Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1926, p. 5

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THE FLKSHERTON >J)VANCE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 192« k i « i Jack is Twenty -One To-day JACK is twenty-one to-day. But he has more than a man's years ,to his credit. He has one thousand dol- lars in the bank. It has prrown with a practical mother's love, from the initial deposit tl; one dollar on the first Birthday iv.enty years ago. Youth and ag-e alike bear witness to the value of steadily building a Sav- ings Bank Account. Your child am a depositor, will attain a ' ' her stand- ing in the eommunit; amily, or, most important, in hi: ,vn estima- tion. Open a saving .xcount for the child. THE STANDARD BANK OF CAJ^ADA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager SK i I C.P.R. TIME TABLE jSilverCuptothe Best Degree Team in L.O.L. County Lodges Trains leave Flesherton Station as! follows : I Going South Going North! 8.00 a.m. 11.62 a.m. •♦•lo P-â„¢- ,, 9-08 p.m.! First Competition to be Held 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at il.OO a.m.' «outh at 3..30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.0X) p.m. the previous evening. in Flesherton on Friday, November 5th 2 TE/JVIS ENTERED Local and Personal County I- 1 aster Alfred Down of i Flesherton informs us that the cup ! for the bcfc t degree team in the Or- Presented Medals to i Eugenia Hydro Stafg Successful Resuscitation of D. Filis ISrings Reward to Operating Staff A rather unique ceremony took place at the Eugenia power house on Wednesday afternoon of last week. It was an official mark of apprecia- tion by the Hydro and the Canadian Electrical Association for the heroic and successful resuscitation by the operating staiff, of Dougald Ellis on ^ the 21st of May .last. The man, as it '; will be remembered, came in contact I with a wire carrying 22,000 volts which passed through his body. The result of such is almost always sure ' and certain electrocution. The oper- i ating staff at Eugenia plant were ' trained and skilled in the latest nioth- t ods of resuscitation and acted very ' promptly and effectively. Medical ; aid was rushed to the plant and as a â-  result Mr. Ellis is now a patient in the 1 General Hospital, Toronto, on a fair way to recovery. I Mr. MacLachlan, head of the Em- ployees Relation department of Hydro was present and read a letter from Mr. Ellis thanking the staff for their heroic and skillful rescue of him, at the time of the accident on May 21st. He also expressed his gratitude to the doctors and nurses who attended him. Mr. MacLachlan also had the pleas- ant duty to perform of presenting the medal of the Canadian Electrical As- sociation to the members of the staff and congratulated Mr. Palmer and the other members of the staff upon re- P. Munshaw, Eugenta, Caught Largest Trout in Old Ontario Three of First Four Winners! Were Caujjht in the Grey { Count V W aters i DAILY STAR CONTEST Buy in Flesherton! Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Blakely of Har- riston were in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Runstadler spent the week end in Toronto. Tax bills will soon take the place of •dollar bills. I ange lodges' in East Grey is now on j ceiving such a medal j display at Mr. W. A. Armstrong & Mr. T. D. Berry, *ief of the staff, Son's jewellery store, and is called i the Dr. Spi-oule trophy. It was decided at the last semi- thanked the Canadian Electrical As- sociation for their medal and congrat- ulated the members of his staff on annual meeting of the East Grey 1 having acquitted themselves worthy I County L. O. L. that a cup would ^j s^^h a mark of distinction. I be presented to the lodge having the ; Rev. A. S. Mitchell, rector of Christ best degree team in this county, in church, expressed his pleasure at order to stimulate the degree work ' being present. Dr. Ego, who was The hunters are preparing for their ! and make it more impressive. The ; t^en called upon, praised the staff for first competition will take place^ on j their fine work in resuscitating Mr. Ellis. Dr. Ego was especially taken with methods for restoring respiration annual trek to the northern bush. The L.O.B.A. will hold their regular !^^*'^^5' evening of next week, Nov, meeting next Friday evening at 8 1^^' '" Clayton's Hall, when it is ex o'clock, Oct. 29, in Clayton's Hall Can any of our readers give us the address of Adam Clark, formerly of Alamosa, Colorado? Miss Bessie Goff. teacher at Laur iston, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, F. H. W. Hickling over the week end. pected that there will be a large ; t,y the newest Schafer method. This , brought into action the diaphram turnout of brethren from this coun ty. The County includes all lodges ' muscle and deeper part of the "lungs in Artemesia. Osprey and Proton „.i,ich was an improvement on the old townships, the total number of Sylvester method, which brought into lodges being nineteen. To date only action only the upper part of the two lodges have signified their inten- lungs. Dr. Ego congratulated the tion of joining in the competition. Hydro on the intsructions given the Ml-, and Mrs. \V. J. Ross have re- j these being Orange Valley and Flesh- operators on first aid work, and on turned to Georgetown after spending erton, but it is expected that one or their treatment in general of electrical a couple of weeks here. ' two more will likely join in the con- shock and bums. Mrs. John Carter and Mrs. George *'®^''' At the conclusion of the presenta- -^^^-^^â€"â€" tion an excellent lunch was ser^'ed by Judge â€" "What is the. verdict of the ladies of the Hydro staff. the jury?" Foreman of the jury â€" , "We find the culprit not guilty, sir, ' Cartc-r of Corbetton spent a couple of days last week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Robert Down. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clipperton of Toronto spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell. The U. F. O. held a committee meeting in \hg Town Hall on Satur- day afternoon, to organize for the coming election. Mr. and Mrs. James Sandiland and Miss Effie Sandiland, of Qundalk, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Armstrong. There was quite a mix up between two ears and a buggy at Ceylon on Saturday evening. The buggy suf- fered most â€" if you don't count the nerves of the three participants. The Caledon mountain cutting was officially opened for traffic on Mon- day. This cutting eliminates the twist on the mountain and makes it a straight grade. Dr. and Mrs. Coleridge of Kings- ville motored up on Saturday last. Miss Mamie JIcTavish, who has been \isiting her sister at Kingsville for the past couple c4f weeks, returned with them. » Mrs. George Stewart returned home on Friday after spending a week at Bramptton with her mother, Mrs. Charies Moore, who has been serio"usly ill. We are pleased to but we recommend tliat he be warned not fo do it again." .j DIED ADDITIONAL LOCALS i DUCKETTâ€" .\t Eugenia on Sunday 'October 24th, 1926, Louise Yardley, beloved wife of John H. Duckett, aged 87 years 6 months. The funeral wafe The High School Literary Society held on Tuesday afternoon, interment will hold their first meeting of the taking place in Salem cemetery. year in the school auditorium on the ' â-  evening of October 28th at 8 p.m. A j SHOOTING M.\TCH splendid program is being prepared _____ by the pupils. Mrs. (Dr.') Huff, of Fifth annual shooting match will be Meaford. will give am address on held at H. C. Radley's on Thanksgiv- "Home Decorations," which will be j^g Oaj-, November S, commencing at of special interest to the ladies. Be sure and come. Admission, adults 15 ghell cents, children 10 cents. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. O. Phillips on Wednesday. Nov. 3, at 3 p.m. Paper, "How to utilize leisure hours." by Mrs. Wilcox, and ''Current events" by Mrs. Holl- and. Duet, Mrs. Henry and Miss .â- Vgnes Henderson. Baking Com. â€" Cake, Mesdames Hawken, Holland and Inkster. Sandwich, Mesdames Parslow, TurnbuU and Runstadler. Mr. Peter .Munshaw, proprietor of the Munshaw House at Eugenia, has the enviable distinction of being the winner of the Toronto Daily Star speckled trout prize bait rod, for the largest speckled trout caught with bait in old Ontario. His trout meas- ured twenty inches long, five and one half inches deep, and weighed three pounds twelve ounces and was taken on a split bamboo rod with worm in the Beaver river, just north of Kimberley. This beauty was nieas-' ured with a steel tape by F. R. Ruth- erford. C. E., of St. Catherines, and weighed by Dr. W. A. McLean of'^ St. Catharines, and was caught on i August 13th last. I There was only one entry in the ; division for speclded trout caught by a fly, and this was awarded to I Mr. Hugh McKendry of Singhamp- ton, caught at Singhampton and, which weighed two pounds thirteen ounces. The Daily .Star fishing competi- tion during the past couple of years has shown to the people of Ontario that the largest fish to be caught in old Ontario are to be found in Grey County, in the waters of all the ^. river^. Last year's winner was Post- / master Plewes of Markdale and this ! year's first prize comes to the same i part of the county. It is a notewor- ] thy fact that three of the first fouri largest fish in the competition were ' caught in the streams of Grey coun- ty. The third prize was awarded to Mr. R. W. Galbraith of Chatsworth, who caught his in the Sydenham Ri- ver, and fourth to J. N. Hawkesworth , of Toronto for one caught in the Sau- geen river. Both of these latter fish • weighed three pounds ten ounces. | i With the network of rivers that ' ! adorns. Grey County, with fine gravel beds and pure, clear fresh water, it is , no wonder that here is the home of old Ontario's largest speckled trout. 1 These large fish have always been 1 caught in Grey County, and it is only j through the Star's fishing contest i \ for speckled trout that the fact has I been broadcasted throughout the ] country. Tourists coming here have ; been loud in their praises of the beau- ties of nature that can be enjoyed in j Grey County, along with the pleasure i that is derived from landing the big- gest of the finny tribe known as sal- I mo fontanalis, which reaches the max- ' imum in weight in this banner county ' of Ontario. 1 p.m. Turkeys, geese and ducks, supplied, FLESHERTON MARKETS Oats, old Oats, new .... Wheat Barley Buckwheat .... Potatoes Sweet Clover 60 40 $1 15 70 SO SI 35 84.50 to S5 80 1 75 1 85 2 25 ki^ow that Mrs. Moore is iniproring itj,. troubl nicely. Bran Mr. G. H. Burk of Osprey has re- shorts turned from the Sault. where he went chop ilast week on a call from his brother. Butter 30 to 32 I Mr. .Moj-ton Burke, who was danger- l^ggg : 38 to 10 jously ill at his home there. We are tlVE FOWL pleased to leani that the sufferer is Chicks 13 to 16 I improving somewhat, but never ex- Fowl 10 to 16 pects to regain his old health, as DRESSED FOWL jcne trouble is caused by weak heart Chicks 20 to 27 '.Mr. G. H. Burke attended the funeral Fqv.I 16 to 23 Charles. -William and Albert Stew- of another brother. Mr. Nelson Burke, Geese v lO art and Cecil McTavish motored to, who died at Buffalo, where he had Ducks 20 to 24 Stratford Saturday. Miss Bessie been in the butcher business for .«ome The heads and wing tips to be tak- Stewart, who has been visiting wth j years. ^^ off ducks and .<recse. , friends at Forest and other points, '• ^__ returned with them. Dr. Fortune of .\j-ton. Liberal can- didate in the forthcoming election. gave i:.? a call on Tuesday. The Dr. has been Cierk of Nornianby for the past 23 years. The Ladies' Aid Society of Maxwell United Church will hold a fowl sup- per on Thursday, November 4 th. Suppef served from 6 to 8 o'clock in the United Church hall. Program to be given in Orange hall. A play is to be given. .Adults 50e.. children 35c. For full particulars see posters. The congregation of the United Church in Pricoville will observe the Thanksgiving .^season with annivers- ary servicos on Sunday, Nov. 7, and a fowl sir-.per and entertainment on .Monday, Nov, 8. Rev. Alexander Mc- Gillivray, D.D., of Toronto, will be the prinjipa! .speaker and will also give an nddr'jss on Monday evening. FOWL WANTED I HAVE OPENED UP A MAR- KET FOR ALL KINDS OF DRESSED FOWL. MUST BE WELL DRESSED. DRY PICKED AND BLED, FOR WHICH I WILL P.^Y HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH. IT PAYS TO CRATE YOUR FOWL FOR 10 DAYS OR TWO WEEKS I J. RUNSTADLER Flesherton Advertise in The Advance I lOOO I GEESE WANTED J. Runstadler, - Flesherton VOTERS' LIST ACT, 1926 Electoral District of Grey South TAKE -NOTKK that SITTINGS of the REVISING OFFICER if'r. purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the VOILKS- LISTS to be used at the ensuing GENER.VL ELECTION for the hleitorul iJistrict of (;R1:V SOUTH, will be held by the Revis- i",* y*y'^^r mentioned below (The name and address of whose Clerk, for the several niuniiipulilies, is specified below) at the follow- ing timeH and plai-eM :• By A. D. CREASOR, Esq. FLESHERTONâ€" Tue.sday. November 2nd at 2 p.m. at Village Hall; W. J, Bellamy. Village Clerk. Flesherton. Clerk of R.O. EGRE.MONTâ€" 'WVdne.sday. .November 3rd at 2 p.m. at Hulstein Hall; David .\llan. Township Clerk. Holstein, Clerk of R.O. DLRH.\.Mâ€" Thursday, Novemher 4th at 10 a.m. at Town Hall; W, B. Vollett. Town Clerk. Durham. Clerk of R.O. DL'.NDALKâ€" Friday, .November "th at 2 p.m.. at Village Hall; W. M. Ridley. Municiunl Clerk. « lerk of P.O. PROTO.Nâ€" Friday. November .1th at 2.30 o.m. at Village Hall, Dun- dalk. Thomas Lnughlin. Lot :i2. Con. 8. R. R. 2. Dundalk. Clerk of R.O. GLENELG â€" Saturday, .November 6th at 9 a.m. at Township Hall, Lot 10, Con. 4.; Hector H. .McDonald, Township Clerk. Lot 40. Con. .1. E.G.R., R. R. I. Durham. Clerk of R.O. N0R.M.4NBY â€" Thursday. November llth at 2 D.m. at Township Hall, .Ayton; Valentine A. Glebe. Clerk of R.O. ARTE.M ESI Aâ€" Friday. November 12th at 2 p.m. at Village Hall. Flesherton; W. J. Bellamy. Township Clerk. Flesherton, Clerk of R.O. H.\NOVERâ€" .Monday. November l.'jth at 2 p.m. at Council Chamber. W. J. Taylor, Town Clerk. Clerk of R.O. BENTINCKâ€" .Monday. November l.")th at 3 p.m. at Council Chamber. Hanover: J. H. Chittick. Lot 27. Con. 3, N.D.R., R. R. .1. Hanover, Clerk of R.O. NELSTADTâ€" Tue.sday. November Ifith at 9 a.m. at Hammer's Hall, Neustadt; .M. E. .Murray, .Municipal Clerk, Clerk of R.O. By T. H. Dyr^ Esq. OSPREYâ€" Wednesday. November 8rd at II a.m. at Orange Hall. Max- well; H. G. Burke. Township Clerk. Feversham. Clerk of R.O. HOLLANDâ€" Friday. November .Uh at 2 p.m. at Township Hall, Holl- and Centre; James Hare, Township Clerk, R. R. 1, Holland Centre, Clerk of R.O. EUPHRASIA- Saturday. Noveber 6th at 11 a.m. at Township Hall, Rocklyn; N, L. Curry. Township Clerk, Clerk of R.O. MARKDALE â€" Friday. November 12th at Council Chamber at 10 a.m.; Johnson Lucas, Village Clerk, Markdale. Clerk of R.O. CHATSWORTHâ€" Tuesday, November 16th at 2 p.m. at Village Hall: W. G. Collins. Village Clerk, Chatsworth, Clerk of R.O. THE LISTS TO BE REVISED will be those of the year 1926â€" Parts 1 and III, with the exception of Meaford, as to which Munici- palitv the lists will be those for 1925. part 1 only. .\ND FURTHER T.\KE NOTICE that any Voter who desires to complain that his name or the name of any other person entitled to be entered on the said list has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are NOT ENTITLED to be voters have been entered thereon, may NOT LESS THAN TWO CLEAR DAYS, including Sunday or a holidav. before the dav fixed for holding the Sitting, for each of the several municipalities, APPLY', COMPLAIN OR APPE.VL to have his name or the name of any other person entered or removed from the list. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such APPEALS must be ade IN WRITING ia the prescribed form, signed by the complainant, and IN DUPLICATE, and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer for the municipality in question, above named or left for him at his address as stated above. The prescribed forms for appeals may be obtained from the Clerks. C. T. SUTHERLAND October 25th, 1926. Chairman, Election Board County of Grey First Class Merchant Tailo^Qg New Fall Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free A fine line of Ladies'Dress Silks and fancy goods just placed in stock. H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM jia/ajaafaiajaajajQ'aiaisia'aEiaB EiaiaaaiBMaiaisiaEfiMSEfaiafBissiffiafBaBa'aai^^ OUR STOCK OF: New Fall Merchandise Is at your service, completely assorted and reason- ably priced in all lines. Stanfield's Underwear for Men Stanfield's Ncvasilk Lingerie Silk and Wool Holeproof Hosiery Colored Cashmere Hosiery New Styles in Footwear Umbrellas Overshoes and Spats Heavy Rubbers Rubbers for all Shoe Lasts Rubber Boots Men's and Boy's Overcoats Men's and Boys' Suits Overalls and Smocks Mackinaw Coats Odd Trousers Felt Hats and Cloth Caps Kid and Wool Gloves Mufflers suid Scarfs Knitted Dresses Plain and Fancy Dress Flannc4k Silks and Crepes of all Kinds Ready-to- Wear Millinery. ^ -*": J ! F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. I f J

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