• FEDNESDAY, DECEKTBER 1, 1!)26 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCB THE AESHERm ADVANCE . Published on Collingwood street, Hesherton, Wednesday of each ' week. Circulation over 1100, "Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, 'â- when paid in advance |1.60. In I ^.S.A. 12.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. •W. H. THUBSTON, - Editor MLlfDKR VERDICT VINDICATED. S c- f-^ formation of Grey County 76 ;t:'.-, t"^o, there have been but t'.~3 h .n-jincTS for capital offences. The lirst ir.otance was that of Cook Teets, a blind man, who was found gnilty of poisoning his wife, and who was banged on Dec. 5, 1884, after a fair trial, just one year after the of- fence was committed. This man protested his innocence ap until the last moment of his life, and the day before he was hanged isaued a lengthy statement covering the case. Owing to his strenuous de- nial of guilt and only circumstantial evidence being available, many people 1)elieved in his innocence and thought hia punishment was a miscarriage of justice. Recently some information has come into the possession of this paper which eliminates all doubt as to liis guilt and defines the case as one of the' most sordid in the annals of <rime. Cook Teets was, as we have said, a blind man, who travelled around the country led by a faithful dog. Hi' married a woman named Rosanna Leppard, and with her went to Michigan, and while there purch- ased strychnine. After their return home the woman died of strychnine poisoning. Previous to this the pair had gone lo Meaford and secured an insurance policy on her life in the husband's favor. A gentleman now residing in Flesherton tells The Advance that Cook Teets showed him the poison and told him that he was intending to poison his wife. This gentleman warned him not to at- tempt it, as he -'could not get away with it." The reply was that "the Leppard's were nothing and it would soon blow over," and the warning was unheeded. At the trial this evidence was not forthcoming, as the gentle- »ian did not care to help hang a blind man. The evidence, however, was very strongly against the ac(?uacd without this, and the jury was not long in arriving at a verdict of guilty, in which Judge Armour concurred. The pri.soner received the death sen- tence almost unmoved, ami as he v.'as removed by the constables, steadily and firmly asserted his innocence, and only the day before he was hanged issued a long manifesto covering what he cluimcd to be a full statement of his coii.iection witii the Leppard fam- ily. Iw is almost inconceivable that any man could go to his death with such a mass of lies upon his lips ns the following, which occurs in the statement referred to: "I go to my death an innocent man. Thank God I do not die with a load of guilt on ! my shoulders. I am ready to die. I j feel my Saviui-.r say, 'it is all right, j Cook.'" Tbi.-i deposition was signed] by the condor,ined man himself and by Rev. J. E. Hov.-cll, Methodist min- ister, of O'.veii Sound. We know now that Cook Teets was not only guihy of murder, but also cf perjury and blasphemy. cannot amalgamate without more or Ic IS friction, like sulphuric acid in water. As a matter of fact both par- ties have indqiged in many false charges without taking the trouble to verify them- before passing them along. One of the parties in this campaign has also exceeded, in our opinion, the bounds of decency in hi? fight. We pretest against the name of God be- ing dragged into any pdlitical cam- paign in this country. The Lord has nothing in common with politics as they are played to-day. Politics- and religion are a mixture that no party within our recollection has ever en- deavored to feed to the electorate, and any right thinking man would refrain from making an appeal such as D. J. Taylor made in North Grey. Mr. Taylor •said in his advertise- ments : "When you stand in the poll- ing booth with your ballot in your hand and only God as a witness," etc., etc., and he places in big type, "For God and home and native land." i The candidate who considers his policy the only one sanctioned by j the Almighty is a menace to aociety. i We would consider advertising like ' that mentioned above as sacrilege of ! the most pronounced kind. Our poll- j ticians are coming to a pretty state I of mind when they stoop to such! foolish attempts to sway the religious ; sentiment of the country in their j favor. i FARQUHAR R. OLIVER U.F.O. Member-elect for South Grey Neustadt 250 18 Dundalk •• 175 185 Flesherton 119 131 Markdale 250 189 Totals 5877 7194 Majority for Oliver 1317 * One poll missing. TWP. OF GLENELG Poll Nc. Jamieson Oliver 1 74 141 2 36 88 i 70 .,m 4 „^0 70 5 110 69 FERGUSON jSJUSTAINED Government Control Sanc- tioned byOnt.Electors. OLIVER MAJORITY 1317 Tutal 340 464 TWP. OF EUPHRASIA i^oll No. Jamieson Oliver F. R. Oliver, Ontario's youngest member of the Legislature was elect- ed by an overwhelming majority over Hon. Dr. Jamieson, the Conservative ?andidate. When the results com- menced to come in it was seen that I Oliver's election was conceded, as Dr. Jamieson lost ground in all polls. Throughout Ontario the Conservat- ive leader. Premier Ferguson, has a larue working majority for the en- forcement of Government Control I and has ai-ound eighty members j pledged to adopt his policy. Toronto afrain went "wet" in evory division I except North York. D. J. Taylor I was elected in North Orey, Owen i Sound going decidedly "dry" and Mr. ' Taylor's majority was Increased over j three thousand more than in the elec- tion of three years ago. I The following ii a summary of the i vote in .South Grey and some of the ' polls in this district: t .SUMMARY OF .SOUTH GREY 22 41 55 70 17 28 70 Total 322 19 94 95 85 75 89 75 574 TWl'. OF ARTEMESIA Poll No. Jamieson Oliver Orange \alley 28 IQo Flesherton 32 81 Proton 41 81 Ceylon 80 99 I'riceville 35 163 \andeleur 13 96 Eufc-enia 75 128 Portlaw 31 76 Total 322 829 TWP. OF OSPREY Poll No. Jamieson Olivet 2 4 (; 7 s Artemesia 322 829 Bentinek 140 C70 Durham 707 2.50 Et'rcmont 315 S.Sl (iieiK'lg 340 401 Fuphrasin 322 •574 Normanbv 6i»() 405 Proton 336 802 Csprcy 351 534 Holland 386 547 Hanovor 802 564 Chfttsworth 60 123 Total 351 22 37 82 96 48 23 20 65 17 66 40 88 28 22 88 137 534 ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Hardwick of Bolton spent a day last week with her son, teacher in I the high school, and attended the cooncert lasi. Friday evening. .Several young piople of Bolton ' r.iolorcd up and nttc:i'led the high school concert on .'-"ridav last. What w. have v.e (don't) hold. • * • The Advance has Ueen held back a day in order to get th> rasiilc of the > election for our readers. PINK NEKDLE WOOL. Thrifty folks in Germany are treat- ing pine needles to provide a substi- tute for wool for certain purposes. By varying the process n woolly product is obtained that comes either in the shape of fine shoet wadding or in soft fleeces that are used to stuff matresses The pine wool has fine, strong fibres not unlike hemp, and finds its best use when woven into heavy materials such as car.oets and horse blankets. The new process has a valuable asset in one of the by-pro- ducts that results from chemical treatment necessary to remove the rosin from the needles. The sticky residue is shaped into resinous briq- «ts which have a high fuel value, and have found a ready use ir. the manu- facture of illuminating gas. Down at the Canadian Atlantic sea- board the rural population have for many years been making use of pine needles for stuffing cushions. The fresh perfume adds to their attrac- tiveness. But it is (|uit^ possible, wi- der the chemical process now announ- oed, to turn this waste product into Mn increasing profitable article. ^OOR CAMPAIGN TACTICS, DeF or est - Cr osley RADIO A real Xinas Gift the \^hole family will enjoy and gives the results that people are looking for to-day PRICES WITHIN REACH OF EVERYONE. JUi.Mi the- lu-w .AMl'IJi'llONlC lMl(>NO(U'iAriI and AVVX Kl'.W PROCESS Ri:CORI)S. Sherlock-Manning and Mendelssohn Pianos. We also luivc in sliick DcLaval Cream Scparator.s. Singer Sewing Machines, including the new electric machine. We will be pleased to demonstrate to you. Have your Picture Franiing- done before the rush. W. A. HAWKEN Photo Artist and Music Dealer. The contest just dosed may be clashed as the hardest and most bitt- erly fought political contest that we have ever known. This was unavoid- able, when a question which is consid- ered by many a moral matter has been placed in combination with the political questions of the day. Theae FOWL WANTED I HAVE OPENED UP A MAR- KET FOR ALL KINDS OF DRESSED FOWL. MUST BE WELL DRESSED. DRY PICKED AND BLED, FOR WHICH 1 WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH. IT PAYS TO CRATE YOUR FOWL FOR 10 DAYS OR TWO WEEKS. J. RUNSTADLER Flesherton XMAS SHOPPING TALK AT THIS SEASON OP THE YEAR WE ARE ALL MURE OR LESS INTERESTED IN SHOPPING FOR SANTA CLAU8. What is more apropriate than some useful present, such as a piece of Furniture, ia any priced article for any R.'own-up member of the family. We are sure you could not please your children more than to buy your Xmas requirements at our store â€" ^The Store that is always int«reated in the children. Below are a few of our many bargrains for Xmas: Presents for the House Children's Presents Scooters starting at 60c.. 73e.. 90c.. Sl.lO. S1.25. Girls' Silver Bird, S1.75 to t2M. SteerinK Sleighs $1.75 to $2.50. All kinds Kiddie Kara. Hish Chairs. Doll Carriages. Cradles, all sizes; Wagons for chilrden. Rocklnc Horses. 'Assortment of other useful toys. Wicker Work We are carryins a real zood assortment of wicker work, including ferneries, Iohk stands, round ones. Ladies' Work Baskets, Bandwich Trays. A nice Easy Chair or Rocker. Good Rsring & mattress, such as Marshall mattress. Good easy Couch to relax on duriuK daytime. Kitchen Cabinet to save steps for Mother. Dinin:; Room Suite or Cheaterfield Suite. Library Table and Chairs. Work Box An attractive Picture. Full assortment of Wicker Work to pick from, also full line of q^fier Furniture. We are carryine our best line of Children's Useful Presents we have had yet. L.\.ST, BUT NOT LEAST, DONT FORGET TO CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK ON SANTA CLAUS r.iAY, DECEMBER 18TH, FOR HE HAS PROMISED TO BE HERE THAT DAY. BE SURE AND LET YOUR COUSINS KNOW ABOUT IT, AND SEE IF WE CAN HAVE SIX HUNDRED CHILD- REN HEP.3 THIS YEAR. HERE'S HOPING THAT WE DO. THOS.W. FINDLAY, Flesherton F Yoii Wotild LikeThis Array Of Investments^ Woiddn^t Youl You would be sure you had in- vested your money Avith absolute safety. Such a collection of holdings is expensive to purchase. But there is a way by which you can obtain the benefits of all 'the safety of these Bonds. And you will be certain of Syis per cent, on your money. Bonds of THE NATIONAL DEBENTURE CORPOR.VnON, LIMITED, have back of them as security more than their equivalent in Dominion Government, Provincial Government and Municipal Secur- ities and approved First lUortgagcs. For every $100.00 you invest in THE NATIONAL DEBENTURE CORPORATION, LIMITED, Bonds, the Corporation must place with its Trustee $105.00 par value in Trustee Securities. TV-. NATIONAL DEI.ENTURE CORPORATION, LIMITED, Bonds bear interest at .^ '/j per cent., are dated May First, 1926, and mat .'.re in twenty year:. THE NATIONAL DEBENTURE CORPORATION, LIMITED, is an Investment Trust â€" among the first in Canada. In Britain, Investment Tru?t bondholders and shareholders have received steady proiits for half a century. THE NATIONAL DEBENTURE CORPORATION, LIMITED, follows the sane, con- servative British Investment Trust methods. Let us tell vou about THE NATIONAL DEBENTURE COR- PORATION, LIMITED. Write for our new booklet, "The Invest- ment Trust," and learn how you can obtain 516 per cent, on your money with the maximum of safety. For forty-three years, no bond tecoinnicndeu and sold by our organizatioji has failed to pay prmcipal and Litercit. i G. A. STIMSON & CO., LIMITED 300 Bay Street Toronto TJjf Oldest Bond House in Canada C;.i!sult with S. E. deCUDMORE I i lilBII iiiaiaBiBiiBiii^iaiiesBiea = I Flesherton- li Ont. I C. A. STIMSON &; CO., LIMITED, / 300 Hay Sikelt, Turuxto. Centlcmtn: â€" Please send, without oblijration to me, your new booklet, "The Investment Trust". [I Name.. rnTniuniiiiiiiiiiuiiwiiiiiilMlll Address â- «^ Aaaress ., ^ 4 Corona and Taco Ranges Handsome Polished Surface; easy to Glean; Large, Roomy ire Box and Oven; Dependable in every feature. QUEBEC RANGES - COOKER AND HEATER COMBINED Changed from wood to coal in a few minutes, with or without high closet and reservoir. Very neat, durable and easy to operate. Stove boards.Pipes. Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition. Stable Fittings, Roofing and GUtu SPECIAL â€" Solid Copper Boiler $3.45. FRANK wTdUNCAN GENERAL HARDWAR.E Pho«.! 5lw md S4j