyldunl. And so the inturual organs- ! ;â-  Funetial, Aimott.f ^ ,;£b n:; Lettyâ€" "Bin proposed to 1581% "ttiit month while they were out motorlngi" Bettyâ€" "Then how Is It that their eagagement Is only Just announced?" Lettyâ€" "She couldn't accept him tUl peculiarly sensitized 'instdos" may cause .<;uch various ailments as nettle- rash, eczetaia, govit. rheumatism, slck- hoadadche, gastritis, giddiness, and so ^^^J came qut of the hospital." on. Epileptic fits may be caused by .^ more particularly ixvrhnps those of tho certain foods, and cured by their arold- „ . . dlKestlvp sysiufra -dlffeo-ing In the^ir anw. v- K^lf* '* * *''"*? "^ ^^^ justice, Intimate makeup as they do In each P<jrtunalely, It ia now passible to I ^^^" "^ "^f* man's nature runs to, individual. ac;-«pt wifh thanks or re- test sufferers and ascertain to what *''* "*?'^°"*'*" '^'^ *° ***^ ** out â€" and .Ma ty Chis. O. Shaw Fmiiide'r and patron- of the famous at 'Jlonititvllle Bund (.VngloCnnadian con- cert haiidi who uniiuunccs that the Ject with protesu what they do not foods ihoy react in such dlstrosetng i orfiiihlzr.fion Is beiiig dl.ibiintled. Mr. conalder lit to become part and parcel and ilang^rous ways, and thereafter; T^^^'^", r' " .. ^ ! Sliaw pUiyod i i*r;iM in bli owii band of the master or mistress thev serve a father who hasn t any to ^^ ^^,„^ ^„„ ^p^„„,, ,„.,„„„^, „„„.,st Francis Bacon. â-  to spare give., his child a piece of his ,„ „^ „,tivi,le9. mind. ~ I of destinsltize them by the admlnis- j The beaten track may be the best- It Is. then, the peculiar individuality iratlon of the opporprlate remedleabut someone must have walked it for certain of the Internal organs that known as "antigens." , tlie first time. MUTT AND JEFF--By Bud Fisher. Jeff Figured That Was Almost Perfect Golf. â€" - â€" •» â€" S -r ?• 1^ >.-.. H ^'

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