THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEB 1, 192S ill Banking is International TO FACILITATE the exporting of Canada's surplus products and the importing of commodities from abroad Canadian banks maintain the closest Connections with leading Banks throuKhout the world. In this field of International Trade the Standard Bank of Canada renders a ftdl meas- ure of service and through :;.; Foreign Department and tlie oti.-f of its constantly pasding, which - al;e inter- Foreign Correspondents credits are national Trade possible. THE STANDARD BANK OP CAHJKDA. FLESHERTON BRANCH-C. T. Batty, Manager m I Big Crowd at Coiceri i I I I ! i i I i i 1 I i y I The Flesherton high school pupils ' held ^heir annual concert on Friday i evening last, Nov. 26. Although the ' night was stormy, the auditorium was I packed. Some of the main features of the program were: An instrui- I mental duet by Misses Jean and Mar- I ion Stuart, a dance by Form 1 girls, ' dumbbell exercises by the boys, a song by Form 1, sunjr in French; a ballad dance by sixteen girls; Form 1 gave a play which was very amusing, entitled, "The Amateur." Then foll- owed the play entitled "A Perplexing Situation," in which the moral was that a woman could, if she tried very hard, hold her tongue for half a day. Vv'e mttst congratulato ths p-pi'.s, teachers and all who helped in this concert, to make it a success. The proceeds amounted to ^0. Dr. Mur- ray acted as chairman. G. E. Banks Now W.M. ( B. DOWN AND FA.MILY LEAVE Mr. John Moore of Shallow Lake j mm^,^^ :has grown this year one of the larg- FleShertM LO.L 2955 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down and fam- -t ^"""P^'^y^^^^^^ lily moved to their new home in Mark- Mr. Moore s coveted beauty is aU of At the reguUr meeting of L.O.L.'dale on Tuesday. Mr. Awn recently 11^1%^''''^^^^ '=i«'«"'«'">"=« «««* No. 2855, Flesherton, held in Clay- -^e^*^ the appointement of the "^^'^^s 65 pounds. ton's hall on Friday evening last, the Fo^d agency '« Markdale and will election of officers took place and °Pen "P a "e^ garage there. We J. A. Hislop of Islington, who the following were elected to office *" sorry to lose such fine citizens started the bus line from Toronto to CJ>.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: Going South - Going North «.00 a.m. 11.62 a-m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 pan. 4.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. Priceville Planing and Chopping Mill Burned WATSON BROS. SUFFERED BIG LOSS â€" NO INSURANCE The mails close at Flesherton follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. I Priceville aouth at 3.30 For rooming train aouth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Fire broke out in the planing and I as cjhopping mill of Watson Bros., at early Saturday morning, Local and Personal Christmas in three weeks. : WON MISS MacPHAIL'S PRIZE. I The prize of a beautiful large land- I scape picture awarded by Miss Agnes I MacPhail, M.P., to the public school winning the largest number of cred- its at the school fairs went this year to Union School Section Number 2, Holland and Euphrasia. This was in competition with all schools of Grey County, U.S No. 2 and its energetic young teacher, Miss Ray Stewart of .Markdale, is justly proud of its suc- cess. This school also won the group prize of the two books, also awarded by Miss MacPhail to the school winn- and the was completely burned to the ground with all the con- . ,, . , . . tents. Th. loss will be very heavy |'^",^ 1.^^'!!!*."â„¢ " °/._^°i"f' f_ to the young men, as there was no insurance on the building or contents.j During the past year considerable improvements had been made and I several hundred dollars had been! spent on new machinery and tools. â- the school fair held at Markdale in connection with the fall fair held there. IN MEMORIAM The regular meeting of the L.O. B.A. will be held on Friday evening, . Dec. 3rd. | Mr. Emerson Thompson leaves this [ week for the lumber woods in Parry i the Ladies' .\id of the United Church j ^ t)i"ty boys of the village and commun- netted over $105.00. |ity met under the supervision of Mr. Mrs. E. C. Murray was called to the ! *. " bedside of her father. Rev. Lowndes, >;'"''^'"^™°"*'^^ ^^'^^^ ^^''^ ^^ ''^"°"-" ^^ of Nevvmarket on Friday, who toofci*^^ character builders' club. Mr. suddenly ill, Mr. and Mrs R. W^ Shaw and,j„,,„,3 United Church for the use of three children of Lions Head motored the basement of Chalmer's church one down Saturday, returning Sunday In the matter of the estate of Mary Fletcher, late of the village of Port Elgin, in the County of Bruce, mar- ried woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant of ReWsed Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O., Chapter 141, Section 56, that the per- sons having any claims or demands against the late Mary Fletcher, whp died on or about the sixteenth day of September, 1926, at the village of Port Elgin, in the Province of Ontario are required to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned execu- tor, their names and addresses, and full particulars of their claims, and statements (}f accounts in the nature of their securities, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the 15th day of December, 1926, tiie said ex- ] ecutor v/ill proceed to distribute the | assets of the said deceased among I Findlay and formed for thei-'^^'EW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY. 1 the persons entitled thereto, having. Mr. Jas. Stafford of Detroit is The machinery included a complete! BESTâ€" In loving memory of my visiting at his home here. chopping outfit, a saw mill and plan- 1'^^*'' hupband, Allie Best, who depart- Election day was rough, but cars er. We understand that Watson were able to bring in the vote. Bros. Will commence at once to re- Mrs, M. Thistiethwaite left last i ^"'^'^ ^"'^ '"^*'^1 ^ chopper to care for week to spend the winter in Toronto I ^^^ ^^S business they had enjoyed. with her daughters. I ^^ ^^^ meantime most of the chopping 'i-3 being done at the Flesherton mill for the farmers east of Priceville. CHARACTER BUILDERS' CLUB ed this life December 3rd, 1925 iGod is -eood: He gives us strength I To bear our heavy cross; j He is the only one who knows How bitter is our loss. ;! miss you at a thousand turns j Along lifes' weary way, j For life is not the same to me Since you were called away. j Vou do not know the sorrow The basement of Chalmer's church To be left alone, Sound district. jwas the secne of a lively and energet- Until God sends a message The bazaar held on Saturday by â- ic meeting on Monday night, when '. To your own home. Sadly missed by â€"WIFE. for the coming year: W.M.â€" Geo. E. Banks. D.M. â€" Jas. Ferris. Chaplain â€" Rev. J. narrower. I Rec. Secâ€" W. A. Hawken. - ' Fin. Sec. â€" E. McKillop. Treas. â€" F. W. Duncan. Marshall â€" A. Down. 1st Lect. â€" Jas. Stewart. 2nd Lect.l-G. Warling. Ist Com. â€" Tho9. Bentluun. Com. â€" R. Richardson, W, J. "W. Armstrong, W. Irwin, C. J. Bellamy, I.G.â€" Wm. Tumey. Tylerâ€" Geo. Stewart. Auditors â€" A. Down, W. Armstrong. WAREHOUSE SOLD. The grain warehouse at Ceylon has been sold to F. T. Hill & Co. of Mark- dale, the pitrchase being made from the estate of the late W. C. White. as Mr. and Mrs. Down, but hope that Streetsville, has made an assigrnment prosperity will follow them wherever for the benefit of his creditors. Hia they gp. liabilities are around |17,000. Christmas is Just Round the Corner New Fruits, Nuts and Peels, for your Xmas Cake are here. â€"" The quality is extra fine Your order for groceries will be filled only with the BEST. Daniel Crowe, the young Saugeen reserve Indian who is charged with having shot a young man named Grant McKay, has been sent up for trial at Walkerton spring Assizes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Shop where QUALITY & PRICES count. A. E. HAW CEYLON . Findlay has received the permission Jof the board of stewards of St. ] regard only to the claims of which The following new books have rec- he shall then have had notice. And ently been added to the public library: that the said executor will not be li- Ponny Plain, Douglas. able for the said assets or any part Bulldog Drummond, Sapper. i thereof, to any person of whose claim evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Whitten and son motored from Toronto on Satur- day and were the guests of Mr. and night a week to hold meetings such a-3 this. The idea of the club is to â- improve both the physical as well as I the moral side of the boys' character! by gymnasium work and games andj Mrs. C. J. Crossley and other friends. ' community singing from time to time. A concert vnW be given in the; Two captains were chosen and the Springhill school on Wednesday, Dec- ' boys were divided into blues and reds and a contest formed which lasts until the end of Ja:iu.ary. The winners purpose challenging the young giris cir.boi- 22nd, comnier.ein<]r at 8 p.m. Keop the date open. A concert will be given in Stones Line school house on 'Tuesday evening i of the village to a progressive crok December 21st. A three-act play is i >nol<^ contest. The boys have also' to be given entitled, -'Deacon Dubbs." j taken on a baseball game and have Admission 35 and 25 cents. i formed a league and purpose playing one game each week. There will no The subject for service in the Pres- , ;,T , ",V . " milton. The High .\dventure, Farnoll. The Fighting Slogan, Cody. The Pigeon House, Williams. Rougli Justice, Montagrue. Rosemary Carew, Hocking. The Blue Cattle, Montgomery. The Four Just Men, Wallace. The Gleave Mystery. Tracy. Ways of Escape, Forrest. Mill of Many Windows, Fletcher. Vanished Pomps of Yesterday, Ho • milton. Pink Sugar, Douglas. I Pi'oper Place, Douglas. The Sinister Man, Wallace. Door With Seven Locks, Wallace. Here, There and Everywhere, Ha- he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Port Elgin the loth day of November, 1926. â€"THOMAS FI.iiTCHER, 02 Banie St., G.ilt, Ont. W. R. Tomlinson, Port Elgin, On- tario, his solicitor. A. Armstrong & Son Established IS".^ byterian church, Fcversham, for next ^''"''' ^^ '°"'*' ^'"^" expenses in runn-^ Sunday evening: "A Model Preacher." '"«^ ^^'^ ''"'' '^"'^ ^^''- ^'"'"^^ '^''^^^^i Service at 7.30. The minister. Mr. *° ^'^'^ «" opportunity to any person; Young, will preach. .\11 welcome. "-^'^^ **^^'' ^'^'^ ^^'^^^^ ^he building up of chaarcter in our boys, the chance to An auction sale of farm stock, im- contribute a small amount toward it. SENT MOOSE HAM HOME plements,etc.. will be held on lot 159, charles Haw, secertary. 3rd range W.T.S.R., Artemesia, on Thursday, December 9th, the proper-! ty of Mr. N. Archibald. See large j posters. J. A. Clark, auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fisher had a Kimberley Laides' Aid are holding • nice little present sent them from the a bazaar on Friday, December 10th. ' north country last week by their son. The usual article.? will be offered for Clarence, of Gogania. This was in sale, especially fancy things for ' the form of fine quarter of moose, Christmas. A hot 35c. supper will which he had shot. Mr. and Mrs. be served from 6 Co 8 o'clock, i Fisher generously provided their Reserve Friday evening, December ' neighbors, and The Advance man also 17th for Maxwell School Christmas came in for some nice steak. It was Tree and Concert in the former Pres- certainly a treat, and we thank the byterian church. A good progam of donors, dialogites, drills, choruses, etc will be \ m given. Admission 25 cents. Old members of "Varsity" and other football fans were delighted to hear of their win in Toronto against the Queens University rugby teafn of Kingston on Saturday last. This coming Saturday they play with Ot- tawa for Dominion honors. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was postponed from this Wednesday to Wednesday after- n of next week, December 8th. A attendance of members Is re- ted, to discuss the matter of cel- {brating the twenty-fifth anniversary rhich is coming soon. Mr. Jack Neilson of Proton Station Itroaght inta The Advance office on- Tuesday a very fine specimen of the arctic owl. It measured five feet, three inches from tip to tip of its win^ and was shot after it had suc- ceeded in carrying off a full (nrown Plymouth Rock hen. .My. Emerson Thompson of town also shot one last week which measured four feet, eleven inches in width. No doubt in part the scarcity of rabbits and partridge can be attributed to these white marauders. Advertise m The Advance Days Before Y'esterday. Hamilton. The Big Mogul, Lincoln. The Final Count, Sapper. Mystery of Mademoiselle, Queux. Flowing Gold. Rex Beach. The Gaunt Stranger, Wallace. Padlocked, Rex Beach. Three Just Men, Wallace. Valley of Headstrong Men, Fletcher. FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP First Class Barber ing- Latest equipment to give first class service to both men and women. A trial solicited. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. KENNEDY'S GROCERY Gift Suggestions Ladies' Silk Scarv,^:; Ladies' Silk Hosietry Ladies" Silk and Wool Hosiery .. Men's Fancy Socks Ladies' Silk and Suede Gloves Men's and Ladies' House Sliupers Men's Sweaters and Pullovers .... Boys" Abcrley SwoiUero Men's Wool and Silk Mufflers Mens Cashmere Mufflers Sl-JO to S2.50. Men's Armlets and Garters 25c. to 7.")c. Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts Sl.50 to S3..")0. Infant's Wool Jackets, Bootees, Mitts, Toques and Pullovers. 95c. to $2.75. Sl.OO to S2.30 75c. io S1.75. 7i;c. to St.50. 75c. to S2.50. S1.25 to S2.75. $2.25 to SG.30. Sl.50 to iiM. 75c. to S3.00. Ladies' Cor&a.sre Bouquets 50c. to $1.00. Men's Fi'.w- Xe^lisree Shirts SI. 30 to S4.30. Men's and Boys" Cloth Cap;. Sl.OO to S2.75. Hockey Boots, Mens and Boys' ..;.m.«...0'3.7j to c?1.50. Ladie.s" Silli Vests Sl.OO to S1.75. Ladies' Silk Bloomers S1.30 to S2.30. Luiies" Silk Slips and Go\v:is $1.98 to $2.95. Linen and Cotton Towels 50c. to S2.50. Ladies" Knitted Wool Dresses $7.95. Wind Breakers and Chappie Coats $3.50 to S6.50. Ladies" Fancy Handkerchiefs in lawi, white and colorel linen crepe de chine, etc 5c. to 50c. Ladies' High Goloshes S3.00 (o $4.50. Ladies' Short Umbrellas $1.50 to S2.30. AND - '•â- i MEN'S FURNISHINGS OUR TOT LAND IS NOW OPEN Bring the Children in to see our nice display of Toys. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 INDIVIDUAL DRESS LENGTHS IN DUCHESSE SATIN, CIIARMEUSE, P.\ILETTE, FUGI, TAF- FET.\ AND FANCY SILKS, ALSO F.A.NCY WOOL FLANNELS. Prices from $1.49 to $3.00 per yard. Crepe de Chines. Flat Creeps, Canton Crepes, Georgette Crepes, Silk and Wool Crepes for evening wear Misses and Ladies Fancy Slippers for party use. New season's shades in Holeproof & Bi Tex Hosiery. Wonderful Assortment of China BISCUIT JARS, FERN POTS, COCOA SETTS, BERRY SETTS. BON BON DISHES, NUT BOWLS, CAKE PLATES. SPOON TR.A.YS. S-^LAD BOWLS, CREAMS AND SUGARS. .A.LL RE.\SON.A.BLY PRICED. NEW ASSORTMENT FANCY GILT TEAPOTS, NOVEL SHAPES, Beautiful Colo ings. Open Stock Semi-porcelain 97-piece Dinner Setts. 10 elegant patterns to choose from $20, $25, 27.50, 31.30 Open Stock Semi-porcelain 40-piece Tea Setts $9.50 to $13.30. SPECIAL PRICES IN ALUMINUM WARE ROUND AND OVAL ROASTERS. CEREAL COOKERS, DOUBLE BOILERS. PERCOLATORS, POT- ATO POTS. TEA POTS. COFFEE POTS. PAILS, DIPPERS, SAUCEPANS. ETC. ALL ARE VERY SUITABLE XMAS GIFTS. XMAS GROCERIES / NEW RAISINS. CURRANTS. FIGS, SULTANAS. DATES, PRUNES. CANDIED PEELS, FRENCH CHERRIES. SHELLED ALMONDS. SHELLED WALNUTS. ICINGS, JELLIES. MIXED NITS. CAN- DIES AND CHOCOLATES. MINCE MEAT, ORANGES. LEMONS. GRAPE FRUIT AND GRAPES. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. THE GIFT SHOP We Have the Largest Stock of Xmas Gifts on Hand Since we started in Business in 1889. « Jewellery, Leather Goods, Electrical Appliances, MusicaJ Supplies auid Instruments, Victrolas, Ye Olde Firm Heintzman Pianos, Radios, etc. ' French Ivory, Cut Glass, Pens- Pencils. A small deposit clown and we will hold anything: until Christmas for you. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT VISIT OUR BARGAIN TABLE.