Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1926, p. 1

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mmmi «v«.â€" -. ® J|je /Ijes^^ttjcrn %tfmnce. Vol 46 No. 25 Flesherton. Ontario December 1, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Poopnetors The Late Jas. Speers FEVER^4AM MAXWELL The W. I. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. (Long. Bandaging of head, elbow, Mr. Jas. Speers, a resident of our arm, finger and hand were demon- village, pasesd away to the Great Be- | strated by different members. The yond on Saturday morning, November [ meeting was very interesting and in- 20th. Mr. Speer had been in poor J structive. The next meeting is to be health for about three years and for held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Morri- the last few months had been a great son on December 9th. suffer, and death came as a happy I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly and release. He was sixty-five years of ,jaughter of Dundalk visited relatives age. The funeral took place on Mon- here on Sunday. day to the Buckingham Cemetery, and ! The Ladies' Aid Society of the Rev. T. J. New of Maxwell United I United hurch will hold their regular church officiated. The brethren of j meeting at Mrs. Ed. Binnington'-s on the R.B.P. Xo. 343 and L.O.L. 1085 Thursday, December 2nd. Prepara- ccnducted their services at the grave, tions are being made by Sunday school Mr. Speer had been a member of L.O. : teachers for a Xmas concert. L. 1085 for over forty years, and of ' Q„ite a number of people attended the R.B.K. of Ireland for about thirty the play at Providence on Friday years. The floral ti-ibutes were j evening. In spite of the bad roads a beautiful wreath each from R.B.P. the church was crowded. "Aaron and L.O.L. and a spray from Mr. S. , Slick from Punkin' Crick," seems to Hemphill and family of Ceylon, be enjoyed by all who hear it. Those from a distance attending were Come to United Church Sunday Mr. Watson and Mrs. Bowes of Thorn- j ochool at 2 p.m. Sundays and church hill, cousins of ths deceased, Mr. S. at 7 p.m. Hem-'-hill ar.'l family of Coylon, Mr. Hood •Hemphill and sister of Plesher- EVANGELISTIC SERVICES IN THE ton, Mr. and Mrs. Plant, Mr. Black-: BAPTIST CHURCHES burn, Mr. and Mrs. John MtKee and j Mr. and Mrs. R. F her of Flesherton. j Qn Sunday, November 28th, the A large gathering .of friends and ; ,c„a, Baptist churches received a visit neighbors assembled to pay their last f^om the McMaster University Evan- respects, [gelistic band, four young men, filled I with zeal for service and a passion Sudden change from rain and mild ^ for souls. In spite of the inclement weather to cold and snow on Friday ; weather the attendance at each service night, made people who went out on was splendid. The congregations Saturday morning turn up their coat I were delighted by the singing of the cellars and begin to wonder where ! quartette. Hearts were -softened as their summer wages had gone. j their manly voices blended in the Mrs. George Shortt had the mis- I songs of Zion. Mr. S. Iveson preach- fortune to fall and break a bone in her j ed at the morning service here; her leg near the ankle. 1 Mr. Leslie Wilton, B.A., delivered the While playing around a wago\ la-st ; message at Rock Mills in the* after- week a little daughter of Ganity Mc- ' noon, and Mr. Russel Anderson, B.A., Gee, 8th line, fell and broke her arm. j addressed those who gathered in the Mr. Hartley Fawcett of Heathcote Flesherton church in the evening. As was a caller in our village recently. \ a result of their united efforts twen- Mr. Fred Welsh, teller in the bank j ty-one stood to their feet for Christ of Toronto here, had to resign his po- and Salvation. Some of these had sition on account of ill health, and j taken their stand previously, but had Mr. Norris of Coldwater is teller here not received the light of life ; others now. I confessed that they had grown cold Mr. George Julian of CoUingwood ^ in the life of service. The majority visited vrith his daughter, Mrs. R. | stood out for the first time, and by J. Whiteoak, last week. their act signified their willingness Mrs. E. W. Newson and babe, of To- to take Christ as their Saviour. Al- ronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. | together it was a wonderful day. The Harold Fenwick. \ Lord manifested His presence in no un- Mr. Hugh Davidson of Detroit vis- ited with friends here last week. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church, will hold a bazaar of baking and fancy work in Cravirford's Hall, over the Bank of Toronto, on Satur- day, December 11th. Sale opens atj-Rock Mills readily concur. â€" Com. 2 p.m. Lunch served 15c. Any do nations will be thankfully received. mistakable manner, and those who at- tended the services were much helped. We all feel that the people of Flesh- erton would heartily appreciate an early return visit of these young men, and in this we believe the folks of IN MEMORIAM LADY BANK BEST â€" In loving memory of our beloved son and brother, Allie Best. I cessful sale on Wednesday last. The play and 30cial held at Proy!- '^^ho died December 3rd, 1925. 10 3UIU3A9 ^Bptaj uo Moanqs oouop ^od is good, He gives us strength to last week proved to be a success, in I bear our heavy cross; spite of the condition of the weather "e is the only one who knows how and bad roads. The Ladies' Aid of Providence will hold their annual business mectinR at the home of Mrj. John Dobson on Wednesday, Dec. Sth. All members please attend. Miss Ferguson of Dromore is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Joseph Sow- ell, at present. Mrs. John Ottewell was called to the bedside of her faflier, Mr. Cairnt, at Owen Sound, who is ill. I Mr. and Mrs. C. Semple and two I children, of Islington, visited over the; week end with Mr. and Mrs. Semple, i also called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuplin^j at Maple Grove. bitter i« our loss; We miss you at a thousand turns along life's weary way, For life is not the same to ub since you were called away. Long days, long nights ho bore his pain Hoping for cure, but all in vain; 'Till God alone knew what was best, .\nd took him homo to be at rest. Sadly missed by â€" Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters. SPRINGHILL PUBLIC SCHOOL VICTORIA CORNERS Sr. 4 â€" Lola Blackburn, .\udrey Brown equal. Jr. 4 â€" Earl Johnston, Isabel Ferris, Clifford .A.llen, Annie Akins. George Allen, Jean Beard, Ellen Parker. J Jr. 3â€" Cecil Thistlethwaitc. Wilfred Mrs. Walter .\cheson returned from: Best, Uoris Waller, Willie Parker. Toronto last week, where she hadj Jr. 2 â€" Merle .\llen, Marjorie Wyatt, spent a few weeks with her mother. Selnia South, Oren South, Harold Mr. and Mrs. Roboi-ts of Victoria Johnston. College have taken tho .vork on this Jr. 1 â€" Doris South, Patsy Beard, circuit for the ensuing year. I Elsie White. Milton Bannon took a number of Sr. Pr. â€" Nellie Thistlethwaite, tvan cattle to Toronto last week and spent Waller, Russel Johnston, a few days. .' â€" G. B. Little Johns, Teacher. BATTERY STORAGE «TTER1ES STORED FOR THE WINT- SEASON. PHONE 51 J. AND WE ^ILL CALL FOR YOUR BATTERY. WE WILL ALSO STORE CARS FOR THE WINTER. L. A. FISHER & SON FLESHERTON ONT. Struck by Freight Train PROTON STATION A pie social will be held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 8, under the auspices of the Angliean Ladies' Guild. A good program will be given. Don't forget the date. Rev. Mr. Pogson will be in charge. A shooting match which afforded much sport was held on the grounds of Mr. A. Hergott on Saturday, Nov. 27th. Fowl were plentiful and, judg- ing from reports, we believe the old- er men were better shots than the boys were. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and children have moved into Mr. R. G. Acheson's house recently vacated by Mr. Ted Lyons. Rev. Mr. McRoberts of Knox Col- lege is to be the future pastor of the Ceylon, Proton and Inistioge circuit. We trust that his pastorate will be of mutual interest and for the highest good of all concerned. Mrs. Roome has returned from her 'â- "â- s'.t to Toronto. r-'rs. Eiyd pf Gr.;v. ..:....â- .., ....j n.i., been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coftsley, has returned to Toronto prior to leaving for Florida, where she expects to spend the winter. Last Thursday, Nov. 25, Mr. Robert Bate'5, section foreman, very narrowly escaped being run over by the freight train. He was inspecting the rail- way track between Dundalk and Pro- ton stations, and, although aware that the freight train was close behind him. he somehow missed hearing or seeing it until it was right up to him. He jumped from the track, but not far enough to escape tho bumper, \5thich hurled him sixteen or eighteen feet over the embankment. .A. high north wind blew the smoke and steam back over the engine so densely that the engineer did not se.e the man in time to do anything. Fearing he had run over him, he stopped the train, and, to the immense relief of the terrified crew, they found him in the ditch, alive. The Dundalk doctors were im- mediately summoned, who, after an examination, found that his injuries were chiefly a few broken ribs and a bruised body. Up to the present nothing more serious has developed and Mr. Bates is thankful for his es- cape even though it was by the nar- row margin of a few inches. CEYLON Mr. A. C. Muir spent the week end in Toronto and had a car of corn un- loaded here the past week. Mr. Harold Spofford had the pa^t week a car of bran and flour and two cars of screenings shipped in and this week is having a car of western oats. W. J. Stewart & Sons of Flesherton The Late Wm. Cameron neighbor. The luneral on Saturday last was largely attended. The de- Mr. Wm. Cameron died at the f *=**^**«'^ '^^'^ ^ Presbyterian in re- home of his* son, Alexander, Sth line, '*^'°" »"<^ ^ Reformer in politics. Artemesia, on Thursday of last week, : . ,. '. ! A fme new pipe organ has been put the funeral taking place to Salem ;„ the United CTiurch at Palmerston. burial ground on Saturday after- , â€" - We believe Mr. Cameron was. TENDERS WANTED V , „ • ^. ,Q-o u u urday, December Uth, for gravelling York" m the year 18a2, where he was ,. ,„„ , , r ^ ,, r- % the valley road from Lot 14, Con. 2' '9 and 3, Euphrasia, to lot 6 and 7, Con. ; yeasr of age when he died. For 4, Euphrasia, i.e. from Hortop's Cor- EAST MOUNTAIN Mrs. Wm. Orr of Orangeville is spending a few days with Carl and Alma Humberstone. Miss AdoUa Small of Duncan vis- ited over the week end with her friend. Miss Winneta McMullen. Mr. Hugh Smith had a very suc- Mr. Thomas Smart spent the first of the week with friends near Mark- dale. Mis3 .A.leda Feighen visited over Sunday last with her aunt, Mrs. Herb. Kerr of Duncan. Mr. and .Mi's. W. Knox of Duncan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh. A REAL HERO A striking example of chivalrous sacrifice, or heroism, wa.j displayed last week in the City of Timmins, when a young man accented a year's sentence of imprisonment to save an acquaintance. It appears he was driving a car last July with a lady to whom he had just been introduced by a mutual friend. The lady expressed a wish to learn to drive and was at the wheel when she struck another woman on the ankle. Gangrene developed and the woman died. \i the trial, the young man, who was a Toronto Uni- versity student on a prospecting trip, accepted all responsibility for the fat- ality and went to jail. But the end was not yet. His lady companion, who had not been summon- ed, on learning of the sentence noti- fied the authorities that she alone was to blame as she was driving at the time. As a result of her action she is now facing a charge of man- slaughter. Viewing the actions of those two people, who can say the days of chiv- alr.v are over? While the victim of the unfortun- ate accident has undoubtedly died, the circumstances surrounding the fatality would warrant the Crown in taking a lenient view of the case. The presiding judge at the trial ex- had a car of western oats unloaded on i '''^ "^'^^'^ "^'"^ P'°"«^'" '"'^'^^''^ °* ^^.,..„ ^ Monday. ! Artemesia township, he having come TENDER.S will be received by the Lemon Bros, of Owen Sound un- ' here with his parents from "Muddy undersigned, up to and mcluding Sat- loaded a ear of suga.- on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyk. Mathewson and ; born in 1847. He was therefore two children of Toronto motored up ami spent the week end under the par- j ental roof. , seven years the deceased gentleman ner to. the vicinity of Kimberley. Miss Katie Muir, who has been visit- ' ^*'' ^^^n suffering from the terrible This work is to be done durinsr the ing friends in CoUingwood the past ''^^'i'^'ion of blindness, which he bore coming winter, and the price paid will month, arrived home on Monday '• ^^'''•" ^r^at fortitude and without com- be per* cubic yard of gravel placed on Mrs. Heslop of Eugenia is this â-  P'^int- -^t 26 years of age he mar- the road, which price will include «all week visiting with her sister Miss i ^"'^'^ ^^^»s Eliza Johnston of Bentinck labor required to strip the pit, haul Jessie McKenzie. i ^'^o predeceased him eleven years the gravel and place it as directed. Rev. Mr. McRoberts of Toronto 1ms i ^^°" ^^ ^^^^ union there were four Particulars regarding the require- accepted the charge of this end of '''^^*'^" â€" Alexander on the home- nients may be obtained from the oad; Mrs. Schwartz, Toronto; Mrs. County Engineer, Court House, Owen t'arr of Saskatchewan, and Mrs; Ed. Sound. .â- ^^^' ( raham of Clarksburg. ^ The lowest or any tertSOT not neces- lli: Cameron was of a rather re- sarily accepted. â- .â- ,: t'.;!;;";o;ticn, i;;it wa? vary â€" }^ C. :->KXIGHT,. ! 'rhiy respected as a friend and Connty Engineer. Grey County- the field of labor. He is a very fluent speaker and the people are de- lighted ho has decided on the work l;:;rc. rn»Bcc:,.- j..,--i-(.-.^ Owe .1 b-V. was in town the first of the week. Mr. Lut'ier Duckett and daughter, Marjorie, naid a business trip to Markdale the first of the week. JMr. Geo. Cooper of Osproy visited his ni-jce, Mrs. John Stewart, the fir^t of the week. ROCK MILLS Messrs Frank Betts and Sam Croft had wood bees last week. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist i church will meet at the home of Mrs. | (?= Isaac Smith on Wednesday, Dec. Sth. j Our teacher, Mrs. Seeley, was on the sick list last week and school was closed for a few day^. • Service next Sabbath evening will j be held at the home -of Mr. Thos. Betts. I Mr. W. J. Newelt installed a radio? in his home recently. | Unity U.F.W.O. club will meet at ' the home of Mrs. J. Campbell for their December meeting on Wednes- day, December Sth. The service next Lord's Day will be conducted by Rev. .A.lfred J. Preston and will be of special interest to the young converts. Come along and bring your friends. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUXER.\L PARLORS 122-124 .\venue Road. TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. 1 R. Maddocks. TORONTO LINE. NORTH Mr. n id .\Irs. Chas. Perigoe and daughter, Betty, of Detroit were vis- itors at A. Stewart's a few days the last of the weel. . M'-s. T Sicd spent a day !with Orangeville friends recently. Mr. Harvey Perigoe of Toronto was a -wefk end visitor with his sis- ter, Mrs. A. Stewart, and mother, Mrs. I. Perigoe. IMPALED OS lORIv HANDLE. Bruce -herald and "Times. Lcapir.g over a partition in his stable on T;:esda;- evening of last week in a i el'iort to prevent a steer .•retting ou;. Mr. Ben Whitehead, a well-know". Brant farmer, had the misfortune > alight on a sharp-poin- ted broken iork handle, which entered his abdomen on the right side, and after penetrating for a distance of four inchor, came out of his body again near the navel. Finding him- self imp:;:ed on the stick, the unfort- luiate li'an threw himself over on his baclt, an,l wliile lying in thio posture he .-lullsd the handle out of his body. He then limped to the house, a dis- tance of one hundred feet, where he •.ollapseJ on tho floor. .A. Walker- ton ^tJoet^r who was hastily summon- ed, four.d on examination that wliile the lin'ng of the intestines had been torn, none of the bowels had been ! punctu- ed, and as a consequence there i- every prospect of his recov- ery, provided tetanus (lockjaw) can ' be l)revonted fn^m setting in. .A. se- rum t ! ward off this trouble was | given hypodermically to the patient, i and by tho end of this week all dan- j ger from such an infection will have | passed. The patient, who was for a j time in intense agony, is now resting easier and is to all appearances mak- ing a good recovery. The Gift Shop Once more we have received a wonderful line of Xmas Goods for young auid old. FRESH SUPPLY OF XM.\S GROCERIES JUST ARRIVED Highest prices paid for Fowl and Produce. I F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON For Cold Weather Men's & Women's Goloshes Light Rubbers of all Kinds HEAVY RUBBERS for the Wet and Cold Come in and see them. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON i CAR RAN AAV AY While calling a*: this office Wednes- day afternoon .Mr. I. B. Whittaker of Ceylon left his car standing ju---.t in front and suddenl.v it started off on its own hook down the grade and presesd his admiration for the young took a course direatly afross the MOUSE OFGIUALITY XMAS CARE SPECIAL Saturday Only Seedless Raisins 2 lbs 25c. Putted Raisins 1 lb 15c. X'alencia 1 lb 15c. Prunes 2 lbs ; 25c. Figs 2y2 lbs 25c. Lemon Peel. 1 lb 27c. Orange Peel 1 lb 28c. Easifirst. 5 lb. pail 90c. Citron Peel 1 lb , 50c. Extract, 3 bottles 25c. man, and regret that he could not grant him his freedom. The subse- quent claim of the boy's companion alters the whole Mtuation and if both were forgiven the world would not be any poorer. People pf their stamp :j are all too scarce. street. Mr. Whittaker went in pur- suit when he r.-ticed it but the run- awa.v was too far, ahead and could not be stopped. It struck the brick at D. McKillop's hardware shop and came to re-st with a bent fender, bumper and a tire damaged beyond repair. i W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, F<ied, fijodB, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton !^ â- >â- -.

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