MHilP NEGLEOmANAEfflA Often Leads to a Declineâ€" En- rich the Blood by Taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Nortbem UtrhH. < rb« Bight had fallen and tb« stars luut pierced Ui« (i«ptli8 of a glortoua •ky. Tfaen ilovljr above the northern horizon a fluah of Kold«n h«ht dif- fused lts«lf ; the stara paieil and were lost altogether In a Hky that had In their cariy t«Mi« it Is quite com- ^rown va«u<y and very far away. The mon for jifrta to outgrow their ijgj^ lingered a few minutes, then as ''^'!^u"r*^^f"v.*!"^?r'"^'%i'«et'y ^lthdt*w, but as the stars watch the heehh of their daughters ^t \ , ^ , ,. â„¢.,^i thl« tin*, for It U when streneth Is «*»» «"' "^"^ '" P"*P- " "^PP**^^ sapped by rapW growth that anaemia moving sJowly In oblique lines towtrd dwralops. Th« Ilrat slgna may be no- th« weB«. Again th«re was a pau&e un- tk»d by peevlBhn««8, langour and til with Increased co'.or and brilliancy h«adache«. The face gipwa i>aJe, H threw Its sbaflH of light higher aad breathlessness and palpitation foUow. higher. More often the rays SdNTSTS AGREE ON EVOU1T10N They Differ on Minor Points But Not Over General Theory. with low fifpirlts. At the first symptom of anaemia mothers should act at once. Neglect- ed anaemia oftea leads to decline, but Jt you see that your daughter's blood Is enriched there need be no causa for were â-¼ertlcajl, hut aometlmcs oblique or In flowing spirals, never very long the same, but changing both their position and color. At cue lime they were golden spun with b:ue, then green, tbeu OnS'bed with rose, then like a anxiety. The' flnes't bUjod enrlcher gleaming crystal. Slowly they moved erer discovered is Dr. WllUaraa' Plnli acMS the northern eky, paled, then Pills. The pure, red blood created by these pFlls will quickly banish aU signs of anaemia. They will build up your girl's health and ensure her a robust girlhood. Give your daughter a course of Dr. Wrlllama' Pink Pills now. Make , , ^ , her strong like thousands of girls who; »'»«<â- • ^>^^e^ One may have to sqek have been rescued from the clutches ^l^® aas-"'^ through many realms of of anaemia by Dr. Williams* Pink PlUs. I learning, yet there never falls to come glowed again Rnd v.ith surprislflg swiftness chased each other toward the zenith of the heavens. Their wonder and beauty leads ever to the que«tlon, What are these North- ern Lights, and what Is the reason of Here Is a bit of proof. Miss Mary VendltU, Catamount, N.B., says: â€" "Three years ago while attending a convent, I studied very hard to gradu- ate. The result was I became veiry oervous and got so thin and pale my teachers thought they would have to send me home. I took different kinds of medicine which my paremta sent me, but my condition remained unctauged. At last one of my teachers gave me a box of Dr. WllUams' Pink Pills, and I had hardly finished it when I could feed an Improvement In my condition. I continued the use of the pills for some time longer, and I '•an hardly teU all the good they did me. I gained in strength and weight, and the color re- turned to my cheeks, and at the end of the term I graduated. I never fail to recommend Dr. Williams" Pink PUU to my friends and acquaintances when u tonic Is needed." YoTi cRji get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box I'roL! The Dr. Williams' Mediclr.e Co., Uroi'kvl!l«, Ont. Jeaji Gaptifte Lamarck, early champion of evohiliou, wae bom in 1744 and died In 1S39. South Window â€" Upper Room. There the sky was my top story, 'With Its evt^r-chanslng g'.ory. Winter (la\vTi's rod sun rose, past •Eugo of prairie bare and vast; Noci!, the zenith r^idlance fell L/lko a deep-toned temple bell; Sunset' and I counted hu-3« iMuItltudlnous, rare, profuse. Golden mcons and silver â€" they Trekked athwart the Milky Way; Oibbons mcons and crescent, too, Crossed the illimitable blue. Moonlit, snowlit, crystal nights. Stippled with uncountei lights; Or a fog, and lambent glow. Pearls acix)83 November snow. Spring green, summer blossoming. Autumn pageant, winter sting, â€" High adventures all of these, â€" Edge of nature's mysteries. And I waked some nights to see A great star beam down on me! â€" Heloise M. B. Hawkins. that one givea to the same q\-.estlon asked in childhood of a Canadian woodsman. Heâ€" a man who lived un- der the stars â€" surely would know, but his answer was picturesque though even then scarcely convincing. He called them the reflections of the lan- terns carried by the Eskimos, walking about In. that long night darkness which envelope their ; olar home, and even after many years, for lack of any other explanation, whenever the aurora appears, some spot is always sought where far beyond the horizon, across the great white wastes, a little lantern swings at the side of a fur-clad form, moving now this way and now that as It searches a way through the darkness. Color and form alone cannot portray the beauty of the Aurora. It is more than color, it Is movement, it is music. Us co!or^^ are musical tones borne on high treble notes, n.) wlight and trip- ping, then vausing and indefinite, then llowlng thrHugh rippling alrpeggols to fade almost away, then to uwake through crescendo strains to the crash- ing beauty of grand chords, a Ueetho- ven-ilke Sonata. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. The evolution of life from the be- "is good tea * TEA Qad hxxuuc upU iikt -Qocd n. ifungj ipulL likt 9Ud mdt. Claseified AiirertiaeBMBta. REMNANTS. *i LBS., »2. 5 LBS. PATCHES, i*^ $1.50. A. McCreery, Chatham. I Ontario. minating in man. Is regoirded as an ac- cepted fai't by the whole scienttflc world. 932 "Bobbies" Hurt in Year. Out of the 932 London iwMcemen accidentally Injured' while on duty dur- ing the year, 115 n'ere bitten by dogs 9 ^amphlei ^/^v/eals HOW TO GET MORE MONEY FROM HOGS Hew to avtM bacWins â- hart, thick wif, •a' Imw to 4n«hB tktw at s uiltobl* Wvn t^Ml haw to faed • aew to ynvaat Mr 4«««ar. !â- â- htr llttori att l nl* •! hnadlM to b* SToUcdt k*w to w* tw* nM Ittton â- rtar: >*» to pick th« bMl br*«d â- •«•â€" tk«M an Ja>t a (aw at tka halptnl ttcU conUln«4 In tb* (raa paaBhlct "Bracdlni and F««4> lac Ui* Harkat Has" inawl by tka Dapartmant mt Acrlcaltan, Ottawa. II will pay 70U t* cat it. Vaa (h* farm balaw. "The Grading and Marking of Eggs " Analhar halphi panphlat. Tclli tba law ralatlra (« ca^ng, Inapact- Inc. •bippiiic at «cs«. tie. KT«ry paaltrjr farmar iliaiiU c<t this. Tbara u« avtr I've h»4Tcd fn* laTtrnBaal paaphlato an all Ik* MVaraat braa«lKa at (armtnt. Wrila (or tka Ihl of tkna pablici. tiem. nil in tad laall tkla dip POST FKBE to IVBLICATIOKS BRANCH ppartaant t( Acrlcaltara, Ottawa, Ontario. rioan **ii4 m» Ira* paapMato on £r alktr with Hal af all (raa Kkai* IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is thero a baby or young children in your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood aliments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal home remedy. They regulate the bov.-els; sweeten the stomach; banish consti- pation and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers â€" In fact they relieve all the minor ills of little onee. Con- oernlng them Mrs. Molso Cadotte, Ma- kamik. Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tab- lets are the best remedy In the world for little ones. My baby suffered ter- ribly from Indigestion and vomiting, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she Is In perfect health." The Tab:ets are sold by medicine d-ealers or by mall at 25c a bos from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., UrockviHe, Ont. -^ Retiring to a Garden. A garden Is certainly a good place to retire to, after the strenuous years. There, If anywhere, one might hope to find peace. And though Cowtey did not find the EWen he anticipated. In realiz- ing his desire for a small house and a large garden, history has many a delightful picture of men who after long exjverlence In the affairs of tha world did find a refuge among flowers. The Joy of a garden is perhaps never deeper than when It cornea as a late discovery, when after a stren- uous career a man retires to a garden and finds unexpected delight. Having dropped some Interests, how good to find there are new ones awaiting at one's door. New fields to eiplor.;, new discoveries to be made, new triumphs to be won. Just as there are compensations to a grown man read- ing Robinson Crusoe for the first time, having missed it In boyhood, so there are compensations tor late gardeners. It is a great thing to discover for the first time the simple oys of tillage, of planting, and sowing, and tending ; the Joys of seed catalogues, of o\<l clothes I and gardening boots; the pleasant ; comradeship of birds and (lowers. How , beautiful a discovery to make in life's i leisured eventide and how many thousands there are who have made it. They have retired to a garden away I from crowds and controversies an 1 ' worldly quests -and there have found 1 rich and peaceful years, proving agiiin ] what some of the wisest men have claimed, that gardening Is perhaps tl.e '' "purest of human pleasures." Thread. . Flue and white and strong i Back and forth you weave; t It does not taic« so long I To mend a sleeve. As gently, heart, repair I The rent of those that grieve: , Remember, none may wear I His heart upon his sleeve. â€" F^nny De Orott Hastings. Lamarck believed that an animal was modified by tho or disuse of ; his limbs and organs. Tbus' an animal j _, . . ,.. which ran much acquired , gunning of life a« a one-celled animal umhg i to Its many complex forms today cul- 1 ^^^ acquired chaitwjterlstlcs, ' stronger limbs, heavier hair, or what- 1 ever they might bo, were handed down ' ,,, , _ . , , .through inheritance to the animal's All scientists ujiite la agreeing upon 'offsTirlng the fact of evolution. But tht^re is not j " i^ ^^^^^ ,„^ ^^^^^ ^, ^^^ i^^^^ so much agreement as to just how I ^^ ^^^j^ ^e the outcropping of a evolution <ices work. The processes, ^^ ^p^j^^^ Lamarck l^lieved. of evolution are not yet completely . Laonarck's theory is not widely ac- understood. although progress toward ; ^^^p^^ ^^^^ p^,. ^^^^ biologists be- more complete undereta^id^ng Is being â- j,^^^ ^^j^y ,5^^^ acquli^l ehaiacter- made every day. | ,3^1^^ ^^not be inherited. The evolution theory is older than ! However, some do foliliow his basic many people suppose. Wo find a sort • principles and are known as a reeult of vague Idea of evolution among the ! as Nso-Lamurckians. early Greeks.. A definite theory of i Tlie question of whether acquired evolution w-as not formulattd un'tll the | characterl.stlcs c-oJi be iiihtTited or not middle <if the eighteenth centurj'. when | is one which Is by no mjwns settled, one via.s proposed by the Comte do; Some biologists believe that they Button. jean l)e Inherited. In Jif.y, 1923. an But the faculty of the Sorbonne at ; Austriau scientist. Dr. Paul Kam- Pails forced Buffon to recant In 1751. j merer, aanouuced that he believed During the fetter half of the eigh- > that he h-ad pr^)ved <Iefialtely by ex- teenth centurj-, there were many a<lvo- \ periments that acqudral eharactei-ls- tat<>a of evu^Iulion. Thesa included ' tics can be Inherite-i. Erasmus Danviu, the grandfather of Experiments i-iich as those of Dr. C'/harles Darwin. KaniJii<-rer are behig watche^l with tie But as ytt there was no satisfactory greatest of interest by the whole attempt to eii>lalii ho-w evohitlou scleutiflc world and it may be that the worked. j que--tion v. ill be definitely settled with- The first attempt to do this was ; In Iho next d-ecad-e. made by Jean Baptlste Lamarck at ! Modern eve".utlun,ary doctrine dat-es the beginning of the nineteenth oen- j from the publication of ("harl«s Dar- tury. I win's "Origin of Species," in 1S59. Spotting the Bird. Wifieâ€" -"William, you started on one of your tears this ati-emoon. I know â€" a little bird told me." Hiibby (very gravely) â€" "Mary, IX you don'tâ€" hlc ! â€" got rid of that darned Meilcan parrot I'll â€" hlc! â€" leav« home." PARM WANTED FROM OWNER. * Describe, state price. C. Hcitwrt* 1019 Des Carrieres, MontreaL After Shaving â€" Mlnard's Linlmsnt. The One Friend. In the least things have faith, y«ft di*. trust in the greateet of mtlJ Do I find love so foil in my uatvre . . That I doubt His own love can con^ pete with it? . . . Would I fain in my impotent yearning; do ell for thia mao. And dare doubt He alon'S 8h.all not help him, who yet alone c«i7 â€" Browning. "Saul." The Seasons' Pageantry. This world so fair- How radiant in spring! When April kisses May And It'jiives a teor behind la every daffodilâ€"- I say withiu my heart, "You are the s-eason 1 love best Of all the year. Linger a while, dear spring! And let me hear the rapturous thrush Sing his first souk again." But Joyously, uuheodiugly. She hands to merry June Her bounteous beautyâ€" iUid Is fled. Then summ&r brings to earth â€" A deeper loveliness. The hum of bees is here. And fragrant clover Settlors her perfume to the sweet soft breeze. When shadows lengthen on the lawa 1 cry <'nrjptnred â€" "Stay just a little longer, gentle sum- mer! Let me but pick another white June rose!" In spile of all my pleadings â€" She is gone! Autumn is here! Tho glory of the year. Gorgeous the woods and marshes. Cad In their ciliuson, gold and emer- ald. They almost seem to caU, And I cry backâ€" "Why should this splendor vaiilshT Let me but keep it â€" T>>4t I may tlnd the white and purple asters, The deei^er crimson berrlee. Fill every nook and cranny with their pratse" â€" But in th-9 night So quiet and so whlto â€" There falls the snowâ€" Winter crec$)s in. A silent wondrous awe, A stlllRees ail uutaufhed by sight or sound- â- !t tco will pass awayâ€" And ! can let It go, IJecause a bcou;y which can never fade Kegins to down. Sasan K. Oamvbell. India is now taking more than half I the pold production of the world. I UpsaCstonjadj. nUiggish liver.ftnd acid condi- tion cause bad breath. SeiKel'sSyrjp gets at ths cauw. Try it uiid liuve a wholesome breath. Any drug stiire. --*- Responding. ^Christianity affirms thai only in so ti9 as men respond to lUo vitalizing energies of the Spirit <it Cod and ap- proprliUo the power Ho gives them can they acquire that Insight into truth which, disriplired by faith will carry them ihnmgh every dllfleulty of thought or ccnduct.-The Times (Lon- don). Devonshire Dialect. Devonshire speech is not capricious, but has a syntax of Its own. The classic phrase la "her told she." A pious person told me "us didn't love He, 'twas Him loved we." They never say "we are," but "us be" or else "we am," contracted Into "we'm." They say "I be" as well as "I'm," but never "tte'm" or "me be," though Invariably "me and Jarge be," or "me and Urn," or whatever the name is, and never "Ernee ' and I" or "Georgo and I." Th«> jay "to" for "at"â€" "her Uveth to Moreton'â€" and formerly said "at" for "to"â€" "I be goin' to Bovey' but now It is the fashion to say "as far as" Bovey. A complete grammar might be compiled. Happily, the s\;uool has not taught them English that is truly up to date. They have not learuec to say, "The weather conditions being favorable, the psychological moment was in- dulged in." They stU say, ".\s 'twere fine, us did'n." And their pronun.-la- tion is unchanged; beetles are blttles, beans are banes, and Torquay is Tar- kay.â€" Cecil Torr. in "SmHli Taik at Wreyland." Records t:iken over thirty-six years j show that the greatest number of j 1 fatal influenza cases occur about the| I ninth or tenth week of th» year, and I i the fewest about the thirty-fifth or I ; thirty-sixth week. | Vians Tor homew Last word in btiiiden' lid. PrM;tial, up^to-data tugn e st ium on pltnnmg. building, fiirnrdtini;. decorating and gardening. Prufusely iilustntted, And scores of actus Id^lor-nving sug- l^estions. S«n4 S5 cents foi otirrent issue. MacLcaa Biddta.' GoUe 3«4 AileUida St. W.. Tcrsnto, On(. In the Stable IVIInard's Is invaluable fur strains, bruises, cuts, swellings. Don't Neglect -^ Bronchial Colds \ Pneumonia* ••Flu" and other danjrer- 0U8 maladies develop from oommoii coJ(L». To prevent trcuble tcko Buckler's Mixtar«. It guickJy rclk'ves tlie Cau^h and remcvttfi the cutiae. Different from, old-faehionod eyrupa. It's a tfcieutifto combination of pros-en virl'ies. Sold by all drussitiu and guaraatoed. W. K. Bucliley, Limited. 143 Mutual St.. Toronto 3 92f fc BucKkm 4 Wf ^^"^ Act3 like a Aash- >V^ |lj^i§^,^«iBSle tip prove* 'V^IHiS] Pttytlelana Ote MlnartPi LInlnMnL for Colds THISWOMHN NOWWELU Her.Suf fering Relieved and Health Restored by Lytlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont-irio. - "I am certainly very grateful .'or tiiobenelit I have re- ceived froniLyd'aE.Piukham'sVeg- cttible Compound, also l!;* Sanative Vv'asii and the LIvlt Piils. In Uio early sprin;! 1 w-aa suffering so much from loss of liiood that i tlwugiit I â- would neve'- ^e any better as doctor's mcdicino ri:iieve<l me only for tha time being. I •••p-w the Vegetable CVnipouiid advertised in the 'Toronto Star, ' and I find tho Vegetable Com- ixiiind TabWUs tho best for me. I have baen tiikinjf thoir. since Sprins, and I intend keepinR them by me all the 'i.:me. Alter reading your Pri- vate Text-Book I raw it was neces- Barv to SBO Lydia V..'s San- ativo Wasb, and 1 can siil'ely say I fef'l a different woman. My friend* remark how well I lo<.ik. I am a vcrv- bur.y vvonnan, but 1 ain ready at all tiniuB U) boo.1t v(;ur medicines."â€" Mrs. CH.^ftUCS tliTiN, 9W Lands- downe Avenuo, Tiimiito, Ostario. ' You mav \m having an e.iperimce similar to" Mrs. Giffin's and will b« interested to know what she did. Every sick woman can feel confident that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help her, since â- we &r« told that it does help 98 out of every 10() women who take it. Sold by druggists e»«rywhere. a Proved safe by milli'jns ami prescribed by plr-, sicians for SOUR STOMACH Dr. FrankKn's DIGESTIN strengthens the Stomacb, reOieves luid prevtnts Dyspcrsia, Indilgestlon. H-earl- buvn. Billousn>a6s, Nausea, Flatulence, Headache, aTid all other troubles caused by disordered Stomach «n:l Bowels. Rny at your dnig froro or mall tifiy cents to cur ndtlre^s. Dr. Franklin Laboratories Toronto Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits C!'? genuine Ifa There is otilv ".VSPIRIN" tablet. If a tab- let is offered as ".ASPIRIN" and is not stau'.pcd with the "13a ver Cross'"-rcfuse it â- with contc»i'pft-itisiiol".-\SPIRlN" at all ! Don't t:;kc chances I Accept only " Ba;^er " package whicii contains proven directions. Kaudv "Bavor"' boM-s of 12 tablet* AI»o "bottles of 24 and I JOâ€" Druggists. i3"-»r.rVl 3« ;'^°'-»--'-i i.u-uui »»iicj-ll^ A.I.I. "A. S. *.â- ). ^Vhl!. 11 i« w-!i know.i Cudcura Talcum Is Unexcelled in Purity Its delicately medlotrd, uitiseptlc properties make It Ideal for duily UM. â- ftXBv^t Tuita riM br Mia A^Mtmb C«i tdtKB r>r|>i>l: â- ««>slbtur. L«A. Kl£*n»l.' frira. Sw* ^5f. Oin tr.i«-t.t s& K-'c' •»â- • r»rtujn Hi. â- â- T" Cutjcurm SK<*in« Stick 2S«. ISSUE No. «â€"'.>,