Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1926, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE T,i Auction Sale The undersiimed has received in- structions from the executors of the estate of the Late Alex. Fergiuon to sell by public auction on LOT 17. CON. n. OSi'RgY - on - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926 LIVE .STOCK â€" General Purpose horse 6 yrs. old; General Purpose horse 7 yrs.; Drivini? Mare in foul to Royal Tower; Red Cow, 7 yrs. due March 17; Jir.<cy Cow, 9 yrs., farrow; Grey Cow, 5 yrs., farrow; 2 .Steers 2 yrs.; 2 Heifers 2 yrs.; V^rlinR Heifer; Calf. 5 months; Sow due bo- fore sale: 10 Ewes, 1 Rum and 18 hens. * IMPLEMENTS â€" M.-H. Binder. 7 foot cut, with trucks; M.-H. Mower ti foot cut; M.-H. Seed Drill, l.t di.st-; M.-Wr Cultivator 17 tooth; Set 12- buU Iron HJrrows: .Steel Hav Uake, 10 feet; M.-H. .Steel Roller. 10 ft.; Wagon and (?rain rack; Sot Bench Sleighs, M.-H. .Manure Spreader; McLaughlin Buggy; 2,000 lb. scales; Scuffler; Riding Plow; Gang Plow; Walking Plow; SctTeam Harness; Grind Stone; Quantity of Hay;Churn; Indoor Closet; 2 Rocking Chairs; 1 Standard Cream Separator; numerous other articles. Farm to l>e offered for sale, subject to reserve bid. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. TERMS â€" All sum^ of ^.00 und under, cujh; over that amount 12 nios.' credit, 5'/c off fur cash in lieu of notes. W. W. Ferguson. W. Kaitting, Exocutor. Auctioneer. No reserve as everything will be dold to wind up the esttate. Extensive Sale I J. 8. SHEFHEKDSON, MAKKDALE will hold a clearing-out sale of his i Entire Herd of Jersey Cattle, other 1 Farm Stork, Jlousehold Effects, Implements, Etc. 1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926 ' 25 Head of purebred Jerseys, the greatest offering of Dairy Cattle to fver go under the auction hammer In • Grey County, ulso a high class driving iiorse 8 years old ; 2 purebred Tam- worth Sowv, due time of sale. 'Uhis is a large sale and will com- ! nience at 1 p.m. sharp. â€" L. E. Franklin, Toronto, Auo- 1 tioneer, assisted by Local Auctioneers. 1 k large barn on the farm of Henry ;Brindley, in Greenock Township, one land a tiuartcr miles east of Rivers- ' dale, was completely destroyed by I fire Monday afternoon with the en- 1 tire stock of hay, grain and imple- â-  nients. Spontaneou.s combustion is ' given as the cause of thhe fire. The I loss is estimated at §7000.â€" Walkerton ' Telescope. SIX HILL STORES Prize List. East Grey Fair HOUSES HEAVY DRAUGHT â€" Team. Clif- ford Hutchinson; 2 year old gelding or filly, Ist W. J. Parks 2nd Clifford Hutchinson; Best in class, Clifford Hutchinson. AGRiCULTUitAL â€" Team, James Ellison, 2nd Neil McLeod; 2 year old, Andrew llinuks; year old, Andrew Hin-.-ks; Best in elasj, Jus. Ellison. GENERAL PURPOSE â€" Team, G. B. Welton, 2nd Josiah Brinkman; 2 year old, Edgar Belts; Best in class, Josiah Brinkman. CARRIAGEâ€" Year old, N. McLcod. ROADSTERS- -Team, T. H. Wildon; Broo<l Mare â€" W. Paton, A .McQuaig; Spring Foal, W. Paton, A. McQuaig; Single Driver. F. Taylor, A. McQuaig. HORSE SPECIAL.Sâ€" Best Groom- ed horse, Josiah Brinkman; Best gelding or mare in liaavy class, J. Brinkman; Be.-,t animal in Roadctcr Class, T. H. VVilsn; Bcit.single turn- out, -F. Taylor; Best single driver, jutlged for style, action and speed, T. H. Wilson; Best matched team, heavy or light. Josiah Brinkman; Best team farm chunHs, G. B. Welton; Besit stepping horse on ground.<, T. H. Wil- son; Best farm team, Ja.s. Ellison; General Purpose driver, J. Bringman; Best Gent Driver, T. H. Wilson; Horseback race, Neil McLeod, Claude Akins; Gents Road Race, Levi Belts. A. .McQuaig; Best lady driver, T. H. Wilson, A. McQuaig. CATTLE SHORTHORN â€" Bull any age, J. Flynn, E. Littlejohns; Bull Calf,^lst and 2nd, E. Little.johns; Cow, l.st and 2nd, E. Littlejohns; 2 year oW Heifer, Ed. Littlejohn.'?, Fred Brown; One yr. old. K. I.ittk'johns, F. Brown; Heifer (.';ilf, LitUcjohn.s; Best Herd. Little- johns; Best hull, -any age, J. J. Flynn. Avr.diire -^ Cow, F. J. Thurston. JERSKY â€" Bull, any age, H. C. Radlev; Bull Calf, Chas. Stafford. G. B. Welton; Cow, l.st and 2n(l. H. C. Hadlev: Best Herd, H. C. Radley. POLLED ANGUS â€" Bull Calf, P. Sims 1st and 2nd; Cow, Sims; 2 year old, heifer, J. F. CoUinson 1st and 2nd Yearling Heifer. .Sim.s 1st and 2nd. HOLSTBINâ€" Bull, H. Baker- Cow, Baker 1st and 2nd; 2 yea* old Heifer, Baker; 1 year old. Baker. HEREFORD â€" Fred Boland. all classes. CREDIT AUCTION SALE HERB CORBETT will sell by public auction at the STOCK YARDS. PROTO.N STATION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 the ful'iwing valuable stock: 1.5 Yearling; \Xi two year jalds; 8 Cows supposed to be in calf; Jersey heifer, due December .'JOth; Jersey heifer due February 1"5. About 60 breeding ewes. TERMS: i;i months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, â-  with' interest at '1'y per annum. â€" fiEO, Dl'NCAN, Auctioneer. SEE OUR NEV/ COLORED CUT GLASS CREAM & SUGAR $1.00. SHERBETS 30c. each TUMBLERS 15c. each WATER SETS $2.50 up. Also a laruc .-issortijicnt of Satin Glassware in BLACK, PEACH, BLUE CANARY AND GREEN. W. A. Armstrong & Son / Established 1889 W« buy together in order that ourouatomers in the >ix com- naun^ties nxair nt^tcrially bcn- «fik Individtjklly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario GKrtUE.S FOR BEEF â€" Cow, W. J. .Mcadg, Wm. InkBter; Calf Steer or Meifer. W. J. Stewart, R. Bentham; DAIRY (;RADE.S â€" Cow, R. Ben- tham, G B. Welton; 2 year old Heifer H. Radley; year old, W. E. Morsran; Calf, W. J. Stewart, F. J. Thurston. CATTLE SPECIALS Best Dairy Herd â€" IL C. Radley; Best llalter Broken Calf, F. Boland; Three Best Dairy Cowb. grades, L. A. Fisher; Best Baby Beef, W. J. Stewart, D, Adams; Be.st Female rep- resentinK itj breed, Eil. Littlfjohn.H; Largest exhibit of Cattle, Ed. Little- iohns; Best Purebred Lull, J. Flynn; Bella Dairy Cow, H. C. Radley, H. Baker; Best Jersey Cow, H. C. Rad- ley. SHEEP Leicester^, Ram aged, C. Stewart. !<hroi)shireK, all prizes to Batty Bros. Oxford Down, all prizes, except ram lamb, Geo. Khand, 1st and eWe shear- ling, E, Bett.s 1st, awarded to W. J. Meads. SWINE -- , Berkshires, all awai^ds to Chas. Stewart; Yorkshires, all first to E. Belts, all seconds, except sow pig, D)*i, K. Belts-. a-,.;;nl,-H t.. (J.mi. I!,.-.- Best Bacon Pig, sow or barrow, Geo. Ros.-i, Edgar Bells. POULTRY Barred Rocks,â€" Cock J. Barber, W. D. Connor; Hen, Barber, Connor; C'ookerel, \V. J. Stewart, A. .Stewart; pullet, A. .Stewart, W. J. Stewart. White Hocks â€" Cock, Connor, Barber; Hen, Connor, Connor: Cockerel, Con- nor, Barber; Pullet, Connor. Golden Wyandotte, R. Bentham, Connor. While Wyandotteâ€" Cock, Barber; hen Barber, F. J. Thurston; Cockerel, Barber. Partridge Wyandotte â€" Cock, Thursfton; Hen, Thurston, Ben- tham. Silver Grey D'jrkiuK, Hen, Barber. R. C. Brown Legnorn â€" Cock and Hen, Barber. S. C. While Leg- horn â€" C. Humberalone, C. Thomp- son; Heq, Humberstone, Hu.iiberstone CoL-kerel, Barber, E. McKillop; Pullet Barber, .VIcKillop. R. C. White Lck- horn â€" Pullet, Barber. Black Leg- horn â€" Hen, Barber. Buff Leghorn. Cock and Hen, Barber. R. C. Rhode Island Reds â€" Cockersl and Pullet, all prizes to F. J. Thur.ston. Light Hramah. all to Barber. Buff Orp- ington, all to Barber. While Orp- ington â€" Cock. R«(llcy; Hen, Barber, Radley. Hamburgs, all to Barber. Iloiuians, all to Barber. Anconaa, III! to Barber. Pekin Ducks, male, L. A. Fisher. R. Bentham; female, Fisher. Tluirston; Rouen, male J. Pat- ton, Barber; female, Patton, Barber. Indian Runner, all to Barber; .Mus- covyâ€" male. Barber, Ra<llcv; female. Barber, llaiUoy. .V.O.W, male. Geo. White, H. D<.wn; fcn.ale, White, Down. Geese â€" Toulouse, male, H. Fieeman. G. While; female. G. While. H. Freeman: Enibden, H. D. Mc- Loughry, all awards; .A.O.V. Geese, j male, L. A. Fisher.Huniberslonc; fe- . male, Fisher. Turkeys â€" Bronze, male and female Radley; White Hol- lan(>, male and female, Radley. Pair Bantams, Patton. Guinea Fowl, D. Adams, Barber. Pigeons, Palton. Rabbit.-,, F. .1. Thurston. Best Bird in show. Barber with White Wyan- i dotte cock. , Best Cockerel, Barber. Best pen Cred-to-lay Rocks, L. A Fisher. (To be conliiuied next week) ' scripture on faith. ' The topic for the month was based on the first chapter of the new study book for the year, "New Days in Old I India," and was very ably dealt with , by Mrs. Fred Karstedt. After a .solo by Mrs. H. B. McLean, sung in her udual pleasing manner,'/ , the meeting was brought to a close. A short business meeting of the Ladies' Aid foMowed, after which a , lunch was served by the hostess and a pleasant social hour enjoyed. MUST PAI.NT .MAIL BOXES an hour to read the name on the mail box, it iH too bad that he can't satis- fy his curiosity. And, besides It doesn't show, that the owner is very proud either of the farm or his own name. But so far we have not heard of an courier refusing to leave letters in these boxes. To You! Advertise in The Advance. I We understand that the contract linto which the farmer enter.^ when; 1 he gels his rural mail box is that he , .shall keep his name printed on it ' plainly. If he doesn't, the mail man doesn't have to leave him any mail.! Very few !>oxes haVe any trace of a niime on th'.m. That is unfortunate.: When .-iomebody is going past in a; car and admires a fine field of alfal-| fa or perhaps a golden yellow crop of' mustard and slows his car to 10 miles ENTER ANY DAY at the Individual Instruction Business and Shorthand Courses Preparatory Courses for those who missed first chance at Public SCHOOL. CAT.^LOGUE FREE. Small Advertisements STRAYED â€" Dog strayed from my premises, yellowish brojvn Collie, long tail, had strap on neck, brown eyes »<^ nose. Kindly notify Earl Hutchinson, Ravcnna. .STRAYED â€" From lot 27, con. 7,. Artemesia, while heifer two years old, piece out of left car. .Anyone knowing the v.hereabouts of this ani BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-71630. Also a yoonK York. shire pifiTi both bacon type for serrie* on lot 176, N.W. T. & SJR.. Terms â€" 91.00. -T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- mal ineaso ccnimu.ii-rate Pedlar, Flesherlon P. O. with L. W. i viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, Ko. 09,966 Iâ€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terras $1.00. j â€" C. KINDLE, . Prcton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., .Artemesia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" McClary range, coal or wood. â€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton. FOR S.ALE- ATsr load of western oats expected co arrive about Sept. 18 W. C. White, Caylon. phone SSr.'JO. ^ â€" " FOR S.ALE" â€" McLaughlin ear, 1 "i range, and 10 young pigs. â€" David Fee: §5.00 at time of service Registered Jersey bull for service. 'Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. 'Hincks, Ceylon. _ | FOR S.ALE â€" Young pigs for sale, I $12 per pair, also 6 purebred Tarn- | worth .H-iws ready for breedmg. â€" H ; Radley, Flesherton. , FOR SALE â€" Good brick veneered : hou.?e for sale in Flesherton; 8 rooms, | main street; convenient to the high . school. Apply to S. Osboriie^-Town. 1 _ FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford j Down ram lamb; also cook stove for | <ale. â€" Ben McKenzie, Ceylon P.O. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton. Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" THE HILL STORE A Store everyone in8tinct-| ively assoctatei with highl" quality meroiiandUe at thd faircit poisibin prices. j New Coats New Millinery New Dresses Specials 10 doz. Brassieres, all sizes. Special 39c. 100 yds. 42in. Pillow Cotton Special 47c 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling. Spec- ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls' all-wool Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. Special $5.25 to $6.75. Clothing Department Men's Suits, values from $22^.50 to $26.50 to clear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast- ed Suits in plain blue & striped. Reg- ular value $35.00, to clear $24.7S; Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craven- ett While their last $3.98. Grocery « Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c Wonderful Soap, 4 for 2Sc. 5 pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 25c. Fly Tox Spray. Regular 50c. for 45c. Gents' Furnishings Departn^ent Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to clear at $2.48. Men's Work Shirts, new shipment just arrived, to clear at 95c. Men's and Boys' B«lts in brown and black to clear at 23c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to clear a $1.98. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks- Special 29c. each Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Bk>nd 1 -strap slipper. Spec. $2.95 Ladies' Bbnd Pumps. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pump»>and Oxfords.* Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sandles and running shoes OSPREY COUNCIL Phone I land MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofifiees--0wen Sound, Darham Flesherton. Flesherton every FOR S.A.LE â€" A number of excell- i Saturday afternoon and evening ent Rhode Island Red R. C. cockerels. | â€" ^_ bred-to-Liv. pood breeding slock. $2 i FAR.M FOR SALE each.â€" F. J. Thurston. Flesherton. | FOR S.ALEâ€" Building lot for sale i ^^^ acresâ€" clay loam, well watered, in the \nllaee of Flesherton, !inlf _ac- jgood stone wall barn 50 .\ GO. sheep pen, hog: pen, poultry house, driving house, small orchard, 20 acres of FOR SALE â€" House and lot for '^^^"^^ e^t>od frame six roomed re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs Ellen Parker, Flesherton. The municipal Council of Iht- lown- .ship of Osprey met in the Orange Hall, Fevershani, on Saturday, .Sep- tember 25111. The members were all present with the exception of Mr. Henderson, who, due, lo his prolonged 'j Hlnc.ss, was unable lo attend. The , Rceeve, Mr. Taylor, occupied the chair. ' .After the reading and confirming of the minutes of the last meeting, the following communications were read: R. C. McKnight, recommend- ing progres,- payments on Wright's Bridge and the Wareham Centre Line bridge; H. Stiver, re Coutts' drain; T. Stewart Cooper, requesting grant to Scjiool Fair; The Workmen *s Com- pensation Board, re liability to Mun- icipality in regard to workman under contractors. The following deputations were then received: Mr. F. Wetherall, re opening of a certain ditch affording him an outlet to the Connor Drain The Clerk was instructed to commun- icate with the engineer and also with the Melanclhon Township In regard to said ditch. R. H. Little, re condition of bridge on Fifth Sideroad; Geo. McMaster, re insufficient amount of cheque in payment of road work. This matter was referred to the road superintend- ent, .lohii McCullough, re broken wagon axle at Wareham bridge. No action was taken. Chas. Essex, re condition of 30th Sideroad .south of Centre Line. Rdferred to Mr. Grunimell. Brunnnelt â€" Edwards â€" . That the County treasurer be instructed to erase all taxes now charged against lot 4, Youill St. Kelvin. Edwards â€" Cameron â€" That this Council grant the sum of fifteen doll- ars to the Osprey Township School Fair. By-law No. 787, lo provide for the collection of rates and authorizing the following banks to collect taxes. w«!t read the retiuired number of times, .signed and sealed: Taxes may be payed in to the fol- lowing banks: Bank of Toronto at Feversham; Royal Bank of Canada at Pundalk; Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Dundalk. After the passing of accounts, on motion the council adjourned to re- assemble at Singhampton on October the 23rd at 1 p.m. â€" H. G. Burke. Clerk. , house sale in Flesherton, solid brick, good |'â„¢ ^^'o^ashed, stone foundation, cellar stable and garage. Best offer.â€" G. .^"^ cement floor two miles south of Henry. Flesherton. [Flesherton. ========== I ""'• Thistlelhwaite, Flesherton P.O. E MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done FARMS FOR SALE Satus^ clays only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Ou the Toronto Line ProTJa^l Highway. Thre« farms, two <rf*UO T.AKE WARNING â€" Hunting and jOcres and one of 50 acres all elau^ l"9.i First claasi hniw: .._ .. ,T^ trapping on IoI.a 17t), ^77, 178 and S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177 north-east T. & S.R.. strictly forbid- den. -Any hounds found trespassing on said lotj will be shot. â€" Thos. J. Slinson. W.ANTED â€" ONE THOUSAND Sick People to KNOW that Nature never intended them to be ill. That First class buildinfirs, up to dst« » evfflTT particular. Will sfU .ny oa^ of these. Good brick house 0B-.Q7K. the farms. â€" - "^ raals PRICEVILLE UNITED CHURCH F.T.WLL&Co.,Umited,llllftrkdaie The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Coiumba United church, Pricerille, was held on Fri- day, September 17th, at the home nf Mrs. Robt. Paralow. The president, Mrs. (Rev.) McCormack was in the chair and conducted the opening ex- erci,^es, assisted by Mrs. .Fas. Turner and Miss M. Watson, who read pass- ages of .wripture and Mrs. Robt. \nu8e, who led in prayer. The minutes ^v»re read and adopted and the roll called. It was Jiuggest- . rd that at the next meetinfr the roll .' call should be answered by a verse of The stabUnr for «ii|!. 18 perfect One Um hM tta acres hardwood bush and wk^ nnndred has three .cr« ,{ tinl. «nd has buildlan»» for eTerrthlte for every ailment nature has provid- needed, iacludiaf nouKrv v T^ ed a reniedcV. Thome-Magnetism. Ipj- -,_^ Mr, wu2!r. ^ . •"' ftie Ilrugless Science for the relief of ^J ^ ^'° ""okM »»nd «ad c^* °5 ''•«>s. ,\ny |,«,on -1 li should inveatifate. ^^ im, ~'^- ''• STINSON. *"V Proton Ststtoa F.«L human ailments, has demonstrated its wonderful healing possibilities with .such amazing results therefrom. No illness can long resist its life-giving and life-sustaining properties. It is sitnnly LIFE as nature intended. Fara(ior Company, 240 Havelock St., Toro nto, Ont . POTATOES! ^POTATOES! We are now buying Ceylon and Priceville. every day at BUSINESS CARDS \ Dr. E. a Mnnay, L.tt8., imalmX HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID, [of Ontario. Gas admfatlstsnd Phone 2-31 «nd Soyal College «f Dental iiB r-vi„- '*'' Ontario. Gas admtels - - I Win extraction. OOee at redd BOAR FOR SERVICE Toronto Stret, Flesherton. â€"A. C. Ml Tamworth boar fc<r service, No. Dr. A. Tarnbnll, BJL, M.H. 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd range uate from the Facolty of -L. MEGGOTT, | Unlvenity of Towmte. aL Apr. 27. Flesherton rndson Block, FlwWtmuPhil]^^^ FARM FOR SALE farm, ' ^3* ''»?!*».'''' «» lUwJUc 1 To close an estate a good inrm, !_*_,>_„ ~~i , -»».«". being loi 27. 6th Con., (gravel road) j"*"^ VS'^^t, TMhtetoi^ Osprey, is to be sold on or before : ""y on or before the funll moon. Robt October 15th. This farm is of good Down, W. M., F. J Thurston, See soil with good house and barn and contains seventy-five acres, more or less. For particulars .tpply to .MRS. Geo. SPENCER, R. R. 1, Singhampton. Phone": Feversham. FARM FOR SALE mock, Dondklk 100 acres on the Provincial High- way, IVt milea south of Flesherton; gcKHl barn 50x60 with stone wall; brick veneer house, drive shed, pig pen and hen house, 10 acres good bush, well watered and fenced. â€"J AS. FERRIS. Flesherton. e!t<>n Me., SliKk, OiNm Bkck, P. •'P«f«M 7», 8M^ BtitMm. MB. GBO £. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCnOKEER Pbr the c«ant7 of Qfey. Reason* pkMe terms. Sati»faotton (rtftnn* teed. Bates made at this offlte. ^ \ h ^* '^4.i s «â-  \

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