3= TRAPPERS For More Money Ship Your Sanianies and Tbdr Origm To the House That Gives You HIGHEST PRICES FAIR GRADING PROMPT PAYMENT SCNO AT ONCE FOR FREE PRICE LIST AND TAOS. LEVIN FUR CO.3 Umited 172 King East dept. b Twonto, Ont Bay of Fundy. Of aU KoTB. Scotia's c«\uill«sa at- traction*, nonie Is more iut«Te6tlng than tti« lormented tUlefi of the Bay Oif FuiKly. In this- northern end of tl.e b«iy, espedaily 'wh«re the water be- eoHiiea more confined, It roUa not mere- ly In waves, but In spectacular walls Uurt mairch onto the shore. The Hianeing colors of the water, red and Wuo and greieai «ind' «llTer, oa*© reonark- abXe at all times ; In tht» early morn- ing they are exquisite, when. fo«s still hang low and the crimson of the sky tloges the water through the mlttor gray veU. • "Tlries of Fundy, tides of Fundy, " What la It you bring to me â€" News from uowheire vacuo and haunt- ing Aa the white fog from the sea." â€" V«rnon Quinn, In "Beajitilul Can- ftda." RABY'S OWil TABLETS AX EXOELLEXT REMEDY For Any of the Many Minor Ail- ments of Infants and Young Children. No mother cun expect that her child will escape all the ills to which liaby- hooJ and childhood are subject, but sho can do much to lessen their &everity, and to make baby's battles f&r health easily won. r.ine-tentha of the minor ailments which afflict babyhood and cliiidliood uru caused by soma derangement of tile stomach and bovrels. Regulate the stomach and "bowels and these troubles will disappear. To do this nolhlug can eyual Baby's Own Tab- lets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which through their action on the stomach and bowels never tail to banish constipation and indigestion; cc'Ids and simple fevers; expel worms uud make the dreaded teething time easy. Concerning Baby's Own Tablets Mrs. A. Keshan, Hamilton, Ont., writes: â€" "Kindly send me your book- let, â- •'Care of Baby ift Health and Sick- UGiSs." I have two little children four and a half and three years old and have usfil nothing else for them but Baby's Own Tablets. I think the Tab- lets are a wonderlul medicine for lit- tle ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all m^iddcine dealers or will be sent by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Fair Hills of Ireland. A plenteous- place is Ireland for hoH- pitable cheer. Uileacan UubU O! Where the wholesome fruit is burstlug from the yellow barley ear; Uileacan dubh O! There Is honey In the tree® where hex misty vale»_e«pand. And her forest paths. In summer, are by falling waters fann'd ; There Is dew at high noontide there, and springs 1' the yeUow sand. On the fair hills of holy Ireland. Large and profitable are the stacks up- on the ground, Uileacan dubh O! The butter and tlip cream do won- droualy abound, Uileacan dubh O! ^ The cresses on the water and the sor- rel^ are at hand, And the. cuckoo's calling dally his note of mimic bland, And the bold thrush sings so bravely his song 1' the forests grand, On the fair hdlls of holy IreJand. â€" Sir Samuel Ferguson. (From the Irish.) An Uncringing Reply. Queen Elizabeth is sometimes pic- tui>d as possessed of a temper which, carrying with it the power of revenge, made It greatly feared. The "Virgin Queen" is also reported by some writers to have been a proficient musi- cian. Probably both statements are true. Although it was hardly safe to speak of her temper during her life, it was the proper thing to flatter her musical attainments. One of her de- sires was to excell Mary Queen of Scots as a performer. But Elizabetli's temiwr did' not always cause her to wreak vengeance on those who spoke in an unbecoming manner of the Queen. This is instanced in the case of Dr. Tyre, who frequently performed on the organ in the royal chapel. On one occasion while he was playing some music more technical than tune- ful, she sent the verger to him with the message that he was playing out of tune. The doctor's quick reply was: "Tell the Queen that her ears are out of tune." The Queen let the mark pass with- out rebuke. ATWATER Variations â€" Alton, AtclifT, Atwcod, At- worth, Atfleld, Hatfleld. Racial Originâ€" English. Source â€" A locality. Very nearly all fami-lT names of EngllBh origin begin in "At," with the exception of certain ones in which this is but a cxirnipllon of the "Ad" from the given iiajiio of Adam, had their orlRln as ludlcativo of the place of re- sidence of thoKe who bore Uiem. The period at which family names began to form In Kngland was the period In whIiU the Norman and Baxou eleuKviits of the population of that island were in process of amalga- mation. Throughout moet of this period there were two tongues spoken. It follow.s, then, that many suniamea WM-6 formoii In both languages, and from them have developed very often a Norman and Saxon family name, totally unlike In sound, but the same so far as their original meaning was (Concornod. Surnames which were prefixed by "do" were, of cxjurse, Norman. The Saxon equivalent of this prefix was "at," or "atte," the latter being a con- traction of "at the." To-day we don't speak of a iverson being "at" a place unless he actually la there at the mo- ment. But In those days the word had much the same meaning as "of" or "from," like the French "a" in "a la" to-day. The man who bore the name of At- water was one who lived near the water. Alton meant "at the town." Atcllff was "at the cliff." Atworth was "at the worth" (wooded inclo- sure). Atwood and Atfleld are obvious. Hatfield is sometimes a corruption ot Atfleld. CURTIS. Variationâ€" Curtlsa. Racial Origin â€" English. Source â€" A sobriquet. The origin of Ibis family name Is likely to prove quite puzKling to you and then, wlit^n it is explained, make you wonder why you never thought of it. I Say "courteous" real quick, and you will have It. ) Courtesy in the Middle Arpk ap- parently was a virtue none too gen- eral, else it would have been no dis- tinction to call a man "Walter le Cur- teys." On the other band it was by ' no means unknown, or the name would : not be so widespread as It fs to-day. I Curtlo is one of lliosu names which ; developed In many .actions of Kiig- i land about the same time, and all ("ur- i tises are by no means sprung from the same stock. I There is another source of the name, however, though a search ot the "is liood'tea'' TEA Rec<Hnpense. What care I for the tongues of men? For have I not these things â€" The beautiful sweep of the earth's full breast, The transit of sun from east to west? 'TIb morn and the glad world sines. What Is the speecli of people? In the market place stands the Pbotl- see, Classified AdTertisementa. REMNANTS. old records discloses that it was- the^Qut yonder a wild riot of vines fiource only in a minority of cases, j The passn.ije of a fox entwines. It was the word "Curt-hose," literally ij^jj^ <^m j^ (ho hewt of me. "»hortsli>cking," the sort of sobriquet tliat a man would gain for hiffijelf by reason of a peculiarity In his dresa. As a matter of fact, the name of "Shorthose" is to be found to-day In England, though tho variation is ex- tremely rare. There is a tendency among many students of language to explain these sobriquet family names by assuming that they are but corruptions, at one period or another, of already estab- lished names sounding somewhat like the corruption. But in this case, .ts in many otliers, actual records prove the contrary. â€"Virginia Stacy. Rub your scalp with Mtnard's Liniment 4 Light Trick Fools Thieves, The trick of leaving tho dimmers and tail light on when liarklng is one that has prevented many oar thefts. A potential thief who sees a oar with lights burning figure» that tho owner Is leaving tho machine but a few min- utes. Ill some cases. it heliis the bat- tory, too. LBS., »2. 11.50. A. Ontario. ;i 5 LBS. PATCHES, McCreery, Chatham, WANTED Old Postage Stamps. It on enveIoi>es do not remove. If not, s«ad anyway. Highest prices paid. Writs H. MERKER 347A Yonge St. Toronto THE TRIAI2 OF MIDDLE-AGE It Pays to Advertise. He who whispers down a well About the goods ho has to sell Will neiver make as many dollars As he who climbs a ti-ee and hollers. cbiily tfftlns Including The Cldtf You really enter sunny Call* fornia the moment you step aboard oneofthefive famous Santa Fe cross'continent trains. The new Chie/â€" extra hst- is the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe California trains. Only TWO business days on the ivay. No extra jbre on the four other daily trains. Fred Harvey dining service sets the standard in the transportation worid. Enjoy Ch^out^f-doors this winter â€" take your family. California hotel rates are reasonable. ^ MuiflmmiyimomttiamntMmtt •V *. Hrndiy. acn. A|[«nt Rnmin V> Railway n\ Tianaportatlon BuMdlss UrIroU. Mich. Moving Pictures. "Seen much of moving pictures late- ly?" "Have I? My wife's doing the fall cleaning." .^ Many Jews Change Names in New Palestine Homes The Jewisli aptitude for a change of j surname Is reported to be manifesting ] Itself In Palestine, where many of the I Zloniist settlers are adopting the new Hebrew designation "Mizrachl," mean- ing Easterner, says "The Manchester Guardian." Once upon a time a whole great Jewish ccmimunity was com- pelled to make such a change of name ! by law. After the Prussian War ofj Liberation in 1913, an edict was issued | ordering all Jews within the Prussian realm to Teutouize their surnames. I Most of those affected chose new de-i signations from nature and originated the tribes of Rusenstcin, Rosenberg, Blumenstein, and so forth. Much of the Suffering Women Endure Can be Avoided. Every woman approaches middle age with considerable anxiety, be- cause she knows this is the time of her life when trivial ailments may he the first signs of trials and sufferings to come. She fears the headaches, backaches, lassitude and other dis- tressing weaknesses that burden the life of so many women at this period. Much of the anxiety and suffering that assail women approaching mid- dle age can be avoided. This has been proved by thousands of happy, virile women who have relied at this time on the healttt-help given by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. To the middle-aged woman the one thing necessary to carry her through her years of trial Is rich, red blood. Because of their direct action on the blood. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are the one remedy praised by women for women's needs. | Among the thousands who have found ' benefit from this remedy is Mrs. .Mian ; Wager, Echo Lake, Ont., who says: â€" I "1 was at a critical period in the lives I of all women and was sick and miser- ' able. I became so much run-down that^ I was unable to do my hoffsework. The least exertion would cause my heart to ' flutter so violently that I would have | to sit down. I had headaches and j backaches, and was in a depressed > condition. I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills recommended and decided to give them a trial. It was fortunate that I did so, for under the use of this medi- cine I was restored to good health and strength and feel like a new wo- man. I never neglect an opportunity to recommend this remedy to those who are run-down for I am very grate- ful for what the pills did for me." For all ailments due to weak watery blood Dr. WlUiams' Pink PUls wlU be found a specific. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The King's Reproachful Formula. King Edward VII., among his other merits as an adminilstnator, had the nrej-it of punctuality, and he lost no opiwrtunity to impress tile importance of that virtue on others. One of the classic stories told to illustrate tliat characteristic of the king's is repeat- ed in Uie Argonaoit. A dinner gurst of the king's was late and, entering in a nish, present- ed himself before his host, obviously nervous about Edward'si attitude. In the tone of a schoolmasted- Edward said, "So-and'-So, you are late." "Yes, sir, but â€" " The king repeated his reproachful formula: "So-and-So, you're late." "I'm extremely sorry, sir, butâ€"" "So-and-So, you're late." That was all; no excuse was ade- quate. The Laurentian forest area of Que- bec is estimated to contain 72,000.000 acres and lumbering operations have been carried on for more than 100 years. The principal species are spruce, pine, cedar, tamarack, maple, birch, ash, eJni, basswood and poplar. Withes for Rain on Wedding Day. Pi-incess Aslrtd of Swc<len will ^vista for rain on the day of her wedding to the Beilglan Crown Prinoo, for & swed- is>h marriage superstition aaya: "Wealthy will be the bride upon whoss crown rain falls*." GanadianPlanSook In roKiptrntion with Catudian Architects iiMigra uf modenta prictd homes are pub- hihtd In the .MacLcan Bi'iW.fs' ttuide. Ottttiled inforniatinn on planritn;;. UiildinK. fumuhinK. dMorafinii and Raf' cltninv;. P/ofijsely illustrated. An idfal reference book. Send 'Ih tents for a copy ,.MacLcaQ Builder*' Guide ^44 Adelaide 81, W„ ToioiiJa, Ont. Humility. I cannot but think that one of the truest ways in which Christianity has made humility at once a commoner and a noble grace, has been In the way it has furnished work for the higher ] powers of man, which used tu bo idle and only ponder proudly on them- selves. Idleness .standing in the midst of unattempted tasks is always proud. Work touches the keys of endless ac- tivity, opens the infinite, and stands awe-struck before the immensity of what there Is to do. ... It is some- thing that never comes Into the chai^ acter, never shows in the face of a man who has never worked. â€" Phillips Brooks. The Cunarcl Anchor-Donald- son ocean highway will be the home trail for many Canadian citizens intent on spending Christmas with the home folks in the British Isles this Christmas. Leaving Halifax December 12th and 13th respectively the tv/o Christmas shipu 'Xetitin" and "Antonia" are scheduled to arrive at the home port3 three or four days before Christmna, the "Letitia" at Belfast, Liver- pool and Glasgow, and the ' Antonia " at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London. Ask your Sloamship A^entfor informatiojXi or write â€" The Robert Reford Co., Limited Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, St. John. N.Br, Halifax. An underfed hen may get enough food to sustain the body, but not' enough to make eggs. The first food j eaten is used to build up waste tissues. After that the surplus goes to making fat or eggs, according to tho nature! of the feed. j ANCIfOU'DONAieSON CANADSAN SERVICE ICS ^^s^^^^^^^m. Accuracy. Karmer â- "Is there anything about my farm that I can explain to you?" Small City Boyâ€" "Yes. sir. How do chickens know how big egg-cups are?" Navy Yard Church Bells. Church bells are being cast In Dan- zig at the navy \-ard where warBhlvsJ were f-ormerty r.!i>aired. The art of using moderate abilities to advantag« wins praise and often acquires more reputation than actual brilliancy. â€" La Rochefoucauld. INDIGESTION Dr. Fr«nkHn's DIGESTIN Strentt|{cns the Stomach, relievos and prevents Dyspepsia. Blllouensss, Heart- bum, Sour StomAcb, Nausea, Flatu- Isace, Hsadadae, siwl sll other troubles GAUSod by disordered Stomach and Bowels. Buy at your drug store or mail fifty csbts to oar address. Dr. FnuJibi Laboratories Toronto She Obeyed All Right The bishop was coming to tea, and the whole household was flustered. Such an honor had never come their way before. y.- 'her was determined to have everything perfect. So she called lit- tle Mary to her. "My dear," she warned, "whatever the bishop says to you, be sure to say 'Your Grace' when you answer." Not until too lato did she wonder whether she ought to have told Mary to say "My Lord!" But the bishop was here now. And anyway, it it was wrong he would put it down to sweet childish Ignorance. "Well, well," said the great man, j "Hnd here's a nice little girl. What Is your name, little one?" I "M-Mary." faltere<l the child â€" | "R-and for what we are about to re- j ceive, may the Lord make us truly i fhanknil!" four do Two Ways. Mistress â€" "Wo are having friends to dinner this evening." Cook â€" "Yes, ma'am-. And how you wish it prepared?" Mistress â€" "I gave you the me^iu. What do you mean?" Cook- -"WeU. prepared so's they'll come agaJh. for instance?" Not the Man, Applicant â€" "I assure you, sir, 1 have plenty of get up^nd-go." Employerâ€" "Sorry, we're looking for B man with eit-down-and-stay." Mlnard** LIntment relieves •tiffn^tsfc Sneezing ? The sign of a coming cold. Bathe the feet in Mlnard's and hot water. .Vlso inhale. SlUMd!^ •*7^*MiBHiiBi*"*^^ ilitfligHail STRATFORD WOMAN Restored to Health byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Stratford, Ontario. â€" "After mv first baby was bom I started to work on the tenth day and did a big wash- ing on tho twelfth day. Being so voung (I was married at 19) I did not know what was the matter, so let it go until 1 was all run-down, weak and nervous, and had a bad displace- Hicnt. For neaily two years I could not sleep and I would always complain of having 'not a head-ache, but a brain-ache. ' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Life and she recommended it to me. After taking two bottles I began to get a little sleep and to feel better and I have never left off since then, except for about three months. I can safely say I liBvo taken 'ihirty bottles since my second baby whs born. I think it makes child-birth easier as I had terrible pains with my first three children and very few with my fourth as I was 30 much stronger. I am now able to do my work alone, but I am still taking the Vegetable Com- pound as I am nursing baby. ' ' â€" Mrs. Omer Paul, 49 Cherry Street, Strat- ford, Ontario. If you are suffering from any weak- noas which causes such symptoms as pains in the side and back and nervous feelings, give LydiaE. Pinlt- ham's Vegetable Compound a trial now. o Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism Colds Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Pain Toothache Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART S^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Ilaouv "B»ver" boston of 12 tahlnts Also botMc^'of 24 and 100â€" Druggists. C»n«'l»'' "( tlif»r MjMifx'Inr' "f Mot»»c»tlr- ,\ci<; "A R. A.'>. WhPf It !• wrll Itnnwn •ilooo. t!i; T«blrl Ita^cr On>M.' Aarlrin • (h*- trml* ni«rk (rfSlmrWI ot nw t«iBp«nr wUl Us ttan*** »»* «>«»•â- !»•"»> •"« ">•" "^ OINTMENT uticura â- TriNT/^ltNT The Family friend Nothing f.v:rer, ewecter or more efTective for cczeniBS. raithrs, iicb- Ings ai'.d irritations. Bathe with Cuticurs Soap and hot water to fr«e the pores of impurities and follow with a gentle ap^llution of Cu*i- cura Oiiitinrnt to soothe and heal. •*iapl> Uik Tm It lUU KMtm C«B*d!«ii Prpot' '8t«iib««c*.T«4. Il«mtr««d- F*H(-«, Boa* ni*. oii itmt>r 26 %rd *0p TsWar 2Sr. WtF" CutlruTB Sha.iix Stick 2Se. ISSUE No. 44â€" '24.